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\u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m3.4/3.4 MB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m84.3 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m1.2/1.2 MB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m21.1 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[?25h Building wheel for ffmpy (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "!pip install gradio -q" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "import gradio as gr" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "aAmsRz2ISYbA" + }, + "execution_count": 2, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Gradio Components" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "5-eapEpISBik" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def add_numbers(x,y):\n", + " return x+y" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "pjhBgpMpSC8P" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=add_numbers,\n", + "# inputs=[gr.Number(10), gr.Number()],\n", + "# outputs=gr.Number()\n", + "# )\n", + "\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "E8e--uWbSlUf" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def reverse_text(input_text):\n", + " return input_text[::-1]" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "yvNSRG_RTPit" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "reverse_text(\"Hello\")" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 35 + }, + "id": "aqfKsV2iUZUG", + "outputId": "7b398b64-3304-4eb9-b0ab-2ab792d7d14a" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "'olleH'" + ], + "application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 8 + } + ] + }, + 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+ "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=slider_example,\n", + "# inputs= gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.1), outputs=gr.Text())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "JADLlJErUw6S" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def drop_down(value):\n", + " return f\"You selected {value}\"" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "HgSe3hS3U9_n" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# options = ['A', 'B', 'C']\n", + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=drop_down, inputs=gr.Dropdown(choices=options), outputs=gr.Text())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "eULi3NJcVdUt" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "from PIL import Image\n", + "\n", + "def convert(image_path):\n", + " # Open the image\n", + " image = Image.open(image_path)\n", + "\n", + " # Convert to grayscale\n", + " return image.convert(\"L\")\n" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "jXvU-shbVtO4" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "convert(\"images.png\")" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 242 + }, + "id": "6hv19tmbXdkC", + "outputId": "d81b100f-0f8c-415d-886c-a0bf2687663d" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "image/png": "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+ }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=convert, inputs=gr.Image(type='filepath'), outputs=gr.Image())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "Z_TFzKWCkc1v" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def number_details(number):\n", + " details = {\n", + " \"original\": number,\n", + " \"squared\": number**2,\n", + " \"sqrt\": number**0.5,\n", + " \"is_even\": number % 2 == 0\n", + " }\n", + " return details" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "bT66iURGHRSE" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=number_details, inputs=gr.Number(), outputs=gr.Json())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "T2kdSplhIrTt" + }, + "execution_count": 3, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def classify(number):\n", + " if number > 0:\n", + " return \"Positive\"\n", + " elif number < 0:\n", + " return \"Negative\"\n", + " else:\n", + " return \"Zero\"" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "mLFU-Q5lIyDr" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=classify, inputs=gr.Number(), outputs=gr.Label())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "GFJMn0lZJOku" + }, + "execution_count": 4, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Multiple Components and Layouts" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "1hjeAlZ5Ji7K" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# text1 = gr.Text(value='OUTPUT ONE')\n", + "# text2 = gr.Text(value='OUTPUT TWO')\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# text3 = gr.Text(value='BOTTOM ROW')\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "BZomdJosJT7t" + }, + "execution_count": 5, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# agar row define karke usme elements banao then ek k baju me ek chippak k\n", + "# agar boht sare gr.Rows k andar elements banao then ek k niche ek\n", + "# agar column define karke usme elements banao then ek k niche ek chippak k\n", + "# agar boht sare gr.columns k andar elements banao then ek k baju me ek" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "doa3_FL0NXym" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# with gr.Column():\n", + "# text1 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 1')\n", + "# text2 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 2')\n", + "# with gr.Column():\n", + "# text3 = gr.Text('ROW 1 COL 1')\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# text5 = gr.Text(value='BOTTOM ROW')\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "mJx1PEJYLCHW" + }, + "execution_count": 6, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# with gr.Column(scale=2):\n", + "# text1 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 1')\n", + "# text2 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 2')\n", + "# with gr.Column(scale=1):\n", + "# text3 = gr.Text('ROW 1 COL 1')\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# text5 = gr.Text(value='BOTTOM ROW')\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "g3xkbBWhJlXb" + }, + "execution_count": 7, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Tab('Tab One'):\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# with gr.Column(scale=2):\n", + "# text1 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 1')\n", + "# text2 = gr.Text('ROW 0 COL 0 - Comp 2')\n", + "# with gr.Column(scale=1):\n", + "# text3 = gr.Text('ROW 1 COL 1')\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# text5 = gr.Text(value='BOTTOM ROW')\n", + "# with gr.Tab('Tab Two'):\n", + "# gr.Text('Welcome to new tab')\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "XpfTjcZkOFvt" + }, + "execution_count": 8, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# gr.Label(\"Label Here\")\n", + "# with gr.Accordion(\"Accordion Here\", open=False):\n", + "# gr.Image()\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "s5-UTgZOO7R8" + }, + "execution_count": 9, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Gradio Components and Layouts - Part Two" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "8zDgHemnPiT0" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Group():\n", + "# gr.Button(\"Button Comp One\")\n", + "# gr.Button(\"Button Comp Two\")\n", + "# gr.Image()\n", + "\n", + "# gr.Image()\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "EK4LgEpTPTV6" + }, + "execution_count": 10, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# css = \"\"\"\n", + "# .yourclass {\n", + "# height: 1000px;\n", + "# background-color: red;\n", + "# }\n", + "# \"\"\"\n", + "\n", + "# with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row(elem_classes=['yourclass']):\n", + "# gr.Image()\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 645 + }, + "id": "ER7ebRQ2QEK-", + "outputId": "bfbfc194-5eae-41bc-e66f-15babc11c9f7" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stdout", + "text": [ + "Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n", + "\n", + "Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set debug=True in launch()\n", + "Running on public URL: https://601aa413e787e14a8a.gradio.live\n", + "\n", + "This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades, run `gradio deploy` from Terminal to deploy to Spaces (https://huggingface.co/spaces)\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "text/html": [ + "
" + ] + }, + "metadata": {} + }, + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Gradio Interactions" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "5jVoDwbbTYv1" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "#FUNCTION\n", + "\n", + "def multiply(x,y):\n", + " return x*y" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "mlsZo258ThGJ" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as app:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# x_slider = gr.Slider(label='X')\n", + "# y_slider = gr.Slider(label='Y')\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# result = gr.Text()\n", + "\n", + "# x_slider.change(fn=multiply, inputs=[x_slider, y_slider], outputs=result)\n", + "# y_slider.change(fn=multiply, inputs=[x_slider, y_slider], outputs=result)\n", + "\n", + "# app.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "reZg7wVcUGMq" + }, + "execution_count": 11, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "with gr.Blocks() as app:\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " x_slider = gr.Slider(label='X')\n", + " y_slider = gr.Slider(label='Y')\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " result = gr.Text()\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " button = gr.Button(\"Multiply\")\n", + "\n", + " button.click(fn=multiply, inputs=[x_slider, y_slider], outputs=[result])\n", + "\n", + "app.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 645 + }, + "id": "KrYp0GDJVBRr", + "outputId": "95ceb122-7dd7-483a-d0b2-f85be24bfdf3" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stdout", + "text": [ + "Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n", + "\n", + "Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set debug=True in launch()\n", + "Running on public URL: https://b3180d4e201052c103.gradio.live\n", + "\n", + "This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades, run `gradio deploy` from Terminal to deploy to Spaces (https://huggingface.co/spaces)\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "text/html": [ + "
" + ] + }, + "metadata": {} + }, + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Interactions Part Two" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "h3j7S9naWwSV" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "from PIL import Image\n", + "\n", + "def make_grayscale(image_path):\n", + " image = Image.open(image_path)\n", + " image_grayscale = image.convert(\"L\")\n", + "\n", + " return image_grayscale, 'Image Converted'" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "bD2CwATsWzNL" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "image, log = make_grayscale(\"images.png\")" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "DUIVwzceXeqN" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "image" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 242 + }, + "id": "jSYaxwXPXkBo", + "outputId": "8d928f3d-d1f8-4d73-900a-85e5c07581da" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "image/png": 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+ }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# input_image = gr.Image(type='filepath')\n", + "# output_image = gr.Image()\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# log = gr.Text()\n", + "# submit = gr.Button(value = \"Convert to Grayscale\")\n", + "\n", + "# submit.click(fn=make_grayscale, inputs=input_image, outputs=[output_image, log])\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "kUH7M2sCXpt5" + }, + "execution_count": 12, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "class Operations():\n", + " def __init__(self):\n", + " print(\"Operations class ready\")\n", + "\n", + " def add(self, x,y):\n", + " return x+y\n", + "\n", + " def multiply(self, x,y):\n", + " return x*y" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "yoLc5ltMCHns" + }, + "execution_count": 16, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "operations_object = Operations()" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" + }, + "id": "dtnvA307CRe0", + "outputId": "2439be98-98c7-45c6-d2bc-a9ed57527028" + }, + "execution_count": 17, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stdout", + "text": [ + "Operations class ready\n" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "with gr.Blocks() as demo:\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " x = gr.Slider()\n", + " y = gr.Slider()\n", + "\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " add_result = gr.Text(\"Add\")\n", + " multiply_result = gr.Text(\"Multiply\")\n", + "\n", + " with gr.Row():\n", + " add_btn = gr.Button(\"Add\")\n", + " multiply_btn = gr.Button(\"Multiply\")\n", + "\n", + "\n", + " add_btn.click(fn=operations_object.add, inputs=[x,y], outputs=add_result)\n", + " multiply_btn.click(fn=operations_object.multiply, inputs=[x,y], outputs=multiply_result)\n", + "\n", + "demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "hwmVn2nDYcan", + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 645 + }, + "outputId": "7417f0ee-3a01-46f4-c031-cf3c863a5bd5" + }, + "execution_count": 18, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stdout", + "text": [ + "Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n", + "\n", + "Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set debug=True in launch()\n", + "Running on public URL: https://5311b7d46d41078fd5.gradio.live\n", + "\n", + "This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades, run `gradio deploy` from Terminal to deploy to Spaces (https://huggingface.co/spaces)\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "text/html": [ + "
" + ] + }, + "metadata": {} + }, + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Gradio ML GUI Example ML Integration" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "roiJNbfdEdNm" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# Load model directly\n", + "from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModelForImageClassification\n", + "\n", + "processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(\"microsoft/resnet-50\")\n", + "model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained(\"microsoft/resnet-50\")" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 237, + "referenced_widgets": [ + "ae323dbe1a464e348fddf60b6cae7181", + "38725e3450f340deb3d807f8b8fa5281", + "a01ea19b883f4322852252dc4e59761f", + "4ba9a1dda2d24987a59765a42364e05d", + "669f52cb678c466382444f36e5b914d0", + "4d1b22d254fe4502b151b67a8b27d384", + "523b5c5952f3498ba1c69d4b3d5bdcf8", + "c3770228dd13461496690eefaf918ee6", + "6784388a77f5491bb7b867931ab342b3", + "12474dc62e6f429ab55c82d9b1d30ee4", + "e42c82a3e6c74b36a89bcd9794cc7730", + "94fe94b7f9a74e0caa6f54f8a3f8c0cf", + "6f40c975179f4f759df2052e89e9b236", + "5e7b1a2417ef44a78f5659906b527d8f", + "fab2fe2bf9fc43009f57611bb924f1d6", + "1a347eacc39443f8b13a499268eb2b71", + "9ffb25685adc4b69a461ee6d6dbaad11", + "23719cc21c9e49a7b4781454a83ded9c", + "1f83698710e3423db5c96828c611a665", + "ee4ee6b9f44e4609b6936f1cc672df5a", + "20288382b2444e00a7da6fa8b5b9c35f", + "343af96deeda429194b13460455731c3", + "1bfedbd135ac47f197ee622ce91e4ac2", + "506b1e0ce0a248d5b98a3d843d7e78a9", + "c72b1e6b69a142298a1ed258e80f2760", + "b6fdd9cd8f4a4fc085b1ab08ca216a46", + "73be00c1b1df49c4a9a177740c8321e3", + "46d74949b09e47c79357d4f882e2dbba", + "4f9e7454b0f94b4ca0038e934ab375da", + "3ec02d00546f4a09a3e0d1676185ebcc", + "8a987131cbc94c6c8b248fed3fb3390e", + "5280e8c01342499fb90e62ec9588e824", + "e0931c9e945a42c9af45aa766668699c" + ] + }, + "id": "DeiRhCzyChJ4", + "outputId": "d973d9b8-71c0-4576-d3ff-b93effda018c" + }, + "execution_count": 19, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stderr", + "text": [ + "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_token.py:89: UserWarning: \n", + "The secret `HF_TOKEN` does not exist in your Colab secrets.\n", + "To authenticate with the Hugging Face Hub, create a token in your settings tab (https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens), set it as secret in your Google Colab and restart your session.\n", + "You will be able to reuse this secret in all of your notebooks.\n", + "Please note that authentication is recommended but still optional to access public models or datasets.\n", + " warnings.warn(\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "preprocessor_config.json: 0%| | 0.00/266 [00:00 transformers.modeling_outputs.ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention\n", + " | The [`ResNetForImageClassification`] forward method, overrides the `__call__` special method.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the [`Module`]\n", + " | instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the pre and post processing steps while\n", + " | the latter silently ignores them.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | pixel_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`):\n", + " | Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See\n", + " | [`ConvNextImageProcessor.__call__`] for details.\n", + " | \n", + " | output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for\n", + " | more detail.\n", + " | return_dict (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple.\n", + " | \n", + " | labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size,)`, *optional*):\n", + " | Labels for computing the image classification/regression loss. Indices should be in `[0, ...,\n", + " | config.num_labels - 1]`. If `config.num_labels > 1` a classification loss is computed (Cross-Entropy).\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | [`transformers.modeling_outputs.ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention`] or `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`: A [`transformers.modeling_outputs.ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention`] or a tuple of\n", + " | `torch.FloatTensor` (if `return_dict=False` is passed or when `config.return_dict=False`) comprising various\n", + " | elements depending on the configuration ([`ResNetConfig`]) and inputs.\n", + " | \n", + " | - **loss** (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`, *optional*, returned when `labels` is provided) -- Classification (or regression if config.num_labels==1) loss.\n", + " | - **logits** (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.num_labels)`) -- Classification (or regression if config.num_labels==1) scores (before SoftMax).\n", + " | - **hidden_states** (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_hidden_states=True` is passed or when `config.output_hidden_states=True`) -- Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for the output of the embeddings, if the model has an embedding layer, +\n", + " | one for the output of each stage) of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`. Hidden-states (also\n", + " | called feature maps) of the model at the output of each stage.\n", + " | \n", + " | Example:\n", + " | \n", + " | ```python\n", + " | >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, ResNetForImageClassification\n", + " | >>> import torch\n", + " | >>> from datasets import load_dataset\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> dataset = load_dataset(\"huggingface/cats-image\")\n", + " | >>> image = dataset[\"test\"][\"image\"][0]\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(\"microsoft/resnet-50\")\n", + " | >>> model = ResNetForImageClassification.from_pretrained(\"microsoft/resnet-50\")\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> inputs = image_processor(image, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> with torch.no_grad():\n", + " | ... logits = model(**inputs).logits\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # model predicts one of the 1000 ImageNet classes\n", + " | >>> predicted_label = logits.argmax(-1).item()\n", + " | >>> print(model.config.id2label[predicted_label])\n", + " | tiger cat\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __annotations__ = {}\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes inherited from ResNetPreTrainedModel:\n", + " | \n", + " | base_model_prefix = 'resnet'\n", + " | \n", + " | config_class = >> from transformers import ResNetConfig, ResNetModel\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Initializing a ResNet resnet-50 style configuration\n", + " | >>> configuration = ResNetConfig()\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Initializing a model (with random weights) from the resnet-50 style configuration\n", + " | >>> model = ResNetModel(configuration)\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Accessing the model configuration\n", + " | >>> configuration = model.config\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | main_input_name = 'pixel_values'\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel:\n", + " | \n", + " | add_model_tags(self, tags: Union[List[str], str]) -> None\n", + " | Add custom tags into the model that gets pushed to the Hugging Face Hub. Will\n", + " | not overwrite existing tags in the model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | tags (`Union[List[str], str]`):\n", + " | The desired tags to inject in the model\n", + " | \n", + " | Examples:\n", + " | \n", + " | ```python\n", + " | from transformers import AutoModel\n", + " | \n", + " | model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(\"google-bert/bert-base-cased\")\n", + " | \n", + " | model.add_model_tags([\"custom\", \"custom-bert\"])\n", + " | \n", + " | # Push the model to your namespace with the name \"my-custom-bert\".\n", + " | model.push_to_hub(\"my-custom-bert\")\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | cuda(self: ~T, device: Union[int, torch.device, NoneType] = None) -> ~T\n", + " | Move all model parameters and buffers to the GPU.\n", + " | \n", + " | This also makes associated parameters and buffers different objects. So\n", + " | it should be called before constructing optimizer if the module will\n", + " | live on GPU while being optimized.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | device (int, optional): if specified, all parameters will be\n", + " | copied to that device\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | dequantize(self)\n", + " | Potentially dequantize the model in case it has been quantized by a quantization method that support\n", + " | dequantization.\n", + " | \n", + " | disable_input_require_grads(self)\n", + " | Removes the `_require_grads_hook`.\n", + " | \n", + " | enable_input_require_grads(self)\n", + " | Enables the gradients for the input embeddings. This is useful for fine-tuning adapter weights while keeping\n", + " | the model weights fixed.\n", + " | \n", + " | float(self, *args)\n", + " | Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to ``float`` datatype.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | get_input_embeddings(self) -> torch.nn.modules.module.Module\n", + " | Returns the model's input embeddings.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `nn.Module`: A torch module mapping vocabulary to hidden states.\n", + " | \n", + " | get_memory_footprint(self, return_buffers=True)\n", + " | Get the memory footprint of a model. This will return the memory footprint of the current model in bytes.\n", + " | Useful to benchmark the memory footprint of the current model and design some tests. Solution inspired from the\n", + " | PyTorch discussions: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/gpu-memory-that-model-uses/56822/2\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | return_buffers (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether to return the size of the buffer tensors in the computation of the memory footprint. Buffers\n", + " | are tensors that do not require gradients and not registered as parameters. E.g. mean and std in batch\n", + " | norm layers. Please see: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/what-pytorch-means-by-buffers/120266/2\n", + " | \n", + " | get_output_embeddings(self) -> torch.nn.modules.module.Module\n", + " | Returns the model's output embeddings.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `nn.Module`: A torch module mapping hidden states to vocabulary.\n", + " | \n", + " | get_position_embeddings(self) -> Union[torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding, Tuple[torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding]]\n", + " | \n", + " | gradient_checkpointing_disable(self)\n", + " | Deactivates gradient checkpointing for the current model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Note that in other frameworks this feature can be referred to as \"activation checkpointing\" or \"checkpoint\n", + " | activations\".\n", + " | \n", + " | gradient_checkpointing_enable(self, gradient_checkpointing_kwargs=None)\n", + " | Activates gradient checkpointing for the current model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Note that in other frameworks this feature can be referred to as \"activation checkpointing\" or \"checkpoint\n", + " | activations\".\n", + " | \n", + " | We pass the `__call__` method of the modules instead of `forward` because `__call__` attaches all the hooks of\n", + " | the module. https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/any-different-between-model-input-and-model-forward-input/3690/2\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | gradient_checkpointing_kwargs (dict, *optional*):\n", + " | Additional keyword arguments passed along to the `torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint` function.\n", + " | \n", + " | half(self, *args)\n", + " | Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to ``half`` datatype.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | init_weights(self)\n", + " | If needed prunes and maybe initializes weights. If using a custom `PreTrainedModel`, you need to implement any\n", + " | initialization logic in `_init_weights`.\n", + " | \n", + " | post_init(self)\n", + " | A method executed at the end of each Transformer model initialization, to execute code that needs the model's\n", + " | modules properly initialized (such as weight initialization).\n", + " | \n", + " | prune_heads(self, heads_to_prune: Dict[int, List[int]])\n", + " | Prunes heads of the base model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | heads_to_prune (`Dict[int, List[int]]`):\n", + " | Dictionary with keys being selected layer indices (`int`) and associated values being the list of heads\n", + " | to prune in said layer (list of `int`). For instance {1: [0, 2], 2: [2, 3]} will prune heads 0 and 2 on\n", + " | layer 1 and heads 2 and 3 on layer 2.\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_id: str, use_temp_dir: Optional[bool] = None, commit_message: Optional[str] = None, private: Optional[bool] = None, token: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None, max_shard_size: Union[int, str, NoneType] = '5GB', create_pr: bool = False, safe_serialization: bool = True, revision: str = None, commit_description: str = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, **deprecated_kwargs) -> str\n", + " | Upload the model file to the 🤗 Model Hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_id (`str`):\n", + " | The name of the repository you want to push your model to. It should contain your organization name\n", + " | when pushing to a given organization.\n", + " | use_temp_dir (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether or not to use a temporary directory to store the files saved before they are pushed to the Hub.\n", + " | Will default to `True` if there is no directory named like `repo_id`, `False` otherwise.\n", + " | commit_message (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | Message to commit while pushing. Will default to `\"Upload model\"`.\n", + " | private (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether or not the repository created should be private.\n", + " | token (`bool` or `str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If `True`, will use the token generated\n", + " | when running `huggingface-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`). Will default to `True` if `repo_url`\n", + " | is not specified.\n", + " | max_shard_size (`int` or `str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"5GB\"`):\n", + " | Only applicable for models. The maximum size for a checkpoint before being sharded. Checkpoints shard\n", + " | will then be each of size lower than this size. If expressed as a string, needs to be digits followed\n", + " | by a unit (like `\"5MB\"`). We default it to `\"5GB\"` so that users can easily load models on free-tier\n", + " | Google Colab instances without any CPU OOM issues.\n", + " | create_pr (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to create a PR with the uploaded files or directly commit.\n", + " | safe_serialization (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether or not to convert the model weights in safetensors format for safer serialization.\n", + " | revision (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | Branch to push the uploaded files to.\n", + " | commit_description (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The description of the commit that will be created\n", + " | tags (`List[str]`, *optional*):\n", + " | List of tags to push on the Hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | Examples:\n", + " | \n", + " | ```python\n", + " | from transformers import AutoModel\n", + " | \n", + " | model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(\"google-bert/bert-base-cased\")\n", + " | \n", + " | # Push the model to your namespace with the name \"my-finetuned-bert\".