import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from skimage.filters.rank import mean_bilateral from skimage import morphology from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageEnhance def padCropImg(img): H = img.shape[0] W = img.shape[1] patchRes = 128 pH = patchRes pW = patchRes ovlp = int(patchRes * 0.125) # 32 padH = (int((H - patchRes) / (patchRes - ovlp) + 1) * (patchRes - ovlp) + patchRes) - H padW = (int((W - patchRes) / (patchRes - ovlp) + 1) * (patchRes - ovlp) + patchRes) - W padImg = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, padH, 0, padW, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) ynum = int((padImg.shape[0] - pH) / (pH - ovlp)) + 1 xnum = int((padImg.shape[1] - pW) / (pW - ovlp)) + 1 totalPatch = np.zeros((ynum, xnum, patchRes, patchRes, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for j in range(0, ynum): for i in range(0, xnum): x = int(i * (pW - ovlp)) y = int(j * (pH - ovlp)) if j == (ynum-1) and i == (xnum-1): totalPatch[j, i] = img[-patchRes:, -patchRes:] elif j == (ynum-1): totalPatch[j, i] = img[-patchRes:, x:int(x + patchRes)] elif i == (xnum-1): totalPatch[j, i] = img[y:int(y + patchRes), -patchRes:] else: totalPatch[j, i] = padImg[y:int(y + patchRes), x:int(x + patchRes)] return totalPatch, padH, padW def illCorrection(model, totalPatch): totalPatch = totalPatch.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 ynum = totalPatch.shape[0] xnum = totalPatch.shape[1] totalResults = np.zeros((ynum, xnum, 128, 128, 3), dtype=np.float32) for j in range(0, ynum): for i in range(0, xnum): patchImg = torch.from_numpy(totalPatch[j, i]).permute(2,0,1) patchImg = patchImg.cuda().view(1, 3, 128, 128) output = model(patchImg) output = output.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).data.cpu().numpy()[0] output = output * 255.0 output = output.astype(np.uint8) totalResults[j, i] = output return totalResults def composePatch(totalResults, padH, padW, img): ynum = totalResults.shape[0] xnum = totalResults.shape[1] patchRes = totalResults.shape[2] ovlp = int(patchRes * 0.125) step = patchRes - ovlp resImg = np.zeros((patchRes + (ynum - 1) * step, patchRes + (xnum - 1) * step, 3), np.uint8) resImg = np.zeros_like(img).astype('uint8') for j in range(0, ynum): for i in range(0, xnum): sy = int(j * step) sx = int(i * step) if j == 0 and i != (xnum-1): resImg[sy:(sy + patchRes), sx:(sx + patchRes)] = totalResults[j, i] elif i == 0 and j != (ynum-1): resImg[sy+10:(sy + patchRes), sx:(sx + patchRes)] = totalResults[j, i,10:] elif j == (ynum-1) and i == (xnum-1): resImg[-patchRes+10:, -patchRes+10:] = totalResults[j, i,10:,10:] elif j == (ynum-1) and i == 0: resImg[-patchRes+10:, sx:(sx + patchRes)] = totalResults[j, i,10:] elif j == (ynum-1) and i != 0: resImg[-patchRes+10:, sx+10:(sx + patchRes)] = totalResults[j, i,10:,10:] elif i == (xnum-1) and j == 0: resImg[sy:(sy + patchRes), -patchRes+10:] = totalResults[j, i,:,10:] elif i == (xnum-1) and j != 0: resImg[sy+10:(sy + patchRes), -patchRes+10:] = totalResults[j, i,10:,10:] else: resImg[sy+10:(sy + patchRes), sx+10:(sx + patchRes)] = totalResults[j, i,10:,10:] resImg[0,:,:] = 255 return resImg def preProcess(img): img[:,:,0] = mean_bilateral(img[:,:,0], morphology.disk(20), s0=10, s1=10) img[:,:,1] = mean_bilateral(img[:,:,1], morphology.disk(20), s0=10, s1=10) img[:,:,2] = mean_bilateral(img[:,:,2], morphology.disk(20), s0=10, s1=10) return img def postProcess(img): img = Image.fromarray(img) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img) factor = 2.0 img = enhancer.enhance(factor) return img def rec_ill(net, img, saveRecPath): totalPatch, padH, padW = padCropImg(img) totalResults = illCorrection(net, totalPatch) resImg = composePatch(totalResults, padH, padW, img) #resImg = postProcess(resImg) resImg = Image.fromarray(resImg)