import io import wave import numpy as np import requests from openai import OpenAI from utils.errors import APIError, AudioConversionError class STTManager: def __init__(self, config): self.SAMPLE_RATE = 48000 self.CHUNK_LENGTH = 5 self.STEP_LENGTH = 3 self.MAX_RELIABILITY_CUTOFF = self.CHUNK_LENGTH - 1 self.config = config self.status = self.test_stt() self.streaming = self.test_streaming() def numpy_audio_to_bytes(self, audio_data): num_channels = 1 sampwidth = 2 buffer = io.BytesIO() try: with, "wb") as wf: wf.setnchannels(num_channels) wf.setsampwidth(sampwidth) wf.setframerate(self.SAMPLE_RATE) wf.writeframes(audio_data.tobytes()) except Exception as e: raise AudioConversionError(f"Error converting numpy array to audio bytes: {e}") return buffer.getvalue() def process_audio_chunk(self, audio, audio_buffer, transcript): """Process streamed audio data to accumulate and transcribe with overlapping segments.""" audio_buffer = np.concatenate((audio_buffer, audio[1])) if len(audio_buffer) >= self.SAMPLE_RATE * self.CHUNK_LENGTH or len(audio_buffer) % (self.SAMPLE_RATE // 2) != 0: audio_bytes = self.numpy_audio_to_bytes(audio_buffer[: self.SAMPLE_RATE * self.CHUNK_LENGTH]) audio_buffer = audio_buffer[self.SAMPLE_RATE * self.STEP_LENGTH :] new_transcript = self.speech_to_text_stream(audio_bytes) transcript = self.merge_transcript(transcript, new_transcript) return transcript, audio_buffer, transcript["text"] def speech_to_text_stream(self, audio): if self.config.stt.type == "HF_API": raise APIError("STT Error: Streaming not supported for this STT type") try: data = ("temp.wav", audio, "audio/wav") client = OpenAI(base_url=self.config.stt.url, api_key=self.config.stt.key) transcription =, file=data, response_format="verbose_json", timestamp_granularities=["word"] ) except APIError as e: raise except Exception as e: raise APIError(f"STT Error: Unexpected error: {e}") return transcription.words def merge_transcript(self, transcript, new_transcript): cut_off = transcript["last_cutoff"] transcript["last_cutoff"] = self.MAX_RELIABILITY_CUTOFF - self.STEP_LENGTH transcript["words"] = transcript["words"][: len(transcript["words"]) - transcript["not_confirmed"]] transcript["not_confirmed"] = 0 first_word = True for word_dict in new_transcript: if word_dict["start"] >= cut_off: if first_word: if len(transcript["words"]) > 0 and transcript["words"][-1] == word_dict["word"]: continue first_word = False transcript["words"].append(word_dict["word"]) if word_dict["start"] > self.MAX_RELIABILITY_CUTOFF: transcript["not_confirmed"] += 1 else: transcript["last_cutoff"] = max(1.0, word_dict["end"] - self.STEP_LENGTH) transcript["text"] = " ".join(transcript["words"]) return transcript def speech_to_text_full(self, audio): audio = self.numpy_audio_to_bytes(audio[1]) try: if self.config.stt.type == "OPENAI_API": data = ("temp.wav", audio, "audio/wav") client = OpenAI(base_url=self.config.stt.url, api_key=self.config.stt.key) transcription =, file=data, response_format="text") elif self.config.stt.type == "HF_API": headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.config.stt.key} response =, headers=headers, data=audio) if response.status_code != 200: error_details = response.json().get("error", "No error message provided") raise APIError("STT Error: HF API error", status_code=response.status_code, details=error_details) transcription = response.json().get("text", None) if transcription is None: raise APIError("STT Error: No transcription returned by HF API") except APIError as e: raise except Exception as e: raise APIError(f"STT Error: Unexpected error: {e}") return transcription def test_stt(self): try: self.speech_to_text_full((48000, np.zeros(10000))) return True except: return False def test_streaming(self): try: self.speech_to_text_stream(self.numpy_audio_to_bytes(np.zeros(10000))) return True except: return False class TTSManager: def test_tts(self): try: self.read_text("Handshake") return True except: return False def test_tts_stream(self): try: for _ in self.read_text_stream("Handshake"): pass return True except: return False def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.status = self.test_tts() if self.status: self.streaming = self.test_tts_stream() else: self.streaming = False if self.streaming: self.read_last_message = self.rlm_stream else: self.read_last_message = self.rlm def read_text(self, text): headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.config.tts.key} try: if self.config.tts.type == "OPENAI_API": data = {"model":, "input": text, "voice": "alloy", "response_format": "opus", "speed": 1.5} response = + "/audio/speech", headers=headers, json=data) elif self.config.tts.type == "HF_API": response =, headers=headers, json={"inputs": text}) if response.status_code != 200: error_details = response.json().get("error", "No error message provided") raise APIError(f"TTS Error: {self.config.tts.type} error", status_code=response.status_code, details=error_details) except APIError as e: raise except Exception as e: raise APIError(f"TTS Error: Unexpected error: {e}") return response.content def read_text_stream(self, text): if self.config.tts.type not in ["OPENAI_API"]: raise APIError("TTS Error: Streaming not supported for this TTS type") headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.config.tts.key} data = {"model":, "input": text, "voice": "alloy", "response_format": "opus"} try: with + "/audio/speech", headers=headers, json=data, stream=True) as response: if response.status_code != 200: error_details = response.json().get("error", "No error message provided") raise APIError("TTS Error: OPENAI API error", status_code=response.status_code, details=error_details) else: yield from response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024) except StopIteration: pass except APIError as e: raise except Exception as e: raise APIError(f"TTS Error: Unexpected error: {e}") def rlm(self, chat_history): if len(chat_history) > 0 and chat_history[-1][1]: return self.read_text(chat_history[-1][1]) def rlm_stream(self, chat_history): if len(chat_history) > 0 and chat_history[-1][1]: yield from self.read_text_stream(chat_history[-1][1])