\n", + " | model.push_to_hub(\"my-finetuned-bert\")\n", + " | \n", + " | # Push the model to an organization with the name \"my-finetuned-bert\".\n", + " | model.push_to_hub(\"huggingface/my-finetuned-bert\")\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | resize_position_embeddings(self, new_num_position_embeddings: int)\n", + " | \n", + " | resize_token_embeddings(self, new_num_tokens: Optional[int] = None, pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding\n", + " | Resizes input token embeddings matrix of the model if `new_num_tokens != config.vocab_size`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Takes care of tying weights embeddings afterwards if the model class has a `tie_weights()` method.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | new_num_tokens (`int`, *optional*):\n", + " | The new number of tokens in the embedding matrix. Increasing the size will add newly initialized\n", + " | vectors at the end. Reducing the size will remove vectors from the end. If not provided or `None`, just\n", + " | returns a pointer to the input tokens `torch.nn.Embedding` module of the model without doing anything.\n", + " | pad_to_multiple_of (`int`, *optional*):\n", + " | If set will pad the embedding matrix to a multiple of the provided value.If `new_num_tokens` is set to\n", + " | `None` will just pad the embedding to a multiple of `pad_to_multiple_of`.\n", + " | \n", + " | This is especially useful to enable the use of Tensor Cores on NVIDIA hardware with compute capability\n", + " | `>= 7.5` (Volta), or on TPUs which benefit from having sequence lengths be a multiple of 128. For more\n", + " | details about this, or help on choosing the correct value for resizing, refer to this guide:\n", + " | https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/performance/dl-performance-matrix-multiplication/index.html#requirements-tc\n", + " | \n", + " | Return:\n", + " | `torch.nn.Embedding`: Pointer to the input tokens Embeddings Module of the model.\n", + " | \n", + " | retrieve_modules_from_names(self, names, add_prefix=False, remove_prefix=False)\n", + " | \n", + " | reverse_bettertransformer(self)\n", + " | Reverts the transformation from [`~PreTrainedModel.to_bettertransformer`] so that the original modeling is\n", + " | used, for example in order to save the model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | [`PreTrainedModel`]: The model converted back to the original modeling.\n", + " | \n", + " | save_pretrained(self, save_directory: Union[str, os.PathLike], is_main_process: bool = True, state_dict: Optional[dict] = None, save_function: Callable = , push_to_hub: bool = False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str] = '5GB', safe_serialization: bool = True, variant: Optional[str] = None, token: Union[str, bool, NoneType] = None, save_peft_format: bool = True, **kwargs)\n", + " | Save a model and its configuration file to a directory, so that it can be re-loaded using the\n", + " | [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] class method.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | save_directory (`str` or `os.PathLike`):\n", + " | Directory to which to save. Will be created if it doesn't exist.\n", + " | is_main_process (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether the process calling this is the main process or not. Useful when in distributed training like\n", + " | TPUs and need to call this function on all processes. In this case, set `is_main_process=True` only on\n", + " | the main process to avoid race conditions.\n", + " | state_dict (nested dictionary of `torch.Tensor`):\n", + " | The state dictionary of the model to save. Will default to `self.state_dict()`, but can be used to only\n", + " | save parts of the model or if special precautions need to be taken when recovering the state dictionary\n", + " | of a model (like when using model parallelism).\n", + " | save_function (`Callable`):\n", + " | The function to use to save the state dictionary. Useful on distributed training like TPUs when one\n", + " | need to replace `torch.save` by another method.\n", + " | push_to_hub (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to push your model to the Hugging Face model hub after saving it. You can specify the\n", + " | repository you want to push to with `repo_id` (will default to the name of `save_directory` in your\n", + " | namespace).\n", + " | max_shard_size (`int` or `str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"5GB\"`):\n", + " | The maximum size for a checkpoint before being sharded. Checkpoints shard will then be each of size\n", + " | lower than this size. If expressed as a string, needs to be digits followed by a unit (like `\"5MB\"`).\n", + " | We default it to 5GB in order for models to be able to run easily on free-tier google colab instances\n", + " | without CPU OOM issues.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | If a single weight of the model is bigger than `max_shard_size`, it will be in its own checkpoint shard\n", + " | which will be bigger than `max_shard_size`.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | safe_serialization (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether to save the model using `safetensors` or the traditional PyTorch way (that uses `pickle`).\n", + " | variant (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | If specified, weights are saved in the format pytorch_model..bin.\n", + " | token (`str` or `bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If `True`, or not specified, will use\n", + " | the token generated when running `huggingface-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`).\n", + " | save_peft_format (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | For backward compatibility with PEFT library, in case adapter weights are attached to the model, all\n", + " | keys of the state dict of adapters needs to be pre-pended with `base_model.model`. Advanced users can\n", + " | disable this behaviours by setting `save_peft_format` to `False`.\n", + " | kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):\n", + " | Additional key word arguments passed along to the [`~utils.PushToHubMixin.push_to_hub`] method.\n", + " | \n", + " | set_input_embeddings(self, value: torch.nn.modules.module.Module)\n", + " | Set model's input embeddings.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | value (`nn.Module`): A module mapping vocabulary to hidden states.\n", + " | \n", + " | tie_weights(self)\n", + " | Tie the weights between the input embeddings and the output embeddings.\n", + " | \n", + " | If the `torchscript` flag is set in the configuration, can't handle parameter sharing so we are cloning the\n", + " | weights instead.\n", + " | \n", + " | to(self, *args, **kwargs)\n", + " | Move and/or cast the parameters and buffers.\n", + " | \n", + " | This can be called as\n", + " | \n", + " | .. function:: to(device=None, dtype=None, non_blocking=False)\n", + " | :noindex:\n", + " | \n", + " | .. function:: to(dtype, non_blocking=False)\n", + " | :noindex:\n", + " | \n", + " | .. function:: to(tensor, non_blocking=False)\n", + " | :noindex:\n", + " | \n", + " | .. function:: to(memory_format=torch.channels_last)\n", + " | :noindex:\n", + " | \n", + " | Its signature is similar to :meth:`torch.Tensor.to`, but only accepts\n", + " | floating point or complex :attr:`dtype`\\ s. In addition, this method will\n", + " | only cast the floating point or complex parameters and buffers to :attr:`dtype`\n", + " | (if given). The integral parameters and buffers will be moved\n", + " | :attr:`device`, if that is given, but with dtypes unchanged. When\n", + " | :attr:`non_blocking` is set, it tries to convert/move asynchronously\n", + " | with respect to the host if possible, e.g., moving CPU Tensors with\n", + " | pinned memory to CUDA devices.\n", + " | \n", + " | See below for examples.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | device (:class:`torch.device`): the desired device of the parameters\n", + " | and buffers in this module\n", + " | dtype (:class:`torch.dtype`): the desired floating point or complex dtype of\n", + " | the parameters and buffers in this module\n", + " | tensor (torch.Tensor): Tensor whose dtype and device are the desired\n", + " | dtype and device for all parameters and buffers in this module\n", + " | memory_format (:class:`torch.memory_format`): the desired memory\n", + " | format for 4D parameters and buffers in this module (keyword\n", + " | only argument)\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | Examples::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT(\"non-deterministic\")\n", + " | >>> linear = nn.Linear(2, 2)\n", + " | >>> linear.weight\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[ 0.1913, -0.3420],\n", + " | [-0.5113, -0.2325]])\n", + " | >>> linear.to(torch.double)\n", + " | Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | >>> linear.weight\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[ 0.1913, -0.3420],\n", + " | [-0.5113, -0.2325]], dtype=torch.float64)\n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:TORCH_DOCTEST_CUDA1)\n", + " | >>> gpu1 = torch.device(\"cuda:1\")\n", + " | >>> linear.to(gpu1, dtype=torch.half, non_blocking=True)\n", + " | Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | >>> linear.weight\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[ 0.1914, -0.3420],\n", + " | [-0.5112, -0.2324]], dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda:1')\n", + " | >>> cpu = torch.device(\"cpu\")\n", + " | >>> linear.to(cpu)\n", + " | Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | >>> linear.weight\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[ 0.1914, -0.3420],\n", + " | [-0.5112, -0.2324]], dtype=torch.float16)\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> linear = nn.Linear(2, 2, bias=None).to(torch.cdouble)\n", + " | >>> linear.weight\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[ 0.3741+0.j, 0.2382+0.j],\n", + " | [ 0.5593+0.j, -0.4443+0.j]], dtype=torch.complex128)\n", + " | >>> linear(torch.ones(3, 2, dtype=torch.cdouble))\n", + " | tensor([[0.6122+0.j, 0.1150+0.j],\n", + " | [0.6122+0.j, 0.1150+0.j],\n", + " | [0.6122+0.j, 0.1150+0.j]], dtype=torch.complex128)\n", + " | \n", + " | to_bettertransformer(self) -> 'PreTrainedModel'\n", + " | Converts the model to use [PyTorch's native attention\n", + " | implementation](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.html), integrated to\n", + " | Transformers through [Optimum library](https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/bettertransformer/overview). Only a\n", + " | subset of all Transformers models are supported.\n", + " | \n", + " | PyTorch's attention fastpath allows to speed up inference through kernel fusions and the use of [nested\n", + " | tensors](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nested.html). Detailed benchmarks can be found in [this blog\n", + " | post](https://medium.com/pytorch/bettertransformer-out-of-the-box-performance-for-huggingface-transformers-3fbe27d50ab2).\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | [`PreTrainedModel`]: The model converted to BetterTransformer.\n", + " | \n", + " | warn_if_padding_and_no_attention_mask(self, input_ids, attention_mask)\n", + " | Shows a one-time warning if the input_ids appear to contain padding and no attention mask was given.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel:\n", + " | \n", + " | can_generate() -> bool from builtins.type\n", + " | Returns whether this model can generate sequences with `.generate()`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `bool`: Whether this model can generate sequences with `.generate()`.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path: Union[str, os.PathLike, NoneType], *model_args, config: Union[transformers.configuration_utils.PretrainedConfig, str, os.PathLike, NoneType] = None, cache_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike, NoneType] = None, ignore_mismatched_sizes: bool = False, force_download: bool = False, local_files_only: bool = False, token: Union[str, bool, NoneType] = None, revision: str = 'main', use_safetensors: bool = None, **kwargs) from builtins.type\n", + " | Instantiate a pretrained pytorch model from a pre-trained model configuration.\n", + " | \n", + " | The model is set in evaluation mode by default using `model.eval()` (Dropout modules are deactivated). To train\n", + " | the model, you should first set it back in training mode with `model.train()`.\n", + " | \n", + " | The warning *Weights from XXX not initialized from pretrained model* means that the weights of XXX do not come\n", + " | pretrained with the rest of the model. It is up to you to train those weights with a downstream fine-tuning\n", + " | task.\n", + " | \n", + " | The warning *Weights from XXX not used in YYY* means that the layer XXX is not used by YYY, therefore those\n", + " | weights are discarded.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | pretrained_model_name_or_path (`str` or `os.PathLike`, *optional*):\n", + " | Can be either:\n", + " | \n", + " | - A string, the *model id* of a pretrained model hosted inside a model repo on huggingface.co.\n", + " | - A path to a *directory* containing model weights saved using\n", + " | [`~PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`], e.g., `./my_model_directory/`.\n", + " | - A path or url to a *tensorflow index checkpoint file* (e.g, `./tf_model/model.ckpt.index`). In\n", + " | this case, `from_tf` should be set to `True` and a configuration object should be provided as\n", + " | `config` argument. This loading path is slower than converting the TensorFlow checkpoint in a\n", + " | PyTorch model using the provided conversion scripts and loading the PyTorch model afterwards.\n", + " | - A path or url to a model folder containing a *flax checkpoint file* in *.msgpack* format (e.g,\n", + " | `./flax_model/` containing `flax_model.msgpack`). In this case, `from_flax` should be set to\n", + " | `True`.\n", + " | - `None` if you are both providing the configuration and state dictionary (resp. with keyword\n", + " | arguments `config` and `state_dict`).\n", + " | model_args (sequence of positional arguments, *optional*):\n", + " | All remaining positional arguments will be passed to the underlying model's `__init__` method.\n", + " | config (`Union[PretrainedConfig, str, os.PathLike]`, *optional*):\n", + " | Can be either:\n", + " | \n", + " | - an instance of a class derived from [`PretrainedConfig`],\n", + " | - a string or path valid as input to [`~PretrainedConfig.from_pretrained`].\n", + " | \n", + " | Configuration for the model to use instead of an automatically loaded configuration. Configuration can\n", + " | be automatically loaded when:\n", + " | \n", + " | - The model is a model provided by the library (loaded with the *model id* string of a pretrained\n", + " | model).\n", + " | - The model was saved using [`~PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`] and is reloaded by supplying the\n", + " | save directory.\n", + " | - The model is loaded by supplying a local directory as `pretrained_model_name_or_path` and a\n", + " | configuration JSON file named *config.json* is found in the directory.\n", + " | state_dict (`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`, *optional*):\n", + " | A state dictionary to use instead of a state dictionary loaded from saved weights file.\n", + " | \n", + " | This option can be used if you want to create a model from a pretrained configuration but load your own\n", + " | weights. In this case though, you should check if using [`~PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`] and\n", + " | [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] is not a simpler option.\n", + " | cache_dir (`Union[str, os.PathLike]`, *optional*):\n", + " | Path to a directory in which a downloaded pretrained model configuration should be cached if the\n", + " | standard cache should not be used.\n", + " | from_tf (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Load the model weights from a TensorFlow checkpoint save file (see docstring of\n", + " | `pretrained_model_name_or_path` argument).\n", + " | from_flax (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Load the model weights from a Flax checkpoint save file (see docstring of\n", + " | `pretrained_model_name_or_path` argument).\n", + " | ignore_mismatched_sizes (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to raise an error if some of the weights from the checkpoint do not have the same size\n", + " | as the weights of the model (if for instance, you are instantiating a model with 10 labels from a\n", + " | checkpoint with 3 labels).\n", + " | force_download (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to force the (re-)download of the model weights and configuration files, overriding the\n", + " | cached versions if they exist.\n", + " | resume_download:\n", + " | Deprecated and ignored. All downloads are now resumed by default when possible.\n", + " | Will be removed in v5 of Transformers.\n", + " | proxies (`Dict[str, str]`, *optional*):\n", + " | A dictionary of proxy servers to use by protocol or endpoint, e.g., `{'http': 'foo.bar:3128',\n", + " | 'http://hostname': 'foo.bar:4012'}`. The proxies are used on each request.\n", + " | output_loading_info(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether ot not to also return a dictionary containing missing keys, unexpected keys and error messages.\n", + " | local_files_only(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to only look at local files (i.e., do not try to download the model).\n", + " | token (`str` or `bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If `True`, or not specified, will use\n", + " | the token generated when running `huggingface-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`).\n", + " | revision (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"main\"`):\n", + " | The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a\n", + " | git-based system for storing models and other artifacts on huggingface.co, so `revision` can be any\n", + " | identifier allowed by git.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | To test a pull request you made on the Hub, you can pass `revision=\"refs/pr/\".\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | mirror (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | Mirror source to accelerate downloads in China. If you are from China and have an accessibility\n", + " | problem, you can set this option to resolve it. Note that we do not guarantee the timeliness or safety.\n", + " | Please refer to the mirror site for more information.\n", + " | _fast_init(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether or not to disable fast initialization.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | One should only disable *_fast_init* to ensure backwards compatibility with `transformers.__version__ <\n", + " | 4.6.0` for seeded model initialization. This argument will be removed at the next major version. See\n", + " | [pull request 11471](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/11471) for more information.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | attn_implementation (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The attention implementation to use in the model (if relevant). Can be any of `\"eager\"` (manual implementation of the attention), `\"sdpa\"` (using [`F.scaled_dot_product_attention`](https://pytorch.org/docs/master/generated/torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention.html)), or `\"flash_attention_2\"` (using [Dao-AILab/flash-attention](https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention)). By default, if available, SDPA will be used for torch>=2.1.1. The default is otherwise the manual `\"eager\"` implementation.\n", + " | \n", + " | > Parameters for big model inference\n", + " | \n", + " | low_cpu_mem_usage(`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Tries to not use more than 1x model size in CPU memory (including peak memory) while loading the model.\n", + " | This is an experimental feature and a subject to change at any moment.\n", + " | torch_dtype (`str` or `torch.dtype`, *optional*):\n", + " | Override the default `torch.dtype` and load the model under a specific `dtype`. The different options\n", + " | are:\n", + " | \n", + " | 1. `torch.float16` or `torch.bfloat16` or `torch.float`: load in a specified\n", + " | `dtype`, ignoring the model's `config.torch_dtype` if one exists. If not specified\n", + " | - the model will get loaded in `torch.float` (fp32).\n", + " | \n", + " | 2. `\"auto\"` - A `torch_dtype` entry in the `config.json` file of the model will be\n", + " | attempted to be used. If this entry isn't found then next check the `dtype` of the first weight in\n", + " | the checkpoint that's of a floating point type and use that as `dtype`. This will load the model\n", + " | using the `dtype` it was saved in at the end of the training. It can't be used as an indicator of how\n", + " | the model was trained. Since it could be trained in one of half precision dtypes, but saved in fp32.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | For some models the `dtype` they were trained in is unknown - you may try to check the model's paper or\n", + " | reach out to the authors and ask them to add this information to the model's card and to insert the\n", + " | `torch_dtype` entry in `config.json` on the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | device_map (`str` or `Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]` or `int` or `torch.device`, *optional*):\n", + " | A map that specifies where each submodule should go. It doesn't need to be refined to each\n", + " | parameter/buffer name, once a given module name is inside, every submodule of it will be sent to the\n", + " | same device. If we only pass the device (*e.g.*, `\"cpu\"`, `\"cuda:1\"`, `\"mps\"`, or a GPU ordinal rank\n", + " | like `1`) on which the model will be allocated, the device map will map the entire model to this\n", + " | device. Passing `device_map = 0` means put the whole model on GPU 0.\n", + " | \n", + " | To have Accelerate compute the most optimized `device_map` automatically, set `device_map=\"auto\"`. For\n", + " | more information about each option see [designing a device\n", + " | map](https://hf.co/docs/accelerate/main/en/usage_guides/big_modeling#designing-a-device-map).\n", + " | max_memory (`Dict`, *optional*):\n", + " | A dictionary device identifier to maximum memory. Will default to the maximum memory available for each\n", + " | GPU and the available CPU RAM if unset.\n", + " | offload_folder (`str` or `os.PathLike`, *optional*):\n", + " | If the `device_map` contains any value `\"disk\"`, the folder where we will offload weights.\n", + " | offload_state_dict (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | If `True`, will temporarily offload the CPU state dict to the hard drive to avoid getting out of CPU\n", + " | RAM if the weight of the CPU state dict + the biggest shard of the checkpoint does not fit. Defaults to\n", + " | `True` when there is some disk offload.\n", + " | offload_buffers (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether or not to offload the buffers with the model parameters.\n", + " | quantization_config (`Union[QuantizationConfigMixin,Dict]`, *optional*):\n", + " | A dictionary of configuration parameters or a QuantizationConfigMixin object for quantization (e.g\n", + " | bitsandbytes, gptq). There may be other quantization-related kwargs, including `load_in_4bit` and\n", + " | `load_in_8bit`, which are parsed by QuantizationConfigParser. Supported only for bitsandbytes\n", + " | quantizations and not preferred. consider inserting all such arguments into quantization_config\n", + " | instead.\n", + " | subfolder (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"\"`):\n", + " | In case the relevant files are located inside a subfolder of the model repo on huggingface.co, you can\n", + " | specify the folder name here.\n", + " | variant (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | If specified load weights from `variant` filename, *e.g.* pytorch_model..bin. `variant` is\n", + " | ignored when using `from_tf` or `from_flax`.\n", + " | use_safetensors (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `None`):\n", + " | Whether or not to use `safetensors` checkpoints. Defaults to `None`. If not specified and `safetensors`\n", + " | is not installed, it will be set to `False`.\n", + " | \n", + " | kwargs (remaining dictionary of keyword arguments, *optional*):\n", + " | Can be used to update the configuration object (after it being loaded) and initiate the model (e.g.,\n", + " | `output_attentions=True`). Behaves differently depending on whether a `config` is provided or\n", + " | automatically loaded:\n", + " | \n", + " | - If a configuration is provided with `config`, `**kwargs` will be directly passed to the\n", + " | underlying model's `__init__` method (we assume all relevant updates to the configuration have\n", + " | already been done)\n", + " | - If a configuration is not provided, `kwargs` will be first passed to the configuration class\n", + " | initialization function ([`~PretrainedConfig.from_pretrained`]). Each key of `kwargs` that\n", + " | corresponds to a configuration attribute will be used to override said attribute with the\n", + " | supplied `kwargs` value. Remaining keys that do not correspond to any configuration attribute\n", + " | will be passed to the underlying model's `__init__` function.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Activate the special [\"offline-mode\"](https://huggingface.co/transformers/installation.html#offline-mode) to\n", + " | use this method in a firewalled environment.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Examples:\n", + " | \n", + " | ```python\n", + " | >>> from transformers import BertConfig, BertModel\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Download model and configuration from huggingface.co and cache.\n", + " | >>> model = BertModel.from_pretrained(\"google-bert/bert-base-uncased\")\n", + " | >>> # Model was saved using *save_pretrained('./test/saved_model/')* (for example purposes, not runnable).\n", + " | >>> model = BertModel.from_pretrained(\"./test/saved_model/\")\n", + " | >>> # Update configuration during loading.\n", + " | >>> model = BertModel.from_pretrained(\"google-bert/bert-base-uncased\", output_attentions=True)\n", + " | >>> assert model.config.output_attentions == True\n", + " | >>> # Loading from a TF checkpoint file instead of a PyTorch model (slower, for example purposes, not runnable).\n", + " | >>> config = BertConfig.from_json_file(\"./tf_model/my_tf_model_config.json\")\n", + " | >>> model = BertModel.from_pretrained(\"./tf_model/my_tf_checkpoint.ckpt.index\", from_tf=True, config=config)\n", + " | >>> # Loading from a Flax checkpoint file instead of a PyTorch model (slower)\n", + " | >>> model = BertModel.from_pretrained(\"google-bert/bert-base-uncased\", from_flax=True)\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | * `low_cpu_mem_usage` algorithm:\n", + " | \n", + " | This is an experimental function that loads the model using ~1x model size CPU memory\n", + " | \n", + " | Here is how it works:\n", + " | \n", + " | 1. save which state_dict keys we have\n", + " | 2. drop state_dict before the model is created, since the latter takes 1x model size CPU memory\n", + " | 3. after the model has been instantiated switch to the meta device all params/buffers that\n", + " | are going to be replaced from the loaded state_dict\n", + " | 4. load state_dict 2nd time\n", + " | 5. replace the params/buffers from the state_dict\n", + " | \n", + " | Currently, it can't handle deepspeed ZeRO stage 3 and ignores loading errors\n", + " | \n", + " | register_for_auto_class(auto_class='AutoModel') from builtins.type\n", + " | Register this class with a given auto class. This should only be used for custom models as the ones in the\n", + " | library are already mapped with an auto class.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | This API is experimental and may have some slight breaking changes in the next releases.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | auto_class (`str` or `type`, *optional*, defaults to `\"AutoModel\"`):\n", + " | The auto class to register this new model with.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Readonly properties inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel:\n", + " | \n", + " | base_model\n", + " | `torch.nn.Module`: The main body of the model.\n", + " | \n", + " | dummy_inputs\n", + " | `Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`: Dummy inputs to do a forward pass in the network.\n", + " | \n", + " | framework\n", + " | :str: Identifies that this is a PyTorch model.\n", + " | \n", + " | is_gradient_checkpointing\n", + " | Whether gradient checkpointing is activated for this model or not.\n", + " | \n", + " | Note that in other frameworks this feature can be referred to as \"activation checkpointing\" or \"checkpoint\n", + " | activations\".\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel:\n", + " | \n", + " | is_parallelizable = False\n", + " | \n", + " | model_tags = None\n", + " | \n", + " | supports_gradient_checkpointing = False\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from torch.nn.modules.module.Module:\n", + " | \n", + " | __call__ = _wrapped_call_impl(self, *args, **kwargs)\n", + " | \n", + " | __delattr__(self, name)\n", + " | Implement delattr(self, name).