# Sparrow Data ## Description This module implements data structure for Sparrow ML model fine-tuning. We are using list of invoices to build Hugging Face dataset. ## Install 1. Install ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 2. Install Poppler, required for pdf2image to work (macos example) ``` brew install poppler ``` 3. Mindee docTR OCR installation with dependencies ``` pip install torch torchvision torchaudio pip install python-doctr ``` ## Usage 1. Run OCR on invoices with PDF conversion to JPG ``` python run_ocr.py ``` 2. Run data conversion to Sparrow format ``` python run_converter.py ``` Run Sparrow UI to annotate the documents and create key/value pairs. 3. Run data preparation task for Donut model fine-tuning. This task will create metadata. It will create Hugging Face dataset with train, validation and test splits for Donut model fine-tuning ``` python run_donut.py ``` 4. Push dataset to Huggung Face Hub. You need to have Hugging Face account and Hugging Face Hub token. Read more: https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/main/en/image_dataset ``` python run_donut_upload.py ``` 5. Test dataset by using load_dataset and fetching data from Hugging Face Hub ``` python run_donut_test.py ``` ## FastAPI Service Set environment variables in **set_env_vars.sh** 1. Run ``` cd api ``` ``` RUN_LOCALLY=true ./start.sh ``` 2. FastAPI Swagger ``` ``` **Run in Docker container** 1. Build Docker image ``` docker build --tag katanaml/sparrow-data . ``` 2. Run Docker container ``` docker run -e RUN_LOCALLY=true -it --name sparrow-data -p 7860:7860 katanaml/sparrow-data:latest ``` ## Endpoints 1. Info ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-dataset/v1/sparrow-data/dataset_info' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 2. Ground truth ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-dataset/v1/sparrow-data/ground_truth' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 3. OCR service ``` curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-ocr/v1/sparrow-data/ocr' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F 'file=' \ -F 'image_url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/katanaml/sparrow/main/sparrow-data/docs/input/invoices/processed/images/invoice_10.jpg' \ -F 'post_processing=false' \ -F 'sparrow_key=your_key' ``` Replace URL with your own 4. OCR statistics ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-ocr/v1/sparrow-data/statistics' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own ## Endpoints - ChatGPT Plugin 1. Get OCR content for receipt ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/receipt_by_id?receipt_id=34563&sparrow_key=your_key' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 2. Post Receipt JSON content to DB ``` curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/store_receipt_db' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'chatgpt_user=user&receipt_id=12345&receipt_content=%7Breceipt%7D&sparrow_key=your_key' ``` Replace URL with your own 3. Get receipt JSON from DB by ID ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/receipt_db_by_id?chatgpt_user=user&receipt_id=12345&sparrow_key=your_key' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 4. Delete receipt JSON from DB by ID ``` curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/receipt_db_by_id?chatgpt_user=user&receipt_id=13456&sparrow_key=your_key' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 5. Get all IDs for receipts stored in DB ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/receipt_db_ids_by_user?chatgpt_user=user&sparrow_key=your_key' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own 6. Get all receipts content stored in DB ``` curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-chatgpt-plugin/v1/sparrow-data/receipt_db_content_by_user?chatgpt_user=user&sparrow_key=your_key' \ -H 'accept: application/json' ``` Replace URL with your own ## CLI Navigate to 'cli' folder and run 'chmod +x sparrowdata'. Add to system path to make it executable globally on the system. 1. OCR ``` ./sparrowdata --api_url https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api-ocr/v1/sparrow-data/ocr \ --file_path ../docs/models/donut/data/img/test/invoice_2.jpg \ --post_processing false \ --sparrow_key your_key ``` ## Deploy to Hugging Face Spaces 1. Create new space - https://huggingface.co/spaces. Follow instructions from readme doc 2. Create huggingface_key secret in space settings 3. In config.py, replace huggingface_key variable with this line of code ``` huggingface_key: str = os.environ.get("huggingface_key") ``` 4. Commit and push code to the space, follow readme instructions. Docker container will be deployed automatically. Example: ``` https://huggingface.co/spaces/katanaml-org/sparrow-data ``` 5. Sparrow Data API will be accessible by URL, you can get it from space info. Example: ``` https://katanaml-org-sparrow-data.hf.space/api/v1/sparrow-data/docs ``` ## MongoDB connection If post_processing is set to True, then OCR results will be saved to MongoDB. You need to have MongoDB Atlas account and MongoDB Atlas token. Read more: https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/configure-api-access/ 1. Set environment variable for MongoDB Atlas connection, before starting FastAPI service ``` export MONGODB_URL="mongodb+srv://sparrow:@/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" ``` ## Dataset info - [Samples of electronic invoices](https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/tnj49gpmtz) - [Receipts](https://www.kaggle.com/jenswalter/receipts) - [SROIE](https://github.com/zzzDavid/ICDAR-2019-SROIE) ## Author [Katana ML](https://katanaml.io), [Andrej Baranovskij](https://github.com/abaranovskis-redsamurai) ## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Copyright 2020-2023 Katana ML, Andrej Baranovskij. [Copy of the license](https://github.com/katanaml/sparrow/blob/main/LICENSE).