diff --git "a/OBELICS _100.csv" "b/OBELICS _100.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/OBELICS _100.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +,images (sequence),metadata (string),general_metadata (string),texts (sequence),, +,"[ ""https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2009/11/murdoch-line.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.wired.com/2009/11/alt-text-clever-murdoch-turns-news-into-hip-underground-club/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2009/11/murdoch-line.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2009/11/murdoch-line.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""murdoch line"", ""alt_text"": ""murdoch-line"", ""original_width"": 600, ""original_height"": 400, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.wired.com/2009/11/alt-text-clever-murdoch-turns-news-into-hip-underground-club/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-34/segments/1596439739048.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20200813161908-20200813191908-00099.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 898049141, ""warc_record_length"": 73991}""","[ null, ""Let me be the first, and possibly only, person to say it: I love Rupert Murdoch like a mother. I'm not sure whether I mean that I love him as if I were his mother, or I love him as if he were my mother, but in either case the love is as heartfelt as it is creepy.\n\nThe reason for this love is that the man has vision. He recently stated in an interview with Sky News Australia that his News Corp. properties will soon be blocking Google entirely. This is so brilliant I can barely touch-type, my fingers tremble so.\n\nWe all know that traditional media outlets are encountering lots of problems, having to compete with blogs, vlogs, podcasts, Twitter, dubious forwarded e-mails about candidates for public office getting drunk and punching the flag, YouTube videos of '80s-era Star Wars toy commercials and whatever the hell Cory Doctorow's doing this week.\n\nThe audiences for traditional newspapers are getting older, more crotchety and increasingly dead. Most people don't want their news to come with such hassles as a cover price, ads or dissenting opinions. How to bring in a younger, hipper audience that's willing to spend money just to prove that they have money?\n\nMurdoch, that crazy mad genius, realizes that the only way to attract this lucrative demographic is to establish street cred. He's going underground, reinventing news as an exclusive club that you can't find just by entering a search term.\n\nOnce inside, the website will be dark, noisy and disorienting, just like an exclusive club or a MySpace page. There will be a two-drink minimum. I'm not sure how that will work, actually, but if anyone can force people to buy $10 beers while browsing the web, it's my man Rupert. People will pretend to be reading stories about police standoffs and Knicks games, but they'll actually be looking around to see who else made it in. And all that affectation and posing is like unto money in Murdoch's pocket.\n\nSure, he'll lose market share, but he'll make it up by catering to a clientele made up entirely of money-spending, hard-partying young people, plus a single undercover detective who infiltrates the shocking world of underground websites to track down a killer by having conversations in front of pole dancers. I assume.\n\nThis is clearly the way of the future. I'd love to say that Murdoch invented it, but he's just taking it to its logical conclusion. The real inventor is — brass sting! — Google itself. An exclusive online space that everyone wants to get into, but nobody really knows why except that they see other people getting in? Sounds like Google Wave to me.\n\nBorn helpless, nude and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjoberg eventually overcame these handicaps to show a lot of cleavage."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/cfc530a7632537c29651d465286b807d63a5f9dc/c=194-0-1346-866/local/-/media/2015/10/16/Salem/Salem/635806085938526440-OR3.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", null, ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/03826eda33c092b93d8be28214d91a5c2b97d530/c=0-0-1039-1039/local/-/media/Salem/Salem/2014/07/24/1406236948010-14547399159-f018dfdd19-o.jpg"", null, ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/00091fc00565a241cd46a450054aa381d5a1e6a1/c=300-0-1800-1500/local/-/media/Salem/2015/03/14/B9316553846Z.1_20150314190023_000_GFLA74H74.1-0.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2015/10/16/oregon-wolf-or3-cascade-mountains-crater-lake-national-park/74071992/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/cfc530a7632537c29651d465286b807d63a5f9dc/c=194-0-1346-866/local/-/media/2015/10/16/Salem/Salem/635806085938526440-OR3.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/cfc530a7632537c29651d465286b807d63a5f9dc/c=194-0-1346-866/local/-/media/2015/10/16/Salem/Salem/635806085938526440-OR3.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""OR"", ""alt_text"": ""635806085938526440-OR3"", ""original_width"": 534, ""original_height"": 401, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2015/10/16/oregon-wolf-or3-cascade-mountains-crater-lake-national-park/74071992/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/03826eda33c092b93d8be28214d91a5c2b97d530/c=0-0-1039-1039/local/-/media/Salem/Salem/2014/07/24/1406236948010-14547399159-f018dfdd19-o.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/03826eda33c092b93d8be28214d91a5c2b97d530/c=0-0-1039-1039/local/-/media/Salem/Salem/2014/07/24/1406236948010-14547399159-f018dfdd19-o.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""f dfdd o"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2015/10/16/oregon-wolf-or3-cascade-mountains-crater-lake-national-park/74071992/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/00091fc00565a241cd46a450054aa381d5a1e6a1/c=300-0-1800-1500/local/-/media/Salem/2015/03/14/B9316553846Z.1_20150314190023_000_GFLA74H74.1-0.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/00091fc00565a241cd46a450054aa381d5a1e6a1/c=300-0-1800-1500/local/-/media/Salem/2015/03/14/B9316553846Z.1_20150314190023_000_GFLA74H74.1-0.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""B Z"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2015/10/16/oregon-wolf-or3-cascade-mountains-crater-lake-national-park/74071992/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145774.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20200223123852-20200223153852-00550.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 893628626, ""warc_record_length"": 42687}""","[ ""The long-lost wolf OR3, once thought dead, has made an appearance in the Southern Cascade Mountains."", null, ""The wolf OR3 has been spotted in the Southern Cascade Range.(Photo: Photo courtesy of ODFW)\n\nThe long-lost wolf OR3, once thought dead, has made an appearance in the Southern Cascade Mountains.\n\nThe radio-collared wolf, who was last heard from by state biologists in September of 2011 near Prineville, showed up on a hunter's trail camera in northern Klamath County, apparently near Crater Lake National Park this summer.\n\nHe becomes just the latest arrival to the state's west side, joining the famous OR7 and his Rogue Pack, along with the Keno Pair in the Southern Cascade Range."", null, ""Wolf OR7 has pups in Siskiyou National Forest\n\nThe Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed last week that the photograph taken by the hunter's trail camera was OR3.\n\n\""Little is known about the current status of OR3 but wildlife biologists will attempt to gather more information,\"" the agency said in a statement.\n\nThe reappearance of OR3 was first reported by Jim Yuskavitch on the blog Sneak Cat.\n\nOR3 is originally from the Imnaha Wolf Pack and was collared with a VHF radio collar in February 2010. He dispersed from the pack in May 2011."", null, ""When the wolves return to Western Oregon\n\nUnlike GPS collars which automatically provide locations to a computer, VHF collars require wildlife biologists to locate the collar with special telemetry equipment in the field. OR3 was located just a few times since his dispersal, including in the Fossil wildlife management unit in the summer of 2011. However, after the long silence, many believed the wolf was dead.\n\nAt this time, it is expected that his collar is no longer sending out a signal as the time span has exceeded the battery life of the collar."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/856999/Boeings-10000th-737-916x516.jpeg"", null, ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/849951/Max-71-360x203.jpeg"", ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/795138/K66629-01-360x203.jpg"", ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/814749/Boeing-B737-Max-10-360x202.jpg"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/03/14/boeing-rolls-10000th-737-aircraft/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/856999/Boeings-10000th-737-916x516.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/856999/Boeings-10000th-737-916x516.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Boeings th"", ""alt_text"": ""Boeing rolls out its 10,000th 737 aircraft, set to go to Southwest Airlines"", ""original_width"": 916, ""original_height"": 516, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/03/14/boeing-rolls-10000th-737-aircraft/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/849951/Max-71-360x203.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/849951/Max-71-360x203.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Max"", ""alt_text"": ""The first Boeing 737 MAX 7 made its debut today at the company's Renton, Wash. factory. Photo by Craig Larsen. (PRNewsfoto/Boeing)"", ""original_width"": 360, ""original_height"": 203, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/03/14/boeing-rolls-10000th-737-aircraft/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/795138/K66629-01-360x203.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/795138/K66629-01-360x203.jpg"", ""alt_text"": ""MAX 9 Paint Roll Out"", ""original_width"": 360, ""original_height"": 203, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/03/14/boeing-rolls-10000th-737-aircraft/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/814749/Boeing-B737-Max-10-360x202.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://cdn.businesstraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/814749/Boeing-B737-Max-10-360x202.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Boeing B Max"", ""alt_text"": ""Boeing B737 Max 10"", ""original_width"": 360, ""original_height"": 202, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/03/14/boeing-rolls-10000th-737-aircraft/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243992159.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20210517084550-20210517114550-00131.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 690172719, ""warc_record_length"": 19143}""","[ null, ""Boeing has rolled out its 10,000th 737 aircraft, making the model the world’s most produced commercial jet aircraft.\n\nThe latest aircraft in the series to roll out of the manufacturer’s factory at Renton, Washington was a 737 Max 8 – one of its newest 737 models – that is set to be delivered to US carrier, Southwest Airlines.\n\nThe 737 has officially been recognised by Guinness World Records as the most produced commercial jet, an accolade the aircraft had previously received in 2006 when the 5,000th model rolled out of Boeing’s Renton factory.\n\nIt took close to four decades for Boeing to reach its first 5,000 B737s, but just 12 years after that to hit the 10,000 mark. According to Boeing, growing market demand and increased production rates are behind the rapid increase, and the manufacturer expects to further increase the rate of production for the 737 from 47 aircraft per month to 52 later this year.\n\nAs a show of comparison, rival aircraft manufacturer Airbus celebrated the delivery of 10,000 aircraft in total in October 2016.\n\nBoeing still has orders for more than 4,600 B737 aircraft, notably consisting of its newest Max series that comprises the recently launched Max 8, along with the larger Max 9 launching later this year, the smallest Max 7 entering service in 2019 and the largest Max 10 expected to launch in 2020.\n\nAccording to Boeing, a 737 takes off or lands every 1.5 seconds and on average there are more than 2,800 of the aircraft in the air at any time. The total number of miles flown by the aircraft is estimated to be more than 122 billion miles, enough to circle the globe five million times."", null, null, null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://dragillustrated.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tracy_Kile_AHDRA_rock_22_8185crop-scaled.jpg"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://seminoletribemotocross.com/biker-gang-members-arrested-in-moss-bluff-bar-shooting-reuters/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://dragillustrated.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tracy_Kile_AHDRA_rock_22_8185crop-scaled.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://dragillustrated.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tracy_Kile_AHDRA_rock_22_8185crop-scaled.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Tracy Kile AHDRA rock crop scaled"", ""rendered_width"": 1920, ""original_width"": 2560, ""original_height"": 1752, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://seminoletribemotocross.com/biker-gang-members-arrested-in-moss-bluff-bar-shooting-reuters/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710916.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20221202215443-20221203005443-00048.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 554092588, ""warc_record_length"": 10997}""","[ ""The largest collection of motorcycles in the world is in Alabama\n\n(Special for the American press)\n\nTwo members of a motorcycle gang were arrested in the early Sunday morning shooting of a woman outside a bar in Moss Bluff.\n\nCalcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Kayla Vincent said deputies were dispatched to the bar in the 200 block of US 171 around 12:30 p.m. Sunday. When deputies arrived, they located a woman with a gunshot wound to her lower back.\n\nDuring the initial investigation, it was discovered that a physical altercation involving a large number of people ensued outside the bar during which several shots were fired. Deputies located a handgun and several casings near the victim.\n\nVincent said deputies and detectives were able to identify and locate two of the shooters, Justin D. Wareham, 40, and John M. Lapoint Jr., 39, both of Westlake. They were arrested and imprisoned at the Calcasieu Correctional Center.\n\nWareham is charged with aggravated battery; and unlawful use of a dangerous weapon or instrument in the commission of a violent crime. Judge Tony Fazzio set his bail at $250,000.\n\nLapoint is charged with aggravated assault with a firearm; and illegal use of a weapon. Fazzio has set his bond at $200,000.\n\nUpon further investigation, detectives have reason to believe that the altercation and shooting involved members of the Bandidos MC, a known outlaw motorcycle gang, and members of the Misfits MC.\n\nThe victim was transported to a local hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. She is in stable condition, Vincent said."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://theyesng.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/8G6WeY--640x427.jpeg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://theyesng.com/2019/05/22/world-cultural-day-ariya-repete-returns-with-2019-edition-introduces-new-afro-pop-category/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://theyesng.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/8G6WeY--640x427.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://theyesng.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/8G6WeY--640x427.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""G WeY"", ""rendered_width"": 640, ""rendered_height"": 427, ""original_width"": 640, ""original_height"": 427, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://theyesng.com/2019/05/22/world-cultural-day-ariya-repete-returns-with-2019-edition-introduces-new-afro-pop-category/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145534.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20200221172509-20200221202509-00128.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 593268776, ""warc_record_length"": 25590}""","[ null, ""Nigeria’s foremost talent hunt competition for indigenous Yoruba music is back for yet another edition. The 2019 Edition of Ariya Repete was announced on the 21st of May at a media briefing hosted at the Nigerian Breweries Headquarters in Lagos.\n\nThe media briefing featured an excellent roundtable conversation by some veterans in traditional genres of Yoruba music (i.e Juju, Fuji) as well as some new generation artists whose music has been influenced by the Yoruba culture.\n\nThe new generation was ably represented by the likes of Sound Sultan and renowned music producer ID Cabasa.\n\nThe panel discussion which was themed around the topic – “One Culture, One Voice, New Sound” provided the perfect platform to announce the return of one the most revered initiatives that celebrate the Yoruba culture.\n\nThe panelists discussed the evolution of indigenous Yoruba genres of music, highlighting the roles played by both the older and younger generation of artists. The exciting roundtable conversations was an eye opener as the artists shared various insights into the past and potential future of the industry.\n\nThis year’s edition of Ariya Repete is set to up the ante and will be the first ever to be aired on television with the aim to reach an even wider audience. This is particularly exciting for fans of the show as the 2019 Ariya Repete will be introducing an all-new category tagged ‘Afro Pop’.\n\nThe introduction of Afro-Pop has already got fans eagerly anticipating the selection parties which will be kicking off in various cities across western Nigeria on the 11th of June.\n\nSenior Brand Manager of Goldberg & Life Lager, Maria Shadeko who spoke at the round table session expressed delight at the return of the talent hunt,\n\n“Ariya Repete is a very special platform that allows us to showcase and celebrate the very best talents in South-Western Nigeria. Over the years, we have been able to continually delight our consumers with this initiative as well as provide unforgettable memories for winners of past editions. This year we are taking it further by not only increasing the prize money but also adding an all-new category. The theme of this year’s competition is ‘The Fusion’, and in light of this, we are looking for the next big artist who will dominate the Nigerian music scene.\n\nWe, at Goldberg, applaud the innovative and inspiring fusion of traditional Yoruba music with contemporary music. This year, with Ariya Repete we want to celebrate this blend of both worlds. We believe that the 2019 Ariya Repete will be the best ever, which is why we are taking the experience to TV, to show all of Africa that Goldberg Lager believes and celebrates the amazing indigenous talents from southwestern Nigeria.”\n\nThe regional auditions are set to kick-off on the 11th of June as Goldberg takes the auditions and selection parties to 8 western cities in two weeks. The selected talents will then head down to Lagos for mentorship sessions by some of the respected acts in their genres before returning to the contest to slug it in the quarterfinals from 5th of July. The Semi-Final will be hosted on the 12th of July while the grand finale is slated for 19th of July\n\nAriya Repete is proudly sponsored by Goldberg lager, Goldberg lager is renowned for conceptualizing and executing initiatives such as these, which highlights the beauty of tradition and culture. With a wide array of exciting consumer engagement activities that brilliantly connects with its ever-loyal audience, Goldberg continues to remain one of the most authentic brands in the beer industry."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Tony-Barrett.png"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.empireofthekop.com/2016/06/10/tony-barrett-retweets-liverpool-transfer-news-endorses-midfield-signing-link/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Tony-Barrett.png"", ""src"": ""https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Tony-Barrett.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Tony Barrett"", ""alt_text"": ""Tony Barrett explains Klopp\u2019s January transfer window plans"", ""rendered_width"": 640, ""rendered_height"": 362, ""original_width"": 640, ""original_height"": 362, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.empireofthekop.com/2016/06/10/tony-barrett-retweets-liverpool-transfer-news-endorses-midfield-signing-link/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107878879.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20201022024236-20201022054236-00091.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 690468227, ""warc_record_length"": 16106}""","[ ""Genuine transfer updates from the respected contingent of core Liverpool journalists has been rife, recently. Ben Smith of the BBC told fans to wait patiently until Jurgen Klopp gets back from holiday, while the others have just reconfirmed our interest in Ben Chilwell…\n\nTony Barrett of the Times has been quiet, but last night retweeted a claim from Italian journalist Tancredi Palmeri – who we usually take with a pinch of salt.\n\nA retweet can be considered an endorsement of a claim, and eagle-eyed Reds saw that the reliable Barrett backed up Palmeri’s revelation.\n\nThe suggestion was that Piotr Zielinski will wait to sign with Napoli until he knows Liverpool are definitely not interested. In other words, we are his priority and he’ll do everything he can to force a Merseyside switch.\n\nHaving already seen Zielinski don a Liverpool shirt, and hear him release countless statements of his desire to join us, this is pretty believable. Mahmoud Dahoud has emerged as our no.1 central midfield target, but the 22-year-old Pole provides an alternative option.\n\nHe’s owned by Udinese, who will sell Zielinski after he impressed at Empoli on loan. Does he directly improve Liverpool’s first-team just yet? Arguably not – but he’s talented and has room to improve – something our manager’s shown a penchant for."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://thejusticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The-100-Season-8-The-Buzz-Paper-1280x720-2-696x392-1-1-1200x675-1.webp"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://thejusticeonline.com/the-100-season-8-cast-plot-and-its-fate-moving-forward/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://thejusticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The-100-Season-8-The-Buzz-Paper-1280x720-2-696x392-1-1-1200x675-1.webp"", ""src"": ""https://thejusticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The-100-Season-8-The-Buzz-Paper-1280x720-2-696x392-1-1-1200x675-1.webp"", ""formatted_filename"": ""The Season The Buzz Paper"", ""rendered_width"": 696, ""rendered_height"": 392, ""original_width"": 1200, ""original_height"": 675, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://thejusticeonline.com/the-100-season-8-cast-plot-and-its-fate-moving-forward/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711286.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20221208082315-20221208112315-00429.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 580065736, ""warc_record_length"": 21754}""","[ null, ""This CW show is Sci-Fi post-apocalyptic drama show that was originally released on March 19, 2014. The show is inspired by the novel series “The 100” by Kass Morgan and is developed by Jason Rothenberg. The first season show showed a group of criminal adolescents sent back to earth after years of living on The Ark.\n\nThe Ark is where humanity had its last stand after the Nuclear Apocalypse. The teenagers are sent back to earth to see if life on Earth is possible again. The story progresses as Teenagers find out how the earth has changed over the years and they know nothing about the planet that was once their home. The show is on its 7th Season and gets a new episode weekly.\n\nWhat Is The Fate Of The 100 Moving Forward?\n\nIt seems that the Seventh Season will be the last season for The100 as the executive producer Jason Rothenberg said: “We’ve actually been asking for this to be the last season for a while because we feel like it’s time to get out while the getting’s good.” However, there have been talks about making a prequel for the 100 that will be set 97 years before the starting of 1st Season.\n\nThe narrative will be around the survivors who were on the ground and learned to cope up with the harsh surroundings and tried to create a better society. The pilot for the show will air during Season 7 and its title will be ‘Anaconda’.\n\nThe show is in the middle of its seventh season which might be the last one. The current cast for the show is Eliza Taylor as Clarke Griffin, Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia Blake, Bob Morley as Bellamy Blake, Lindsey Morgan as Raven Reyes, Shannon Kook as Jordan Greens and a few more. If the show ever gets renewed and they decide to make the 8th season, hopefully, we will see these stars back in action as our favorite The 100 characters.\n\nPlot And Other News\n\nIn Season 6 we saw that the group arrived at a new planet with two Suns and saw them trying to adjust to a new planet and face new challenges. We also saw the characters were divided at the beginning of season 7 some physically while others because of time. We will see as the story progresses and how they come to terms with their differences.\n\nThe show runner Jason Rothenberg also said “It’ll be our version of a happy ending,” and “I can safely say that we’re trying to say something more with season seven. The ending of a story always is the point of the story, the moral of the story. We have yet to reveal the moral of the story, but it will be revealed in season seven.And it won’t be, ‘People are horrible, we all suck, we’re willing to kill everyone and everything and do anything to survive.’ “There’s a higher purpose.”\n\nSo viewers, stay curious because the real plot is not yet unfold the facts.Stay Tuned with Us to Learn More"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://images.outlookindia.com/public/uploads/articles/2021/6/19/Tokyo-2020-AP-34_570_850.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/sports-news-covid-19-impact-japan-imposes-stricter-regulations-on-indias-olympic-bound-athletes-ioa-calls-it-unfair/385589"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://images.outlookindia.com/public/uploads/articles/2021/6/19/Tokyo-2020-AP-34_570_850.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://images.outlookindia.com/public/uploads/articles/2021/6/19/Tokyo-2020-AP-34_570_850.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Tokyo AP"", ""alt_text"": ""COVID-19 Impact: Japan Imposes Stricter Regulations On India's Olympic-bound Athletes, IOA Calls It 'unfair'"", ""original_width"": 850, ""original_height"": 567, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/sports-news-covid-19-impact-japan-imposes-stricter-regulations-on-indias-olympic-bound-athletes-ioa-calls-it-unfair/385589"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046149929.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20210723143921-20210723173921-00269.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 969669119, ""warc_record_length"": 23461}""","[ ""Japan put stricter regulations in place for all travellers - including athletes, coaches and support staff - who reside in 11 countries, including India"", null, ""The Indian athletes and officials travelling for the Tokyo Olympics have been asked by the Japanese government to undergo daily COVID-19 tests for a week prior to their departure and not interact with anyone from another country for three days on arrival, strictures that have left the IOA fuming. (More Sports News)\n\nStricter regulations have been put in place for all travellers -- including athletes, coaches and support staff -- who have resided in 11 countries, including India, where different variants of COVID-19 have been identified, within 14 days of their arrival in Tokyo.\n\n\""The unfair and discriminatory\"" rules have drawn sharp criticism from the Indian Olympic Association. India's COVID-19 situation has improved considerably after a catastrophic second wave with daily cases declining from more than 3 lakh a few weeks back to just over 60,000 right now.\n\nIndia has been clubbed in group 1 alongside Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.\n\n\""Before you travel: You must be tested every day, for seven days, prior to your departure to Japan,\"" the advisory stated for the Group 1 countries.\n\n\""Physical distancing: For seven days prior to your departure to Japan, you must keep your physical interaction with all others, including from another team, delegation or country, to an absolute minimum,\"" it added.\n\nOn arrival, athletes and officials will also not be allowed to interact with anyone else apart from their own delegation for three days.\n\n\""At the Games. You will be tested every day as is the case for all athletes and officials.\n\n\""For three days after your arrival in Japan, you will not be able to physically interact with anyone from another team, delegation or country.\""\n\nAthletes have been asked to check into the Games Village five days before their competition begins.\n\n\""Athletes are allowed to arrive in the Games Village only 5 days before their event. Now 3 days will be wasted, this is the time the Athletes need to be moving towards their mode to Peak. Highly unfair for Indian Athletes,\"" the joint statement read.\n\n\""Where and when will the Athletes have their Breakfast, Lunch Dinner etc during these 3 days, as everyone has food in the Games village food hall where all Athletes and officals of other NOCs are present all the time.\n\n\""If Food Packets are being delivered outside the Rooms of the Athletes then who will plan their body requirements like Proteins, food preferences etc and will it not affect the performance of athletes, who will not not get their preferred diet, just 5 days before the Olympics\""\n\nSeveral athletes like weightlifter Mirabai Chanu, wrestler Vinesh Phogat and Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra are training abroad and will travel to Tokyo from their respective locations.\n\nHowever, a major chunk of the Indian contingent will leave for the Games from India and the regualations will affect their training.\n\nThe IOA questioned the need for the regulations given that athletes from India will be fully vaccinated and will be undergoing daily tests for a week before their departure.\n\n\""Where and when will the Athletes practice as practice/training areas are never empty and Athletes and officials of other NOCs are present all the time.\n\n\""While we respect any country's decision to keep their country safe and secure, the athletes going out of India will be Double Vaccinated, have RTPCR tests done everyday for last 7 days before leaving...\n\n\""...then why make the Athletes suffer at a time when they need to peak, once again highly unfair for Indian Athletes who have worked hard for 5 years to be discriminated against just 5 days before the Olympics,\"" the IOA statement read."" ]",, +,"[ ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/1aBalhausFEYE-e1492042569785.jpg"", null, ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/GuntherKwhity-1.jpeg"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/2017/04/12/fassbinders-eye-cinematographer-michael-balhaus-dies-5-august-1935-11-april-2017/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/1aBalhausFEYE-e1492042569785.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/1aBalhausFEYE-e1492042569785.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""aBalhausFEYE e"", ""alt_text"": ""1aBalhausFEYE"", ""rendered_width"": 600, ""rendered_height"": 338, ""original_width"": 600, ""original_height"": 338, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/2017/04/12/fassbinders-eye-cinematographer-michael-balhaus-dies-5-august-1935-11-april-2017/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/GuntherKwhity-1.jpeg"", ""src"": ""http://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/GuntherKwhity-1.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""GuntherKwhity"", ""rendered_width"": 375, ""rendered_height"": 278, ""original_width"": 375, ""original_height"": 278, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.mutanteggplant.com/vitro-nasu/2017/04/12/fassbinders-eye-cinematographer-michael-balhaus-dies-5-august-1935-11-april-2017/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710870.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20221201221914-20221202011914-00499.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 954311762, ""warc_record_length"": 9378}""","[ null, ""Cinematographer Michael Ballhaus and filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder worked together on 16 films. (via)\n\nHe gave me an education, and he changed my way of thinking about what it is to make a film. He was a great artist. He was also a precious and irreplaceable friend, and this is a great loss for me.”\n\nMichael Ballhaus was a German cinematographer. In 1990, he was the Head of the Jury at the 40th Berlin International Film Festival\n\nBallhaus was influenced by family friend Max Ophüls,[3] and appears as an extra in Ophüls last film Lola Montès (1955).[4]\n\nHe came to prominence with his work on sixteen films for Rainer Werner Fassbinder beginning with Whity (1971) and, including The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972), Chinese Roulette (1976) and The Marriage of Maria Braun (1978)\n\nUnder the Cherry Moon"", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-main-3.jpg"", null, ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-600x353.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/virat-kohli-scored-4-runs-1-ball-running-completed-3-runs-pujara-scored-2/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-main-3.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-main-3.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""virat main"", ""rendered_width"": 802, ""rendered_height"": 420, ""original_width"": 802, ""original_height"": 420, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/virat-kohli-scored-4-runs-1-ball-running-completed-3-runs-pujara-scored-2/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-600x353.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/virat-600x353.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""virat"", ""rendered_width"": 600, ""rendered_height"": 353, ""original_width"": 600, ""original_height"": 353, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.rvcj.com/virat-kohli-scored-4-runs-1-ball-running-completed-3-runs-pujara-scored-2/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347414057.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20200601040052-20200601070052-00097.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 869234182, ""warc_record_length"": 21739}""","[ null, ""After the draw of 1st test match against Sri Lanka, Team India has performed exceedingly well in the 2nd match."", null, ""All thanks to the strong double century of Virat and centuries of Murali Vijay, Cheteshwar Pujara and Rohit Sharma, Team India scored huge 610 runs in its first innings. This gave Team India first innings lead of 405 runs.\n\nHowever, what happened on the 2nd day of the match was something really interesting.\n\nDuring the last session of the innings, Virat and Pujara started running between the wickets to score maximum runs. However, in between Virat got some extraordinary energy and ran so fast that he and Pujara both ended up scoring 4 runs in 1 ball just by running.\n\nThere happened another interesting thing on the field. Virat was so fast while running between the wickets that by the time Pujara completed two round, Virat had completed 3. Maybe, it happened because Pujara went little too far while running for the 1st run.\n\nWhatever it was, the audience got to something really incredible, rare and spectacular running between the wickets.\n\nYou can watch the video-\n\nAll Out On 2. 9 Players Out On 0. You Must’ve Never Seen A Cricket Scorecard Like This Before\nAshwin Tweeted About His 300th Test Wicket But His Wife Trolled Him In A Hilarious Way"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://blog-uploads.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-03-at-19.03.50.png"", null, ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Screenshot-2022-08-03-at-10.51.18.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Mixing-on-the-go-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/07/Best-PRO-Studio-Headphones-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/learn/get-the-most-from-optical-compressors"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://blog-uploads.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-03-at-19.03.50.png"", ""src"": ""https://blog-uploads.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-03-at-19.03.50.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Screenshot at"", ""rendered_width"": 640, ""rendered_height"": 399, ""original_width"": 934, ""original_height"": 582, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/learn/get-the-most-from-optical-compressors"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Screenshot-2022-08-03-at-10.51.18.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Screenshot-2022-08-03-at-10.51.18.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Screenshot at"", ""rendered_width"": 400, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 376, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/learn/get-the-most-from-optical-compressors"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Mixing-on-the-go-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/08/Mixing-on-the-go-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Mixing on the go by Sonarworks"", ""rendered_width"": 400, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 400, ""original_height"": 298, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/learn/get-the-most-from-optical-compressors"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/07/Best-PRO-Studio-Headphones-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""src"": ""https://blog-uploads.imgix.net/2022/07/Best-PRO-Studio-Headphones-by-Sonarworks.png?auto=compress&auto=format&w=400&h=300"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Best PRO Studio Headphones by Sonarworks"", ""rendered_width"": 400, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 360, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/learn/get-the-most-from-optical-compressors"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571086.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809185452-20220809215452-00395.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 903537109, ""warc_record_length"": 19973}""","[ null, ""An optical compressor seems like the simplest solution for plug-and-play tracking and mix compression. With only two main controls, output gain and gain reduction (threshold), things couldn’t get much easier. However, if you care to delve a bit deeper into the operation of an opto compressor, things become more interesting and the compressors can be that much more effective. This discussion mainly pertains to plugin models of opto compressors, but much of this discussion can be extended back to using the physical hardware. Hardware units may require a screwdriver to get into some of these options, but many newer hardware units provide more user-friendly access to these parameters.\n\nWhat and Why Opto?\n\nOptical compressors date back to the 1950s when Telektronix (which eventually became part of Universal Audio) debuted the LA-1 compressor. By the mid-1960s the LA-1 developed into the current LA-2A compressor design— which has become a staple both as recording hardware and DAW-based software. Universal Audio manufacturers an extremely popular hardware reissue of the original LA-2A to this day.\n\nThe magic of the LA-2A, and every other optical compressor that followed lies in an optical circuit that acts as the level control, or attenuator. In effect, the audio signal lights a small light panel and a nearby photoresistor senses the light and controls the behavior of the gain reduction. The compressor then adds make-up gain with a tube amplifier (LA-2A) or a solid-state amplifier (LA-3A).\n\nThe user-adjustable parameters of an opto compressor are output gain and gain reduction (threshold). The fixed attack is fast, while the fixed release happens in two stages as described above, and would be generally characterized as slow. The LA-2A provides two modes: compress (3:1) and limit (100:1). Remember that the frequency-dependent nature of the opto blurs these parameters a bit—in a musically helpful way. Most digital models of the LA-2A and LA-3A provide an emphasis control (sometimes labeled pre-emphasis) that often looks like a slotted screw. This screw exists on the original hardware units (sometimes on the rear panel) and was factory set and perhaps adjusted by a studio tech to suit the studio’s preferences. The emphasis control was designed to provide radio stations with better control over the broadcast signal’s high-frequency content.\n\nOptical compressors may contain tubes and transformers, or they may be solid-state and even transformerless. Their compression behavior remains natural and smooth regardless of a tube or solid-state engine, and the distortion and sonic color of a specific opto compressor relate to the amplifier circuitry, not the compression action. Many companies besides Universal Audio produce optical compressors and each design may use a slightly different opto device, so their attack and release times may differ, or even be user-selectable. As optos age, they become weaker, so after only a few years, the performance of an opto compressor may suffer until the opto module is replaced. The LA2A and many other opto compressors use a plugin-in opto module referred to as a T4, which are readily available from a few manufacturers for around USD 100.\n\nI find opto compressors extremely useful for tracking vocals and acoustic instruments. It’s almost impossible to ruin a take with an opto compressor and between the tube (LA-2A) and solid-state (LA-3A) versions, you can capture a clean or harmonically rich track. When mixing, it really helps to delve deeper than simply adjusting the gain reduction and output knobs, so you can dial in precise variations of compression to fit the track you’re working on.\n\nMany engineers swear by using an opto and a FET or VCA compressor in series, but before you get into that, spend some time learning to dial in the opto. Let’s get into the gritty details of the Universal LA-2A and LA-3A. Then I’ll provide a list of other optical compressors that provide similar compression with more or less character. Every DAW provides a stock opto compressor, so you won’t even have to purchase anything to get into these comps.\n\nMore Parameters than Meets the Eye\n\nThe basic parameters of an opto compressor are output gain and gain reduction (threshold). The attack is more or less fixed at around 10 microseconds, while the release happens in two stages as described above, and would be generally characterized as slow. The LA-2A provides two modes: compress (3:1) and limit (100:1). Remember that the frequency-dependent nature of the opto blurs these parameters a bit—in a musically helpful way. Most digital models of the LA-2A and LA-3A provide an emphasis control (sometimes labeled pre-emphasis) that often looks like a flat-head screw. This screw exists on the original hardware units (sometimes on the rear panel) and was factory set and perhaps adjusted by a studio tech to suit the studio’s preferences. The emphasis control was designed to provide radio stations with better control over the broadcast signal’s high-frequency content.\n\nFor most vocals, only 2 or 3dB of compression will hold a vocal still in a mix, but often a few more dB of compression sounds fine. If I find that the vocal still moves around too much, I’ll switch from the compression mode to the limit mode, which provides a bit stiffer control. For upright and electric bass, I often use much more extreme amounts of compression and word has it that Elton John’s shimmering piano sound relies on about 10dB of compression from a pair of LA-2A compressors.\n\nLA-2As produce a bit of mid and low-frequency harmonics, while the LA-3A provides some brighter harmonics, so you may find that different sources are well served by either device. Bob Clearmountain has been known to favor LA3As for vocals for many decades. Plugins emulate hardware to some extent, and each plugin version imparts its own character. I find many plugin optical compressors useful for mixing, and I really only use hardware optical compressors (or any hardware compressors) during tracking sessions.\n\nHere is a list of some excellent plugin optical compressors:\n\nHere are some excellent hardware optical compressors that are still in production today:\n\nContinue learning by reading our other tips and tricks here."", null, null, null ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://oi43.tinypic.com/mh7oqr.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.101pressrelease.com/the-market-of-china-orthopedic-device-would-be-the-mainly-development-trend-in-the-future/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://oi43.tinypic.com/mh7oqr.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://oi43.tinypic.com/mh7oqr.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""mh oqr"", ""rendered_width"": 320, ""rendered_height"": 320, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.101pressrelease.com/the-market-of-china-orthopedic-device-would-be-the-mainly-development-trend-in-the-future/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178349708.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20210224223004-20210225013004-00226.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 575434784, ""warc_record_length"": 14368}""","[ ""According to the research from CN Orthopedic which is the high reputation Chinese Orthopaedic Implants manufacturer for the Bone Plates and Screws,Cannulated Screws,External Fixators,Instrument Set & Others… the market of the orthopedic devices in Asia has reached 2 billion in recent years. The average growth rate of this market in Asia is 5 percent. However, the hip implants have accounted for the largest proportion which is more than 40 percent. On the other hand, the proportion of the trauma equipment which is also called the trauma devices has closed to 35 percent. Knee implants have accounted for 25 percent. The demand for orthopedic equipment of Asian countries has accounted one fourth of the whole world market."", null, ""Japan is the protagonist of Asia’s orthopedic market. The demand of this country has accounting for more than third fourth of the Asia market. Japan’s model of medical costs is more similar to the United States or other European countries. Other country such as China or India which wealth has been increasing has also had large number of poor people. In that case, the government is focus on providing basic medical care. In that case, the totally cost for the high end orthopedic device in country such as China and India is not larger than the developed country such as USA."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.austinchronicle.com/imager/b/newfeature/190100/f6ae/screens_DVD-22087.jpeg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.austinchronicle.com/screens/2003-12-12/dragonslayer/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/imager/b/newfeature/190100/f6ae/screens_DVD-22087.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://www.austinchronicle.com/imager/b/newfeature/190100/f6ae/screens_DVD-22087.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""screens DVD"", ""alt_text"": ""DVD Watch"", ""original_width"": 320, ""original_height"": 454, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.austinchronicle.com/screens/2003-12-12/dragonslayer/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038075074.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20210413213655-20210414003655-00054.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 741307461, ""warc_record_length"": 15655}""","[ ""Dragons have a PR problem, and this movie doesn't help."", null, ""Paramount Home Video, $19.99 In days of old when knights were nowhere near the landscape, dragons and wizards ruled. That's the premise of the 1981 live-action drama Dragonslayer, an engaging but unsatisfying joust with the past from Matthew Robbins, whose short-lived career included Corvette Summer and *batteries not included. Dragonslayer doesn't just lag, it lumbers along, wounded by a tedious script and slow pacing. There are no extras, no commentary, no outtakes, nothing to improve it. And that's a shame, because it is well cast, with Ralph Richardson chewing the scenery as the sorceror Ulrich and Peter MacNicol, recently seen as quirky attorney John Cage on Ally McBeal, as his apprentice, Galen. Galen sets out to destroy the dragon with the cross-dressing virgin (natch) Valerian (Caitlin Clarke), played to perfection in nontypical heroine form. Add the wickedly handsome John Hallam gloriously cast as the evil Tyrian, the king's henchman involved with some hanky panky in the choosing of virgins to slaughter, and so goes the story. But if you can dismiss the uneven scripting, the dragon is the real payoff. Though it is awkward in close-up, where the stop animation is obvious, the overall affect is astonishing. Writhing and glittering beasts, the creatures rear up and breathe hellfire with blazing, believable effect, and a scene of dragonlets munching on the brave sacrificed princess Elspeth (Chloe Salaman) still induces queasiness. Dragons are tough business, cinematically. They're sort of the opposite of unicorns on the good guy-bad guy scale, and they have a serious PR problem. Dragonslayer doesn't help, as these dragons are not just monstrous fire-breathing critters -- they also breed, get in bad moods, and carry grudges. In fact, they'd probably have a good legal case against Hollywood with this movie as a prime suspect. If they're smart, they'll contact the Dragon Union and ask John Cage to represent them."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/Med-120-StaffSept2015-1024x681.jpg"", null, ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/HR-101-StaffSept2015-681x1024.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/blog/2019/04/28/inspiring-pioneer-with-global-accolades/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/Med-120-StaffSept2015-1024x681.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/Med-120-StaffSept2015-1024x681.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Med StaffSept"", ""rendered_width"": 696, ""rendered_height"": 463, ""original_width"": 1024, ""original_height"": 681, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/blog/2019/04/28/inspiring-pioneer-with-global-accolades/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/HR-101-StaffSept2015-681x1024.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/04/HR-101-StaffSept2015-681x1024.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""HR StaffSept"", ""rendered_width"": 681, ""rendered_height"": 1024, ""original_width"": 681, ""original_height"": 1024, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://getitmagazine.co.za/ballito-umhlanga/blog/2019/04/28/inspiring-pioneer-with-global-accolades/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515501.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517031843-20220517061843-00539.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 342849508, ""warc_record_length"": 42625}""","[ ""Having been awarded two massive, global accolades in the past month, Wonderbag founder and Ballito local Sarah Collins has been honored and recognised for the incredible work she has done to inspire and grow the African continent.\n\n\nThe Wonderbag needs no introduction. This non-electric, portable slow cooker has been a game changer for home cooks the world over, allowing you to cook food that has been brought to the boil by conventional methods for up to eight hours without electricity or fuel.\n\nThe real wonder of the Wonderbag, however, is the difference it has made to the lives of thousands of rural women around the world. Billions of people cook over open fire every day, with women and girls burdened with time-consuming tasks like collecting firewood and cooking in harsh conditions. The Wonderbag saves time, decreases air pollution and saves trees. Over the past 10 years, more than 1.5 million Wonderbags have been activated worldwide."", null, ""How fitting it was then, that on International Women’s Day, social entrepreneur Sarah was named as one of Africa’s ‘New Wealth Creators’ by Forbes Africa Woman magazine at the Leading Women summit held in Durban. Amongst the speakers at the summit were Naomi Campbell, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters and other high-ranking CEO’s and sportswomen. Managing editor of Forbes Woman Africa, Methil Renuka said the nominated women were pioneers within their industries. “These women are pioneering within their industries, as well as pioneering industries themselves, tapping into previously unknown sources of income and transforming the world as we know it.”\n\nPassionate about helping women the world over reach their full potential, Sarah says she felt honoured to have been nominated. “Every woman in Africa is a potential entrepreneur, but if they spend up to eight hours collecting firewood and water as well as cooking – how can they ever have time to earn an income or tend to their agricultural land and sell produce in the market? That’s why I created the Wonderbag. I believe Africa needs economic stimulation in rural communities to ease the burden on urbanisation. If we can allow women to take their rightful place as entrepreneurs and matriarchs of their homes, we will significantly short the gap to fill empty tummies, as well as get children into school and allow girls to have more freedom to pursue and achieve great things.”"", null, ""The ingenious Wonderbag, used by refugees and humanitarian interventions around the world, is simple to use and revolutionary and can and is changing lives.\n\nGetting it right at Mount Edgecombe Country Club!\n\n25th Apr 2022\nWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.OkPrivacy policy"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/medical-technology-300x200.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/tampa-bays-medtech-hub-emerges-from-pandemic-poised-for-growth/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/medical-technology-300x200.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/medical-technology-300x200.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""medical technology"", ""alt_text"": ""medical technology"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 200, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 200, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/tampa-bays-medtech-hub-emerges-from-pandemic-poised-for-growth/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573145.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20220818003501-20220818033501-00678.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 608951108, ""warc_record_length"": 40913}""","[ null, ""2 min read August 2021 — For many years, pioneering healthcare professionals have been promoting telehealth and technological innovations to make the business of caring for patients easier and more efficient. But the ideas often gained little traction, and normally among niche circles. Until now. Medical technology is now becoming mainstream, especially in Tampa Bay, known as one of Florida’s preeminent life sciences hubs.