Scaling test-time compute

Scaling test-time compute with open models

Over the last few years, the scaling of train-time compute has dominated the progress of large language models (LLMs).Here, train-time compute refers to increasing model size, dataset size, and compute budgets in line with scaling laws.Although this paradigm has proven to be remarkably effective, the resources needed to pretrain ever larger models are becoming prohibitively expensive, with billion-dollar clusters already on the horizon.Aside from compute resources, Ilya Sutskever has made the provocative analogy that pretraining data is the “fossil fuel of AI” and that pretraining as we know it will end once this resource is exhausted in the near future. This trend has sparked significant interest in a complementary approach: test-time compute scaling. Rather than relying on ever-larger pretraining budgets, test-time methods use dynamic inference strategies that allow models to “think longer” on harder problems. A prominent example is OpenAI’s o1 model, which shows consistent improvement on difficult math problems as one increases the amount of test-time compute:

Although we don’t know how o1 was trained, recent research from DeepMind shows that test-time compute can be scaled optimally through strategies like iterative self-refinement or using a reward model to perform search over the space of solutions. By adaptively allocating test-time compute per prompt, smaller models can rival—and sometimes even outperform—their larger, more resource-intensive counterparts. Scaling test-time compute is especially advantageous when memory is constrained and the available hardware is not sufficient to run a larger model. However, this promising approach was demonstrated with closed-source models, and no implementation details or code were released 😢.

Over the past months we’ve been diving deep in trying to reverse engineer and reproduce several of these results and are finally happy to share some of our knowledge. More precisely, in this blog post we’ll cover:

So how well does compute-optimal scaling work in practice? Check out this plot where the tiny 1B and 3B Llama Instruct models outperform their much larger 8B and 70B siblings on the challenging MATH-500 benchmark if you give them enough “time to think” 🤯:

In the rest of this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the ingredients behind results like this one and walk you through practical strategies for implementing test-time compute scaling.

Strategies for test-time compute scaling

There are two main strategies for scaling test-time compute:

In this blog post, we’ll concentrate on search-based methods as they represent a practical and scalable solution for test-time compute optimization. In particular, we’ll examine the three strategies illustrated below:

Illustration of various search strategies used in test-time compute scaling. Figure adapted from the DeepMind paper.

With an understanding of the key search strategies, let’s move on to how we evaluated them in practice.

Experimental setup

As illustrated in the diagram above, our experimental setup involves a pipeline with the following steps:

  1. We begin by feeding a math problem to an LLM, which generates \(N\) partial solutions, e.g. an intermediate step in a derivation.
  2. Each step is scored by a PRM, which estimates the probability of each step to eventually reach the correct final answer. The steps and PRM scores are then used by a given search strategy to select which partial solutions should be further explored to generate the next round of intermediate steps.
  3. Once the search strategy terminates, the final candidate solutions are ranked by the PRM to produce the final answer.

To compare various search strategies, we used the following open models and datasets:

We tested each search strategy across compute budgets ranging from 1 to 256 generations per prompt and ran the data-generation pipeline with five random seeds to estimate variance across runs. You can find the models and datasets from our analysis in this Hugging Face collection.

To warmup, we’ll begin with a simple baseline and progressively incorporate additional techniques to improve performance.

Majority voting: a simple baseline

Majority voting—or self-consistency decoding if you want to be fancy—is the most straightforward method to aggregate an LLM’s outputs.It’s also the most common sampling method used in the literature and is usually referred to as “maj@X” in tables and results. As the name suggests, for a given math problem we generate \(N\) candidate solutions and pick the most frequent answer. For all our experiments we sampled up to \(N=256\) candidates with temperature \(T=0.8\) and generated up to 2048 tokens per problem.We found that sampling with \(T=1.0\) would cause the model to generate Chinese characters midway through a solution and hurt performance.

One quirk with the MATH benchmark is that answers must be formatted in a LaTeX box like \boxed{answer} . We initially tried the following simple system prompt for Llama 3.2 1B

Please think step by step and put your final answer within \boxed{}.

but found the resulting accuracy with greedy decoding (\(T=0\)) to be far worse than the 30.6% that Meta reported in their release. Luckily, Meta also published the prompts they used for their evals and switching our system prompt to theirs made all the difference:

Solve the following math problem efficiently and clearly:

    - For simple problems (2 steps or fewer):
    Provide a concise solution with minimal explanation.

    - For complex problems (3 steps or more):
    Use this step-by-step format:

    ## Step 1: [Concise description]
    [Brief explanation and calculations]

    ## Step 2: [Concise description]
    [Brief explanation and calculations]


    Regardless of the approach, always conclude with:

    Therefore, the final answer is: $\boxed{answer}$. I hope it is correct.

    Where [answer] is just the final number or expression that solves the problem.

