import streamlit as st from spirit_animal.pages import intro, quiz, image_gen # Define stateful objects if "openai_model" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["openai_model"] = "gpt-4" if "spirit_animal" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["spirit_animal"] = "" # Define the pages PAGES = {"Intro": "intro", "Quiz": "quiz", "Build Your Surprise": "image_gen"} # Page functions dictionary PAGE_FUNCTIONS = { "intro": intro.intro, "quiz": quiz.quiz, "image_gen": image_gen.image_gen, } def main(): st.sidebar.title("Navigation :world_map:") choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Go to", list(PAGES.keys())) # Call the page function PAGE_FUNCTIONS[PAGES[choice]]() if __name__ == "__main__": main()