\n\nAccording to reports, the number of Americans using telemedicine in 2020 almost doubled on the year to 41.7 million. In the same year, healthcare companies raised over $80.6 billion, up from $57.3 billion in 2019.\n\nThis combination of medical expertise, innovation and increased funding, in addition to a much more wide scale acceptance of technology, has led to the rise of medtech in Tampa Bay.\n\nOne example of this can be seen in a recent partnership between Tampa General Hospital and the Florida-Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA) to use innovative solutions to improve healthcare delivery in the region. Seven Israeli startups of the 50 applicants were selected to create ways to streamline the hospital’s day-to-day operations.\n\nIsrael is known as a global leader in healthcare innovation, and earlier in the year Tampa General announced another partnership, this time with Sheba Medical Center, a renowned teaching hospital located in Tel Aviv.\n\nIn fact, Tampa General is doing so much to adopt new technologies into its operations that, this May, it received a Stage 7 designation from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. The hospital’s outpatient unit was awarded for its success in outpatient and ambulatory EMR adoption, capabilities and usage. Less than 7% of the nation’s hospitals have been able to achieve the Stage 7 designation.\n\nAnd Tampa General is not the only hospital to get excited about the prospect of medical technologies. In July, Largo Medical Center announced it would offer a brand-new FDA-approved technology to help with the early detection of colon cancer. The technology adds AI to a standard colonoscopy to help reduce the 20-25% miss-rate for polyp detection.\n\nTampa-based nursing school USF Health has also partnered with a local startup called Edgility, which provides technology that improves communication gaps and delays in information flow. The program will allow USF’s trainee nurses the opportunity to gain insight into digital technologies and ways in which it can improve patient outcomes.\n\nTechnology can be deployed in the healthcare field in a variety of ways, from telemedicine to advanced diagnostics and everything in between. This could include improving medical access to rural communities, improving accuracy of procedures, even down to simplifying the way patient records are held to create greater efficiency.\n\nIt is no secret, then, why venture capital firms are pouring funding into the space. In January, Tampa startup Aspen RxHealth, a company that uses telehealth and the gig economy, received $23 million in funding following a successful $9 million Series A funding round. Also in January, SOMA Global, a cloud-based system for first responders, raised $22.5 million in Series A funding from Weatherford Capital. And Tampa-based startup eRemede closed a $1.55 million funding round this July that will allow it to fully integrate its platform into a telehealth format. The company has developed an app that facilitates direct patient-doctor communication while keeping patient records secure.\n\nTampa’s medtech sector is growing fast but there is still plenty of opportunity now that people are aware of the possibilities. According to an EY report, the sector has consistently outperformed broader healthcare indices, including Big Pharma and the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index. The industry was valued at roughly half a trillion dollars in 2019 and is expected to grow to over $670 billion by 2027."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/e12d9d5f2e1c835ac4f7999ea2a3a1ab86f4c926/c=648-0-1937-1719/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056147644446--TJM4214-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/78013b6ce0e3692bd29d5c57f4dab5a8dc1c2460/c=570-0-1706-1515/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056149828460--TJM4221-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", null, ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/c396a3a0ddbd3763f62eafcf5011d0b8edf020f3/c=373-0-1081-944/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056124088295--TJM4044-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", null, ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/8ae4f8aa293931748ca42903c4ad0070775a749a/c=0-50-900-1250/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056120344271--TJM4063-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", 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""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/68a27cfc7883bebe5fe67f144fa98e9fbfb89145/c=312-0-1466-1539/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056125960307--TJM4179-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/68a27cfc7883bebe5fe67f144fa98e9fbfb89145/c=312-0-1466-1539/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056125960307--TJM4179-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""Wylie's Peyton Wood (11) celebrates his goal in the 57th minute against Amarillo Tascosa. The Bulldogs won 2-0 on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium."", ""original_width"": 292, ""original_height"": 390, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/068b087b227fc2b5e4ea792557b1f3f4964405c1/c=22-0-700-904/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056106148180--TJM4186-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/068b087b227fc2b5e4ea792557b1f3f4964405c1/c=22-0-700-904/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056106148180--TJM4186-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""Wylie's Peyton Wood (11) is congratulated by teammates following his goal in the second half of the 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium."", ""original_width"": 292, ""original_height"": 390, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/de538f6e9aaedd506d8d24f5ccb9d1d08ce47c43/c=953-35-1751-1098/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056116444246--TJM4203-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/de538f6e9aaedd506d8d24f5ccb9d1d08ce47c43/c=953-35-1751-1098/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056116444246--TJM4203-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""Wylie's Riley Garrison (10), right takes a free kick short to Franky Becerra (14) during the 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium."", ""original_width"": 292, ""original_height"": 390, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/8a0b1ad8205b298830178dbb148364753e4a9bce/c=487-0-1384-1196/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532003407450370--TJM4083-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/8a0b1ad8205b298830178dbb148364753e4a9bce/c=487-0-1384-1196/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532003407450370--TJM4083-2-.JPG?width=292&height=390&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""Wylie's Julian Munoz (9) plays a ball against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018."", ""original_width"": 292, ""original_height"": 390, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f5de42bb34cd5cd3aae0ec540d721a9992c7c15e/c=265-0-2312-1539/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056125960307--TJM4179-2-.JPG?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f5de42bb34cd5cd3aae0ec540d721a9992c7c15e/c=265-0-2312-1539/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056125960307--TJM4179-2-.JPG?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""636532056125960307--TJM4179-2-.JPG"", ""original_width"": 534, ""original_height"": 401, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/bb1eb791daabdc5c82ab14a1d903557b5460037e/c=0-0-1302-979/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056124556298--TJM4076-2-.JPG?width=540&height=405&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/bb1eb791daabdc5c82ab14a1d903557b5460037e/c=0-0-1302-979/local/-/media/2018/02/02/TXGroup/Abilene/636532056124556298--TJM4076-2-.JPG?width=540&height=405&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""TJM"", ""alt_text"": ""Wylie's Zane McCurley (3) takes a free kick short during the 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium."", ""rendered_width"": 540, ""original_width"": 540, ""original_height"": 405, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.reporternews.com/story/sports/high-school/2018/02/02/abilene-wylie-boys-soccer-outlasts-amarillo-tascosa/302553002/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875146127.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20200225172036-20200225202036-00133.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 865233254, ""warc_record_length"": 43982}""","[ null, null, ""Wylie's Kyle Morris (6) heads the ball out of the box during the 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium. Jordan Hofeditz/Reporter-News\nFullscreen"", null, ""Wylie's Peyton Wood (11) turns up field around a pair of Amarillo Tascosa defenders during the 2-0 win on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018. Jordan Hofeditz/Reporter-News\nFullscreen"", null, null, null, null, null, null, ""Wylie's Peyton Wood (11) is congratulated by teammates following his goal in the second half of the 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 at Bulldog Stadium. Jordan Hofeditz/Reporter-News\nFullscreen"", null, null, null, ""Coming off a tie earlier in the week the Wylie boys soccer team got back in the win column on Friday night with a 2-0 win against Amarillo Tascosa at Bulldog Stadium.\n\nIt is the second win in three games for the Bulldogs (8-3-3) who had gone winless in their previous four. Friday was the first time since the 4-1 win against Mexia on Jan. 13 in the Palestine Wildcat Invitational.\n\nMore: Wylie Bulldogs football ready for 5A with announcement of UIL district\n\nSince then, Wylie has been working on getting its offense going and some of that came on Friday.\n\n\""We've been working in practice really hard on putting some combinations together,\"" Wylie coach Chris Kincaid said. \""I think we did that (Friday). We were still lacking a little on the final execution, but to score and put a little pressure on a team was nice to see.\""\n\nThe Bulldogs chances throughout the first half, but were unable to break through. The game went to halftime scoreless and stayed that way through the first 15 minutes of the second half until Peyton Wood was able to get the Bulldogs on the board with under 24 minutes to play."", null, ""Wood’s initial header off the corner was saved, but he was in the perfect position to knock the rebound past Tascosa’s keeper.\n\nWylie doubled its lead with 11:11 to play as Zane McCurley curled in a free kick just outside the box off the keeper’s hands and into the back of the net.\n\n\""We've been so close,\"" Kincaid said. \""Really, I think we've been really close on our corners. We worked extremely hard on that. That's something we take pride in being better than the opposing team. You could see that one, Franky played a really good ball to Peyton and he didn't get it on the header, but he got the rebound. It's nice to see the work we do in practice pay off in a game.\""\n\nThe Bulldogs wrap up their nondistrict play on Monday when they host Cooper at 7:30 p.m. The next game up for Wylie will be Feb. 16 in Brownwood for the District 4-4A opener.\n\nLady Bulldogs knock off Kennedale on the road\n\nComing off three straight one-goal losses the Lady Bulldogs picked up a big road victory 3-0 at Kennedale on Friday night.\n\nAfter a scoreless first half, the Lady Bulldogs (8-4-1) got things going after halftime. Alaina Lewis got the offense started off a back post pass from Blayre O'Donald.\n\nGracie McCaslin doubled Wylie's lead off a Tatum McClellan assist. Lewis doubled her scoring total for the game while putting the Lady Bulldogs up 3-0 off a rebound with 14 minutes to play."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.casino.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Boris-johnson-1024x819.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://vegasonlinecasino.com/johnson-eyes-uk-snap-election-faces-short-odds-for-short-stay-as-pm/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.casino.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Boris-johnson-1024x819.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.casino.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Boris-johnson-1024x819.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Boris johnson"", ""rendered_width"": 980, ""rendered_height"": 784, ""original_width"": 1024, ""original_height"": 819, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://vegasonlinecasino.com/johnson-eyes-uk-snap-election-faces-short-odds-for-short-stay-as-pm/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400205950.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20200922094539-20200922124539-00754.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 687687277, ""warc_record_length"": 11195}""","[ ""\nBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson is seeking a snap election for a new Parliament as part of a deal he’s proposing to give members more time to mull over the Brexit deal he’s trying to get through the legislative body. If lawmakers agree, it opens the door for gamblers in the United Kingdom to cash in on some betting opportunities against the controversial leader."", null, ""Johnson’s gambit comes as the European Union has agreed to extend the deadline for Britain’s departure from the political and economic body. Before that decision, Britain was to leave the EU by Thursday, regardless of whether a deal had been approved for the divorce.\n\nWhile the prime minister pushed to keep the closer deadline, he lost out in Parliament when it voted to request more time to consider the agreement he reached with EU officials. The request Britain sent to Brussels asked for an extension until Jan. 31. However, the EU may counter with a different extended deadline date.\n\nIn a letter to opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, he proposed a Dec. 12 date for the election. In doing so, Johnson said that would give current members of Parliament (MPs) until Nov. 6 to debate and possibly act on the Brexit agreement before the legislative body is dissolved.\n\nIf the current body can’t reach a decision, then the new MPs would be in place by Christmas and have potentially a month to decide on the agreement, or ask again for more time.\n\nIt is our duty to end this nightmare and provide the country with a solution as soon as we reasonably can,” Johnson wrote.\n\nCorbyn, however, has been leery of efforts to call for an election unless a “no-deal” Brexit, which would happen if the EU imposed a hard deadline for departure, was taken off the table.\n\nParliament could vote as early as Monday whether to agree to a Dec. 12 election. In order to do so, a two-thirds majority of the 650 members must vote yes.\n\nOn Saturday, Reuters reported that two minority parties in Parliament have come together to push for a Dec. 9 election date. The main difference between the plan offered by the Scottish National Party and Liberal Democrats is that, unlike Johnson’s plan, it is not contingent on continuing consideration of the Brexit deal.\n\nUnlike the United States, betting on elections is legal in Great Britain, and sportsbooks have several markets open regarding Johnson’s fate.\n\nThe book also has a prop bet on whether Johnson would be the prime minister with the shortest term in office. The current record is 119 days, set in 1827 by George Canning. With Johnson, who took over at 10 Downing Street on July 24, seeking a Dec. 12 election date, it seems like he would escape breaking that dubious record. However, Ladbrokes still has it posted at 7-2.\n\nThe next scheduled general election will not take place until 2022."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://ivyaccess.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/redcharlie-vGbC6mOeUCw-unsplash-1638x1004.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://ivyaccess.org/should-you-apply-early-to-college-how-to-know-if-its-right-for-you/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://ivyaccess.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/redcharlie-vGbC6mOeUCw-unsplash-1638x1004.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://ivyaccess.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/redcharlie-vGbC6mOeUCw-unsplash-1638x1004.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""redcharlie vGbC mOeUCw unsplash"", ""rendered_width"": 1638, ""rendered_height"": 1004, ""original_width"": 1638, ""original_height"": 1004, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://ivyaccess.org/should-you-apply-early-to-college-how-to-know-if-its-right-for-you/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500255.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20230205130241-20230205160241-00029.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 339254403, ""warc_record_length"": 20107}""","[ null, ""Applying early to college is a way of signaling special interest in a school, and it can improve your chances of being admitted while also letting you find out admissions decisions earlier in the year. To apply early, you’ll have to be organized and on top of your game—and, since some kinds of early admissions are binding, you’ll have to be careful not to lose options that you want to keep open. Here, I’ll explain the different kinds of early admissions programs, and how to know if they’re right for your college journey.\n\n“Applying early to college” can actually mean a few different things. Here are the types of early admissions programs, and what sets them apart from each other.\n\nEarly Decision is a binding application process: applicants choose one school, typically their first choice, and send in an application stating that if they are admitted, they will attend (barring a financial hurdle).\n\nThis application process restricts you to applying to only one school early. You apply early and find out early, but you are not required to attend if admitted.\n\nWhy Do Colleges Offer Early Admissions?\n\nMost schools really care about something called yield, a factor in college rankings. A school’s yield refers to the percentage of students who decide to attend that school upon being admitted.\n\nIn order to ensure a high yield, schools pay attention to your demonstrated interest. You can demonstrate interest in a number of ways, from opening a school’s emails (yes, they track that!) to going on a tour.\n\nApplying early decision is the ultimate form of demonstrating interest: schools no longer have to guess whether you’ll attend their school, they know it.\n\nThe schools that really care about demonstrated interested tend to be highly selective, but may not have the name recognition or locale appeal of a Harvard or Stanford. Everyone’s interested in Harvard and Stanford, but the slightly-less-well-known selective schools will want to be as confident as possible that you won’t be swept away by another school once they admit you.\n\nShould I Apply Early to College?\n\nI once heard the director of admissions at a highly selective school compare applying to college to dating. He said Early Decision is when you’re really serious: you think you’ve found the one and you’re hoping they agree.\n\nBefore you go off and press that submit button, ask yourself the following questions. If you can say yes to all of them, then an early application could be for you.\n\nWhat Steps Do I Need to Take to Apply Early?\n\nTo be able to apply early, you’ll need to have clear favorite schools—that you’ve visited!—have your strongest essays, and understand how you’ll be approaching financial aid. You can do it if you think ahead: it’s not harder to have your applications ready by November 1 than by January 1, it just takes a little more planning.\n\nThe Last Word on Applying Early to College\n\nAt the end of the day, your college application process is your own, and there’s no cookie-cutter way to go about it. However, the more you know, the more strategically you can package your application. Whichever way you decide to apply, make sure that you’re proud of what you submit. This process can be stressful and exhausting, and it’s easy to want to just submit something to get it over with, but doing the process right is one of the clearest and most important positive steps you can take for your future in your entire life. Make a plan and take your time. You got this!"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.goldderby.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/world-of-dance-vpeepz.jpg?w=620&h=360&crop=1"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.goldderby.com/article/2019/the-kings-world-of-dance-choreography-emmy-news/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.goldderby.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/world-of-dance-vpeepz.jpg?w=620&h=360&crop=1"", ""src"": ""https://www.goldderby.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/world-of-dance-vpeepz.jpg?w=620&h=360&crop=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""world of dance vpeepz"", ""alt_text"": ""VPeepz on World of Dance"", ""rendered_width"": 620, ""rendered_height"": 360, ""original_width"": 620, ""original_height"": 360, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.goldderby.com/article/2019/the-kings-world-of-dance-choreography-emmy-news/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145533.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20200221142006-20200221172006-00512.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 747419601, ""warc_record_length"": 33296}""","[ ""Over the course of three seasons, no one has dominated “World of Dance” quite like The Kings, the Indian hip-hop crew who swept through season three this past spring with five dances that averaged an astonishing judges’ score of 98.8, including a perfect 100 in the season finale. Now three of those routines are nominated for Best Choreography at the Emmys, and they might be tough to beat. Watch all of their season two routines above.\n\nThe group’s choreographer is Suresh Mukund, who’s nominated for “Malhari” from the Duels, “Yeh Raat” from the Divisional Final and “O Fortuna,” the routine that won them the million-dollar grand prize. The dances were highlighted by their high-flying stunts, but they were also distinguished by their originality, variety, storytelling and the ability of the dancers to create illusions in real-time, like wind blowing through their costumes and even a slow-motion fight sequence in their finale number. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t also earn Emmy nominations for Best Visual Effects and Best Stunt Coordination.\n\nWhen it comes to awards, sometimes more is more, and Mukund may have the most elaborate choreography in this year’s Emmy lineup. But this is also the first time “World of Dance” has ever been nominated for this award. The show was completely skunked last year for its first season, though this year it claimed four of the six nomination slots. Also nominated for the show are Melvin “Timtim” Rogador, Tessandra Chavez and the duo of Karen Forcano and Ricardo Vega. Perhaps just as formidable are the two “So You Think You Can Dance” nominees: two-time winner Travis Wall and overdue Luther Brown. But if academy judges are like “World of Dance” judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough and Ne-Yo, then Mukund just might be the Emmy King."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://muse.jhu.edu/article/478241/pdfimage"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://muse.jhu.edu/article/478241/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/article/478241/pdfimage"", ""src"": ""https://muse.jhu.edu/article/478241/pdfimage"", ""formatted_filename"": ""pdfimage"", ""alt_text"": ""pdf"", ""original_width"": 500, ""original_height"": 750, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://muse.jhu.edu/article/478241/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655906214.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20200710050953-20200710080953-00496.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 536135708, ""warc_record_length"": 9408}""","[ ""In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:\nReviewed by:\nNach Amerika: Die Geschichte der deutschen Auswanderung, by Bernd Brunner. Becksche Reihe. Munich: Beck, 2009. 253 pp. €12.95.\n\nThis is not a scholarly book, but a brief survey of the history of German immigration to the United States for the general reader. The author is known for his book Bears: A Brief History (Yale University Press, 2007) that was praised as \""a little gem\"" by the New York Times in 2007. The first German-speaking group to come to America in 1683 was thirteen Quaker families from the city of Krefeld under the leadership of Franz Daniel Pastorius. They had been invited by William Penn and were the founders of Germantown in Pennsylvania. While seventeenth-century German immigration consisted mostly of Christian sects seeking freedom of religion, the motivation changed during the eighteenth century, when economic forces such as bad harvests, starvation, and lack of land became the prime reason. During the nineteenth century, it was politics that was the major factor of emigration: the failure of the 1848 revolution in Europe, the discrimination against Jews in many of the German principalities, and military conscription. By 1914, seven million Germans had left for the United States.\n\nThe author follows this chronology, including the history of German-speaking immigration after World Wars I and II, but he has also chapters that transcend the chronology, such as German perceptions of Americans and [End Page 182] vice versa, immigrants and slavery, contact with other ethnic groups, and the growth and decline of the German language in the United States. A special chapter is devoted to the situation of German Jewish immigrants during the nineteenth century, but there is none for the twentieth century. The mass exodus of 150,000 German-speaking Jews due to Nazi persecution is presented under the chapter heading of \""The American Exile.\"" This title is misleading because they were immigrants and not exiles who wanted to return to Germany after World War II.\n\nThe best chapters are on the early immigration, while the modern period shows some omissions and basic misunderstandings. The attraction of Hollywood before 1933 that brought Marlene Dietrich, Vicki Baum, and William Dieterle to California is not mentioned. Thomas Mann was not a representative of the \""other Germany,\"" but insisted on the identity of the good and evil Germany in his speech on \""Germany and the Germans\"" of 1945. And it was not Schoenberg's employment by the University of California, Los Angeles that \""saved\"" him from selling out to Hollywood, but a missed opportunity, when the composer requested absolute control over the score for the movie \""The Good Earth.\"" The deportation of Japanese Americans on the West Coast into relocation camps was based on an executive order by President Roosevelt in 1942 and had nothing to do with the arrest of pro-Nazi sympathizers by the FBI and the Justice Department. Germans and Italians on the West Coast were exempted from the regulations of the executive order, but were subject to a curfew and travel restrictions.\n\nOne of the problems not addressed is the fact that there were a great number of German-speaking immigrants from states that were established after 1918, such as Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Writers, actors, scriptwriters, directors, and producers, such as Fritz Lang, Peter Lorre, Salka Viertel, Franz Werfel, Billy Wilder, and Otto Preminger, came from these countries but were representatives of Weimar culture,.\n\nAs a final aspect the issue of the German-speaking immigrants as an \""invisible minority\"" is discussed. The author traces their desire for accelerated integration to their status as former enemies of both World Wars and to their affinity to the Protestant work ethic of their American neighbors. The Holocaust is another factor that should have been considered.\n\nThere are eighteen short biographies of immigrants included, among them those of Wernher von Braun and Henry Kissinger, who make an odd..."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_01-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_02-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_03-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_04-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_05-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_06-1050x591.jpg"", ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_07-1050x591.jpg"", 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""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_13-1050x591.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""forza horizon hot wheels expansion"", ""original_width"": 1050, ""original_height"": 591, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.sub5zero.com/forza-horizon-3-hot-wheels-expansion/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_14-1050x591.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/forza_horizon_3_hot_wheels_expansion_14-1050x591.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""forza horizon hot wheels expansion"", ""original_width"": 1050, ""original_height"": 591, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.sub5zero.com/forza-horizon-3-hot-wheels-expansion/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571246.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20220811073058-20220811103058-00228.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 908959008, ""warc_record_length"": 16489}""","[ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ""When the original Forza Horizon for Xbox 360 dropped in late 2012, it represented a seismic shift away from the first four Forza Motorsport games that preceded it in that it took the racing action off the sanitized confines of closed courses and out into the real (virtual) world, with traffic, terrain and other hazards to spice things up. Two Horizon games and multiple downloadable car and content packs later, Playground Games and Turn 10 Studios are taking this video game series to the most whimsical, least simulation-oriented place it’s yet been. And our inner 7-year-old couldn’t be more stoked about it.\n\nThe Forza Horizon 3 Hot Wheels Expansion does, as you might expect, include quite a few full-size functional recreations of Hot Wheels toy cars. In fact, four of the nine vehicles that have been revealed (the pack also comes with a barn find classic whose identity is a secret) are HW originals: The Twin Mill, the Rip Rod and two returning Forza Motorsport 6 DLC stars – the Bone Shaker and 2005 Hot Wheels Ford Mustang – are added to the list of rides you’ll find in the game’s auto show. The other five vehicles are a bit more grounded in reality…if you can call exotics like the Pagani Zonda R and Zenvo ST1 or the Jeep Trailcat Concept “grounded in reality.” You’ll also find a polar-expedition-ready Toyota Hilux pickup modified by Arctic Trucks similar to the one James May and Jeremy Clarkson took to the magnetic North Pole on a Top Gear special a decade ago, and the 1972 Chrysler VH Valiant Charger R/T E49, the most sought after and most potent example of Australian Mopar muscle. However, the cars are only half the story…\n\nAnd man alive, dig that other half! The pack also comes with a map expansion consisting of six islands with different themes, all of which are interconnected by sections of larger-than-life plastic Hot Wheels track complete with banking, boosters, loops, jumps and other crazy sections, most of which are suspended hundreds of feet in the air! What’s more, you’ll be able to alter the tracks to some extent and challenge your buddies to successfully navigate them. Yeah, there’s a lot to geek out about here, but you’re going to have to wait until May 9 to experience it. Oh, and you’ll have to fork over $19.99 for it (unless you already bought the Forza Horizon 3 Expansion pass, in which case it, like the previous Blizzard Mountain Expansion, is included)."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Save-the-Date-SLC-2022-2-300x300.png"", ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IMG_6049-300x150.png"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://flfccla.org/floridas-own-jorge-sanchez-elected-to-the-2022-2023-national-executive-council/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Save-the-Date-SLC-2022-2-300x300.png"", ""src"": ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Save-the-Date-SLC-2022-2-300x300.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Save the Date SLC"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://flfccla.org/floridas-own-jorge-sanchez-elected-to-the-2022-2023-national-executive-council/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IMG_6049-300x150.png"", ""src"": ""https://flfccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IMG_6049-300x150.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 150, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 150, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://flfccla.org/floridas-own-jorge-sanchez-elected-to-the-2022-2023-national-executive-council/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882570901.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809033952-20220809063952-00127.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 259225724, ""warc_record_length"": 17695}""","[ ""TAMPA – Florida FCCLA’s own Jorge Sanchez from Tampa, Florida (District VI, Region III) was elected to serve as the National Vice President of Finance on the 2022-2023 National Executive Council.\n\nJoined by nine other student leaders from across the nation, Jorge will serve the National Organization by serving on the National Board of Directors and the Finance Committee. Other responsibilities include overseeing FCCLA’s Ultimate Leadership Fund (UNF) and preparing the End-of-Year Financial Report for the National Executive Council.\n\nThe last National Officer to be elected from Florida was Jessica Hagood (2009-2010), who served as the Vice President of Community Service.\n\nThis site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed."", null, null ]",, +,"[ ""https://embracetheatre.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/donny-headshot.jpeg?w=300&h=200"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://embracetheatre.ca/2015/10/24/meet-the-macbeth-team/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://embracetheatre.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/donny-headshot.jpeg?w=300&h=200"", ""src"": ""https://embracetheatre.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/donny-headshot.jpeg?w=300&h=200"", ""formatted_filename"": ""donny headshot"", ""alt_text"": ""Donny Headshot"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 200, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 199, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://embracetheatre.ca/2015/10/24/meet-the-macbeth-team/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711218.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207185519-20221207215519-00868.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 249999923, ""warc_record_length"": 25395}""","[ null, ""Donovan is excited and thrilled to be a part of Embrace Theare’s production of Macbeth this year! Donovan is a Saskatoon-based theatre artist originally from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan and co-founder of Two Unruly Gentlemen Theatre. In addition to being an actor, he is also a poet, musician, songwriter, and served as music director for Two Corpses Go Dancing for which he recived the SATAward for Outstanding Musical Direction, Sound Design or Original Composition. This past year Donovan has also begun teaching classes at the Persephone Theatre School. Past acting credits include Hercules (Sum Theatre),Two Corpses Go Dancing (Live Five/Two Unruly Gentlemen), Run For Your Wife (Magdalene Theatre) Bottome’s Dreame (Embrace Theatre),Into the Woods, Henry IV Part 1, Amadeus, and Assassins (Greystone Theatre)."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://freemansperspective.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/BabyBoomers-300x198.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://freemansperspective.com/baby-boomers-cultural-prison/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/BabyBoomers-300x198.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://freemansperspective.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/BabyBoomers-300x198.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""BabyBoomers"", ""alt_text"": ""BabyBoomers"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 198, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 198, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://freemansperspective.com/baby-boomers-cultural-prison/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335396.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20220929225326-20220930015326-00045.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 303090368, ""warc_record_length"": 18820}""","[ null, ""A few years ago I was struck by this comment by a reviewer named Michael Azerrad:\n\nWalk around any urban center in the Western Hemisphere and you’ll eventually come upon someone dressed like a punk rocker. That look was codified as early as 1977, and yet 34 years later, kids still replicate it… But in 1977, did you see bohemian youth attired like bobby-soxers from the ’40s?\n\nAzerrad was right. The popular culture of our era is old and stagnant… an unnatural development and one that I maintain is unhealthy.\n\nThe rock concert is unchanged since the 1960s, the products of the music industry come from the same old mold (many barely being “music” at all), movie studios roll out rehashes one after another, and modern art still pursues what Salvador Dali, in a moment of truthfulness, called “the cult of strange.” Once the entertainment corporations stumble upon a successful show, you can expect half a dozen copies.\n\nTo put it simply, we’re suffering through a cultural stasis. More than that, we’re living in a single flavor of cultural stasis, one dominated and maintained by baby boomers.\n\nWith small exceptions, the “social furniture” of the West, and especially in the US, has remained unchanged since the 1970s, enforced by baby boomers who’ve held power for the entire run. Generation X and the Millennials have been stuck in the same patterns; they were, in effect, baby boomer version 1.1 and baby boomer version 1.2.\n\nUnderstand, please, that lots of business and political types are addicted to this model and very much do not wish for it to change. Generation X and the Millennials have been held in these patterns, when by nature they would likely have changed. (As I know many of them have wanted to.)\n\nTwo Reasons This Will Change\n\nAs I examined this, I’ve found two big reasons why this will soon enough change, regardless of the titanic corporate and political forces that need it to not change:\n\nThe first reason is very simple: The baby boomers are getting old.\n\nThe baby boomers are slowing down, relinquishing their control, and dying. The oldest baby boomers are hitting 72 this year. More and more of their icons and pillars will be checking out. The hands on the levers are growing weak, and a bunch of the most prominent cultural boomers have been exposed as creepy serial abusers.\n\nAnd so, the cultural version of “science proceeds one funeral at a time” is now gathering steam. The iron grip on culture that prevailed for so long is weakening. What comes next will not only be different, but it will tend to look at itself as “other” to what went before. Already, studies are showing young people less likely to take drugs, among other examples. The old model is cracking and the search for new social furniture is under way.\n\nThe second reason is that the coming generation is too different from the baby boomers for the pattern to hold.\n\nThe generation now in puberty was born after 9/11 (9/11 being the major cultural wave after 2001). These young people have no more association with it than Richard Simmons and Stevie Nicks had to World War II. They don’t know what a modem was, and they’ve never really known the US to send people into space. Perhaps more directly, they’re watching politics descend into knee-jerk hatreds, they’ve never known a time when the US wasn’t running multiple wars, and their aunts and uncles are being ruined with debt serfdom.\n\nBeyond that, most of them know about dark markets and cryptocurrency. They also know that their parents are enslaved to work through their smart phones, that college is for rich kids or those who are willing to accept debt slavery, that all the good jobs require the aforesaid rich parents or debt slavery, that the crypto-economy doesn’t require those things, and that politics is where people go to hate each other.\n\nThe coming generation, then, is going to be different from their grandparents’ and great-grandparents’… as it should be.\n\nAnd so the extended cultural influence of the boomers will give way to something new, regardless of the stasis machine trying to hold everything in place. It appears to me that politics, media, and big advertising lack the manipulative voltage to force yet another generation into the mold of the baby boomers, and I certainly hope they don’t."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://dailyboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/julia-roberts-reveals-martin-luther-king-jr-paid-the-hospital-bill-for-her-birth.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://dailyboard.org/julia-roberts-reveals-martin-luther-king-jr-paid-the-hospital-bill-for-her-birth.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://dailyboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/julia-roberts-reveals-martin-luther-king-jr-paid-the-hospital-bill-for-her-birth.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://dailyboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/julia-roberts-reveals-martin-luther-king-jr-paid-the-hospital-bill-for-her-birth.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""julia roberts reveals martin luther king jr paid the hospital bill for her birth"", ""original_width"": 5214, ""original_height"": 2996, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://dailyboard.org/julia-roberts-reveals-martin-luther-king-jr-paid-the-hospital-bill-for-her-birth.html"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711108.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206124909-20221206154909-00787.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 216975464, ""warc_record_length"": 18867}""","[ null, ""In a recent conversation with CBS News reporter Gayle King for the History Channel, actor Julia Roberts revealed that late civil rights activists Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, who were close friends of her parents, paid the hospital bill for her birth.\n\n“The King family paid for my hospital bill… Martin Luther King and Coretta,” Roberts told Gayle King, according to Insider.\n\nThe conversation from late September, which was part of a series called “HISTORYTalks” held in Washington, D.C., went viral Friday when Zara Rahim, a former strategic adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted the interview clip to celebrate the actor’s 55th birthday.\n\n“One day Coretta called my mother and asked if her kids could be part of the school because they were having a hard time finding a place that would accept her kids,” Roberts told King. “My mom was like, ‘Sure, come on over,’ and so they all just became friends.”\n\nRoberts said her parents, Walter and Betty Lou Roberts, ran the Actors and Writers Workshop in Atlanta before she was born in 1967. Segregation kept the civil rights leader’s daughters from attending white schools — and even their entry in a theater school sparked violence.\n\nThe Ku Klux Klan blew up a car outside the school after Yolanda, the eldest King daughter, was cast in a play in which she kissed Philip DePoy, a white actor, who chronicled the terrifying incident of domestic terrorism in an essay for ARTS ATL in 2013.\n\n“I kissed a girl, and 10 yards away, a Buick exploded,” wrote DePoy. “… The girl was Yolanda King, daughter of Coretta and Martin Luther King Jr. I was primarily Caucasian and Yolanda wasn’t. That’s what the trouble was about. I don’t know who owned the Buick, but I know who blew it up.”\n\nRoberts said the Kings “helped us out of a jam” when her parents couldn’t afford to pay the hospital bill for her birth on Oct. 28, 1967, in Smyrna, Georgia. She never stopped being vocal about racial injustice and told Rolling Stone in 1990 that her town was “horribly racist” and a “living hell,” according to The New York Times.\n\n“In the ’60s, you didn’t have little Black children interacting with little white kids in an acting school, and your parents were like, ‘Come on in,’” King marveled in response to Roberts’ story. “I think that’s extraordinary, and it sort of lays the groundwork for who you are.”"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://d2v9ipibika81v.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/147/1.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://rw.usembassy.gov/combat-malnutrition/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://d2v9ipibika81v.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/147/1.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://d2v9ipibika81v.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/147/1.jpg"", ""rendered_width"": 750, ""rendered_height"": 453, ""original_width"": 750, ""original_height"": 453, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://rw.usembassy.gov/combat-malnutrition/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703519883.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20210120023125-20210120053125-00746.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 539849860, ""warc_record_length"": 20994}""","[ null, ""U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda Erica J. Barks-Ruggles visited Ruvugizo Village in Kinazi sector in Huye on December 5 to promote U.S. government-funded activities to combat malnutrition. During her visit, the Ambassador observed Growth Monitoring Promotion activities conducted at the village level along with Positive Deviance Hearth activities, which focus on identifying good behaviors practiced by mothers and caretakers of well-nourished children. The visit also allowed Ambassador Barks-Ruggles to participate in a Farmer Field School demonstration of kitchen gardens. The Ambassador distributed garden and kitchen tools to community members and helped served a nutritious lunch to participating children.\n\nThe U.S. Embassy in Kigali awarded a $250,000 (RwF 210 million) grant to Francois-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Rwanda in September to improve nutritional behaviors as well as water sanitation and hygiene and to combat malnutrition in all 14 sectors of Huye. The project is expected to assist 53,000 children under the age of five and 10,000 pregnant and lactating women. It will also promote male engagement in the nutrition of their children. The project started in Gishamvu sector in October and will be completed in 2019.\n\nThis program is part of the U.S. Government-wide approach to accelerate progress in nutrition. Through USAID-funded programs, such as Community Health and Improved Nutrition and Feed the Future, the U.S. Government is helping strengthen and expand community-based nutrition programs to prevent undernutrition in young children and in pregnant and lactating women, as well as to promote agricultural productivity across Rwanda."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://onlinenewsglobal.sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20123006/png_20221020_122658_0000.png"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.brnews.co.in/sajid-khans-confession-said-i-have-seen-many-girls/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://onlinenewsglobal.sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20123006/png_20221020_122658_0000.png"", ""src"": ""https://onlinenewsglobal.sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20123006/png_20221020_122658_0000.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""png"", ""rendered_width"": 390, ""rendered_height"": 211, ""original_width"": 2000, ""original_height"": 1080, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.brnews.co.in/sajid-khans-confession-said-i-have-seen-many-girls/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499713.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20230129112153-20230129142153-00801.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 707084939, ""warc_record_length"": 18921}""","[ ""Sajid Khan is in trouble these days. Ever since she has stepped into the season 16 of ‘Bigg Boss’, many actresses are giving their statements and also spewing their venom against Sajid. Recently, a video of Sajid Khan, who has been away from the big screen for 4 years due to allegations of MeToo, has surfaced, in which he can reveal many more personal secrets about the break of his engagement, about his past relationship. They are seen opening in front of the camera. After this video surfaced, he is being trolled even more.\n\nSajid Khan is in the headlines these days for his entry in ‘Bigg Boss 16’. From the very first day in Bigg Boss, Sajid Khan is making big revelations one after the other. At the premiere of the show, he admitted in front of Salman Khan that he was proud of his stardom. Now another big disclosure of Sajid Khan has come to the fore, in which he is seen talking about his own character and talked about the breakdown of marriage with Gauahar Khan. This video of him is becoming very viral.\n\nSajid Khan taking about his relationships from BollyBlindsNGossip\n\nSaid this thing to many girls\n\nAn old interview of Sajid Khan is going viral these days, in which he talked about his past relationships. In the video, he admitted to being engaged to Gauahar Khan and said that he never married despite several linkups. He said that despite his engagement with Gauahar, he used to say ‘I love you’ to many girls, hanging out with them. Used to propose marriage to every girl and many girls also became serious and in this sense I had to get married 350.\n\nAfter this video of Sajid Khan surfaced, he is being trolled a lot. Let us tell you, 9 women of the industry accused him of sexual harassment. All of them have worked with the filmmaker on different projects. After the allegations against himself, Sajid withdrew himself from the film as a director of ‘Housefull 4’.\n\nSajid Khan talks about his character\n\nIn this old video, Sajid Khan is seen talking to Kiran Juneja in his show ‘Koshish Se Kamyab Tak’. When the host asked him about his separation from Gauahar, Sajid said, “At that time I had a loose character. I was hanging out with my girls and lying a lot."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/content/images/size/w600/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits-banner.jpg"", null, ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/content/images/size/w600/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass-banner.jpg"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/meratrim-functional-foods-support-good-weight-loss/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/content/images/size/w600/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits-banner.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/content/images/size/w600/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits/potatoes-ingredients-nutrition-and-health-benefits-banner.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""potatoes ingredients nutrition and health benefits banner"", ""alt_text"": ""Potatoes: Ingredients Nutrition and Health Benefits"", ""original_width"": 340, ""original_height"": 247, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/meratrim-functional-foods-support-good-weight-loss/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/content/images/size/w600/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass-banner.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/content/images/size/w600/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass/because-of-star-butter-made-from-cow-s-milk-eating-healthy-grass-banner.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""because of star butter made from cow s milk eating healthy grass banner"", ""alt_text"": ""Because of Star Butter Made From Cow's Milk Eating Healthy Grass"", ""original_width"": 340, ""original_height"": 247, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.dietandnutrition.club/meratrim-functional-foods-support-good-weight-loss/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334514.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20220925035541-20220925065541-00388.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 784752763, ""warc_record_length"": 9134}""","[ ""Certainly not only you have tried to lose weight and fail. This really always happens.\n\nSometimes people manage to reduce it a bit, but often they end up gaining weight again.\n\nIn fact, weight loss is very difficult and the success rate is very low.\n\nIt is for this reason that many people become desperate in finding a solution to their weight problem.\n\nThis has created a boom in the weight-loss diet pills, tablets and water-based diets to help ease weight loss.\n\nThe latest release on the market is the natural functional food called Meratrim. This is a combination of two herbs that are supposed to support fat accumulation.\n\nRecently it was introduced in the Doctor Oz program. He called it a \""breakthrough weight loss functional food.\""\n\nYou can watch the free program on .\n\nDr. Oz even conducted an unofficial \""study\"" with 30 women in his audience using Meratrim with a 2000 calorie diet and a daily walk for two weeks.\n\nOn average, these women lost 1.35 kg of weight and 7.52 cm of the waist. The results are impressive, but this is not a real study and does not prove anything.\n\nFortunately, we don't have to rely on people on television because we have research on real people.\n\nBut before we know it, let's see some basic information about Meratrim.\n\nWhat is Meratrim and how does it work?\n\nThe story behind Meratrim is that, a group of researchers wants to invent a new functional food that helps to lose weight effectively.\n\nThey took a bunch of herbs and tested the ability to alter metabolism in fat cells.\n\nResearchers gave a series of fat cells to grow in vitro and tried adding other herbs into it to see what happened.\n\nFinally, they choose two effective herbs and combine them into a mixture, and produce what they now call Meratrim.\n\nThese two herbs are called (a flower) and Garcinia mangostana (a kind of fruit). In Meratrim, these two natural herb extracts are combined in a ratio of 3: 1.\n\nBoth of these herbs have been used for traditional medicinal purposes in the past .\n\nI won't go into complex biochemical formulas, but researchers think Meratrim is likely :\n\nRemember this is what they claim is that happened in test tube . So this still has half a doubt.\n\nConclude: Meratrim is a mixture of two herbs, Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcinia mangostana. The researchers say they have many different positive effects on metabolism that takes place in fat cells.\n\nIs it as good as people say?\n\nWe have an excellent study of Meratrim with a total of 100 participants and lasting for 8 weeks:\n\nThe experiment was random, completely objective and used placebo which was the gold standard of human science experiment.\n\nAll participants followed a strict 2000 calorie diet and were instructed to walk 30 minutes a day.