\n", + " | \n", + " | __dir__(self)\n", + " | Default dir() implementation.\n", + " | \n", + " | __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any\n", + " | # On the return type:\n", + " | # We choose to return `Any` in the `__getattr__` type signature instead of a more strict `Union[Tensor, Module]`.\n", + " | # This is done for better interop with various type checkers for the end users.\n", + " | # Having a stricter return type doesn't play nicely with `register_buffer()` and forces\n", + " | # people to excessively use type-ignores, asserts, casts, etc.\n", + " | # See full discussion on the problems with returning `Union` here\n", + " | # https://github.com/microsoft/pyright/issues/4213\n", + " | \n", + " | __getstate__(self)\n", + " | \n", + " | __repr__(self)\n", + " | Return repr(self).\n", + " | \n", + " | __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Union[torch.Tensor, ForwardRef('Module')]) -> None\n", + " | Implement setattr(self, name, value).\n", + " | \n", + " | __setstate__(self, state)\n", + " | \n", + " | add_module(self, name: str, module: Optional[ForwardRef('Module')]) -> None\n", + " | Add a child module to the current module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The module can be accessed as an attribute using the given name.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | name (str): name of the child module. The child module can be\n", + " | accessed from this module using the given name\n", + " | module (Module): child module to be added to the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | apply(self: ~T, fn: Callable[[ForwardRef('Module')], NoneType]) -> ~T\n", + " | Apply ``fn`` recursively to every submodule (as returned by ``.children()``) as well as self.\n", + " | \n", + " | Typical use includes initializing the parameters of a model\n", + " | (see also :ref:`nn-init-doc`).\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | fn (:class:`Module` -> None): function to be applied to each submodule\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> @torch.no_grad()\n", + " | >>> def init_weights(m):\n", + " | >>> print(m)\n", + " | >>> if type(m) == nn.Linear:\n", + " | >>> m.weight.fill_(1.0)\n", + " | >>> print(m.weight)\n", + " | >>> net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 2), nn.Linear(2, 2))\n", + " | >>> net.apply(init_weights)\n", + " | Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[1., 1.],\n", + " | [1., 1.]], requires_grad=True)\n", + " | Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | Parameter containing:\n", + " | tensor([[1., 1.],\n", + " | [1., 1.]], requires_grad=True)\n", + " | Sequential(\n", + " | (0): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | (1): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | )\n", + " | \n", + " | bfloat16(self: ~T) -> ~T\n", + " | Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to ``bfloat16`` datatype.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | buffers(self, recurse: bool = True) -> Iterator[torch.Tensor]\n", + " | Return an iterator over module buffers.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | recurse (bool): if True, then yields buffers of this module\n", + " | and all submodules. Otherwise, yields only buffers that\n", + " | are direct members of this module.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | torch.Tensor: module buffer\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> for buf in model.buffers():\n", + " | >>> print(type(buf), buf.size())\n", + " | (20L,)\n", + " | (20L, 1L, 5L, 5L)\n", + " | \n", + " | children(self) -> Iterator[ForwardRef('Module')]\n", + " | Return an iterator over immediate children modules.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | Module: a child module\n", + " | \n", + " | compile(self, *args, **kwargs)\n", + " | Compile this Module's forward using :func:`torch.compile`.\n", + " | \n", + " | This Module's `__call__` method is compiled and all arguments are passed as-is\n", + " | to :func:`torch.compile`.\n", + " | \n", + " | See :func:`torch.compile` for details on the arguments for this function.\n", + " | \n", + " | cpu(self: ~T) -> ~T\n", + " | Move all model parameters and buffers to the CPU.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | double(self: ~T) -> ~T\n", + " | Casts all floating point parameters and buffers to ``double`` datatype.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | eval(self: ~T) -> ~T\n", + " | Set the module in evaluation mode.\n", + " | \n", + " | This has any effect only on certain modules. See documentations of\n", + " | particular modules for details of their behaviors in training/evaluation\n", + " | mode, if they are affected, e.g. :class:`Dropout`, :class:`BatchNorm`,\n", + " | etc.\n", + " | \n", + " | This is equivalent with :meth:`self.train(False) `.\n", + " | \n", + " | See :ref:`locally-disable-grad-doc` for a comparison between\n", + " | `.eval()` and several similar mechanisms that may be confused with it.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | extra_repr(self) -> str\n", + " | Set the extra representation of the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | To print customized extra information, you should re-implement\n", + " | this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line\n", + " | strings are acceptable.\n", + " | \n", + " | get_buffer(self, target: str) -> 'Tensor'\n", + " | Return the buffer given by ``target`` if it exists, otherwise throw an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | See the docstring for ``get_submodule`` for a more detailed\n", + " | explanation of this method's functionality as well as how to\n", + " | correctly specify ``target``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | target: The fully-qualified string name of the buffer\n", + " | to look for. (See ``get_submodule`` for how to specify a\n", + " | fully-qualified string.)\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | torch.Tensor: The buffer referenced by ``target``\n", + " | \n", + " | Raises:\n", + " | AttributeError: If the target string references an invalid\n", + " | path or resolves to something that is not a\n", + " | buffer\n", + " | \n", + " | get_extra_state(self) -> Any\n", + " | Return any extra state to include in the module's state_dict.\n", + " | \n", + " | Implement this and a corresponding :func:`set_extra_state` for your module\n", + " | if you need to store extra state. This function is called when building the\n", + " | module's `state_dict()`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Note that extra state should be picklable to ensure working serialization\n", + " | of the state_dict. We only provide provide backwards compatibility guarantees\n", + " | for serializing Tensors; other objects may break backwards compatibility if\n", + " | their serialized pickled form changes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | object: Any extra state to store in the module's state_dict\n", + " | \n", + " | get_parameter(self, target: str) -> 'Parameter'\n", + " | Return the parameter given by ``target`` if it exists, otherwise throw an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | See the docstring for ``get_submodule`` for a more detailed\n", + " | explanation of this method's functionality as well as how to\n", + " | correctly specify ``target``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | target: The fully-qualified string name of the Parameter\n", + " | to look for. (See ``get_submodule`` for how to specify a\n", + " | fully-qualified string.)\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | torch.nn.Parameter: The Parameter referenced by ``target``\n", + " | \n", + " | Raises:\n", + " | AttributeError: If the target string references an invalid\n", + " | path or resolves to something that is not an\n", + " | ``nn.Parameter``\n", + " | \n", + " | get_submodule(self, target: str) -> 'Module'\n", + " | Return the submodule given by ``target`` if it exists, otherwise throw an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | For example, let's say you have an ``nn.Module`` ``A`` that\n", + " | looks like this:\n", + " | \n", + " | .. code-block:: text\n", + " | \n", + " | A(\n", + " | (net_b): Module(\n", + " | (net_c): Module(\n", + " | (conv): Conv2d(16, 33, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2))\n", + " | )\n", + " | (linear): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=200, bias=True)\n", + " | )\n", + " | )\n", + " | \n", + " | (The diagram shows an ``nn.Module`` ``A``. ``A`` has a nested\n", + " | submodule ``net_b``, which itself has two submodules ``net_c``\n", + " | and ``linear``. ``net_c`` then has a submodule ``conv``.)\n", + " | \n", + " | To check whether or not we have the ``linear`` submodule, we\n", + " | would call ``get_submodule(\"net_b.linear\")``. To check whether\n", + " | we have the ``conv`` submodule, we would call\n", + " | ``get_submodule(\"net_b.net_c.conv\")``.\n", + " | \n", + " | The runtime of ``get_submodule`` is bounded by the degree\n", + " | of module nesting in ``target``. A query against\n", + " | ``named_modules`` achieves the same result, but it is O(N) in\n", + " | the number of transitive modules. So, for a simple check to see\n", + " | if some submodule exists, ``get_submodule`` should always be\n", + " | used.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | target: The fully-qualified string name of the submodule\n", + " | to look for. (See above example for how to specify a\n", + " | fully-qualified string.)\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | torch.nn.Module: The submodule referenced by ``target``\n", + " | \n", + " | Raises:\n", + " | AttributeError: If the target string references an invalid\n", + " | path or resolves to something that is not an\n", + " | ``nn.Module``\n", + " | \n", + " | ipu(self: ~T, device: Union[int, torch.device, NoneType] = None) -> ~T\n", + " | Move all model parameters and buffers to the IPU.\n", + " | \n", + " | This also makes associated parameters and buffers different objects. So\n", + " | it should be called before constructing optimizer if the module will\n", + " | live on IPU while being optimized.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | device (int, optional): if specified, all parameters will be\n", + " | copied to that device\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any], strict: bool = True, assign: bool = False)\n", + " | Copy parameters and buffers from :attr:`state_dict` into this module and its descendants.\n", + " | \n", + " | If :attr:`strict` is ``True``, then\n", + " | the keys of :attr:`state_dict` must exactly match the keys returned\n", + " | by this module's :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.state_dict` function.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. warning::\n", + " | If :attr:`assign` is ``True`` the optimizer must be created after\n", + " | the call to :attr:`load_state_dict` unless\n", + " | :func:`~torch.__future__.get_swap_module_params_on_conversion` is ``True``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | state_dict (dict): a dict containing parameters and\n", + " | persistent buffers.\n", + " | strict (bool, optional): whether to strictly enforce that the keys\n", + " | in :attr:`state_dict` match the keys returned by this module's\n", + " | :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.state_dict` function. Default: ``True``\n", + " | assign (bool, optional): When ``False``, the properties of the tensors\n", + " | in the current module are preserved while when ``True``, the\n", + " | properties of the Tensors in the state dict are preserved. The only\n", + " | exception is the ``requires_grad`` field of :class:`~torch.nn.Parameter`s\n", + " | for which the value from the module is preserved.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | ``NamedTuple`` with ``missing_keys`` and ``unexpected_keys`` fields:\n", + " | * **missing_keys** is a list of str containing the missing keys\n", + " | * **unexpected_keys** is a list of str containing the unexpected keys\n", + " | \n", + " | Note:\n", + " | If a parameter or buffer is registered as ``None`` and its corresponding key\n", + " | exists in :attr:`state_dict`, :meth:`load_state_dict` will raise a\n", + " | ``RuntimeError``.\n", + " | \n", + " | modules(self) -> Iterator[ForwardRef('Module')]\n", + " | Return an iterator over all modules in the network.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | Module: a module in the network\n", + " | \n", + " | Note:\n", + " | Duplicate modules are returned only once. In the following\n", + " | example, ``l`` will be returned only once.\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> l = nn.Linear(2, 2)\n", + " | >>> net = nn.Sequential(l, l)\n", + " | >>> for idx, m in enumerate(net.modules()):\n", + " | ... print(idx, '->', m)\n", + " | \n", + " | 0 -> Sequential(\n", + " | (0): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | (1): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | )\n", + " | 1 -> Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | \n", + " | named_buffers(self, prefix: str = '', recurse: bool = True, remove_duplicate: bool = True) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]\n", + " | Return an iterator over module buffers, yielding both the name of the buffer as well as the buffer itself.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | prefix (str): prefix to prepend to all buffer names.\n", + " | recurse (bool, optional): if True, then yields buffers of this module\n", + " | and all submodules. Otherwise, yields only buffers that\n", + " | are direct members of this module. Defaults to True.\n", + " | remove_duplicate (bool, optional): whether to remove the duplicated buffers in the result. Defaults to True.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | (str, torch.Tensor): Tuple containing the name and buffer\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> for name, buf in self.named_buffers():\n", + " | >>> if name in ['running_var']:\n", + " | >>> print(buf.size())\n", + " | \n", + " | named_children(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Module')]]\n", + " | Return an iterator over immediate children modules, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | (str, Module): Tuple containing a name and child module\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> for name, module in model.named_children():\n", + " | >>> if name in ['conv4', 'conv5']:\n", + " | >>> print(module)\n", + " | \n", + " | named_modules(self, memo: Optional[Set[ForwardRef('Module')]] = None, prefix: str = '', remove_duplicate: bool = True)\n", + " | Return an iterator over all modules in the network, yielding both the name of the module as well as the module itself.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | memo: a memo to store the set of modules already added to the result\n", + " | prefix: a prefix that will be added to the name of the module\n", + " | remove_duplicate: whether to remove the duplicated module instances in the result\n", + " | or not\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | (str, Module): Tuple of name and module\n", + " | \n", + " | Note:\n", + " | Duplicate modules are returned only once. In the following\n", + " | example, ``l`` will be returned only once.\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> l = nn.Linear(2, 2)\n", + " | >>> net = nn.Sequential(l, l)\n", + " | >>> for idx, m in enumerate(net.named_modules()):\n", + " | ... print(idx, '->', m)\n", + " | \n", + " | 0 -> ('', Sequential(\n", + " | (0): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | (1): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True)\n", + " | ))\n", + " | 1 -> ('0', Linear(in_features=2, out_features=2, bias=True))\n", + " | \n", + " | named_parameters(self, prefix: str = '', recurse: bool = True, remove_duplicate: bool = True) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, torch.nn.parameter.Parameter]]\n", + " | Return an iterator over module parameters, yielding both the name of the parameter as well as the parameter itself.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | prefix (str): prefix to prepend to all parameter names.\n", + " | recurse (bool): if True, then yields parameters of this module\n", + " | and all submodules. Otherwise, yields only parameters that\n", + " | are direct members of this module.\n", + " | remove_duplicate (bool, optional): whether to remove the duplicated\n", + " | parameters in the result. Defaults to True.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | (str, Parameter): Tuple containing the name and parameter\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> for name, param in self.named_parameters():\n", + " | >>> if name in ['bias']:\n", + " | >>> print(param.size())\n", + " | \n", + " | parameters(self, recurse: bool = True) -> Iterator[torch.nn.parameter.Parameter]\n", + " | Return an iterator over module parameters.\n", + " | \n", + " | This is typically passed to an optimizer.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | recurse (bool): if True, then yields parameters of this module\n", + " | and all submodules. Otherwise, yields only parameters that\n", + " | are direct members of this module.\n", + " | \n", + " | Yields:\n", + " | Parameter: module parameter\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> for param in model.parameters():\n", + " | >>> print(type(param), param.size())\n", + " | (20L,)\n", + " | (20L, 1L, 5L, 5L)\n", + " | \n", + " | register_backward_hook(self, hook: Callable[[ForwardRef('Module'), Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor], Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]], Union[NoneType, Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]]) -> torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle\n", + " | Register a backward hook on the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | This function is deprecated in favor of :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.register_full_backward_hook` and\n", + " | the behavior of this function will change in future versions.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_buffer(self, name: str, tensor: Optional[torch.Tensor], persistent: bool = True) -> None\n", + " | Add a buffer to the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | This is typically used to register a buffer that should not to be\n", + " | considered a model parameter. For example, BatchNorm's ``running_mean``\n", + " | is not a parameter, but is part of the module's state. Buffers, by\n", + " | default, are persistent and will be saved alongside parameters. This\n", + " | behavior can be changed by setting :attr:`persistent` to ``False``. The\n", + " | only difference between a persistent buffer and a non-persistent buffer\n", + " | is that the latter will not be a part of this module's\n", + " | :attr:`state_dict`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Buffers can be accessed as attributes using given names.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | name (str): name of the buffer. The buffer can be accessed\n", + " | from this module using the given name\n", + " | tensor (Tensor or None): buffer to be registered. If ``None``, then operations\n", + " | that run on buffers, such as :attr:`cuda`, are ignored. If ``None``,\n", + " | the buffer is **not** included in the module's :attr:`state_dict`.\n", + " | persistent (bool): whether the buffer is part of this module's\n", + " | :attr:`state_dict`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> self.register_buffer('running_mean', torch.zeros(num_features))\n", + " | \n", + " | register_forward_hook(self, hook: Union[Callable[[~T, Tuple[Any, ...], Any], Optional[Any]], Callable[[~T, Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any], Any], Optional[Any]]], *, prepend: bool = False, with_kwargs: bool = False, always_call: bool = False) -> torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle\n", + " | Register a forward hook on the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The hook will be called every time after :func:`forward` has computed an output.\n", + " | \n", + " | If ``with_kwargs`` is ``False`` or not specified, the input contains only\n", + " | the positional arguments given to the module. Keyword arguments won't be\n", + " | passed to the hooks and only to the ``forward``. The hook can modify the\n", + " | output. It can modify the input inplace but it will not have effect on\n", + " | forward since this is called after :func:`forward` is called. The hook\n", + " | should have the following signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, args, output) -> None or modified output\n", + " | \n", + " | If ``with_kwargs`` is ``True``, the forward hook will be passed the\n", + " | ``kwargs`` given to the forward function and be expected to return the\n", + " | output possibly modified. The hook should have the following signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, args, kwargs, output) -> None or modified output\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | hook (Callable): The user defined hook to be registered.\n", + " | prepend (bool): If ``True``, the provided ``hook`` will be fired\n", + " | before all existing ``forward`` hooks on this\n", + " | :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Otherwise, the provided\n", + " | ``hook`` will be fired after all existing ``forward`` hooks on\n", + " | this :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Note that global\n", + " | ``forward`` hooks registered with\n", + " | :func:`register_module_forward_hook` will fire before all hooks\n", + " | registered by this method.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | with_kwargs (bool): If ``True``, the ``hook`` will be passed the\n", + " | kwargs given to the forward function.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | always_call (bool): If ``True`` the ``hook`` will be run regardless of\n", + " | whether an exception is raised while calling the Module.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_forward_pre_hook(self, hook: Union[Callable[[~T, Tuple[Any, ...]], Optional[Any]], Callable[[~T, Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Tuple[Any, Dict[str, Any]]]]], *, prepend: bool = False, with_kwargs: bool = False) -> torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle\n", + " | Register a forward pre-hook on the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The hook will be called every time before :func:`forward` is invoked.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | If ``with_kwargs`` is false or not specified, the input contains only\n", + " | the positional arguments given to the module. Keyword arguments won't be\n", + " | passed to the hooks and only to the ``forward``. The hook can modify the\n", + " | input. User can either return a tuple or a single modified value in the\n", + " | hook. We will wrap the value into a tuple if a single value is returned\n", + " | (unless that value is already a tuple). The hook should have the\n", + " | following signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, args) -> None or modified input\n", + " | \n", + " | If ``with_kwargs`` is true, the forward pre-hook will be passed the\n", + " | kwargs given to the forward function. And if the hook modifies the\n", + " | input, both the args and kwargs should be returned. The hook should have\n", + " | the following signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, args, kwargs) -> None or a tuple of modified input and kwargs\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | hook (Callable): The user defined hook to be registered.\n", + " | prepend (bool): If true, the provided ``hook`` will be fired before\n", + " | all existing ``forward_pre`` hooks on this\n", + " | :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Otherwise, the provided\n", + " | ``hook`` will be fired after all existing ``forward_pre`` hooks\n", + " | on this :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Note that global\n", + " | ``forward_pre`` hooks registered with\n", + " | :func:`register_module_forward_pre_hook` will fire before all\n", + " | hooks registered by this method.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | with_kwargs (bool): If true, the ``hook`` will be passed the kwargs\n", + " | given to the forward function.\n", + " | Default: ``False``\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_full_backward_hook(self, hook: Callable[[ForwardRef('Module'), Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor], Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]], Union[NoneType, Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]], prepend: bool = False) -> torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle\n", + " | Register a backward hook on the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The hook will be called every time the gradients with respect to a module\n", + " | are computed, i.e. the hook will execute if and only if the gradients with\n", + " | respect to module outputs are computed. The hook should have the following\n", + " | signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, grad_input, grad_output) -> tuple(Tensor) or None\n", + " | \n", + " | The :attr:`grad_input` and :attr:`grad_output` are tuples that contain the gradients\n", + " | with respect to the inputs and outputs respectively. The hook should\n", + " | not modify its arguments, but it can optionally return a new gradient with\n", + " | respect to the input that will be used in place of :attr:`grad_input` in\n", + " | subsequent computations. :attr:`grad_input` will only correspond to the inputs given\n", + " | as positional arguments and all kwarg arguments are ignored. Entries\n", + " | in :attr:`grad_input` and :attr:`grad_output` will be ``None`` for all non-Tensor\n", + " | arguments.\n", + " | \n", + " | For technical reasons, when this hook is applied to a Module, its forward function will\n", + " | receive a view of each Tensor passed to the Module. Similarly the caller will receive a view\n", + " | of each Tensor returned by the Module's forward function.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. warning ::\n", + " | Modifying inputs or outputs inplace is not allowed when using backward hooks and\n", + " | will raise an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | hook (Callable): The user-defined hook to be registered.\n", + " | prepend (bool): If true, the provided ``hook`` will be fired before\n", + " | all existing ``backward`` hooks on this\n", + " | :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Otherwise, the provided\n", + " | ``hook`` will be fired after all existing ``backward`` hooks on\n", + " | this :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Note that global\n", + " | ``backward`` hooks registered with\n", + " | :func:`register_module_full_backward_hook` will fire before\n", + " | all hooks registered by this method.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_full_backward_pre_hook(self, hook: Callable[[ForwardRef('Module'), Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]], Union[NoneType, Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]], prepend: bool = False) -> torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle\n", + " | Register a backward pre-hook on the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The hook will be called every time the gradients for the module are computed.\n", + " | The hook should have the following signature::\n", + " | \n", + " | hook(module, grad_output) -> tuple[Tensor] or None\n", + " | \n", + " | The :attr:`grad_output` is a tuple. The hook should\n", + " | not modify its arguments, but it can optionally return a new gradient with\n", + " | respect to the output that will be used in place of :attr:`grad_output` in\n", + " | subsequent computations. Entries in :attr:`grad_output` will be ``None`` for\n", + " | all non-Tensor arguments.\n", + " | \n", + " | For technical reasons, when this hook is applied to a Module, its forward function will\n", + " | receive a view of each Tensor passed to the Module. Similarly the caller will receive a view\n", + " | of each Tensor returned by the Module's forward function.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. warning ::\n", + " | Modifying inputs inplace is not allowed when using backward hooks and\n", + " | will raise an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | hook (Callable): The user-defined hook to be registered.\n", + " | prepend (bool): If true, the provided ``hook`` will be fired before\n", + " | all existing ``backward_pre`` hooks on this\n", + " | :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Otherwise, the provided\n", + " | ``hook`` will be fired after all existing ``backward_pre`` hooks\n", + " | on this :class:`torch.nn.modules.Module`. Note that global\n", + " | ``backward_pre`` hooks registered with\n", + " | :func:`register_module_full_backward_pre_hook` will fire before\n", + " | all hooks registered by this method.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_load_state_dict_post_hook(self, hook)\n", + " | Register a post hook to be run after module's ``load_state_dict`` is called.\n", + " | \n", + " | It should have the following signature::\n", + " | hook(module, incompatible_keys) -> None\n", + " | \n", + " | The ``module`` argument is the current module that this hook is registered\n", + " | on, and the ``incompatible_keys`` argument is a ``NamedTuple`` consisting\n", + " | of attributes ``missing_keys`` and ``unexpected_keys``. ``missing_keys``\n", + " | is a ``list`` of ``str`` containing the missing keys and\n", + " | ``unexpected_keys`` is a ``list`` of ``str`` containing the unexpected keys.