import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt MODEL_NAMES = ["bert-base-uncased", "distilbert-base-uncased", "xlm-roberta-base"] DECIMAL_PLACES = 1 EPS = 1e-5 # to avoid /0 errors # Example date conts DATE_SPLIT_KEY = "DATE" START_YEAR = 1800 STOP_YEAR = 1999 NUM_PTS = 20 DATES = np.linspace(START_YEAR, STOP_YEAR, NUM_PTS).astype(int).tolist() DATES = [f'{d}' for d in DATES] # Example place conts # # Bottom 10 and top 10 Global Gender Gap ranked countries. PLACE_SPLIT_KEY = "PLACE" PLACES = [ "Afghanistan", "Yemen", "Iraq", "Pakistan", "Syria", "Democratic Republic of Congo", "Iran", "Mali", "Chad", "Saudi Arabia", "Switzerland", "Ireland", "Lithuania", "Rwanda", "Namibia", "Sweden", "New Zealand", "Norway", "Finland", "Iceland"] # Example Reddit interest consts # in order of increasing self-identified female participation. # See , Minimum subreddit size: 400000 SUBREDDITS = [ "GlobalOffensive", "pcmasterrace", "nfl", "sports", "The_Donald", "leagueoflegends", "Overwatch", "gonewild", "Futurology", "space", "technology", "gaming", "Jokes", "dataisbeautiful", "woahdude", "askscience", "wow", "anime", "BlackPeopleTwitter", "politics", "pokemon", "worldnews", "", "interestingasfuck", "videos", "nottheonion", "television", "science", "atheism", "movies", "gifs", "Music", "trees", "EarthPorn", "GetMotivated", "pokemongo", "news", # removing below subreddit as most of the tokens are taken up by it: # ['ff', '##ff', '##ff', '##fu', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', '##u', ...] # "fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu", "Fitness", "Showerthoughts", "OldSchoolCool", "explainlikeimfive", "todayilearned", "gameofthrones", "AdviceAnimals", "DIY", "WTF", "IAmA", "cringepics", "tifu", "mildlyinteresting", "funny", "pics", "LifeProTips", "creepy", "personalfinance", "food", "AskReddit", "books", "aww", "sex", "relationships", ] GENDERED_LIST = [ ['he', 'she'], ['him', 'her'], ['his', 'hers'], ["himself", "herself"], ['male', 'female'], ['man', 'woman'], ['men', 'women'], ["husband", "wife"], ['father', 'mother'], ['boyfriend', 'girlfriend'], ['brother', 'sister'], ["actor", "actress"], ] # Fire up the models # TODO: Make it so models can be added in the future models_paths = dict() models = dict() # %% for bert_like in MODEL_NAMES: models_paths[bert_like] = bert_like models[bert_like] = pipeline( "fill-mask", model=models_paths[bert_like]) def get_gendered_token_ids(): male_gendered_tokens = [list[0] for list in GENDERED_LIST] female_gendered_tokens = [list[1] for list in GENDERED_LIST] return male_gendered_tokens, female_gendered_tokens def prepare_text_for_masking(input_text, mask_token, gendered_tokens, split_key): text_w_masks_list = [ mask_token if word in gendered_tokens else word for word in input_text.split()] num_masks = len([m for m in text_w_masks_list if m == mask_token]) text_portions = ' '.join(text_w_masks_list).split(split_key) return text_portions, num_masks def get_avg_prob_from_pipeline_outputs(mask_filled_text, gendered_token, num_preds): pronoun_preds = [sum([ pronoun["score"] if pronoun["token_str"].lower( ) in gendered_token else 0.0 for pronoun in top_preds]) for top_preds in mask_filled_text ] return round(sum(pronoun_preds) / (EPS + num_preds) * 100, DECIMAL_PLACES) def get_figure(df, gender, n_fit=1): df = df.set_index('x-axis') cols = df.columns xs = list(range(len(df))) ys = df[cols[0]] fig, ax = plt.subplots() # find stackoverflow reference p, C_p = np.polyfit(xs, ys, n_fit, cov=1) t = np.linspace(min(xs)-1, max(xs)+1, 10*len(xs)) TT = np.vstack([t**(n_fit-i) for i in range(n_fit+1)]).T # matrix multiplication calculates the polynomial values yi =, p) C_yi =,, TT.T)) # C_y = TT*C_z*TT.T sig_yi = np.sqrt(np.diag(C_yi)) # Standard deviations are sqrt of diagonal ax.fill_between(t, yi+sig_yi, yi-sig_yi, alpha=.25) ax.plot(t, yi, '-') ax.plot(df, 'ro') ax.legend(list(df.columns)) ax.axis('tight') # fig.canvas.draw() ax.set_xlabel("Value injected into input text") ax.set_title( f"Probability of predicting {gender} pronouns.") ax.set_ylabel(f"Softmax prob for pronouns") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6)) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=15) return fig # %% def predict_gender_pronouns( model_type, indie_vars, split_key, normalizing, n_fit, input_text, ): """Run inference on input_text for each model type, returning df and plots of precentage of gender pronouns predicted as female and male in each