\n\nHere are the results:\n\nThis is important because belly fat is the most unhealthy fat in the body and involves many diseases.\n\nAlthough weight loss is often considered good for physical health, some of the most remarkable benefits are related to quality of life. This has been considered by researchers:\n\nAs you can see from the chart, Meratrim has a much stronger effect on both physical and confidence functions.\n\nThere were also a few signs of health improvement:\n\nThis will help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other dangerous diseases in the long term.\n\nSo, in summary, the Meratrim group lost 3.5 times the weight and 2 times the waist measurement compared to the placebo group. They also improved on important risk factors for disease.\n\nThese are impressive results, but there are a few important things that we should keep in mind. Research sponsored by InterHealth , the company produces and sells Meratrim.\n\nIt does not mean, however, that research is flawed, but it is clear that funding for research often affects results .\n\nConclude: One study showed Meratrim has the ability to significantly reduce weight and improve many health signs. However research has been paid for by the company that produces and sells functional foods.\n\nSide effects, dosage and administration\n\nThe study used 400 mg of Meratrim 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. A total of 800 mg daily.\n\nDrinking more than this may increase your risk of side effects. Therefore do not take more than 800 mg.\n\nIf you are going to try this medicine, be sure to choose Meratrim 100% pure and read the label carefully to make sure it is exactly that.\n\nMaybe some dishonest people will start producing cheaper fake products and call with a similar name to deceive others.\n\nMeratrim is something we should try\n\nMost people who need weight loss have tried some diets.\n\nSome of them may work for a short time, while others may not work.\n\nBut one thing is for sure Short-term solutions are never effective in the long run.\n\nAlthough the results seem promising, keep in mind that the study only took place for 8 weeks.\n\n8 weeks is not a very long time, anything can reduce weight in a short time, but in the long run it is a problem.\n\nIf the study is longer (6 months to a year), it is likely that women will start gaining weight again.\n\nUnless then a change Castle in lifestyle and eating habit . So using Meratrim will probably not lead to long-term results.\n\nThat is, if Meratrim really works as in research, it can be a useful tool to accelerate weight loss in a short time, for example if you need to. Lose Weight Fast for a certain event.\n\nBut I believe nobody can find a solution Castle for their weight problems only by taking functional foods or medicines."", null, ""Potatoes are tubers that grow underground from the roots of a tree with a scientific name Solanum tuberosum. This is the nightshade family with the tomato and tobacco plants"", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-2857c46.jpg"", null, ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-3df9ace.jpg"", ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-a637c1a.jpg"", ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-b69ec3a.jpg"", null, ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-ffbe6a3.jpg"", ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-d045d2c.jpg"", null, ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-329a918.jpg"", ""https://loungemedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/zal-dlja-meroprijatij-v-zdanii-staroj-teplicy-0ee47c1.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": 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It was used until the end of the XX century, but then abandoned. For several decades, the structure, overgrown with plants, stood in desolation, but the Saint Jean de Dieu Fondation organization decided to give it a new life."", null, null, null, ""The hospital did not have enough space for events for patients and staff, so they decided to turn the greenhouse into a multifunctional hall. The renovation project was taken up by the architectural bureau Forme Architecture + Urbanisme."", null, null, ""Since the building is of historical value and is protected by the PSMV, the architects had some restrictions. It was important to restore the structure without disturbing the original appearance of the greenhouse. But the interior space still had to be reorganized — a long bench was placed around the perimeter, which hides technical communications, and the center of the hall was left open."", null, null, ""Design in cinema: the architecture of the series “The Squid Game» in reality"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://philjackman.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/carto.jpg?w=648"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://guerrillaworking.com/2019/11/07/when-maps-are-not-good-enough/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://philjackman.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/carto.jpg?w=648"", ""src"": ""https://philjackman.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/carto.jpg?w=648"", ""formatted_filename"": ""carto"", ""alt_text"": ""Carto"", ""original_width"": 648, ""original_height"": 434, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://guerrillaworking.com/2019/11/07/when-maps-are-not-good-enough/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500042.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20230203024018-20230203054018-00333.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 304461470, ""warc_record_length"": 25778}""","[ null, ""Sometimes seeing is not believing. I am thinking of when maps are presented to show the results of an election. Take the 2017 UK parliamentary election for example. A standard map projection of the UK, the type we are used to seeing in any atlas, shows England almost entirely Conservative blue. Ignoring the other parties at the moment, Labour red only appears in small packets, around London, South Wales, the M62 corridor and the North East.\n\nWe know however that this does not reflect the actual result where the Conservative Party ended up with just under half of the parliamentary seats. The standard projection gives a distorted view because, in a huge generalization, the Conservatives tend to win in constituencies that are more rural with greater area and less densely populated, while Labour tend to be successful in constituencies that are more urban and more densely populated.\n\nI live in Northumberland where Labour lead in the south eastern part of the county, the former mining areas and the Conservatives lead in the two rural constituencies. On a standard map projection blue is the predominant colour.\n\nMy view is that gives the impression that one party is much more dominant than it really is and would like to see greater use of different kinds of projections when presenting political information.\n\nWhen it comes to political representation I would suggest that the constituency view is always used on television and in the printed media, as it more closely represents reality in terms of the make up of parliament.\n\nThe article can be found here."" ]",, +,"[ ""http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/3099/4252/products/xb1_farcry4_standard_300x300.jpg?v=1573116394"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://ceylonconnection.com/collections/video-games-accessories/products/xbox-one-farcry4"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/3099/4252/products/xb1_farcry4_standard_300x300.jpg?v=1573116394"", ""src"": ""http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/3099/4252/products/xb1_farcry4_standard_300x300.jpg?v=1573116394"", ""formatted_filename"": ""xb farcry standard"", ""alt_text"": ""XBOX ONE - FARCRY4"", ""original_width"": 190, ""original_height"": 268, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://ceylonconnection.com/collections/video-games-accessories/products/xbox-one-farcry4"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711637.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20221210005738-20221210035738-00714.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 188056039, ""warc_record_length"": 30530}""","[ null, ""In Far Cry 4, players find themselves in Kyrat, a breathtaking, perilous and wild region of the Himalayas struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king. Using a vast array of weapons, vehicles, and animals, players will write their own story across an exotic open-world landscape. SEQUEL TO THE #1 RATED SHOOTER OF 2012*"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/p7111440.jpg?w=224&h=389"", null, ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/alfons_mucha_-_1896_-_summer.jpg?w=181&h=346"", null, ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/white-tiger-wallpaper_8130.jpg?w=300&h=187"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://stellainthesun.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/the-viking-the-white-tiger-and-the-mermaid-part-i/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/p7111440.jpg?w=224&h=389"", ""src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/p7111440.jpg?w=224&h=389"", ""alt_text"": ""OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA"", ""rendered_width"": 224, ""rendered_height"": 389, ""original_width"": 224, ""original_height"": 398, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://stellainthesun.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/the-viking-the-white-tiger-and-the-mermaid-part-i/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/alfons_mucha_-_1896_-_summer.jpg?w=181&h=346"", ""src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/alfons_mucha_-_1896_-_summer.jpg?w=181&h=346"", ""formatted_filename"": ""alfons mucha summer"", ""alt_text"": ""Alfons_Mucha_-_1896_-_Summer"", ""rendered_width"": 181, ""rendered_height"": 346, ""original_width"": 181, ""original_height"": 359, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://stellainthesun.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/the-viking-the-white-tiger-and-the-mermaid-part-i/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/white-tiger-wallpaper_8130.jpg?w=300&h=187"", ""src"": ""https://stellainthesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/white-tiger-wallpaper_8130.jpg?w=300&h=187"", ""formatted_filename"": ""white tiger wallpaper"", ""alt_text"": ""White-tiger-wallpaper_8130"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 187, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 187, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://stellainthesun.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/the-viking-the-white-tiger-and-the-mermaid-part-i/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141177566.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20201124195123-20201124225123-00088.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 513248122, ""warc_record_length"": 23722}""","[ null, ""Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away in a land that was often Wintertime lived a Viking Princess. The problem with that Viking Princess was that she hated the Cold. And although her blood should be used to the Ice and Snow, considering her entire family from generations and generations had lived in the Cold, she, she only thrived in the short months of Summer. The rest of the time she would long for the heat of the Sun and the sound of crashing Waves.\n\nLuckily for her though, Vikings are famous for their adventurous side and her family was no exception. They travelled and roamed lands wherever their fortune would lead them. At least this time the Viking Princess was like her family and she loved to discover new lands. Especially since most of the time it permitted her to escape the dreaded Winter. But not all the time."", null, ""One day the Viking family settled in another Cold Kingdom. And oh how unhappy the Viking princess was. But she knew that no begging or pleading would do, she was stuck there. For a little while anyway. On the bright side, the Viking Princess wasn’t one to let herself be brought down so easily, you know Vikings are headstrong. So she still went to wander and discover this new land. And although she really didn’t like this one, that grey weather and those Frozen people that inhabited it really put a damper on her spirits, on one of her wanderings she found a friend.\n\nShe found White Tiger that day where she felt particularly Cold and was looking for warmth. She didn’t know why she felt drawn to him, because White Tiger didn’t speak much. Or maybe it was because she didn’t understand his language. And unlike her, White Tiger strived in the Cold. Which, she thought, made them that much different. But from the day they met, they stuck together."", null, ""The two of them would wander around the land and the Viking Princess felt better and stronger when she knew Tiger was there. And little by little she would start to understand what White Tiger was telling her. Sometime he would speak to the Viking Princess of Passion and sometimes of Power, he would talk to her of physical and emotional Healing and of the gift of Foresight.\n\nThe Viking Princess was more than intrigued. She held on to every bit of information her mystical friend would give her. But at one point she realized, everything she understood and took in from White Tiger, her body didn’t know how to deal with. And little by little, making it’s way up from her toes, her body started to freeze.\n\nShe went into a panic an\n\nd begged White Tiger to heal her. But the more White Tiger spoke to her, the worse it got. Her legs were transforming into huge blocs of Ice and every step she took sent shocks of pain through her entire body. She could barely walk anymore and she started to curse her body and the weather like she had never cursed in her life.\n\nBut, like I said she was pretty damn headstrong and she never blamed White Tiger. She stayed with him for a long time, trying to live with a Frozen pair of legs. And White Tiger never blamed her for not understanding what he was saying. He still tried the best he could, but that Viking Princess had a head as thick as a rock.\n\nSo White Tiger went to ask the help of his friend Sea Turtle. He thought that if Sea Turtle could teach the Viking Princess how to use the Earth’s limitless energies rather than her own to accomplish her will, she would finally heal. But when the Viking Princess saw Sea Turtle, an entirely different idea came to her mind. She asked Sea Turtle to take her legs away, said that she had always wanted to live and explore the Sea just like her and wanted a tail so she could swim and go where no one in her family has ever been before.\n\nSea Turtle, who is Mother Earth itself, granted her that wish. She said she could give the Viking Princess a long and sleek tail that would make her glide as fast as Swordfish could. But there was one small trick to it. Sea Turtle gave the Viking Princess one year to live under the Sea. At the end of the year she had to come back to the surface of the Earth and only then would she have to decide whether she would live forever with a pair of legs or a fish tail.\n\nThe Viking Princess more than happily agreed, especially since she knew she would choose the tail and not her horrible uncontrollable and painful legs. And so Sea Turtle lead the Viking Princess into the Ocean, and as the waves took her in, slowly the ice in her legs melted, her skin turned to scales and she, she, changed into a Mermaid.\n\n1 thought on “The Viking, the White Tiger and the Mermaid. Part I”"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.alleewillis.com/detroit/wp-content/uploads/2014/ba-de-ya-baby/BaDeYa-Detroit-092114/BaDeYa_Detroit_092114_batch_01/10384215_10152401340280784_5996362850825493540_n-300x169.jpg"", ""https://www.alleewillis.com/detroit/wp-content/uploads/2014/ba-de-ya-baby/BaDeYa-Detroit-092114/BaDeYa_Detroit_092114_batch_01/10653664_10152401339325784_2083596750413730696_n-300x169.jpg"", ""https://www.alleewillis.com/detroit/wp-content/uploads/2014/ba-de-ya-baby/BaDeYa-Detroit-092114/BaDeYa_Detroit_092114_batch_01/A036_C001_010168.0002366_copy-300x169.jpg"", ""https://www.alleewillis.com/detroit/wp-content/uploads/2014/ba-de-ya-baby/BaDeYa-Detroit-092114/BaDeYa_Detroit_092114_batch_01/A036_C002_0101YP.0002878_copy-300x169.jpg"", ""https://www.alleewillis.com/detroit/wp-content/uploads/2014/ba-de-ya-baby/BaDeYa-Detroit-092114/BaDeYa_Detroit_092114_batch_01/A036_C004_0101SO.0000350_copy-300x169.jpg"", 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night of September”, my blessed and magic day, I have made a tradition of performing live. Other than last year when I was in Detroit conducting one of the 50 sing-alongs for “The D” in a laundromat with people spinning around in dryers singing the official unofficial theme song I cowrote for Detroit.\n\nAs luck would have it THIS year was a particularly special September 21st as just a couple days earlier NPR did a story on why “September”, my very first hit cowritten with Maurice White and Al McKay, remains such a timeless song, symbolizing warmth, love, and soul. This year, September 21 was even more special because I decided to perform in Detroit for the very first time ever. So my cowriter and partner on the music portion of the project Andrae Alexander and I put together a 15 piece band made up of the very best musicians and singers we found during the 50 sing-alongs last year to perform live with us in BaDeYa, Detroit!. We also wanted to give everyone a preview of the song which finally has a preliminary mix after over a solid year of trying to deal with 5000 vocal and instrument tracks, each one with up to hundreds of voices on them. There’s just so much room in the sound spectrum and every inch of it we have taken up truly sounds like something you have never heard before.\n\nFor an artist such as myself who dotes on every detail of a stage production from designing the invitations, handmaking the set, picking theme food, designing the merchandise, casting people who help us like I’m casting characters in a musical, shipping 20 crates of everything to Detroit, directing, coproducing, and doing just about everything else involved in a production – albeit all with fantastic collaborators – this was no easy feat. And performing out of town for essentially the first time in my adult life makes that even harder. But don’t even ask me how worth it it was!!! Easily one of the best days/nights of my life!\n\nWe performed at United Sound, a still-in-existence historic recording studio in Detroit where everyone from Charlie Parker to The Rolling Stones and some of my all-time favorite records like Isaac Hayes’ “Shaft”, The Dramatics’ “Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get”, and Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Goin’ On” were recorded. But to turn a brilliant recording studio into a brilliant performance space is another issue entirely, especially when it involves things like sets, choreographed videographers who leap over drums on crash cymbal cues and organ sweeps, and all the other madness that goes into an Allee Willis production.\n\nAs 99% of this now 2 1/2 year Detroit gargantuan mofo project “The D”, the song and record, and Allee Willis Willis Loves Detroit, the feature-length film about human spirit as seen through the people of Detroit and how my life parallels that struggle, has been funded by me, this meant getting people involved in BaDeYa, Detroit! working for gratis. Which they thankfully, gratefully, and miraculously did. From the band to just about everyone else who worked in any capacity on the show, They are saints. They are insanely talented. They are blissfully soulful, and primary examples of why I feel so compelled to make a film about the people of Detroit and how it is THEY who will rebuild the city because of their resilient spirit.\n\nI want to give a special shout out to Malcolm Harris and Donnevan Tolbert, two young gentleman I saw play Mister and Harpo when their high school, Cass Tech, became the first in the country to license the musical I co-wrote, The Color Purple, a couple years ago, and who did a brilliant spoken word intro to my show. And I want to thank the five brilliant dancers from The Mosaic Youth Theater of Detroit who donned mechanics uniforms and spun car tires over their heads during the sneak peak world premiere of the first mix of “The D” and boogied their butts off during “Boogie Wonderland”. I want to also thank the stupendous audience not only for showing up as songwriters remain the buried treasure of the music industry but also for participating so wildly so that the show came off just as I had prayed it would. Like a party in my living room. And if you don’t know my reputation for throwing parties better go here now.\n\nAs a result of having so much fun, hitting a new plateau in my budding performing career, I love Detroit even more than I have kvelled about it before, as if that was even possible. And I will eternally love the 21st of September for doing everything from giving me a second birthday because I hear from thousands of people that day telling me how happy the song makes them feel. This year it made me the happiest of all.\n\nI hope you can see the spirit that was jumping off of the stage and ricocheting back to us in these photos. That room was an automatic power generator and from what I’ve heard everyone, certainly including me, is still buzzing."", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/0CC876FD-8D9F-41D3-8173-18F093D4F38E-scaled.jpeg"", ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/150805C8-DB93-414E-949B-A8A8C06A0495-scaled.jpeg"", ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/C5CF5A33-B720-4EF3-B9C1-C33B6B90CEE1-scaled.jpeg"", ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/531FA42D-4F50-429B-91BD-D9CC50889406.jpeg"", ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/16556B1C-837C-4DDF-A06F-104207D399D2.jpeg"", ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/C3AA6B95-AAC9-45F4-93FA-20B9C24EBACD-scaled.jpeg"", 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""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/150805C8-DB93-414E-949B-A8A8C06A0495-scaled.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/150805C8-DB93-414E-949B-A8A8C06A0495-scaled.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""C DB E B A A C A scaled"", ""alt_text"": ""Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Awards Ugx 18 million to youth with disabilities to help them generate entrepreneurial solutions that solve community needs"", ""rendered_width"": 780, ""rendered_height"": 470, ""original_width"": 1024, ""original_height"": 680, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/sauti-sol-release-kuliko-jana-music-video-feat-redfourth-chorus-upper-hill-school/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/C5CF5A33-B720-4EF3-B9C1-C33B6B90CEE1-scaled.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/C5CF5A33-B720-4EF3-B9C1-C33B6B90CEE1-scaled.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""C CF A B EF B C C B B CEE scaled"", ""alt_text"": ""Digital Connectivity and payments boost SME performance in Uganda"", ""rendered_width"": 780, ""rendered_height"": 470, ""original_width"": 1024, ""original_height"": 683, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/sauti-sol-release-kuliko-jana-music-video-feat-redfourth-chorus-upper-hill-school/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/531FA42D-4F50-429B-91BD-D9CC50889406.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/531FA42D-4F50-429B-91BD-D9CC50889406.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""FA D F B BD D CC"", ""alt_text"": ""Watch Kwame Yesu\u2019s video for \u2018ANADWO\u2019 featuring Black Sherif and Kimilist"", ""rendered_width"": 780, ""rendered_height"": 470, ""original_width"": 646, ""original_height"": 943, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": 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""C AA B AAC F FA B C EBACD scaled"", ""alt_text"": ""Acebergtm double treat for East African fans \u2013 Far Away from home EP & Danca visuals"", ""rendered_width"": 780, ""rendered_height"": 470, ""original_width"": 683, ""original_height"": 1024, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/sauti-sol-release-kuliko-jana-music-video-feat-redfourth-chorus-upper-hill-school/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/87198640-C89B-4E97-BABD-2087C97AA67C.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/87198640-C89B-4E97-BABD-2087C97AA67C.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""C B E BABD C AA C"", ""rendered_width"": 177, ""rendered_height"": 220, ""original_width"": 739, ""original_height"": 921, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/sauti-sol-release-kuliko-jana-music-video-feat-redfourth-chorus-upper-hill-school/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG-20210309-WA0138-282x399.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG-20210309-WA0138-282x399.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG WA"", ""rendered_width"": 282, ""rendered_height"": 399, ""original_width"": 282, ""original_height"": 399, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.showbizuganda.com/sauti-sol-release-kuliko-jana-music-video-feat-redfourth-chorus-upper-hill-school/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618039544239.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20210421130234-20210421160234-00260.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1100480031, ""warc_record_length"": 32862}""","[ ""East African musical giants and multiple award winning act; Sauti Sol of Kenya has released a new music video for their hit song ‘Kuliko Jana’, off their third album: Live and Die in Afrika. Bien of Sauti Sol explains the meaning behind the song, “It means the steadfast love of the lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end – they are new every morning.” Featuring Redfourth Chorus (Upper Hill School), the song’s beautiful yet powerful message has stormed the charts and resonated with fans across Africa and beyond.\n\nA viral clip of Sauti Sol in an a-cappella version of KULIKO JANA with the Redfourth Chorus caught the attention of international celebrities and media to the point where Amber Riley, star of the Emmy award-winning Show Glee, posted on Instagram, “I don’t understand what they’re saying but I know it’s beautiful. Sounds angelic- anyone know if there’s a full video?” Other celebrities who posted the viral video include Master P, Anthony Hamilton, JB Smoove and WorldstarHipHop, among other international news sites.\n\nIn the newly released black and white video of KULIKO JANA, Sauti Sol reunite with the young, immensely talented Redfourth Chorus for some musical magic. Sauti Sol said in a statement: “KULIKO JANA is a very special song to us. It was inspired by our journey and the everlasting mercies, love and favour God has shown us throughout despite our shortcomings.”\n\nKuliko Jana video has been produced by Fulfillment Limited, and shot in Kenya by the directors: Tim Mwaura and Joash Omondi. The song has been written and produced by Sauti Sol. The a-cappella version was co arranged by Philip Tuju and the Redfourth Chorus."", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime1.jpg?w=750"", ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime2.jpg?w=750"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://murreyandblue.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/a-1950s-kids-book-with-a-different-view/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime1.jpg?w=750"", ""src"": ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime1.jpg?w=750"", ""formatted_filename"": ""aime"", ""alt_text"": ""aime1"", ""original_width"": 547, ""original_height"": 387, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://murreyandblue.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/a-1950s-kids-book-with-a-different-view/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime2.jpg?w=750"", ""src"": ""https://murreyandblue.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aime2.jpg?w=750"", ""formatted_filename"": ""aime"", ""alt_text"": ""aime2"", ""original_width"": 750, ""original_height"": 529, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://murreyandblue.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/a-1950s-kids-book-with-a-different-view/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882572304.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20220816120802-20220816150802-00779.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 386017914, ""warc_record_length"": 34161}""","[ ""We tend to think of anything relating to Richard III prior to the last forty years to be biased towards traditional views, with the exceptions of Josephine Tey’s novel, Paul Murray Kendall’s biography, a few other novels like Patrick Carlton’s Under the Hog, and the early ‘defenders’ such as Buck, Markham and Halsted. Children’s books in particular seem to tow the Shakespearean line, with illustrations of shadowy, black clad, limping uncles menacing angelic golden haired children depicted as little more than toddlers. Royal Children of English History by famous author E. Nesbit was one of these, containing not only the More-inspired story of the princes finished by a line that went something like ‘he (Richard) was killed at Bosworth by a much better man, as he throughly deserved.’ (She seemed unaware that Henry Tudor placed a young child, Edward of Warwick, into the Tower shortly thereafter. There were also references to ‘the great Henry VIII’ and a story that made Edward of Lancaster seem to be a young child going into battle rather than a young man).\n\nHowever, there were exceptions: in the 1950’s a softcover book for children appeared Mediaeval Britain Told in Pictures by C.W. Aime. This book covered the medieval era but used the medium of art rather than text, with the drawing based of portraits and illustrations of the day. We see pilgrimages and we see the burning of Lollards (older kids’ books tenders NOT to skirt around such things) and we have the wedding of Henry VI to Margaret of Anjou, an armoured Richard Duke of York…and even the murder of Edmund of Rutland at Wakefield (who tends to get forgotten in favour of Edward of Lancaster.) Sopeaking of which, the book goes on then to illustrated Edward IV’s reign including a scene in which the King strikes Edward of Lancaster who is then murdered by his men.\n\nThis is where it gets interesting. Under the caption there is no mention of Richard having any involvement at all, despite the overwhelming Shakespearean influence of the time. The blame seems to be laid firmly at Edward’s door. The next page features drawings of both Edward V and Richard III and facsimiles of their signatures…and not a mention of murders in the Tower, hunchbacks, smothering, dolorous babes or usurpation.\n\nInstead at the bottom of the page is a very interesting comment : ‘The brief reigns of Edward V (1483) and Richard III (1483-1485) are important chiefly as transition periods introducing the Tudor Despotism.’\n\nAn unusual opinion in that particular era especially in a book primarily intended for children–but certainly a refreshing one."", null, null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0204.jpg?w=736"", null, ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0203.jpg?w=736"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://randompastimes.com/2015/04/12/week-2-in-the-pocket/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0204.jpg?w=736"", ""src"": ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0204.jpg?w=736"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""original_width"": 736, ""original_height"": 549, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://randompastimes.com/2015/04/12/week-2-in-the-pocket/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0203.jpg?w=736"", ""src"": ""https://randompastimes.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/img_0203.jpg?w=736"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""original_width"": 736, ""original_height"": 549, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://randompastimes.com/2015/04/12/week-2-in-the-pocket/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323587770.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20211025220214-20211026010214-00606.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 582528902, ""warc_record_length"": 27757}""","[ ""This will be a shorter post than the last one as there has only been one major change that I made. However, this change has made so much of a difference!\n\nWhen I first bought the grey malden, the person who I bought if from included a clear removable tabbed divider as there was no clear dashboard. In the first week I used the tabbed divider as my dashboard in the front. This was intended to be used to keep a list for grocery shopping. But since I decided to stop using the malden as a wallet, it became irrelevant. Something I was missing though was a place to put running or undated to-do’s for the week. I tried making a to-do section but I wasn’t really going to that section which meant that I wasn’t getting things done. I needed that list to be included somewhere in the weekly section, without taking up space."", null, ""The clear tabbed divider was the perfect solution! It’s clear so that I can still see a bit of the other side of the week. And the holes are slit so that you can easily move the divider from week to week without having to open and close the rings. So here it is in action 🙂"", null, ""So that’s it for this week. I am happy to say that using the pocket size did start to become easier this week. I did make more use of it. I will be moving on to the Chocolate Aston pocket for next week as I don’t have a use for the zipped pocket of the Malden. And I’d like say thanks to the people who are taking an interest in this challenge of mine, and who have made suggestions or given me links to videos of where I can get some inspiration. You guys have really helped in making me stick to this challenge :p. Keep the comments coming! 😀\n\nFollow Random Pastimes of a Restless Mind on WordPress.com\n\nThis blog is a place for me to express and share all my random hobbies and current obsessions with like minded people ;). So take a look around and maybe stay for a while...\nAdvertisements\n\nA view of technology and some non-technical things.\n\nknitsandplanners\nLooking through a frosty window...\n\nSeeing the world a little differently\n\nMy Life All in One Place\n\nA place to share my love of stationery, performing arts, books, photography, and anything else that strikes my fancy! ;)\n\nAdventures in Trying to Organize My Life"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.totalrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/FaalAyden1-18-0813rl.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.totalrl.com/faal-returns-to-hunslet/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.totalrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/FaalAyden1-18-0813rl.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.totalrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/FaalAyden1-18-0813rl.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""FaalAyden rl"", ""rendered_width"": 660, ""rendered_height"": 330, ""original_width"": 660, ""original_height"": 330, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.totalrl.com/faal-returns-to-hunslet/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178383355.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20210308082315-20210308112315-00364.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1006132528, ""warc_record_length"": 25698}""","[ null, ""Ayden Faal has signed for Hunslet on a one-year deal, the club has confirmed.\n\nFaal, who was banned from playing Rugby League for six months in 2014 for breaching the sport’s betting rules, joins the Hawks from Batley, ending his three year stay at Mount Pleasant.\n\nThe 28-year-old centre previously played for the Hawks in 2009 before joining Dewsbury, but is now preparing for his return to the South Leeds Stadium as Barry Eaton’s side ready themselves for life in Kingstone Press League One.\n\n“Signing Ayden is testimony that we are creating the right environment at the club,” Hunslet Director of Rugby Darren Williams told the club’s official website.\n\n“He’s had his injury problems and is just recovering from a shoulder reconstruction but his rehabilitation is ahead of schedule and he’s looking forward to showing us what we all know he can do. He is a major signing for the club as we prepare for life in Championship 1 and he will provide us with some strike out wide.”"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/180323_GBR_StatesGuns_1920x1080-660x371.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/05/21/gun-industry-contributes-economic-growth/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/180323_GBR_StatesGuns_1920x1080-660x371.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/180323_GBR_StatesGuns_1920x1080-660x371.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""GBR StatesGuns"", ""alt_text"": ""Economic Growth Impact of Firearms Industry by State. Source: GoBankingRates.com"", ""rendered_width"": 660, ""rendered_height"": 371, ""original_width"": 660, ""original_height"": 371, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/05/21/gun-industry-contributes-economic-growth/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499634.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128121809-20230128151809-00547.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1003732798, ""warc_record_length"": 22698}""","[ ""Posted May 21, 2018 in Editorial, News by Rachel Y with No Comments"", null, ""Whether employment opportunities, taxes, manufacturing, gun sales, or all points in between – there is little doubt that the firearms industry contributes significantly to the economic growth of the United States. In fact, a recent report compiled by the National Shooting Sports Foundation estimated that the Firearms Industry contributed $51.3B to the US economy in 2017. That’s a 169% increase since 2008.\n\nHere are a handful of states of particular interest, as reported by the NSSF:\n\nClick here to see how your state is impacted by the firearms industry.\n\nThere was no mention in the report whether the surge in recent concealed carry permit applications contributed to the numbers reported, or whether they were classified in a different area and not counted in this particular report.\n\nThe firearms industry has been responsible for tremendous economic growth in previous years. Regardless of the circumstances behind that financial upswing, little argument can be given to disprove the fact that job growth, state and federal tax dollars, plus a host of other secondary economic opportunities (hunting permits and conservation efforts, for example) have come about as a result of firearms, ammunition, and the manufacturing processes built on American soil."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv73efr50I/AAAAAAAAB2g/iyJOWkd9aGs/s320/IMG_0141.JPG"", null, ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8AMrizrI/AAAAAAAAB2o/n4dKAGVD37U/s320/IMG_0149.JPG"", null, ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8Dl02p0I/AAAAAAAAB2w/txzdwD4_EMY/s320/IMG_0152.JPG"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/uncategorized/gloat-of-course/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv73efr50I/AAAAAAAAB2g/iyJOWkd9aGs/s320/IMG_0141.JPG"", ""src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv73efr50I/AAAAAAAAB2g/iyJOWkd9aGs/s320/IMG_0141.JPG"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG"", ""original_width"": 240, ""original_height"": 320, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/uncategorized/gloat-of-course/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8AMrizrI/AAAAAAAAB2o/n4dKAGVD37U/s320/IMG_0149.JPG"", ""src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8AMrizrI/AAAAAAAAB2o/n4dKAGVD37U/s320/IMG_0149.JPG"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG"", ""original_width"": 240, ""original_height"": 320, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/uncategorized/gloat-of-course/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8Dl02p0I/AAAAAAAAB2w/txzdwD4_EMY/s320/IMG_0152.JPG"", ""src"": ""http://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_xwCdqj5H__E/TAv8Dl02p0I/AAAAAAAAB2w/txzdwD4_EMY/s320/IMG_0152.JPG"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG"", ""original_width"": 226, ""original_height"": 320, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://razorbladeoflife.co.uk/uncategorized/gloat-of-course/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057225.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20210921161350-20210921191350-00707.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 519924523, ""warc_record_length"": 10281}""","[ ""Ooh dear, this is turning into a habit. I wake too early, the Sage wakes because I do, snuggles up and goes to sleep, and I lie there until it’s getting-up time and then have a nice little nap anyway, putting me behindhand for the rest of the day.\n\nIt’ll have to stop now though, I’ve got a busy week on.\n\nToday, we went over to see Weeza. Well, first, I’d played the music in church. I received the hymns after I’d been down to the church yesterday to do the flowers, so couldn’t be arsed to go back and practise – I mean, darlings, one can lose freshness so easily by over-practising, don’t you think? The fact that I didn’t actually know two of the hymns is neither here nor there. I bluff, I bluff, hear me.\n\n*now trying to remember what the original was. I know what it’s from, of course, but what the second (and fourth, in repeat) word is, I can’t think. If I can by the time I finish, I shall mention it of course. As ever, CBATG.\n\nApart from repeatedly playing C sharp in one place in each verse, when the key was G, it was fine. I nearly had a small hiccup when, finishing the final verse of the final hymn with a flourish, I suddenly noticed another ‘final final’ verse on the next page. I noticed it in time not to miss it, fortunately.\n\nPhil was doing a hundred mile bike ride today, the Norwich 100, which starts from the Cathedral, goes up through mid-Norfolk to Sheringham (buggering up the traffic in Cromer en route) and then returning by the coast road. He did it in just over 7 hours, about 6 1/2 without the compulsory lunchtime stop. Good job it wasn’t yesterday, when it was boiling hot. He phoned from the Cathedral when he got back (only another 4 miles uphill to go, to be home) to suggest meeting at the pub for a Broadside. I took photos."", null, ""Yay, photos. Obviously, not all of them are here. Most had faces in."", null, ""Afterwards, they walked home and we left to drive home. Phil said that there had been torrential rain for a while – he didn’t have time to get on a coat and overshoes and, while waiting to be checked in at the Cathedral, he’d taken off his shoes and wrung rainwater out of his socks! Mind you, he was quite sweaty too, as I found when I kissed him hello. It didn’t seem quite polite to wipe my face, so I just had to be careful not to lick my lips – it’s not within the bounds of propriety to taste a son-in-law’s sweat."", null, ""The good thing for me was that I was very comfortable walking a quarter of a mile or so in 3 inch *approx – the height of the length of my middle finger) heels. I’m so sorry, darlings, if I’d known I was going to take my photo I’d have had a pedicure first."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://asapjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Feature1.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://asapjournal.com/becoming-undisciplined-on-fungification-or-working-with-disaster-in-the-liberal-arts-anthony-lioi/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://asapjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Feature1.png"", ""src"": ""https://asapjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Feature1.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Feature"", ""rendered_width"": 748, ""rendered_height"": 435, ""original_width"": 748, ""original_height"": 435, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://asapjournal.com/becoming-undisciplined-on-fungification-or-working-with-disaster-in-the-liberal-arts-anthony-lioi/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710712.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129232448-20221130022448-00112.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 157168603, ""warc_record_length"": 17898}""","[ null, ""When Adrienne Rich picks mushrooms “at the edge of dread” in “What Kind of Times Are These,” there must be imminent danger. I found Rich’s poem long after my professional fungification, but it was Anna Tsing’s The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins (2015) that made me aware of what I had become. Tsing describes her fieldwork in the forests of Oregon among pickers of the matsutake mushroom, which grows only in forests that have been disturbed. In this case, a forest that has been logged, lodgepole pine replacing the original ecosystem. Matsutake works with disaster: it was the first living thing to emerge in the aftermath of Hiroshima (Tsing 3). It assists a new forest in establishing fungal-tree root networks. Hm, I thought. That sounds familiar.\n\nThe matsutake is a metaphor of my undisciplined life as a humanist in a conservatory. Like the matsutake, the Liberal Arts department at Juilliard grew in a disturbed forest where the order of the university no longer reigns. We too are hidden; you need to know where to look for us. We are not a department that shares one field, and in the space between disciplines, I shifted shape. In her description of forest evolution, Tsing says, “changing with circumstances is a matter of survival” (27). My career in the Mushroom Gang might illuminate the dread that is upon us.\n\nI entered graduate school in 1993, the last moment to believe “The Bowen Report,” which predicted a shortage of humanists and a surplus of faculty positions in the 1990s. As Leonard Cassuto argues, it was catastrophically mistaken: “the book became notorious for its Panglossian forecast of better times for academic job seekers. It soon symbolized the misguided optimism of a generation of would-be professors who kept waiting for their ship to come in, and eventually starved by the shore.” I was lucky to find a full-time position in 2003, and then to change positions in 2007, just before the financial crisis. I landed a rolling-contract job with rank but no tenure—typical for instructors at conservatories and design schools. Most importantly, I did not land in an English department. I would become undisciplined among others. We are historians, poets, political theorists, art historians, philosophers, linguists, and even literature-types, all clinging to a school with other purposes. Everything we teach—composition, core courses, and electives—is part of a curriculum for performing artists. They require credits outside the major to attain a bachelor’s degree. A technicality, really. Our marginality makes us precarious, and thus, full of dread. But we are a multitude. We spring up all over the place. We are mushrooms at the end of a world that envisioned humanists as prodigies of culture. Sempervirens semper fi. No more.\n\nAbove is the stump of a Norway maple growing fungi on a curb in Highland Park, New Jersey. This is me: adventitious, peripheral. Not-tree, I never became the kind of scholar who taught me. I don’t cultivate majors. I don’t teach electives to undergrads who love literature. I have no graduate students. Working in “Liberal Arts,” an undiscipline, I learned to attach myself to heartwood: reading carefully, writing reflectively, responding in community. From these commitments, my department explores ways of knowing and political awareness. We address students as beginning world-citizens. It isn’t a liberation into a stream of consciousness led by the professor’s research, but there’s a lot of action in the Stump. These days, clearing a space for student self-examination and the discovery of an interconnected world is hardly trivial. Even now, my department is moving from a defunct version of the Columbia Core Curriculum, a study of absolute texts, to a question-centered core that opens into the crises of the twenty-first century. In other words, we adapted in order to survive. But as Anna Tsing asks, what does survival mean?\n\nThe Stump is everywhere now. As I write this, the Kansas Board of Regents has voted to suspend tenure for two years and vitiate structures of shared governance throughout the state university system. The CUNY schools remain chronically underfunded. Small liberal arts colleges like Sweetbriar and Green Mountain College teeter on the edge and fall. Marquette University is slashing its non-tenured liberal arts faculty. Examples abound, but the take-home is: we are always in danger. What lessons can be gleaned in dangerous times from my undisciplined life?\n\nThis is still the edge of dread. But dread can rid us of illusions that retard the work. For example: It has been difficult to admit that institutions have no honor. The local Stump considers me a factotum. The structures that govern our employment are transactional, not ethical: we are a means to an end, and we can be replaced at the will of administrators. That doesn’t mean we have to act as if we are replaceable. Undisciplined labor thereby takes on an intellectual, rhetorical, and political cast.\n\nWe must develop a theory of our fungal powers and deploy them as mycelial praxis. The visible mushroom, after all, is the fruiting body of a larger creature strategically invisible from above. By recognizing undisciplinarity, we understand ourselves not as the old university, a besieged forest, but the mycelia that network the ground for a post-Stump ecology. Not exactly rhizomatic, but not powerless, either. It’s hard to let go of the structures that formed us, but a prefigurative pedagogy requires it. As universities and forests fall into capitalist ruin, we must become the other world that is growing in the dark.\n\nAnthony Lioi is Professor of English at the Juilliard School in New York City, where he teaches composition, American literature, and environmental humanities. He is the author of Nerd Ecology (Bloomsbury Academic 2016) and is currently working on a book on metahumanism and ecomedia. He is past president of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and co-editor of Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://mk0movieguide99l7786.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ViaKConFacebook.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/popular-articles/kevin-costner-says-his-marriage-is-stronger-after-quarantine.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mk0movieguide99l7786.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ViaKConFacebook.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://mk0movieguide99l7786.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ViaKConFacebook.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""ViaKConFacebook"", ""rendered_width"": 1280, ""rendered_height"": 720, ""original_width"": 1280, ""original_height"": 720, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/popular-articles/kevin-costner-says-his-marriage-is-stronger-after-quarantine.html"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141184123.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20201125183823-20201125213823-00550.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 771245534, ""warc_record_length"": 26955}""","[ ""Kevin Costner Says His Marriage Is Stronger After Quarantine"", null, ""Kevin Costner Says His Marriage Is Stronger After Quarantine\n\nKevin Costner said that his marriage to wife Christine is stronger after quarantine and so is his family.\n\n“Our partnership has really come into focus about what we do for each other and how we deal with our family,” Costner told PEOPLE.\n\nCostner and Christine have three children together: Hayes, Grace and Cayden.\n\nCostner also has four grown children from a previous marriage and relationship: Annie, Liam, Joe and Lily. Annie and Lily are in the entertainment business as a director and actress respectively.\n\n“As [my] children interact together, there’s always this little bit of, ‘Do you care for us now as much as you do them?’” Costner said in an interview with Mom.com.\n\nThe SWING VOTE actor continued, “That’s just a natural thing that happens, and you have to talk about how big love is. The ability to be able to love somebody else doesn’t mean there’s less love for you.”\n\nCostner will return in the TV series YELLOWSTONE and is in post-production on a new movie called LET HIM GO, opposite Diane Lane (WONDER WOMAN).\n\nHappy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing moms out there. Hope you all feel loved and celebrated today and every day."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/89/08/df89088e4f6ce92771d34ac5699b1bf3.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://newboss.mobi/kaijudo-clash-of-the-duel-masters-episode-34-63/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/89/08/df89088e4f6ce92771d34ac5699b1bf3.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/89/08/df89088e4f6ce92771d34ac5699b1bf3.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""df e f ce d ac b bf"", ""original_width"": 665, ""original_height"": 374, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://newboss.mobi/kaijudo-clash-of-the-duel-masters-episode-34-63/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703581888.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20210125123120-20210125153120-00720.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 474818534, ""warc_record_length"": 12297}""","[ ""Eli Shane is determined to be the greatest Slugslinging hero of them all! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Meanwhile, Queen Kalima starts to have her forces invade San Campion where the incidents with the Skeeter Swarmers gives Gregoria the opportunity to invade San Campion. During the production of this episode, Andrew R. Lists of American children’s animated television series episodes. Upon being promoted to Adepts, Ray, Gabe, and Allie advance to a new training level and get access to the dojo and discover an old spell which temporarily allows their creatures to acquire strange new powers and characteristics. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title?\n\nA team of five teenaged superheroes save the world from many villains around their city while experiencing things normal teens face today. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! With the Creature Monarchs out of commission, Ray enlists Alakshmi to help find The Choten so that he can save his father from his control. But when the Choten mutates the creature and it starts to duplicate itself, things get complicated. Now am I saying this is the worst thing to appear well the secret Saturdays was terrible and much worse that thing no, I’m not, in fact if you like this, watch it and enjoy it. Full Cast and Crew. Season 2 Episode Meanwhile, Gabe has problems controlling his new primary creature Gargle.\n\nThe kids try to stop Alakshmi, Fingers, and Heller from obtaining the mana which Master Chavez needs to replenish the Veil to keep the Fire Civilization King from awakening. Allie has a sleepover to ease the tension among her friends, but Alakshmi crashes the sleepover with Gorgeon, Shadow of Gluttony. A team of five teenaged superheroes save the world from many villains around their city while experiencing things normal teens face today.\n\nA dream warns Ray of a new danger in the Nature Realm and he and his friends cross the Veil to help. Following the incident at the bank, Master Jaha, Master Chavez, and Master Nadia leads an expedition to the Darkness Civilization to rescue Allie’s father and endures 3 attacks.