{ "texts": [ "OVERVIEW\nWhat is democracy? What are its features? This chapter builds on a simple\ndefinition of democracy. Step by step, we work out the meaning of the\nterms involved in this definition. The aim here is to understand clearly the\nbare minimum features of a democratic form of government. After going\nthrough this chapter we should be able to distinguish a democratic form\nof government from a non-democratic government. Towards the end of\nthis chapter, we step beyond this minimal objective and introduce a broader\nidea of democracy. Democracy is the most prevalent form of government in the world today\nand it is expanding to more countries. But why is it so? What makes it\nbetter than other forms of government? That is the second big question\nthat we take up in this chapter. CHAPTER 1\nWhat is\nDemocracy? Why\nDemocracy? 2024-25\n2\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nI have heard a\ndifferent version. Democracy is off\nthe people, far\n(from) the people\nand (where they)\nbuy the people. Why don\u2019t we\naccept that?", "1.1\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? But we don\u2019t know if this is the best way of\ndefining unless we think about it ourselves.", "We\nmust not accept something just because it is\nfamous, just because everyone accepts it. Yolanda: Ma\u2019am, can I suggest something?", "We don\u2019t\nneed to look for any definition. I read somewhere\nthat the word democracy comes from a Greek\nword \u2018Demokratia\u2019. In Greek \u2018demos\u2019 means\npeople and \u2018kratia\u2019 means rule. So democracy is\nrule by the people. This is the correct meaning.", "Where is the need to debate? Lyngdoh Madam: That is also a very helpful way\nof thinking about this matter. I would just say\nthat this does not always work. A word does not\nremain tied to its origin. Just think of computers. Originally they were used for computing, that is to\nsay calculating, very difficult mathematical sums. These were very powerful calculators. But nowa-\ndays very few people use computers for comput-\ning sums. They use it for writing, for designing, for\nlistening to music and for watching films. Words\nremain the same but their meaning can change\nwith time. In that case it is not very useful to look\nat the origins of a word. Merry: Ma\u2019am, so basically what you are saying\nis that there is no shortcut to our thinking about\nthe matter ourselves. We have to think about its\nmeaning and evolve a definition. Lyngdoh Madam: You got me right. Let us get on\nwith it now. A C T I V I T Y\nLet us take Lyngdoh Madam seriously and try to\nwrite down the exact definition of some of the\nsimple words that we use all the time: pen, rain\nand love. For example, is there a way of defining a\npen that distinguishes it clearly from a pencil, a\nbrush, a chalk or crayon. < What have you learnt from this attempt?", "< What does it teach us about understanding the\nmeaning of democracy? A simple definition\nA simple definition\nA simple definition\nA simple definition\nA simple definition\nLet us get back to our discussion on\nsimilarities and differences among\ngovernments that are called\nYou have already read about different\nforms of government. On the basis of\nyour understanding of democracy\nso far, mentioning a few examples\nwrite down some common features of:\n< Democratic governments\n< Non-democratic governments\nWhy define democracy? Why define democracy? Why define democracy? Why define democracy? Why define democracy? Before we proceed further, let us\nfirst take note of an objection by\nMerry. She does not like this way\nof defining democracy and wants\nto ask some basic questions. Her teacher Matilda Lyngdoh\nresponds to her questions, as other\nclassmates join the discussion:\nMerry: Ma\u2019am, I don\u2019t like this idea. First we spend\ntime discussing democracy and then we want\nto find out the meaning of democracy. I mean\nlogically shouldn\u2019t we have approached it the\nother way round? Shouldn\u2019t the meaning have\ncome first and then the example? Lyngdoh Madam: I can see your point. But that is\nnot how we reason in everyday life. We use\nwords like pen, rain or love. Do we wait to have\na definition of these words before we use them? Come to think of it, do we have clear definition\nof these words? It is only by using a word that\nwe understand its meaning. Merry: But then why do we need definitions at all? Lyngdoh Madam: We need a definition only when\nwe come across a difficulty in the use of a word. We need a definition of rain only when we wish to\ndistinguish it from, say, drizzle or cloudburst. The\nsame is true for democracy. We need a clear\ndefinition only because people use it for different\npurposes, because very different kinds of gov-\nernments call themselves democracy. Ribiang: But why do we need to work on a defini-\ntion? The other day you quoted Abraham\nLincoln to us: \u201cDemocracy is government of\nthe people, by the people and for the people\u201d. We in Meghalaya always ruled ourselves. That\nis accepted by everyone.", "Why do we need to\nchange that? Lyngdoh Madam: I am not saying we need to\nchange it. I too find this definition very beautiful. 