import os import urllib.request from time import sleep from typing import Dict, List, Generator import gradio as gr from openai import OpenAI from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() class MockInterviewer: def __init__(self) -> None: self._client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']) self._assistant_id_cache: Dict[str, str] = {} self.clear_thread() def interface_chat(self, message: Dict, history: List[List], job_role: str, company: str) -> Generator: yield self._chat(message.get('text'), job_role, company) def clear_thread(self) -> None: print('Initializing new thread') self._thread = self._client.beta.threads.create() def transcript(self, audio: str, job_role: str, company: str) -> str: with open(audio, 'rb') as audio_file: transcriptions = model='whisper-1', file=audio_file, ) os.remove(audio) response = self._chat(transcriptions.text, job_role, company) return [(transcriptions.text, response)] def _chat(self, message: str, job_role: str, company: str) -> str: print('Started chat') self._validate_fields(job_role, company) assistant_id = self._init_assistant(job_role, company) return self._send_message(message, assistant_id) def _validate_fields(self, job_role: str, company: str) -> None: if not job_role and not company: raise gr.Error('Job Role and Company are required fields.') if not job_role: raise gr.Error('Job Role is a required field.') if not company: raise gr.Error('Company is a required field.') def _send_message(self, message: str, assistant_id: str) -> str: self._client.beta.threads.messages.create(, role='user', content=message) print('Message created') run = self._client.beta.threads.runs.create(, assistant_id=assistant_id) print('Run created') # Check if the Run requires action (function call) while True: run_status = self._client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(, print(f'Run status: {run_status.status}') if run_status.status == 'completed': break sleep(1) # Wait for a second before checking again # Retrieve and return the latest message from the assistant messages = self._client.beta.threads.messages.list( response =[0].content[0].text.value print(f'Assistant response: {response}') return response def _create_files(self, company: str) -> List[str]: if company.lower() == 'amazon': url = '' filename = 'leadership_principles.html' else: return [] filename, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as file: assistant_file = self._client.files.create(file=file, purpose='assistants') file_ids = [] os.remove(filename) return file_ids def _init_assistant(self, job_role: str, company: str) -> str: cache_key = self._create_cache_key(job_role, company) if cache_key in self._assistant_id_cache: print(f'Fetched from cache for key {cache_key}') return self._assistant_id_cache.get(cache_key) else: print(f'Initializing new assistant for key {cache_key}') file_ids = self._create_files(company) assistant = self._client.beta.assistants.create( name='Mock Interviewer', instructions=f'You are an AI mock interviewer for {job_role} roles at {company}. Please make it obvious this is your purpose. If you have been provided a file, use it as an interview guide.', model='gpt-4-0125-preview', tools=[ { 'type': 'retrieval' # This adds the knowledge base as a tool } ], file_ids=file_ids) self._assistant_id_cache[cache_key] = return def _create_cache_key(self, job_role: str, company: str) -> str: return f'{job_role.lower()}+{company.lower()}' # Creating the Gradio interface with gr.Blocks() as demo: mock_interviewer = MockInterviewer() with gr.Row(): job_role = gr.Textbox(label='Job Role', placeholder='Product Manager') company = gr.Textbox(label='Company', placeholder='Amazon') chat_interface = gr.ChatInterface( fn=mock_interviewer.interface_chat, additional_inputs=[job_role, company], title='I am your AI mock interviewer', description='Make your selections above to configure me.', multimodal=True, retry_btn=None, undo_btn=None).queue() chat_interface.load(mock_interviewer.clear_thread) audio = gr.Audio(sources=['microphone'], type='filepath', editable=False) audio.stop_recording(fn=mock_interviewer.transcript, inputs=[audio, job_role, company], outputs=[chat_interface.chatbot], api_name=False) if __name__ == '__main__': demo.launch().queue()