\n\nMeanwhile, Ray teaches Tatsurion the Unchained about the meaning of “friend”. When The Choten learns of the footage, he pins the blame on Carny and sends Fingers and Heller to deal with him. The kids and Duel Masters ask Kaijduo Okamoto for help when people are replaced by rpisode look-a-like Light Creatures.\n\nThe stranger turns out to be a bounty hunter named Saguru and delivers the kids to Lord Skycrusher. At the time when Carny is back in school, a bullied kid named Kevin steals one of Carny’s tech-gauntlets and inadvertently opens the Veil which lets the Skeeter Swarmers into the school that take over everyone’s bodies except Ray’s body.\n\nRay gets a good job epislde a waiter at a country club and finally affords a new house for his family to live in.\n\nMaxwell “Max” McGrath is thrown into a new life after moving with his mother to the small city of Copper Canyon. In order to do so successfully, they must gather Infernus the Immolator, King Tritonus, Almighty Colossus, Eternal Haven, and Queen Kalima together in the Null Zone and hold a “summit” among them to stop the rising war. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title?\n\nSasha, Channeler of Light returns to Earth upon being sent by the Light Civilization to study humans. Ray suspects that the mysterious person is a Creature Mystic that they encountered on Lord Skycrusher’s volcano warship when they learn that the mysterious person who is trapped in a cursed armor had also escaped from Alakshmi which leads to a truce to get to the Fire Mystic. Now Ray must find a way to free Tatsurion and the other captives of the Choten without being discovered by Alakshmi and Fingers.\n\n“Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters” Clash of the Monarchs (TV Episode ) – IMDb\n\nChristian Bale is a bonafide A-list star, but he missed out on plenty of huge roles along the way. Ray and Allie end up in a high-stakes battle of wits against Alakshmi, Heller, and Saguru when the Choten makes another attempt at stealing the Helm of Ultimate Technology which has pf hidden in the bank where Allie’s father Arthur Underhill works. Watch Now on Prime Video.\n\nSearch for ” Clash of the Monarchs ” on Amazon. Yes No Report this. I can say this much, its a very all around show, but beyond that, it could do with a lot of work. Master Nadia voice Andrew Kishino Factory began releasing the series in December Search for ” Kaijudo: Ray, Gabe, Allie, and the Duel Masters look to prevent future attacks after the Water Civilization launches an unprecedented assault on the Fire and Nature Civilizations. Allie Underhill voice Scott Wolf They also learn that a former Duel Master called the Choten is planning to use every creature he has obtained in order to take over the world.\n\nEdit Storyline The series follows the adventures of a young boy named Rai who possesses the rare ability to befriend and duel alongside fantastical creatures from a parallel dimension.\n\nKaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters"", null, ""Audible Download Audio Books. I just OK, not great but not terrible, so I recommend this to those who really like monsters and action.\n\nClash of the Monarchs\n\nRay and Tatsurion the Unchained must race Saguru and those in the finals to get to the Shield of Unity. Even when Alakshmi gets the mana-dampening armor off her “Sensei,” the identity of the “Sensei” is a surprise for both sides.\n\nTatsurion invokes his right to trial by combat and Ray and Allie are his opponents."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blossom-1080x675.jpg"", null, ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/lettuce-plants-300x224.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/uncategorized/what-a-wonderful-world/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blossom-1080x675.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/blossom-1080x675.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""blossom"", ""rendered_width"": 1080, ""rendered_height"": 675, ""original_width"": 1080, ""original_height"": 675, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/uncategorized/what-a-wonderful-world/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/lettuce-plants-300x224.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/lettuce-plants-300x224.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""lettuce plants"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 224, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 224, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://moynsparkorganics.co.uk/uncategorized/what-a-wonderful-world/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703522133.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20210120213234-20210121003234-00601.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 488820031, ""warc_record_length"": 15482}""","[ ""What a wonderful world"", null, ""What a sensational week of weather we have just had; more like mid-summer than early April. All good things come to an end, and so it looks as though today is the last of the warm days for a while, with the daytime temperature dropping from the low 20’s to just 9 degrees tomorrow and Tuesday, accompanied by some cool nights too. There is very little rain in the forecast, so I have been dragging the sprinkler around to water the recently planted onions, leeks, lettuces and cabbages. I sowed carrots and turnips last week, so they are getting a drink too, otherwise germination will be very patchy. Actually as I write this the weather has broken, there is thunder and lightning and a little rain, just enough to wet the ground; every little helps.\n\nFortunately I managed to cut the grass in the orchard this afternoon while it was still dry, the apple trees are looking good, with lots of them coming into bloom; I do hope that we don’t get frosts so severe that the blossom is damaged. Last year was a disaster, I am hoping for a bumper crop this summer, for fresh fruit and for juice.\n\nI hope that you lot like lettuces, because I’ve now planted hundreds of them; this morning I set out another batch of 160, to follow on from 2 previous plantings of a similar size. I normally sell a lot of lettuces at the farmers’ market, but as I am steering clear of it at the moment I am relying on you to go salad crazy. The first ones should be ready to cut next week in the polytunnel – Little Gem."", null, ""It’s an absolutely stunning time of the year, the natural world is sporting a brand spanking new coat of many colours. Blackthorn, flowering cherries, hawthorn, primroses, cowslips, celandines, speedwell, these and many more contribute to visual delights everywhere you look. The backdrop to this Technicolor set is the fresh new soft foliage in every shade of green that clothes the trees and bushes in the landscape. There have been butterflies aplenty in the past week, I have seen Peacock, Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Orange Tip, Red Admiral, Comma and Small White; but not yet a Holly Blue. Up on the top pond there are tiny clockwork ducklings randomly skittering this way and that on the surface of the water, and Canada Geese honking their heads off for no apparent reason. At home I saw my first Swallow of the season yesterday, sharing the airspace behind our cottage with the Skylarks. I am always conscious of the flora and fauna that surrounds me, but this year it is as if my senses are heightened, helped by the reduction of manmade noise – less traffic on the roads, virtually no traffic in the sky. The next thing to tick off on my seasonal list is the call of the Cuckoo; perhaps the pandemic will mean that there are fewer hunters abroad to prevent them from returning on their epic journey. Oh, and since setting my trap the rabbit has been conspicuous by its absence.\n\nStumpy the scruffy white pony is a little less scruffy and a little whiter this week. He had a shower! Tabitha the stud groom’s girlfriend decided that he needed smartening up, so she took the hose to him. He was very good during his pampering session, mainly because I fed him carrots to keep him quiet. His coat felt so much nicer afterwards, and he even had his mane plaited, which I think he saw as being undignified for a testosterone fuelled stud pony.\n\nIt’s the last hurrah for several items in the ‘shop’. I have only a very few leeks, very few radishes, very few Pak Choi, and limited spinach. After this week it really is going to be back to basics for a while. Apologies for the potatoes last week, I ordered the wrong ones, and discovered that whilst perfectly sound, those I received were pretty small, so I sympathise with whoever has to peel them in your house. I should have the correct type this week, along with bakers and Pink Fir Apple. Basically the selection in the shop is the same as last week, albeit with limited availability of various items. I have ordered a larger quantity of oranges this week, so hopefully there will be enough for all.\n\nI had an unexpected hold-up while I was delivering last Friday. I drop off some boxes at customers that live in one of the small side streets that run at 90 degrees to Long Melford high street. The road is quite narrow, only one vehicle width on account of cars being parked along it’s whole length. Anyway, as I pulled into the street I found myself following a middle aged man wearing a full length cassock dragging a huge cross behind him, with an elderly woman a few metres in his wake carrying a carrier bag and wearing sandwich boards informing onlookers that Jesus died on the cross to save us. I wonder if she had loaves and fishes in her bag? In previous years I have passed the pilgrims carrying the cross to Walsingham, but they do it mob handed and appear to be having fun; chummy in Melford was probably wearing a hair shirt under his robe just to lessen the fun factor. I’m not ridiculing him, I love the fact that there are individuals like him with such conviction. In the whole scheme of things it cost me about 5 minutes of my time as I headed the cavalcade behind him, and I was pleased to have happened upon the scene. I have no religious faith, but well done that man.\n\nI am sorry if some of you sometimes don’t receive everything in your box that you had ordered, I’m afraid that it’s just human error on my part. I am packing around 700 items per week in the boxes at present, so inevitably the odd error is going to occur; it’s a consequence of working under pressure I’m afraid. Please let me know when you are short of anything and I will make amends.\n\nJust a reminder that I am continuing to minimise contact, so in most cases boxes will be left on doorsteps. On Thursday Jennifer has been dropping off most of the local orders; don’t engage with her! She is under strict instructions to drop the boxes and run, but she is somewhat more gregarious than I am and is much more likely to stop for a chat given the opportunity, please don’t tempt her. The other thing to remind you is that the order deadline is Tuesday night. Thank you for your cooperation.\n\nEnjoy your Easter egg….go for a jog in the morning as penance."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.highwayangel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Jon-Aztenhofer-Resize.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.highwayangel.org/highway-angel-recipient-jonathan-az-atzenhofer-2/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.highwayangel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Jon-Aztenhofer-Resize.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.highwayangel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Jon-Aztenhofer-Resize.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Jon Aztenhofer Resize"", ""rendered_width"": 160, ""rendered_height"": 160, ""original_width"": 160, ""original_height"": 160, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.highwayangel.org/highway-angel-recipient-jonathan-az-atzenhofer-2/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178377821.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20210307135518-20210307165518-00496.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 804790174, ""warc_record_length"": 12592}""","[ null, ""FOR THE SECOND TIME, JON “AZ” ATZENHOFER IS NAMED A TCA HIGHWAY ANGEL\n\nJon “AZ” Atzenhofer, a resident of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has been named a Highway Angel by the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA). This is the second time this professional truck driver has earned his Angel wings. Atzenhofer, who drives for FTC Transportation, also of Oklahoma City, is being recognized for taking the time to stop and help an accident victim.\n\nOn June 4, 2013, at about 7:00 a.m., Atzenhofer was traveling westbound on I-40, about 10 miles west of Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Suddenly, a small passenger car that was driving eastbound flipped 2-3 times, coming to a stop upright on the median. All of the vehicles in front of Atzenhofer kept going, but he felt compelled to stop. Atzenhofer called 911, grabbed his gloves, and ran to the scene, where he found that all of the windows were blown out except – ironically – the one on the driver’s side.\n\nThe door would not open, so Atzenhofer pulled the window out. He discovered that the driver was breathing, but not conscious. Not knowing the extent of the injuries, he decided to leave the driver in place until emergency personnel arrived. As a proactive measure, Atzenhofer used a knife to cut the seat belt, just in case he should need to pull the victim out quickly. When another person stopped to help, they were able to pry the door open and stood ready to remove the still unconscious driver if need be. Atzenhofer stayed with the victim until the authorities took over.\n\nAtzenhofer, who has been driving since 1988, has helped several motorists throughout his driving career. When asked about this incident, he said, “You just can’t bypass things like that, or at least I don’t!”\n\nLast year, Atzenhofer was honored as a Highway Angel for performing CPR on a man who was having a heart attack at a truck stop."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-top-1917-july-p-51-9203-9276-10625-9280-9281-9153-9266-10636-9116-9290-10623-2.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-top-hats-blouse-waist-9203.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-june-p-60-color-blouse-waist-9203-shirt-waist-9207.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-bw-9203-1917-aug-p-48.jpg?w=500"", ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-62-ctr-blouse-crochet-filet-lace-2.jpg?w=500"", ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-9203-9276-bag-10625-text-blouse-waist.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-9203-9276-1917-july-p-60-views-patterns-btm-2.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-top-hats-bloluse-w-9203-bw-9280-shirt-waist-9513-bw-9116-bw-92871.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-9280.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/9280-9281-text-1917-july-p-51-btm-text.jpg?w=500"", ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-9280-9281-1917-july-p-60-views-patterns-btm-2.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-top-hats-shirt-waist-9513-bw-9116.jpg?w=500"", ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-9116-9290-1917-july-p-60-views-patterns-btm-4.jpg?w=500"", null, ""https://witness2fashion.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/500-1917-july-p-51-skirt-skirt-9290.jpg?w=500"", 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""https://witness2fashion.wordpress.com/2017/12/10/skirts-and-blouses-august-1917/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500154.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204205328-20230204235328-00123.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 624991313, ""warc_record_length"": 44370}""","[ null, ""I’ve been collecting images of women’s blouses from 1917; this particular page shows such a variety of skirts, blouses and hats that it deserves a closer look."", null, ""This blouse was also featured in a color illustration in June:"", null, ""And in a different version in August:"", null, null, null, ""Butterick 9203 was shown with a relatively simple stitched-down pleat skirt (No. 9276) , but the skirt was enhanced with a checked cotton belt and matching checked border:"", null, ""Blouse 9203 could be made with a high-necked insert; the blouse has a sailor collar in back. The posture of 1917 is very high-waisted in back — caused by the shape of the corset."", null, ""I’ve spent hours trying to figure out the difference between a blouse, a blouse-waist, and a shirtwaist. I haven’t found any consistency yet. Sometimes a “blouse” is pulled on over the head, and sometimes a “shirt-waist” has a button front, but — not always. More about that on another day."", null, ""Butterick blouse-waist 9280. Delineator, July 1917. The blouse is trimmed with smocking. That interesting belt/pocket is part of the skirt pattern."", null, null, ""This view shows blouse 9280 in a single breasted version, with an optional high neck and the popular sailor collar in back. Skirt 9281."", null, null, ""Blouse-waist 9116 with skirt 9290. Women who were not comfortable wearing the relatively new bare necklines could make the blouse with a high collar instead.\n\nBoth skirts have interesting details. The medieval-influenced belt at right isn’t included."", null, null, ""Not related to these patterns — except for its sailor collar — is this vintage embroidered lace waist.\n\nThis vintage “waist,” which literally ends at the waist, reflects the custom of selling dress patterns as separate waist and skirt patterns. This gave the buyer more style options."", null, ""Another high-necked blouse option, sailor collar, and a back view of the skirt with gathers above its waist.\n\nAnd the “most unusual hat” award goes to…."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/46107_2.jpg"", null, ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Baytown_update.jpg"", null, ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Shon_Blake_161213_1451.jpg"", null, ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/S08-09_BRRF_69846_X31.jpg"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/projects/global-activities/baytowns-feedstock-growth-people/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/46107_2.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/46107_2.jpg"", ""alt_text"": ""Baytown\u2019s feedstock for growth is its people"", ""rendered_width"": 1102, ""rendered_height"": 1080, ""original_width"": 1102, ""original_height"": 1080, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/projects/global-activities/baytowns-feedstock-growth-people/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Baytown_update.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Baytown_update.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Baytown update"", ""alt_text"": ""In Baytown and Mont Belvieu, Texas, ExxonMobil is constructing new manufacturing facilities to expand its capacity to produce the building blocks for plastics."", ""rendered_width"": 1000, ""rendered_height"": 667, ""original_width"": 1000, ""original_height"": 667, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/projects/global-activities/baytowns-feedstock-growth-people/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Shon_Blake_161213_1451.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Shon_Blake_161213_1451.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Shon Blake"", ""alt_text"": ""Take their word for it"", ""rendered_width"": 816, ""rendered_height"": 800, ""original_width"": 816, ""original_height"": 800, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/projects/global-activities/baytowns-feedstock-growth-people/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/S08-09_BRRF_69846_X31.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/S08-09_BRRF_69846_X31.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""S BRRF X"", ""alt_text"": ""Growing the Gulf"", ""rendered_width"": 1160, ""rendered_height"": 773, ""original_width"": 1160, ""original_height"": 773, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://energyfactor.exxonmobil.com/projects/global-activities/baytowns-feedstock-growth-people/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038065492.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20210411204008-20210411234008-00222.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 339147007, ""warc_record_length"": 23257}""","[ null, ""In economic-development terms, a vibrant community can be defined by raw data. But the evidence is more personal on its streets. In Baytown, Texas, a Gulf Coast industrial city on the eastern edge of Houston, the vibrancy created by the city’s thriving petrochemical industry continues to ripple through everyday life. ...\n\nIn economic-development terms, a vibrant community can be defined by raw data. But the evidence is more personal on its streets.\n\nIn Baytown, Texas, a Gulf Coast industrial city on the eastern edge of Houston, the vibrancy created by the city’s thriving petrochemical industry continues to ripple through everyday life. At the epicenter is ExxonMobil’s North American Growth Project, a large-scale project slated to create jobs and sustain economic development for decades to come.\n\nThe North American Growth Project is made up of a new ethane cracker in Baytown and a new polyethylene plant in neighboring Mont Belvieu. Construction started in 2014, and the project is driving the creation of more than 10,000 construction jobs and 4,000 related jobs."", null, ""In Baytown and Mont Belvieu, Texas, ExxonMobil is constructing new manufacturing facilities to expand its capacity to produce the building blocks for plastics.\n\nConstruction workers are flocking to Baytown and, according to Mayor Stephen DonCarlos, thousands of transient newcomers will remain, building on the momentum laid by earlier generations of job seekers turned residents. Of that workforce commuting to Baytown, the mayor expects up to 20 percent will ultimately move to the city permanently, a population increase that will help grow the tax rolls, fill the schools and create renewed vitality.\n\nFor ExxonMobil and Baytown, the story of one cannot be told without the other. Or, as DonCarlos describes it, the two are “inextricably intertwined” and the relationship is more than a partnership.\n\n“They’ve invested a lot in our community,” DonCarlos said. “They’re a large company, but we work with them on really more of a personal basis than most people do.”\n\nThat commitment to Baytown is manifested in several examples throughout the city. Specifically, the company has taken strides to invest in beautification projects, from tree plantings to creating a “green belt” around their facilities. Additionally, ExxonMobil has been proactive in its efforts to coordinate public safety, according to DonCarlos, funding six full-time police officers to minimize the impact of traffic and provide added policing throughout the city.\n\nAnd, more than those jobs directly associated with ExxonMobil, the company’s growing footprint is driving ever-expanding investments throughout the city.\n\n“It’s affected our community from the amount of money that’s spent with vendors and companies in the area that do business with ExxonMobil,” said Tracey Wheeler, president of the Baytown Chamber of Commerce. “I mean you have contractors staying in all the hotels. You have RV parks that are full. You have grocery stores that are selling groceries like crazy.”\n\nThe data measuring economic development is vast and impersonal, but in Baytown, the fingerprint of growth and investment touches just about every aspect of life, creating a vibrancy that is woven into the community’s fabric for generations to come.\n\n“Baytown is a city where anything is possible,” DonCarlos said."", null, ""Take their word for it\n\nWhat does America’s so-called “manufacturing renaissance” look like? For a glimpse head to Baytown, Texas. Already home to one of the country’s largest refineries, the community is set to see even more economic growth because of the continued expansion of ExxonMobil’s manufacturing operations. Read on to learn from a handful of Baytonians and ..."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m28612509-300x232.png"", null, ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_6e5b9de-300x197.png"", null, ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m56939311-277x300.png"", ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_3f14fe9d-300x259.png"", null, ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_5fc1cc49-300x214.png"", ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m4f8c5025-300x277.png"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m28612509-300x232.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m28612509-300x232.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html m"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 1"", ""rendered_width"": 517, ""rendered_height"": 400, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 232, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_6e5b9de-300x197.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_6e5b9de-300x197.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html e b de"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 2"", ""rendered_width"": 455, ""rendered_height"": 299, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 197, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m56939311-277x300.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m56939311-277x300.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html m"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 3"", ""rendered_width"": 477, ""rendered_height"": 517, ""original_width"": 277, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_3f14fe9d-300x259.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_3f14fe9d-300x259.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html f fe d"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 4"", ""rendered_width"": 481, ""rendered_height"": 415, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 259, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_5fc1cc49-300x214.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_5fc1cc49-300x214.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html fc cc"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 5"", ""rendered_width"": 475, ""rendered_height"": 339, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 214, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m4f8c5025-300x277.png"", ""src"": ""https://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/How-Does-Anyone-Write-this_html_m4f8c5025-300x277.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""How Does Anyone Write this html m f c"", ""alt_text"": ""How does anyone write this? 6"", ""rendered_width"": 410, ""rendered_height"": 379, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 277, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.cfact.org/2021/07/17/how-does-anyone-write-this/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764495012.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20230127195946-20230127225946-00789.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 702133675, ""warc_record_length"": 135261}""","[ ""How does anyone write this?\n\nHow Does Anyone Write this?\n\nDisclosure… I do not read this paper, but people are emailing all the time, this showed up, so I could not pass up a chance to comment on this, with some questions. So some questions come to mind.\n\nDoes this person know what the actual global temperature is?\n\nDoes this person know where and when the vast majority of the warming is occurring (hint its not where a lot of life is)."", null, ""This is the recent November-March period in 7 warmest years in the satellite record, the bulk of the warming is where it is frigid. Which if the person understood the correlation between. WATER VAPOR AND TEMPERATURE, he would understand co2’s role is limited. even with the warming. Would the author like to see how much he would “burn up” trying to survive in those red areas btw?\n\nCan this person tell us the ideal temperature for the planet, given population and the average persons income is moving upward in tandem made possible by fossil fuels?"", null, ""The author obviously has not read Alex Epstein’s book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, or a whole slew of books (mine included though maybe he has since he is a perfect example of weaponization in a phony war) that debunk his missive and make it embarrassing to even write this. But I guess it will get a lot of clicks given the myopic agenda driven nature of his audience.\n\nHow is a burning world greener than it has ever been in the satellite era?"", null, null, ""So is this person against a greener planet (an actual green new deal)?\n\nAnd by the way, how much cooling does the author want? Does he have any idea the repercussions of sudden cooling given the planet and its life have adapted to the very gradual warming that is taking place? We have over 7.5 billion people. Has he considered what would happen if we suddenly quit “burning up”?\n\nAnd by the way we are not “burning up” and anyone using that term to describe the best time in human history obviously is pushing an agenda that runs counter to the facts.\n\nGiven that periods as warm or warmer than today were known as climate optimums due to the positive results on life, how is this somehow a climate emergency?\n\nWould this person consider 59 or 60 degrees burning up?\n\nCan he tell us the perfect level of co2, given plants ( hint we use them for food) grow best and can take stress best at almost 4x the current amount of co2?\n\nHow does this person explain the vast over prediction of modeling and the closest one being a Russian Model with no co2 attribution."", null, null, ""Believe me this is the tip of the iceberg (yes they still do exist, even in the authors burning world).\n\nAnd what also exists is another side of the story which either the author has no idea of, or if he does, chooses to purposefully ignore it.\n\nNow what could the possible reason for that?"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/596718-M.jpg"", ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/3048448-M.jpg"", ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/7336038-M.jpg"", ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/1456003-M.jpg"", ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/6206037-M.jpg"", ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/554024-M.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/596718-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/596718-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 242, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/3048448-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/3048448-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 275, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/7336038-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/7336038-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 288, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/1456003-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/1456003-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 240, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/6206037-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/6206037-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 259, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/554024-M.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/554024-M.jpg"", ""original_width"": 180, ""original_height"": 246, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://fiterasimynyhovur.flatmountaingirls.com/visual-symbolism-no-3-book-14456pa.php"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057329.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20210922041825-20210922071825-00525.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 310251836, ""warc_record_length"": 8783}""","[ ""5 edition of Visual Symbolism, No 3 found in the catalog.\n\n\nSymbolism was a response to a belief in 3 profound losses or “humiliations” as Freud eventually put it: a cosmological humiliation: science had demonstrated that the earth (and therefore man) is no longer the center of the universe; a biological humiliation: evolution theory disrupted the belief that man was created in the image of god. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is a series of six fantasy novels written by Irish author Michael Scott, completed in The first book in the series, The Alchemyst, was released in , and the sequels were released at the rate of one per year, concluding with The Enchantress in The cover artist for the series is Michael Wagner.\n\nSymbolism has many effects, such as allowing writers to add multiple layers of meaning to their work, making characters and themes more universal, and engaging readers' interest. Symbolism is the literary practice of using objects, people or situations to represent ideas that are greater than the objects' literal meanings. Iconicity refers to the visual relationship of a symbol to its referent and varies along a continuum from transparent to opaque. When a symbol to referent relationship is clear and obvious, the symbol is said to be a depiction. In contrast, if the symbol bears little or no visual resemblance to the referent, it is said to be."", null, null, null, null, null, null, ""This encyclopedia explores the hidden meanings No 3 book visual symbols across time and geography, from the sun to whales and the human hand.\n\nSpanning different eras and cultures, over beautiful images combine with expert illuminations of symbol history, meanings, and psychic associations, offering readers a precious and fascinating resource for /5(). No 3, Book of Shadows, Printable pages of Signs & Symbols: Ancient Egypt If you want to save No 3 book, please contact me after purchase.\n\nI have files without a antique background as well. The metaphysical field is replete with symbols and sigils, many of them incomprehensible to the uninitiated. In the5/5(K). Handbook of visual experience: An exploration of symbols and their meanings throughout history The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history.\n\nThe highly readable texts and over beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden 5/5(2). The secret language of symbols: a visual key to symbols and their meanings User Review - Not Available - Book Verdict.\n\nSince Jung's Man and His Symbols, several visual glossaries, from Eva Hangen's Symbols, Our Universal Language, to full-text studies by Joseph Campbell, have appeared. Drawing not only from nature 3/5(1). Art Symbolism. Art Symbolism in this article refers to the use of symbols in a painting to represent ideas or qualities.\n\nThis was an art movement that originated in late 19th century France and Belgium, in the period of time between It emerged in poetry and spread to all forms of visual art. The Book of Symbols. Reflections on Archetypal Images - image 8 Handbook of Visual Experience.\n\nAn exploration of symbols and their meanings throughout history. Main SR only Anker The Book of Symbols. Reflections on Archetypal Images. US$ Edition Label_Language_Editions_Select.\n\nIMAGERY. the ability to form mental images of things or events; \""he could still hear her in his imagination\"". Symbolism can take different forms. Generally, it is an object representing another, to give an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant.\n\nSometimes, however, an action, an event or a word spoken by someone may have a symbolic value. As the saying goes, a picture is worth 1, words, so it's no wonder so many authors incorporate symbolism into their writing. The visual nature of symbolism also makes it a fun concept to teach to students.\n\nWhether you are teaching symbolism as a new concept for your students, diving in deeper, or just reviewing the basics, read on to find activities and. The aim of this book is to seek a true understanding of the secret signs, sacred symbols, and other indicators of the arcane, hidden world that are so thickly clustered around us.\n\nDuring this process, we’ll shed light on the cultural, psychological, and anthropological nature of our signs and symbols. The title, the German word for “mouse,” is a reference to the Jewish characters, who are all depicted as mice.\n\nBy using German (or the language of the cats as the novel likes to call it), Maus plays on the anti-Semitic stereotyping of Jews as pests.\n\nIf the cover picture of the two mice huddled underneath a massive skull cross-hatched by a Nazi swastika doesn’t drive the point. The structure of the book is thematic, related signs and symbols are complemented and contrasted, giving a unique guide to their cross-cultural aspects.\n\nSome of those symbols that have the most complex meanings - such as the cross, the serpent, the rainbow and the wheel - have been singled out and are discussed in individual s: 1. 7 The Book as Symbol Source: The Oxford Companion to the Book Author(s): Brian Cummings ‘Books are not absolutely dead things,’ wrote John Milton in in *Areopagitica.A book.\n\nPeople Are Wearing Masks Everywhere—Except in Fashion Look Books. By Steff Yotk a. August 3, Raquel Allegra the mask is becoming the visual symbol. B. CARTOONS - Another kind of visual symbol. It tells its story metaphorically. The perfect cartoon needs no caption. The symbolism conveys the message.\n\n-It could also be used as a springboard for a lesson or a concluding 1 7. SAMPLESogy 1 8. STRIP DRAWINGS -commonly called comics or comic strip. In The Interest Of The S.D.A.\n\nDenomination News From Carolina Says the writer, under date of August 6: ìAbout two years ago there was enacted a scene in the Charleston Church which is a direct fulfillment of Hosea 1 and 2. At that particular time ten of the.\n\nSymbolism Books Showing of 1, The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3) by. Dan Brown (Goodreads Author) (shelved 22 times as symbolism) The Secret Language of Dreams: A Visual Key to Dreams and Their Meanings (Paperback) by.\n\nSymbolism was a late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin in poetry and other arts. In literature, the style originates with the publication of Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du works of Edgar Allan Poe, which Baudelaire admired greatly and translated into French, were a significant influence and the source of many stock tropes.\n\nThe most well-known Taoist symbol is the Yin-Yang: a circle divided into two swirling sections, one black and the other white, with a smaller circle of the opposite color nestled within each half.\n\nThe Yin-Yang symbol can also be found embedded within a more complex Taoist image called the Taiji Tu, which is a visual representation of all of Taoist cosmology.\n\nThe number three is the only number that is the sum of its parts: 1+2=3. Therefore it is the only true \""unity\"" apart from One, and it is partly for this reason that many religious entities are triune in nature.\n\nIn Christianity The Father, Son and Holy Ghost form a Trinity much like that of the ancient Egyptian hierarchy of Pharaoh, Falcon and Sun (Below, Between and Above).\n\nOriginal white boards, lettered in silver on front panel and spine. A little bumping to spine ends, but a near fine copy in a very good price-clipped dustwrapper, with a closed tear to lower edge of rear panel and some wear to head of spine."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.cestpasdujdr.fr/wp-content/litespeed/avatar/642d437f27dcee7a3f034fda939e8f1a.jpg?ver=1674554294"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.cestpasdujdr.fr/for-the-queen-english-version/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.cestpasdujdr.fr/wp-content/litespeed/avatar/642d437f27dcee7a3f034fda939e8f1a.jpg?ver=1674554294"", ""src"": ""https://www.cestpasdujdr.fr/wp-content/litespeed/avatar/642d437f27dcee7a3f034fda939e8f1a.jpg?ver=1674554294"", ""formatted_filename"": ""d f dcee a f fda e f a"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.cestpasdujdr.fr/for-the-queen-english-version/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499470.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128023233-20230128053233-00523.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 740045287, ""warc_record_length"": 27192}""","[ ""This game is magic\n\nOk dear friends, let’s face it : For the Queen is the best rpg I’ve played in 7 seven years.\nYessiree ! And I will explain why. But first, let me introduce it.\n\nFor the Queen is the new game from Alex Roberts, a successful and talented game designer known for her previous game Star Crossed.\n\nThe land you live in has been at war for as long as any of you have been alive.\nThe Queen has decided to undertake a long and perilous journey to broker an alliance with a distant power.\nThe Queen has chosen all of you, and no one else, to be her retinue, and accompany her on this journey.\nShe chose you because she knows that you love her.\n\nThis is how we play : on your turn, pick a card and read it aloud.\nThe first 19 cards are the game’s rules.The next cards are questions on our relationship with the Queen, the journey, the war, etc..\n\nBy answering this questions, we frame together the universe and our characters. While the Queen is the main character of our story, she is not played by any of us. She ‘s got a central role in our story, and each character is first defined by their relationship with her.\n\nThe game is for 2 to 6 players, thought I’ve successfully run it with 8. There is no need of a game master. Each session lasts 30 min to 2 hours.\n\nYou can pre-order it at Evil Hat Production store.\n\nI bought For The Queen last week because it’s already sold as a Roll20 module. I immediately made a DIY translated version so I could test it. And now that I’ve played it 4 times in 3 days, I can tell you : This Game is Absolutely MARVELOUS.\n\nSo, you need some proof ? Ok, fine. I said it was the best RPG I’ve played in 7 years, so let me explain why.\n\nUpdate 2 : you can play 13 games inspired by For the Queen for free on this website : www.forthedrama.com It’s a community project where you can also create and publish your own game\n\nWhy For the Queen is soooo good\n\nBecause in a 30 minutes game, you have a rich, fun and exciting RPG experience. And you can play with people who didn’t know what is a RPG before. And who never had to read the rules or to listen to someone explain them. That’s turned me upside down !\n\nFor the Queen has 2 strengths : it’s accessible and it’s smart.\n\nThis game is so accessible that :\n\nSmart : oh yeah, this game is smart.\nHere are some ideas I have seen in others TRPG and that For the Queen draws from :\n\nI loved my Queen, but I still betrayed her\n\nSo : what does a session looks like ? Well, none of the sessions I’ve played were like the other, and that’s because there’s no pre-established game universe.\n\nAfter only 3 sessions, we found ourselves going to space to reach an alien race. We traveled to the Mountain of Death, searching for a powerful artefact. We rode on the arid steppes.\n\nBut there are a few fixed elements. The session culminates with a final question, a last card, which is always the same : “The Queen is under attack. Do you defend her ?”.\n\nYes, I think you know where it’s going : the party will talk about faithfulness, treachery, betrayal, sense of duty and honor. And the love for your Queen. This Queen who is sometimes loving and sweet. Sometimes also capable of the most abject cruelty “for the good of the kingdom”.\n\nAnd this creates a joyful, relaxed atmosphere with plenty of laughs : “What ? you just said that you are her trusted bodyguard ! How dare you to embush our Queen ?” etc. etc.\n\nAs soon as we finished our first session, one thing became obvious : For the Queen is begging to be hacked. Hacks with new themes. New cards for playing with interpersonal characters relations.\n\nIn conclusion, I will say that For the Queen is a fabulous concept that shines with its simplicity.\n\nThe kind of game that I want to carry in my bag at all times and take out on any occasion.\n\nI now only hope for one thing: a french translation, as it’s my native language — and a nice distribution.\n\nThis game deserves to appear in the stalls of stores not specialized in RPGs, and thus to find its public."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpollnew1.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpoll2new.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.kff.org/health-costs/press-release/public-ranks-drug-costs-and-sufficient-provider-networks-ahead-of-affordable-care-act-changes-as-health-care-priorities-for-next-president-and-congress-to-address/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpollnew1.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", ""src"": ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpollnew1.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""octpollnew"", ""alt_text"": ""octpollnew1"", ""rendered_width"": 550, ""rendered_height"": 412, ""original_width"": 550, ""original_height"": 412, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.kff.org/health-costs/press-release/public-ranks-drug-costs-and-sufficient-provider-networks-ahead-of-affordable-care-act-changes-as-health-care-priorities-for-next-president-and-congress-to-address/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpoll2new.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", ""src"": ""https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/octpoll2new.png?w=550&h=412&crop=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""octpoll new"", ""alt_text"": ""octpoll2new"", ""rendered_width"": 550, ""rendered_height"": 412, ""original_width"": 550, ""original_height"": 412, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.kff.org/health-costs/press-release/public-ranks-drug-costs-and-sufficient-provider-networks-ahead-of-affordable-care-act-changes-as-health-care-priorities-for-next-president-and-congress-to-address/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499871.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131122916-20230131152916-00840.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 870365212, ""warc_record_length"": 15892}""","[ ""Most Say They Favor a “Public Option” to Compete with Private Marketplace Plans, But Views Are Malleable After Hearing Pro and Con Arguments\n\nHealth care itself is not playing a major role in the election, as the poll finds the candidates’ characteristics, the economy and jobs, and foreign policy ranking are the top factors behind voters’ decision. The poll looks beyond the election to assess the public’s top health care priorities once the results are known.\n\nMaking sure that high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable to those who need them is viewed as a “top priority” by three quarters (74%) of the public, including large majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents. In addition, nearly two-thirds (63%) of the public say government action to lower prescription drug prices is a top priority. Other top priorities include making sure health plans have sufficient doctor and hospital networks (57%) and protecting people from high charges when they visit an in-network hospital but are seen by an out-of-network doctor (54%).\n\nFewer cite various changes to the Affordable Care Act as top priorities for the next president and Congress, such as helping people with moderate incomes pay high out-of-pocket costs for medical care (44%), repealing the law entirely (37%), and repealing specific provisions requiring nearly all Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine (38%) and requiring employers with 50 or more workers to pay a fine if they don’t offer health insurance to their workers (29%). Among Republicans, however, repealing the Affordable Care Act entirely remains a top issue, ranking second among health care priorities."", null, null, ""In addition, some people’s opinion about a public option can shift when presented with arguments being made by those on the other side. For instance, one-fifth (21%) shifts their opinion from favor to oppose after hearing the argument often made by opponents that doctors and hospitals would be paid less, and 27 percent shifts to oppose after hearing that the government plan would have an unfair advantage over private insurers.\n\nOn the other side, about one in ten changes their stance from oppose to favor after hearing that the public option could help drive down costs through increased competition (13%), provide more choices to people getting insurance through the marketplaces (11%), or could be the only insurance option for people in areas where private insurers may not offer marketplace plans (11%).\n\nWhen asked specifically about the future of the Affordable Care Act, the public remains divided. About one-third (32%) want the next president and Congress to repeal the entire law, and a similar share (31%) want Washington to expand what the health care law does. One in five (18%) want to see the law implemented as is, while 9 percent want to see it scaled back. There are huge partisan divisions on this question, with large majorities of Republicans and voters supporting Donald Trump wanting the entire law repealed or scaled back, and large majorities of Democrats and voters supporting Hillary Clinton wanting it expanded or implemented as is.\n\nWith the Affordable Care Act’s fourth open enrollment period for marketplace coverage beginning Nov. 1, the tracking poll examines the public’s view on the 2010 health care law, including which groups they think are better and worse off as a result of this legislation, and what sources they go to for information about the law.\n\nThe public overall this month is evenly divided on the Affordable Care Act, with 45 percent reporting both a favorable and an unfavorable view. These views are largely stable, with few people changing their minds when presented with the other side’s arguments.\n\nDesigned and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation, the poll was conducted from October 12-18 among a nationally representative random digit dial telephone sample of 1,205 adults. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish by landline (424) and cell phone (781). The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for the full sample. For results based on subgroups, the margin of sampling error may be higher."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/1964769_735525076471927_1316968000_n.jpg?w=168&h=300"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6358.jpg?w=248&h=300"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6428.jpg?w=200&h=300"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6447.jpg?w=300&h=200"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6310.jpg?w=200&h=300"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6539.jpg?w=300&h=200"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6615.jpg?w=300&h=206"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6640.jpg?w=200&h=300"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6666.jpg?w=300&h=242"", null, ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6272.jpg?w=295&h=427"", null, 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This is Scotty, he just wanted to hug and not let go."", ""rendered_width"": 295, ""rendered_height"": 427, ""original_width"": 295, ""original_height"": 426, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6401.jpg?w=337&h=427"", ""src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6401.jpg?w=337&h=427"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""alt_text"": ""Little Zoe showing us how she can move her feet and hop around."", ""rendered_width"": 337, ""rendered_height"": 427, ""original_width"": 337, ""original_height"": 427, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6564.jpg?w=238&h=159"", ""src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6564.jpg?w=238&h=159"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""alt_text"": ""Collecting leaf, a daily and very tiring job for Dr Karen."", ""rendered_width"": 238, ""rendered_height"": 159, ""original_width"": 237, ""original_height"": 158, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6281.jpg?w=238&h=159"", ""src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6281.jpg?w=238&h=159"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""alt_text"": ""The new treatment room Tree Roo Rescue are building, but need further funds to finish it."", ""rendered_width"": 238, ""rendered_height"": 159, ""original_width"": 237, ""original_height"": 158, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6391.jpg?w=394&h=519"", ""src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6391.jpg?w=394&h=519"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""alt_text"": ""They sure grow big in the tropics."", ""rendered_width"": 394, ""rendered_height"": 519, ""original_width"": 394, ""original_height"": 518, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6573.jpg?w=257&h=172"", ""src"": ""https://aworldtreasure.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6573.jpg?w=257&h=172"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""alt_text"": ""One of the many spiders that came crawling out of the leaf we collected."", ""rendered_width"": 257, ""rendered_height"": 172, ""original_width"": 257, ""original_height"": 171, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://aworldtreasure.org/2014/03/04/tree-kangaroo-in-the-spotlight/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104204514.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20220702192528-20220702222528-00317.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 165336397, ""warc_record_length"": 37093}""","[ ""Tree Roo in the Spotlight\n\nAs elusive as the tree kangaroo themselves, it seems so too are the people ensuring their survival. I was lucky enough to venture out to visit the only Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo centre in the world…right in the very state in which I call home. I spent 3 wonderful days with the only two tree kangaroo carers in Australia learning about an animal that very few Australians will ever get to see, and chances are may even be unaware of their existence."", null, ""I read an interesting fact in a recent Australian Geographic magazine about this particular Aussie animal that is as seemingly as exotic to Australians as they are to people in other parts of the world. It reads, “A survey taken in Brisbane in 2003 revealed that only 36 percent of respondents had even heard of them- and this in the capital of Queensland, home to both Australian species.” I am ashamed to admit, that I was one of those statistics.\n\nWarning signs along the highway alerted us that we had arrived in tree kangaroo country, where we’d be meeting Dr Karen Coombes, founder of Tree Roo Rescue and Conservation Centre. Driving into the tablelands I felt this unexpected rush of excitement as we closed in on Malanda. I’ve travelled the world to encounter exotic animals, and here I was on an adventure in my own country about to lay eyes on something I’d only recently known existed. A kangaroo that lives in trees!? Part tree climber, part our most iconic Australian animal that puts us on the map. I have driven up and down highways throughout my life oblivious to the wildlife that I may be passing by. But this time I was on the edge of my seat scanning treetops and the rainforest floor just like I did when exploring the rainforests of Borneo."", null, ""We pulled up at the home of Tree Roo Rescue where we met a very exhausted Karen who had just done the rounds of the morning feed. Karen is currently caring for 11 Lumholtz Tree Kangaroos, the most she’s ever had in care at any given time. It seemed we’d arrived at Tree Kangaroo high season and vacancy at Karen’s Inn was at full capacity. In a normal year, she might receive 6 calls for rescue. And in the last 18 months, she’s had 26. And as if she doesn’t have enough on her plate, 9 of the animals in her care are blind and require extra special care."", null, ""There was no time to waste, our introductions were as quick as a handshake before being handed a bucket of food where we would spend the day shadowing Karen in everything she did. From sun up to sun down, she just doesn’t stop. And she can’t. It’s not just the purpose built cages out the back that are currently occupied, but her two spare bedrooms also. It is here I lay eyes on my first tree kangaroo, Shelly. Immediately, all of my preconceived images flew out the window to see this unfamiliar animal in real time. I was completely taken by their incredibly long tail, and their striking prehistoric looks. It reminded me of something I had seen beside a Woolley Mammoth replica at an ice age exhibit at the museum. A prehistoric Australian mammal, maybe something like an early day koala.