2024-25\n3\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? WHY DEMOCRACY? CHECK\nYOUR\nPROGRESS\nRibiang went back home and collected some more famous quotations on democracy. This time she\ndid not mention the names of the people who said or wrote these. She wants you to read these and\ncomment on how good or useful these thoughts are:\n< Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor. < Democracy consists of choosing your dictators after they\u2019ve told you what you think it is you want\nto hear. < Man\u2019s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man\u2019s inclination to injustice makes\ndemocracy necessary\n< Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. < All the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy. democracies. One simple factor\ncommon to all democracies is: the\ngovernment is chosen by the people. We could thus start with a simple\ndefinition: democracy is a form of\ngovernment in which the rulers are\nelected by the people. This is a useful starting point. This\ndefinition allows us to separate\ndemocracy from forms of government\nthat are clearly not democratic. The\narmy rulers of Myanmar were not\nelected by the people. Those who\nhappened to be in control of the army\nbecame the rulers of the country. People had no say in this decision. Dictators like Pinochet (Chile) are not\nelected by the people. This also\napplies to monarchies. The kings of\nSaudi Arabia rule not because the\npeople have chosen them to do so but\nbecause they happen to be born into\nthe royal family. This simple definition is not\nadequate.", "It reminds us that\ndemocracy is people\u2019s rule. But if we\nuse this definition in an unthinking\nmanner, we would end up calling\nalmost every government that holds\nan election a democracy. That would\nbe very misleading. As we shall find\nout in Chapter 3, every government\nin contemporary world wants to be\ncalled a democracy, even if it is not\nso. That is why we need to carefully\ndistinguish between a government\nthat is a democracy and one that\npretends to be one. We can do so by\nunderstanding each word in this\ndefinition carefully and spelling out\nthe features of a democratic\ngovernment. This cartoon was\ndrawn when elections\nwere held in Iraq with\nthe presence of US\nand other foreign\npowers. What do you\nthink this cartoon is\nsaying? Why is\n\u2018democracy\u2019 written\nthe way it is? r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Stephane Peray, Thailand, Cagle Cartoons Inc. 2024-25\n4\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nwant in a democracy? Or must a\ndemocratic government function\nwith some limits? Is it necessary\nfor a democracy to respect some\nrights of the citizens? Let us consider each of these\nquestions with the help of some\nexamples. Major decisions by elected\nMajor decisions by elected\nMajor decisions by elected\nMajor decisions by elected\nMajor decisions by elected\nleaders\nleaders\nleaders\nleaders\nleaders\nIn Pakistan, General Pervez\nMusharraf led a military coup in\nOctober 1999. He overthrew a\ndemocratically elected government\nand declared himself the \u2018Chief\nExecutive\u2019 of the country. Later he\nchanged his designation to President\nand in 2002 held a referendum in\nthe country that granted him a five-\nyear extension. Pakistani media,\nhuman rights organisations and\ndemocracy activists said that the\nreferendum \nwas \nbased \non\n1.2 FEATURES OF DEMOCRACY\nSyria is a small west\nAsian country. The\nruling Ba\u2019ath Party\nand some of its small\nallies are the only\nparties allowed in that\ncountry. Do you think\nthis cartoon could\napply to China or\nMexico? What does\nthe crown of leaves\non democracy\nsignify? r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Emad Hajjaj, Jordan, Cagle Cartoons Inc. 7 June 2005\nWe have started with a simple\ndefinition that democracy is a form\nof government in which the rulers\nare elected by the people. This\nraises many questions:\n< Who are the rulers in this\ndefinition? Which officials must\nbe elected for any government to\nbe called a democracy? Which\ndecisions may be taken by non-\nelected officials in a democracy? < What kind of election constitutes\na democratic election? What\nconditions must be fulfilled for an\nelection \nto \nbe \nconsidered\ndemocratic? < Who are the people who can elect\nthe rulers or get elected as rulers? Should this include every citizen on\nan equal basis? Can a democracy\ndeny some citizens this right? < Finally, what kind of a form of\ngovernment is democracy? Can\nelected rulers do whatever they\n2024-25\n5\nr\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\nmalpractices and fraud. In August\n2002 he issued a \u2018Legal Framework\nOrder\u2019 \nthat \namended \nthe\nConstitution of Pakistan. According\nto this Order, the President can\ndismiss the national and provincial\nassemblies. The work of the civilian\ncabinet is supervised by a National\nSecurity \nCouncil \nwhich \nis\ndominated by military officers. After\npassing this law, elections were\nheld to the national and provincial\nassemblies. So Pakistan has had\nelections, elected representatives\nhave some powers. But the final\npower rested with military officers\nand General Musharraf himself. Clearly, there are many reasons\nwhy Pakistan under General\nMusharraf should not be called a\ndemocracy. But