import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline from googletrans import Translator # Initialize translation and classification pipelines translator = Translator() emotion_classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="arpanghoshal/EmoRoBERTa") def classify_emotion(text, src_lang="auto", target_lang="en"): """ Classifies emotion in text after translating to English (if needed). Args: text: Input text sentence in any language. src_lang: Source language of the text (default: "auto"). target_lang: Target language for translation (default: "en"). Returns: A dictionary containing the predicted emotion and its probability. """ # Translate to English if necessary if src_lang != target_lang: translated_text = translator.translate(text, dest=target_lang).text else: translated_text = text # Classify emotion using EmoRoBERTa predictions = emotion_classifier(translated_text) return predictions[0] def split_sentences_with_conjunctions(paragraph): """ Splits a paragraph into sentences considering conjunctions and punctuation. Args: paragraph: The input paragraph as a string. Returns: A list of individual sentences. """ sentences = [] current_sentence = "" conjunctions = ["and", "but", "or", "for", "nor", "so", "yet"] # Common conjunctions for word in paragraph.split(): current_sentence += word + " " if word.lower() in conjunctions or word.endswith(".") or word.endswith("?"): sentences.append(current_sentence.strip()) current_sentence = "" # Add any remaining sentence fragment if current_sentence.strip(): sentences.append(current_sentence.strip()) return sentences paragraph = st.text_area("Enter your input: ") # Split paragraph into sentences considering conjunctions sentences = split_sentences_with_conjunctions(paragraph) # Classify emotion for each sentence emotion_results = [] for sentence in sentences: if sentence.strip(): # Check if sentence is not empty after stripping emotion_result = classify_emotion(sentence) emotion_results.append(emotion_result) # Print emotions for each sentence for sentence, emotion_result in zip(sentences, emotion_results): print(f"Sentence: {sentence} | Emotion: {emotion_result['label']} ({emotion_result['score']:.2f})")