\n\nI spend the rest of my time pointing out their similarities to many different animals all rolled into one. “It kind of looks like a possum crossed with a wallaby, no, a lemur crossed with a koala, no …a wombat crossed with a kangaroo!” Before too long I conclude with the idea that this animal is deserving of its own identity indeed. It looks, walks, hops and climbs just as it should- like a Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo. And it’s absolutely sensational. It really took me by surprise to understand how much we can take our own native wildlife for granted, which I guess is a big part of the issue at hand. I bet this is how it feels for tourists who encounter a kangaroo or koala for the first time. I loved the excitement I felt for one of my own, it was like coming face to face with a brand new life form. A furry little alien who I’d been sharing my country with for 28 years without even knowing it. Fancy that."", null, ""Lilly and Shelly are the occupants inside Karen’s house. Two special care girls that need around the clock care. They are both blind and too unsure of themselves to put in the enclosures like some of the others that are in different stages of rehabilitation. Shelly was found by the side of the road after being hit by a car, Lilly after a dog attack. Their blindness, like the other animals with this condition, is believed to be a result of the trauma. There is nothing that can be done to restore their eyesight. Blindness is something Karen says has been on the increase in the last 2 years. Blindness, and animals turning up in odd places far away from the rainforest."", null, ""Karen took us to continue her daily feed, a routine chore, which I assumed wouldn’t take long. We followed Karen in and out of cages watching on as she dealt with the different personalities, which would greet her behind each and every door. Some of them just wanted to hug Karen and not let her go, others wanted to playfully bite her and some were too blind to see she was there but could sense her in other ways. And when I say ‘hug her’, they were reaching out their little, yet robust, arms to her like a little kid wanting to be picked up by its mother. And when she ignored them, they would protest by whinging (if you closed your eyes, you would have sworn it was the sound of a 2-year-old at a supermarket check out) and stretching out even higher. Each animal was so unique and needed different levels of care that it could take anywhere from a few minutes up to half an hour to get through each enclosure. This was not a matter of opening the door and leaving them a plate of food, this was nurturing individuals complete with unique personalities of their own. And I loved Karen for exposing me to this. This is only the work of a genuine carer."", null, ""We were already sweltering in the far north QLD heat, but still had the biggest job of the day to endure. Cutting leaf! We went out into the countryside stopping by the roadside to collect some weeds, which Karen says they really like. We brought back bags of the stuff, traipsing through long grass cutting the freshest branches and leaves. I can’t say I was over enthusiastic when Karen warned us to watch for spiders in the privit. When we got back to the car, some large varieties of spiders came crawling out of the bag. She said it was just a part of the job she had learnt to accept. I couldn’t believe that this was a daily job for just one woman and I admired her dedication purely for leaf that will last just one day."", null, ""Karen has spent twenty-five years as a carer dedicating her time to rehabilitating our Australian wildlife. In 1999 she rescued ‘Mickey’, her first tree kangaroo and she would come to be one of their biggest ambassadors for their survival. Amongst the hands on daily care, she is hands on too with educating the general public about the threats facing this species. Wearing two hats, she’s the rehabilitator and the educator. An elusive animal, hardly seen by the general public, it is difficult to keep the tree kangaroo top of mind. To put it into perspective, in an 18-month period whilst undergoing her PHD, Karen found only 8 animals though spending days and nights tracking them in the rainforest. Her biggest disappointment is that the IUCN have them listed as ‘least concern’ after the results of a researcher who once claimed that they were abundant. Karen and her fellow wildlife groups feel strongly that they are ‘threatened’ and have disputed this time and time again to have their status upgraded."", null, ""We got home, and it was time again for the afternoon feed. No rest for the wicked as they say. The girls, Shelly and Lilly, were delighted to have some fresh leaf surrounding them and sat quietly chewing through the branches. It really made it all feel worthwhile seeing their happy little expressions and contentment at the treats we’d returned with. I could see why Karen trekked into long grass for one special branch to bring home for the girls. Shortly afterwards, Lilly curled up in the centre of the leaf and went to sleep.\n\nWe were sweaty, smelly and covered in dirt and yet felt a real sense of satisfaction helping these animals that were in care mainly as a result of our own doing. By not fencing our dogs, by building highways through their habitats, by driving fast cars… I could understand in this moment why Karen does it, but I also considered what a huge weight it was to carry knowing that if you aren’t doing it, nobody else is. She can’t call in a sickie when it all gets too much, and she can’t take a holiday to Bali. This job requires 110% dedication. Vet bills, medications, enclosures and a half-finished treatment room are daily expenses and other tails, other than the tree roos, she has to chase. It doesn’t come cheap to Karen and her husband Neil. But at the same time, she’s doing this wonderful thing trying to turn around the negative impact human beings have had on this species and I felt immensely proud to spend a day in her shoes."", null, ""When we came to the end of the first day, I asked Karen if we could take a picture together at which point she worried about the state of her hair. I had to laugh, it was the first moment throughout that entire day I had seen even a remote glimmer of Karen thinking about herself. We agreed at the end of the day to take one collaborative sweaty, dirty picture depicting exactly the day as it was….hard work!\n\nWe spent another day, doing it all again, when I came to the conclusion…we must clone Karen."", null, ""Karen is greeted each morning by a different little personality. This is Scotty, he just wanted to hug and not let go."", null, ""Little Zoe showing us how she can move her feet and hop around."", null, ""Little Zoe being told not to crash tackle Karen for hugs."", null, ""The new treatment room Tree Roo Rescue are building, but need further funds to finish it."", null, ""They sure grow big in the tropics."", null, ""One of the many spiders that came crawling out of the leaf we collected.\n\nA day’s collection of leaf.\n\nOut the back of Karen’s property- tree roo habitat."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://gameo.org/images/thumb/e/ef/Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg/300px-Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Alchemist,_The_(Drama)"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/images/thumb/e/ef/Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg/300px-Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://gameo.org/images/thumb/e/ef/Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg/300px-Alchemist_Ben_Jonson.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""px Alchemist Ben Jonson"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 423, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 423, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Alchemist,_The_(Drama)"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618039379601.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20210420060507-20210420090507-00107.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 371477214, ""warc_record_length"": 8196}""","[ null, ""The Alchemist is a drama by the English playwright Ben Jonson (1572-1637) containing the first reference to Anabaptists or Mennonites in drama. The Alchemist is a comedic play in five acts. It premiered at Oxford in 1610, with performances in London later that year and was published in 1612. It is generally considered Jonson's best and most characteristic comedy and one of the few Renaissance plays, in addition to Shakespeare’s, still performed today.\n\nThe plot has a butler, Jeremy, a.k.a. Face, left in charge of a large house in Blackfriars, London. Without his master's knowledge he runs a major confidence swindle in company with two odd named characters: Sublte, a supposed alchemist, and Dol Common, a prostitute. All want the alchemist to perform some wizardly service but of course are tricked and cheated out of their money and goods. Those deceived include Ananias, an Anabaptist Deacon from Amsterdam, and also later his pastor with the Puritan like name, Tribulation Wholesome. The Anabaptists want the Philosopher’s Stone to convert goods into gold in order to use this money to win more people to their denomination.\n\nIn The Alchemist the terms “Mennonite” and “Anabaptist” are not used though the two characters are identified as Anabaptists in the preface listing of the play’s characters. The Anabaptists in the play call themselves “separated Brethren” and Sublte (act II, scene v) calls Ananias “You heathen, you Knipper-Doling.” A direct reference to Bernard Knipperdolling (1490-1536) the martyred Anabaptist Mayor of the city of Münster. Then near the play’s end the returned master of the Blackfriars house in error accuses a character of also being an Anabaptist when he shouts at him (act V, scene v), “Away you Harry Nickolas” an apparent reference to the supposed Anabaptist Hendrik Niclaes (1502-1580) the leader of the “Family of Love” sect suppressed by Queen Elizabeth in 1580.\n\nThe English only knew distorted and historically inaccurate Anabaptist characteristics, practices and beliefs for the information that came to them were texts from their enemies. For example they knew them as revolutionary fanatics of the German City of Münster. The Anabaptist character Ananias is depicted as greedy for power and property, though passionate to increase his churches membership. Likely the playwright Jonson uses Anabaptists as a device to ridicule Puritans and other controversial religious figures in his troubled religious times."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.worldsoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2016/04/David-Crompton.png?w=630"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.worldsoccer.com/news/south-yorkshire-police-chief-suspended-370467"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.worldsoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2016/04/David-Crompton.png?w=630"", ""src"": ""https://www.worldsoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2016/04/David-Crompton.png?w=630"", ""formatted_filename"": ""David Crompton"", ""rendered_width"": 630, ""rendered_height"": 400, ""original_width"": 630, ""original_height"": 400, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.worldsoccer.com/news/south-yorkshire-police-chief-suspended-370467"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662580803.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20220525054507-20220525084507-00009.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1159138043, ""warc_record_length"": 12393}""","[ null, ""David Crompton has been suspended as chief constable of South Yorkshire police, in the wake of Wednesday’s Hillsborough verdict of unlawful killing.\n\nCrompton’s force had been heavily criticised for its conduct during the inquest which delivered its verdict on Tuesday.\n\nDr Alan Billings, the police and crime commissioner for South Yorkshire, would make no further comment about Crompton’s suspension.\n\nIt comes after Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham said there had been a “27-year cover up” and “those responsible must be held to account”.\n\nOn Tuesday a jury concluded the 96 victims of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster had been unlawfully killed.\n\nCompton had apologised in 2012 for the conduct of the South Yorkshire Police, but the coroner, Sir John Goldring, ruled that to admit the apology as part of the two-year hearing, would ‘wrong’ and ‘highly prejudicial’.”\n\nThe chief constable issued a further apology after the inquest’s conclusions were heard on Tuesday. He admitted his force got the policing “catastrophically wrong” on that fateful day.\n\n“I want to make it absolutely clear that we unequivocally accept the verdict of unlawful killing and the wider findings reached by the jury in the Hillsborough Inquests,” he said. “On 15th April 1989, South Yorkshire Police got the policing of the FA Cup semi-final at Hillsborough catastrophically wrong.\n\n“It was and still is the biggest disaster in British sporting history. That day 96 people died and the lives of many others were changed forever. The force failed the victims and failed their families. Today, as I have said before, I want to apologise unreservedly to the families and all those affected.”"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_extra_large_4_3/public/story/2020/11/eddie_osei-nketia.jpg?itok=aBqvtg72"", null, ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_small_related_stories/public/story/2021/01/rebekah_greene_2_290120.jpg?itok=p2vef3N_"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/athletics/sprint-star-suffers-set-back"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_extra_large_4_3/public/story/2020/11/eddie_osei-nketia.jpg?itok=aBqvtg72"", ""src"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_extra_large_4_3/public/story/2020/11/eddie_osei-nketia.jpg?itok=aBqvtg72"", ""formatted_filename"": ""eddie osei nketia"", ""alt_text"": ""Eddie Osei-Nketia. Photo: Getty Images"", ""rendered_width"": 630, ""rendered_height"": 512, ""original_width"": 630, ""original_height"": 512, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/athletics/sprint-star-suffers-set-back"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_small_related_stories/public/story/2021/01/rebekah_greene_2_290120.jpg?itok=p2vef3N_"", ""src"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_landscape_small_related_stories/public/story/2021/01/rebekah_greene_2_290120.jpg?itok=p2vef3N_"", ""formatted_filename"": ""rebekah greene"", ""alt_text"": ""Rebekah Greene. PHOTO: ODT FILES"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 240, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 240, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/athletics/sprint-star-suffers-set-back"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610704800238.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20210126135838-20210126165838-00081.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 924666578, ""warc_record_length"": 22351}""","[ null, ""And the accident has put the 19-year-old Scots College boarder in trouble with his coach Gary Henley-Smith, while training partner Joseph Millar is also disappointed.\n\nThe Osei-Nketia camp is awaiting further medical reports after the teenager suffered a broken radius bone near his right elbow. He could be sidelined for about six weeks.\n\nOsei-Nketia, the son of former Kiwi sprint champ Gus Nketia, was the talk of the sports world last year after winning the Australian title but he has been brought to a sudden halt.\n\nThe accident occurred near the college in Wellington late on Friday night.\n\n\""I'm not happy – it was unnecessary, it happened in darkness which is the problem,\"" said Henley-Smith, the college's boarding director and a former top sprinter himself.\n\n\""This is a good lesson and a number of people are now talking to him about taking responsibility. He's a big boy now.\n\n\""He's pretty sad. He says he went over the handlebars – that's his story.\""\n\nOsei-Nketia's story grabbed the headlines last year, with the youngster choosing to represent New Zealand over Australia even though his family has lived in Canberra since 2011. Raised in Auckland, \""Fast Eddie\"" also has aspirations to be an All Black.\n\nRanked inside the world's top 54, the Japan Olympics were beckoning. But Olympic qualification has become trickier because of the worldwide pandemic.\n\nThere is also a points qualification system but that route is problematic because New Zealand's Covid-19 quarantine requirements make travel to events in Australia too costly.\n\nMeeting the qualification time is regarded as the only surefire way of satisfying the Olympic selectors.\n\nWith the 2020 Tokyo Olympics postponed for a year, Osei-Nketia has been able to make major headway with his education which has delighted everyone involved, Henley-Smith said.\n\nBut the cycle crash has put a spoke in his wheels.\n\n\""I'd call this a minor setback,\"" Henley-Smith said.\n\n\""One of the first things I asked is 'have you rung your dad yet?' He has now.\n\n\""As you can see I'm pretty mad. But young people make mistakes. He will learn from the experience.\"""", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/blocks.jpg"", null, ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/rsz_blockchain-beyond-bitcoin_f_rgb_web.jpg"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/2017/06/blockchain/blockchain-technologies-set-transform-10-industries/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/blocks.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/blocks.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""blocks"", ""alt_text"": ""Blocks"", ""rendered_width"": 745, ""rendered_height"": 493, ""original_width"": 745, ""original_height"": 493, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/2017/06/blockchain/blockchain-technologies-set-transform-10-industries/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/rsz_blockchain-beyond-bitcoin_f_rgb_web.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/rsz_blockchain-beyond-bitcoin_f_rgb_web.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""rsz blockchain beyond bitcoin f rgb web"", ""alt_text"": ""YH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7"", ""rendered_width"": 2100, ""rendered_height"": 2813, ""original_width"": 2100, ""original_height"": 2813, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.blockchain-expo.com/2017/06/blockchain/blockchain-technologies-set-transform-10-industries/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711394.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20221209080025-20221209110025-00384.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 693845514, ""warc_record_length"": 14196}""","[ ""How blockchain technologies are set to transform 10 industries"", null, ""It is still early days for the potential of blockchain technologies to become apparent – yet according to Jeremiah Owyang, founder of industry advisory group Crowd Companies, blockchain is already showing its worth in the legal and supply chain industries.\n\nOwyang, formerly a Forrester analyst and founding partner at Altimeter Group, has for the past four years having founded Crowd Companies been helping organisations navigate the choppy digital waters of the ‘collaborative economy’. The latest project is a report on the business models of blockchain, written alongside Jaimy Szymanski, a research contractor at Crowd Companies and fellow Altimeter alumnus.\n\nOwyang gives a very recent example to explain how and why the report came into being. Keynoting at a business conference in Cincinnati last week, he asked the audience whether they knew what blockchain and was and how it could impact their business. The near silence spoke volumes.\n\n“While tech entrepreneurs and the crypto community understands and sees the opportunity, traditional, large companies are unsure of what it is and how it applies to them,” he tells CloudTech. “Sensing this market opportunity, we took on the challenge to explain blockchain to many industries.”\n\nThe 21-page report looks at 10 different industries, from energy to education and from food to pharmaceuticals. The legal industry, and the supply chain – adding transparency and accountability where the middlemen call the tune at a large cost in the latter – go ‘hand in hand’ with where blockchain is proving its value, says Owyang. “They’re also foundational underpinnings to most other industry applications that we’ll see in the long-term,” he adds.\n\nThe report also offers six cautions, with one of the more eyebrow-raising of these around the speed of verifying transactions – or, rather, the lack of it.\n\nListening in the audience at a blockchain event last Autumn, this reporter heard speakers discuss the benefits of Bitcoin and the technology underpinning it. Edan Yago, the CEO of Epiphyte, explained how his company helps banks, the great bastion of trust, and distributed ledgers, get along. He described how the problem of trust was being solved “like a liberal arts problem…in an entirely non-scalable way.”\n\nBlockchain will help users send payments to other countries without incurring charges, Yago argued. Yet as the report reveals, while it can take up to 15 minutes to verify a transaction on blockchain currently, Western Union conducts 39 transactions per second. It is an “operational hurdle”, as David Thompson, Western Union EVP global operations and chief technology officer, puts it.\n\nThis will improve, however, according to Owyang, who added that the blockchain startups he spoke to in Cincinnati confirmed it was currently a weakness. “Verification speed will improve over time, and many financial institutions and partners are continually testing pilots on blockchain to see how fast transfers can occur while still maintaining their standards of security,” he says.\n\n“In order for verification speed to get to where it needs to be, we’ll see not only the backend technology evolve but also partners working together – companies, government – to ensure legal and governance hurdles are overcome. In the meantime, companies are achieving greater speed of transactions and verification on blockchain by utilising private, permissioned chains.”\n\nA graphic produced by Crowd Companies outlines the market opportunity (click the graphic to expand), while you can find out more here."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.utoronto.ca/sites/default/files/2018-02-13-naloxone-resized.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.utoronto.ca/news/handing-out-naloxone-doesn-t-fix-opioid-crisis-u-t-researchers"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.utoronto.ca/sites/default/files/2018-02-13-naloxone-resized.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.utoronto.ca/sites/default/files/2018-02-13-naloxone-resized.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""naloxone resized"", ""alt_text"": ""Photo of naloxone kit"", ""rendered_width"": 1140, ""rendered_height"": 760, ""original_width"": 1140, ""original_height"": 760, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.utoronto.ca/news/handing-out-naloxone-doesn-t-fix-opioid-crisis-u-t-researchers"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710698.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129132340-20221129162340-00680.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1107328712, ""warc_record_length"": 12191}""","[ null, ""In the midst of a national opioid crisis, take-home naloxone programs have expanded rapidly, with Ontario’s Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Dr. Eric Hoskins recently announcing that naloxone kits will be provided to fire and police departments across the province.\n\nUniversity of Toronto researchers are questioning whether naloxone distribution might distance people from health-care services or worsen health inequities.\n\n“Having naloxone on hand saves lives. It also brings power back into the hands of people who need it most, including people at risk of opioid poisoning or overdose,” says Dr. Daniel Buchman, a bioethicist at the U of T Joint Centre for Bioethics and one of the lead authors of an article published on Feb. 3 in Public Health Ethics.\n\n“We also wonder whether naloxone distribution will improve health equity or if it might unintentionally keep people from accessing the health care they need and deserve.”\n\nBuchman and co-authors explore the history of take-home naloxone, showing that the intervention was developed to avoid the stigma of opioid addiction and overdose. They argue that sidestepping stigma and marginalization doesn’t always overcome those problems.\n\n“People are dying from opioid overdose in part because the health-care system has failed to serve them. Handing out naloxone doesn’t fix that on its own,” says Dr. Aaron Orkin, an emergency and public health physician and clinical public health fellow at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.\n\n\""We need a seamless and inviting system of care. A system where 911 and paramedicine, hospitals, clinics and emergency departments are the safest, most open and destigmatizing environments for everyone to get care, especially for people who use drugs.\""\n\nTake-home naloxone programs have expanded quickly in Canada since the opioid antidote became available without a prescription in 2016. In Ontario, naloxone is available for free at many retail pharmacies. Public health units and authors agree that it is an important part of the response to the opioid crisis. It may, however, be considered a Band-Aid solution because the intervention is reactive rather than preventing emergencies, but there are so few interventions that health-care providers can deploy to reduce opioid-related deaths.\n\n“We know that communities where naloxone distribution is commonplace have had fewer opioid-related deaths than communities with less distribution, so that's a pretty amazing Band-Aid,” said Orkin.\n\nThe trouble is why naloxone distribution is necessary in the first place – because people who use drugs often cannot access emergency-care systems, for many reasons, including fear of arrest and stigma. Unless naloxone distribution programs are carefully implemented, authors argue that they might reinforce barriers to care experienced by people who use drugs and the resulting health inequities.\n\n“We want to make sure that people have naloxone and the skills to use it,” said Orkin. “At the same time, it would be tragic if take-home naloxone programs sent the message that overdose is not a real emergency health-care problem or that people who overdose don't deserve to get care from capable and empathetic providers.”\n\nDrs. Buchman and Orkin were co-authors on the paper with Professors Carol Strike and Ross Upshur from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.\n\nResearch for the article was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Schwartz/Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute and the University of Toronto department of family and community medicine."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2019/8/8/eddc0ff5-55ef-49c6-a288-ce5e34d73dae-115400_1667.jpg?w=540&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.romper.com/p/when-is-the-big-brother-live-finale-hang-tight-fans-have-a-while-before-a-winner-is-crowned-18560182"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2019/8/8/eddc0ff5-55ef-49c6-a288-ce5e34d73dae-115400_1667.jpg?w=540&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress"", ""src"": ""https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2019/8/8/eddc0ff5-55ef-49c6-a288-ce5e34d73dae-115400_1667.jpg?w=540&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress"", ""formatted_filename"": ""eddc ff ef c a ce e d dae"", ""original_width"": 540, ""original_height"": 360, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.romper.com/p/when-is-the-big-brother-live-finale-hang-tight-fans-have-a-while-before-a-winner-is-crowned-18560182"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711552.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20221209213503-20221210003503-00073.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1048346262, ""warc_record_length"": 11103}""","[ null, ""The 'Big Brother' 21 Jury Is Just Getting Started\n\nOn Big Brother 21, the first member of the jury heads to a secluded location after the live elimination episode on Aug. 8. So, I know you're already wondering when the Big Brother live finale is — because I definitely am. One can only take so much drama about who secretly met at Stagecoach and plotted to take over the Big Brother house. What if they were just enjoying Luke Bryan?\n\nWell, when fans finally learn the winner of Big Brother most kids will be back in school, leaves will begin changing color, and pumpkin spice lattes will have taken over. CBS announced in June that the Big Brother 21 live finale will air Wednesday Sept. 25 at 9:30 p.m. ET after the Survivor Season 39 premiere.\n\nIt's anyone's guess who will be sitting in those final chairs on finale night, but fans already know some people who won't be. On the Aug. 8 live show either Jack or Jackson aka \""Michie\"" will become the first member of this season's jury. Current HOH Jessica took all of the power for the week when she won the veto competition and decided to keep her nominations the same.\n\nIt was the only logical choice she could've made, because both men were part of the \""Six Shooters,\"" a majority alliance in the house that she was not a part of. Fans on Twitter are ecstatic about her decision, as they should be.\n\nTrust me, I understand how exciting this is. I love seeing underdogs take power back, and Jessica and her de facto allies, Kat, Nicole, and Cliff, should relish in it while they can. But after Thursday's live eviction they need to focus again because there is a long way to go before finale night. More obstacles than the five surviving members of the Six Shooter alliance stand in their way.\n\nBig Brother's motto is \""expect the unexpected.\"" Usually that means there are at least two double eviction nights and a few competitions that force contestants to choose between power and prizes like vacations. Season 21 is camp-themed, so this year there is also an \""America's Field Trip\"" game that gives fans the power to choose three contestants to battle each other in an unknown competition.\n\nThe winner is safe for the week, and the person who finishes last automatically becomes a third nominee. Power and punishment is at stake, but it's impossible to predict who will win or lose.\n\nBased on tweets, America is trying their collective best to strategize about who to send on this trip while also keeping Jessica and her allies safe. But voting closes soon and has been going on for about a week, so I'm not even going to attempt to guess an outcome.\n\nThe moral of this post is that there is still so much Big Brother left to play, but America seems to want Jessica and one of her allies in the final two chairs in September. I stan Latinas who take their power back."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Long-Island-NY-2004-300x209.jpg"", null, ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Beach-Layers-300x173.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""http://ecoshore.com/erosion/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Long-Island-NY-2004-300x209.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Long-Island-NY-2004-300x209.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Long Island NY"", ""alt_text"": ""Long Island NY, 2004"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 209, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 209, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""http://ecoshore.com/erosion/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Beach-Layers-300x173.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://ecoshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Beach-Layers-300x173.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Beach Layers"", ""alt_text"": ""Beach Layers"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 173, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 173, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""http://ecoshore.com/erosion/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499695.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128220716-20230129010716-00503.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 15415938, ""warc_record_length"": 8731}""","[ ""What is Beach Erosion?\n\nBeach erosion is the removal of sediment from the beach. The layer of sand becomes thinner and narrower and the hinterland becomes exposed. A narrow beach has less recreational and commercial value. The sand may be lost permanently or have moved offshore, from where it will return during a calmer period. A nourished beach is oversupplied with sand that will gradually erode. During the process, a scarp/sand wall is formed, which may be a problem to force. For a more thorough description of Beach Erosion, check here."", null, ""Storm. When a storm hits a beach it is almost impossible to avoid erosion. The beach may be lost completely and damages made to the hinterland as was the case at Long Island, NY in October of 2004. Luckily, these events happen very seldom for a given beach as there is very little to do to prevent damage.\n\nA strong stable foreshore and dune with plants will provide some protection.\n\nOngoing erosion is a common problem. Of Florida’s 825 miles of beaches, 410 miles are considered critically eroding by Florida DEP. The reasons for the erosion vary but often include:\n\nGroins are known to cause down-drift erosion as the sand in littoral drift is forced away from the coast. This reduces the amount of sand available to the beaches further down.\n\nInlets may trap the sand in littoral drift. A sand bypassing system can mitigate the loss, or frequent dredging of the inlet where the sand is placed on a down-drift beach. However, dredged sand from the inlet may not have optimal beach quality.\n\nPoor Beach Drainage can be a major cause of erosion. If the beach does not drain as fast as the sea sinks during falling tide the beach will be full of water and the waves can’t sink in, and the sand they contain is washed back to sea instead of being deposited on the beach.\n\nIf the beach is well-drained it can accommodate more water, and the swash sinks in easily, leaving sand on the beach during each swash cycle. The sand dries out and is blown to the dunes.\n\nThe constant movement of sediment during the tide cycle form layers (strata) in the beach. Some layers limit drainage and others promote drainage. Fine particles such as clay, has the shape of pancakes, and it only takes a tiny layer of clay to limit the drainage. This is why clay is used underneath waste dumps, to ensure that contaminated rainwater does not seep further down and into the groundwater."", null, ""Fig. 3 Layers in a beach\n\nA beach may have 10 or more layers per vertical foot. The cross-section photo Fig. 3 shows several fine and coarser layers. Typically some of these layers include clay which limits the water’s ability to connect in the beach. It also limits air access to the lower layers of the beach.\n\nThe result is that during falling tide the groundwater drains at a slower pace than the sea, leaving a part of the beach wet and prone to erosion.\n\nA high water input to the hinterland combined with poor beach drainage is a dangerous cocktail that leads to chronic beach erosion. The water may come from heavy rain but could also origin from excessive irrigation. This is often found on highly populated barrier islands, where automated irrigation systems keep the grass green at all times and tarmac covered surfaces allow little water evaporation.\n\nA groundwater study performed in February 2008 at Hillsboro Beach, FL showed a very high groundwater level, that could be attributed to irrigation and covered surfaces, combined with poor beach drainage. Another sign of extreme groundwater level is the formation of small drainage channels on top of the sand from the back beach to the sea. This too has been documented at Hillsboro Beach (2014) during a period without heavy rain, ruling out natural causes. As a result, Hillsboro Beach has been critically eroding for decades, except from 2008 to 2011 when a passive dewatering system (PEM) was installed.\n\nSea level rise is for real and has at least two negative effects on beaches.\n\nThe elevated groundwater requires the beach to be even better at draining, in order to avoid a wet beach and erosion. That is where PEM comes in."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://cdn.cnsnews.com/styles/article_medium/s3/2022-03/BidenAngry.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/10-oil-and-natural-gas-associations-blast-biden-how-do-you-know-what-motivates"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cdn.cnsnews.com/styles/article_medium/s3/2022-03/BidenAngry.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://cdn.cnsnews.com/styles/article_medium/s3/2022-03/BidenAngry.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""BidenAngry"", ""rendered_width"": 240, ""rendered_height"": 166, ""original_width"": 240, ""original_height"": 166, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/10-oil-and-natural-gas-associations-blast-biden-how-do-you-know-what-motivates"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499829.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20230130201044-20230130231044-00335.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 730969055, ""warc_record_length"": 29376}""","[ null, ""“How do you know what motivates company business decisions?” a coalition of 10 oil and natural gas trade associations asked President Joe Biden after Biden claimed that companies were refusing to pump more oil, in order to increase their profits.\n\nLast Friday, the coalition sent a letter to Biden, urging him to stop falsely blaming oil and natural gas companies for not producing more due to greed when, in fact, it is his administration’s anti-energy policies that are responsible.\n\nThe letter seeks to address “repeated distortions and half-truths that have been expressed by White House officials” and to “set the record straight and provide a bit of context on statements that have been made regarding energy production,” the coalition writes.\n\nIn particular, the letter cites Biden’s March 11, 2022 attack on their industry:\n\n“[I]t’s regrettable that you and your White House team have continued to mischaracterize facts regarding our industry – often maligning our motives, and frankly, in some cases, advance complete and total falsehoods.\n\n“For example, you have said oil companies could be drilling right now because we have over 9,000 approved permits, a misleading statement at best. More about that below. Also, just last Friday, you said that companies ‘would rather take those profits and buy back their own stock rather than take that money and invest it in pumping new oil.’\n\n”With respect, Mr. President, how do you know what motivates oil company business decisions?”\n\n”Perhaps the worst mischaracterization of all by you and your administration is when you have said that you are doing nothing to hold back energy production. That is just not true,” the letter says.\n\n”[T]he words and actions of you and members of your administration” are hindering the effort to produce adequate energy, the coalition tells Biden.\n\n“Language and facts matter,” the coalition says, noting that the Biden Administration had mistakenly claimed there were over nine thousand unused leases the industry could be utilizing when, in fact, those were actually permits.\n\nEven so, employing permits requires additional government approvals that can take years to acquire. What’s more, the Biden Administration’s opposition to pipeline construction stands in the way of delivering oil and natural gas to the public, the letter explains:\n\n“There are 4,621 permits to drill awaiting approval by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. Your appointees could approve these permits now, enabling companies to forward with development.\n\n“So, yes Mr. President, your administration is ‘holding the industry back’ in direct contradiction to your statements last week when you said your administration was not. The most recent example: according to published reports this week, the US Bureau of Land Management approved 95 permits to drill in January 2022, compared with 643 in April 2021 – the height of the pandemic.”\n\n“If you want to truly be helpful, pick up the phone and direct Secretary Haaland to approve the permits immediately. We stand ready to assist in any way possible,” the coalition urges."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-081630.jpg?w=652"", null, ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-085405.jpg?w=652"", null, ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090038.jpg?w=652"", null, ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090918.jpg?w=652"", ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090959.jpg?w=652"", ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091126.jpg?w=652"", ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091221.jpg?w=652"", ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091257.jpg?w=652"", null, ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130318-082508.jpg?w=652"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-081630.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-081630.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-081630.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-085405.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-085405.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-085405.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 460, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090038.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090038.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-090038.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090918.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090918.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-090918.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090959.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-090959.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-090959.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091126.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091126.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-091126.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 869, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091221.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091221.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-091221.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 869, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091257.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130317-091257.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130317-091257.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130318-082508.jpg?w=652"", ""src"": ""https://paulsbikeride.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/20130318-082508.jpg?w=652"", ""alt_text"": ""20130318-082508.jpg"", ""original_width"": 652, ""original_height"": 489, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://paulsbikeride.com/2013/03/17/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038464146.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20210418013444-20210418043444-00260.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 533962457, ""warc_record_length"": 17973}""","[ null, ""It was a short cycle ride past the Indian ‘foreigners’ immigration centre and over another small bridge. At an army checkpoint a Nepalese soldier shouted ‘welcome!’. I was then certain that I was in Nepal but no one had asked to see my passport. It was the most relaxed entry into a country I had ever experienced.\nOverjoyed to reach Nepal I dashed the few miles in to reach Mahendranager.\nI still had no Nepali visa and carefully looked for an immigration office or at least an important looking government building. I encountered a large crowd of men. One man was being held up and looked a bit floppy. He had overturned his cycle rickshaw and a bit bruised. It was quite a scene. They manhandled him into the passenger seat of a rickshaw and he was taken away presumably to a local clinic or hospital.\nI cycled a little further and reached the main junction in the town where two policemen were beating some chap on the floor with their sticks. This did not seem to attract much attention from passers by. The guy was quite disheveled and appeared drunk.\nCycling down the main thoroughfare past the bus station I spotted a sign to\nthe Hotel Opera; one of the few places to stay and recommended by Lonely Planet as good value and the best place to stay.\nI dropped into the NCell shop to sort out a new sim for my phone. The sticking point was my missing visa. It then transpired that I had missed the relevant building at the border. Easily done as there are no checks once past the Indian side. So somewhat laboriously I returned, found the small building and sat with a friendly chap who quickly processed my visa for 3 months. He took large denomination Indian notes and then offered to further exchange cash for Nepali currency. The rate was good and he provided a huge wad of very low denomination notes. I had a fistful of Nepali Rupees and which is quite bulky to stash. Useful though as few people seem to have change.\nBack along the potholed road to the town and to NCell for my nano SIM card.\nFor that, and which is actually fairly straightforward, I had to provide passport, visa, photo, personal details, wife’s name, grandfathers name and fingerprints. The last two surprised me."", null, ""I checked into the Hotel Opera which is decidedly swish and they provided a fair quality room on the ground floor in a side annexe close to the road. Perfect for me and my bike."", null, ""Mahendranager is an active border town with a busy bus station and thriving shops. As the link between India and Nepal it appears quite prosperous. Amongst the multitude of shops I was struck by the number of places selling alcohol, spirits in particular, and the amount of bicycle shops. In Nepal the cycles are far more modern than in India with cables and gears."", null, null, null, null, null, ""I declined the hotels offer to use their casino the entrance to which was close to my own room. The hotel came to life when VIPs arrived to stay. They were accompanied by armed guards and soldiers that became posted around the grounds. I imagined that the guests were government officials and had quite an entourage. The next morning I was back on the road heading East on Highway no.1."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dogs-bogdan-mirica-1108x0-c-default.jpg"", null, ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Sierranevada-356x250-c-default.jpg"", ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Graduation-Film-Cannes-356x250-c-default.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://lwlies.com/articles/romanian-new-wave-cristian-mungiu-cristi-puiu/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dogs-bogdan-mirica-1108x0-c-default.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dogs-bogdan-mirica-1108x0-c-default.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""dogs bogdan mirica c default"", ""original_width"": 1108, ""original_height"": 831, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://lwlies.com/articles/romanian-new-wave-cristian-mungiu-cristi-puiu/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Sierranevada-356x250-c-default.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Sierranevada-356x250-c-default.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Sierranevada c default"", ""original_width"": 356, ""original_height"": 250, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://lwlies.com/articles/romanian-new-wave-cristian-mungiu-cristi-puiu/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Graduation-Film-Cannes-356x250-c-default.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Graduation-Film-Cannes-356x250-c-default.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Graduation Film Cannes c default"", ""original_width"": 356, ""original_height"": 250, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://lwlies.com/articles/romanian-new-wave-cristian-mungiu-cristi-puiu/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882572077.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20220814204141-20220814234141-00348.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 353228574, ""warc_record_length"": 16680}""","[ ""Directors like Bogdan Mirică are challenging their national cinema’s image."", null, ""Romania was well represented at the Cannes Film Festival this year. As well as having two films in the main competition, Cristi Puiu’s Sieranevada and Cristian Mungiu’s Graduation, there was Dogs, directed by newcomer Bogdan Mirică, in the Un Certain Regard section, 4:15pm End of the World, by Cătălin Rotaru and Gabi Virginia Sarga, in the short film competition and All Rivers Run to the Sea by Alexandru Badea in the Cinéfondation.\n\nA few days before the festival started, I received an email from a Romanian producer urging me to sign a petition calling for “a different kind of Romanian cinema,” a cinema that should “entertain and interest us, instead of annoying or boring us to death, a cinema about the beautiful side of Romania, with characters that are nice.” As sympathetic as I was to this sincere, if somewhat naive, cinematic plea, I couldn’t help smiling trying to imagine what Puiu’s answer to this exhortation might be.\n\nAre there any “nice” Romanian people in the films presented in Cannes this year? Yes, but they are either victims of corruption, such as the father character, played by Adrian Titieni, in Graduation; of sexual assault, as with the daughter in Graduation, played by the angelic Maria Drăguș; or else they are completely out of their depth and succumb to a tragic fate, like the character Roman, played by Dragoș Bucur, in Dogs.\n\nThe latter film, a gruesome story of evil lurking in the seemingly bucolic Romanian countryside, represents a slight departure from the Romanian New Wave aesthetic. Although the performances are still naturalistic, the film is subtly stylised, with director Mirică using insidious and unnerving tracking shots throughout, giving the film its languid rhythm. The opening sequence, in which the camera tracks smoothly over a stagnant pond before closing in on a severed human foot, is reminiscent of the opening of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet. Speaking about his creative decisions, Mirică explains, “I wanted to shoot the film in a classical style, using a combination of super slow tracking shots and ample camera movements, in widescreen, which gives it a certain breadth. We even used a 10 meter-high crane.”\n\nThis departure from the Romanian New Wave is not limited to visual style: Mirică’s elliptical story echoes American neo-western thrillers such as No Country for Old Men – certainly more overtly than anything from his native cinema. He reveals that the inspiration for the story was provided by violent events he witnessed as a child: “I grew up in the countryside, near Târgoviște, where I saw many disturbing scenes – people hitting each other with axes, or using bicycle chains. In a civilised society, you’d expect some causality: if you don’t provoke an incident, nothing bad will happen to you. But here, the violence was often gratuitous.”\n\nThis violence and a pervading sense of evil in Mirică’s film is enhanced by the presence of musical score, which are generally absent from Romanian New Wave films. For Mirică, music is extremely important, even at the writing stage: “If I’m listening to the wrong playlist, I write the wrong things.” While working on the script for Dogs, he played the Nick Cave/Warren Ellis soundtrack for The Proposition for months on end. His hope was that the music in Dogs would allow the audience to “lose themselves in the texture of the film.” Although Mirică confesses that he used an “enormous amount of music” for the soundtrack, its subliminal quality is perhaps the reason some critics missed it entirely (“unadorned with music or other distractions,” wrote Peter Debruge in Variety).\n\nIn contrast to Dogs, there is no music in either Puiu or Mungiu’s films. The Romanian New Wave, with its strong emphasis on realism, simply wouldn’t allow it. In Graduation, which tells the story of a father who goes to great lengths to steer his daughter’s future in the right direction after she is almost raped in broad daylight by an unknown assailant, music is heard only when the radio is on or a CD is playing. The father listens to Andreas Scholl’s performance of Handel’s ‘Ombra mai fu’ repetitively, a way to also emphasise the high ideals and sphere of consciousness he aspires to.\n\n“We always believe that what we do in the name of affection for someone is right. But if what you do contradicts what you say to your children, you have a problem.” says Mungiu. Referring to Adrian Titieni’s wonderfully restrained performance, and more specifically the only scene in the film where he breaks down, the director comments: “In this type of cinema, it’s very difficult to show what characters feel deep inside themselves. There are times in life when you feel that the most important events have already happened and you’re only left with some hope for your children. We always try as parents to appear strong but we also have weaker moments and I wanted to show one of those weaker moments with that scene.”\n\nThere are certainly plenty of “weaker moments” in Puiu’s Sieranevada. The film centres on a family getting together to commemorate 40 days since the passing of their patriarch. Filmed almost entirely in a cramped apartment in Bucharest, the characters walk and talk non-stop, constantly in and out of rooms, giving the impression of a disjointed family. This idea is also reflected in the loose, repetitive structure of the film. Like life itself, Sieranevada is made up of fragments of conversation, petty trivialities and hysterical incidents, many of which were directly experienced by Puiu, his actors or the people they know.\n\nRenowned as an experimental filmmaker in the John Cassavetes mould, Puiu felt it was time to let his actors contribute to the construction of their characters: “The initial script I wrote was different, the characters were much nicer. I’m a nice person, you know…” He also confessed that his late father (whose death inspired him to make this film) was a real ladies’ man and that he only discovered this fact when he was a teenager. “I never had the impression I really knew him, and the same is true for my brother and sister; people are full of surprises. That’s why I’m making this kind of cinema – about relationships, about human communication.”"", null, null, ""The 2007 Palme d’Or winner returns to Cannes with another gripping and meticulous drama."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/images/Aircraft/RS40611_20160406ran8108462_020.jpg-alt_544.jpg"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/key-enablers/33-200-million-sustainment-contract-signed-for-prime"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/images/Aircraft/RS40611_20160406ran8108462_020.jpg-alt_544.