let us focus on one\nof these. Can we say that the rulers\nare elected by the people in\nPakistan? Not quite. People may\nhave elected their representatives to\nthe national and provincial\nassemblies but those elected\nrepresentatives were not really the\nrulers. They cannot take the final\ndecisions. The power to take final\ndecision rested with army officials\nand with General Musharraf, and\nnone of them were elected by the\npeople. This happens in many\ndictatorships and monarchies. They\nformally have an elected parliament\nand government but the real power\nis with those who are not elected. In a few countries, the real power\nwas with some external powers and\nnot \nwith \nlocally \nelected\nrepresentatives. This cannot be\ncalled people\u2019s rule. This gives us the first feature. In a\ndemocracy the final decision-\nmaking power must rest with those\nelected by the people. Free and fair electoral\nFree and fair electoral\nFree and fair electoral\nFree and fair electoral\nFree and fair electoral\ncompetition\ncompetition\ncompetition\ncompetition\ncompetition\nIn China, elections are regularly\nheld after every five years for\nelecting the country\u2019s parliament,\ncalled Quanguo Renmin Daibiao\nDahui (National People\u2019s Congress). The National People\u2019s Congress has\nthe power to appoint the President\nof the country. It has nearly 3,000\nmembers elected from all over\nChina. Some members are elected\nby the army. Before contesting\nelections, a candidate needs the\napproval of the Chinese Communist\nParty. Only those who are members\nof the Chinese Communist Party or\neight smaller parties allied to it were\nallowed to contest elections held in\n2002-03. The government is always\nformed by the Communist Party. Since its independence in 1930,\nMexico holds elections after every\nsix years to elect its President. The\ncountry has never been under a\nmilitary or dictator\u2019s rule. But until\n2000 every election was won by a\nThis cartoon was\ndrawn in the context\nof Latin America. Do\nyou think it applies to\nthe Pakistani situation\nas well?", "Think of\nother countries where\nthis could apply? Does this happen\nsometimes in our\ncountry as well? WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?", "WHY DEMOCRACY? \u00a9Ares, Caglecartoon.com, Cagle Cartoons Inc. 22 January 2005\nAll this is so remote\nfor me. Is\ndemocracy all\nabout rulers and\ngovernments? Can\nwe talk about a\ndemocratic\nclassroom? Or a\ndemocratic family? 2024-25\n6\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nparty called PRI (Institutional\nRevolutionary Party). Opposition\nparties did contest elections, but\nnever managed to win. The PRI was\nknown to use many dirty tricks to\nwin elections. All those who were\nemployed in government offices\nhad to attend its party meetings. Teachers of government schools\nused to force parents to vote for the\nPRI. Media largely ignored the\nactivities of opposition political\nparties except to criticise them. Sometimes the polling booths were\nshifted from one place to another in\nthe last minute, which made it\ndifficult for people to cast their votes. The PRI spent a large sum of money\nin the campaign for its candidates. Should we consider the elections\ndescribed above as examples of\npeople electing their rulers? Reading\nthese examples we get a sense that\nwe cannot. There are many problems\nhere. In China the elections do not\noffer the people any serious choice. They have to choose the ruling party\nand the candidates approved by it. Can we call this a choice? In the\nMexican example, people seemed to\nreally have a choice but in practice\nthey had no choice. There was no\nway the ruling party could be\ndefeated, even if people were against\nit. These are not fair elections. We can thus add a second feature\nto our understanding of democracy. Holding elections of any kind is not\nsufficient. The elections must offer\na real choice between political\nalternatives. And it should be\npossible for people to use this choice\nto remove the existing rulers, if they\nwish so. So, a democracy must be\nbased on a free and fair election\nwhere those currently in power\nhave a fair chance of losing. We\nshall find out more about a\ndemocratic election in Chapter 3. One person,\nOne person,\nOne person,\nOne person,\nOne person, one v\n one v\n one v\n one v\n one vot\not\not\not\note\ne\ne\ne\ne,\n,\n,\n,\n,\none value\none value\none value\none value\none value\nEarlier, we read about how the struggle\nfor democracy was linked to the\ndemand for universal adult franchise. This principle has now come to be\naccepted almost all over the world.", "Yet\nthere are many instances of denial of\nequal right to vote. < Until 2015, in Saudi Arabia women\ndid not have the right to vote. < Estonia has made its citizenship\nrules in such a way that people\nbelonging to Russian minority\nfind it difficult to get the right to\nvote. < In Fiji, the electoral system is\nsuch that the vote of an\nindigenous Fiji has more value\nthan that of an Indian-Fijian. Democracy is based on a\nfundamental principle of political\nequality. That gives us the third\nfeature of democracy: \nin \na\ndemocracy, each adult citizen must\nhave one vote and each vote must\nhave one value. We shall read more\nabout