This-and-That / data_loader /
HikariDawn777's picture
feat: initial push
history blame
12.6 kB
import os, sys
import json
import cv2
import math
import shutil
import numpy as np
import random
import collections
from PIL import Image
import torch
from import Dataset
# Import files from the local folder
root_path = os.path.abspath('.')
from utils.img_utils import resize_with_antialiasing, numpy_to_pt
def get_video_frames(config, video_frame_path, flip = False):
video_seq_length = config["video_seq_length"]
# Calculate needed parameters
num_frames_input = 0
for file_name in os.listdir(video_frame_path):
if file_name.startswith("im_"):
num_frames_input += 1
total_frames_needed = video_seq_length
division_factor = num_frames_input // total_frames_needed
remain_frames = (num_frames_input % total_frames_needed) - 1 # -1 for adaptation
# Define the gap
gaps = [division_factor for _ in range(total_frames_needed-1)]
for idx in range(remain_frames):
if idx % 2 == 0:
gaps[idx//2] += 1 # Start to end order
gaps[-1*(1+(idx//2))] += 1 # End to start order
# Find needed file
needed_img_path = []
cur_idx = 0
for gap in gaps:
img_path = os.path.join(video_frame_path, "im_" + str(cur_idx) + ".jpg")
# Update the idx
cur_idx += gap
# Append the last one
img_path = os.path.join(video_frame_path, "im_" + str(cur_idx) + ".jpg")
# Read all img_path based on the order
video_frames = []
for img_path in needed_img_path:
if not os.path.exists(img_path):
print("We don't have ", img_path)
frame = cv2.imread(img_path)
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
except Exception:
print("The exception places is ", img_path)
# Resize frames
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (config["width"], config["height"]), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# Flip aug
if flip:
frame = np.fliplr(frame)
# Collect frames
video_frames.append(np.expand_dims(frame, axis=0)) # The frame is already RGB, there is no need to convert here.
# Concatenate
video_frames = np.concatenate(video_frames, axis=0)
assert(len(video_frames) == video_seq_length)
return video_frames
def tokenize_captions(prompt, tokenizer, config, is_train=True):
Tokenize text prompt be prepared tokenizer from SD2.1
captions = []
if random.random() < config["empty_prompts_proportion"]:
elif isinstance(prompt, str):
elif isinstance(prompt, (list, np.ndarray)):
# take a random caption if there are multiple
captions.append(random.choice(prompt) if is_train else prompt[0])
raise ValueError(
f"Caption column should contain either strings or lists of strings."
inputs = tokenizer(
captions, max_length = tokenizer.model_max_length, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_tensors="pt"
return inputs.input_ids[0]
class Video_Dataset(Dataset):
Video Dataset to load sequential frames for training with needed pre-processing
def __init__(self, config, device, normalize=True, tokenizer=None):
# Attribute variables
self.config = config
self.device = device
self.normalize = normalize
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
# Obtain values
self.video_seq_length = config["video_seq_length"]
self.height = config["height"]
self.width = config["width"]
# Process data
self.video_lists = []
stats_analysis = collections.defaultdict(int)
print("Process all files to check valid datasets....")
for dataset_path in config["dataset_path"]:
for video_name in sorted(os.listdir(dataset_path)):
video_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, video_name)
all_files = os.listdir(video_path)
valid = True
# Valid check 1: the number of files should be in sequential order
num_frames_input = 0
for file_name in os.listdir(video_path):
if file_name.startswith("im_"):
num_frames_input += 1
for idx in range(num_frames_input):
img_path = 'im_' + str(idx) + '.jpg'
if img_path not in all_files: # Should be sequential existing
valid = False
stats_analysis["incomplete_img"] += 1
# Valid check 1.5: the number of files must be longer than video_seq_length and less than self.config["acceleration_tolerance"]*self.config["video_seq_length"]
if num_frames_input < self.config["video_seq_length"]:
stats_analysis["too_little_frames"] += 1
valid = False
if num_frames_input > self.config["acceleration_tolerance"] * self.config["video_seq_length"]:
stats_analysis["too_many_frames"] += 1
valid = False
if not valid: # SpeedUp so set in the middle here
# Valid check 2: language if needed
if config["use_text"] and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_path, video_name, "lang.txt")):
stats_analysis["no_lang_txt"] += 1
valid = False
# Valid check 3: motion if needed
if config["motion_bucket_id"] is None:
flow_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, video_name, "flow.txt")
if "flow.txt" not in all_files:
stats_analysis["no_flow_txt"] += 1
valid = False
