import os import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModel, PretrainedConfig, PreTrainedModel from transformers.utils import ContextManagers from import vision_model_name_to_model from import ( deepspeed_zero_init_disabled_context_manager, is_deepspeed_zero_init_enabled, load_state_dict_into_model, ) # from pathlib import Path class VLOOMPreTrainedModelBase(PreTrainedModel): # The problem we are trying to solve is 2 nested zero.Init thanks to fetching from_pretrained(vision_model_name) # and then one more zero.Init to override from_pretrained(vision_model_name) once again as it was done in the original - this breaks deepspeed zero3 w/ zero.Init # So one solution is this: # a. replace from_pretrained(vision_model_name) with from_config(vision_model_name) while hacking to disable zero.Init context # b. instead of straight replacement of model.vision_model = from_pretrained(vision_model_name) when it gets updated, we first do from_pretrained(vision_model_name) and then update the existing model with weights using the already zero.Init'ed pre-sharded weights # # there are a few variations to get_vision_model_from_config - all need to bypass zero.Init under zero3 # 1. one variant is to hack into accelerate's deepspeed_plugin and turn off zero.Init while loading the vision model # 2. the other variant is to override _from_config method with our version that doesn't do zero.Init @classmethod def override_vision_model(cls, model, vision_model_name, vision_model_params, torch_dtype): # 1. fetch the pretrained vision model w/o zero.Init with ContextManagers(deepspeed_zero_init_disabled_context_manager()): vision_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(vision_model_name, **vision_model_params, torch_dtype=torch_dtype) # this extracts the desired submodule if the part we want is nested (e.g. as in clip) real_vision_model = vision_model_name_to_model(vision_model_name, vision_model) # 2. now override the weights already sharded by zero.Init with the weights from the real_vision_model # by gradually gathering sharded weights and replacing with new weights if is_deepspeed_zero_init_enabled(): state_dict = real_vision_model.state_dict() load_state_dict_into_model(model.vision_model, state_dict, start_prefix="") else: model.vision_model = real_vision_model @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, **kwargs): # torch_dtype is crucial for using the minimal amount of memory at load time torch_dtype = kwargs.get("torch_dtype", None) vision_model_name = config.vision_model_name vision_model_params = eval(config.vision_model_params) # 1. create an uninitialized vision_model to insert into the main model. # It has to be created outside lm's `from_pretrained` and w/o zero.Init so that zero3+zero.Init works with ContextManagers(deepspeed_zero_init_disabled_context_manager()): vision_model_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(vision_model_name, **vision_model_params) vision_model_from_config = AutoModel.from_config(vision_model_config, torch_dtype=torch_dtype) # this extracts the desired submodule if the part we want is nested (e.g. as in clip) kwargs["vision_model"] = vision_model_name_to_model(vision_model_name, vision_model_from_config) # 2. create the main class's model, passing the uninitialized vision_model to it model = cls(config, **kwargs) return model @classmethod def from_pretrained_models(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Use this method when creating a new vloom model that hasn't been yet trained and it'll be composed of 2 pre-trained models - hence `pretrained_models`. """ return cls.from_pretrained(*args, **kwargs, new_model=True) @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, *model_args, is_resume=False, new_model=False, **kwargs): """ Use this method when loading an already pretrained vloom model - either from a checkpoint or from hub. For creating an untrained model use `pretrained_models` instead. """ is_untrained_vloom_model = False is_pretrained_vloom_model_resumed = False is_pretrained_vloom_model_from_hub_or_path = False # we have 3 use cases: # 1. is_untrained_vloom_model - a totally new vloom model # 2. is_pretrained_vloom_model_resumed - a pretrained vloom model being resumed from a # checkpoint (instantiate a random empty model in this case) # 3. is_pretrained_vloom_model_from_hub_or_path - a pretrained vloom model loaded from hub or local path if new_model: is_untrained_vloom_model = True elif is_resume: is_pretrained_vloom_model_resumed = True else: is_pretrained_vloom_model_from_hub_or_path = True # torch_dtype is crucial for using the minimal amount of memory at load time torch_dtype = kwargs.get("torch_dtype", None) # config is: # 1. either not passed and then we use the model's default config (used by tests) # 2. passed and in which case it's one of: # 2a. `PretrainedConfig` (a new m4 model) # 2b. path to a json config (an already pretrained m4 model, usually resumed training) config = kwargs.get("config", None) if config is None: config = cls.config_class.from_pretrained(*model_args, **kwargs, return_unused_kwargs=False) elif not isinstance(config, PretrainedConfig): # adapted from assert isinstance(config, os.PathLike) config_path = str(config) config = cls.config_class.from_pretrained( config_path, return_unused_kwargs=False, **kwargs, ) vision_model_name = config.vision_model_name vision_model_params = eval(config.vision_model_params) # 1. create an uninitialized vision_model to insert into the main model. # It has to be created outside lm's `from_pretrained` and w/o zero.Init so that zero3+zero.Init works with ContextManagers(deepspeed_zero_init_disabled_context_manager()): vision_model_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(vision_model_name, **vision_model_params) vision_model_from_config = AutoModel.from_config(vision_model_config, torch_dtype=torch_dtype) # this extracts the desired submodule if the part we want is nested (e.g. as in clip) kwargs["vision_model"] = vision_model_name_to_model(vision_model_name, vision_model_from_config) # 2. create the vloom model if is_untrained_vloom_model or is_pretrained_vloom_model_from_hub_or_path: model = super().from_pretrained(*model_args, **kwargs) elif is_pretrained_vloom_model_resumed: # in the case of resume under deepspeed we create an empty model, and get deepspeed # to load the weights from the checkpoint # but not all models have these keys so handle the case they don't have them _ = kwargs.pop("config", None) model = super().from_pretrained(None, config=config, state_dict={}, **kwargs) # 3. if is_untrained_vloom_model, now override the uninitialized vision_model with one with pretrained weights if is_untrained_vloom_model: cls.override_vision_model_wrapper(model, config, vision_model_name, vision_model_params, torch_dtype) return model class DecoupledEmbedding(nn.Embedding): # Derived from """ Implements a decoupling of parameters to allow freezing (or not) a subset of the embeddings. In practise, the regular `weight` can be trained or frozen (i.e. `partially_freeze=True`), and if `num_additional_embeddings` > 0, then it will create `num_additional_embeddings` additional parameters that are always trained. If `num_additional_embeddings=0`, then the module defaults back to the regular behavior of `nn.Embedding`. """ def __init__( self, num_embeddings, num_additional_embeddings, embedding_dim, partially_freeze=False, device=None, dtype=None, padding_idx=None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ num_additional_embeddings: int. Number of additional embeddings. Only useful when you `partially_freeze=True`. partially_freeze: bool. If True, the regular `weight` will be frozen. `additional_weight` is never frozen. Note: there are a lot of other parameters to initialize a standard `nn.Embedding` such as `padding_idx`, `max_norm` or `norm_type`. We are not supporting these. """ if padding_idx is not None and padding_idx > num_embeddings: raise ValueError(f"padding_idx must be within num_embeddings. Got {padding_idx} and {num_embeddings}") super().__init__( num_embeddings=num_embeddings, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, device=device, dtype=dtype, padding_idx=padding_idx, **kwargs, ) self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings self.padding_idx = padding_idx self.num_additional_embeddings = num_additional_embeddings self.partially_freeze = partially_freeze if partially_freeze: self.weight.requires_grad_(False) if self.num_additional_embeddings > 0: self.additional_embedding = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.num_additional_embeddings, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, device=device, dtype=dtype, ) def forward(self, input_ids): """ we have 2 embeddings, with different indices - one pretrained self.weight and another self.additional_embedding.weight that is being trained. in order to make a lookup of the input ids, we: 1. find out the indices of the entries belonging to the 2nd embedding 2. extract those values while subtracting the size of the first embedding (num_embeddings), since the 2nd embedding starts from 0 and not num_embeddings 3. perform the 2nd embedding lookup 4. now we handle the 1st embedding, we overwrite indices belonging to the 2nd embedding with a padding index 5. perform the 1st embedding