One subtlety with evaluating answers to math problems is that strings like \(1/\sqrt{3}\) and \(\sqrt{3}/3\) are distinct, but represent mathematically equivalent answers. The standard way to handle this is to convert the a pair of answers to SymPy objects and then check whether subtracting the two objects and applying sympy.simplify gives zero.

While this approach works well when comparing a small number of candidate answers, we found it was terribly slow when comparing many pairs in a list of \(N\) candidates; in some cases, slower than generating the candidates in the first place! To deal with this, we first reduced each answer to its canonical form and then computed the frequency of each form to determine the majority vote. Expand the detail below if you’re curious about how the code looks.

Implementation detail

To obtain the canonical form of an algebraic expression, we first convert the LaTeX string to SymPy, apply sympy.simplify, and finally convert back to LaTeX:

from latex2sympy2 import latex2sympy
    from sympy import latex, simplify

    def get_canonical_form(expression: str) -> str:
        parsed_expr = latex2sympy(expression)
        simplified_expr = simplify(parsed_expr)
        return latex(simplified_expr)

With this function, we can then iterate over all candidate solutions in an list and keep track of how many times a canonical form has been seen before computing the final majority vote:

def find_majority_answer(answers: list[str]) -> str:
        canonical_groups = defaultdict(int)
        canonical_to_original = {}

        for answer in answers:
            canonical_form = get_canonical_form(answer)

            # Increment count for the canonical form
            canonical_groups[canonical_form] += 1

            # Track the original answer for this canonical form
            if canonical_form not in canonical_to_original:
                canonical_to_original[canonical_form] = answer

        # Find the canonical form with the largest count
        max_count = max(canonical_groups.values())
        for canonical_form, count in canonical_groups.items():
            if count == max_count:
                # Return the first occurring group in case of a tie
                return canonical_to_original[canonical_form]

This approach was significantly faster than checking each pair of solutions independently for equality.

Here’s how majority voting performs when applied to the generations from Llama 3.2 1B Instruct:

The results show that majority voting yields a significant improvement over the greedy decoding baseline, but its gains start to plateau after approximately \(N=64\) generations. This limitation arises because majority voting struggles with problems that require nuanced reasoning or tasks where errors are consistent across generations. If you’re also wondering why the majority voting accuracy is worse than the 0-shot CoT baseline for \(N=1\) and \(2\), that’s because we sample at \(T=0.8\), which makes it less likely we produce the correct answer among a handful of candidates.

Building on the limitations of majority voting, let’s see how incorporating a reward model can enhance performance.

Beyond majority: Best-of-N

Best-of-N is a simple, but effective extension to majority voting that uses a reward model to determine the most plausible answer. This method comes in two main variants:

Typically, one usually uses an outcome reward model (ORM) to get a single, solution-level score. But to allow for fair comparison with the other search strategies discussed later, we will use the same PRM to score the solutions from Best-of-N. As illustrated below, PRMs produce a cumulative sequence of step-level scores per solution, so we need to perform a reduction over the steps to obtain a single solution-level score:

In the literature, the most common reductions are the following:

We experimented with each reduction and found—like DeepMind—that “last” performs best for our choice of task and PRM. We use this aggregation throughout all of our experiments and you can expand the detail below to see how we implemented it, along with the weighting procedure discussed above.

Here’s the results one gets from applying both variants of Best-of-N:

The results reveal a clear advantage: weighted Best-of-N consistently outperforms vanilla Best-of-N, especially with larger generation budgets. Its ability to aggregate scores across identical responses ensures that even less frequent but higher-quality answers are effectively prioritized.

However, despite these improvements, we’re still falling short of the performance achieved by the Llama 8B model and the Best-of-N approach is starting to plateau at \(N=256\) generations. Can we push the boundaries further by supervising the search process step-by-step? Let’s find out 🚀!

Beam search with process reward models

Beam search is a structured search method that systematically explores the solution space, making it a powerful tool for improving model outputs at test-time. When combined with a PRM, beam search can optimize both the generation and evaluation of intermediate steps in problem-solving. The way it works is as follows:

  1. Generate multiple candidate solutions iteratively by maintaining a fixed number of "beams" or active paths \(N\).
  2. In the first iteration, sample \(N\) independent steps from the LLM with temperature \(T\) to introduce diversity in the responses. These steps are usually defined by a stopping criterion like terminating on a new line \n or double new line \n\n.
  3. Score each step with the PRM and select the top \(N/M\) steps as candidates for the next round of generation. Here \(M\) denotes the “beam width” of a given active path. As in Best-of-N, we used the “last” reduction to score the partial solutions at each iteration.
  4. Expand the steps selected in step (3) by sampling \(M\) next steps in the solution.
  5. Repeat steps (3) and (4) until the EOS token is reached or the maximum search depth is exceeded.

