--- license: mit title: Streamlit simple QA Inference App with Ollama, Nvidia Cloud and Groq app_file: Home.py sdk: streamlit --- # Streamlit simple QA Inference App with Ollama, Nvidia Cloud and Groq > Post : [https://iaetbibliotheques.fr/2024/05/comment-executer-localement-un-llm-22](https://iaetbibliotheques.fr/2024/05/comment-executer-localement-un-llm-22) > Deployed : no Two different ways to develop the same chatbot application - app_api_completion.py : make QA inference with LLMs by choosing between the native Chat API completion endpoints provided by Ollama, Nvidia or Groq - app_langchain_completion.py : make QA inference with LLMs with the dedicated Langchain wrappers for Ollama, Nvidia or Groq You can use one, two or the three LLMs hosting solutions according to your environment : - a running Ollama instance : the default base_url is http://localhost:11434 but if needed (remote or dockerized Ollama instance for example) you change it in the OllamaClient in clients.py *and/or* - a valid API key on the Nvidia Cloud : [https://build.nvidia.com/explore/discover](https://build.nvidia.com/explore/discover) *and/or* - a valid API key on Groq Cloud : [https://console.groq.com/playground](https://console.groq.com/playground) ``` git clone pip install -r requirements.txt streamlit run Home.py ``` Running on http://localhost:8501 ![screenshot](screenshot.png)