it in Chapter 3.", "This cartoon was\ntitled \u2018Building\nDemocracy\u2019 and was\nfirst published in a\nLatin American\npublication. What do\nmoneybags signify\nhere? Could this\ncartoon be applied to\nIndia?", "r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Nerilicon, El Economista , Mexico, Cagle Cartoons Inc. 17 May 2005\n2024-25\n7\nr\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? WHY DEMOCRACY? This cartoon is about\nthe Iraqi election held\nafter Saddam\nHussein\u2019s regime was\noverthrown. He is\nshown behind the\nbars. What is the\ncartoonist saying\nhere?", "Compare the\nmessage of this\ncartoon with the first\ncartoon in this\nchapter. R\nR\nR\nR\nRule of la\nule of la\nule of la\nule of la\nule of law and r\nw and r\nw and r\nw and r\nw and respe\nespe\nespe\nespe\nespec\nc\nc\nc\nct\nt\nt\nt\nt\nfor rights\nfor rights\nfor rights\nfor rights\nfor rights\nZimbabwe attained independence\nfrom White minority rule in 1980. Since then the country has been\nruled by ZANU-PF, the party that led\nthe freedom struggle. Its leader,\nRobert Mugabe, ruled the country\nsince independence. Elections were\nheld regularly and always won by\nZANU-PF. President Mugabe was\npopular but also used unfair practices\nin elections. Over the years his\ngovernment changed the constitution\nseveral times to increase the powers\nof the President and make him less\naccountable. Opposition party\nworkers were harassed and their\nmeeting disrupted. Public protests\nand demonstrations against the\ngovernment were declared illegal. There was a law that limited the right\nto criticise the President. Television\nand radio were controlled by the\ngovernment and gave only the\nruling party\u2019s version. There were\nindependent newspapers but the\ngovernment \nharassed \nthose\njournalists who went against it. The\ngovernment ignored some court\njudgments that went against it and\npressurised judges. He was forced\nout of office in 2017. The example of Zimbabwe shows\nthat popular approval of the rulers is\nnecessary in a democracy, but it is\nnot sufficient. Popular governments\ncan be undemocratic. Popular leaders\ncan be autocratic. If we wish to assess\na democracy, it is important to look\nat the elections. But it is equally\nimportant to look before and after the\nelections. There should be sufficient\nroom for normal political activity,\nincluding political opposition, in the\nperiod before elections. This requires\nthat the state should respect some\nbasic rights of the citizen. They should\nbe free to think, to have opinions, to\nexpress these in public, to form\nassociations, to protest and take other\npolitical actions. Everyone should be\nequal in the eyes of law. These rights\nmust be protected by an independent\nWhy talk about\nZimbabwe? I read\nsimilar reports from\nmany parts of our\nown country.", "Why\ndon\u2019t we discuss\nthat?", "\u00a9John Trever, Albuquerque Journal, US, Cagle Cartoons Inc. 2024-25\n8\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\njudiciary whose orders are obeyed by\neveryone. We shall read more about\nthese rights in Chapter 5. Similarly, there are some conditions\nthat apply to the way a government\nis run after the elections. A\ndemocratic government cannot do\nwhatever it likes, simply because it\nhas won an election. It has to respect\nsome basic rules. In particular it has\nto respect some guarantees to the\nminorities. Every major decision has\nto \ngo \nthrough \na \nseries \nof\nconsultations. Every office bearer has\ncertain rights and responsibilities\nassigned by the constitution and the\nlaw. Each of these is accountable not\nonly to the people but also to other\nindependent officials. We shall read\nmore about this in Chapter 4. Both these aspects give us the fourth\nand final feature of democracy:\na democratic government rules\nwithin limits set by constitutional\nlaw and citizens\u2019 rights. S\nS\nS\nS\nSummar\nummar\nummar\nummar\nummary \ndef\ny \ndef\ny \ndef\ny \ndef\ny \ndefinition\ninition\ninition\ninition\ninition\nLet us sum up the discussion so far. We started with a simple definition\nthat democracy is a form of\ngovernment in which the rulers are\nelected by the people. We found that\nthis definition was not adequate\nunless we explained some of the key\nwords used in it. Through a series of\nexamples we worked out four features\nof democracy as a form of\ngovernment. Accordingly, democracy\nis a form of government in which:\n< Rulers elected by the people take\nall the major decisions;\n< Elections offer a choice and fair\nopportunity to the people to\nchange the current rulers;\n< This choice and opportunity is\navailable to all the people on an\nequal basis; and\n< The exercise of this choice leads\nto a government limited by basic\nrules of the constitution and\ncitizens\u2019 rights. Chinese government\nblocked free flow of\ninformation on the\ninternet by placing\nrestrictions on popular\nwebsites like \u2018Google\u2019\nand \u2018Yahoo\u2019.", "The\nimage of tanks and an\nunarmed student\nreminds the reader of\nanother major event in\nrecent Chinese\nhistory. Find out about\nthat event. r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Eric Allie, Pioneer Press, US, Cagle Cartoons Inc., 27 February 2006\n2024-25\n9\nCHECK\nYOUR\nPROGRESS\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? WHY DEMOCRACY? Read these five examples of working or denial of democracy. Match each of these with the relevant\nfeature of democracy discussed above. Example\nFeature\nKing of Bhutan has declared that in future he will be\nguided by the advice given to him by elected representatives. Many Tamil workers who migrated from India were\nnot given a right to vote in Sri Lanka. The king imposed a ban on political gatherings,\ndemonstrations and rallies. The Indian Supreme Court held that the dissolution of\nBihar assembly was unconstitutional. Political parties in Bangladesh have agreed that a neutral\ngovernment should rule the country at the time of elections. 