\n", + " | \n", + " | The given incompatible_keys can be modified inplace if needed.\n", + " | \n", + " | Note that the checks performed when calling :func:`load_state_dict` with\n", + " | ``strict=True`` are affected by modifications the hook makes to\n", + " | ``missing_keys`` or ``unexpected_keys``, as expected. Additions to either\n", + " | set of keys will result in an error being thrown when ``strict=True``, and\n", + " | clearing out both missing and unexpected keys will avoid an error.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | :class:`torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle`:\n", + " | a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling\n", + " | ``handle.remove()``\n", + " | \n", + " | register_module(self, name: str, module: Optional[ForwardRef('Module')]) -> None\n", + " | Alias for :func:`add_module`.\n", + " | \n", + " | register_parameter(self, name: str, param: Optional[torch.nn.parameter.Parameter]) -> None\n", + " | Add a parameter to the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | The parameter can be accessed as an attribute using given name.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | name (str): name of the parameter. The parameter can be accessed\n", + " | from this module using the given name\n", + " | param (Parameter or None): parameter to be added to the module. If\n", + " | ``None``, then operations that run on parameters, such as :attr:`cuda`,\n", + " | are ignored. If ``None``, the parameter is **not** included in the\n", + " | module's :attr:`state_dict`.\n", + " | \n", + " | register_state_dict_pre_hook(self, hook)\n", + " | Register a pre-hook for the :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.state_dict` method.\n", + " | \n", + " | These hooks will be called with arguments: ``self``, ``prefix``,\n", + " | and ``keep_vars`` before calling ``state_dict`` on ``self``. The registered\n", + " | hooks can be used to perform pre-processing before the ``state_dict``\n", + " | call is made.\n", + " | \n", + " | requires_grad_(self: ~T, requires_grad: bool = True) -> ~T\n", + " | Change if autograd should record operations on parameters in this module.\n", + " | \n", + " | This method sets the parameters' :attr:`requires_grad` attributes\n", + " | in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | This method is helpful for freezing part of the module for finetuning\n", + " | or training parts of a model individually (e.g., GAN training).\n", + " | \n", + " | See :ref:`locally-disable-grad-doc` for a comparison between\n", + " | `.requires_grad_()` and several similar mechanisms that may be confused with it.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | requires_grad (bool): whether autograd should record operations on\n", + " | parameters in this module. Default: ``True``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | set_extra_state(self, state: Any) -> None\n", + " | Set extra state contained in the loaded `state_dict`.\n", + " | \n", + " | This function is called from :func:`load_state_dict` to handle any extra state\n", + " | found within the `state_dict`. Implement this function and a corresponding\n", + " | :func:`get_extra_state` for your module if you need to store extra state within its\n", + " | `state_dict`.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | state (dict): Extra state from the `state_dict`\n", + " | \n", + " | share_memory(self: ~T) -> ~T\n", + " | See :meth:`torch.Tensor.share_memory_`.\n", + " | \n", + " | state_dict(self, *args, destination=None, prefix='', keep_vars=False)\n", + " | Return a dictionary containing references to the whole state of the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | Both parameters and persistent buffers (e.g. running averages) are\n", + " | included. Keys are corresponding parameter and buffer names.\n", + " | Parameters and buffers set to ``None`` are not included.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | The returned object is a shallow copy. It contains references\n", + " | to the module's parameters and buffers.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. warning::\n", + " | Currently ``state_dict()`` also accepts positional arguments for\n", + " | ``destination``, ``prefix`` and ``keep_vars`` in order. However,\n", + " | this is being deprecated and keyword arguments will be enforced in\n", + " | future releases.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. warning::\n", + " | Please avoid the use of argument ``destination`` as it is not\n", + " | designed for end-users.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | destination (dict, optional): If provided, the state of module will\n", + " | be updated into the dict and the same object is returned.\n", + " | Otherwise, an ``OrderedDict`` will be created and returned.\n", + " | Default: ``None``.\n", + " | prefix (str, optional): a prefix added to parameter and buffer\n", + " | names to compose the keys in state_dict. Default: ``''``.\n", + " | keep_vars (bool, optional): by default the :class:`~torch.Tensor` s\n", + " | returned in the state dict are detached from autograd. If it's\n", + " | set to ``True``, detaching will not be performed.\n", + " | Default: ``False``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | dict:\n", + " | a dictionary containing a whole state of the module\n", + " | \n", + " | Example::\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP(\"undefined vars\")\n", + " | >>> module.state_dict().keys()\n", + " | ['bias', 'weight']\n", + " | \n", + " | to_empty(self: ~T, *, device: Union[int, str, torch.device, NoneType], recurse: bool = True) -> ~T\n", + " | Move the parameters and buffers to the specified device without copying storage.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | device (:class:`torch.device`): The desired device of the parameters\n", + " | and buffers in this module.\n", + " | recurse (bool): Whether parameters and buffers of submodules should\n", + " | be recursively moved to the specified device.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | train(self: ~T, mode: bool = True) -> ~T\n", + " | Set the module in training mode.\n", + " | \n", + " | This has any effect only on certain modules. See documentations of\n", + " | particular modules for details of their behaviors in training/evaluation\n", + " | mode, if they are affected, e.g. :class:`Dropout`, :class:`BatchNorm`,\n", + " | etc.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | mode (bool): whether to set training mode (``True``) or evaluation\n", + " | mode (``False``). Default: ``True``.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | type(self: ~T, dst_type: Union[torch.dtype, str]) -> ~T\n", + " | Casts all parameters and buffers to :attr:`dst_type`.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | dst_type (type or string): the desired type\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | xpu(self: ~T, device: Union[int, torch.device, NoneType] = None) -> ~T\n", + " | Move all model parameters and buffers to the XPU.\n", + " | \n", + " | This also makes associated parameters and buffers different objects. So\n", + " | it should be called before constructing optimizer if the module will\n", + " | live on XPU while being optimized.\n", + " | \n", + " | .. note::\n", + " | This method modifies the module in-place.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | device (int, optional): if specified, all parameters will be\n", + " | copied to that device\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | Module: self\n", + " | \n", + " | zero_grad(self, set_to_none: bool = True) -> None\n", + " | Reset gradients of all model parameters.\n", + " | \n", + " | See similar function under :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` for more context.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | set_to_none (bool): instead of setting to zero, set the grads to None.\n", + " | See :meth:`torch.optim.Optimizer.zero_grad` for details.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from torch.nn.modules.module.Module:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes inherited from torch.nn.modules.module.Module:\n", + " | \n", + " | T_destination = ~T_destination\n", + " | \n", + " | call_super_init = False\n", + " | \n", + " | dump_patches = False\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.ModuleUtilsMixin:\n", + " | \n", + " | add_memory_hooks(self)\n", + " | Add a memory hook before and after each sub-module forward pass to record increase in memory consumption.\n", + " | \n", + " | Increase in memory consumption is stored in a `mem_rss_diff` attribute for each module and can be reset to zero\n", + " | with `model.reset_memory_hooks_state()`.\n", + " | \n", + " | estimate_tokens(self, input_dict: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]) -> int\n", + " | Helper function to estimate the total number of tokens from the model inputs.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | inputs (`dict`): The model inputs.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `int`: The total number of tokens.\n", + " | \n", + " | floating_point_ops(self, input_dict: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]], exclude_embeddings: bool = True) -> int\n", + " | Get number of (optionally, non-embeddings) floating-point operations for the forward and backward passes of a\n", + " | batch with this transformer model. Default approximation neglects the quadratic dependency on the number of\n", + " | tokens (valid if `12 * d_model << sequence_length`) as laid out in [this\n", + " | paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.08361.pdf) section 2.1. Should be overridden for transformers with parameter\n", + " | re-use e.g. Albert or Universal Transformers, or if doing long-range modeling with very high sequence lengths.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | batch_size (`int`):\n", + " | The batch size for the forward pass.\n", + " | \n", + " | sequence_length (`int`):\n", + " | The number of tokens in each line of the batch.\n", + " | \n", + " | exclude_embeddings (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n", + " | Whether or not to count embedding and softmax operations.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `int`: The number of floating-point operations.\n", + " | \n", + " | get_extended_attention_mask(self, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, input_shape: Tuple[int], device: torch.device = None, dtype: torch.float32 = None) -> torch.Tensor\n", + " | Makes broadcastable attention and causal masks so that future and masked tokens are ignored.\n", + " | \n", + " | Arguments:\n", + " | attention_mask (`torch.Tensor`):\n", + " | Mask with ones indicating tokens to attend to, zeros for tokens to ignore.\n", + " | input_shape (`Tuple[int]`):\n", + " | The shape of the input to the model.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `torch.Tensor` The extended attention mask, with a the same dtype as `attention_mask.dtype`.\n", + " | \n", + " | get_head_mask(self, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor], num_hidden_layers: int, is_attention_chunked: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor\n", + " | Prepare the head mask if needed.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | head_mask (`torch.Tensor` with shape `[num_heads]` or `[num_hidden_layers x num_heads]`, *optional*):\n", + " | The mask indicating if we should keep the heads or not (1.0 for keep, 0.0 for discard).\n", + " | num_hidden_layers (`int`):\n", + " | The number of hidden layers in the model.\n", + " | is_attention_chunked (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not the attentions scores are computed by chunks or not.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `torch.Tensor` with shape `[num_hidden_layers x batch x num_heads x seq_length x seq_length]` or list with\n", + " | `[None]` for each layer.\n", + " | \n", + " | invert_attention_mask(self, encoder_attention_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor\n", + " | Invert an attention mask (e.g., switches 0. and 1.).\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | encoder_attention_mask (`torch.Tensor`): An attention mask.\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `torch.Tensor`: The inverted attention mask.\n", + " | \n", + " | num_parameters(self, only_trainable: bool = False, exclude_embeddings: bool = False) -> int\n", + " | Get number of (optionally, trainable or non-embeddings) parameters in the module.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | only_trainable (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to return only the number of trainable parameters\n", + " | \n", + " | exclude_embeddings (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether or not to return only the number of non-embeddings parameters\n", + " | \n", + " | Returns:\n", + " | `int`: The number of parameters.\n", + " | \n", + " | reset_memory_hooks_state(self)\n", + " | Reset the `mem_rss_diff` attribute of each module (see [`~modeling_utils.ModuleUtilsMixin.add_memory_hooks`]).\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Static methods inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.ModuleUtilsMixin:\n", + " | \n", + " | create_extended_attention_mask_for_decoder(input_shape, attention_mask, device=None)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Readonly properties inherited from transformers.modeling_utils.ModuleUtilsMixin:\n", + " | \n", + " | device\n", + " | `torch.device`: The device on which the module is (assuming that all the module parameters are on the same\n", + " | device).\n", + " | \n", + " | dtype\n", + " | `torch.dtype`: The dtype of the module (assuming that all the module parameters have the same dtype).\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin:\n", + " | \n", + " | compute_transition_scores(self, sequences: torch.Tensor, scores: Tuple[torch.Tensor], beam_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, normalize_logits: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor\n", + " | Computes the transition scores of sequences given the generation scores (and beam indices, if beam search was\n", + " | used). This is a convenient method to quicky obtain the scores of the selected tokens at generation time.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | sequences (`torch.LongTensor`):\n", + " | The generated sequences. The second dimension (sequence_length) is either equal to `max_length` or\n", + " | shorter if all batches finished early due to the `eos_token_id`.\n", + " | scores (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`):\n", + " | Transition scores for each vocabulary token at each generation step. Beam transition scores consisting\n", + " | of log probabilities of tokens conditioned on log softmax of previously generated tokens in this beam.\n", + " | Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` with up to `max_new_tokens` elements (one element for each generated token),\n", + " | with each tensor of shape `(batch_size*num_beams, config.vocab_size)`.\n", + " | beam_indices (`torch.LongTensor`, *optional*):\n", + " | Beam indices of generated token id at each generation step. `torch.LongTensor` of shape\n", + " | `(batch_size*num_return_sequences, sequence_length)`. Only required if a `num_beams>1` at\n", + " | generate-time.\n", + " | normalize_logits (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):\n", + " | Whether to normalize the logits (which, for legacy reasons, may be unnormalized).\n", + " | \n", + " | Return:\n", + " | `torch.Tensor`: A `torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size*num_return_sequences, sequence_length)` containing\n", + " | the transition scores (logits)\n", + " | \n", + " | Examples:\n", + " | \n", + " | ```python\n", + " | >>> from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM\n", + " | >>> import numpy as np\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(\"gpt2\")\n", + " | >>> model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(\"openai-community/gpt2\")\n", + " | >>> tokenizer.pad_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id\n", + " | >>> inputs = tokenizer([\"Today is\"], return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Example 1: Print the scores for each token generated with Greedy Search\n", + " | >>> outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=5, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True)\n", + " | >>> transition_scores = model.compute_transition_scores(\n", + " | ... outputs.sequences, outputs.scores, normalize_logits=True\n", + " | ... )\n", + " | >>> # input_length is the length of the input prompt for decoder-only models, like the GPT family, and 1 for\n", + " | >>> # encoder-decoder models, like BART or T5.\n", + " | >>> input_length = 1 if model.config.is_encoder_decoder else inputs.input_ids.shape[1]\n", + " | >>> generated_tokens = outputs.sequences[:, input_length:]\n", + " | >>> for tok, score in zip(generated_tokens[0], transition_scores[0]):\n", + " | ... # | token | token string | log probability | probability\n", + " | ... print(f\"| {tok:5d} | {tokenizer.decode(tok):8s} | {score.numpy():.3f} | {np.exp(score.numpy()):.2%}\")\n", + " | | 262 | the | -1.414 | 24.33%\n", + " | | 1110 | day | -2.609 | 7.36%\n", + " | | 618 | when | -2.010 | 13.40%\n", + " | | 356 | we | -1.859 | 15.58%\n", + " | | 460 | can | -2.508 | 8.14%\n", + " | \n", + " | >>> # Example 2: Reconstruct the sequence scores from Beam Search\n", + " | >>> outputs = model.generate(\n", + " | ... **inputs,\n", + " | ... max_new_tokens=5,\n", + " | ... num_beams=4,\n", + " | ... num_return_sequences=4,\n", + " | ... return_dict_in_generate=True,\n", + " | ... output_scores=True,\n", + " | ... )\n", + " | >>> transition_scores = model.compute_transition_scores(\n", + " | ... outputs.sequences, outputs.scores, outputs.beam_indices, normalize_logits=False\n", + " | ... )\n", + " | >>> # If you sum the generated tokens' scores and apply the length penalty, you'll get the sequence scores.\n", + " | >>> # Tip 1: recomputing the scores is only guaranteed to match with `normalize_logits=False`. Depending on the\n", + " | >>> # use case, you might want to recompute it with `normalize_logits=True`.\n", + " | >>> # Tip 2: the output length does NOT include the input length\n", + " | >>> output_length = np.sum(transition_scores.numpy() < 0, axis=1)\n", + " | >>> length_penalty = model.generation_config.length_penalty\n", + " | >>> reconstructed_scores = transition_scores.sum(axis=1) / (output_length**length_penalty)\n", + " | >>> print(np.allclose(outputs.sequences_scores, reconstructed_scores))\n", + " | True\n", + " | ```\n", + " | \n", + " | generate(self, inputs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, generation_config: Optional[transformers.generation.configuration_utils.GenerationConfig] = None, logits_processor: Optional[transformers.generation.logits_process.LogitsProcessorList] = None, stopping_criteria: Optional[transformers.generation.stopping_criteria.StoppingCriteriaList] = None, prefix_allowed_tokens_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, torch.Tensor], List[int]]] = None, synced_gpus: Optional[bool] = None, assistant_model: Optional[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel')] = None, streamer: Optional[ForwardRef('BaseStreamer')] = None, negative_prompt_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, negative_prompt_attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs) -> Union[transformers.generation.utils.GenerateDecoderOnlyOutput, transformers.generation.utils.GenerateEncoderDecoderOutput, transformers.generation.utils.GenerateBeamDecoderOnlyOutput, transformers.generation.utils.GenerateBeamEncoderDecoderOutput, torch.LongTensor]\n", + " | Generates sequences of token ids for models with a language modeling head.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Most generation-controlling parameters are set in `generation_config` which, if not passed, will be set to the\n", + " | model's default generation configuration. You can override any `generation_config` by passing the corresponding\n", + " | parameters to generate(), e.g. `.generate(inputs, num_beams=4, do_sample=True)`.\n", + " | \n", + " | For an overview of generation strategies and code examples, check out the [following\n", + " | guide](../generation_strategies).\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | inputs (`torch.Tensor` of varying shape depending on the modality, *optional*):\n", + " | The sequence used as a prompt for the generation or as model inputs to the encoder. If `None` the\n", + " | method initializes it with `bos_token_id` and a batch size of 1. For decoder-only models `inputs`\n", + " | should be in the format of `input_ids`. For encoder-decoder models *inputs* can represent any of\n", + " | `input_ids`, `input_values`, `input_features`, or `pixel_values`.\n", + " | generation_config ([`~generation.GenerationConfig`], *optional*):\n", + " | The generation configuration to be used as base parametrization for the generation call. `**kwargs`\n", + " | passed to generate matching the attributes of `generation_config` will override them. If\n", + " | `generation_config` is not provided, the default will be used, which has the following loading\n", + " | priority: 1) from the `generation_config.json` model file, if it exists; 2) from the model\n", + " | configuration. Please note that unspecified parameters will inherit [`~generation.GenerationConfig`]'s\n", + " | default values, whose documentation should be checked to parameterize generation.\n", + " | logits_processor (`LogitsProcessorList`, *optional*):\n", + " | Custom logits processors that complement the default logits processors built from arguments and\n", + " | generation config. If a logit processor is passed that is already created with the arguments or a\n", + " | generation config an error is thrown. This feature is intended for advanced users.\n", + " | stopping_criteria (`StoppingCriteriaList`, *optional*):\n", + " | Custom stopping criteria that complements the default stopping criteria built from arguments and a\n", + " | generation config. If a stopping criteria is passed that is already created with the arguments or a\n", + " | generation config an error is thrown. If your stopping criteria depends on the `scores` input, make\n", + " | sure you pass `return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True` to `generate`. This feature is\n", + " | intended for advanced users.\n", + " | prefix_allowed_tokens_fn (`Callable[[int, torch.Tensor], List[int]]`, *optional*):\n", + " | If provided, this function constraints the beam search to allowed tokens only at each step. If not\n", + " | provided no constraint is applied. This function takes 2 arguments: the batch ID `batch_id` and\n", + " | `input_ids`. It has to return a list with the allowed tokens for the next generation step conditioned\n", + " | on the batch ID `batch_id` and the previously generated tokens `inputs_ids`. This argument is useful\n", + " | for constrained generation conditioned on the prefix, as described in [Autoregressive Entity\n", + " | Retrieval](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.00904).\n", + " | synced_gpus (`bool`, *optional*):\n", + " | Whether to continue running the while loop until max_length. Unless overridden this flag will be set to\n", + " | `True` under DeepSpeed ZeRO Stage 3 multiple GPUs environment to avoid hanging if one GPU finished\n", + " | generating before other GPUs. Otherwise it'll be set to `False`.\n", + " | assistant_model (`PreTrainedModel`, *optional*):\n", + " | An assistant model that can be used to accelerate generation. The assistant model must have the exact\n", + " | same tokenizer. The acceleration is achieved when forecasting candidate tokens with the assistent model\n", + " | is much faster than running generation with the model you're calling generate from. As such, the\n", + " | assistant model should be much smaller.\n", + " | streamer (`BaseStreamer`, *optional*):\n", + " | Streamer object that will be used to stream the generated sequences. Generated tokens are passed\n", + " | through `streamer.put(token_ids)` and the streamer is responsible for any further processing.\n", + " | negative_prompt_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*):\n", + " | The negative prompt needed for some processors such as CFG. The batch size must match the input batch\n", + " | size. This is an experimental feature, subject to breaking API changes in future versions.\n", + " | negative_prompt_attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*):\n", + " | Attention_mask for `negative_prompt_ids`.\n", + " | kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):\n", + " | Ad hoc parametrization of `generation_config` and/or additional model-specific kwargs that will be\n", + " | forwarded to the `forward` function of the model. If the model is an encoder-decoder model, encoder\n", + " | specific kwargs should not be prefixed and decoder specific kwargs should be prefixed with *decoder_*.\n", + " | \n", + " | Return:\n", + " | [`~utils.ModelOutput`] or `torch.LongTensor`: A [`~utils.ModelOutput`] (if `return_dict_in_generate=True`\n", + " | or when `config.return_dict_in_generate=True`) or a `torch.LongTensor`.\n", + " | \n", + " | If the model is *not* an encoder-decoder model (`model.config.is_encoder_decoder=False`), the possible\n", + " | [`~utils.ModelOutput`] types are:\n", + " | \n", + " | - [`~generation.GenerateDecoderOnlyOutput`],\n", + " | - [`~generation.GenerateBeamDecoderOnlyOutput`]\n", + " | \n", + " | If the model is an encoder-decoder model (`model.config.is_encoder_decoder=True`), the possible\n", + " | [`~utils.ModelOutput`] types are:\n", + " | \n", + " | - [`~generation.GenerateEncoderDecoderOutput`],\n", + " | - [`~generation.GenerateBeamEncoderDecoderOutput`]\n", + " | \n", + " | prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, *args, **kwargs)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from transformers.integrations.peft.PeftAdapterMixin:\n", + " | \n", + " | active_adapter(self) -> str\n", + " | \n", + " | active_adapters(self) -> List[str]\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Gets the current active adapters of the model. In case of multi-adapter inference (combining multiple adapters\n", + " | for inference) returns the list of all active adapters so that users can deal with them accordingly.\n", + " | \n", + " | For previous PEFT versions (that does not support multi-adapter inference), `module.active_adapter` will return\n", + " | a single string.\n", + " | \n", + " | add_adapter(self, adapter_config, adapter_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Adds a fresh new adapter to the current model for training purpose. If no adapter name is passed, a default\n", + " | name is assigned to the adapter to follow the convention of PEFT library (in PEFT we use \"default\" as the\n", + " | default adapter name).\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | adapter_config (`~peft.PeftConfig`):\n", + " | The configuration of the adapter to add, supported adapters are non-prefix tuning and adaption prompts\n", + " | methods\n", + " | adapter_name (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"default\"`):\n", + " | The name of the adapter to add. If no name is passed, a default name is assigned to the adapter.\n", + " | \n", + " | disable_adapters(self) -> None\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Disable all adapters that are attached to the model. This leads to inferring with the base model only.\n", + " | \n", + " | enable_adapters(self) -> None\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Enable adapters that are attached to the model. The model will use `self.active_adapter()`\n", + " | \n", + " | get_adapter_state_dict(self, adapter_name: Optional[str] = None) -> dict\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Gets the adapter state dict that should only contain the weights tensors of the specified adapter_name adapter.\n", + " | If no adapter_name is passed, the active adapter is used.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | adapter_name (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The name of the adapter to get the state dict from. If no name is passed, the active adapter is used.\n", + " | \n", + " | load_adapter(self, peft_model_id: Optional[str] = None, adapter_name: Optional[str] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, device_map: Optional[str] = 'auto', max_memory: Optional[str] = None, offload_folder: Optional[str] = None, offload_index: Optional[int] = None, peft_config: Dict[str, Any] = None, adapter_state_dict: Optional[Dict[str, ForwardRef('torch.Tensor')]] = None, adapter_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None\n", + " | Load adapter weights from file or remote Hub folder. If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we\n", + " | invite you to read more about them on PEFT official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Requires peft as a backend to load the adapter weights.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | peft_model_id (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The identifier of the model to look for on the Hub, or a local path to the saved adapter config file\n", + " | and adapter weights.\n", + " | adapter_name (`str`, *optional*):\n", + " | The adapter name to use. If not set, will use the default adapter.\n", + " | revision (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `\"main\"`):\n", + " | The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a\n", + " | git-based system for storing models and other artifacts on huggingface.co, so `revision` can be any\n", + " | identifier allowed by git.