# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jul 13 16:58:28 2021 """ import time import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array import numpy as np import pandas as pd from absl import app, flags, logging from absl.flags import FLAGS import cv2 from models import (YoloV3, YoloV3Tiny) from dataset import transform_images from utils import draw_outputs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from geotiff import GeoTiff from PIL import Image import os import sys import requests image = load_img('trees.jpg') image = img_to_array(image).astype('float')/255 st.image(image) c1, c2, c3 = st.columns([0.2, 0.6, 0.2]) file_str=c2.text_input(label='URL to GeoTIFF file', value='') if file_str: filepath = 'example.tif' file=filepath #file = wget.download(file_str, out=filepath) #file = wget.download(file_str) r = requests.get(file_str, allow_redirects=True) open(filepath, 'wb').write(r.content) geo_tiff = GeoTiff(filepath) # the original crs code # geo_tiff.crs_code # the current crs code # geo_tiff.as_crs # the shape of the tiff # geo_tiff.tif_shape # the bounding box in the as_crs CRS # geo_tiff.tif_bBox # the bounding box as WGS 84 # geo_tiff.tif_bBox_wgs_84 # the bounding box in the as_crs converted coordinates # geo_tiff.tif_bBox_converted i = geo_tiff.tif_shape[1] j = geo_tiff.tif_shape[0] # in the as_crs coords # geo_tiff.get_coords(i, j) # in WGS 84 coords print('Koordinaten') print(geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(i, j)) print(geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(0, 0)) # degrees per Pixel in x-direction deg_pixel_x = (geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(i, j)[ 0]-geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(0, 0)[0])/(i, -j)[0] deg_pixel_y = (geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(i, j)[ 1]-geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(0, 0)[1])/(i, -j)[1] start_x = geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(0, 0)[0] start_y = geo_tiff.get_wgs_84_coords(i, j)[1] print(start_x, start_y) print(deg_pixel_x,deg_pixel_y ) print('_'*50 + ' Ende '+ '_'*50) size = (416, 416) area_box = [(start_x+int(i/size/2)*deg_pixel_x*size, start_y+int(j/size/2)*deg_pixel_y*size), (start_x+int(i/size/2) * deg_pixel_x*size+size*deg_pixel_x, start_y+int(j/size/2)*deg_pixel_y*size+size*deg_pixel_y)] array = geo_tiff.read_box(area_box.copy()) Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 10000000000 with Image.open(file) as im: im.thumbnail(size) #gloabl_image = c2.image(im) gloabl_image = c2.image(array) threshold = c2.text_input( label='Detection threshold: Reduce to detect more trees, increase to remove duplicates', value=0.05) button = c2.button('Start detecting defect trees') my_bar = c2.progress(0) if button == True: size = 416 FLAGS(sys.argv) flags.DEFINE_string('classes', 'trees_simple.names', 'path to classes file') flags.DEFINE_string('weights', 'checkpoints/trees_all.tf', 'path to weights file') flags.DEFINE_boolean('tiny', False, 'yolov3 or yolov3-tiny') flags.DEFINE_integer('size', 416, 'resize images to') flags.DEFINE_string('video', './data/video.mp4', 'path to video file or number for webcam)') flags.DEFINE_string('output', './data/video2.mp4', 'path to output video') flags.DEFINE_string('output_format', 'XVID', 'codec used in VideoWriter when saving video to file') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_classes', 5, 'number of classes in the model') flags.DEFINE_float('yolo_iou_threshold', 0.5, 'iou threshold') flags.DEFINE_float('yolo_score_threshold', float(threshold), 'score threshold') physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') for physical_device in physical_devices: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_device, True) if FLAGS.tiny: yolo = YoloV3Tiny(classes=FLAGS.num_classes) else: yolo = YoloV3(classes=FLAGS.num_classes) yolo.load_weights(FLAGS.weights) logging.info('weights loaded') class_names = [c.strip() for c in open(FLAGS.classes).readlines()] logging.info('classes loaded') times = [] try: vid = cv2.VideoCapture(int(FLAGS.video)) except: vid = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.video) out = None images = [] bboxes_x_found = [] bboxes_y_found = [] classes_found = [] scores_found = [] fig = plt.figure() canvas = FigureCanvasAgg() ax = fig.add_subplot() ax.axis('off') imgg = st.image([], width=300) z2 = pd.DataFrame(np.ones((0, 4)), columns=['Class', 'Certainty', 'Longitude', 'Lattitude']) datafr = c2.dataframe(data=z2) for m in (range(int(i/size))): my_bar.progress(int((m+1)/int(i/size)*100)) for n in range(int(j/size)): area_box = [(start_x+m*deg_pixel_x*size, start_y+n*deg_pixel_y*size), (start_x+m * deg_pixel_x*size+size*deg_pixel_x, start_y+n*deg_pixel_y*size+size*deg_pixel_y)] array = geo_tiff.read_box(area_box.copy()) img = array # img_in = np.arra([img[:, :, :3], img[:, :, :3], img[:, :, :3]]) img_in = tf.expand_dims(img[:, :, :3], 0) img_in = transform_images(img_in, FLAGS.size) t1 = time.time() boxes, scores, classes, nums = yolo.predict(img_in, verbose=False) print('image min max:', img.min(), img.max(), img.shape) images.append(img.astype('float')/255) imgg.image(images, width=230) if nums > 0: ax.cla() ax.imshow(im) rect = Rectangle((m, n), 416, 416, linewidth=2, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) ax.draw(canvas.get_renderer()) im = np.array(canvas.buffer_rgba()) # gloabl_image.image(im) t2 = time.time() times.append(t2-t1) times = times[-20:] img = draw_outputs(img, (boxes, scores, classes, nums), class_names) img = cv2.putText(img, "Time: {:.2f}ms".format(sum(times)/len(times)*1000), (0, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) #images.append(img) #imgg.image(images, width=230) for ind in range(nums[0]): classes_found.append(class_names[int(classes[0][ind])]) scores_found.append(np.array(scores[0][ind])) bboxes_x_found.append( np.array(boxes[0][ind][0]*deg_pixel_x*size+start_x+m*deg_pixel_x*size)) bboxes_y_found.append( np.array(boxes[0][ind][1]*deg_pixel_y*size+start_y+n*deg_pixel_y*size)) # plt.imshow(img) # plt.show() if len(classes_found) != 0: classes_found_np = np.array(classes_found).reshape(-1, 1).astype('str') bboxes_x_found_np = np.array(bboxes_x_found).reshape(-1, 1) bboxes_y_found_np = np.array(bboxes_y_found).reshape(-1, 1) scores_found_np = np.array(scores_found).reshape(-1, 1).astype('float64') found = np.concatenate((classes_found_np, scores_found_np, bboxes_x_found_np, bboxes_y_found_np), axis=1) # np.savetxt(r'C:\Users\alfa\Desktop\Python\Baum Projekt Labels\found trees.txt', # found, fmt=['%s', '%.0f', '%.7f', '%.7f']) z2 = found z2 = pd.DataFrame( z2, columns=['Class', 'Certainty', 'Longitude', 'Lattitude']) datafr.dataframe(data=z2) if len(classes_found) != 0: z3 = z2.to_csv() st.download_button('Download *.csv file', z3)