import re from unittest import result import string import streamlit as st import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from transformers import (AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, GPT2Tokenizer, LogitsProcessor, LogitsProcessorList, pipeline, top_k_top_p_filtering) st.set_page_config(page_title="Gadsby") st.title("Gadsby - Constrained Text Generation with Transformers") st.image("") st.caption("The inspiration for this space:") form = st.sidebar.form("choose_settings") form.header("Main Settings") model_name = form.text_area("Enter the name of the pre-trained model from transformers that we are using for Text Generation", value = "gpt2") form.caption("This will download a new model, so it may take awhile or even break if the model is too large") mode = form.selectbox("What kind of constrained generation are we doing?", ["lipogram", "reverse_lipogram", "e-prime", "rhopalism", "length_constrained", "greater_than_length", "Pangram", "rhopalism-lipogram"]) form.caption("Lipograms mean that a letter (or substring) is not allowed in the generated string, reverse lipograms force a letter to be in the generated string") if mode == "lipogram": naughty_strings_list = st.text_area("Enter the list of strings that you don't want in each word seperated by a space", value = "E e") naughty_strings = naughty_strings_list.split(" ") elif mode == "e-prime": e_prime_string = """be being been am is isn't are aren't was wasn't were weren't i'm you're we're they're he's she's it's there's here's where's how's what's who's that's aint isnt arent wasnt werent im youre were theyre hes shes its theres heres wheres hows whats whos thats aint Be Being Been Am Is Isn't Are Aren't Was Wasn't Were Weren't I'm You're We're They're He's She's It's There's Here's Where's How's What's Who's That's Aint Isnt Arent Wasnt Werent Im Youre Were Theyre Hes Shes Its Theres Heres Wheres Hows Whats Whos Thats Aint BE BEING BEEN AM IS ISN'T ARE AREN'T WAS WASN'T WERE WEREN'T I'M YOU'RE WE'RE THEY'RE HE'S SHE'S IT'S THERE'S HERE'S WHERE'S HOW'S WHAT'S WHO'S THAT'S AINT ISNT ARENT WASNT WERENT IM YOURE WERE THEYRE HES SHES ITS THERES HERES WHERES HOWS WHATS WHOS THATS AINT""" st.caption("The default word list is the list needed to enforce the language model to generate english without usage of the verb to be") naughty_strings_list = st.text_area("Enter the list of strings that you don't want to be generated (exact match)", value = e_prime_string) naughty_strings = naughty_strings_list.split(" ") elif mode == "reverse_lipogram": nice_strings_list = st.text_area("Enter the list of strings that you DO want in each word seperated by a space", value = "t T") nice_strings = nice_strings_list.split(" ") elif mode == "rhopalism": length_constraint = form.number_input("Enter the length that the Rhopalism shoud start with", value = 1) st.caption("Rhopalisms are usually reliable but sometimes you need to try generating two or three times for a perfect one") elif mode == "rhopalism-lipogram": naughty_strings_list = st.text_area("Enter the list of strings that you don't want in each word seperated by a space", value = "E e") naughty_strings = naughty_strings_list.split(" ") length_constraint = form.number_input("Enter the length that the Rhopalism shoud start with", value = 1) st.caption("Rhopalisms are usually reliable but sometimes you need to try generating two or three times for a perfect one") else: length_constraint = form.number_input("Enter the length should each word be restricted to (or greater/less than)", value = 5) + 1 length = form.number_input("Select how long you want the generated text to be", value = 100) number_of_tokens_to_sample = form.number_input("Select how many tokens we want to search through when we do the filtering", value = 25000) form.caption("Settings this to higher numbers will improve the experience but will cause generating to slow. Low numbers may cause lots of blank or failed generations") temperature = form.number_input("How spicy/interesting do we want our models output to be", value = 0.90, min_value = 0.0) form.caption("Setting this higher decreases the likelihood of high probability words and increases the likelihood of low probability (and presumably more interesting) words") form.caption("For more details on what these settings mean, see here:") sequence = st.text_area("Enter a custom prompt", value = "I do ") form.form_submit_button("Generate some Constrained Text!") with st.spinner("Please wait while the model loads:"): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_name) def isPalindrome(s): return s == s[::-1] if mode == "rhopalism" or mode == "rhopalism-lipogram": rhopalism_len = length_constraint nice_strings_pangram = list(string.ascii_lowercase) def get_next_word_without_e(input_sequence): input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sequence, return_tensors="pt") # get logits of last hidden state next_token_candidates_logits = model(input_ids)[0][:, -1, :] if temperature != 1.0: next_token_candidates_logits = next_token_candidates_logits / temperature # filter filtered_next_token_candidates_logits = top_k_top_p_filtering(next_token_candidates_logits, top_k=number_of_tokens_to_sample, top_p=number_of_tokens_to_sample) # sample and get a probability distribution probs = F.softmax(filtered_next_token_candidates_logits, dim=-1) next_token_candidates = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=number_of_tokens_to_sample) ## 10000 random samples word_list = [] for candidate_string in next_token_candidates: for candidate in candidate_string: resulting_string = tokenizer.decode(candidate) #skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) ###Constrained text generation starts HERE ##Lipogram - No naughty strings used if mode == "lipogram" or mode == "e-prime": if all(nauty_string not in resulting_string for nauty_string in naughty_strings): ## This returns at the first naughty strings return resulting_string ##Reverse-Lipogram - Must use things in nice_strings elif mode == "reverse_lipogram": if any(nice_string in resulting_string for nice_string in nice_strings): return resulting_string ##Length constraints elif mode == "length_constrained": ##Seems reliable if length is greater than 4 if len(resulting_string) == length_constraint: return resulting_string elif mode == "greater_than_length": ##Only sort of works if len(resulting_string) >= length_constraint: return resulting_string elif mode == "rhopalism": ##Mostly works if len(resulting_string) == rhopalism_len: return resulting_string elif mode == "Pangram": if any(c in nice_strings_pangram for c in resulting_string): return resulting_string elif mode == "rhopalism-lipogram": if len(resulting_string) == rhopalism_len: if all(nauty_string not in resulting_string for nauty_string in naughty_strings): return resulting_string return " " j = 0 i = length while i > 0: new_word = get_next_word_without_e(input_sequence= sequence) sequence = sequence + new_word if mode == "rhopalism" or mode == "rhopalism-lipogram": rhopalism_len += 1 i = i-1 if mode == "Pangram": for character in sequence: if character in nice_strings_pangram: nice_strings_pangram.remove(character) j += 1 st.write("GENERATED SEQUENCE: ") st.write(sequence) #st.write(nice_strings_pangram)