import gradio as gr #from docx import Document import re def find_sequential_vowels (text): """ TODO: add nasalized vowels """ pattern = r'\b\w*([aeiou])(?!\1)([aeiou])\w*\b' return re.findall(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE) def create_docx_and_html(text, docx_path, html_path): words_to_bold = [word[0]+word[1] for word in find_sequential_vowels(text)] doc = Document() paragraph = doc.add_paragraph() html_content = "

" words = text.split() for word in words: if any(bold_word in word for bold_word in words_to_bold): paragraph.add_run(word + " ").bold = True html_content += "" + word + " " else: paragraph.add_run(word + " ") html_content += word + " " html_content += "

" with open(html_path, 'w') as html_file: html_file.write(html_content) return docx_path, html_path def format_text(text): words_to_bold = [word[0]+word[1] for word in find_sequential_vowels(text)] words = text.split() formatted_text = "" for word in words: if any(bold_word in word for bold_word in words_to_bold): formatted_text += f"{word} " else: formatted_text += f"{word} " return formatted_text with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("## Sequential Vowels Highlighter") with gr.Row(): text_input = gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Enter text here...") submit_button = gr.Button("Put words with sequential vowels in bold") output_html = gr.HTML() fn=format_text, inputs=text_input, outputs=output_html ) app.launch()