\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | To test a pull request you made on the Hub, you can pass `revision=\"refs/pr/\".\n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | \n", + " | token (`str`, `optional`):\n", + " | Whether to use authentication token to load the remote folder. Userful to load private repositories\n", + " | that are on HuggingFace Hub. You might need to call `huggingface-cli login` and paste your tokens to\n", + " | cache it.\n", + " | device_map (`str` or `Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]` or `int` or `torch.device`, *optional*):\n", + " | A map that specifies where each submodule should go. It doesn't need to be refined to each\n", + " | parameter/buffer name, once a given module name is inside, every submodule of it will be sent to the\n", + " | same device. If we only pass the device (*e.g.*, `\"cpu\"`, `\"cuda:1\"`, `\"mps\"`, or a GPU ordinal rank\n", + " | like `1`) on which the model will be allocated, the device map will map the entire model to this\n", + " | device. Passing `device_map = 0` means put the whole model on GPU 0.\n", + " | \n", + " | To have Accelerate compute the most optimized `device_map` automatically, set `device_map=\"auto\"`. For\n", + " | more information about each option see [designing a device\n", + " | map](https://hf.co/docs/accelerate/main/en/usage_guides/big_modeling#designing-a-device-map).\n", + " | max_memory (`Dict`, *optional*):\n", + " | A dictionary device identifier to maximum memory. Will default to the maximum memory available for each\n", + " | GPU and the available CPU RAM if unset.\n", + " | offload_folder (`str` or `os.PathLike`, `optional`):\n", + " | If the `device_map` contains any value `\"disk\"`, the folder where we will offload weights.\n", + " | offload_index (`int`, `optional`):\n", + " | `offload_index` argument to be passed to `accelerate.dispatch_model` method.\n", + " | peft_config (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):\n", + " | The configuration of the adapter to add, supported adapters are non-prefix tuning and adaption prompts\n", + " | methods. This argument is used in case users directly pass PEFT state dicts\n", + " | adapter_state_dict (`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`, *optional*):\n", + " | The state dict of the adapter to load. This argument is used in case users directly pass PEFT state\n", + " | dicts\n", + " | adapter_kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):\n", + " | Additional keyword arguments passed along to the `from_pretrained` method of the adapter config and\n", + " | `find_adapter_config_file` method.\n", + " | \n", + " | set_adapter(self, adapter_name: Union[List[str], str]) -> None\n", + " | If you are not familiar with adapters and PEFT methods, we invite you to read more about them on the PEFT\n", + " | official documentation: https://huggingface.co/docs/peft\n", + " | \n", + " | Sets a specific adapter by forcing the model to use a that adapter and disable the other adapters.\n", + " | \n", + " | Args:\n", + " | adapter_name (`Union[List[str], str]`):\n", + " | The name of the adapter to set. Can be also a list of strings to set multiple adapters.\n", + "\n" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def classify(image):\n", + " image = processor(image, return_tensors=\"pt\")['pixel_values']\n", + " logits = model(image).logits\n", + " predicted_label = logits.argmax(-1).item()\n", + " return model.config.id2label[predicted_label]" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "JkJZGyfAFlXy" + }, + "execution_count": 21, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "iface = gr.Interface(fn=classify, inputs=gr.Image(), outputs=gr.Label(), title='RES NET 18', description='upload an image')\n", + "iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 645 + }, + "id": "OqWmSgbMGvut", + "outputId": "c1250b72-a137-48bf-8c0d-a0fca4366fdd" + }, + "execution_count": 22, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stdout", + "text": [ + "Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n", + "\n", + "Colab notebook detected. To show errors in colab notebook, set debug=True in launch()\n", + "Running on public URL: https://88df876de7ee0349fc.gradio.live\n", + "\n", + "This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades, run `gradio deploy` from Terminal to deploy to Spaces (https://huggingface.co/spaces)\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "" + ], + "text/html": [ + "
" + ] + }, + "metadata": {} + }, + { + "output_type": "execute_result", + "data": { + "text/plain": [] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "execution_count": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "source": [ + "### Gradio Pipeline Integration" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "QpvartECHTQt" + } + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "from transformers import pipeline" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "tY7nXVUNHVuD" + }, + "execution_count": 23, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "sentimenet_analysis = pipeline(\"sentiment-analysis\")" + ], + "metadata": { + "colab": { + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 234, + "referenced_widgets": [ + "e99d8993a3de4335acfd88a916cec1bd", + "870db462077d41c4994136b83133eedd", + "951b722980b4498fbf4d7c7372b171cd", + "ba71825d3cc54da5af833ea6b4f9d6e3", + "72693d2d0010433182e008e724d1e770", + "ce0a0a69a02946898b85a80ec0586cc4", + "1686adf30b4440de8b0f6393895b2af3", + "b180cfd6bc6a465bafe585251f5edb01", + "285ecdbaa68341d1b2cecd40c77e11b6", + "eddb2459839f4108bc3425e49c9dad3d", + "88e88bca01754cdc9ba2821c6d616a56", + "5b05f4a2d10b43529e4cbac04fb4b4bd", + "22b410db4cfb4dcebea1fa62b1fe525d", + "09ca1345826247ceb467224ec6036755", + "9ce892afbd7147d4940c9e123a61d734", + "b140aeaff5914630b340c281e8cf8b7b", + "4a2c2c7efe8a41a0960cf8cf4c66c597", + "a963388490bd4984a33493d5afec3f4d", + "4f794bf9f8f045cba1e7f024cf96cfb3", + "76ddd37781664c5d810245c2378bb3fa", + "78e31616065e4af9b10abfe1545362a0", + "bddbde48046b4a99856105fe5f404d3c", + "22ce43b857c84b4aa45e6f66e0e89380", + "13c699e0a1ae4848b307b06872a44ab9", + "de533dbd5b9d489a84ed225ff875b9eb", + "a2b18eff1e084b1aaff6e46b614fe8ae", + "bffcae4563804c4cb0ca583c4fd242df", + "70b8a3617b9840e293de99aee3181505", + "24ca25272e2144e9b6c45c4549b1d191", + "aa285a657c97403780a3c879738d2d53", + "0c12ede2e96b4774b1aab90832b02ec1", + "e9f3d794824041938616310f04597375", + "6ea3d7a37d014926801ff53e98c70858", + "dcf13204571740e19778b60387d551b4", + "bdaa3cb1b58846bc92303eb02c3cb3e5", + "29c67b9701884e80b23e2fce6b3fb432", + "bf3e47f63e3e48e38a438972cd278a1a", + "ecc76cd452df470dac87b4d29059981c", + "664f8b46de1a483baf7dbbda27ceec1f", + "6cd5857383174e71b286a1bafefa3a03", + "75bdbecaf20e4cb5aa5303fecfe7665c", + "94894035b9cc433c86d5687da1a65806", + "a668ab36c91f4d36a47a54e45ba3cc79", + "3c665998e79d4ec9b19b4c5f47e0301d" + ] + }, + "id": "XDMeyj8sH9Tz", + "outputId": "e2d3a3dd-8d44-4c98-e230-5316a811a121" + }, + "execution_count": 24, + "outputs": [ + { + "output_type": "stream", + "name": "stderr", + "text": [ + "No model was supplied, defaulted to distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english and revision af0f99b (https://huggingface.co/distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english).\n", + "Using a pipeline without specifying a model name and revision in production is not recommended.\n", + "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/huggingface_hub/file_download.py:1132: FutureWarning: `resume_download` is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0.0. Downloads always resume when possible. If you want to force a new download, use `force_download=True`.\n", + " warnings.warn(\n" + ] + }, + { + "output_type": "display_data", + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "config.json: 0%| | 0.00/629 [00:00, secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | Base\n", + " | ThemeClass\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, *, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | primary_hue: The primary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | secondary_hue: The secondary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | neutral_hue: The neutral hue of the theme, used . Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | text_size: The size of the text. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.text_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | spacing_size: The size of the spacing. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.spacing_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | radius_size: The radius size of corners. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.radius_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | font: The primary font to use for the theme. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | font_mono: The monospace font to use for the theme, applies to code. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | \n", + " | set(self, *, body_background_fill=None, body_background_fill_dark=None, body_text_color=None, body_text_color_dark=None, body_text_size=None, body_text_color_subdued=None, body_text_color_subdued_dark=None, body_text_weight=None, embed_radius=None, background_fill_primary=None, background_fill_primary_dark=None, background_fill_secondary=None, background_fill_secondary_dark=None, border_color_accent=None, border_color_accent_dark=None, border_color_accent_subdued=None, border_color_accent_subdued_dark=None, border_color_primary=None, border_color_primary_dark=None, color_accent=None, color_accent_soft=None, color_accent_soft_dark=None, link_text_color=None, link_text_color_dark=None, link_text_color_active=None, link_text_color_active_dark=None, link_text_color_hover=None, link_text_color_hover_dark=None, link_text_color_visited=None, link_text_color_visited_dark=None, prose_text_size=None, prose_text_weight=None, prose_header_text_weight=None, code_background_fill=None, code_background_fill_dark=None, shadow_drop=None, shadow_drop_lg=None, shadow_inset=None, shadow_spread=None, shadow_spread_dark=None, block_background_fill=None, block_background_fill_dark=None, block_border_color=None, block_border_color_dark=None, block_border_width=None, block_border_width_dark=None, block_info_text_color=None, block_info_text_color_dark=None, block_info_text_size=None, block_info_text_weight=None, block_label_background_fill=None, block_label_background_fill_dark=None, block_label_border_color=None, block_label_border_color_dark=None, block_label_border_width=None, block_label_border_width_dark=None, block_label_shadow=None, block_label_text_color=None, block_label_text_color_dark=None, block_label_margin=None, block_label_padding=None, block_label_radius=None, block_label_right_radius=None, block_label_text_size=None, block_label_text_weight=None, block_padding=None, block_radius=None, block_shadow=None, 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input_border_color_hover=None, input_border_color_hover_dark=None, input_border_width=None, input_border_width_dark=None, input_padding=None, input_placeholder_color=None, input_placeholder_color_dark=None, input_radius=None, input_shadow=None, input_shadow_dark=None, input_shadow_focus=None, input_shadow_focus_dark=None, input_text_size=None, input_text_weight=None, loader_color=None, loader_color_dark=None, slider_color=None, slider_color_dark=None, stat_background_fill=None, stat_background_fill_dark=None, table_border_color=None, table_border_color_dark=None, table_even_background_fill=None, table_even_background_fill_dark=None, table_odd_background_fill=None, table_odd_background_fill_dark=None, table_radius=None, table_row_focus=None, table_row_focus_dark=None, button_border_width=None, button_border_width_dark=None, button_shadow=None, button_shadow_active=None, button_shadow_hover=None, button_transition=None, button_large_padding=None, button_large_radius=None, button_large_text_size=None, button_large_text_weight=None, button_small_padding=None, button_small_radius=None, button_small_text_size=None, button_small_text_weight=None, button_primary_background_fill=None, button_primary_background_fill_dark=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_primary_border_color=None, button_primary_border_color_dark=None, button_primary_border_color_hover=None, button_primary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_primary_text_color=None, button_primary_text_color_dark=None, button_primary_text_color_hover=None, button_primary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill=None, button_secondary_background_fill_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color=None, button_secondary_border_color_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color=None, button_secondary_text_color_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill=None, button_cancel_background_fill_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color=None, button_cancel_border_color_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color=None, button_cancel_text_color_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark=None) -> 'Base'\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | body_background_fill: The background of the entire app.\n", + " | body_background_fill_dark: The background of the entire app in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_color: The default text color.\n", + " | body_text_color_dark: The default text color in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_size: The default text size.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued: The text color used for softer, less important text.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued_dark: The text color used for softer, less important text in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_weight: The default text weight.\n", + " | embed_radius: The corner radius used for embedding when the app is embedded within a page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent: The border color used for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_dark: The border color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued: The subdued border color for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued_dark: The subdued border color for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_primary: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | border_color_primary_dark: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | color_accent: The color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft: The softer color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft_dark: The softer color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color: The text color used for links.\n", + " | link_text_color_dark: The text color used for links in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_active: The text color used for links when they are active.\n", + " | link_text_color_active_dark: The text color used for links when they are active in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover: The text color used for links when they are hovered over.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover_dark: The text color used for links when they are hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited: The text color used for links when they have been visited.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited_dark: The text color used for links when they have been visited in dark mode.\n", + " | prose_text_size: The text size used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_text_weight: The text weight used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_header_text_weight: The text weight of a header used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | code_background_fill: The background color of code blocks.\n", + " | code_background_fill_dark: The background color of code blocks in dark mode.\n", + " | shadow_drop: Drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_drop_lg: Larger drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_inset: Inset shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread_dark: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items in dark mode.\n", + " | block_background_fill: The background around an item.\n", + " | block_background_fill_dark: The background around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_color: The border color around an item.\n", + " | block_border_color_dark: The border color around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_width: The border width around an item.\n", + " | block_border_width_dark: The border width around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_color: The color of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_color_dark: The color of the info text in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_size: The size of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_weight: The weight of the info text.\n", + " | block_label_background_fill: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_color: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_width: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_shadow: The shadow of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_margin: The margin of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) from its surrounding container.\n", + " | block_label_padding: The padding of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_radius: The corner radius of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_right_radius: The corner radius of a right-aligned helper label.\n", + " | block_label_text_size: The text size of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_weight: The text weight of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_padding: The padding around an item.\n", + " | block_radius: The corner radius around an item.\n", + " | block_shadow: The shadow under an item.\n", + " | block_shadow_dark: The shadow under an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_background_fill: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_background_fill_dark: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_color: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_color_dark: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_width: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_width_dark: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_text_color: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_color_dark: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_padding: The padding of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_radius: The corner radius of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_size: The text size of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_weight: The text weight of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | container_radius: The corner radius of a layout component that holds other content.\n", + " | form_gap_width: The border gap between form elements, (e.g. consecutive textboxes).\n", + " | layout_gap: The gap between items within a row or column.\n", + " | panel_background_fill: The background of a panel.\n", + " | panel_background_fill_dark: The background of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_color: The border color of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_color_dark: The border color of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_width: The border width of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_width_dark: The border width of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | accordion_text_color: The body text color in the accordion.\n", + " | accordion_text_color_dark: The body text color in the accordion in dark mode.\n", + " | table_text_color: The body text color in the table.\n", + " | table_text_color_dark: The body text color in the table in dark mode.\n", + " | section_header_text_size: The text size of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | section_header_text_weight: The text weight of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | checkbox_background_color: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_radius: The corner radius of a checkbox square.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width_dark: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_check: The checkmark visual of a checkbox square.\n", + " | radio_circle: The circle visual of a radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_shadow: The shadow of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_gap: The gap consecutive checkbox or radio elements.\n", + " | checkbox_label_padding: The padding of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_shadow: The shadow of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_size: The text size of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_weight: The text weight of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | error_background_fill: The background of an error message.\n", + " | error_background_fill_dark: The background of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_color: The border color of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_color_dark: The border color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_width: The border width of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_width_dark: The border width of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_text_color: The text color of an error message.\n", + " | error_text_color_dark: The text color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill: The background of an input field.\n", + " | input_background_fill_dark: The background of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus: The background of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus_dark: The background of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover: The background of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color: The border color of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_color_dark: The border color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus: The border color of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover: The border color of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_width: The border width of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_width_dark: The border width of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_padding: The padding of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color: The placeholder text color of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color_dark: The placeholder text color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_radius: The corner radius of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow: The shadow of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow_dark: The shadow of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus: The shadow of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus_dark: The shadow of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_text_size: The text size of an input field.\n", + " | input_text_weight: The text weight of an input field.\n", + " | loader_color: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending.\n", + " | loader_color_dark: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending in dark mode.\n", + " | slider_color: The color of the slider in a range element.\n", + " | slider_color_dark: The color of the slider in a range element in dark mode.\n", + " | stat_background_fill: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label).\n", + " | stat_background_fill_dark: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label) in dark mode.\n", + " | table_border_color: The border color of a table.\n", + " | table_border_color_dark: The border color of a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill: The background of even rows in a table.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill_dark: The background of even rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill: The background of odd rows in a table.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill_dark: The background of odd rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_radius: The corner radius of a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus: The background of a focused row in a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus_dark: The background of a focused row in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | button_border_width: The border width of a button.\n", + " | button_border_width_dark: The border width of a button in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_large_padding: The padding of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_radius: The corner radius of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_size: The text size of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_weight: The text weight of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_shadow: The shadow under a button.\n", + " | button_shadow_active: The shadow under a button when pressed.\n", + " | button_shadow_hover: The shadow under a button when hovered over.\n", + " | button_small_padding: The padding of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_radius: The corner radius of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_size: The text size of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_weight: The text weight of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_transition: The transition animation duration of a button between regular, hover, and focused states.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " \n", + " class Color(builtins.object)\n", + " | Color(c50: 'str', c100: 'str', c200: 'str', c300: 'str', c400: 'str', c500: 'str', c600: 'str', c700: 'str', c800: 'str', c900: 'str', c950: 'str', name: 'str | None' = None)\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, c50: 'str', c100: 'str', c200: 'str', c300: 'str', c400: 'str', c500: 'str', c600: 'str', c700: 'str', c800: 'str', c900: 'str', c950: 'str', name: 'str | None' = None)\n", + " | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.\n", + " | \n", + " | expand(self) -> 'list[str]'\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | all = [, , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | Default\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.Base\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, *, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | primary_hue: The primary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | secondary_hue: The secondary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | neutral_hue: The neutral hue of the theme, used . Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | text_size: The size of the text. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.text_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | spacing_size: The size of the spacing. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.spacing_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | radius_size: The radius size of corners. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.radius_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | font: The primary font to use for the theme. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | font_mono: The monospace font to use for the theme, applies to code. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.Base:\n", + " | \n", + " | set(self, *, body_background_fill=None, body_background_fill_dark=None, body_text_color=None, body_text_color_dark=None, body_text_size=None, body_text_color_subdued=None, body_text_color_subdued_dark=None, body_text_weight=None, embed_radius=None, background_fill_primary=None, background_fill_primary_dark=None, background_fill_secondary=None, background_fill_secondary_dark=None, border_color_accent=None, border_color_accent_dark=None, border_color_accent_subdued=None, border_color_accent_subdued_dark=None, border_color_primary=None, border_color_primary_dark=None, color_accent=None, color_accent_soft=None, color_accent_soft_dark=None, link_text_color=None, link_text_color_dark=None, link_text_color_active=None, link_text_color_active_dark=None, link_text_color_hover=None, link_text_color_hover_dark=None, link_text_color_visited=None, link_text_color_visited_dark=None, prose_text_size=None, prose_text_weight=None, prose_header_text_weight=None, code_background_fill=None, code_background_fill_dark=None, shadow_drop=None, shadow_drop_lg=None, shadow_inset=None, shadow_spread=None, shadow_spread_dark=None, block_background_fill=None, block_background_fill_dark=None, block_border_color=None, block_border_color_dark=None, block_border_width=None, block_border_width_dark=None, block_info_text_color=None, block_info_text_color_dark=None, block_info_text_size=None, block_info_text_weight=None, block_label_background_fill=None, block_label_background_fill_dark=None, block_label_border_color=None, block_label_border_color_dark=None, block_label_border_width=None, block_label_border_width_dark=None, block_label_shadow=None, block_label_text_color=None, block_label_text_color_dark=None, block_label_margin=None, block_label_padding=None, block_label_radius=None, block_label_right_radius=None, block_label_text_size=None, block_label_text_weight=None, block_padding=None, block_radius=None, block_shadow=None, block_shadow_dark=None, block_title_background_fill=None, block_title_background_fill_dark=None, block_title_border_color=None, block_title_border_color_dark=None, block_title_border_width=None, block_title_border_width_dark=None, block_title_text_color=None, block_title_text_color_dark=None, block_title_padding=None, block_title_radius=None, block_title_text_size=None, block_title_text_weight=None, container_radius=None, form_gap_width=None, layout_gap=None, panel_background_fill=None, panel_background_fill_dark=None, panel_border_color=None, panel_border_color_dark=None, panel_border_width=None, panel_border_width_dark=None, section_header_text_size=None, section_header_text_weight=None, accordion_text_color=None, accordion_text_color_dark=None, table_text_color=None, table_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color=None, checkbox_background_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_focus=None, checkbox_background_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_hover=None, checkbox_background_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_selected=None, checkbox_background_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_color=None, checkbox_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_focus=None, checkbox_border_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_selected=None, checkbox_border_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_radius=None, checkbox_border_width=None, checkbox_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_check=None, radio_circle=None, checkbox_shadow=None, checkbox_label_background_fill=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color=None, checkbox_label_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_width=None, checkbox_label_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_label_gap=None, checkbox_label_padding=None, checkbox_label_shadow=None, checkbox_label_text_size=None, checkbox_label_text_weight=None, checkbox_label_text_color=None, checkbox_label_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark=None, error_background_fill=None, error_background_fill_dark=None, error_border_color=None, error_border_color_dark=None, error_border_width=None, error_border_width_dark=None, error_text_color=None, error_text_color_dark=None, error_icon_color=None, error_icon_color_dark=None, input_background_fill=None, input_background_fill_dark=None, input_background_fill_focus=None, input_background_fill_focus_dark=None, input_background_fill_hover=None, input_background_fill_hover_dark=None, input_border_color=None, input_border_color_dark=None, input_border_color_focus=None, input_border_color_focus_dark=None, input_border_color_hover=None, input_border_color_hover_dark=None, input_border_width=None, input_border_width_dark=None, input_padding=None, input_placeholder_color=None, input_placeholder_color_dark=None, input_radius=None, input_shadow=None, input_shadow_dark=None, input_shadow_focus=None, input_shadow_focus_dark=None, input_text_size=None, input_text_weight=None, loader_color=None, loader_color_dark=None, slider_color=None, slider_color_dark=None, stat_background_fill=None, stat_background_fill_dark=None, table_border_color=None, table_border_color_dark=None, table_even_background_fill=None, table_even_background_fill_dark=None, table_odd_background_fill=None, table_odd_background_fill_dark=None, table_radius=None, table_row_focus=None, table_row_focus_dark=None, button_border_width=None, button_border_width_dark=None, button_shadow=None, button_shadow_active=None, button_shadow_hover=None, button_transition=None, button_large_padding=None, button_large_radius=None, button_large_text_size=None, button_large_text_weight=None, button_small_padding=None, button_small_radius=None, button_small_text_size=None, button_small_text_weight=None, button_primary_background_fill=None, button_primary_background_fill_dark=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_primary_border_color=None, button_primary_border_color_dark=None, button_primary_border_color_hover=None, button_primary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_primary_text_color=None, button_primary_text_color_dark=None, button_primary_text_color_hover=None, button_primary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill=None, button_secondary_background_fill_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color=None, button_secondary_border_color_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color=None, button_secondary_text_color_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill=None, button_cancel_background_fill_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color=None, button_cancel_border_color_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color=None, button_cancel_text_color_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark=None) -> 'Base'\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | body_background_fill: The background of the entire app.\n", + " | body_background_fill_dark: The background of the entire app in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_color: The default text color.\n", + " | body_text_color_dark: The default text color in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_size: The default text size.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued: The text color used for softer, less important text.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued_dark: The text color used for softer, less important text in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_weight: The default text weight.\n", + " | embed_radius: The corner radius used for embedding when the app is embedded within a page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent: The border color used for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_dark: The border color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued: The subdued border color for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued_dark: The subdued border color for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_primary: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | border_color_primary_dark: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | color_accent: The color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft: The softer color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft_dark: The softer color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color: The text color used for links.\n", + " | link_text_color_dark: The text color used for links in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_active: The text color used for links when they are active.\n", + " | link_text_color_active_dark: The text color used for links when they are active in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover: The text color used for links when they are hovered over.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover_dark: The text color used for links when they are hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited: The text color used for links when they have been visited.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited_dark: The text color used for links when they have been visited in dark mode.\n", + " | prose_text_size: The text size used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_text_weight: The text weight used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_header_text_weight: The text weight of a header used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | code_background_fill: The background color of code blocks.\n", + " | code_background_fill_dark: The background color of code blocks in dark mode.\n", + " | shadow_drop: Drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_drop_lg: Larger drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_inset: Inset shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread_dark: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items in dark mode.\n", + " | block_background_fill: The background around an item.\n", + " | block_background_fill_dark: The background around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_color: The border color around an item.\n", + " | block_border_color_dark: The border color around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_width: The border width around an item.\n", + " | block_border_width_dark: The border width around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_color: The color of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_color_dark: The color of the info text in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_size: The size of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_weight: The weight of the info text.\n", + " | block_label_background_fill: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_color: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_width: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_shadow: The shadow of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_margin: The margin of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) from its surrounding container.\n", + " | block_label_padding: The padding of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_radius: The corner radius of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_right_radius: The corner radius of a right-aligned helper label.\n", + " | block_label_text_size: The text size of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_weight: The text weight of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_padding: The padding around an item.\n", + " | block_radius: The corner radius around an item.\n", + " | block_shadow: The shadow under an item.\n", + " | block_shadow_dark: The shadow under an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_background_fill: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_background_fill_dark: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_color: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_color_dark: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_width: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_width_dark: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_text_color: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_color_dark: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_padding: The padding of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_radius: The corner radius of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_size: The text size of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_weight: The text weight of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | container_radius: The corner radius of a layout component that holds other content.\n", + " | form_gap_width: The border gap between form elements, (e.g. consecutive textboxes).\n", + " | layout_gap: The gap between items within a row or column.\n", + " | panel_background_fill: The background of a panel.\n", + " | panel_background_fill_dark: The background of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_color: The border color of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_color_dark: The border color of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_width: The border width of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_width_dark: The border width of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | accordion_text_color: The body text color in the accordion.\n", + " | accordion_text_color_dark: The body text color in the accordion in dark mode.\n", + " | table_text_color: The body text color in the table.\n", + " | table_text_color_dark: The body text color in the table in dark mode.\n", + " | section_header_text_size: The text size of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | section_header_text_weight: The text weight of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | checkbox_background_color: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_radius: The corner radius of a checkbox square.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width_dark: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_check: The checkmark visual of a checkbox square.\n", + " | radio_circle: The circle visual of a radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_shadow: The shadow of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_gap: The gap consecutive checkbox or radio elements.\n", + " | checkbox_label_padding: The padding of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_shadow: The shadow of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_size: The text size of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_weight: The text weight of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | error_background_fill: The background of an error message.\n", + " | error_background_fill_dark: The background of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_color: The border color of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_color_dark: The border color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_width: The border width of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_width_dark: The border width of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_text_color: The text color of an error message.\n", + " | error_text_color_dark: The text color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill: The background of an input field.\n", + " | input_background_fill_dark: The background of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus: The background of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus_dark: The background of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover: The background of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color: The border color of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_color_dark: The border color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus: The border color of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover: The border color of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_width: The border width of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_width_dark: The border width of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_padding: The padding of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color: The placeholder text color of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color_dark: The placeholder text color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_radius: The corner radius of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow: The shadow of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow_dark: The shadow of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus: The shadow of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus_dark: The shadow of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_text_size: The text size of an input field.\n", + " | input_text_weight: The text weight of an input field.\n", + " | loader_color: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending.\n", + " | loader_color_dark: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending in dark mode.\n", + " | slider_color: The color of the slider in a range element.\n", + " | slider_color_dark: The color of the slider in a range element in dark mode.\n", + " | stat_background_fill: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label).\n", + " | stat_background_fill_dark: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label) in dark mode.\n", + " | table_border_color: The border color of a table.\n", + " | table_border_color_dark: The border color of a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill: The background of even rows in a table.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill_dark: The background of even rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill: The background of odd rows in a table.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill_dark: The background of odd rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_radius: The corner radius of a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus: The background of a focused row in a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus_dark: The background of a focused row in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | button_border_width: The border width of a button.\n", + " | button_border_width_dark: The border width of a button in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_large_padding: The padding of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_radius: The corner radius of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_size: The text size of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_weight: The text weight of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_shadow: The shadow under a button.\n", + " | button_shadow_active: The shadow under a button when pressed.\n", + " | button_shadow_hover: The shadow under a button when hovered over.\n", + " | button_small_padding: The padding of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_radius: The corner radius of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_size: The text size of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_weight: The text weight of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_transition: The transition animation duration of a button between regular, hover, and focused states.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " \n", + " class Font(builtins.object)\n", + " | Font(name: 'str')\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __eq__(self, other: 'Font') -> 'bool'\n", + " | Return self==value.\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, name: 'str')\n", + " | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.\n", + " | \n", + " | __repr__(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | Return repr(self).\n", + " | \n", + " | __str__(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | Return str(self).\n", + " | \n", + " | stylesheet(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __hash__ = None\n", + " \n", + " class Glass(gradio.themes.base.Base)\n", + " | Glass(*, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = ('Optima', 'Candara', 'Noto Sans', 'source-sans-pro', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | Glass\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.Base\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, *, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = ('Optima', 'Candara', 'Noto Sans', 'source-sans-pro', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | primary_hue: The primary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | secondary_hue: The secondary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | neutral_hue: The neutral hue of the theme, used . Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | text_size: The size of the text. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.text_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | spacing_size: The size of the spacing. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.spacing_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | radius_size: The radius size of corners. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.radius_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | font: The primary font to use for the theme. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | font_mono: The monospace font to use for the theme, applies to code. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.Base:\n", + " | \n", + " | set(self, *, body_background_fill=None, body_background_fill_dark=None, body_text_color=None, body_text_color_dark=None, body_text_size=None, body_text_color_subdued=None, body_text_color_subdued_dark=None, body_text_weight=None, embed_radius=None, background_fill_primary=None, background_fill_primary_dark=None, background_fill_secondary=None, background_fill_secondary_dark=None, border_color_accent=None, border_color_accent_dark=None, border_color_accent_subdued=None, border_color_accent_subdued_dark=None, border_color_primary=None, border_color_primary_dark=None, color_accent=None, color_accent_soft=None, color_accent_soft_dark=None, link_text_color=None, link_text_color_dark=None, link_text_color_active=None, link_text_color_active_dark=None, link_text_color_hover=None, link_text_color_hover_dark=None, link_text_color_visited=None, link_text_color_visited_dark=None, prose_text_size=None, prose_text_weight=None, prose_header_text_weight=None, code_background_fill=None, code_background_fill_dark=None, shadow_drop=None, shadow_drop_lg=None, shadow_inset=None, shadow_spread=None, shadow_spread_dark=None, block_background_fill=None, block_background_fill_dark=None, block_border_color=None, block_border_color_dark=None, block_border_width=None, block_border_width_dark=None, block_info_text_color=None, block_info_text_color_dark=None, block_info_text_size=None, block_info_text_weight=None, block_label_background_fill=None, block_label_background_fill_dark=None, block_label_border_color=None, block_label_border_color_dark=None, block_label_border_width=None, block_label_border_width_dark=None, block_label_shadow=None, block_label_text_color=None, block_label_text_color_dark=None, block_label_margin=None, block_label_padding=None, block_label_radius=None, block_label_right_radius=None, block_label_text_size=None, block_label_text_weight=None, block_padding=None, block_radius=None, block_shadow=None, block_shadow_dark=None, block_title_background_fill=None, block_title_background_fill_dark=None, block_title_border_color=None, block_title_border_color_dark=None, block_title_border_width=None, block_title_border_width_dark=None, block_title_text_color=None, block_title_text_color_dark=None, block_title_padding=None, block_title_radius=None, block_title_text_size=None, block_title_text_weight=None, container_radius=None, form_gap_width=None, layout_gap=None, panel_background_fill=None, panel_background_fill_dark=None, panel_border_color=None, panel_border_color_dark=None, panel_border_width=None, panel_border_width_dark=None, section_header_text_size=None, section_header_text_weight=None, accordion_text_color=None, accordion_text_color_dark=None, table_text_color=None, table_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color=None, checkbox_background_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_focus=None, checkbox_background_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_hover=None, checkbox_background_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_selected=None, checkbox_background_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_color=None, checkbox_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_focus=None, checkbox_border_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_selected=None, checkbox_border_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_radius=None, checkbox_border_width=None, checkbox_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_check=None, radio_circle=None, checkbox_shadow=None, checkbox_label_background_fill=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color=None, checkbox_label_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_width=None, checkbox_label_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_label_gap=None, checkbox_label_padding=None, checkbox_label_shadow=None, checkbox_label_text_size=None, checkbox_label_text_weight=None, checkbox_label_text_color=None, checkbox_label_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark=None, error_background_fill=None, error_background_fill_dark=None, error_border_color=None, error_border_color_dark=None, error_border_width=None, error_border_width_dark=None, error_text_color=None, error_text_color_dark=None, error_icon_color=None, error_icon_color_dark=None, input_background_fill=None, input_background_fill_dark=None, input_background_fill_focus=None, input_background_fill_focus_dark=None, input_background_fill_hover=None, input_background_fill_hover_dark=None, input_border_color=None, input_border_color_dark=None, input_border_color_focus=None, input_border_color_focus_dark=None, input_border_color_hover=None, input_border_color_hover_dark=None, input_border_width=None, input_border_width_dark=None, input_padding=None, input_placeholder_color=None, input_placeholder_color_dark=None, input_radius=None, input_shadow=None, input_shadow_dark=None, input_shadow_focus=None, input_shadow_focus_dark=None, input_text_size=None, input_text_weight=None, loader_color=None, loader_color_dark=None, slider_color=None, slider_color_dark=None, stat_background_fill=None, stat_background_fill_dark=None, table_border_color=None, table_border_color_dark=None, table_even_background_fill=None, table_even_background_fill_dark=None, table_odd_background_fill=None, table_odd_background_fill_dark=None, table_radius=None, table_row_focus=None, table_row_focus_dark=None, button_border_width=None, button_border_width_dark=None, button_shadow=None, button_shadow_active=None, button_shadow_hover=None, button_transition=None, button_large_padding=None, button_large_radius=None, button_large_text_size=None, button_large_text_weight=None, button_small_padding=None, button_small_radius=None, button_small_text_size=None, button_small_text_weight=None, button_primary_background_fill=None, button_primary_background_fill_dark=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_primary_border_color=None, button_primary_border_color_dark=None, button_primary_border_color_hover=None, button_primary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_primary_text_color=None, button_primary_text_color_dark=None, button_primary_text_color_hover=None, button_primary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill=None, button_secondary_background_fill_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color=None, button_secondary_border_color_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color=None, button_secondary_text_color_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill=None, button_cancel_background_fill_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color=None, button_cancel_border_color_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color=None, button_cancel_text_color_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark=None) -> 'Base'\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | body_background_fill: The background of the entire app.\n", + " | body_background_fill_dark: The background of the entire app in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_color: The default text color.\n", + " | body_text_color_dark: The default text color in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_size: The default text size.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued: The text color used for softer, less important text.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued_dark: The text color used for softer, less important text in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_weight: The default text weight.\n", + " | embed_radius: The corner radius used for embedding when the app is embedded within a page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent: The border color used for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_dark: The border color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued: The subdued border color for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued_dark: The subdued border color for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_primary: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | border_color_primary_dark: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | color_accent: The color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft: The softer color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft_dark: The softer color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color: The text color used for links.\n", + " | link_text_color_dark: The text color used for links in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_active: The text color used for links when they are active.\n", + " | link_text_color_active_dark: The text color used for links when they are active in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover: The text color used for links when they are hovered over.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover_dark: The text color used for links when they are hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited: The text color used for links when they have been visited.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited_dark: The text color used for links when they have been visited in dark mode.\n", + " | prose_text_size: The text size used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_text_weight: The text weight used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_header_text_weight: The text weight of a header used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | code_background_fill: The background color of code blocks.\n", + " | code_background_fill_dark: The background color of code blocks in dark mode.\n", + " | shadow_drop: Drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_drop_lg: Larger drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_inset: Inset shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread_dark: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items in dark mode.\n", + " | block_background_fill: The background around an item.\n", + " | block_background_fill_dark: The background around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_color: The border color around an item.\n", + " | block_border_color_dark: The border color around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_width: The border width around an item.\n", + " | block_border_width_dark: The border width around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_color: The color of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_color_dark: The color of the info text in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_size: The size of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_weight: The weight of the info text.