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/images/Aircraft/RS40611_20160406ran8108462_020.jpg-alt_544.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""RS ran"", ""alt_text"": ""RS40611_20160406ran8108462_020.jpg-alt_544.jpg"", ""original_width"": 832, ""original_height"": 555, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/key-enablers/33-200-million-sustainment-contract-signed-for-prime"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304947.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20220126101419-20220126131419-00716.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 783979372, ""warc_record_length"": 47419}""","[ ""This extension reinforces the Company’s position as a long-time capability partner of the RAAF. The Company will continue to sustain the Hawk fleet at Williamtown and Pearce until at least 2020, with further potential extensions available until 2026.\n\nThe role includes all deeper-level and operational maintenance for the 33 aircraft.\n\nBAE Systems Australia aerospace director Steve Drury said, “Securing this extension underscores the success of our long-standing partnership with the RAAF and the performance of the 300 employees working on this program.\n\n\""It will ensure the Hawk fleet continues to effectively prepare the country’s combat aircrew for fast jet aircraft, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter when it arrives.\n\n“Since 2013, BAE Systems’ support of the fleet has achieved all contract key performance indicators, including aircraft availability and overall fleet management.\n\n\""Working alongside the RAAF, we have ensured aircraft are available for training when needed, and have continued to deliver significant savings in sustainment.”\n\nThe unified approach between the RAAF and BAE Systems to deliver Hawk support has also been described by Defence as a benchmark in Australian defence-contractor relationships.\n\nNumber 78 Wing and the majority of Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group staff are co-located at the Company’s Williamtown facility."", null ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://joyerickson.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/no-smoking.jpg?w=300&h=300"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://joyerickson.wordpress.com/2008/05/25/banning-smoking-in-vehicles-when-children/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://joyerickson.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/no-smoking.jpg?w=300&h=300"", ""src"": ""https://joyerickson.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/no-smoking.jpg?w=300&h=300"", ""formatted_filename"": ""no smoking"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://joyerickson.wordpress.com/2008/05/25/banning-smoking-in-vehicles-when-children/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487629632.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20210617072023-20210617102023-00434.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 289590551, ""warc_record_length"": 41941}""","[ ""Banning smoking in vehicles when children?!?!?!?!"", null, ""This has been in our news again and I wanted to know what others think. They want to ban smoking in vehicles that have children in them. It has happened in a few other provinces and now they are trying to legalize it in our province of Manitoba. If you are caught you will face a fine.\n\nI’m having very mixed feelings over this. On one hand, I agree because what can a child do to tell the person that the smoke is bothering them? On the other hand how much stuff does the government think they can control? Will the next thing be to say no smoking in our home if you have children?\n\nI’m not a smoker so I can’t imagine how smokers feel.\n\nWhat do you think? Does anyone else have mixed feelings?? I can see banning smoking in public places where it can be controlled by the government, but a car??? I don’t know, I have very mixed feelings.\n\n47 Responses to Banning smoking in vehicles when children?!?!?!?!"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Cannonball_problem.svg/440px-Cannonball_problem.svg.png"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/Square_pyramidal_number"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Cannonball_problem.svg/440px-Cannonball_problem.svg.png"", ""src"": ""http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Cannonball_problem.svg/440px-Cannonball_problem.svg.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""px Cannonball problem"", ""alt_text"": ""4900 balls arranged as a square pyramid of side 24, and a square of side 70"", ""rendered_width"": 220, ""rendered_height"": 330, ""original_width"": 440, ""original_height"": 660, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/Square_pyramidal_number"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500041.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20230202232251-20230203022251-00449.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 219550651, ""warc_record_length"": 24673}""","[ ""Number of stacked spheres in a pyramid\n\nIn mathematics, a pyramid number, or square pyramidal number, is a natural number that counts the number of stacked spheres in a pyramid with a square base. The study of these numbers goes back to Archimedes and Fibonacci. They are part of a broader topic of figurate numbers representing the numbers of points forming regular patterns within different shapes.\n\nAs well as counting spheres in a pyramid, these numbers can be described algebraically as a sum of the first\n\nThe pyramidal numbers were one of the few types of three-dimensional figurate numbers studied in Greek mathematics, in works by Nicomachus, Theon of Smyrna, and Iamblichus.[1] Formulas for summing consecutive squares to give a cubic polynomial, whose values are the square pyramidal numbers, are given by Archimedes, who used this sum as a lemma as part of a study of the volume of a cone,[2] and by Fibonacci, as part of a more general solution to the problem of finding formulas for sums of progressions of squares.[3] The square pyramidal numbers were also one of the families of figurate numbers studied by Japanese mathematicians of the wasan period, who named them \""kirei saijō suida\"" (with modern kanji, 奇零 再乗 蓑深).[4]\n\nThe same problem, formulated as one of counting the cannonballs in a square pyramid, was posed by Walter Raleigh to mathematician Thomas Harriot in the late 1500s, while both were on a sea voyage. The cannonball problem, asking whether there are any square pyramidal numbers that are also square numbers other than 1 and 4900, is said to have developed out of this exchange. Édouard Lucas found the 4900-ball pyramid with a square number of balls, and in making the cannonball problem more widely known, suggested that it was the only nontrivial solution.[5] After incomplete proofs by Lucas and Claude-Séraphin Moret-Blanc, the first complete proof that no other such numbers exist was given by G. N. Watson in 1918.[6]\n\nIf spheres are packed into square pyramids whose number of layers is 1, 2, 3, etc., then the square pyramidal numbers giving the numbers of spheres in each pyramid are:[7][8]\n\nThese numbers can be calculated algebraically, as follows. If a pyramid of spheres is decomposed into its square layers with a square number of spheres in each, then the total number\n\nof spheres can be counted as the sum of the number of spheres in each square,\n\nand this summation can be solved to give a cubic polynomial, which can be written in several equivalent ways:\n\nThis equation for a sum of squares is a special case of Faulhaber's formula for sums of powers, and may be proved by mathematical induction.[9]\n\nAs well as counting spheres in a pyramid, these numbers can be used to solve several other counting problems. For example, a common mathematical puzzle involves finding the number of squares in a large n by n square grid.[11] This number can be derived as follows:\n\nIt follows that the number of squares in an n × n square grid is:[12]\n\nThat is, the solution to the puzzle is given by the nth square pyramidal number.[7] The number of rectangles in a square grid is given by the squared triangular numbers.[13]\n\n-sided regular polygon. For instance, an equilateral triangle contains only one acute triangle (itself), a regular pentagon has five acute golden triangles within it, a regular heptagon has 14 acute triangles of two shapes, etc.[7] More abstractly, when permutations of the rows or columns of a matrix are considered as equivalent, the number of\n\n, for odd values of\n\nRelations to other figurate numbers\n\nA square pyramid of cannonballs at Rye Castle in England"", null, ""The cannonball problem asks for the sizes of pyramids of cannonballs that can also be spread out to form a square array, or equivalently, which numbers are both square and square pyramidal. Besides 1, there is only one other number that has this property: 4900, which is both the 70th square number and the 24th square pyramidal number.[6]\n\nThe square pyramidal numbers can be expressed as sums of binomial coefficients:[15][16]\n\nSquare pyramidal numbers are also related to tetrahedral numbers in a different way: the points from four copies of the same square pyramid can be rearranged to form a single tetrahedron with twice as many points along each edge. That is,[18]\n\nTo see this, arrange each square pyramid so that each layer is directly above the previous layer, e.g. the heights are\n\nFour of these can then be joined by the height 4 pillar to make an even square pyramid, with layers\n\nEach layer is the sum of consecutive triangular numbers, i.e.\n\n, which, when totalled, sum to the tetrahedral number.\n\nThe alternating series of unit fractions with the square pyramidal numbers as denominators is closely related to the Leibniz formula for π, although it converges more quickly. It is:[19]"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://realtruthblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Calis.Last_.Stand_-577x1024.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""http://realtruthblog.com/web-research-links-for-the-week-of-9-6-20"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://realtruthblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Calis.Last_.Stand_-577x1024.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://realtruthblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Calis.Last_.Stand_-577x1024.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Calis"", ""rendered_width"": 577, ""rendered_height"": 1024, ""original_width"": 577, ""original_height"": 1024, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""http://realtruthblog.com/web-research-links-for-the-week-of-9-6-20"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780060877.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20210928153533-20210928183533-00453.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 44170929, ""warc_record_length"": 13024}""","[ ""Fair Use Notice: This site may contain some copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of vital issues which already exist in the public domain. – Note: These links are posted at the top of the page as the week progresses. Links from previous weeks can be found under the “Current Quicklinx” button\n\nBiden aims to sign on to UN’s global gun registration treaty – by Paul Bedard – https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-aims-to-sign-on-to-uns-global-gun-registration-treaty/ar-AANZlyi – “The Biden administration this week signaled that it is eyeing a United Nations small arms treaty that critics claim will lead to an international gun registration plan — including for individual American gun owners… Two years after former President Donald Trump withdrew from it, a top arms diplomat at the State Department told the global body that the current administration is swinging behind the Arms Trade Treaty… ‘I have come from Washington, D.C., this week to take the floor on the agenda item Treaty Universalization to underscore the continuing commitment of the United States to responsible international trade in conventional arms,’ William Malzahn said at the 7th Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty... ‘The United States has long supported strong and effective national controls on the international transfer of conventional arms, and the Arms Trade Treaty is an important tool [for] promoting those controls internationally,’ he said according to a transcript provided to Secrets by the lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association… The NRA has warned that, among many moves, the treaty will require all arms that Americans buy from overseas makers to be tracked. To do that, a global gun registry would be created and maintained for 10 years. Every owner will be listed on that registry… ‘This is the first step towards creating a global firearms registry,’ said the Second Amendment advocacy group.”\n\nBesides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots – by Brian Shilhavy – https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/besides-fetal-deaths-breastfeeding-babies-are-dying-and-becoming-sick-following-mothers-covid-shots/ – “Back in April this year we published a video commentary by ReallyGraceful where she reported that many mothers who were nursing their babies had their breast milk dry up after taking a COVID shot…. As more and more data is entered into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), we are now seeing cases where babies that are breastfed are suffering adverse reactions to the COVID shots that their mothers are taking. The shots have not yet been authorized for infants, although such an authorization is expected any day now… Celeste McGovern of LifeSite News reported on one case where the breastfeeding baby died with blood clots, something rarely ever seen in infants, but a common side effect we are seeing with people who take the COVID shots, blood clots which the CDC states are “rare” in spite of the data in VAERS that shows over 10,000 cases of “thrombosis”, including 488 deaths… VAERS report ID 1532154 was apparently filed by the mother, a 36-year-old woman from New Mexico: On July 17, my baby passed away… I had been breastfeeding my 6 week old baby at the time that I received the first Pfizer vaccine on June 4, 2021… He became very sick with a high fever about 2 weeks after I got the first Pfizer vaccine on June 21. He was treated for 2 weeks with IV antibiotics for a supposed bacterial infection… However, they never found any specific bacteria, and called his diagnosis culture-negative sepsis. At the end of his hospital stay he tested positive for rhinovirus… After the 14 day course of antibiotics, he was home for one week, but exhibited strange symptoms (e.g. swollen eyelid, strange rashes, vomiting)… I took him back to the hospital on July 15, where he presented with what they called an atypical Kawasaki disease… He passed away shortly thereafter from clots in his severely inflamed arteries.”\n\nStatistical Method Used to Link Climate Change to Greenhouse Gases Challenged – by Nathan Worcester – https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/statistical-method-used-to-link-climate-change-to-greenhouse-gases-challenged_3983949.html – “A new study in “Climate Dynamics” has criticized a key methodology that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) uses to attribute climate change to greenhouse gases, raising questions about the validity of research that relied on it and prompting a response from one of the scientists who developed the technique… The new study’s author, economist Ross McKitrick, told The Epoch Times in an exclusive interview that he thinks his results have weakened the IPCC’s case that greenhouse gases cause climate change… The methodology, known as “optimal fingerprinting,” has been used to link greenhouse gases to everything from temperature to forest fires, precipitation, and snow cover… ‘[They] take this big smudge of data and say, “Yeah, the fingerprints of greenhouse gas are on it”,’ he said… McKitrick said the optimal fingerprinting research he criticized, 1999’s paper in Climate Dynamics “Checking for model consistency in optimal fingerprinting,” is a ‘cornerstone of the field of attribution’—the branch of climate science focused on identifying the causes of climate change… But according to McKitrick, the authors of that paper, Myles Allen and Simon Tett, made errors in the steps needed to validate their strategy.”"", null, ""PROOF THAT THE PANDEMIC WAS PLANNED & WITH PURPOSE – by Dr James Fetzer – https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/05/14/proof-that-the-pandemic-was-planned-with-purpose/ – “A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: ‘THE CORONA PANIC IS A PLAY. IT’S A SCAM. A SWINDLE. IT’S HIGH TIME WE UNDERSTOOD THAT WE’RE IN THE MIDST OF A GLOBAL CRIME.’.. This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up… Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don’t?.. IN 2015 A TESTING METHOD WAS PATENTED FOR… COVID-19.. In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation. Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed… Take a deep breath and let that sink in for a while…”\n\nNew York Health Commissioner Repeals Mask Mandate for Unvaxxed after Federal Lawsuit Filed – by Children’s Health Defense – https://www.globalresearch.ca/new-york-health-commissioner-repeals-mask-mandate-unvaxxed-federal-lawsuit-filed/5754962 – “Children’s Health Defense supported the lawsuit filed by William Ouweleen which challenged the constitutionality of the emergency mask mandate requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks while vaccinated people could go mask-free… The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) on Aug. 27 repealed an emergency mask mandate after a lawsuit was filed Aug. 5 in federal court challenging the regulation… The lawsuit was brought by William Ouweleen, vintner for the oldest dedicated sacramental winery in America. Ouweleen challenged the constitutionality of the NYSDOH regulation 10 NYCRR 66-3, which required unvaccinated people to wear masks while vaccinated people could go mask-free… Prior to filing the lawsuit, Ouweleen was twice cited by patrons of the winery for not wearing a mask, and was informed by the local health department he could be fined or closed down, or both, if additional complaints were received… In the complaint, Ouweleen alleged the regulation violated his constitutional rights and was not justified by science, citing confirmation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that vaccination does not prevent transmission of SARS CoV-2… In addition to challenging the mandates on equal protection grounds, the suit challenged mask mandates in general.”"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://cccjournalism.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/prez-borden-2.jpg?w=300&h=225"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://ccctimes.net/2017/03/29/open-office-hours-new-ccc-president-creates-more-room-for-interaction-with-students-faculty-staff/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://cccjournalism.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/prez-borden-2.jpg?w=300&h=225"", ""src"": ""https://cccjournalism.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/prez-borden-2.jpg?w=300&h=225"", ""formatted_filename"": ""prez borden"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 225, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 225, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://ccctimes.net/2017/03/29/open-office-hours-new-ccc-president-creates-more-room-for-interaction-with-students-faculty-staff/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400232211.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20200926004805-20200926034805-00799.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 312235921, ""warc_record_length"": 19926}""","[ ""BLACKWOOD – Immediately after assuming his new role as president of Camden County College last summer, Donald A. Borden instituted a new policy in the college, open office hours. The open office hours are a face-to-face monthly interaction session in which people get an opportunity to meet with the president at his office and share their concerns, opinions and ideas about anything in the school.\n\n“It’s about communicating with students, faculty and staff about the issues that are important to them,” Borden explained in an interview at his office in Roosevelt Hall on the Blackwood campus Monday. Borden became the fifth president of the college June 30 and will be installed at a ceremony April 6.\n\nHe said though the open office hours are held on a monthly basis, he also makes himself available to people who get scheduled appointments with him because there are emergencies or something critically important.\n\n“I’ve always prided myself in leadership positions of being available, so if there is the need for somebody to see me, I try to make myself available,” he said."", null, ""Participating in open office hours to get a chance to ask Borden a question or express a concern comes that easily. The Office of the President sends out an e-mail to the college community announcing when the next open office hours are going to take place. All that is needed is for members of the college community to call the president’s office and sign up to attend.\n\nSpeaking about the success of the open office hours, Borden said so far people have taken the sessions very seriously and can therefore say the three-fold reasons of his getting to know people, having a better sense of what is going on collectively in the college community and giving people a chance to get to know him have all gone well.\n\nThe president said many of the issues that people bring before him are very important and reflective. An example is the issue of how the college can help its handicapped students move from point A to point B or improve parking opportunities and be sensitive to their needs when bad weather hits.\n\nAnother concern that people have raised in the open office hours, Borden said, is the issue of the cost of textbooks. He said the college is very cost-sensitive in relation to its students. As such it took steps to address the situation by instituting the Lend Me Library of Textbooks.\n\n“At the Wolverton Center, we’ve opened the door to students that really have physical problems getting books to get money through our foundation,” Borden said.\n\nConcerns of international students on the myriad of problems they face in college in managing their ways through bureaucratic networks, the lack of financial assistance and physical problems that exist are matters that have come before the president. He expressed his willingness to meet with the international student community to address some of those concerns."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/c66e9e3b-dcaf-4a81-bcb5-bb47ec2f17c3/a8d9644b-bbd5-4f95-bddd-d5285aef8e13/1280x720/match/931/524/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", null, ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/1d163a4e-51fb-422b-a8c6-cbadf5c48983/3f24c6a8-5e9e-4542-94a2-13733619189f/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", null, ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/047dda84-2e62-4f40-92a8-090c4459b838/e0d0db1b-9ff6-4375-a047-9825c20eccbd/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", null, ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/f754af2c-15bf-4719-979e-291748004bf9/205c2fda-c9f1-4d64-bc36-e1f79f60737c/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-huge-contrast-between-true-written?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fopinion+%28Internal+-+Opinion+-+Mixed%29"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/c66e9e3b-dcaf-4a81-bcb5-bb47ec2f17c3/a8d9644b-bbd5-4f95-bddd-d5285aef8e13/1280x720/match/931/524/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/c66e9e3b-dcaf-4a81-bcb5-bb47ec2f17c3/a8d9644b-bbd5-4f95-bddd-d5285aef8e13/1280x720/match/931/524/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""alt_text"": ""Gutfeld: You don't know how wrong the media is until you're the subject"", ""original_width"": 931, ""original_height"": 524, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-huge-contrast-between-true-written?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fopinion+%28Internal+-+Opinion+-+Mixed%29"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/1d163a4e-51fb-422b-a8c6-cbadf5c48983/3f24c6a8-5e9e-4542-94a2-13733619189f/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/1d163a4e-51fb-422b-a8c6-cbadf5c48983/3f24c6a8-5e9e-4542-94a2-13733619189f/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""alt_text"": ""Survey shows American media least trustworthy in world"", ""original_width"": 720, ""original_height"": 405, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-huge-contrast-between-true-written?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fopinion+%28Internal+-+Opinion+-+Mixed%29"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/047dda84-2e62-4f40-92a8-090c4459b838/e0d0db1b-9ff6-4375-a047-9825c20eccbd/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/047dda84-2e62-4f40-92a8-090c4459b838/e0d0db1b-9ff6-4375-a047-9825c20eccbd/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""alt_text"": ""Media top headlines July 15"", ""original_width"": 720, ""original_height"": 405, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-huge-contrast-between-true-written?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fopinion+%28Internal+-+Opinion+-+Mixed%29"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/f754af2c-15bf-4719-979e-291748004bf9/205c2fda-c9f1-4d64-bc36-e1f79f60737c/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""src"": ""https://a57.foxnews.com/cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/694940094001/f754af2c-15bf-4719-979e-291748004bf9/205c2fda-c9f1-4d64-bc36-e1f79f60737c/1280x720/match/720/405/image.jpg?ve=1&tl=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""alt_text"": ""Poll shows some Americans would entertain the idea of secession"", ""original_width"": 720, ""original_height"": 405, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-huge-contrast-between-true-written?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fopinion+%28Internal+-+Opinion+-+Mixed%29"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057589.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20210925021713-20210925051713-00408.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 815503721, ""warc_record_length"": 27769}""","[ null, ""Gutfeld: You don't know how wrong the media is until you're the subject\n\nSo, you know what I love more than world peace, red wine, and light bondage? A poll on American distrust in the media. It's like injecting adorable puppies into my waiting veins! And lo and behold, we got one!\n\nIt's true - a new Gallup poll shows that more than 75 percent of the public has very little confidence in legacy media like newspapers and TV news. So first, it's kinda interesting that people still use newspapers to get their news! I guess it's a good way to start the day before they spend the next twelve hours churning their own butter.\n\nBut only 21 percent of respondents said they had a great deal of confidence in newspapers. Which they get from reading Cathy. It was worst for TV news, at 16 percent. Which was only slightly less hated than Congress - at 12 percent. But that's like being told you're only slightly more popular than chlamydia.\n\nThis, just after a Reuters survey showed the U.S. media ranked last among 46 countries when it comes to public trust. We even ranked behind Canada, and they don't even have electricity.\n\nSo, you'd think an industry witnessing a collapse in their trust, might try to figure out why. Not the media. Because their profit model is always \""pointing fingers,\"" it's impossible for them to implicate themselves."", null, ""So if the public is sick of their lies, well, then that’s the public's fault. So they just assume they can smear Americans and push policies meant to punish them - and we'll still be there for them. Now they're creating a narrative that a domestic 9/11 is just around the corner.\n\nStuart Stevens, The Lincoln Project: Well, look, I think it's our inability to imagine what will happen. Which is dangerous. It is a replay of 9/11. We cannot imagine this attack on America. We have to get out of that. We call it the American experiment because it could have failed.\n\nSo what's it going to be you bozos? Are we terrorists, or slave owners? Are we on the road to another civil war, or another 9/11? I'd say make up your mind, but you need minds to make up. And Joy and that freak can barely scrape four brain cells together.\n\nSo this is a great opportunity for me to explain how to assess the media, in a way that will change the way you look at it forever, or until the world ends in 8 years thank you AOC."", null, ""Thank you, Nair, our new sponsor of Greg’s amazing analogies. I use every product that sponsors my analogies.\n\nSo here's the analogy.\n\nImagine there's a website that keeps tabs on your body weight. You can plug your name into it and your weight pops up. It's simple. Type in Kat Timpf - and just like that, it comes up: \""170 pounds.\"" But in fairness to her, that includes makeup and hair extensions.\n\nNow let's say you insert your name into the site's search engine, your weight comes up, and it's way off base. You weigh 150 and it says 300. Immediately you learn this site is not to be trusted. And you worry that other people will search your name, and be given the same bogus info about you.\n\nIt's factually unreliable because you know the truth about your own weight. That, friends, is the red pill that exposes the media's fakery. You don't know how wrong the media is until you're the subject of the article.\n\nMeanwhile, everyone else accepts the site's data because they aren't you. But that perspective changes - when they see how their own reality is distorted by reporters who only want to find the ugliness.\n\nDavid Rooks: Good evening kings, queens, and bishops. We are the chess news network outside the 2021 national championships. We’re waiting for this year’s winner, Larry St. Lawrence to emerge. Larry, what do you attribute to your great success this year?\n\nLarry St. Lawrence: Garry Kasparov is my hero, so I just do what he would do.\n\nRooks: Garry Kasparov, a known Russian. Was there Russian collusion in your performance this year?\n\nSt. Lawrence: no. I just admire his style and I teach it when I play with my kids.\n\nRooks: Larry St. Lawrence, playing with kids, very inappropriate. Anything else to say about these allegations?\n\nSt. Lawrence: first of all—playing with kids—I don’t do what you’re implying I do with kids. And secondly, allegations—I have nothing to confess.\n\nRooks: what about holding the event indoors and that negatively impacting climate change? What else do you know about Brazilian sex trafficking rings?"", null, ""Whenever I’m interviewed about my job, I can easily sense the narrative some reporters have. It's not about success. It's always about rumors. I keep getting the same questions: Is it true you got caught trying to put a camera in Jesse Watters' dressing room? Is it true Perino lets you try on her dresses after the show?\n\nYes, and yes. But why not stick to our amazing ratings?\n\nOne piece actually claimed I don't talk to people in the elevator. Which is odd, since I don't take the elevator. I am carried by shirtless Chippendale dancers up every single flight of stairs. The cost of the dancers is why my staff doesn’t get dental. But they’re okay with it.\n\nBut it’s like they’d already written the article, and were looking for quotes to fill in later. Talk to anyone who's been the subject of media scrutiny. They'll say the same thing. The contrast between what's true, and what's written is huge.\n\nSo that's today's lesson in how to view the media. If you'd like to hear more on this topic, I’ll be doing it the rest of my life. (Or until the world ends in eight years.)\n\nThis article is adapted from Greg Gutfeld's opening monologue on the July 15, 2021 edition of \""Gutfeld!\"""" ]",, +,"[ ""https://artique503.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/66f22-heritageambro.jpg?w=656"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://urbanartantiques.com/2010/06/11/ambrotype-heritage-pelham/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://artique503.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/66f22-heritageambro.jpg?w=656"", ""src"": ""https://artique503.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/66f22-heritageambro.jpg?w=656"", ""formatted_filename"": ""f heritageambro"", ""original_width"": 163, ""original_height"": 200, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://urbanartantiques.com/2010/06/11/ambrotype-heritage-pelham/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710719.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20221130024541-20221130054541-00773.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 603103690, ""warc_record_length"": 47534}""","[ null, ""When a circa 1858 Half Plate Ambrotype of Confederate Lt. Colonel John Pelham – known to American Civil War buffs everywhere as “The Gallant Pelham” – comes to auction on June 26 as part of Heritage Auction Galleries Signature Arms, Militaria & Civil War Auction, it will mark the sale of what is possibly the single most famous Civil War photo extant.\n\nThought to be lost to history for more than a century, it turns out this oft-copied and reproduced likeness – contemporary copies were made from the original before it disappeared – has descended untouched in the Mississippi family of Pelham’s sister Betty, who have decided to auction the piece with Heritage in the hopes that it will go to a collector, or institution, with the means and the facility to take better care of the historic image.\n\n“We’ve had it in our family for probably 80 years,” said Thomas Rogers, Pelham’s great-great grand-nephew and the consignor of the piece. “My mother had it in a fireproof safe at our home and her mother before her probably just kept it in a closet.”\n\nThe family was certainly aware of the role their famous ancestor played in Civil War history, and they would occasionally take the photo out to show to close family and friends. Rogers recalls the first time he actually saw the image.\n\n“I could see the uniform, every aspect of it. I was probably 10 or 11 when my mother sat me down and told me all about who he was. After that, in school, I always did well in history because I’d always give reports on Pelham.”\n\nThis important and historic offering carries a pre-auction estimate of $65,000+.\n\n“This is, without question, the single most important and visually moving Civil War photographic image I’ve ever had the opportunity to catalog,” said Dennis Lowe, Director of Arms, Militaria and Civil War Auctions at Heritage. “No one in the modern era has ever seen the original of this image until now, though it’s been copied hundreds of times.”\n\nThere are few Confederate figures as romanticized and venerated as John Pelham. He was a brilliant leader, a genius tactician and one of the bravest men who ever fought in an American war. Pelham’s confident demeanor in the image, taken by legendary early photographer Matthew Brady in his New York City studio is handsome, verging on arrogance, but it foreshadows the strategic virtuosity and unrivaled bravado that he would eventually show on the early battlefields of the American Civil War.\n\n“What I’d always been told through the years was that he had this picture made to give to his mother prior to him going into the war,” said Rogers, “in case something happened to him she would then at least have a photograph of him.”\n\nIn 1861, just weeks short of graduation, Pelham – a native Alabamian – withdrew from West Point to offer his services to the Confederacy. Assigned as a Lieut. of artillery in Joseph E. Johnston’s Army, Pelham’s well drilled battery caught the eye of none other than J.E.B. Stuart, who transformed it into America’s first “horse artillery.” Pelham was thus engaged in every major action of Stuart’s cavalry, from First Bull Run to Kelly’s Ford, where he met his end.\n\n“It is really extraordinary to find such nerve and genius in a mere boy,” said Stonewall Jackson in response to Pelham’s gallantry at Antietam. “With a Pelham on each flank I could whip the world.”\n\nAt Fredericksburg, where Pelham’s guns were critical in stemming the Federal advance, Robert E. Lee commended Pelham for his “unflinching courage,” and he is generally recognized today as the most capable commander of “horse artillery” in American military history.\n\n“At Kelly’s Ford, on March 17, 1863, Pelham volunteered to lead a cavalry charge, his artillery not being engaged that day,” said Lowe. “The story goes that Pelham, rising in his stirrups, urged his men to ‘Press forward to glory and victory!’”\n\nDuring the subsequent assault, Pelham was struck in the head, and mortally wounded. Stuart eulogized Pelham in a general order issued to the Cavalry Division, immortalizing him with the sobriquet “The Gallant Pelham.”\n\n“You will be hard pressed to find a more important and historic offering in the annals of Civil War collecting,” said Lowe. “Pelham is one of the most highly romanticized figures of the entire War Between the States, and here we have the photograph that has, more than anything else, given that immortal aura to this pivotal figure.”\n\nAlso of note in the auction to those interested in Pelham is a Pelham-signed letter from Sept. 25, 1858, in which Pelham writes home to his brother in Alabama as he was beginning his studies at West Point. Undoubtedly this letter was written around the same time this legendary picture was taken. This letter is possibly the most important Pelham related document known to the Civil War hobby. It is estimated at $25,000+."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://columbiabusinessreport.com/core/files/scbiznews/uploads/images/summer%20project%20.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/energy/72628/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/core/files/scbiznews/uploads/images/summer%20project%20.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://columbiabusinessreport.com/core/files/scbiznews/uploads/images/summer%20project%20.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""summer project"", ""alt_text"": ""SCE&G and Santee Cooper pulled out of the V.C. Summer nuclear project. (Photo/file)"", ""original_width"": 1600, ""original_height"": 1148, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/energy/72628/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662540268.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20220521174536-20220521204536-00559.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 242281128, ""warc_record_length"": 14960}""","[ ""The construction of two additional reactor units at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station, once hailed as the renaissance of U.S. commercial nuclear industry, has been abandoned by S.C. Electric & Gas Co. Inc. and its state-operated partner Santee Cooper.\n\nThe utility companies, in separate announcements today, said they will cease construction of two 1,117-megawatt nuclear units because the cost to continue is too high."", null, ""The project, which began in 2012, has cost the companies about $14 billion — some $3 billion over budget — and is at least four years behind schedule. Santee Cooper reported that an analysis showed its share of the deal could wind up being 143% above the original project price.\n\nThe total number of workers on the SCE&G payroll who will be affected is 617, according to a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act notice filed today with the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, plus an “unknown number of employees” of affiliated companies that provide administrative support to the project. The company has said a total of 5,000 are at the V.C. Summer work site.\n\nSCE&G workers affected by the project shutdown have a number of different roles, including nuclear operators and engineers. The company said the separations are expected to begin Sept. 30, although some employees may remain on the job to assist with the shutdown.\n\nThe company plans to provide outplacement and other assistance to the affected employees, according to the letter filed with the workforce agency. The affected workers also will be able to apply for open positions within the company.\n\nThe decision is expected to save Santee Cooper customers nearly $7 billion in additional costs, including interest on the cost of borrowing money for the project, according to a news release.\n\nSCE&G, principal subsidiary of Cayce-based energy provider SCANA, said its decision was influenced by the additional cost to complete the units; the uncertainty of whether Congress will provide an extension of production tax credits for the project; and the amount of settlement payments from Toshiba Corp., parent of the project contractor Westinghouse Electric.\n\n“Based on these factors, SCE&G concluded that it would not be in the best interest of its customers and other stakeholders to continue construction of the project,” SCE&G said.\n\nAbandoning the project under the state Base Load Review Act will allow SCE&G to recover some costs. The company added that it will use about $1.2 billion — its share of the $2.2 billion settlement from Toshiba — as well as “benefits derived from tax deductions to mitigate rate increases and lessen the impact on our customers for several years,” according to a news release.\n\nSCANA executives are scheduled to brief the S.C. Public Service Commission about the decision from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.\n\nThe most recent analysis, anticipating the rejection of the project’s fixed-price contract by Westinghouse in bankruptcy proceedings, shows the final cost for Santee Cooper to complete the project would have been $8 billion for construction and approximately $3.4 billion for interest. The schedule delays increased the projected interest costs 143% over the original plan, Santee Cooper said in a release.\n\nAn analysis by Morgan Stanley pegged the cost of the new units at V.C. Summer at about $19 billion, nearly double the $9.8 billion for the engineering, procurement and construction contract with the project’s contractor and designer Westinghouse that SCANA cited in an amended Form 8-K filed May 23, 2008, with the Securities and Exchange Commission.\n\n“After Westinghouse’s bankruptcy and anticipated rejection of the fixed-price contract, the best-case scenario shows this project would be several years late and 75% more than originally planned,” said Lonnie Carter, Santee Cooper president and CEO. “We simply cannot ask our customers to pay for a project that has become uneconomical. And even though suspending construction is the best option for them, we are disappointed that our contractor has failed to meet its obligations and put Santee Cooper and our customers in this situation.”\n\nSCE&G and Santee Cooper operate a one-reactor unit at V.C. Summer, which went into service in 1984.\n\nWestinghouse filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in March, saying it wanted to get out of the nuclear construction business.\n\nWhile the S.C. companies are pulling out of the V.C. Summer project, Georgia Power and Southern Nuclear, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern Co., said they plan to continue construction of two reactor units at Plant Vogtle, near Waynesboro, Ga.\n\nThose units are twins of the two reactors that were being built at V.C. Summer.\n\nWhen the Georgia and S.C. projects were announced within weeks of each other in early 2008, industry observers said a “nuclear renaissance” was underway in the United States, where a new reactor unit had not been licensed by the federal government in 30 years.\n\nSCE&G and Santee Cooper decisions that led to the scuttling of the V.C. Summer construction were labeled “disappointing developments for the U.S. nuclear industry.”\n\n“As a first-of-a-kind nuclear construction project of this size and scope, the project understandably encountered many economic, regulatory and other challenges along the way, ” said Maria Korsnick, president and CEO of the Nuclear Energy Institute. “SCE&G and Santee Cooper, however, have always managed those challenges impressively. It is unfortunate that circumstances beyond their control have led to this outcome today. ”\n\nMeanwhile, opponents of the project hailed the decision to shut down construction.\n\n“The decision to abandon the V.C. Summer project is of monumental proportion and is a full admission that pursuit of the project was a fool’s mission right from the start, ” said Tom Clements, senior adviser at Friends of the Earth. “The damage that this bungled project has caused to ratepayers and the state’s economy must be promptly addressed by SCE&G, Santee Cooper and regulators, and all effort must be made to minimize that damage. SCE&G and Santee Cooper must now take on a large part of the project’s cost.”\n\nReport how much it has and will COST the customers rather than what it is \""expected to save Santee Cooper customers nearly $7 billion in additional costs\"". Management at both utilities should be replaced.\n\nThis is the 2nd time SCE&G has canceled multiple nuke reactors at VC Summer. The original project was for 3 reactors. Only one was built. The 2nd foundations at over $25 million were buried (over $500 million in todays dollars) and the 3rd never built with total loss of all engineering and planning expenditures. It's a disgrace that Santee Cooper and SCANA would make the exact same mistakes: TWICE!!! In exactly the same way: costs plus for multiple reactors instead of just one.\n\nSCANNA / SCE&G have now pulled out, neither of these purchased project insurance to protect them from losses and consumers have been paying higher rates for this project as well as its delays and cost overages. How is the Public Service Commission going to make SCANNA / SCE&G reimburse consumers for this financial disaster that has been mismanaged by SCANNA / SCE&G from day one at the consumers expense."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed-1.jpg?w=300&h=242"", null, ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed.jpg?w=300&h=183"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://pauseliveaction.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/holby-city-goodbye-irish-dr-greg/?replytocom=6724"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed-1.jpg?w=300&h=242"", ""src"": ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed-1.jpg?w=300&h=242"", ""formatted_filename"": ""snapseed"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 242, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 242, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://pauseliveaction.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/holby-city-goodbye-irish-dr-greg/?replytocom=6724"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed.jpg?w=300&h=183"", ""src"": ""https://pauseliveaction.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snapseed.jpg?w=300&h=183"", ""formatted_filename"": ""snapseed"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 183, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 183, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://pauseliveaction.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/holby-city-goodbye-irish-dr-greg/?replytocom=6724"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655879532.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20200702142549-20200702172549-00056.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 547963513, ""warc_record_length"": 24632}""","[ null, ""(Series 14, Ep.29) Irish Dr Greg, eh? He’s been in Holby for over two years, and unfortunately for a large chunk of that time he’s been forced to run up and down corridors moaning, “Sahira! Sahira!” What a waste. It all started out so promisingly, as well. We first encountered him as Connie Beauchamp’s bit of Hot Irish Totty when she temporarily relocated to a posh private hospital in London. Subsequently he enjoyed a flirtation with the magnificent Mary Claire and the predictably flirtatious Chrissie and even a bit of a bromance with Joseph Byrne. He was a bit cheeky, a bit funny and – it was occasionally hinted – he might have Hidden Depths.\n\nThe depths got seriously hidden during the Sahira saga, when he became not much more than a sighing, hankering love-lorn loon. Then Sahira goes, and for his exit storyline Edward MacLiam is finally – finally – given a storyline to get his teeth into. Picking up from last week’s sexual abuse plot, Greg found himself in all kinds of trouble this week when the abused girl, Lucy, stabbed her father with a pair of scissors. Mary-Claire got the wrong end of the stick and thought Greg was being “inappropriate” with Lucy. Greg almost let the evil abusive father die in theatre. And it was left to Elliott (kindly) and Hanssen (cunning) to sort everything out. Meanwhile, Greg was spilling out his heart about his own past abuse to Lucy: “I’ve never had a life, not a proper one,” he told her. “I’ve never been close to people.” Not for want of trying, we might say, but"", null, ""the point was that he didn’t want Lucy to carry the shame and secrets in her life that he’d carried in his. It was touching and, like last week, beautifully written and played. Lucy was persuaded to tell all and get help, but it was all a bit of a scandal, nonetheless, and it was better for Greg’s career for him to relocate to somewhere that wasn’t Holby. “A few phone calls from me and a reference overestimating your ability will probably help,” Hanssen told him.\n\nThe saddest scene was when Greg had to say goodbye to Mary-Claire. Niamh McGrady is another good actor who isn’t given all that much to do, but when she does she’s fantastic. Her poor wee face when Greg kissed her on the cheek was so sad.\n\nAnd Malick was bailed out of a tricky spot by cunning, scary and rather magnificent new consultant Serena Campbell.\n\nNext time: Tara tries to impress Jac (uh-oh!), Ric clashes with Serena Campbell and Eddi tries to pretend her kiss with Luc didn’t mean anything. Good luck to all of them."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://dtravelsroundnew.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/what-to-packfor-a-month-in-europe-2.png?w=750"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://dtravelsround.com/2014/02/18/fat-girl-thailand/?like_comment=6509&_wpnonce=ea9ba954b2"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://dtravelsroundnew.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/what-to-packfor-a-month-in-europe-2.png?w=750"", ""src"": ""https://dtravelsroundnew.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/what-to-packfor-a-month-in-europe-2.png?w=750"", ""formatted_filename"": ""what to packfor a month in europe"", ""alt_text"": ""A look at the realities of being an overweight female in Thailand and a lifelong struggle with being overweight."", ""original_width"": 683, ""original_height"": 1024, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://dtravelsround.com/2014/02/18/fat-girl-thailand/?like_comment=6509&_wpnonce=ea9ba954b2"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103328647.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20220627043200-20220627073200-00316.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 260858223, ""warc_record_length"": 55816}""","[ null, ""This post is a part of the year-long Comfort Zone Project.\n\n“Oh, why you so pom pui?” People ask me. Strangers. Friends. You name it.\n\nAnd that is because everyone asks me why I am fat. Or tells me I am fat. Or says I am soai (beautiful) followed by pom pui.\n\nFat AND beautiful. Now, that is a nice backhanded compliment. Thankyouverymuch.\n\nUnlike in Western cultures, weight here isn’t one of those hush-hush things. It’s an in-your-face thing. Comments people make here that would make me cry if someone Western was saying it simply roll of my back. Or, they try to roll off my back.\n\nAfter awhile, those “you’re fat” comments begin to take a toll.\n\nSkinny is everywhere in Thailand. If you’re above a size 8 (and I think I’m being quite forgiving when I say that), you won’t be able to find cute clothes. I’m a size 10 or 12 (depending on the day), and yeah, shopping at the department stores leaves me feeling defeated when I look at a pair of pants that can’t even fit an arm through the leg, let alone my ass.\n\nThe only place I can shop is Tesco Lotus, and then it is clothing that is more like a tent than anything cute and form-fitting.\n\nI’ve always battled with being overweight, and here in Chiang Mai, it is a constant reminder of those battles.\n\nThe Skinny Syndrome and Las Vegas\n\nWhen I lived in Las Vegas, I lived in a world where beauty was directly attributed to a tiny waist, big bust (check), spray tan and hair extensions. It had nothing to do with anything else. You got further in Vegas if you were skinny, and I was not a fool.\n\nEven when work asked that I get a headshot, the photographer worked magic.\n\n“I’m just going to make your nose a little smaller, your eyes a little bigger, your teeth a little straighter, your face a little smaller … oh, but you are beautiful,” he said, as he Photoshopped me to a younger illustration (or caricature) of myself.\n\nAfter only a few months in Sin City, I began to do PR for a doctor who shall remain nameless because after years of following his business, I think he is the most unethical doctor I’ve ever met or heard of. This good doctor had a weight loss program that basically was a cocktail of diet pills and seizure pills that resulted in the heaviest of people transforming quickly into slimmer versions of themselves.\n\nAs I sat on the table after getting an EKG done, he looked at me and said “You’re going to be blown away by how fat you are.”\n\nI kid you not.\n\nSure, I was tipping the scales at 200 at that time, but for a doctor to tell me that broke my heart. And yes, it is his job, but to say so in such a callous way …\n\nHe handed me two bottles of pills, a Phentermine concoction for the mornings and Topomax for the evenings, and prescribed me a weekly fat burning shot.\n\nThe shit worked. Within six months I had gone from a size 16 to a six four. I had gone from fat to toothpick. It was a miracle drug, but it had its prices. My vision became blurry. My heart would race like I had just snorted an entire eight-ball of coke for breakfast. I was skinny, but it wasn’t me.\n\nAfter nearly a year of taking the pills, I decided to stop them. Cold turkey. Within months, my weight shot back up and I was back to the loose clothing.\n\nPeople would look at me with their brow furrowed, casting me their deepest sympathies for my weight gain. I was back to being the girl in the corner.\n\nThe thing about weight-loss is, you have to be all in, or not at all.\n\nI had worked out for about six months when I started to get depressed, and soon even lacing up my sneakers was a challenge. So, instead I ate. Papa John’s. McDonalds. I drank. I did whatever I could to camouflage my insecurities by doing something I could control — my intake of food and drink.\n\nBut, when your intake trumps your exertion, you gain weight. So, I ballooned back to the weight I was when I arrived in Vegas.\n\nIt’s all about control\n\nIt wasn’t until I left Vegas and relocated to Atlanta that I finally was able to control my weight again. For at least six months. Then, depression again. Weight gain again.\n\nI thought traveling would make me skinny, so when I set out for my career-break, I decided I would lose weight. I lost a little — there’s something to be said for walking places with a huge backpack on your back that causes those calories to just burn, burn, burn.