file = open(flow_path, 'r')
info = file.readlines()
if len(info) == 0:
stats_analysis["no_flow_txt"] += 1
valid = False
if valid:
print("stats_analysis is ", stats_analysis)
print("Valid dataset length is ", len(self.video_lists))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.video_lists)
def _get_motion_value(self, sub_folder_path):
''' Read the motion value from the flow.txt file prepared; preprocess the flow to accelerate
# Read the flow.txt
flow_path = os.path.join(sub_folder_path, 'flow.txt')
file = open(flow_path, 'r')
info = file.readlines()
per_video_movement = float(info[0][:-2])
# Map the raw reflected_motion_bucket_id to target range based on the number of images have
num_frames_input = 0
for file_name in os.listdir(sub_folder_path): # num_frames_input is the total number of files with name begin with im_
if file_name.startswith("im_"):
num_frames_input += 1
# Correct the value based on the number of frames relative to video_seq_length
per_video_movement_correct = per_video_movement * (num_frames_input/self.config["video_seq_length"])
# Map from one Normal Distribution to another Normal Distribution
z = (per_video_movement_correct - self.config["dataset_motion_mean"]) / (self.config["dataset_motion_std"] + 0.001)
reflected_motion_bucket_id = int((z * self.config["svd_motion_std"]) + self.config["svd_motion_mean"])
print("We map " + str(per_video_movement) + " to " + str(per_video_movement_correct) + " by length " + str(num_frames_input) + " to bucket_id of " + str(reflected_motion_bucket_id))
return reflected_motion_bucket_id
def __getitem__(self, idx):
''' Get item by idx and pre-process by Resize and Normalize to [0, 1]
idx (int): The index to the file in the directory
video_frames (torch.float32): The Pytorch tensor format of obtained frames (max: 1.0; min: 0.0)
reflected_motion_bucket_id (tensor): Motion value is there is optical flow provided, else they are fixed value from config
prompt (tensor): Tokenized text
# Prepare the text if needed:
if self.config["use_text"]:
# Read the file
file_path = os.path.join(self.video_lists[idx], "lang.txt")
file = open(file_path, 'r')
prompt = file.readlines()[0] # Only read the first line
if self.config["mix_ambiguous"] and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.video_lists[idx], "processed_text.txt")):
# If we don't have this txt file, we skip
######################################################## Mix up prompt ########################################################
# Read the file
file_path = os.path.join(self.video_lists[idx], "processed_text.txt")
file = open(file_path, 'r')
prompts = [line for line in file.readlines()] # Only read the first line
# Get the componenet
action = prompts[0][:-1]
this = prompts[1][:-1]
there = prompts[2][:-1]
random_value = random.random()
# If less than 0.4, we don't care, just use the most concrete one
if random_value >= 0.4 and random_value < 0.6:
# Mask pick object to "This"
prompt = action + " this to " + there
elif random_value >= 0.6 and random_value < 0.8:
# Mask place position to "There"
prompt = action + " " + this + " to there"
elif random_value >= 0.8 and random_value < 1.0:
# Just be like "this to there"
prompt = action + " this to there"
# print("New prompt is ", prompt)
# else:
# print("We don't have llama processed prompt at ", self.video_lists[idx])
prompt = ""
# Tokenize text prompt
tokenized_prompt = tokenize_captions(prompt, self.tokenizer, self.config)
# Dataset aug by chance (it is needed to check whether there is any object position words [left|right] in the prompt text)
flip = False
if random.random() < self.config["flip_aug_prob"]:
if self.config["use_text"]:
if prompt.find("left") == -1 and prompt.find("right") == -1: # Cannot have position word, like left and right (up and down is ok)
flip = True
flip = True
# Read frames for different datasets; Currently, we have WebVid / Bridge
if self.config["dataset_name"] == "Bridge":
video_frames = get_video_frames(self.config, self.video_lists[idx], flip=flip)
raise NotImplementedError("We don't support this dataset loader")
# Scale [0, 255] -> [-1, 1]
if self.normalize:
video_frames = video_frames.astype(np.float32) / 127.5 - 1 # Be careful to cast to float32
# Transform to Pytorch Tensor in the range [-1, 1]
video_frames = numpy_to_pt(video_frames)
# print("length of input frames has ", len(video_frames))
# Get the motion value based on the optical flow
if self.config["motion_bucket_id"] is None:
reflected_motion_bucket_id = self._get_motion_value(self.video_lists[idx])
reflected_motion_bucket_id = self.config["motion_bucket_id"]
# The tensor we returned is torch float32. We won't cast here for mixed precision training!
return {
"video_frames" : video_frames,
"reflected_motion_bucket_id" : reflected_motion_bucket_id,
"prompt": tokenized_prompt,