1.3 WHY DEMOCRACY? An argument broke out in Madam\nLyngdoh\u2019s class. She had finished\nteaching the previous section on\nwhat is democracy and asked the\nstudents if they thought democracy\nwas the best form of government. Everyone had something to say. Debating merits of\nDebating merits of\nDebating merits of\nDebating merits of\nDebating merits of\ndemocr\ndemocr\ndemocr\ndemocr\ndemocrac\nac\nac\nac\nac y\ny\ny\ny\ny\nYolanda: We live in a democratic country. All over\nthe world people want democracy. Countries that\nwere not democratic earlier are becoming demo-\ncratic now. All great people have said nice things\nabout democracy. Isn\u2019t it obvious that democracy\nis the best? Do we need to debate this? Tangkini: But Lyngdoh Madam had said we should\nnot accept something just because it is famous,\njust because everyone else accepts it. Isn\u2019t it\npossible that everyone is following a wrong\npath? Jeni: Yes, it actually is a wrong path. What has\ndemocracy brought to our country? Seven\ndecades of democracy and there is so much\npoverty in the country. Ribiang: But what has democracy got to do with\nit? Do we have poverty because we are demo-\ncratic or do we have poverty despite being a\ndemocracy? Jeni: Whatever, how does it make a difference? The point is that this can\u2019t be the best form of\ngovernment. Democracy is all about chaos, in-\nstability, corruption and hypocrisy. Politicians\nfight among themselves. Who cares for the coun-\ntry? Poimon: So, what should we have instead? Go\nback to the British rule? Invite some kings to\nrule this country? Rose: I don\u2019t know. I think what this country needs\nis a strong leader, someone who does not have\nto bother about elections and parliament. One\nleader should have all the powers. He should\nbe able to do whatever is needed in country\u2019s\ninterest. That alone can remove corruption and\npoverty from this country. Someone shouted: That is called dictatorship! Hoi: What if that person starts using all these pow-\ners for himself and his family? What if he is\ncorrupt himself? Rose: I am speaking only of the honest, sincere\nand strong leader. Hoi: But that is not fair. You are comparing a real\ndemocracy with an ideal dictatorship. We should compare an ideal with an ideal, the\nreal with the real. Go and check the record of\ndictators in real life. They are most corrupt, self-\nish and brutal. It is just that we don\u2019t get to know\nabout this.", "And what is worse, you can\u2019t even\nget rid of them. I want to be in\nLyngdoh Madam\u2019s\nclass! That sounds\nlike a democratic\nclassroom. Doesn\u2019t it? Rule of law\nRespect for Rights\nOne person one vote\none value\nFree and fair\nelectoral competition\nMajor decisions by\nelected leaders\n2024-25\n10\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nMadam Lyngdoh was listening to\nthis discussion with interest. Now\nshe stepped in: \u201cI was delighted to\nsee you all arguing so passionately.", "I don\u2019t know who is right and who\nis wrong. That is for you to settle. But I did feel that you all wanted to\nspeak your mind. You may have felt\nvery bad if someone tried to stop you\nor if someone punished you for\nsaying what you felt. Would you be\nable to do that in a country that is\nnot democratic? Is that a good\nargument for democracy?\u201d\nArguments against democracy\nArguments against democracy\nArguments against democracy\nArguments against democracy\nArguments against democracy\nThis conversation has most of the\narguments that we routinely hear\nagainst democracy. Let us go over\nsome of these arguments:\n< Leaders keep changing in a\ndemocracy. This leads to instability. < Democracy is all about political\ncompetition and power play. There\nis no scope for morality. < So many people have to be\nconsulted in a democracy that it\nleads to delays. < Elected leaders do not know the\nbest interest of the people. It leads\nto bad decisions. < Democracy leads to corruption for\nit is based on electoral competition. < Ordinary people don\u2019t know what\nis good for them; they should not\ndecide anything. Are there some other arguments\nagainst democracy that you can\nthink of? Which of these arguments\napplies mainly to democracy? Which\nof these can apply to misuse of any\nform of government? Which of these\ndo you agree with? Clearly, democracy is not a\nmagical solution for all the\nproblems. It has not ended poverty\nin our country and in other parts of\nthe world. Democracy as a form of\ngovernment only ensures that\npeople take their own decisions. This does not