\n\nI returned to America a smaller version of myself, but still not happy. I looked in the mirror and saw a fat, fat girl who hated herself for not being able to control her own body.\n\nOf course, the normal lose weight-gain weight battle once again ensued upon my arrival back to Vegas. I was up to five days a week at the gym, busting out an hour of cardio a pop, followed by yoga or pilates. I was counting calories. Cutting down on the booze. And, then, I wasn’t. Again. Because it is all cyclical.\n\nWhen I moved to Thailand, I was the heaviest I had ever been. Standing in front of the mirror in my room at Smith, looking at myself naked … I would burst into tears.\n\nI’ve always operated with the belief that beauty is everywhere … that I shouldn’t have to be skinny to fall in love or to have someone fall in love with me. That no one should be anyone they are not … that as people, we are all gorgeous, whether skinny, fat, short, tall, etc. I’ve dated men who I wasn’t initially attracted to, but as I got to know them, they turned into the world’s hottest people.\n\nAttraction is important, yes. But, there are other things, too. And, I always held tight to the belief that people would like me simply for me. For my heart. For my mind. For my passion. Not because I am or am not a size four.\n\nI guess I’m not everyone.\n\nEven as the pounds began to fall off — a total change in diet (cutting out meat), along with sweltering heat and sweating my weight out of me daily — dropped the scale about 20 pounds. But, it didn’t matter. People saw me the same. Fat. Pom pui.\n\nAnd soon, it became just a part of my life. Everyone commenting (and I mean everyone — strangers, friends, people I see everyday and can only exchange bits of broken Thai or English), even when their comments were not asked for or welcomed.\n\nI have no idea why anyone thinks it is ok to tell someone they would be so much prettier/better/etc. if they weren’t fat.\n\nSometimes, it boggles my mind.\n\nI don’t look at them and say, “you know, you would be better if you pulled that stick out of your ass and completely rearranged your face?” It would certainly not be met with an understanding smile. So, why the double standard? Why is it OK for someone to give you their opinion about what makes you “not worthy” of being loved? And since when does weight become the single most important factor in any part of life?\n\nI know people here don’t mean it to cause pain. It is either no big deal since calling someone “fat” is normal, or they tell me because they think it can help me become a better me. But that doesn’t mean it just rolls off my back. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact my self-esteem. Or the way I feel about myself.\n\nToday, I’ve grown accustomed to being “fat” even though my weight continues to drop. Men here still don’t look at me. And, I still get judged as to the person I am based on my clothing size.\n\nIs it disheartening? Yes. Is it defeating? Yes. Is it life? Sadly, so long as I live here, it is. No amount of weight loss … no amount of lifestyle change will ever amount to me having the Thai version of a perfect body.\n\nWhile it used to make me sad (hence, staring at the mirror in tears), today I look at myself and think “fuck you. Really. Fuck. You. If you don’t like me for who I am, cellulite and all, then please. Do me a favor. Fuck yourself and go find a skinny woman who will be your everything.”\n\nBecause I am worth more than my weight.\n\nAt the same time, I want to give myself a chance to kick this once and for all. I want to look in the mirror with confidence, even if the people around me don’t see the beauty I possess, regardless of whether I am 100 or 200 pounds.\n\nI enrolled in a gym. I hired a personal trainer. Drinks are cut down to twice a week. Smoking is going to stop.\n\n155 thoughts on “The fat girl in Thailand”"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://interfax.com.ua/media/thumbs/images/2017/10/91nRfWeV-E-i.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/363202.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://interfax.com.ua/media/thumbs/images/2017/10/91nRfWeV-E-i.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://interfax.com.ua/media/thumbs/images/2017/10/91nRfWeV-E-i.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""nRfWeV E i"", ""alt_text"": ""Ukraine's National Police investigate Panov case, relatives report his abduction"", ""original_width"": 200, ""original_height"": 150, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/363202.html"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243991224.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20210516140441-20210516170441-00592.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 270173851, ""warc_record_length"": 14471}""","[ null, ""Ukrainian investigators have opened a criminal case on the basis of a report made by the relatives of Yevhen Panov, leader of the Self-Defense group in the town of Enerhodar, Zaporizhia region, acting head of the Ukrainian National Police Vadym Troyan said on Thursday.\n\nThe National Police's Communications Department said investigators had qualified the Panov missing person case under Article 146 (illegal imprisonment or abduction of a person) of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.\n\nTroyan said Panov's relatives reported him missing to the police on Wednesday, August 10, after which the information was entered into the national register of pre-trial investigations. \""We are taking all necessary measures to promptly, fully and impartially investigate all circumstances of this crime,\"" Troyan said.\n\nOn August 10, the Russian Federal Security Service said terrorist acts allegedly prepared by Ukrainian intelligence had been averted in Crimea. It was reported that the Russian special services, with support from other defense and security units, had prevented groups of saboteurs and terrorists from breaking into Crimea from the territory of Ukraine.\n\nThe Russian Federal Security Service also said one of the organizers, \""Panov Yevhen Oleksandrovych, 39, a resident of Zaporizhia region, an official with the Main Intelligence Department of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine,\"" had been detained. He is making confessionary statements.\n\nThe Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the Main Intelligence Department and the National Security and Defense Council have denied the reports on Ukrainian saboteurs. The Defense Ministry also said the accusations made by Russia of attacks on the peninsula from mainland Ukraine are similarly groundless.\n\nPanov's brother Ihor Kotelianets said he thought Yevhen had been abducted in Zaporizhia region and taken to Crimea."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://innoenterprisebucharest2019.eu/images/Silvestro-Micera.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://innoenterprisebucharest2019.eu/speakers/silvestro-micera.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""../images/Silvestro-Micera.png"", ""src"": ""https://innoenterprisebucharest2019.eu/images/Silvestro-Micera.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Silvestro Micera"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://innoenterprisebucharest2019.eu/speakers/silvestro-micera.html"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487626122.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20210616220531-20210617010531-00612.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 297961154, ""warc_record_length"": 4919}""","[ null, ""Silvestro Micera is currently Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA, Pisa, Italy) and at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) where he is holding the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Translational NeuroEngineering. He received the University degree (Laurea) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pisa, in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in 2000. From 2000 to 2009, he has been an Assistant Professor of BioRobotics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. In 2007, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA with a Fulbright Scholarship. From 2008 to 2011 he was the Head of the Neuroprosthesis Control group and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Automation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, CH. In 2009, he was the recipient of the “Early Career Achievement Award” of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.\nDr. Micera’s research interests include the development of neuroprostheses based on the use of implantable neural interfaces with the central and peripheral nervous systems to restore sensory and motor function in disable persons. In particular, he is currently involved in translational experiments for hand prosthesis control in amputees, and the restoration of vestibular function, grasping and locomotion in different neurological disorders. He is author of more than 250 WoS peer-reviewed papers and several international patents. He is currently Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. He is also member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, of Journal of Neural Engineering, and of the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.\nORGANISERS"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://asianindianfuneralservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IMG_0537-228x300.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://asianindianfuneralservice.com/obituary/ratna-chirde/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://asianindianfuneralservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IMG_0537-228x300.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://asianindianfuneralservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IMG_0537-228x300.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""IMG"", ""rendered_width"": 228, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 228, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://asianindianfuneralservice.com/obituary/ratna-chirde/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710488.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20221128070816-20221128100816-00544.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 154361647, ""warc_record_length"": 19668}""","[ null, ""Ratna Chirde passed away on March 7, 2022 at the age of 74 at Bayonne Medical Center, NJ. Known affectionately as Nadi to her family, Ratna Chirde was a fiercely independent and resilient matriarch. Born Ratna Nandi in 1947, just five months before Indian independence, Nadi grew up with her two brothers and a younger sister in India. Tragedy struck when the four children were orphaned and their family became penniless overnight. Rising to the occasion, Nadi cared for her siblings and began her lifelong mission to protect them at any cost. She eventually not only began working at a local medical dispensary, but she fought hard to ensure that her siblings could get jobs.\n\nThroughout her life, she would get a number of proposals for marriage, but she refused them all, fearing that she needed to stay unattached to take care of her siblings. As the matriarch, she worked endlessly to build life for everyone in the family. When her two nephews were born, they became her whole life. She gave both boys their names and when they grew up, she paid for their colleges, making sure that a second-generation of Nandis were given the opportunities that she and her siblings could only dream of.\n\nLater in life, she followed her husband to the US, where she accomplished her dream of becoming an American citizen and began her life in New Jersey. She spent 10 happy years with her dear friend Narayan. Charming, gregarious and a center of attention, she was loved by everyone who met her."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.wolfeandstec.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cyber-crimes.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.wolfeandstec.com/role-of-prosecutor/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.wolfeandstec.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cyber-crimes.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.wolfeandstec.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cyber-crimes.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""cyber crimes"", ""alt_text"": ""Illinois Cyber Crime Attorney"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 200, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 200, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.wolfeandstec.com/role-of-prosecutor/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499888.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131154832-20230131184832-00824.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1084492222, ""warc_record_length"": 20564}""","[ ""The Role of the Prosecutor in the Criminal Justice System"", null, ""Illinois prosecutors have a duty to uphold justice, but too often their goal instead becomes winning the case and seeking out the harshest punishment possible. This results in problems such as wrongful convictions and miscarriage of justice, as well as increased overcrowding in our jails.\n\nA Fordham University study found that between 2000 and 2012, the American prison population rose by about 100,000, from 1.5 million to 1.6 million, with a staggering 8.4 million being admitted to prison for some period of time.\n\nAccording to an article in The Atlantic, https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/05/are-prosecutors-the-key-to-justice-reform/483252/ ), there is a growing need to seriously rethink the role of the prosecutor in the administration of justice. The article cites outdated sentencing guidelines and problems with human biases which have led to a need to curtail the power of prosecutors.\n\nIf you have been arrested and accused of a crime in Illinois, you should be aware of the problems that exist with prosecutors. They may directly affect your defense case and should be discussed with the attorney who is helping you fight for freedom.\n\nThe experienced and seasoned Illinois criminal law attorneys at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd., understand the seriousness of your situation and offer aggressive representation for clients facing criminal charges. We know the courts and the criminal justice system, and how to plea bargain, negotiate guidelines and recognize when to take your case to trial. When we take on a criminal case, we gather information quickly and look at all viable defense options. Based on the facts, we make a decision about the best legal strategy. We know how prosecutors operate, and will do everything possible to vigorously fight for you and defend your rights against overzealous prosecutors.\n\nProblems with the Prosecution System\n\nProsecutors have certain responsibilities they should adhere to in order to ensure justice and to keep from impeding it. In the case of Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), the United States Supreme Court held that “the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.” This is known as the Brady rule, and it means prosecutors have obligations to turn over information that is favorable to the defendant.\n\nIllinois prosecutors do not always comply with the Brady rule, and this creates problems for the accused, such as:\n\n1) Problems in the administration of the death penalty\nIn May, 2000, thirteen wrongfully convicted individuals were finally released from death row. Former Gov. George H. Ryan of Illinois imposed a moratorium on further executions and created a Commission on Capital Punishment to study the state capital punishment system. The Commission found that prosecutors failed to disclose exculpatory evidence to the defense, including the suppression of promises made to state witnesses, and that police failed to investigate alternative leads and suppression of exonerating evidence.\n\n2) Problems with charging crimes too harshly\n\nProsecutors choose how harshly or leniently to go after someone who has been arrested. In the last two decades, prosecutors have been charging a lot more arrestees with felonies, where they could have been charged with misdemeanors. According to University of Michigan data, in 1994 about one of every three arrests became a felony case; by the end of the 2000s, it was two out of every three arrests. Felony convictions lead to increased prison time and problems with overcrowding.\n\nMany district attorneys run for election unopposed in counties with strong political-party identification. As a result, party loyalty, tough-on-crime promises, or electoral indifference give prosecutors enormous amounts of power. Prosecutors want to show a high conviction rate and may turn to unfair methods to achieve it.\n\nJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice recently announced its Institute for Innovation in Prosecution, headed by former prosecutor Meg Reiss. The institute is attempting to “develop programs designed to support innovation in the role of prosecutors in the American justice system.” Suggestions include:\n\nPut Your Trust In Us — Contact Wolfe Stec, Ltd. for a Free Consultation.\n\nWhen you are accused of a crime in Illinois, you need to hire the best criminal defense attorney that you can find to protect you against overzealous prosecutors. Your case may seem impossible, but with skillful representation you have a chance. Remember, the law places a heavy burden on the government, and you have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.\n\nThe criminal defense lawyers at Wolfe & Stec, Ltd. are skilled trial lawyers who believe each case is unique with its own set of circumstances. We know the judges and the court system and will aggressively explore every avenue for your defense. We examine the facts, the individuals involved, and the evidence available, and work hand in hand with our clients throughout the criminal process. We explain all elements and processes of the case and develop an effective defense strategy. Our goal is always to minimize the negative impact of the situation and to focus on protecting your freedoms, liberties and rights.\n\nDon’t delay — contact us for help today at 630-305-0222 or 312-388-7882 if you have been accused of any criminal charges. We represent clients in DuPage County, Naperville, Aurora, Wheaton, Downers Grove and Bolingbrook, Illinois. There will be no charge for your initial consultation."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.craneblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Safe-to-walk-past-cranes.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.craneblogger.com/safety/generally-safe-to-walk-past-crane/2014/06/18/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.craneblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Safe-to-walk-past-cranes.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.craneblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Safe-to-walk-past-cranes.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Safe to walk past cranes"", ""alt_text"": ""Safe to walk past cranes"", ""rendered_width"": 360, ""rendered_height"": 510, ""original_width"": 360, ""original_height"": 480, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.craneblogger.com/safety/generally-safe-to-walk-past-crane/2014/06/18/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104668059.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20220706060502-20220706090502-00757.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 765159879, ""warc_record_length"": 16833}""","[ ""It is “generally” safe to walk by a crane, the occupational health and safety watchdog’s CEO says amid concern about dangers from such equipment.\n\nMark Gauci said that, most of the time, it was not unsafe cranes that caused accidents but, rather, unsafe practices resulting from decisions taken on the spot by the operator or his employer."", null, ""A crane arm that had been rusting in the same position for years buckled in St Paul Street, Xemxija, in mid-April. In September, a crane collapsed, landing centimetres from a crowded classroom window of St Teresa Boys Secondary School, in Birkirkara.\n\nIn 2003, the Occupational Health and Safety Authority had said that tower crane accidents – including a fatal one – had been caused by unsafe work practices and not uncertified equipment.\n\nMore than 10 years later, this is being reiterated by both Dr Gauci and senior manager, Vincent Attard, who noted that the OHSA and the Chamber of Engineers were holding courses for operators of cranes and other equipment by engineers whose technical competence was deemed “satisfactory” by the authority.\n\nBy law, the OHSA had a monitoring role. As a regulator, it makes sure there were laws in place and that entities shouldered their obligations."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/3a3d056d2f4b50884acd36c237db6d171e941ff0/c=288-0-4896-3456/local/-/media/2017/12/08/Morristown/B9330535464Z.1_20171208121211_000_G93KHO3HH.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.wausaudailyherald.com/story/opinion/readers/2017/12/08/sexual-misconduct-should-cost-men-their-jobs-letter/935332001/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/3a3d056d2f4b50884acd36c237db6d171e941ff0/c=288-0-4896-3456/local/-/media/2017/12/08/Morristown/B9330535464Z.1_20171208121211_000_G93KHO3HH.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""src"": ""https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/3a3d056d2f4b50884acd36c237db6d171e941ff0/c=288-0-4896-3456/local/-/media/2017/12/08/Morristown/B9330535464Z.1_20171208121211_000_G93KHO3HH.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop"", ""formatted_filename"": ""B Z"", ""alt_text"": ""Roy Moore"", ""original_width"": 534, ""original_height"": 401, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.wausaudailyherald.com/story/opinion/readers/2017/12/08/sexual-misconduct-should-cost-men-their-jobs-letter/935332001/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370493684.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20200329015008-20200329045008-00048.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1248190324, ""warc_record_length"": 33874}""","[ ""Republicans support Roy Moore and President Donald Trump despite allegations against them, do they think sexual misconduct is OK, writer asks."", null, ""EDITOR: Harvey Weinstein, a movie producer; Charlie Rose, a CBS show co-host; Matt Lauer, a NBC TV personality; and David Sweeney, the news editor for National Public Radio, all had accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against them. All four of these men lost their jobs as a result, as they should have.\n\nRELATED: Who are the 'silence breakers' featured as 'Time' Person of the Year?\n\nIn regards to Roy Moore, men that hurt little girls should go to jail — not to the U.S. Senate."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1109/1399151799_64d0a7daf9.jpg"", null, ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7201/6933998999_f3e8d000de.jpg"", null, ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7207/6787885570_27657bc5bb.jpg"", null, ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7069/6787886470_ce0a51b90e.jpg"", ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7200/6787898676_a535a2788a.jpg"", null, ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7201/6934013453_306f7c2260.jpg"", ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7181/6934013087_4c4e4bce6e.jpg"", ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7047/6787899732_6f74f5652e.jpg"", ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7185/6934005019_e4f86e3169.jpg"", null, ""https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7053/6787892006_96efcef7d2.jpg"", 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124647}""","[ ""The last installment of Shimmer blog's series of Five Authors + Five Questions — This one on advice for newer writers.\n\nSFWA is redirecting Amazon.com links — As usual, Amazon is abusing their market power to the detriment of authors. This is why I started boycotting them two years ago. If you love books and writing, consider doing the same.\n\nWayfarers: Quest for the Cure — Walking through Scotland in quest fantasy drag to raise money for cancer. (Thanks to Jason Block.)\n\nHow To Build A Speech Jamming Gun — Japanese researchers build a gun capable of stopping speakers in mid-sentence.\n\nOldest Arctic Sea Ice is Disappearing — A new study by NASA scientist Joey Comiso has found that the oldest and thickest Arctic sea ice is disappearing at a faster rate than the younger and thinner ice at the edges of the ice cap. The rapid disappearance of older ice makes the Arctic Ocean's sea ice cap more vulnerable to further decline. Nope. No climate change going on here. Nothing to see, move along citizen. Who are you going to believe, Rush Limbaugh or the hard data?\n\nHow do the Times and the Journal Report a Drop in Wall Street Bonuses? — We consume the media we consume in large part because it confirms our preexisting biases, even if we’re sure such biases don’t exist.\n\nIn Veritas Vino — Ta-Nehisi Coates on the latest bit of conservative racism. [T]his embrace of cruelty is arguably the dominant feature of the present conservative movement.\n\nMy family’s involvement with a criminal conspiracy — Slacktivist Fred Clark with a painful personal story about the rampant cleric sexual abuse in the Catholic church.\n\nThe growing intolerance of Mormon intolerance — Does it make you an anti-Mormon bigot if you're anti Mormon bigotry? Is it really a bad thing to be intolerant of intolerance? And in any case, the Mormon church is happy to enter the political realm, but it's somehow not right to treat them as we would any other player in politics. Why?\n\nRomney Has Big Night; So Does Obama\n\n?otd: Did you know Mark Bourne?"", null, ""While I was in Colorado last weekend, we stopped in Salida for lunch. After a misfire at a noisy, crowded restaurant, we wound up at Moonlight Pizza, which has some of the best pizza I've ever eaten.\n\nThey're a microbrewery and pizza joint scenic downtown Salida, inside what looks to me like an old gas station. There's a selection of craft brewed beers, and interestingly, craft brewed sodas as well. I had a truly bitching limeade from the tap, something I'd never encountered. Some of my tablemates enjoyed the beers.\n\nAnd the food… We ordered a capicola, prosciutto and mushroom calzone, along with their T-Guns pizza — red sauce, spinach, pepperoni, tomatoes, cream cheese and jalapenos. Wow to both of those. Just wow. The crust was rich, flavorful and tender. The red sauce was slightly sweet with a very nice seasoning that you could taste even through all the other ingredients. And the topping combinations on both dishes were just amazing. I'm kind of a nut for savory food, and this really hit the spot. Truly amazing pizza.\n\nMoonlight Pizza is highly recommended if you're ever in that part of Colorado."", null, ""The view from downtown Salida"", null, ""(a/k/a my mom) walking the streets"", null, null, ""Moonlight Pizza its own self"", null, null, null, null, ""Art on the walls"", null, null, ""Part of the beer menu"", null, ""The taps their own selves"", null, ""My aunt and her sweetie"", null, null, ""The remains of our table\n\nMark Bourne's funeral is this morning. and I will be heading over to West Seattle soon from where we're staying chez . I'll be delivering the eulogy. Which is one of the most difficult things I have ever written. I'm fairly certain I won't get through it without my own tears. This is for Mark, and for Elizabeth. They deserve my very best.\n\nThis afternoon I'll head out to the Rainforest. Connectivity can be intermittent there, so blogging may be disrupted over the weekend. See some, all or none of you today or tonight."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/gua-sha-feature.jpg"", ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/mask-ne-thumbnail-scaled.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.courted.com/what-is-coolsculpting-and-how-does-it-work/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/gua-sha-feature.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/gua-sha-feature.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""gua sha feature"", ""original_width"": 700, ""original_height"": 466, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.courted.com/what-is-coolsculpting-and-how-does-it-work/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/mask-ne-thumbnail-scaled.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.courted.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/mask-ne-thumbnail-scaled.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""mask ne thumbnail scaled"", ""original_width"": 2560, ""original_height"": 1704, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.courted.com/what-is-coolsculpting-and-how-does-it-work/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655882051.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20200703122347-20200703152347-00107.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 841143542, ""warc_record_length"": 8399}""","[ ""What Is CoolSculpting® and How Does It Work?\n\nChange what you see with CoolSculpting®\n\nSometimes diet and exercise just aren’t quite enough to trim your body’s problem areas. We all know the problem spots and we’ve even named them. Love handles, double chins and flabby underarms can be difficult or impossible to target at the gym, and no matter how much kale you eat, that extra fat near your belt line feels like it just refuses to go away.\n\nIn your journey to a slimmer you, CoolSculpting® is your answer to tackle those problem areas that diet and exercise can’t reach.\n\nYears ago, Dr. Dieter Manstein and Dr. R. Rox Anderson of Harvard Medical School made a simple observation — kids who often ate popsicles had dimples. It was a rather simple observation that sprung a rather amazing discovery — the cold of the popsicles was eliminating the fat cells in kids mouths, leading to dimples.\n\nTo take that one step further, Manstein and Anderson had discovered that fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the other cells around, meaning cold can pinpoint and eliminate fat cells while not harming the surrounding cells. Genius.\n\nCoolSculpting® is the baby of Manstein and Anderson’s research. Scientists took that research and developed a treatment that easily, quickly and permanently eliminates fat cells from the body. By isolating specific problem areas and targeting only the fat there, CoolSculpting® allows patients to finally get rid of those problematic areas that diet and exercise just can’t seem to reach.\n\nHow does CoolSculpting® work?\n\nIf you’ve dieted and lost weight in the past only to have that weight sneak back once your diet was over, that’s because those cells were only ever reduced and could easily swell again once your normal eating routine resumed. Eliminating fat cells altogether means that even once your CoolSculpting® procedure is finished, those cells won’t come back, won’t swell and will stay gone.\n\nThis works thanks to a little process called cryolipolysis. This process happens when cold is used to pinpoint and target specific fat cells in order to freeze them, kill them and kick start the metabolic process into riding them of your body. This is the process that CoolSculpting® utilizes in order to permanently eliminate fat cells from your body altogether.\n\nOver the course of the following weeks and months, your body begins to metabolize and eliminate those dead fat cells, thinning your fat layer and producing a more sculpted you.\n\nThe procedure starts by applying a gel pad to the desired area. Then, the CoolSculpting® applicator is attached and pulls the fatty area into the applicator cup. As the name suggests, controlled freezing is then delivered to the targeted area and begins freezing fat cells. The cold sensation can be a bit jarring to some, but it typically dissipates after five to 10 minutes as the area numbs.\n\nDuring the procedure, you’re free to read, work, nap, stream TV shows or do whatever you would normally while sitting in a chair. Once you’re finished, you’re immediately able to go directly into your next activity and get back to your life because unlike liposuction or other surgical body sculpting procedures, there’s no recovery or downtime with CoolSculpting®.\n\nImmediately following your first CoolSculpting® treatment, your body will begin to metabolize the dead fat cells, and over the course of the following weeks, you can start noticing a reduction in fat in the areas that you treated. The best results usually show up around a month to three months after your treatment works as your body fully metabolizes and eliminates the frozen fat cells.\n\nCheck out some of the testimonials from former patients and learn more about the proven results of CoolSculpting®.\n\nHave more questions about how CoolSculpting® works?"", null, null, ""Combating ‘Mask-ne’: How to Avoid Skin Irritations Caused by PPE"" ]",, +,"[ ""http://www.premierguitar.com/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_FEAT.jpg?1596648754"", ""https://www.premierguitar.com/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_WEB.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/30643-eventide-releases-the-shimmerverb-plug-in"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//www.premierguitar.com/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_FEAT.jpg?1596648754"", ""src"": ""http://www.premierguitar.com/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_FEAT.jpg?1596648754"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Aug LNU Eventide ShimmerVerb FEAT"", ""alt_text"": ""LNU"", ""original_width"": 980, ""original_height"": 565, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/30643-eventide-releases-the-shimmerverb-plug-in"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_WEB.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.premierguitar.com/ext/resources/images/content/2020-08/LNU/Aug20_LNU_Eventide_ShimmerVerb_WEB.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Aug LNU Eventide ShimmerVerb WEB"", ""original_width"": 980, ""original_height"": 565, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/30643-eventide-releases-the-shimmerverb-plug-in"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401617641.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20200928234043-20200929024043-00541.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 992990876, ""warc_record_length"": 13909}""","[ null, null, ""Little Ferry, NJ (August 6, 2020) -- Eventide Audio has released its new ShimmerVerb plug-in, combining a massively lustrous reverb with parallel pitch shifters to add ethereal layers, making any signal “shimmer.” Producers and engineers have previously achieved this effect by using Eventide pitch-shifting hardware such as the H910, H949, or H3000 or other rack-mount units in combination with a reverb. This production technique was popularized by Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno on U2’s The Unforgettable Fire. Now, this iconic sound has been refined and extended with a modern, unified interface that is great for adding dreamy ambiance to guitars, keys, synths, samples and vocals. In typical Eventide fashion, features have been added such as the ability to infinitely feedback the signal, resulting in cascading reverbs that smear into oblivion. Feedback can be further fine-tuned by specifying which frequencies are fed back through the low/mid/high cross-over network.\n\nShimmerVerb shines via its playable, performance-based parameters. The “Ribbon” is an easy-to-program performance macro allowing users to fluidly morph ShimmerVerb’s effect between two completely different settings of any combination of controls. Desktop users can plug in a MIDI keyboard and gain tactile command over this function via the modulation wheel. Ribbon mappings are great for Feedback swells, moving the Pitch knobs, or changing the room Size parameter for a massive detuning result. ShimmerVerb also boasts a HotSwitch for calling up another state of parameters inside the same preset, useful for changing octaves, turning off/on the pitch shifters, or simply turning the Mix up or down while crafting a performance. Finally, the Freeze button allows users to make smeared textures out of single voices, full pads, or percussive elements resulting in metallic “shimmers.”\n\nShimmerVerb uniquely features parallel pitch-shifters on the reverb tail that deliver perfect fourth, fifth and octave shifts within a full range of four octaves of pitch shifting (from two octaves down to two octaves up), and MicroPitch tuning is available around perfect intervals. Pitched signals can be delayed up to one second or synched to a DAW’s tempo. The Feedback parameter determines how much delayed signal is fed back into the input of the reverb.\n\nShimmerVerb for Mac and PC supports VST, AAX, and AU plug-in protocols for compatibility with every DAW and is available at an introductory price of $39 through September 8, 2020 (regular MSRP is $99). The iOS version of ShimmerVerb, which works as a standalone app, AudioUnit v3 plug-in, or Inter-App Audio effect, is priced at $14.99, with a special intro price of $9.99 through September 10, 2020."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://consequenceofsound.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/screen-shot-2016-05-24-at-1-36-27-pm.png?w=807"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://consequenceofsound.net/2016/05/liam-gallagher-calls-brother-noel-a-potato-declares-fuck-oasis/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://consequenceofsound.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/screen-shot-2016-05-24-at-1-36-27-pm.png?w=807"", ""src"": ""https://consequenceofsound.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/screen-shot-2016-05-24-at-1-36-27-pm.png?w=807"", ""formatted_filename"": ""screen shot at pm"", ""rendered_width"": 807, ""rendered_height"": 534, ""original_width"": 807, ""original_height"": 534, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://consequenceofsound.net/2016/05/liam-gallagher-calls-brother-noel-a-potato-declares-fuck-oasis/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141711306.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20201202144450-20201202174450-00563.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 242355875, ""warc_record_length"": 40831}""","[ null, ""For a minute there, it seemed like the infamous feud between Liam and Noel Gallagher had finally subsided. Early last year, the two appeared to have buried the hatchet, and they separately even began talking about an Oasis reunion in a vaguely positive (read: money dependent) light. Well, so much for that lovely thought, as Liam apparently now thinks his brother is a starchy tuberous root.\n\nIn a series of tweets, Liam repeatedly called his brother a “potato.” The whole thing seems to have spun off from an interview producer David Holmes gave to Gigwise. Holmes described the new in-the-works album from Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds as “fun,” a descriptor which Liam apparently found offensive. After calling Holmes a “ginge” (ie, a ginger, ie, an individual with red hair), he compared NGHFB unfavorably to Wham!. The rant was capped off with a rather definitive, “FUCK OASIS.”\n\nPerhaps he’s just peeved his own Beady Eye band didn’t work out? Read all his tweets below.\n\nGo on have a whinge fan boys LG x"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017d427a78c2970c-320wi"", null, ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017ee9eec4e5970d-320wi"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.pylonofthemonth.org/2013/04/index.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017d427a78c2970c-320wi"", ""src"": ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017d427a78c2970c-320wi"", ""formatted_filename"": ""a e d cce d a c c wi"", ""alt_text"": ""Pylon"", ""original_width"": 320, ""original_height"": 213, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.pylonofthemonth.org/2013/04/index.html"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017ee9eec4e5970d-320wi"", ""src"": ""https://mosedales.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550d4cce38834017ee9eec4e5970d-320wi"", ""formatted_filename"": ""a e d cce ee eec e d wi"", ""alt_text"": ""Argyll pylon"", ""original_width"": 320, ""original_height"": 180, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.pylonofthemonth.org/2013/04/index.html"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347434137.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20200603112831-20200603142831-00403.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 854323879, ""warc_record_length"": 7631}""","[ null, ""This month's pylon comes to you from the M5 motorway. It follows in the fine tradition of pylon photos taken whilst travelling, with the earliest example (from July 2009) being this one on the M6 motorway. The fan of the website who submitted this month's photo said:\n\nThis was photographed from the M5 whilst coming home on Friday evening. I can't quite remember where it is but my best guess was somewhere between Gloucester and Birmingham. I was actually trying some arty shots of the sunset, but the pylon sort of strayed into my shot.\n\nSo a serendipitous photo rather than a planned pylon photo shoot, but Pylon of the Month is more than happy to accept any submissions whether deliberate or accidental. As the M5 has cropped up I feel that a bit more information is called for and I'll start with some construction history. It is a rather messy story, but it starts in 1962 with the construction of a two lane motorway in Worcestshire and in the same year a section near Filton in Bristol was also opened. This latter section of the M5 began addressing the traffic problems in Bristol dating back to the 1930s. More details of the construction history and a rather splendid photograph of the first cars (led by the Lord Mayor of Bristol in his Daimler) precessing down the new Bristol section of the motorway via flickr and brizzle born and bred.\n\nIn other pylon news this month, the bad weather in Scotland led to sheets of snow and ice damaging eight pylons in Argyll as reported by the BBC and many areas were without electricity for days. Even if you aren't the biggest fan of pylons, you miss them if they meet the fate of the one below and your electricity supply is cut off as a result!"", null, ""There is plenty more that I could report but I'll leave it there this month. You can after all get too much of a good thing, or as the saying (via Mary Poppins) goes in our house \""enough is as good as a feast\"". If you want to hear Mary Poppins say it herself then you can hear all four seconds of it here."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/NJ-Education-Report-social-media-1-300x169.jpg"", null, ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/a5f0eb48-98ea-4ba3-aeba-80589860575b-300x200.jpg"", ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/lakewood-meets-over-possible-teacher-layoffs-5817-8608476f2abbc61c-300x200.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/2012/07/05/newark-advisory-board-votes-for-adults-not-children/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/NJ-Education-Report-social-media-1-300x169.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/NJ-Education-Report-social-media-1-300x169.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""NJ Education Report social media"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 169, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/2012/07/05/newark-advisory-board-votes-for-adults-not-children/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/a5f0eb48-98ea-4ba3-aeba-80589860575b-300x200.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/a5f0eb48-98ea-4ba3-aeba-80589860575b-300x200.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""a f eb ea ba aeba b"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 200, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/2012/07/05/newark-advisory-board-votes-for-adults-not-children/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/lakewood-meets-over-possible-teacher-layoffs-5817-8608476f2abbc61c-300x200.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/lakewood-meets-over-possible-teacher-layoffs-5817-8608476f2abbc61c-300x200.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""lakewood meets over possible teacher layoffs f abbc c"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 200, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.njedreport.com/2012/07/05/newark-advisory-board-votes-for-adults-not-children/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662510117.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516104933-20220516134933-00126.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 1084888602, ""warc_record_length"": 32908}""","[ ""Newark Advisory Board Votes for Adults, Not Children\n\nNewark Superintendent Cami Anderson has overruled the district Advisory Board and now some of the city’s most successful charter schools will be able to lease five district-owned buildings that are currently empty or underused. See NJ Spotlight and the Star-Ledger for background.\n\nNot so much. From the Star-Ledger:\n\nDozens of angry, frustrated parents and community leaders, however, spoke against the leases at Monday’s advisory school board meeting, making a final plea that the arrangements are unfair to students in regular district schools. Three facilities being leased housed schools that Anderson closed last month because of low test scores and enrollment.\n\nThe chairman of the local board last night was very critical of the decision.\n“The board members took this issue of leasing very, very seriously,” said Antoinette Baskerville-Richardson, recently elected as the board’s chairman. “At this point, what has happened is that the democratic rights of the voters we represent have been totally disrespected.”\n\nInterestingly, those totally-disrespected democratic rights only apply to charter organizations. The board did unanimously approve one of the leases: a new charter to be run by a former traditional public school teacher from Science Park High School.\n\nThis isn’t about the thousands of kids on waiting lists, put there by their parents. This isn’t about the fact that some of the leased buildings are unoccupied and that the district currently has 8,000 empty seats. It’s not about the money, which within two years will surpass the grant from FaceBook’s Mark Zuckerberg.\n\nInstead, it’s that anti-charter school fervor which privileges adults over children.\n\nOne of the arguments made by charter school detractors is that schools like North Star and Team Academy “cream off” students with strong parental support or greater academic aptitude or fewer special needs. (See, by the way, Mike Petrelli’s reading of the recent Government Accountability Office study, which analyzed whether charter schools enroll fewer students with disabilities.) In many ways, it’s a question of scale: if there’s few charter school seats, there’s fewer kids who have the opportunity to escape from chronically failing traditional public schools.\n\nSo in Newark, there’s an opportunity to push the envelope on that scaling problem. More families will have a choice between, say, attending North Star, which has a 95% graduation rate, or West Side High, with a 54% graduation rate. That’s good for kids.\n\nBut it’s bad for the adults who sit on the Newark Advisory Board (Shavar Jeffries gets a bye on this) who will see their oversight depleted. And it’s bad for the leadership of the Newark Teachers Union, which will see its annual dues revenue decrease and its power diminished.\n\nMayor Cory Booker nails it: “We have an opportunity to expand high-quality school options for children and create revenue for the district, yet we continue to let the interest of adults get in the way of the interest of our kids.”"", null, ""Help Us Serve Your Education News Needs! Three Minutes of"", null, null, ""“You Broke Our Dreams.” Latina Mom “Talks the Truth” to"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Novak-Djokovic-AP-300120-218x150.jpg"", ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FMT-KLIA-IMMIGRATION-AIRPORTS-030919-2-218x150.jpg"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2020/03/19/s-korea-covid-19-cases-rebound-after-nursing-home-outbreak/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Novak-Djokovic-AP-300120-218x150.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Novak-Djokovic-AP-300120-218x150.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Novak Djokovic AP"", ""rendered_width"": 218, ""rendered_height"": 150, ""original_width"": 218, ""original_height"": 150, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2020/03/19/s-korea-covid-19-cases-rebound-after-nursing-home-outbreak/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FMT-KLIA-IMMIGRATION-AIRPORTS-030919-2-218x150.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://s3media.freemalaysiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FMT-KLIA-IMMIGRATION-AIRPORTS-030919-2-218x150.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""FMT KLIA IMMIGRATION AIRPORTS"", ""rendered_width"": 218, ""rendered_height"": 150, ""original_width"": 218, ""original_height"": 150, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2020/03/19/s-korea-covid-19-cases-rebound-after-nursing-home-outbreak/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401585213.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20200928041630-20200928071630-00375.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 807505859, ""warc_record_length"": 29239}""","[ ""SEOUL: South Korea posted a jump in new coronavirus cases on Thursday, reversing days of slowing infections after a new outbreak emerged in a nursing home in the hardest-hit city of Daegu.\n\nThe Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 152 new cases, taking the national tally to 8,565.\n\nThe country had recorded fewer than 100 new infections for four days in a row until Wednesday.\n\nAmong the new cases, 97 are from Daegu, southeast of Seoul, where the KCDC said at least 74 patients at a nursing home have tested positive for the virus this week.\n\nThe KCDC did not specify now many of the new cases were linked to the nursing home directly.\n\nThe fresh outbreak has prompted Daegu officials to launch extensive checks on all other nursing homes involving more than 33,000 people.\n\n“The rise in new infections could be ascribed to the nursing home where the outbreak occurred and our across-the-board survey on similar facilities”, Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-jin told a briefing, without elaborating on the numbers."", null, null ]",, +,"[ ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", ""http://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/2012/04/05/acting-across-borders-celebrating-the-meredith-tax-papers/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""womanandhermind web"", ""alt_text"": ""descriptive image"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 434, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 434, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/2012/04/05/acting-across-borders-celebrating-the-meredith-tax-papers/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/files/2012/04/womanandhermind-web.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""womanandhermind web"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 434, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 434, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/2012/04/05/acting-across-borders-celebrating-the-meredith-tax-papers/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494826.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20230126210844-20230127000844-00790.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 166077655, ""warc_record_length"": 14851}""","[ null, null, ""Meredith Tax, writer and political activist since the late 1960s, has founded or co-founded a series of feminist and social justice organizations starting with Bread and Roses, an early socialist-feminist group in Boston. Her 1970 essay, “Woman and Her Mind: The Story of Everyday Life,” is considered a foundational text of the U.S. women’s liberation movement. “Acting Across Borders” will focus on the main questions Tax explored in this essay and throughout her work as a feminist: race, class, and internationalism.\n\nThis fifth symposium of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture will feature notable feminist activists, writers, and scholars:\n\nFree and open to the public. Co-sponsored by the Office of the President, the Office of the Provost, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Duke University Libraries, African and African American Studies, Franklin Humanities Institute, the Program in Women’s Studies, the Women’s Center, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture. Part of the Future of the Feminist 70s series hosted by the Program in Women’s Studies.\n\n\""'As Far as Possible from Forgetfulness': The Trinity College Historical Society\""\nOct. 25th: Race, Medicine, Authorship and the \""Discovery\"" of Sickle Cell Disease in 1910-1911\nLecture: The History and Legacy of Ivory Anatomical Manikins"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://ugandaradionetwork.net/a/helpers/image.php?fileId=178093&m=0&w=1200&h=600"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://ugandaradionetwork.net/story/buvuma-district-adopts-new-charging-policy-to-increase-local-revenue-"", ""unformatted_src"": ""/a/helpers/image.php?fileId=178093&m=0&w=1200&h=600"", ""src"": ""https://ugandaradionetwork.net/a/helpers/image.php?fileId=178093&m=0&w=1200&h=600"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""original_width"": 1200, ""original_height"": 600, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://ugandaradionetwork.net/story/buvuma-district-adopts-new-charging-policy-to-increase-local-revenue-"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320302715.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20220121010736-20220121040736-00639.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 638692794, ""warc_record_length"": 10436}""","[ ""Business and finance\nAgriculture\nLocal government\nBuvuma District, Uganda\nThe Assistant Chief Administrative Officer-ACAO Ismael Kabonge told Uganda Radio Network that since the creation of Buvuma district in July 1 2010 it has been failing to collect the estimated local revenue and making recoveries of unrealized amounts due to gaps in the legal framework.\n24 Oct 2019 11:20\nBuvuma District, Uganda\nBusiness and finance Agriculture Local government"", null, ""\nThe district local government of Buvuma has adopted a new charging policy to help improve on its local revenue base.\n\nAfter various deliberations and council sessions, the policy was approved by the solicitor general to rise revenue by fees and licenses on specified businesses and activities.\n\nThe policy mainly targets landing sites as the major source of revenue, markets and building plans.\n\nBuvuma district thrives on fishing and farming as the major economic activities. However, the district has been finding it difficult to enforce the process of revenue collection.\n\nIn the new charging policy, the district prevents residents from using the lake for any fishing activity before paying the user fee and issued a receipt, license or operation permit.\n\n“Landing site user fees shall be charged on persons, fishing vessels or transport vessels using landing sites or accessing the fisheries resources within Buvuma District,” the policy reads in part.\n\nIt also indicates that the payments to any given business shall be the responsibility of a person carrying out a specified business in the market landing site or any place.\n\nThe policy stops erection of buildings structures without an approved plan which shall be in the physical planning act of 2010. It also provides guidelines for seasonal, daily market, bulk deliveries and other businesses including factories, bars, petrol stations, shops, quarries, and financial institutions.