target text. """ model = models[model_type] mask_token = model.tokenizer.mask_token indie_vars_list = indie_vars.split(',') male_gendered_tokens, female_gendered_tokens = get_gendered_token_ids() text_segments, num_preds = prepare_text_for_masking( input_text, mask_token, male_gendered_tokens + female_gendered_tokens, split_key) male_pronoun_preds = [] female_pronoun_preds = [] for indie_var in indie_vars_list: target_text = f"{indie_var}".join(text_segments) mask_filled_text = model(target_text) # Quick hack as realized return type based on how many MASKs in text. if type(mask_filled_text[0]) is not list: mask_filled_text = [mask_filled_text] female_pronoun_preds.append(get_avg_prob_from_pipeline_outputs( mask_filled_text, female_gendered_tokens, num_preds )) male_pronoun_preds.append(get_avg_prob_from_pipeline_outputs( mask_filled_text, male_gendered_tokens, num_preds )) if normalizing: total_gendered_probs = np.add( female_pronoun_preds, male_pronoun_preds) female_pronoun_preds = np.around( np.divide(female_pronoun_preds, total_gendered_probs+EPS)*100, decimals=DECIMAL_PLACES ) male_pronoun_preds = np.around( np.divide(male_pronoun_preds, total_gendered_probs+EPS)*100, decimals=DECIMAL_PLACES ) results_df = pd.DataFrame({'x-axis': indie_vars_list}) results_df['female_pronouns'] = female_pronoun_preds results_df['male_pronouns'] = male_pronoun_preds female_fig = get_figure(results_df.drop( 'male_pronouns', axis=1), 'female', n_fit) male_fig = get_figure(results_df.drop( 'female_pronouns', axis=1), 'male', n_fit) return ( target_text, female_fig, male_fig, results_df, ) # %% title = "Causing Gender Pronouns" description = """ ## Intro """ place_example = [ MODEL_NAMES[0], ','.join(PLACES), 'PLACE', "False", 1, 'Born in PLACE, she was a teacher.' ] date_example = [ MODEL_NAMES[0], ','.join(DATES), 'DATE', "False", 2, 'Born in DATE, she was a doctor.' ] subreddit_example = [ MODEL_NAMES[2], ','.join(SUBREDDITS), 'SUBREDDIT', "False", 1, 'I saw on r/SUBREDDIT that she is a hacker.' ] def date_fn(): return date_example def place_fn(): return place_example def reddit_fn(): return subreddit_example # %% demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown("## Hunt for spurious correlations in our LLMs.") gr.Markdown("Please see a better explanation in another [Space](") with gr.Row(): x_axis = gr.Textbox( lines=5, label="Pick a spectrum of values for text injection and x-axis", ) with gr.Row(): model_name = gr.Radio( MODEL_NAMES, type="value", label="Pick a BERT-like model.", ) place_holder = gr.Textbox( label="Special token used in input text that will be replaced with the above spectrum of values.", type="index", ) to_normalize = gr.Dropdown( ["False", "True"], label="Normalize?", type="index", ) n_fit = gr.Dropdown( list(range(1, 5)), label="Degree of polynomial fit for dose response trend", type="value", ) with gr.Row(): input_text = gr.Textbox( lines=5, label="Input Text: Sentence about a single person using some gendered pronouns to refer to them.", ) with gr.Row(): sample_text = gr.Textbox( type="auto", label="Output text: Sample of text fed to model") with gr.Row(): female_fig = gr.Plot( type="auto", label="Plot of softmax probability pronouns predicted female.") with gr.Row(): male_fig = gr.Plot( type="auto", label="Plot of softmax probability pronouns predicted male.") with gr.Row(): df = gr.Dataframe( show_label=True, overflow_row_behaviour="show_ends", label="Table of softmax probability for pronouns predictions", ) gr.Markdown("x-axis sorted by older to more recent dates:") place_gen = gr.Button('Populate fields with a location example') gr.Markdown("x-axis sorted by bottom 10 and top 10 Global Gender Gap ranked countries:") date_gen = gr.Button('Populate fields with a date example') gr.Markdown("x-axis sorted in order of increasing self-identified female participation (see [bburky demo]( ") subreddit_gen = gr.Button('Populate fields with a subreddit example') # with gr.Row():, inputs=[], outputs=[model_name, x_axis, place_holder, to_normalize, n_fit, input_text]), inputs=[], outputs=[ model_name, x_axis, place_holder, to_normalize, n_fit, input_text]), inputs=[], outputs=[ model_name, x_axis, place_holder, to_normalize, n_fit, input_text]) with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Hit submit") predict_gender_pronouns, inputs=[model_name, x_axis, place_holder, to_normalize, n_fit, input_text], outputs=[sample_text, female_fig, male_fig, df]) demo.launch(debug=True)