from __future__ import annotations from typing import Iterable import gradio as gr from gradio.themes.base import Base from gradio.themes.utils import colors, fonts, sizes import time import torch from transformers import pipeline import pandas as pd instruct_pipeline = pipeline(model="databricks/dolly-v2-12b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto") def run_pipeline(prompt): response = instruct_pipeline(prompt) return response def get_user_input(input_question, history): return "", history + [[input_question, None]] def get_qa_user_input(input_question, history): return "", history + [[input_question, None]] def dolly_chat(history): prompt = history[-1][0] bot_message = run_pipeline(prompt) history[-1][1] = bot_message return history def qa_bot(context, history): query = history[-1][0] prompt = f'instruction: {query} \ncontext: {context}' bot_message = run_pipeline(prompt) history[-1][1] = bot_message return history def reset_chatbot(): return gr.update(value="") def load_customer_support_example(): df = pd.read_csv("examples.csv") return df['doc'].iloc[0], df['question'].iloc[0] def load_databricks_doc_example(): df = pd.read_csv("examples.csv") return df['doc'].iloc[1], df['question'].iloc[1] # Referred & modified from class SeafoamCustom(Base): def __init__( self, *, primary_hue: colors.Color | str = colors.emerald, secondary_hue: colors.Color | str =, neutral_hue: colors.Color | str =, spacing_size: sizes.Size | str = sizes.spacing_md, radius_size: sizes.Size | str = sizes.radius_md, font: fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str] = ( fonts.GoogleFont("Quicksand"), "ui-sans-serif", "sans-serif", ), font_mono: fonts.Font | str | Iterable[fonts.Font | str] = ( fonts.GoogleFont("IBM Plex Mono"), "ui-monospace", "monospace", ), ): super().__init__( primary_hue=primary_hue, secondary_hue=secondary_hue, neutral_hue=neutral_hue, spacing_size=spacing_size, radius_size=radius_size, font=font, font_mono=font_mono, ) super().set( button_primary_background_fill="linear-gradient(90deg, *primary_300, *secondary_400)", button_primary_background_fill_hover="linear-gradient(90deg, *primary_200, *secondary_300)", button_primary_text_color="white", button_primary_background_fill_dark="linear-gradient(90deg, *primary_600, *secondary_800)", block_shadow="*shadow_drop_lg", button_shadow="*shadow_drop_lg", input_background_fill="zinc", input_border_color="*secondary_300", input_shadow="*shadow_drop", input_shadow_focus="*shadow_drop_lg", ) seafoam = SeafoamCustom() with gr.Blocks(theme=seafoam) as demo: with gr.Row(variant='panel'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML( """dolly logo
""" ) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("# **

Dolly 2.0: World's First Truly Open Instruction-Tuned LLM

**") gr.Markdown("Dolly 2.0, the first open source, instruction-following LLM, fine-tuned on a human-generated instruction dataset licensed for research and commercial use. It's a 12B parameter language model based on the EleutherAI pythia model family and fine-tuned exclusively on a new, high-quality human generated instruction following dataset, crowdsourced among Databricks employees.") qa_bot_state = gr.State(value=[]) with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("Dolly Chat"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Chat History") input_question = gr.Text( label="Instruction", placeholder="Type prompt and hit enter.", ) clear = gr.Button("Clear", variant="primary") with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("Show example inputs I can load:", open=False): gr.Examples( [ ["Explain to me the difference between nuclear fission and fusion."], ["Give me a list of 5 science fiction books I should read next."], ["I'm selling my Nikon D-750, write a short blurb for my ad."], ["Write a song about sour donuts"], ["Write a tweet about a new book launch by J.K. Rowling."], ], [input_question], [], None, cache_examples=False, ) with gr.TabItem("Q&A with Context"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_context = gr.Text(label="Add context here", lines=10) with gr.Column(): qa_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Q&A History") qa_input_question = gr.Text( label="Input Question", placeholder="Type question here and hit enter.", ) qa_clear = gr.Button("Clear", variant="primary") with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("Show example inputs I can load:", open=False): example_1 = gr.Button("Load Customer support example") example_2 = gr.Button("Load Databricks documentation example") input_question.submit( get_user_input, [input_question, chatbot], [input_question, chatbot], ).then(dolly_chat, [chatbot], chatbot) None, None, chatbot) qa_input_question.submit( get_qa_user_input, [qa_input_question, qa_chatbot], [qa_input_question, qa_chatbot], ).then(qa_bot, [input_context, qa_chatbot], qa_chatbot) None, None, qa_chatbot) # reset the chatbot Q&A history when input context changes input_context.change(fn=reset_chatbot, inputs=[], outputs=qa_chatbot) load_customer_support_example, [], [input_context, qa_input_question], ) load_databricks_doc_example, [], [input_context, qa_input_question], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue(concurrency_count=1,max_size=100).launch(max_threads=5,debug=True)