\n\nThe Assistant Chief Administrative Officer-ACAO Ismael Kabonge told Uganda Radio Network that since the creation of Buvuma district in July 1 2010 it has been failing to collect the estimated local revenue and making recoveries of unrealized amounts due to gaps in the legal framework.\n\n“On several occasions we have been failing to raise the budgeted amounts especially from our major source of local revenue which is the lake user fees. Buvuma has been lacking a policy to use in determining and demanding the unpaid revenue” Kabonge notes.\n\nIn the financial year 2018/19, the district and its lower local governments budgeted to raise Shillings 200 million as revenue from the lake user fees but only realized Shillings 49, 488, 000 though they since then failed to recover the balance.\n\nAlex Mabirizi the District Chairperson explains that this will guide in setting up a well planned community.\n\n“Once we succeed in implementing this new tax ordinance the district shall be able to the underdevelopment so as to improve the standards of schools, community healthcare and the district infrastructure.” Mabirizi says explaining that they have now embarked on sensitizing lower local leaders and the community about the policy.\n\nJames Kamanzi, a boat owner at Kirongo landing site says that they have always requested for the charging policy after the enforcement officers charging them differently revealing that at times they could be charged heavily than others depending on the relationship with the officers.\n\nThe adopted charging policy recommends that once one feels aggrieved appeals to the Chief Administrative Office within fourteen days. In case of offending the policy one is liable is imprisoned to a period not exceeding six months, paying a fine of not exceeding two currency points which is equivalent to twenty thousand shillings or serve both penalties."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://radio-adelaide-media.storage.googleapis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/02140844/SC_230517_FamilyMatters_LeataClarke--790x435.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://radioadelaide.org.au/2017/05/26/family-matters-campaign-launched-in-south-australia/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://radio-adelaide-media.storage.googleapis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/02140844/SC_230517_FamilyMatters_LeataClarke--790x435.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://radio-adelaide-media.storage.googleapis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/02140844/SC_230517_FamilyMatters_LeataClarke--790x435.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""SC FamilyMatters LeataClarke"", ""rendered_width"": 790, ""rendered_height"": 435, ""original_width"": 790, ""original_height"": 435, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://radioadelaide.org.au/2017/05/26/family-matters-campaign-launched-in-south-australia/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335054.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20220927162620-20220927192620-00640.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 524106014, ""warc_record_length"": 13042}""","[ null, ""Family Matters is a national campaign to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture.\n\nLast week, the campaign was officially launched in South Australia at an event in Rundle Mall which included performances from Yellaka, Dusty Feet Mob and Kalaya Children’s Choir.\n\nLeata Clarke is Chairperson of the Family Matters campaign in South Australia and she spoke to Small Change’s Lisa Burns about the campaign, the out-of-home care rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, the systemic changes that need to take place, and her hopes for the campaign’s future."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.thegamecrafter.com/27ce5f4e422ebfcf73fc195ec0d3f0a9f3172f94"" ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/villages"", ""unformatted_src"": ""//s3.amazonaws.com/files.thegamecrafter.com/27ce5f4e422ebfcf73fc195ec0d3f0a9f3172f94"", ""src"": ""http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.thegamecrafter.com/27ce5f4e422ebfcf73fc195ec0d3f0a9f3172f94"", ""formatted_filename"": ""ce f e ebfcf fc ec d f a f f"", ""alt_text"": ""designer logo"", ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/villages"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882570879.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20220808213349-20220809003349-00384.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 935881800, ""warc_record_length"": 13444}""","[ ""A construct and conquer card game. Whose will stand?\n\nA new land has been discovered! As the ruler of your own tiny kingdom, this is your big chance to expand your territory and (more importantly) make some serious gold. But the rulers of the other nearby kingdoms have also learned of this new land, and they're gathering their troops for battle! Prepare for all-out war as you try to build bigger villages than your neighbors... no matter what it takes!\n\nVillages is a rummy-style card game for 2 to 5 players. The rules are simple--collect 3 or more cards of the same color and lay them down to build a village. Build bigger villages than everyone else to earn more gold!\n\nBut not everybody likes to play nice. If another player's village contains a card you'd like to have, you can fight them for it in a one-on-one duel. Each of the 20 different unit types has its own strengths and weaknesses, so a knowledge of each unit's unique abilities (and a little bit of luck) is crucial to winning the battle and taking home the prize.\n\nHow you decide to play is up to you, but one thing is clear: the only way to send your rivals packing is to be the first to earn 100 gold coins. Do you have what it takes to rule an empire?\n\nThanks for visiting and supporting Villages! I'd love to hear your feedback. Please review the game below if you've played it before and have something to share.\n\n3rd Edition (April 20, 2012): Updated the overall design and improved the wording on a handful of cards. Reduced the number of possible players from 6 to 5 based on user feedback.\n\n2nd Edition (January 12, 2012): Made minor functional changes to some cards. Improved the wording on many others."", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://consumervaluecreation.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/iphony.jpg?w=672&h=372&crop=1"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://consumervaluecreation.com/2018/03/11/pipelines-platforms-and-the-new-rules-of-strategy/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://consumervaluecreation.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/iphony.jpg?w=672&h=372&crop=1"", ""src"": ""https://consumervaluecreation.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/iphony.jpg?w=672&h=372&crop=1"", ""formatted_filename"": ""iphony"", ""rendered_width"": 672, ""rendered_height"": 372, ""original_width"": 672, ""original_height"": 372, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://consumervaluecreation.com/2018/03/11/pipelines-platforms-and-the-new-rules-of-strategy/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500250.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20230205063441-20230205093441-00367.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 205225025, ""warc_record_length"": 28339}""","[ null, ""In this post I will review and discuss the article ‘Pipelines, Platforms, and the new rules of strategy’ published in Harvard business review April issue of 2016.\n\nIn the introduction of the article the success of the Apple iPhone is highlighted. When the iPhone was first released in 2007 Apple was a very small player in the phone manufacturing industry, but by 2015 the iPhone was singlehandedly generating 92% of all the profits in the industry. The authors attribute this success to Apple’s intelligent view of what a mobile phone is. While other phone manufacturers saw mobile phones as just products with a certain amount of features that may or may not be innovative, Apple considered the iPhone to be a platform and focused on building a community around it instead.\n\nThe iPhone was used by Apple to create a two sided platform, bringing producers and consumers together in one place. Enabling Apple to take advantage of network effects. By doing so platform business models can be a destructive force to traditional, or as the authors of this paper prefer to call them, pipeline business models. When we consider disruptive platform businesses we tend to quickly think about disruptive startups such as Airbnb and Uber. However, the Apple iPhone was just as disruptive to the phone manufacturing industry as Airbnb and Uber were to their respective industries.\n\nThe authors identify three key shifts a successful platform has to make from a traditional business model. First platforms need to identify that its most valuable resources are likely not tangible assets, but intangible assets. The network, consisting of the community of producers and consumers and all the assets they bring to the table, is the platform’s most valuable asset. Second, this means that facilitating interactions between the consumers and producers should be your number one priority. Internal optimization of processes, which is key for pipeline businesses, becomes less important. Persuading new participants to become part of the ecosystem and governing said ecosystem is an essential part of running a successful platform business. Last, Platforms do not need to worry about maximizing customer value because they rarely engage in transactions with customers themselves. Instead, platforms should focus on maximizing the value of the ecosystem by utilizing network effects.\n\nThe authors then go on by discussing the strategic implications the platform business model has for businesses. They argue that the optimal strategy for pipeline businesses can be determined by looking at the competitive forces as described in the the five forces model, introduced by Micheal Porter in 1979. (Porter, 1979) However, they then go on by saying the five forces model is not fully applicable to platform businesses as the model does not take into account network effects. I believe this to be a powerful observation. Platforms do not only compete against other producers, but also compete against other platforms. The stability regarding the other four competitive forces is also disrupted. Platform participants can be suppliers and buyers, but a participant does not need to play one of these roles exclusively. Successful platforms are often the ultimate substitute threat to an industry.\n\nThe final important factor for platforms to take advantage of strategically are the positive spillover effects that emerge from a platform ecosystem. Positive spillover effects in platform ecosystems exist mainly in the form of user data. It is important that platform bulginesses capture as much of this data as possible, as it can be used to improve the core user interactions by generating more helpful matchmaking recommendations and pricing policies. The usefulness of a data set increases with its size. Platform businesses should therefore be worried about increasing the size of its ecosystem and volume of its its facilitated interactions. Standard metrics to measure a business’s success do not necessarily apply to platforms, as expansion and size are more valuable to platforms due to network effects. Sadly network effects also work in reverse. If a platform is managed poorly, and negative instead of positive feedback loops emerge, network effects can reduce the value of a platform rapidly."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://static.businessinsider.com/image/55298379eab8ea7d519b9969-400/image.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.businessinsider.com.au/obama-has-historic-meeting-with-cuban-president-raul-castro-2015-4"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://static.businessinsider.com/image/55298379eab8ea7d519b9969-400/image.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://static.businessinsider.com/image/55298379eab8ea7d519b9969-400/image.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""image"", ""alt_text"": ""Obama Castro "", ""original_width"": 400, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.businessinsider.com.au/obama-has-historic-meeting-with-cuban-president-raul-castro-2015-4"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875147234.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20200228135132-20200228165132-00468.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 641699205, ""warc_record_length"": 17419}""","[ null, ""APPresident Barack Obama (second row, right) and Raul Castro (second row, left) with other leaders at the Summit of the Americas.\n\nUS President Barack Obama had what he described as “obviously an historic meeting” with Cuban President Raul Castro on Saturday in Panama.\n\nThe talks between Obama and Castro were the first in-person meeting of American and Cuban leaders since the 1950’s. They occurred on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas after both men made what Agence France-Presse described as “conciliatory speeches” in front of other regional leaders.\n\nObama and Castro’s meeting occurred on the heels of the announcement late last year that America would begin normalizing relations with Cuba.\n\nAccording to a White House press pool report, Obama spoke during his meeting with Castro and noted the history between the US and Cuba has been complicated. Relations between US and the island nation, which is located about 100 miles south of Florida began to deteriorate in 1959 after the revolution that brought the Communist regime of Castro’s brother, Fidel, to power.\n\n“Over time it is possible for us to turn the page and develop a new relationship between our two countries,” Obama said.\n\nObama also reportedly described past US policy towards Cuba as not having worked and declared it “was time for us to try something new.” Among other things, the US has concerns about democracy and human rights in Cuba. The Cuban government also has issues with US policy, which Castro outlined in his speech at the summit. According to the pool report, Obama acknowledged Castro’s remarks, which led to a smile from the Cuban president, and said he believed the two governments could disagree with each other respectfully.\n\nCastro spoke in Spanish following his talks with Obama and his comments were translated through an interpreter. The pool report said Castro expressed agreement with everything Obama said and acknowledged the two nations might have differences “with respect of the ideas of the others.”\n“We are willing to discuss everything but we need to be patient, very patient,” Castro said through the interpreter, adding, “We might disagree on something today on which we could agree tomorrow.”\nCastro also reportedly acknowledged the members of the US and Cuban delegations and urged them to listen to their leaders, which prompted a laugh from Obama. The pair shook hands before reporters were ushered out of the room.\nView a picture of the meeting below."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/12737040-16x9-xlarge-800x445.jpg"", null, ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/210113215424-tokyo-2020-olympic-games-exlarge-169-390x205.jpeg"", ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/skynews-nigeria-sars-endsars_5142435-390x205.jpg"", ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/106931843-16297394852021-08-23t154825z_1456604436_rc2aap9x7mul_rtrmadp_0_afghanistan-conflict-britain-390x205.jpeg"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://theacracy.com/kyrgyzstan-parliament-appoints-sadyr-japarov-as-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-country/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/12737040-16x9-xlarge-800x445.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/12737040-16x9-xlarge-800x445.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""xlarge"", ""rendered_width"": 800, ""rendered_height"": 445, ""original_width"": 800, ""original_height"": 445, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://theacracy.com/kyrgyzstan-parliament-appoints-sadyr-japarov-as-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-country/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/210113215424-tokyo-2020-olympic-games-exlarge-169-390x205.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/210113215424-tokyo-2020-olympic-games-exlarge-169-390x205.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""tokyo olympic games exlarge"", ""rendered_width"": 390, ""rendered_height"": 205, ""original_width"": 390, ""original_height"": 205, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://theacracy.com/kyrgyzstan-parliament-appoints-sadyr-japarov-as-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-country/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/skynews-nigeria-sars-endsars_5142435-390x205.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/skynews-nigeria-sars-endsars_5142435-390x205.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""skynews nigeria sars endsars"", ""rendered_width"": 390, ""rendered_height"": 205, ""original_width"": 390, ""original_height"": 205, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, {""document_url"": ""https://theacracy.com/kyrgyzstan-parliament-appoints-sadyr-japarov-as-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-country/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/106931843-16297394852021-08-23t154825z_1456604436_rc2aap9x7mul_rtrmadp_0_afghanistan-conflict-britain-390x205.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://theacracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/106931843-16297394852021-08-23t154825z_1456604436_rc2aap9x7mul_rtrmadp_0_afghanistan-conflict-britain-390x205.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""t z rc aapmul rtrmadp afghanistan conflict britain"", ""rendered_width"": 390, ""rendered_height"": 205, ""original_width"": 390, ""original_height"": 205, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://theacracy.com/kyrgyzstan-parliament-appoints-sadyr-japarov-as-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-country/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571538.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20220812014923-20220812044923-00773.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 494276509, ""warc_record_length"": 18990}""","[ null, ""Street protests erupted in Kyrgyzstan earlier this week following Sunday’s parliamentary election. The opposition blamed the votes were rigged as protesters captured several government buildings in the capital Bishkek, forcing the President, Sooronbay Jeenbekov, to flee the White House, the presidential palace, and plunging the country into chaos.\n\nAfter a week of protests, the members of Kyrgyzstan parliament on Saturday unanimously approved the appointment of Sadyr Japarov as the new Prime Minister of the country.\n\nJaparov pledged that he had no plans to change the ‘composition and structure’ of a new government and promised not to run in the coming parliamentary election, and also vowed not to persecute his political opponents, reported TASS.\n\n“I take full responsibility for the government’s work,” he stressed.\n\nThis comes amid a political crisis in the nation after the parliamentary elections were declared invalid, following violent protests against what many considered as an unfair general election."", null, null, null ]",, +,"[ ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-250x250.jpg"", null, ""http://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-300x300.jpg"" ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/projects/dent-stimmung-magnetic-motorworks/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-250x250.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-250x250.jpg"", ""rendered_width"": 250, ""rendered_height"": 250, ""original_width"": 250, ""original_height"": 250, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/projects/dent-stimmung-magnetic-motorworks/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-300x300.jpg"", ""src"": ""http://taosrecordingstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/a0636059059_16-300x300.jpg"", ""alt_text"": ""a0636059059_16"", ""rendered_width"": 300, ""rendered_height"": 300, ""original_width"": 300, ""original_height"": 300, ""format"": ""jpeg""}]""","""{""url"": ""https://taosrecordingstudio.com/projects/dent-stimmung-magnetic-motorworks/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499654.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128184907-20230128214907-00585.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 590275641, ""warc_record_length"": 11201}""","[ null, ""“If ‘eclectic’ to you is when Green Day change their guitar tone or McDonald’s puts two burgers in one bun, then steer clear of this album. If however you take your pepperoni pizza with extra cream and can stomach the idea of an album with something other than one song reworked ten times, then you should buy Stimmung now.” (so says some English writer type, and he ought to know…)"", null ]",, +,"[ ""https://perspectivecriticism.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/we-e1430330090799.jpg?w=150&h=150"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://perspectivecriticism.com/2015/04/30/a-new-approach-to-the-we-passages-of-the-book-of-acts-part-1-gary-yamasaki/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://perspectivecriticism.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/we-e1430330090799.jpg?w=150&h=150"", ""src"": ""https://perspectivecriticism.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/we-e1430330090799.jpg?w=150&h=150"", ""formatted_filename"": ""we e"", ""alt_text"": ""we"", ""rendered_width"": 150, ""rendered_height"": 150, ""original_width"": 150, ""original_height"": 150, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://perspectivecriticism.com/2015/04/30/a-new-approach-to-the-we-passages-of-the-book-of-acts-part-1-gary-yamasaki/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487600396.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20210613041713-20210613071713-00099.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 425251795, ""warc_record_length"": 25434}""","[ null, ""Some scholars have drawn these insights into their treatments of the Book of Acts’ first-person narrative passages. For example, Robert Tannehill (The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: Vol. 2, p. 247) asserts that this first-person narration creates a sense of “identification” with the narrator, while William Kurz (Reading Luke-Acts, p. 113) claims a sense of “immediacy” is implied by this type of narration. However, the work of Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg contains insights that call into question the applicability of standard point-of-view theory to the study of narrative texts of antiquity.\n\nTheir 1966 The Nature of Narrative focuses mainly on narrative in the modern novel, but it does provide at least some coverage of narrative in texts of antiquity. And in a discussion of the issue of “first-person versus third-person in antiquity,” they note that authors writing accounts of events in which they were personally involved sometimes report their involvement in the third-person–”he did this”–as opposed to the more natural first-person–”I did this”; the four examples given are Xenophon’s Anabasis, Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War, Josephus’ Jewish War, and Julius Caesar’s Gallic War.\n\nScholes and Kellogg suggest these authors’ use of third-person narration may be rooted in a belief that third-person narration holds more authority than does first-person eyewitness testimony. As they put it, “A document aspiring to achieve truth of fact had a better chance of being appreciated as factual if it did not seem too personal” (243). And a little later, they say, “the first-person narrative seems to have been used mainly in the ancient world not for factual or mimetic representation, but for highly unreliable and one-sided apologiae, as in the case of Josephus, whose Life of himself does not check well against his history, and is usually thought to be the least credible of all his writings” (244).\n\nOver against the low-authority nature of first-person narration, Scholes and Kellogg contrast the degree of authority afforded the “histor” which they describe as follows: “The histor as narrator is not a recorder or recounter but an investigator. He examines the past with an eye toward separating out actuality from myth. Herodotus takes his authority not so much from his sources as from the critical spirit with which he means to approach those sources. . . .Thucydides is the perfect type of the ancient histor, basing his authority on the accuracy of conclusions he has drawn from evidence he has gathered” (242-3).\n\n« Does Acts 9 characterize Saul of Taursus as an “Anti-Hero”?\nA New Approach to the “We-Passages” of the Book of Acts (Part 2) »"" ]",, +,"[ ""http://ec2-13-237-209-185.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screen-Shot-2018-03-29-at-10.56.03-AM.png"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""http://ec2-13-237-209-185.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/the-decisive-moment-the-art-of-street-photography/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""http://ec2-13-237-209-185.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screen-Shot-2018-03-29-at-10.56.03-AM.png"", ""src"": ""http://ec2-13-237-209-185.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screen-Shot-2018-03-29-at-10.56.03-AM.png"", ""formatted_filename"": ""Screen Shot at"", ""rendered_width"": 1140, ""rendered_height"": 758, ""original_width"": 1140, ""original_height"": 758, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""http://ec2-13-237-209-185.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/the-decisive-moment-the-art-of-street-photography/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711162.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207121241-20221207151241-00097.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 17131500, ""warc_record_length"": 31099}""","[ null, ""The Decisive Moment: The Art of Street Photography\n\nStreet photography is a style that has influenced me greatly.\n\nIt is the idea of leaving everything up to chance. It can be unmediated encounters with strangers, or a candid shot of shadows or figures. For me, it is unplanned beauty, in a sense – you just have to be in the right place at the right time. As one of the founding fathers of street photography, Henri Cartier-Bresson, who has been a huge influence on my own work, put it: “It’s all luck.”\n\nStreet photography gives you the opportunity to really push yourself creatively, as you are constantly hunting for pictures. How I’m feeling before or during a shoot can affect the outcome. However, often I go out with a purposeful approach: I have an image in my head, I look for it, and if I’m lucky, I find it. Other times I’m fortunate enough to stumble across someone or something more wonderful than I could ever envisage.\n\nThese are some of my latest street images:\n\nStreet photography really dates from the early 20th century and Cartier-Bresson. What made his work so revolutionary was not only his technical knowledge of the art form, with strong compositions accompanied by his extensive understanding of light, but his theory of the “decisive moment”. This refers to a moment captured that is both ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself.\n\nThe theory helped to push a new way of thinking among a new breed of photographers, such as Robert Capa and W. Eugene Smith.\n\nJames Adams: “I’d never actually worked with them (The Creases) before that. I knew a couple of their songs on the radio, but I was definitely a fan. We organised to meet up one afternoon. What we wanted out of it was press shots … but we just took a bunch of film and we just walked around the streets, and I just looked for cool pockets of light.\n\n“I remember there was a cowboy in this cafe with glass windows, and they were just standing at the lights waiting for them to change. With life going on, you just have to keep your eyes open. You see moments that make good photos.\n\n“[While developing as a photographer] I took the most inspiration from a book my sister sent me from London. It was about the NYC punk scene, and the moments it captured of the characters in that scene had a profound impact on the evolution of my style and how I shoot today.\n\n“Nowadays I’ve got peers that I love, that inspire me and whose photos push what I’m shooting: namely, Maclay Heriot, Sam Brumby, Jono White, Ian Laidlaw and Charlie Hardy.\n\n“I guess being ready for what you don’t know is coming helps [with the perfect unplanned shot]. Generally, if I’ve got my camera on me, I’ll have an idea of what the hard and soft light settings are, and have my camera set to whichever one I think will be most useful at the time.\n\n“Also, keeping your eyes open and looking around helps anticipate what cool moments might be about to happen.\nBeing comfortable with the surroundings and the people you’re around makes everyone else comfortable, and that translates in the photos. I believe it does, anyway.”\n\nRenae Saxby: “Being in another country and having to connect with someone to communicate without speaking the same language is something I love. It breaks the barriers and can create really intimate images.\n\n“So many musicians inspire me through their work and their art, and their passion and personality shine through in what is captured. Music has played a massive role in my life, and I genuinely love supporting musicians through photography.\n\n“I guess the more gigs you shoot, the more of an idea you have of what to watch for, how to know when something is going to happen that you need to catch. If I’m working with a band directly, I will ask if there is anything during the set that will be particularly special photographically.\n\n“The way I travel is to go with the flow because that’s when I believe the magic happens.\n\n“If you’re shooting for a magazine, you need to work out your destinations, places to be at certain light, etc. But when I am shooting for me, for my travel images, it’s more left up to chance.\n\n“Off the beaten track is when I feel most alive and where I find the gold. – Words and gallery by @jaymes_mott, editing by Kathy Marks"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_tokaku_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", null, ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_haru_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", null, ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_shinya_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://mahoutofu.com/2014/04/06/impression-akuma-no-riddle-episode-01/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_tokaku_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_tokaku_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""formatted_filename"": ""akuma tokaku"", ""alt_text"": ""akuma_tokaku_01-1"", ""rendered_width"": 470, ""rendered_height"": 264, ""original_width"": 470, ""original_height"": 264, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://mahoutofu.com/2014/04/06/impression-akuma-no-riddle-episode-01/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_haru_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_haru_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""formatted_filename"": ""akuma haru"", ""alt_text"": ""akuma_haru_01-1"", ""rendered_width"": 470, ""rendered_height"": 264, ""original_width"": 470, ""original_height"": 264, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://mahoutofu.com/2014/04/06/impression-akuma-no-riddle-episode-01/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_shinya_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""src"": ""https://mahoutofu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/akuma_shinya_01-1.png?w=470&h=264"", ""formatted_filename"": ""akuma shinya"", ""alt_text"": ""akuma_shinya_01-1"", ""rendered_width"": 470, ""rendered_height"": 264, ""original_width"": 470, ""original_height"": 264, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://mahoutofu.com/2014/04/06/impression-akuma-no-riddle-episode-01/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662627464.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526224902-20220527014902-00541.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 452266983, ""warc_record_length"": 30756}""","[ null, ""Hell, yeah. My most anticipated series of the season did not disappoint. If you’re shallow like me, then anime girls who are assassins might just be enough to entice you to watch Akuma no Riddle. However, if you want something more substantial then I believe you’re in luck as well because Akuma no Riddle boasts a great ensemble of characters as well as a promising story.\n\nThe series focuses on an assassin prodigy named Tokaku Azuma (CV: Ayaka Suwa) who’s sent to a private all-girls academy to assassinate one of the students there. In a class of 13 girls, 11 others are also assassins of varying levels and 1 is the poor target. Due to her completely un-threatening demeanor, all eyes are on Haru Ichinose (CV: Hisako Kanemoto). As luck would have it, Haru and Tokaku are roommates but can Tokaku bring herself to kill her?"", null, ""As you might be able to tell from the series title and the way episode names are done, there seems to be a lot in the way of moral ambiguity. When Tokaku is asked to complete the sentence: “The world is filled with __” , she responds with “curses,” while Haru answers with “forgiveness.” Haru’s answer brings up a flashback of Tokaku’s childhood where she presumably killed someone and now regrets it. Watching the episode, one might notice the extensive use of shower scenes for Tokaku. I think it represents some past guilt she holds (proverbial blood on the hands) that she wants to wash off of her.\n\nSince this is a shoujo-ai series, I’m really interested to see how the romance will begin between the two main characters, especially since they are such complete polar opposites. Of course, this polarity makes them a good fit for each romantically in my opinion. Haru is almost sickeningly cute and optimistic to counteract Tokaku’s melancholic stoicism, as well as the dark and twisted atmosphere given off by the rest of the characters. In this way, it really does feel like it’s Haru versus the world (except for the 2 funny male characters)."", null, ""I also want to point out the great facial expressions in this series, as they range from Haru’s delightfully innocent smile to Tokaku’s constant (yet varying) grimaces to a variety of insane expressions from the other characters. The strong characters are definitely the greatest draw of Akuma no Riddle, and the fact that each episode will have a different ending featuring a different character is further proof of this.\n\nI’m greatly enjoying Akuma no Riddle already, and I hope you all will consider following this one to the end. Watch this if you like assassins, unconventional love stories, and…spandex? Seriously, the assassin outfits in the OP were pretty awesome.\n\n“How does ‘The world is filled with forgiveness‘ sound?” ~ Haru Ichinose"" ]",, +,"[ ""https://www.dialoguepakistan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/covid-hajj.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.dialoguepakistan.com/saudi-arabia-allows-foreign-vaccinated-pilgrims-to-perform-hajj-this-year/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://www.dialoguepakistan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/covid-hajj.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://www.dialoguepakistan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/covid-hajj.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""covid hajj"", ""alt_text"": "" Saudi Arabia allows vaccinated foreign pilgrims to perform Hajj this year"", ""original_width"": 800, ""original_height"": 450, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.dialoguepakistan.com/saudi-arabia-allows-foreign-vaccinated-pilgrims-to-perform-hajj-this-year/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304876.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125220353-20220126010353-00372.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 781094834, ""warc_record_length"": 26324}""","[ null, ""RIYADH: The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health has given a green light to allow vaccinated foreign pilgrims to attend this year’s Hajj.\n\nThe Twitter handle of Haramain Sharifain revealed this information adding that the further details would be revealed in the coming weeks.\n\nOn May 9, the Saudi Arabian government had announced to organise Hajj the following year with special conditions viewing the spread of coronavirus pandemic.\n\nThe spokesperson for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Hajj and Umrah had said that complete arrangements for health and safety of pilgrims would be ensured to preserve their well-being.\n\n“Health institutions in Saudi Arabia will continue to assess the situation and take all the measures to preserve the health of all mankind,” Saudi Gazette had quoted the ministry as saying.\n\nIn a video statement, Minister for Religious Affairs Noor-ul-Haq Qadri has said Pakistan will announce Hajj policy after final announcement of Hajj Policy by the Saudi Arabian government.\n\n“The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has not yet taken final decision about the number of pilgrims for Hajj 2021,” he said."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://y4a4u6g5.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/lukas-blazek-UAvYasdkzq8-unsplash-scaled.jpg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://texasforestcountryliving.com/how-time-flies/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://y4a4u6g5.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/lukas-blazek-UAvYasdkzq8-unsplash-scaled.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://y4a4u6g5.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/lukas-blazek-UAvYasdkzq8-unsplash-scaled.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""lukas blazek UAvYasdkzq unsplash scaled"", ""rendered_width"": 696, ""rendered_height"": 461, ""original_width"": 2560, ""original_height"": 1695, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://texasforestcountryliving.com/how-time-flies/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590348526471.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20200607075929-20200607105929-00230.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 557780966, ""warc_record_length"": 21482}""","[ null, ""I am 23. I grew up in a small town called Lampasas; not many people have heard of it and an even fewer know where it is. This little town saw me grow, from my first steps to my last steps across my high school stage. There are few other places that I can call home and I am happy that I got to call this small Central Texas town, home.\n\nWhen I was in grade school, I would never have imagined school closing down in the middle of March due to a pandemic like it is today. However, I also wouldn’t refuse a “sick day” every once in a while.\n\nSure, I learned about the diseases and sickness and how the body can fight off infections on its own at a very basic level but as a second grader I didn’t have time to think about that sort of stuff. There were only 3 things I cared about back then: When was recess, lunch and what I was going to have for dinner back home along with not missing my nightly schedule of cartoons before bed. So, the thought of a global pandemic wouldn’t dare to cross my mind. Not yet anyway.\n\nAs I moved through the ranks my knowledge and basic understanding of things began to expand. In middle school classes got more in depth and we no longer worried about recess. Instead we worried about making the sports team, struggled to find our social circles and all the while dealt with some degree of teenage angst. And yet, through these struggles we survived, made new friends and lost some too. Outside of school we would gather at the local Taco Bell or McDonalds not worrying about staying six feet apart or wearing face masks because no one had even heard of social distancing. Although in history class I did learn about the bubonic plague and the Spanish flu. It was then that I realized that a pandemic could happen. It was not a question of IF it would happen again but when and as my teacher said if we don’t learn from history, we are bound to repeat it. Still, I didn’t care I had a hangout to go to at Taco Bell and I didn’t want to be late.\n\nWhen I got to high school that was a whole new can of worms- but a good one. Graduation was on the horizon; college was in the distance, but freedom was here or at least more than I had in middle school but with great power comes great responsibility.\n\nMy parents no longer asked if my homework was done or how my classes were going. They believed that by then I should have a pretty good understanding of what is going on in my life, and for the most part I did.\n\nWe worried about bigger things now. SATs and ACTs, tuition and which college we wanted to go to and also trying to figure out who we were going to ask out for prom. It was brave new world waiting for us outside; we just had to open the door.\n\nOf course, the one big thing my classmates and I were looking forward to was getting our driver’s license.\n\nWhen I got my driver’s license, I would throw myself at the first opportunity to get behind the wheel. Back then I drove a 1994 Chevy Geo Metro and I must admit it was a cute little thing. It was nothing fancy, it had hand crank windows, and no A/C. Looking back I feel bad for the little engine that could. It didn’t ask for much and yet gave me so much in return.\n\nI loved going on grocery runs on my own with my windows rolled down enjoying the breeze with not a care in the world or worried that I would walk into the store to find empty shelves of the bare necessities like we do today. Heck, I would even throw in a snack and a drink in the cart, if my mom was paying. It was a brave new world waiting to be explored to me and all I had to do was walk through the door, and in 2015 I did just that.\n\nIt is 2020 now and I am 23, I live in a totally different world than what I grew up in and what I thought was normal. Over the past five years, I have gone to SFA, met wonderful people, and had great experiences. But I would have never imagined I would live through a pandemic, however, slowly but surely, we are making it. It’s been hard on all of us. Lives have been changed and the world as we knew it seems like a thing of the past, but the truth is it’s still going to be here when this is all over. The question is, what are we willing to learn from this experience and make a difference moving forward."" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://images.booksense.com/images/475/089/9780809089475.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://www.northshire.com/book/9780809089475"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://images.booksense.com/images/475/089/9780809089475.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://images.booksense.com/images/475/089/9780809089475.jpg"", ""alt_text"": ""The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA Cover Image"", ""original_width"": 267, ""original_height"": 400, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.northshire.com/book/9780809089475"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487611320.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20210614013350-20210614043350-00281.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 843462606, ""warc_record_length"": 11427}""","[ ""The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA (Paperback)"", null, ""Let's face it: From adenines to zygotes, from cytokinesis to parthenogenesis, even the basics of genetics can sound utterly alien. So who better than an alien to explain it all? Enter Bloort 183, a scientist from an asexual alien race threatened by disease, who's been charged with researching the fundamentals of human DNA and evolution and laying it all out in clear, simple language so that even his slow-to-grasp-the-point leader can get it. In the hands of the award-winning writer Mark Schultz, Bloort's predicament becomes the means of giving even the most science-phobic reader a complete introduction to the history and science of genetics that's as easy to understand as it is entertaining to read.\n\nMark Schultz has written for DC Comics and Marvel Comics, and his scripts and illustrations—most notably for his tour-de-force series Xenozoic Tales (also known as Cadillacs and Dinosaurs) and Superman—have garnered five Harvey Awards, two Eisners, and an Inkpot.\n\nIllustrator Zander Cannon has worked for clients ranging from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to DC Comics, collaborating on such titles as The Replacement God and Smax and winning two Eisners for their work on Top 10.\n\nIllustrator Kevin Cannon has worked for clients ranging from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to DC Comics, collaborating on such titles as The Replacement God and Smax and winning two Eisners for their work on Top 10.\n\n“In the battle against scientific ignorance, graphic novels may be the only thing that can save us . . . What's the solution to America's crisis in science education? More comic books. In December comes The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA, a remarkably thorough explanation of the science of genetics, from Mendel to Venter, with a strand of social urgency spliced in.” —Barry Harbaugh, Wired\n\n“With the graphic novel gaining status as a form of serious storytelling, The Stuff of Life makes a case for the graphic-novel textbook . . . The illustrations are simultaneously cute and explanatory, and the text's oversimplifications and techno-utopianism are justified for a cartoon treatment of one of the most complex stories in science.” —Seed, Best Books of 2008\n\n“It takes a rare breed of graphic novelist to bring genetics and DNA out of the laboratory and onto the funny pages, but Mark Schultz was up to the task. Get ready to dive into cloning, stem-cell research, and bacteria therapy with a cast of screwball characters--from eccentric spliced DNA to bumbling bacteria to manic, genetically modified plants (‘I feel tingly all over!'). You'll be so charmed that you won't even notice you've absorbed an entire scientific field (screened for accuracy by genetics professors) in 140 pages of wacked-out comics.” —Tobin Hack, Plenty\n\n“The Stuff of Life is a beautifully written and lavishly illustrated example of the power of comics to communicate the wonders of the natural world. Mark Schultz's words combine with Zander Cannon and Kevin Cannon's pictures in a dynamic enzymatic reaction that gives readers a glimpse at how life works. Ambitious, expansive, and completely successful, the story in The Stuff of Life starts on the invisible rungs of DNA and climbs without a misstep across the millennia of organic evolution. With the help of Bloort, an alien exploring the wonders of earthly genetics, we get to see our evolutionary and genetic heritage in a new light. Often funny and always engrossing, The Stuff of Life provides an exciting point of entry for anyone interested in how life on earth shapes and reshapes itself in the face of ever-changing conditions. Learning genetics just got a whole lot more fun.” —Jay Hosler, Associate Professor of Biology at Juniata College and author and illustrator of Clan Apis and The Sandwalk Adventures\n\n“Mark Schultz's brilliant, whacky The Stuff of Life could hardly have arrived at a better time, with advances in genetics transforming the biological sciences--from microbiology to medicine. This is serious fun.” —Jessica Snyder Sachs, author of Good Germs, Bad Germs: Health and Survival in a Bacterial World\n\n“Drawn with panache and great good humor by Zander Cannon and Kevin Cannon, and scripted with exceptional clarity by Schultz, this is pretty much the best educational graphic novel in Hill and Wang's new line of them, good enough for interested nonscientists to keep handy for whenever they need a refresher on its subject. It even has a happy--well, promising--ending.” —Ray Olson, Booklist\n\n“Schultz's wit and the alien-report device make it easier to learn what you didn't understand in high school.” —Michael Gill, Cleveland Free Times"" ]",, +,"[ null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1655.jpg"", null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1665.jpg"", null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1667.jpg"", null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1671.jpg"", null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1652.jpg"", null, ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1677.jpg"", null ]","""[null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1655.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1655.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1665.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1665.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1667.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1667.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1671.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1671.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1652.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1652.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null, {""document_url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1677.jpg"", ""src"": ""https://timmanblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/img_1677.jpg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""img"", ""rendered_width"": 538, ""rendered_height"": 403, ""original_width"": 4416, ""original_height"": 3312, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://timmanblog.com/tag/lubbock/"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964363520.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20211208175210-20211208205210-00158.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 626535817, ""warc_record_length"": 18188}""","[ ""Archive for the tag “Lubbock”"", null, ""I drove down the busy red brick pavement of Buddy Holly Avenue, past the county courthouse, and down to the old Depot District near the intersection with 19th Street to the Buddy and Elena Holly Plaza."", null, ""Completed just last year, the memorial block features a tall black statue of Buddy in his familiar pose, playing the guitar and singing. An adjacent grassy lawn is available for summer concerts and other public uses."", null, ""Across the street is the Buddy Holly Center. There I saw Buddy’s famous horned-rim glasses displayed under glass. These were the very glasses discovered among the plane wreckage in Iowa that winter morning two generations ago. At the Center I also saw Buddy’s Fender and Gibson guitars, his high school written exams, his Cub Scout uniform, and even the .22 rifle he shot as a boy. (No photography was allowed in the museum.)\n\nI then watched a short film in which Paul McCartney, Keith Richard and Bob Dylan explained how influential Buddy had been in their own music. McCartney even admitted that he and John Lennon deliberately mimicked Holly’s chords and riffs in most of the early Beatles songs."", null, ""This was a cool day. I thanked the museum staff for staying a few minutes after 5:00 to allow me extra time in the museum.\n\nLubbock is fairly well spread out. This is to be expected in a West Texas city where land is flat and cheap and seems to go on forever. There are a few retail stores clustered around Broadway and Texas Avenue — but the town’s two large (15 story) buildings are 6 blocks away with little in between. So much driving — it’s an eco-freak’s nightmare.\n\nLubbock was built on the surrounding cotton crop. Cotton was first planted here in the early 1900s, and by the 1920s cotton was big business in West Texas. Texas Tech University was founded here in 1923 in part to support agri-business. The 7-story Lubbock County Courthouse was built in 1950 when Lubbock’s population was only 70,000. There are some art deco features in the structure but the biggest impression it gives is its bigness itself. Seven stories is huge for this part of the country. Yet their foresight proved correct and the building has even been expanded over the years."", null, ""Buddy Holly’s parents arrived in Lubbock in the 1930s, coming from East Texas looking for better work. Buddy was born here in 1936. He died in an Iowa cornfield, an international star and a newlywed, 22 years later.\n\nLubbock knew long ago it was going to be a big place and a notable place. And so it is."", null, ""A list of all photo posts from the American County Seats series in TimManBlog can be found here."" ]",, +,"[ ""https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5e8394bcabc54862a4619b5b/5ef510f84aa7a132062f35d2_OHSS_15_WEITZNER_J_20150701_CAMPHILLGHENT_GGREENBERG_PHOTO.jpeg"", null ]","""[{""document_url"": ""https://www.libraryofvoiceandsound.org/oral-histories/joan-weitzner-2015-07-01"", ""unformatted_src"": ""https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5e8394bcabc54862a4619b5b/5ef510f84aa7a132062f35d2_OHSS_15_WEITZNER_J_20150701_CAMPHILLGHENT_GGREENBERG_PHOTO.jpeg"", ""src"": ""https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5e8394bcabc54862a4619b5b/5ef510f84aa7a132062f35d2_OHSS_15_WEITZNER_J_20150701_CAMPHILLGHENT_GGREENBERG_PHOTO.jpeg"", ""formatted_filename"": ""ef f aa a f d OHSS WEITZNER J CAMPHILLGHENT GGREENBERG PHOTO"", ""original_width"": 720, ""original_height"": 478, ""format"": ""jpeg""}, null]""","""{""url"": ""https://www.libraryofvoiceandsound.org/oral-histories/joan-weitzner-2015-07-01"", ""warc_filename"": ""crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710462.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20221128002256-20221128032256-00438.warc.gz"", ""warc_record_offset"": 938839178, ""warc_record_length"": 9064}""","[ null, ""This interview was conducted with Joan Weitzner, an independent resident of Camphill Ghent, New York, on July 1st, 2015. Weitzner was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1931. Joan first speaks in the interview of her working-class Jewish upbringing and the earning of a degree from Brooklyn College in spite of the discouragement of her parents. Family and place is central to the interview. Her experiences in Sheepshead Bay, Garden City, Hempstead, Austerlitz, and finally Ghent are linked to her two marriages, the two sons she raised, and the two stepdaughters that entered her life with her second husband, Burt. At one point she takes time to examine a photograph of Burt, who past in 2014, lying down with their cat, Ketzleh, on his stomach. It is taken from her current home in Camphill Ghent, a place she describes in empowering terms as she gardens, drives her own car, and engages in activities throughout the Hudson Valley.\n\nThis interview might be of interest to people learning about the transition from city to country life, New York Jewish culture, Brooklyn history, Long Island history, independent seniors, mental health, Yiddish, and of course, Ketzleh.\n\nA native of New York City, Guy Greenberg graduated the New School for Public Engagement of Spring, 2015. As a BA student, he spent time studying anthropology, clinical psychology, and methods for documentation. He's been a principle in building www.UnitedStatesofAIDS.com, a student-led digital humanities project invested in making the oral history narratives of AIDS activists accessible and heard using existing archives. His ongoing ritual of photographing New York and the personal project of recording his family's oral histories have brought him to the Oral History Summer School and this important archive of the Hudson Valley."" ]",, \ No newline at end of file