\n", + " | block_label_background_fill: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_color: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_width: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_shadow: The shadow of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_margin: The margin of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) from its surrounding container.\n", + " | block_label_padding: The padding of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_radius: The corner radius of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_right_radius: The corner radius of a right-aligned helper label.\n", + " | block_label_text_size: The text size of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_weight: The text weight of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_padding: The padding around an item.\n", + " | block_radius: The corner radius around an item.\n", + " | block_shadow: The shadow under an item.\n", + " | block_shadow_dark: The shadow under an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_background_fill: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_background_fill_dark: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_color: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_color_dark: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_width: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_width_dark: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_text_color: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_color_dark: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_padding: The padding of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_radius: The corner radius of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_size: The text size of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_weight: The text weight of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | container_radius: The corner radius of a layout component that holds other content.\n", + " | form_gap_width: The border gap between form elements, (e.g. consecutive textboxes).\n", + " | layout_gap: The gap between items within a row or column.\n", + " | panel_background_fill: The background of a panel.\n", + " | panel_background_fill_dark: The background of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_color: The border color of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_color_dark: The border color of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_width: The border width of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_width_dark: The border width of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | accordion_text_color: The body text color in the accordion.\n", + " | accordion_text_color_dark: The body text color in the accordion in dark mode.\n", + " | table_text_color: The body text color in the table.\n", + " | table_text_color_dark: The body text color in the table in dark mode.\n", + " | section_header_text_size: The text size of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | section_header_text_weight: The text weight of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | checkbox_background_color: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_radius: The corner radius of a checkbox square.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width_dark: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_check: The checkmark visual of a checkbox square.\n", + " | radio_circle: The circle visual of a radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_shadow: The shadow of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_gap: The gap consecutive checkbox or radio elements.\n", + " | checkbox_label_padding: The padding of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_shadow: The shadow of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_size: The text size of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_weight: The text weight of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | error_background_fill: The background of an error message.\n", + " | error_background_fill_dark: The background of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_color: The border color of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_color_dark: The border color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_width: The border width of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_width_dark: The border width of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_text_color: The text color of an error message.\n", + " | error_text_color_dark: The text color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill: The background of an input field.\n", + " | input_background_fill_dark: The background of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus: The background of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus_dark: The background of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover: The background of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color: The border color of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_color_dark: The border color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus: The border color of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover: The border color of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_width: The border width of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_width_dark: The border width of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_padding: The padding of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color: The placeholder text color of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color_dark: The placeholder text color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_radius: The corner radius of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow: The shadow of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow_dark: The shadow of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus: The shadow of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus_dark: The shadow of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_text_size: The text size of an input field.\n", + " | input_text_weight: The text weight of an input field.\n", + " | loader_color: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending.\n", + " | loader_color_dark: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending in dark mode.\n", + " | slider_color: The color of the slider in a range element.\n", + " | slider_color_dark: The color of the slider in a range element in dark mode.\n", + " | stat_background_fill: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label).\n", + " | stat_background_fill_dark: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label) in dark mode.\n", + " | table_border_color: The border color of a table.\n", + " | table_border_color_dark: The border color of a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill: The background of even rows in a table.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill_dark: The background of even rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill: The background of odd rows in a table.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill_dark: The background of odd rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_radius: The corner radius of a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus: The background of a focused row in a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus_dark: The background of a focused row in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | button_border_width: The border width of a button.\n", + " | button_border_width_dark: The border width of a button in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_large_padding: The padding of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_radius: The corner radius of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_size: The text size of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_weight: The text weight of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_shadow: The shadow under a button.\n", + " | button_shadow_active: The shadow under a button when pressed.\n", + " | button_shadow_hover: The shadow under a button when hovered over.\n", + " | button_small_padding: The padding of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_radius: The corner radius of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_size: The text size of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_weight: The text weight of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_transition: The transition animation duration of a button between regular, hover, and focused states.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " \n", + " class GoogleFont(Font)\n", + " | GoogleFont(name: 'str', weights: 'Iterable[int]' = (400, 600))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | GoogleFont\n", + " | Font\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, name: 'str', weights: 'Iterable[int]' = (400, 600))\n", + " | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.\n", + " | \n", + " | stylesheet(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from Font:\n", + " | \n", + " | __eq__(self, other: 'Font') -> 'bool'\n", + " | Return self==value.\n", + " | \n", + " | __repr__(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | Return repr(self).\n", + " | \n", + " | __str__(self) -> 'str'\n", + " | Return str(self).\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from Font:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes inherited from Font:\n", + " | \n", + " | __hash__ = None\n", + " \n", + " class Monochrome(gradio.themes.base.Base)\n", + " | Monochrome(*, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | Monochrome\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.Base\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, *, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | primary_hue: The primary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | secondary_hue: The secondary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | neutral_hue: The neutral hue of the theme, used . Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | text_size: The size of the text. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.text_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | spacing_size: The size of the spacing. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.spacing_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | radius_size: The radius size of corners. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.radius_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | font: The primary font to use for the theme. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | font_mono: The monospace font to use for the theme, applies to code. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.Base:\n", + " | \n", + " | set(self, *, body_background_fill=None, body_background_fill_dark=None, body_text_color=None, body_text_color_dark=None, body_text_size=None, body_text_color_subdued=None, body_text_color_subdued_dark=None, body_text_weight=None, embed_radius=None, background_fill_primary=None, background_fill_primary_dark=None, background_fill_secondary=None, background_fill_secondary_dark=None, border_color_accent=None, border_color_accent_dark=None, border_color_accent_subdued=None, border_color_accent_subdued_dark=None, border_color_primary=None, border_color_primary_dark=None, color_accent=None, color_accent_soft=None, color_accent_soft_dark=None, link_text_color=None, link_text_color_dark=None, link_text_color_active=None, link_text_color_active_dark=None, link_text_color_hover=None, link_text_color_hover_dark=None, link_text_color_visited=None, link_text_color_visited_dark=None, prose_text_size=None, prose_text_weight=None, prose_header_text_weight=None, code_background_fill=None, code_background_fill_dark=None, shadow_drop=None, shadow_drop_lg=None, shadow_inset=None, shadow_spread=None, shadow_spread_dark=None, block_background_fill=None, block_background_fill_dark=None, block_border_color=None, block_border_color_dark=None, block_border_width=None, block_border_width_dark=None, block_info_text_color=None, block_info_text_color_dark=None, block_info_text_size=None, block_info_text_weight=None, block_label_background_fill=None, block_label_background_fill_dark=None, block_label_border_color=None, block_label_border_color_dark=None, block_label_border_width=None, block_label_border_width_dark=None, block_label_shadow=None, block_label_text_color=None, block_label_text_color_dark=None, block_label_margin=None, block_label_padding=None, block_label_radius=None, block_label_right_radius=None, block_label_text_size=None, block_label_text_weight=None, block_padding=None, block_radius=None, block_shadow=None, block_shadow_dark=None, block_title_background_fill=None, block_title_background_fill_dark=None, block_title_border_color=None, block_title_border_color_dark=None, block_title_border_width=None, block_title_border_width_dark=None, block_title_text_color=None, block_title_text_color_dark=None, block_title_padding=None, block_title_radius=None, block_title_text_size=None, block_title_text_weight=None, container_radius=None, form_gap_width=None, layout_gap=None, panel_background_fill=None, panel_background_fill_dark=None, panel_border_color=None, panel_border_color_dark=None, panel_border_width=None, panel_border_width_dark=None, section_header_text_size=None, section_header_text_weight=None, accordion_text_color=None, accordion_text_color_dark=None, table_text_color=None, table_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color=None, checkbox_background_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_focus=None, checkbox_background_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_hover=None, checkbox_background_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_selected=None, checkbox_background_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_color=None, checkbox_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_focus=None, checkbox_border_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_selected=None, checkbox_border_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_radius=None, checkbox_border_width=None, checkbox_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_check=None, radio_circle=None, checkbox_shadow=None, checkbox_label_background_fill=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color=None, checkbox_label_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_width=None, checkbox_label_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_label_gap=None, checkbox_label_padding=None, checkbox_label_shadow=None, checkbox_label_text_size=None, checkbox_label_text_weight=None, checkbox_label_text_color=None, checkbox_label_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark=None, error_background_fill=None, error_background_fill_dark=None, error_border_color=None, error_border_color_dark=None, error_border_width=None, error_border_width_dark=None, error_text_color=None, error_text_color_dark=None, error_icon_color=None, error_icon_color_dark=None, input_background_fill=None, input_background_fill_dark=None, input_background_fill_focus=None, input_background_fill_focus_dark=None, input_background_fill_hover=None, input_background_fill_hover_dark=None, input_border_color=None, input_border_color_dark=None, input_border_color_focus=None, input_border_color_focus_dark=None, input_border_color_hover=None, input_border_color_hover_dark=None, input_border_width=None, input_border_width_dark=None, input_padding=None, input_placeholder_color=None, input_placeholder_color_dark=None, input_radius=None, input_shadow=None, input_shadow_dark=None, input_shadow_focus=None, input_shadow_focus_dark=None, input_text_size=None, input_text_weight=None, loader_color=None, loader_color_dark=None, slider_color=None, slider_color_dark=None, stat_background_fill=None, stat_background_fill_dark=None, table_border_color=None, table_border_color_dark=None, table_even_background_fill=None, table_even_background_fill_dark=None, table_odd_background_fill=None, table_odd_background_fill_dark=None, table_radius=None, table_row_focus=None, table_row_focus_dark=None, button_border_width=None, button_border_width_dark=None, button_shadow=None, button_shadow_active=None, button_shadow_hover=None, button_transition=None, button_large_padding=None, button_large_radius=None, button_large_text_size=None, button_large_text_weight=None, button_small_padding=None, button_small_radius=None, button_small_text_size=None, button_small_text_weight=None, button_primary_background_fill=None, button_primary_background_fill_dark=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_primary_border_color=None, button_primary_border_color_dark=None, button_primary_border_color_hover=None, button_primary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_primary_text_color=None, button_primary_text_color_dark=None, button_primary_text_color_hover=None, button_primary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill=None, button_secondary_background_fill_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color=None, button_secondary_border_color_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color=None, button_secondary_text_color_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill=None, button_cancel_background_fill_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color=None, button_cancel_border_color_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color=None, button_cancel_text_color_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark=None) -> 'Base'\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | body_background_fill: The background of the entire app.\n", + " | body_background_fill_dark: The background of the entire app in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_color: The default text color.\n", + " | body_text_color_dark: The default text color in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_size: The default text size.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued: The text color used for softer, less important text.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued_dark: The text color used for softer, less important text in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_weight: The default text weight.\n", + " | embed_radius: The corner radius used for embedding when the app is embedded within a page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent: The border color used for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_dark: The border color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued: The subdued border color for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued_dark: The subdued border color for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_primary: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | border_color_primary_dark: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | color_accent: The color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft: The softer color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft_dark: The softer color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color: The text color used for links.\n", + " | link_text_color_dark: The text color used for links in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_active: The text color used for links when they are active.\n", + " | link_text_color_active_dark: The text color used for links when they are active in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover: The text color used for links when they are hovered over.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover_dark: The text color used for links when they are hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited: The text color used for links when they have been visited.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited_dark: The text color used for links when they have been visited in dark mode.\n", + " | prose_text_size: The text size used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_text_weight: The text weight used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_header_text_weight: The text weight of a header used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | code_background_fill: The background color of code blocks.\n", + " | code_background_fill_dark: The background color of code blocks in dark mode.\n", + " | shadow_drop: Drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_drop_lg: Larger drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_inset: Inset shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread_dark: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items in dark mode.\n", + " | block_background_fill: The background around an item.\n", + " | block_background_fill_dark: The background around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_color: The border color around an item.\n", + " | block_border_color_dark: The border color around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_width: The border width around an item.\n", + " | block_border_width_dark: The border width around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_color: The color of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_color_dark: The color of the info text in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_size: The size of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_weight: The weight of the info text.\n", + " | block_label_background_fill: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_color: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_width: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_shadow: The shadow of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_margin: The margin of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) from its surrounding container.\n", + " | block_label_padding: The padding of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_radius: The corner radius of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_right_radius: The corner radius of a right-aligned helper label.\n", + " | block_label_text_size: The text size of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_weight: The text weight of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_padding: The padding around an item.\n", + " | block_radius: The corner radius around an item.\n", + " | block_shadow: The shadow under an item.\n", + " | block_shadow_dark: The shadow under an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_background_fill: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_background_fill_dark: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_color: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_color_dark: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_width: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_width_dark: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_text_color: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_color_dark: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_padding: The padding of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_radius: The corner radius of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_size: The text size of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_weight: The text weight of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | container_radius: The corner radius of a layout component that holds other content.\n", + " | form_gap_width: The border gap between form elements, (e.g. consecutive textboxes).\n", + " | layout_gap: The gap between items within a row or column.\n", + " | panel_background_fill: The background of a panel.\n", + " | panel_background_fill_dark: The background of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_color: The border color of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_color_dark: The border color of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_width: The border width of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_width_dark: The border width of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | accordion_text_color: The body text color in the accordion.\n", + " | accordion_text_color_dark: The body text color in the accordion in dark mode.\n", + " | table_text_color: The body text color in the table.\n", + " | table_text_color_dark: The body text color in the table in dark mode.\n", + " | section_header_text_size: The text size of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | section_header_text_weight: The text weight of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | checkbox_background_color: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_radius: The corner radius of a checkbox square.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width_dark: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_check: The checkmark visual of a checkbox square.\n", + " | radio_circle: The circle visual of a radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_shadow: The shadow of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_gap: The gap consecutive checkbox or radio elements.\n", + " | checkbox_label_padding: The padding of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_shadow: The shadow of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_size: The text size of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_weight: The text weight of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | error_background_fill: The background of an error message.\n", + " | error_background_fill_dark: The background of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_color: The border color of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_color_dark: The border color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_width: The border width of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_width_dark: The border width of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_text_color: The text color of an error message.\n", + " | error_text_color_dark: The text color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill: The background of an input field.\n", + " | input_background_fill_dark: The background of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus: The background of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus_dark: The background of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover: The background of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color: The border color of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_color_dark: The border color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus: The border color of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover: The border color of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_width: The border width of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_width_dark: The border width of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_padding: The padding of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color: The placeholder text color of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color_dark: The placeholder text color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_radius: The corner radius of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow: The shadow of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow_dark: The shadow of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus: The shadow of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus_dark: The shadow of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_text_size: The text size of an input field.\n", + " | input_text_weight: The text weight of an input field.\n", + " | loader_color: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending.\n", + " | loader_color_dark: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending in dark mode.\n", + " | slider_color: The color of the slider in a range element.\n", + " | slider_color_dark: The color of the slider in a range element in dark mode.\n", + " | stat_background_fill: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label).\n", + " | stat_background_fill_dark: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label) in dark mode.\n", + " | table_border_color: The border color of a table.\n", + " | table_border_color_dark: The border color of a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill: The background of even rows in a table.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill_dark: The background of even rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill: The background of odd rows in a table.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill_dark: The background of odd rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_radius: The corner radius of a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus: The background of a focused row in a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus_dark: The background of a focused row in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | button_border_width: The border width of a button.\n", + " | button_border_width_dark: The border width of a button in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_large_padding: The padding of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_radius: The corner radius of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_size: The text size of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_weight: The text weight of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_shadow: The shadow under a button.\n", + " | button_shadow_active: The shadow under a button when pressed.\n", + " | button_shadow_hover: The shadow under a button when hovered over.