By allowing the PRM to evaluate the correctness of intermediate steps, beam search can identify and prioritize promising paths early in the process. This step-by-step evaluation is particularly beneficial for complex reasoning tasks like mathematics, where verifying partial solutions can significantly improve final outcomes.

Implementation detail

When we implemented beam search with process supervision, we encountered two major footguns with the Llama 3 chat template that are worth mentioning:These footguns cost us a few days of our lives, so we’re sharing them for the benefit of humanity.

  • By default, the chat template trims trailing new lines from every assistant turn. As a result, if one uses \n or \n\n to terminate a step, these tokens are lost on subsequent steps and force the model to produce peculiar outputs.
  • The chat template is prefixed with Llama’s BOS token. When the formatted string is fed to vLLM a second BOS token is added which completely ruins performance, even though the generations look mostly coherent 🤯. See this vLLM issue for more details.

The solution is to overwrite the Llama 3 chat template to prevent trimming and exclude the BOS token prefix.

In our experiments, we followed DeepMind’s hyperparameter choices and ran beam search with the following:

As shown below, the results are striking: with a test-time budget of \(N=4\), beam search achieves the same accuracy as Best-of-N for \(N=16\), i.e. it is 4x more compute efficient! Similarly, with \(N=16\), beam search achieves the same accuracy as Best-of-N for \(N=256\), making it 16x more compute efficient at larger \(N\). Moreover, beam search matches the performance of Llama 3.1 8B with just \(N=32\) solutions per problem. The average performance on MATH by computer science PhD students is around 40%, so reaching nearly 55% isn’t too bad for a 1B model 💪!

Which problems does beam search solve best?

Although in aggregate it is clear that beam search is a better search strategy than Best-of-N or majority voting, the DeepMind paper showed that each strategy has tradeoffs that depend on the problem difficulty and test-time compute budget.

To see which problems are best suited for which strategy, DeepMind computed a distribution over estimated problem difficulty, and then binned the results into quintiles. In other words, each problem is assigned one of 5 levels, where level 1 indicates easier problems and level 5 indicates the hardest ones. To estimate problem difficulty, DeepMind generated 2048 candidate solutions with standard sampling per problem and then proposed the following heuristics:

Implementation detail

The pass@k metric measures the probability, computed over a set of problems, that at least one of the top \(k\) generated outputs for each problem contains the correct solution. In practice, computing pass@k naively leads to high variance; for example, if we compute pass@1 from a single completion per problem, we can get significantly different values from repeated evaluations due to sampling. To combat this, OpenAI's Codex paper introduced an unbiased estimator that accounts for the total number of generated samples \(n\), the number of correct samples \(c\), and the desired \(k\) value. The estimator is formulated as: $$\text{pass@k} = \mathbb{E}_{\text{problems}} \left[ 1 - \frac{\binom{n - c}{k}}{\binom{n}{k}} \right]$$ This formula calculates the expected value over all problems and determines the likelihood that at least one of the top \(k\) samples is correct. The term \(\binom{n - c}{k}/\binom{n}{k}\) represents the probability of selecting \(k\) incorrect samples from the total, and subtracting from 1 gives the probability of having at least one correct sample among the top \(k\).See the wonderful notes from Samuel Albanie for many more details on pass@k.

However, computing the estimator directly suffers from numerical instabilities, so in practice one uses the following simplified form: def pass_at_k(n: int, c: int, k: int) -> float: """A numerically stable method for calculating an unbiased estimate of pass@k. Taken from OpenAI's Codex paper: Args: n (`int`): total number of samples c (`int`): number of correct samples k (`int`): k in pass@$k$ Returns: `float`: an unbiased estimate of pass@k """ if n - c < k: return 1.0 return 1.0 - - k / np.arange(n - c + 1, n + 1))

Here’s the breakdown of the various methods according to the pass@1 scores and across four test-time compute budgets of \(N = [4,16,64, 256]\):

In this plot, each bar denotes a test-time compute budget, and within each bar we show the relative accuracy of each method. For example, in the group of four bars on difficulty level 2 we see that:

Although we see that beam search gives consistent gains in the medium and hard problems (levels 3-5), it tends to do worse than Best-of-N (and even majority voting!) on the simpler problems and especially at large compute budgets.

We realized from looking at the resulting trees produced by beam search, that if a single step is assigned high reward, then the whole tree collapses to that trace and thus diversity is impacted. This prompted us to explore an extension to beam search that maximises diversity - let’s take a look!

DVTS: boosting performance with diversity

As we saw above beam search gives strong performance over Best-of-N, but tends to underperform on simpler problems and at large test-time compute budgets. To address this, we developed an extension we call Diverse Verifier Tree Search (DVTS) that is designed to maximise diversity at large \(N\).

