use crate::grain::GrainType; use crate::utils::constants::{GAME_RESOLUTION_X, GAME_RESOLUTION_Y}; use bevy::prelude::*; /* 🦀 Resources and Components. Learn more: */ #[derive(Resource)] pub struct Grid { data: [[Option; GAME_RESOLUTION_X]; GAME_RESOLUTION_Y], } impl Grid { pub fn new() -> Grid { Grid { data: [[None; GAME_RESOLUTION_X]; GAME_RESOLUTION_Y], } } pub fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Option { if x < GAME_RESOLUTION_X && y < GAME_RESOLUTION_Y {[y][x] } else { None } } pub fn set(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, value: GrainType) { if x < GAME_RESOLUTION_X && y < GAME_RESOLUTION_Y {[y][x] = Some(value); } } } #[derive(Component)] pub struct GridPosition { pub current_x: i32, pub current_y: i32, pub prev_x: Option, pub prev_y: Option, } /* 🦀 Systems. Learn more: */ pub fn update_grid_data(mut query: Query<(&GrainType, &mut GridPosition)>, mut grid_data: ResMut) { for (grain_type, mut grid_position) in query.iter_mut() { // Clear the previous position from the grid if let (Some(prev_x), Some(prev_y)) = (grid_position.prev_x, grid_position.prev_y) { if prev_x >= 0 && prev_y >= 0 && prev_x < GAME_RESOLUTION_X as i32 && prev_y < GAME_RESOLUTION_Y as i32 {[prev_y as usize][prev_x as usize] = None; } } // Boundary checks for current positions if grid_position.current_x >= 0 && grid_position.current_x < GAME_RESOLUTION_X as i32 && grid_position.current_y >= 0 && grid_position.current_y < GAME_RESOLUTION_Y as i32 { // Update the grid with the new position grid_data.set( grid_position.current_x as usize, grid_position.current_y as usize, *grain_type, ); } // Update prev for next frame grid_position.prev_x = Some(grid_position.current_x); grid_position.prev_y = Some(grid_position.current_y); } }