\n", + " | button_small_padding: The padding of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_radius: The corner radius of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_size: The text size of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_weight: The text weight of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_transition: The transition animation duration of a button between regular, hover, and focused states.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " \n", + " class Size(builtins.object)\n", + " | Size(xxs: 'str', xs: 'str', sm: 'str', md: 'str', lg: 'str', xl: 'str', xxl: 'str', name=None)\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, xxs: 'str', xs: 'str', sm: 'str', md: 'str', lg: 'str', xl: 'str', xxl: 'str', name=None)\n", + " | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.\n", + " | \n", + " | expand(self) -> 'list[str]'\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data and other attributes defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | all = [, , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | \n", + " | Method resolution order:\n", + " | Soft\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.Base\n", + " | gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass\n", + " | builtins.object\n", + " | \n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self, *, primary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , secondary_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , neutral_hue: 'colors.Color | str' = , spacing_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , radius_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , text_size: 'sizes.Size | str' = , font: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'), font_mono: 'fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str]' = (, 'ui-monospace', 'Consolas', 'monospace'))\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | primary_hue: The primary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | secondary_hue: The secondary hue of the theme. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | neutral_hue: The neutral hue of the theme, used . Load a preset, like gradio.themes.colors.green (or just the string \"green\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Color object.\n", + " | text_size: The size of the text. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.text_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | spacing_size: The size of the spacing. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.spacing_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | radius_size: The radius size of corners. Load a preset, like gradio.themes.sizes.radius_sm (or just the string \"sm\"), or pass your own gradio.themes.utils.Size object.\n", + " | font: The primary font to use for the theme. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | font_mono: The monospace font to use for the theme, applies to code. Pass a string for a system font, or a gradio.themes.font.GoogleFont object to load a font from Google Fonts. Pass a list of fonts for fallbacks.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.Base:\n", + " | \n", + " | set(self, *, body_background_fill=None, body_background_fill_dark=None, body_text_color=None, body_text_color_dark=None, body_text_size=None, body_text_color_subdued=None, body_text_color_subdued_dark=None, body_text_weight=None, embed_radius=None, background_fill_primary=None, background_fill_primary_dark=None, background_fill_secondary=None, background_fill_secondary_dark=None, border_color_accent=None, border_color_accent_dark=None, border_color_accent_subdued=None, border_color_accent_subdued_dark=None, border_color_primary=None, border_color_primary_dark=None, color_accent=None, color_accent_soft=None, color_accent_soft_dark=None, link_text_color=None, link_text_color_dark=None, link_text_color_active=None, link_text_color_active_dark=None, link_text_color_hover=None, link_text_color_hover_dark=None, link_text_color_visited=None, link_text_color_visited_dark=None, prose_text_size=None, prose_text_weight=None, prose_header_text_weight=None, code_background_fill=None, code_background_fill_dark=None, shadow_drop=None, shadow_drop_lg=None, shadow_inset=None, shadow_spread=None, shadow_spread_dark=None, block_background_fill=None, block_background_fill_dark=None, block_border_color=None, block_border_color_dark=None, block_border_width=None, block_border_width_dark=None, block_info_text_color=None, block_info_text_color_dark=None, block_info_text_size=None, block_info_text_weight=None, block_label_background_fill=None, block_label_background_fill_dark=None, block_label_border_color=None, block_label_border_color_dark=None, block_label_border_width=None, block_label_border_width_dark=None, block_label_shadow=None, block_label_text_color=None, block_label_text_color_dark=None, block_label_margin=None, block_label_padding=None, block_label_radius=None, block_label_right_radius=None, block_label_text_size=None, block_label_text_weight=None, block_padding=None, block_radius=None, block_shadow=None, block_shadow_dark=None, block_title_background_fill=None, block_title_background_fill_dark=None, block_title_border_color=None, block_title_border_color_dark=None, block_title_border_width=None, block_title_border_width_dark=None, block_title_text_color=None, block_title_text_color_dark=None, block_title_padding=None, block_title_radius=None, block_title_text_size=None, block_title_text_weight=None, container_radius=None, form_gap_width=None, layout_gap=None, panel_background_fill=None, panel_background_fill_dark=None, panel_border_color=None, panel_border_color_dark=None, panel_border_width=None, panel_border_width_dark=None, section_header_text_size=None, section_header_text_weight=None, accordion_text_color=None, accordion_text_color_dark=None, table_text_color=None, table_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color=None, checkbox_background_color_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_focus=None, checkbox_background_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_hover=None, checkbox_background_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_background_color_selected=None, checkbox_background_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_color=None, checkbox_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_focus=None, checkbox_border_color_focus_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_border_color_selected=None, checkbox_border_color_selected_dark=None, checkbox_border_radius=None, checkbox_border_width=None, checkbox_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_check=None, radio_circle=None, checkbox_shadow=None, checkbox_label_background_fill=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected=None, checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color=None, checkbox_label_border_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover=None, checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark=None, checkbox_label_border_width=None, checkbox_label_border_width_dark=None, checkbox_label_gap=None, checkbox_label_padding=None, checkbox_label_shadow=None, checkbox_label_text_size=None, checkbox_label_text_weight=None, checkbox_label_text_color=None, checkbox_label_text_color_dark=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected=None, checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark=None, error_background_fill=None, error_background_fill_dark=None, error_border_color=None, error_border_color_dark=None, error_border_width=None, error_border_width_dark=None, error_text_color=None, error_text_color_dark=None, error_icon_color=None, error_icon_color_dark=None, input_background_fill=None, input_background_fill_dark=None, input_background_fill_focus=None, input_background_fill_focus_dark=None, input_background_fill_hover=None, input_background_fill_hover_dark=None, input_border_color=None, input_border_color_dark=None, input_border_color_focus=None, input_border_color_focus_dark=None, input_border_color_hover=None, input_border_color_hover_dark=None, input_border_width=None, input_border_width_dark=None, input_padding=None, input_placeholder_color=None, input_placeholder_color_dark=None, input_radius=None, input_shadow=None, input_shadow_dark=None, input_shadow_focus=None, input_shadow_focus_dark=None, input_text_size=None, input_text_weight=None, loader_color=None, loader_color_dark=None, slider_color=None, slider_color_dark=None, stat_background_fill=None, stat_background_fill_dark=None, table_border_color=None, table_border_color_dark=None, table_even_background_fill=None, table_even_background_fill_dark=None, table_odd_background_fill=None, table_odd_background_fill_dark=None, table_radius=None, table_row_focus=None, table_row_focus_dark=None, button_border_width=None, button_border_width_dark=None, button_shadow=None, button_shadow_active=None, button_shadow_hover=None, button_transition=None, button_large_padding=None, button_large_radius=None, button_large_text_size=None, button_large_text_weight=None, button_small_padding=None, button_small_radius=None, button_small_text_size=None, button_small_text_weight=None, button_primary_background_fill=None, button_primary_background_fill_dark=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover=None, button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_primary_border_color=None, button_primary_border_color_dark=None, button_primary_border_color_hover=None, button_primary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_primary_text_color=None, button_primary_text_color_dark=None, button_primary_text_color_hover=None, button_primary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill=None, button_secondary_background_fill_dark=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover=None, button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color=None, button_secondary_border_color_dark=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover=None, button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color=None, button_secondary_text_color_dark=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover=None, button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill=None, button_cancel_background_fill_dark=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover=None, button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color=None, button_cancel_border_color_dark=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover=None, button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color=None, button_cancel_text_color_dark=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover=None, button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark=None) -> 'Base'\n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | body_background_fill: The background of the entire app.\n", + " | body_background_fill_dark: The background of the entire app in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_color: The default text color.\n", + " | body_text_color_dark: The default text color in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_size: The default text size.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued: The text color used for softer, less important text.\n", + " | body_text_color_subdued_dark: The text color used for softer, less important text in dark mode.\n", + " | body_text_weight: The default text weight.\n", + " | embed_radius: The corner radius used for embedding when the app is embedded within a page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | background_fill_primary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item.\n", + " | background_fill_secondary_dark: The background primarily used for items placed on top of another item in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent: The border color used for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_dark: The border color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued: The subdued border color for accented items.\n", + " | border_color_accent_subdued_dark: The subdued border color for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | border_color_primary: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page.\n", + " | border_color_primary_dark: The border color primarily used for items placed directly on the page in dark mode.\n", + " | color_accent: The color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft: The softer color used for accented items.\n", + " | color_accent_soft_dark: The softer color used for accented items in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color: The text color used for links.\n", + " | link_text_color_dark: The text color used for links in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_active: The text color used for links when they are active.\n", + " | link_text_color_active_dark: The text color used for links when they are active in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover: The text color used for links when they are hovered over.\n", + " | link_text_color_hover_dark: The text color used for links when they are hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited: The text color used for links when they have been visited.\n", + " | link_text_color_visited_dark: The text color used for links when they have been visited in dark mode.\n", + " | prose_text_size: The text size used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_text_weight: The text weight used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | prose_header_text_weight: The text weight of a header used for markdown and other prose.\n", + " | code_background_fill: The background color of code blocks.\n", + " | code_background_fill_dark: The background color of code blocks in dark mode.\n", + " | shadow_drop: Drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_drop_lg: Larger drop shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_inset: Inset shadow used by other shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items.\n", + " | shadow_spread_dark: Size of shadow spread used by shadowed items in dark mode.\n", + " | block_background_fill: The background around an item.\n", + " | block_background_fill_dark: The background around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_color: The border color around an item.\n", + " | block_border_color_dark: The border color around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_border_width: The border width around an item.\n", + " | block_border_width_dark: The border width around an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_color: The color of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_color_dark: The color of the info text in dark mode.\n", + " | block_info_text_size: The size of the info text.\n", + " | block_info_text_weight: The weight of the info text.\n", + " | block_label_background_fill: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_color: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_border_width: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_shadow: The shadow of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_label_margin: The margin of the title label of a media element (e.g. image) from its surrounding container.\n", + " | block_label_padding: The padding of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_radius: The corner radius of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_right_radius: The corner radius of a right-aligned helper label.\n", + " | block_label_text_size: The text size of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_label_text_weight: The text weight of the title label of a media element (e.g. image).\n", + " | block_padding: The padding around an item.\n", + " | block_radius: The corner radius around an item.\n", + " | block_shadow: The shadow under an item.\n", + " | block_shadow_dark: The shadow under an item in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_background_fill: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_background_fill_dark: The background of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_color: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_color_dark: The border color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_border_width: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_border_width_dark: The border width of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_text_color: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_color_dark: The text color of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox) in dark mode.\n", + " | block_title_padding: The padding of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_radius: The corner radius of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_size: The text size of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | block_title_text_weight: The text weight of the title of a form element (e.g. textbox).\n", + " | container_radius: The corner radius of a layout component that holds other content.\n", + " | form_gap_width: The border gap between form elements, (e.g. consecutive textboxes).\n", + " | layout_gap: The gap between items within a row or column.\n", + " | panel_background_fill: The background of a panel.\n", + " | panel_background_fill_dark: The background of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_color: The border color of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_color_dark: The border color of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | panel_border_width: The border width of a panel.\n", + " | panel_border_width_dark: The border width of a panel in dark mode.\n", + " | accordion_text_color: The body text color in the accordion.\n", + " | accordion_text_color_dark: The body text color in the accordion in dark mode.\n", + " | table_text_color: The body text color in the table.\n", + " | table_text_color_dark: The body text color in the table in dark mode.\n", + " | section_header_text_size: The text size of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | section_header_text_weight: The text weight of a section header (e.g. tab name).\n", + " | checkbox_background_color: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_focus_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_hover_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_background_color_selected_dark: The background of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_border_color_selected_dark: The border color of a checkbox square or radio circle when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_border_radius: The corner radius of a checkbox square.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_border_width_dark: The border width of a checkbox square or radio circle in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_check: The checkmark visual of a checkbox square.\n", + " | radio_circle: The circle visual of a radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_shadow: The shadow of a checkbox square or radio circle.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_background_fill_selected_dark: The background of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_border_width_dark: The border width of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_gap: The gap consecutive checkbox or radio elements.\n", + " | checkbox_label_padding: The padding of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_shadow: The shadow of the surrounding button of a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_size: The text size of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_weight: The text weight of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element in dark mode.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected.\n", + " | checkbox_label_text_color_selected_dark: The text color of the label accompanying a checkbox or radio element when selected in dark mode.\n", + " | error_background_fill: The background of an error message.\n", + " | error_background_fill_dark: The background of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_color: The border color of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_color_dark: The border color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_border_width: The border width of an error message.\n", + " | error_border_width_dark: The border width of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | error_text_color: The text color of an error message.\n", + " | error_text_color_dark: The text color of an error message in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill: The background of an input field.\n", + " | input_background_fill_dark: The background of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus: The background of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_background_fill_focus_dark: The background of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover: The background of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color: The border color of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_color_dark: The border color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus: The border color of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_border_color_focus_dark: The border color of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover: The border color of an input field when hovered over.\n", + " | input_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of an input field when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | input_border_width: The border width of an input field.\n", + " | input_border_width_dark: The border width of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_padding: The padding of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color: The placeholder text color of an input field.\n", + " | input_placeholder_color_dark: The placeholder text color of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_radius: The corner radius of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow: The shadow of an input field.\n", + " | input_shadow_dark: The shadow of an input field in dark mode.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus: The shadow of an input field when focused.\n", + " | input_shadow_focus_dark: The shadow of an input field when focused in dark mode.\n", + " | input_text_size: The text size of an input field.\n", + " | input_text_weight: The text weight of an input field.\n", + " | loader_color: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending.\n", + " | loader_color_dark: The color of the loading animation while a request is pending in dark mode.\n", + " | slider_color: The color of the slider in a range element.\n", + " | slider_color_dark: The color of the slider in a range element in dark mode.\n", + " | stat_background_fill: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label).\n", + " | stat_background_fill_dark: The background used for stats visuals (e.g. confidence bars in label) in dark mode.\n", + " | table_border_color: The border color of a table.\n", + " | table_border_color_dark: The border color of a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill: The background of even rows in a table.\n", + " | table_even_background_fill_dark: The background of even rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill: The background of odd rows in a table.\n", + " | table_odd_background_fill_dark: The background of odd rows in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | table_radius: The corner radius of a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus: The background of a focused row in a table.\n", + " | table_row_focus_dark: The background of a focused row in a table in dark mode.\n", + " | button_border_width: The border width of a button.\n", + " | button_border_width_dark: The border width of a button in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_cancel_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"cancel\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_large_padding: The padding of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_radius: The corner radius of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_size: The text size of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_large_text_weight: The text weight of a button with the default \"large\" size.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_primary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of \"primary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_background_fill_hover_dark: The background of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_border_color_hover_dark: The border color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant in dark mode.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over.\n", + " | button_secondary_text_color_hover_dark: The text color of a button of default \"secondary\" variant when hovered over in dark mode.\n", + " | button_shadow: The shadow under a button.\n", + " | button_shadow_active: The shadow under a button when pressed.\n", + " | button_shadow_hover: The shadow under a button when hovered over.\n", + " | button_small_padding: The padding of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_radius: The corner radius of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_size: The text size of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_small_text_weight: The text weight of a button set to \"small\" size.\n", + " | button_transition: The transition animation duration of a button between regular, hover, and focused states.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors inherited from gradio.themes.base.ThemeClass:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + " \n", + " class ThemeClass(builtins.object)\n", + " | Methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __init__(self)\n", + " | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.\n", + " | \n", + " | dump(self, filename: 'str')\n", + " | Write the theme to a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | filename: The path to write the theme too\n", + " | \n", + " | push_to_hub(self, repo_name: 'str', org_name: 'str | None' = None, version: 'str | None' = None, hf_token: 'str | None' = None, theme_name: 'str | None' = None, description: 'str | None' = None, private: 'bool' = False)\n", + " | Upload a theme to the HuggingFace hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This requires a HuggingFace account.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: The name of the repository to store the theme assets, e.g. 'my_theme' or 'sunset'.\n", + " | org_name: The name of the org to save the space in. If None (the default), the username corresponding to the logged in user, or hƒ_token is used.\n", + " | version: A semantic version tag for theme. Bumping the version tag lets you publish updates to a theme without changing the look of applications that already loaded your theme.\n", + " | hf_token: API token for your HuggingFace account\n", + " | theme_name: Name for the name. If None, defaults to repo_name\n", + " | description: A long form description to your theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | to_dict(self)\n", + " | Convert the theme into a python dictionary.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Class methods defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | from_dict(theme: 'dict[str, dict[str, str]]') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Create a theme instance from a dictionary representation.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | theme: The dictionary representation of the theme.\n", + " | \n", + " | from_hub(repo_name: 'str', hf_token: 'str | None' = None) from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from the hub.\n", + " | \n", + " | This DOES NOT require a HuggingFace account for downloading publicly available themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | repo_name: string of the form /@. If a semantic version expression is omitted, the latest version will be fetched.\n", + " | hf_token: HuggingFace Token. Only needed to download private themes.\n", + " | \n", + " | load(path: 'str') -> 'ThemeClass' from builtins.type\n", + " | Load a theme from a json file.\n", + " | \n", + " | Parameters:\n", + " | path: The filepath to read.\n", + " | \n", + " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", + " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", + " | \n", + " | __dict__\n", + " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", + " | \n", + " | __weakref__\n", + " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", + "\n", + "DATA\n", + " __all__ = ['Base', 'Color', 'Default', 'Font', 'Glass', 'GoogleFont', ...\n", + "\n", + "FILE\n", + " /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio/themes/__init__.py\n", + "\n", + "\n" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "def echo(num):\n", + " return num" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "hOxllWkDNQaY" + }, + "execution_count": 49, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# iface = gr.Interface(fn=echo,\n", + "# inputs=gr.Number(),\n", + "# outputs=gr.Number(), theme=gr.themes.Soft())\n", + "# iface.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "WsZDRm35PMvy" + }, + "execution_count": 57, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:\n", + "# with gr.Row():\n", + "# gr.Number()\n", + "\n", + "# demo.launch()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "WEYWoHR_PaUb" + }, + "execution_count": 56, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [ + "# gr.themes.builder()" + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "9Ap1-of-PtTF" + }, + "execution_count": 55, + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "source": [], + "metadata": { + "id": "RNzeAgexQ4p5" + }, + "execution_count": null, + "outputs": [] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file