guarantee that their\ndecisions will be good.", "People can\nmake mistakes. Involving the people\nin these decisions does lead\nto delays in decision making. It\nis also true that democracy leads\nto frequent changes in leadership. Sometimes this can set back\nbig decisions and affect the\ngovernment\u2019s efficiency. These arguments show that\ndemocracy of the kind we see may\nnot be the ideal form of government. But that is not a question we face in\nreal life. The real question we face\nis different: is democracy better than\nother forms of government that are\nthere for us to choose from? Arguments for democracy\nArguments for democracy\nArguments for democracy\nArguments for democracy\nArguments for democracy\nChina\u2019s famine of 1958-1961 was\nthe worst recorded famine in world\nhistory. Nearly three crore people\ndied in this famine. During those\ndays, India\u2019s economic condition\nwas not much better than China. Yet\nIndia did not have a famine of the\nkind China had. Economists think\nThis cartoon is from\nBrazil, a country that\nhas long experience\nof dictatorship. It is\nentitled \u201cThe Hidden\nSide of Dictatorship\u201d. Which hidden sides\ndoes this cartoon\ndepict? Is it\nnecessary for every\ndictatorship to have a\nhidden side? If\npossible, find this out\nabout the dictators\nincluding Pinochet in\nChile, Jaruzelski in\nPoland, Sani Abacha\nin Nigeria and\nFerdinand Marcos in\nthe Philippines. r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Osmani Simanca, Brazil,\nCagle Cartoons Inc.", "6 December 2004\n2024-25\n11\nthat this was a result of different\ngovernment policies in the two\ncountries. The \nexistence \nof\ndemocracy in India made the\nIndian government respond to food\nscarcity in a way that the Chinese\ngovernment did not. They point out\nthat no large-scale famine has ever\ntaken place in an independent and\ndemocratic country. If China too had\nmultiparty elections, an opposition\nparty and a press free to criticise the\ngovernment, then so many people\nmay not have died in the famine. This example brings out one of the\nreasons why democracy is considered\nthe best form of government. Democracy is better than any other\nform of government in responding to\nthe needs of the people. A non-\ndemocratic government may and can\nrespond to the people\u2019s needs, but it\nall depends on the wishes of the\npeople who rule. If the rulers don\u2019t\nwant to, they don\u2019t have to act\naccording to the wishes of the people. A democracy requires that the rulers\nhave to attend to the needs of the\npeople. A democratic government is\na better government because it is a\nmore \naccountable \nform \nof\ngovernment. There is another reason why\ndemocracy should lead to better\ndecisions than any non-democratic\ngovernment. Democracy is based on\nconsultation and discussion. A\ndemocratic decision always involves\nmany persons, discussions and\nmeetings. When a number of people\nput their heads together, they are\nable to point out possible mistakes\nin any decision. This takes time. But\nthere is a big advantage in taking\ntime over important decisions. This\nreduces the chances of rash or\nirresponsible decisions. Thus\ndemocracy improves the quality\nof decision-making. This is related to the third\nargument. Democracy provides a\nmethod to deal with differences\nand conflicts. In any society people\nare bound to have differences of\nopinions and interests. These\ndifferences are particularly sharp in\na country like ours which has an\namazing social diversity. People\nbelong to different regions, speak\ndifferent languages, practise\ndifferent religions and have different\ncastes. They look at the world very\ndifferently and have different\npreferences. The preferences of one\ngroup can clash with those of other\ngroups. How do we resolve such a\nconflict? The conflict can be solved\nby brutal power. Whichever group\nis more powerful will dictate its\nterms and others will have to accept\nthat. But that would lead to\nresentment and unhappiness. Different groups may not be able to\nlive together for long in such a way. Democracy provides the only\npeaceful solution to this problem. In\ndemocracy, no one is a permanent\nwinner. No one is a permanent loser. Different groups can live with one\nanother peacefully. In a diverse\ncountry like India, democracy keeps\nour country together. These three arguments were about\nthe effects of democracy on the\nquality of government and social life. But the strongest argument for\ndemocracy is not about what\ndemocracy does to the government. It is about what democracy does to\nthe citizens. Even if democracy does\nnot bring about better decisions and\naccountable government, it is still\nbetter than other forms of\ngovernment. Democracy enhances\nthe dignity of citizens. As we\ndiscussed above, democracy is\nbased on the principle of political\nequality, on recognising that the\nWhat would have\nhappened if India\nwas not a\ndemocracy? Could we have\nstayed together as\na single nation? WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?", "WHY DEMOCRACY? 