lookup 6. now we overwrite the values in the 1st embedding lookup with the values of the 2nd embedding lookup note: for the 1st embedding lookup we could have looked up only the low indices and not do the padding, but then we have to create a new tensor and populate it with 2 tensors that are spread out across various indices - i.e. not a simple concat - I haven't benchmarked the complex case if it's any faster, given that seqlens are usually relatively short it's probably not faster or if faster not by much - but might be a good idea to measure. """ if self.num_additional_embeddings == 0: return F.embedding(input_ids, self.weight) # Clone so that we don't modify the original input_ids later on input_ids = input_ids.clone() additional_vocab_indices = torch.where(input_ids >= self.num_embeddings) input_ids_additional_vocab = input_ids[additional_vocab_indices] additional_embeddings = self.additional_embedding(input_ids_additional_vocab - self.num_embeddings) # for successful lookup replace input_ids with 0, the results of these will be discarded anyway input_ids[additional_vocab_indices] = 0 full_vector = F.embedding(input_ids, self.weight) # overwrite the records with high indices full_vector[additional_vocab_indices] = additional_embeddings return full_vector def extra_repr(self) -> str: return "num_embeddings={}, num_additional_embeddings={}, embedding_dim={}, partially_freeze={}".format( self.num_embeddings, self.num_additional_embeddings, self.embedding_dim, self.partially_freeze, ) @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, embeddings, freeze=True, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class DecoupledLinear(nn.Linear): # Derived from """ Implements a decoupling of parameters to allow freezing (or not) a subset of the parameters. In practise, the regular `weight` can be trained or frozen (i.e. `partially_freeze=True`), and if `out_additional_features` > 0, then it will create `out_additional_features * in_features` additional parameters that are always trained. If `out_additional_features=0`, then the module defaults back to the regular behavior of `nn.Linear`. """ def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, out_additional_features: int = 0, bias: bool = True, partially_freeze: bool = True, device=None, dtype=None, ) -> None: """ out_additional_features: int. Number of additional trainable dimensions. Only makes sense when `partially_freeze=True`. partially_freeze: bool. If True, the regular `weight` will be frozen and extra parameters (if any) will be trainable. If False, default to the regular behavior of nn.Linear. """ super().__init__(in_features, out_features, bias, device, dtype) self.out_additional_features = out_additional_features self.partially_freeze = partially_freeze self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features if partially_freeze: self.weight.requires_grad_(False) if bias: self.bias.requires_grad_(False) if out_additional_features > 0: self.additional_fc = nn.Linear( in_features=in_features, out_features=out_additional_features, bias=bias, device=device, dtype=dtype, ) def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: output = F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias) if self.out_additional_features > 0: additional_features = F.linear(input, self.additional_fc.weight, self.additional_fc.bias) output =, additional_features), -1) return output def extra_repr(self) -> str: """Overwriting `nn.Linear.extra_repr` to include new parameters.""" return "in_features={}, out_features={}, out_additional_features={}, bias={}, partially_freeze={}".format( self.in_features, self.out_features, self.out_additional_features, self.bias is not None, self.partially_freeze, ) if __name__ == "__main__": emb = DecoupledEmbedding(num_embeddings=10, num_additional_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=5, partially_freeze=True) for n, p in emb.named_parameters(): print(n, p.requires_grad) idx = torch.tensor([[11, 1, 3]]) y = emb(idx) loss = y.sum() loss.backward() print(emb.weight, emb.weight.grad) print(emb.additional_embedding, emb.additional_embedding.grad) lin = DecoupledLinear(in_features=3, out_features=4, out_additional_features=2, bias=True, partially_freeze=True) for n, p in lin.named_parameters(): print(n, p.requires_grad) x = torch.randn(12, 3) y = lin(x) loss = y.sum() loss.backward() print("Weight w and grad:", lin.weight, lin.weight.grad) print("bias w and grad:", lin.bias, lin.bias.grad) print("additional_fc.weight w and grad:", lin.additional_fc.weight, lin.additional_fc.weight.grad) print("additional_bias w and grad:", lin.additional_fc.bias, lin.additional_fc.bias.grad)