""" #* make sure to run the application using this commmand: >>> streamlit run main.py """ # global import streamlit as st from lime.lime_text import LimeTextExplainer from nltk.corpus import stopwords # local from deployment_utils import DataPreparator, Predictor, generate_random_sample, generate_highlighted_words, extract_case_information # instantiate `DataPreparator` & `Predictor` objects data_preparator = DataPreparator() predictor = Predictor() eng_stop_words = stopwords.words("english") st.set_page_config( page_title="JudgerAI", page_icon="🧊", layout="wide") # for custom CSS styling with open(".\src\style.css") as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) # application header left_col, right_col = st.columns(2) with left_col: st.header("Summarize your Case") with st.expander(label="Case Summarizer", expanded=True): option = st.selectbox( 'Choose a Method for Entering your Case Facts', ('Upload a File', 'Write it Myself')) if option == "Upload a File": uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( label='Upload your Case File (.txt)', type=['txt']) if uploaded_file is not None: content = uploaded_file.getvalue().decode("utf-8") petitioner, respondent, case_facts = extract_case_information( content) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write( '


', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.info(petitioner) with col2: st.write( '


', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.info(respondent) st.write( '

Case Facts

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.info(case_facts) else: case_facts = st.text_area( label="Enter your Case Facts youself", height=250) submitted = st.button(label="Summarize") if submitted: with st.spinner("Your Case is being Summarized..."): summarized_case_facts = predictor.summarize_facts(case_facts) st.write( '

Your Summarized Case Facts

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.success(summarized_case_facts) summarized_case_facts_file = "petitioner: " + petitioner + "\n" + \ "respondent: " + respondent + "\n" + "facts: " + summarized_case_facts btn = st.download_button( label="Download", data=summarized_case_facts_file, file_name="summarized_case_facts.txt", mime="file/txt" ) with right_col: st.header("Predict the Outcome") # get_random_case_button = st.button(label="Get Random Sample") # input form with st.expander(label="Case Outcome Predictor", expanded=True): option = st.selectbox( 'Choose a Method for Entering your Case Information', ('Upload a File', 'Write it Myself')) if option == 'Upload a File': uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( label='Upload your Case File (.txt)', type=['txt'], key="prediction_case_uploader") if uploaded_file is not None: content = uploaded_file.getvalue().decode("utf-8") petitioner, respondent, case_facts = extract_case_information( content) st.session_state["petitioner"] = petitioner.strip() st.session_state["respondent"] = respondent.strip() st.session_state["facts"] = case_facts.strip() option = st.selectbox( "Select Model", ("TF-IDF", "1D Convolutional", "GloVe", "BERT", "Doc2Vec", "LSTM", "FastText", "Ensemble (Doc2Vec + TF-IDF)") ) # if `Get Random Sample` btn is pressed # if get_random_case_button: # random_petitioner, random_respondent, random_facts, random_label = generate_random_sample() # st.session_state["petitioner"] = random_petitioner.strip() # st.session_state["respondent"] = random_respondent.strip() # st.session_state["facts"] = random_facts.strip() # st.success(f"Original label: {random_label}") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: petitioner = st.text_input( label="Petitioner", key="petitioner") with col2: respondent = st.text_input( label="Respondent", key="respondent") global facts facts = st.text_area(label="Case Facts", height=300, key="facts") # remove stopwords to not highlight it facts = " ".join([word for word in facts.split() if word not in eng_stop_words]) # create `LimeTextExplainer` for models interpretation class_names = [petitioner, respondent] explainer = LimeTextExplainer(class_names=class_names) submitted = st.button(label="Predict") if submitted: if petitioner and respondent and facts: with st.spinner("Analyzing Case Facts ..."): # get predcitions if option == "Doc2Vec": predictions = predictor.predict_doc2vec(facts) output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_doc2vec) important_words = output.as_list() elif option == "TF-IDF": anonymized_facts = data_preparator._anonymize_facts( petitioner, respondent, facts) predictions = predictor.predict_tf_idf( anonymized_facts) output = explainer.explain_instance( anonymized_facts, predictor.predict_tf_idf) important_words = output.as_list() elif option == "1D Convolutional": predictions = predictor.predict_cnn(facts) output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_cnn) important_words = output.as_list() elif option == "GloVe": predictions = predictor.predict_glove(facts) output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_glove) important_words = output.as_list() elif option == "LSTM": predictions = predictor.predict_lstm(facts) output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_lstm) important_words = output.as_list() elif option == "BERT": predictions = predictor.predict_bert(facts) elif option == "FastText": predictions = predictor.predict_fasttext(facts) elif option == "Ensemble (Doc2Vec + TF-IDF)": doc2vec_predictions = predictor.predict_doc2vec(facts) tf_idf_predictions = predictor.predict_tf_idf(facts) predictions = (doc2vec_predictions + tf_idf_predictions) / 2 doc2vec_output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_doc2vec) doc2vec_important_words = doc2vec_output.as_list() tf_idf_output = explainer.explain_instance( facts, predictor.predict_tf_idf) tf_idf_important_words = tf_idf_output.as_list() important_words = doc2vec_important_words + tf_idf_important_words # displaying predictions col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write("Percentage of petitioner winning:") st.warning(f"{predictions[0, 0] * 100:.3f}%") with col2: st.write("Percentage of respondent winning:") st.info(f"{predictions[0, 1] * 100:.3f}%") st.write("Winning party:") if predictions[0, 0] > predictions[0, 1]: st.success(petitioner) else: st.success(respondent) # displaying highlighted words st.write( '

Top Words for Model\'s Decision:

', unsafe_allow_html=True) if option not in ["BERT", "FastText"]: petitioner_words = [word for word, score in important_words if score < 0] respondent_words = [word for word, score in important_words if score > 0] for name in petitioner.split(" "): if name in petitioner_words: petitioner_words.remove(name) elif name in respondent_words: respondent_words.remove(name) for name in respondent.split(" "): if name in petitioner_words: petitioner_words.remove(name) elif name in respondent_words: respondent_words.remove(name) rendered_text = generate_highlighted_words( facts, petitioner_words, respondent_words) st.write(rendered_text, unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.warning( "Sadly, this feature is not supported in BERT & FastText :(") else: st.error("Please, fill in all fields!")