OpenAlex4NodeXL <- function(keywords, pub_start_date, pub_end_date) { keywords <- keywords pub_start_date <- pub_start_date pub_end_date <- pub_end_date # create search engine function search_engine <- function(keywords, pub_start_date, pub_end_date) { # load software libraries suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(openalexR)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) # set options options(openalexR.mailto = "") # replace with your email address # search engine works_search <- oa_fetch( entity = "works", = c(keywords), cited_by_count = ">50", from_publication_date = pub_start_date, to_publication_date = pub_end_date, options = list(sort = "cited_by_count:desc"), verbose = FALSE ) return(works_search) } # fetch data from api search_data <- search_engine(keywords, pub_start_date, pub_end_date) # grab authors and group them according to collaboration authors_collaboration_groups <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { authors_collaboration_groups[[i]] <- search_data$author[[i]][2] } all_authors <- c() for (i in 1:length(authors_collaboration_groups)) { all_authors <- c(all_authors, authors_collaboration_groups[[i]][[1]]) } # grab author position authors_position <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { authors_position[[i]] <- search_data$author[[i]][4] } all_authors_positions <- c() # grab all authors positions for (i in 1:length(authors_position)) { all_authors_positions <- c(all_authors_positions, authors_position[[i]][[1]]) } # grab author affiliation authors_affiliation <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { authors_affiliation[[i]] <- search_data$author[[i]][7] } all_authors_affiliation <- c() # grab all authors affiliations for (i in 1:length(authors_affiliation)) { all_authors_affiliation <- c(all_authors_affiliation, authors_affiliation[[i]][[1]]) } # grab authors institution country code authors_institution_country_code <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { authors_institution_country_code[[i]] <- search_data$author[[i]][9] } all_authors_institution_country_code <- c() # grab all authors institution country code for (i in 1:length(authors_institution_country_code)) { all_authors_institution_country_code <- c(all_authors_institution_country_code, authors_institution_country_code[[i]][[1]]) } # grab author institution type authors_institution_type <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { authors_institution_type[[i]] <- search_data$author[[i]][10] } all_authors_institution_type <- c() # grab all authors institution type for (i in 1:length(authors_institution_type)) { all_authors_institution_type <- c(all_authors_institution_type, authors_institution_type[[i]][[1]]) } # get length of each authors collaboration authors_length <- c() for (authors in 1:length(authors_collaboration_groups)) { authors_length <- c(authors_length, authors_collaboration_groups[[authors]] |> nrow()) } # create authors data frame authorAtt_df <- data.frame( Authors = all_authors, Position = all_authors_positions, Affiliation = all_authors_affiliation, Institution = all_authors_institution_type ) # I did not want to have to use underscore to separate # the two words (Institution_Country). That is why I # created that column in the data frame using back ticks # instead as shown below authorAtt_df$`Institution Country` <- all_authors_institution_country_code # publication attributes # grab all publications publications <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { publications[[i]] <- rep(search_data$display_name[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_publications <- c() for (i in 1:length(publications)) { all_publications <- c(all_publications, publications[[i]]) } # grab all so pub_so <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { pub_so[[i]] <- rep(search_data$so[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_so <- c() for (i in 1:length(pub_so)) { all_so <- c(all_so, pub_so[[i]]) } # grab all host organization hostOrg <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { hostOrg[[i]] <- rep(search_data$host_organization[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_hostOrg <- c() for (i in 1:length(hostOrg)) { all_hostOrg <- c(all_hostOrg, hostOrg[[i]]) } # grab all cited by count citedby_count <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { citedby_count[[i]] <- rep(search_data$cited_by_count[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_citedby_count <- c() for (i in 1:length(citedby_count)) { all_citedby_count <- c(all_citedby_count, citedby_count[[i]]) } # grab all publication year pub_year <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { pub_year[[i]] <- rep(search_data$publication_year[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_pub_year <- c() for (i in 1:length(citedby_count)) { all_pub_year <- c(all_pub_year, pub_year[[i]]) } # grab all type type <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { type[[i]] <- rep(search_data$type[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_type <- c() for (i in 1:length(type)) { all_type <- c(all_type, type[[i]]) } # grab all abstract abstract <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { abstract[[i]] <- rep(search_data$ab[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_abstracts <- c() for (i in 1:length(abstract)) { all_abstracts <- c(all_abstracts, abstract[[i]]) } # grab all referenced works referenced <- list() for (i in 1:nrow(search_data)) { referenced[[i]] <- rep(search_data$referenced_works[i], each = authors_length[i]) } all_referenced <- c() for (i in 1:length(referenced)) { all_referenced <- c(all_referenced, referenced[[i]]) } # update the authors data frame { authorAtt_df$Publication <- all_publications authorAtt_df$`Abstract` <- all_abstracts authorAtt_df$`Publication Type` <- all_type authorAtt_df$`Publication Year` <- all_pub_year authorAtt_df$`Cited By Count` <- all_citedby_count authorAtt_df$`Referenced Works` <- all_referenced authorAtt_df$`Host Organization` <- all_hostOrg authorAtt_df$SO <- all_so } # filter out missing values from the data frame authorAtt_df <- authorAtt_df |> na.omit() # move abstract column to behind Publication authorAtt_df <- authorAtt_df |> relocate(Abstract, .after = Publication) # rearrange columns for NodeXL flat file csv format authorAtt_df <- authorAtt_df |> relocate(Publication, .after = Authors) # rename columns colnames(authorAtt_df)[c(1:13)] <- c( "Vertex1", "Vertex2", "Vertex1 Position", "Vertex1 Affiliation", "Vertex1 Institution", "Vertex1 Institution Country", "Vertex2 Abstract", "Vertex2 Type", "Vertex2 Publication Year", "Vertex2 Cited By Count", "Vertex2 Referenced Works", "Vertex2 Host Organization", "Vertex2 SO" ) list2vec <- function(x){ paste(x,collapse = " ") } # convert list column into character column authorAtt_df$`Vertex2 Referenced Works` <- sapply(authorAtt_df$`Vertex2 Referenced Works`,list2vec) return(authorAtt_df) } # test software program # mydata <- OpenAlex4NodeXL( # keywords = c("software", "information"), # pub_start_date = "2019-01-01", # pub_end_date = "2023-09-30" # ) # # view returned data # mydata |> view()