2024-25\n12\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nCHECK\nYOUR\nPROGRESS\npoorest and the least educated has\nthe same status as the rich and the\neducated. People are not subjects of\na ruler, they are the rulers\nthemselves.", "Even when they make\nmistakes, they are responsible for\ntheir conduct. Finally, democracy is better than\nother forms of government because\nit allows us to correct its own\nmistakes. As we saw above, there is\nno guarantee that mistakes cannot\nbe made in democracy. No form of\ngovernment can guarantee that. The\nadvantage in a democracy is that\nsuch mistakes cannot be hidden for\nlong. There is a space for public\ndiscussion on these mistakes. And\nthere is a room for correction. Either\nthe rulers have to change their\ndecisions, or the rulers can be\nchanged. This cannot happen in a\nnon-democratic government. Let us sum it up. Democracy\ncannot get us everything and is not\nthe solution to all problems. But it\nis clearly better than any other\nalternative that we know. It offers\nbetter chances of a good decision,\nit is likely to respect people\u2019s own\nwishes and allows different kinds of\npeople to live together. Even when\nit fails to do some of these things, it\nallows a way of correcting its\nmistakes and offers more dignity to\nall citizens. That is why democracy\nis considered the best form of\ngovernment. This cartoon was\npublished in Canada\njust before its\nparliamentary\nelections of 2004. Everyone, including\nthe cartoonist,\nexpected the Liberal\nparty to win once\nagain. When the\nresults came, the\nLiberal Party lost the\nelections. Is this\ncartoon an argument\nagainst democracy or\nfor democracy? Rajesh and Muzaffar read an article. It showed that no democracy has ever gone to war with another\ndemocracy. Wars take place only when one of the two governments is non-democratic. The article said\nthat this was a great merit of democracy. After reading the essay, Rajesh and Muzaffar had different\nreactions. Rajesh said that this was not a good argument for democracy. It was just a matter of chance. It is possible that in future democracies may have wars. Muzaffar said that it could not be a matter of\nchance. Democracies take decisions in such a way that it reduces the chances of war. Which of the two\npositions do you agree with and why? r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\n\u00a9Cam Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen, Canada, Cagle Cartoons Inc.", "30 May 2004. 2024-25\n13\n1.4 BROADER MEANINGS OF DEMOCRACY\nIn this chapter we have considered\nthe meaning of democracy in a\nlimited and descriptive sense. We\nhave understood democracy as a\nform of government. This way of\ndefining democracy helps us to\nidentify a clear set of minimal\nfeatures that a democracy must\nhave. The most common form that\ndemocracy takes in our times is that\nof a representative democracy. You\nhave already read about this in the\nprevious classes. In the countries we\ncall democracy, all the people do not\nrule. A majority is allowed to take\ndecisions on behalf of all the people. Even the majority does not rule\ndirectly. The majority of people rule\nthrough their elected representatives. This become necessary because:\n< Modern democracies involve such\na large number of people that it is\nphysically impossible for them to\nsit together and take a collective\ndecision. < Even if they could, the citizen does\nnot have the time, the desire or the\nskills to take part in all the\ndecisions. This gives us a clear but minimal\nunderstanding of democracy. This\nclarity helps us to distinguish\ndemocracies from non-democracies. But it does not allow us to\ndistinguish between a democracy\nand a good democracy. It does not\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY?", "WHY DEMOCRACY? r\nr\nr\nr\nre\ne\ne\ne\nea\na\na\na\nad\nd\nd\nd\nd\nt\nt\nt\nt\nthe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nhe\nc\nc\nc\nc\nca\na\na\na\nar\nr\nr\nr\nrt\nt\nt\nt\ntoon\noon\noon\noon\noon\nThis famous cartoon\nby R K Laxman\ncomments on the\ncelebrations of the\nfifty years of\nindependence. How\nmany images on the\nwall do you recognize? Do many common\npeople feel the way the\ncommon man in this\ncartoon does?", "\u00a9R.K. Laxman, The Times of India\n2024-25\n14\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\nallow us to see the operation of\ndemocracy beyond government. For\nthis we need to turn to broader\nmeanings of democracy. Sometimes we use democracy for\norganisations other than the\ngovernment. Just read these\nstatements:\n< \u201cWe are a very democratic family. Whenever a decision has to be taken,\nwe all sit down and arrive at a\nconsensus. My opinion matters as much\nas my father\u2019s.\u201d\n< \u201cI don\u2019t like teachers who do not allow\nstudents to speak and ask questions in\nthe class. I would like to have teachers\nwith democratic temperament.\u201d\n< \u201cOne leader and his family members\ndecide everything in this party. How can\nthey talk of democracy?\u201d\nThese ways of using the word\ndemocracy go back to its basic\nsense of a method of taking\ndecisions. A democratic decision\ninvolves consultation with and\nconsent of all those who are affected\nby that decision. Those who are not\npowerful have the same say in\ntaking the decision as those who are\npowerful. This can apply to a\ngovernment or a family or any other\norganisation. Thus democracy is\nalso a principle that can be applied\nto any sphere of life. Sometimes we use the word\ndemocracy not to describe any\nexisting government but to set up\nan \nideal \nstandard \nthat \nall\ndemocracies must aim to become:\n< \u201cTrue democracy will come to this\ncountry only when no one goes hungry\nto bed.