import time import streamlit as st from params import * from stable_baselines3 import SAC import pandas as pd import pydeck as pdk from TwoDimEnv import TwoDimEnv import gymnasium as gym def run_episode(env, model, lat_tg, lon_tg, rho_init=RHO_INIT, theta_init=THETA_INIT, zed=Z_INIT): ''' runs the episode given an observation init ... and an env and a model :param env: TwoDimEnv :param model: :param lat_tg: lattitude de la target (0,0) :param lon_tg: longitude de la target (0,0) :param rho_init: :param theta_init: :param zed: :return: ''' obs = env.reset(training=False, rho_init=rho_init, theta_init=theta_init, z_init=zed) step = 0 lat, lon = rhotheta_to_latlon(MOVE_TO_METERS * rho_init, theta_init, lat_tg, lon_tg) path = [[lon, lat, MOVE_TO_METERS * zed]] traj = [lat, lon, MOVE_TO_METERS * zed] while step < zed: step += 1 action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, _, _, _ = env.step(action) rho = obs[0] * env.space_limits theta = obs[1] * 2 * PI lat, lon = rhotheta_to_latlon(MOVE_TO_METERS*rho, theta, lat_tg, lon_tg) traj = np.vstack((traj, [lat, lon, MOVE_TO_METERS*(zed - step)])) path.append([lon, lat, MOVE_TO_METERS*(zed - step)]) df_col = pd.DataFrame(traj, columns=['lat', 'lon', 'zed']) df_path = pd.DataFrame([{ 'color': [0, 0, 200, 120], 'path': path }]) return df_path, df_col def rhotheta_to_latlon(rho, theta, lat_tg, lon_tg): ''' transforms polar coordinates into lat, lon :param rho: :param theta: :param lat_tg: latitude de la target (0,0) :param lon_tg: longitude de la target (0,0) :return: ''' z = rho * np.exp(1j * theta) lat = np.imag(z)*360/(40075*1000) + lat_tg lon = np.real(z)*360/(40075*1000*np.cos(PI/180*lat)) + lon_tg return lat, lon def get_layers(df, df_past, df_target, df_path, df_col): ''' renders the layers to be displayed with df in different formats as entries :param df: :param df_past: :param df_target: :param df_path: :param df_col: :return: ''' return [ pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[200, 30, 0, 160, 40]', get_radius=10, ), pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df_target, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[200, 30, 0]', get_radius=65, ), pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df_target, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[255, 255, 255]', get_radius=45, ), pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df_target, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[0, 0, 200]', get_radius=25, ), pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df_past, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[200, 30, 0, 40]', get_radius=10, ), pdk.Layer( type="PathLayer", data=df_path, pickable=True, get_color="color", width_scale=20, width_min_pixels=1, get_path="path", get_width=1, ), pdk.Layer( type="ColumnLayer", data=df_col, get_position=['lon', 'lat'], get_elevation="zed", elevation_scale=1, radius=10, get_fill_color=[160, 20, 0, 10], pickable=True, auto_highlight=True ), ] def show(): ''' shows the i-PADS in Streamlit :return: ''' env = TwoDimEnv() model = SAC.load("longModel") st.title('Intelligent PADS by hexamind') st.write('This is a quick demo of an autonomous Parachute (Precision Air Delivery System) controlled by Reinforcement learning. ') st.text('<- Set the starting point') st.sidebar.write("Where do you want the parachute to start from?") rho = st.sidebar.slider('What distance? (in m)', 0, 3000, 1500) / MOVE_TO_METERS theta = 2*PI/360 * st.sidebar.slider('What angle?', 0, 360, 90) zed = int(st.sidebar.slider('What elevation? (in m)', 0, 1200, 600) / MOVE_TO_METERS) location ="Location", ['San Francisco', 'Paris', 'Puilaurens']) lat_tg = LOC[location]['lat'] lon_tg = LOC[location]['lon'] df_path, df_col = run_episode(env, model, lat_tg, lon_tg, rho_init=rho, theta_init=theta, zed=zed) st.sidebar.write( 'If you like to play, you will probably find some starting points where the parachute is out of control :) ' 'No worries, we have plenty more efficient models at ') df_target = pd.DataFrame({'lat': [lat_tg], 'lon': [lon_tg]}) deck_map = st.empty() pitch = st.slider('pitch', 0, 100, 50) initial_view_state = pdk.ViewState( latitude=lat_tg, longitude=lon_tg, zoom=12, pitch=pitch ) deck_map.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', initial_view_state=initial_view_state )) df_pathi = df_path.copy() for i in range(zed): df_pathi['path'][0] = df_path['path'][0][0:i+1] layers = get_layers(df_col[i:i+1], df_col[0:i], df_target, df_pathi, df_col[0:i+1]) deck_map.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', initial_view_state=initial_view_state, layers=layers )) time.sleep(TIMESLEEP) show() # to uncomment for debug #show_print()