DVTS works in a similar fashion as beam search, with the following modifications:

  1. For a given \(N\) and \(M\), expand the initial set of beams into \(N/M\) independent subtrees.
  2. For each subtree, select the step with the highest PRM score.
  3. Generate \(M\) new steps from the nodes selected in step (2) and select the step with the highest PRM score.
  4. Repeat step (3) until the EOS token or maximum tree depth is reached.

Here’s the results from applying DVTS to Llama 1B:

As we can see, DVTS provides a complementary strategy to beam search: at small \(N\) beam search is more effective at finding correct solutions, but at large \(N\) the diversity of DVTS candidates kicks in and we get better performance.

We can also see this manifested in the problem difficulty breakdown, where DVTS enhances performance on the easy / medium problems at large \(N\), while beam search is best at small \(N\) across model problem difficulties:

The best of all worlds: compute-optimal scaling

Armed with various search strategies, a natural question is which one is best? In the DeepMind paper, they proposed a compute-optimal scaling strategy where one selects the search method and hyperparameters \(\theta\) that achieves the best performance for a given compute budget \(N\): $$\theta_{q,a^*(q)}^*(N) = \underset{\theta}{\arg\max} \left( \mathbb{E}_{y \sim \text{Target}(\theta, N, q)} \left[ \mathbb{1}_{y = y^*(q)} \right] \right),$$ where \(y^*(q)\) is the ground-truth for question \(q\) and \(\theta_{q,a^*(q)}^*(N)\) denotes the compute-optimal scaling strategy. Since computing \(\theta_{q,a^*(q)}^*(N)\) directly is somewhat tricky, DeepMind proposed an approximation based on the problem difficulty, i.e. allocate test-time compute according to which search strategy achieves best performance for a given difficulty level.

For example, on simpler problems and lower compute budgets, it is better to use strategies like Best-of-N, while on harder problems, beam search is the better choice. To implement this, for each method we compute the accuracy for a given difficulty level and test-time compute budget. And voila, we now have our compute-optimal curve!

Scaling up to larger models

We also explored scaling up the compute-optimal recipe to Llama 3.2 3B Instruct to see at what point the benefits of the PRM fade in comparison to the policy’s own capacity. To our surprise, compute-optimal scaling works remarkably well, with the 3B model surpassing the performance of Llama 3.1 70B Instruct (22x it's size!):

Where to go from here?

This exploration of test-time compute scaling has revealed both the potential and the challenges of leveraging search-based methods. As we look ahead, several exciting directions emerge:

  1. The Power of Strong Verifiers: Strong verifiers play a critical role in enhancing performance. However, their current limitations are apparent, as highlighted in benchmarks like ProcessBench. Improving the robustness and generalization of verifiers will be crucial for advancing these methods.
  2. The Challenge of Self-Verification: The ultimate goal—or "holy grail"—is achieving self-verification, where models can validate their own outputs autonomously. This approach appears to be what models like o1 are doing, but remains difficult to implement in practice. Unlike standard supervised fine-tuning (SFT), self-verification demands more nuanced strategies. The recent DeepMind paper on self-verification and SCoRe sheds light on this challenge and offers a pathway for future research.
  3. Integrating “Thoughts” into the Process: Incorporating explicit intermediate steps or “thoughts” during generation could further enhance reasoning and decision-making. By integrating structured reasoning into the search process, we may unlock better performance on complex tasks.
  4. Search as a Data Generation Tool: This method can also serve as a powerful data generation process, creating high-quality training datasets. For example, fine-tuning models like Llama 1B on correct traces produced by search could yield significant gains. This on-policy approach resembles techniques like ReST or V-STaR but with the added benefits of search, offering a promising direction for iterative improvement.
  5. A Call for More PRMs: Open process reward models (PRMs) are relatively rare, limiting their broader application. Developing and sharing more PRMs for different domains is a critical area where the community can contribute significantly.
  6. Expanding Beyond Verifiable Domains: While current methods excel in domains like math and code, where solutions are inherently verifiable, extending these techniques to other areas remains a major challenge. How can we adapt these strategies for less structured or subjective tasks? This is a vital question for future exploration.

We'd love to hear from you on your ideas or feedback in the discussions tab!


We are grateful to Charlie Snell and Aviral Kumar for many discussions about test-time compute scaling and for sharing implementation details from their work. We thank Chun Te Lee for designing the lovely banner and Thomas Wolf, Leandro von Werra, Colin Raffel, and Quentin Gallouédec for many helpful suggestions to improve the blog post. We also thank Hugo Larcher and Mathieu Morlon for continually optimising the Hugging Face Science Cluster to make the GPUs go brrr 🔥!


For attribution in academic contexts, please cite this work as

Beeching, Edward, and Tunstall, Lewis, and Rush, Sasha, "Scaling test-time compute with open models.", 2024.

BibTeX citation

      title={Scaling test-time compute with open models},
      author={Edward Beeching and Lewis Tunstall and Sasha Rush},