\u201d\n< \u201cIn a democracy every citizen must be\nable to play equal role in decision\nmaking. For this you don\u2019t need just an\nequal right to vote. Every citizen needs\nto have equal information, basic\neducation, equal resources and a lot of\ncommitment.\u201d\nIf we take these ideals seriously,\nthen no country in the world is a\ndemocracy. Yet an understanding of\ndemocracy as an ideal reminds us\nof why we value democracy. It\nenables us to judge an existing\ndemocracy \nand \nidentify \nits\nweaknesses. It helps us to\ndistinguish between a minimal\ndemocracy and a good democracy. In this book we do not deal much\nwith this expanded notion of\ndemocracy. Our focus here is with\nsome core institutional features of\ndemocracy as a form of government. Next year you will read more about\na democratic society and ways of\nevaluating our democracy. At this\nstage we just need to note that\ndemocracy can apply to many\nspheres of life and that democracy\ncan take many forms. There can be\nvarious ways of taking decisions in\na democratic manner, as long as the\nbasic principle of consultation on an\nequal basis is accepted. The most\ncommon form of democracy in\ntoday\u2019s world is rule through\npeople\u2019s elected representatives. We\nshall read more about that in\nChapter 3. But if the community is\nsmall, there can be other ways of\ntaking democratic decisions. All the\npeople can sit together and take\ndecisions directly. This is how\nGram Sabha should work in a\nvillage. Can you think of some other\ndemocratic ways of decision making? A C T I V I T Y\nFind out the total number of eligible voters in your\nassembly constituency and your parliamentary\nconstituency. Find out how many people can fit\ninto the largest stadium in your area. Is it possible\nfor all the voters in your parliamentary or assembly\nconstituency to sit together and have a meaningful\ndiscussion? In my village the\nGram Sabha never\nmeets. Is that\ndemocratic? 2024-25\n15\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? WHY DEMOCRACY? 1\nHere is some information about four countries. Based on this\ninformation, how would you classify each of these countries. Write\n\u2018democratic\u2019, \u2018undemocratic\u2019 or \u2018not sure\u2019 against each of these. a Country A: People who do not accept the country\u2019s official religion\ndo not have a right to vote. b Country B: The same party has been winning elections for the last\ntwenty years. c Country C: Ruling party has lost in the last three elections. d Country D: There is no independent election commission. 2\nHere is some information about four countries. Based on this\ninformation, how would you classify each of these countries. Write\n\u2018democratic\u2019, \u2018undemocratic\u2019 or \u2018not sure\u2019 against each of these. a Country P: The parliament cannot pass a law about the army\nwithout the consent of the Chief of Army. b Country Q: The parliament cannot pass a law reducing the powers\nof the judiciary. c Country R: The country\u2019s leaders cannot sign any treaty with\nanother country without taking permission from its neighbouring\ncountry. d Country S: All the major economic decisions about the country\nare taken by officials of the central bank which the ministers cannot\nchange. 3\nWhich of these is not a good argument in favour of democracy?", "Why? a People feel free and equal in a democracy. b Democracies resolve conflict in a better way than others. c Democratic government is more accountable to the people. d Democracies are more prosperous than others. exercises\nThis also means that no country\nis a perfect democracy. The features\nof democracy that we discussed in\nthis chapter provide only the\nminimum \nconditions \nof \na\ndemocracy. That does not make it\nan \nideal \ndemocracy. Every\ndemocracy has to try to realise the\nideals of a democratic decision-\nmaking. This cannot be achieved\nonce and for all. This requires a\nconstant effort to save and\nstrengthen democratic forms of\ndecision-making. What we do as\ncitizens can make a difference to\nmaking our country more or less\ndemocratic. This is the strength and\nthe weakness of democracy: the fate\nof the country depends not just on\nwhat the rulers do, but mainly on\nwhat we, as citizens, do. This is what distinguished\ndemocracy from other governments. Other forms of government like\nmonarchy, dictatorship or one-party\nrule do not require all citizens to\ntake part in politics. In fact most\nnon-democratic governments\nwould like citizens not to take part\nin politics. But democracy depends\non active political participation by\nall the citizens. That is why a study\nof democracy must focus on\ndemocratic politics. 2024-25\n16\nDEMOCRATIC POLITICS\n4\nEach of these statements contains a democratic and an undemocratic\nelement. Write out the two separately for each statement. a A minister said that some laws have to be passed by the parliament\nin order to conform to the regulations decided by the World Trade\nOrganisation (WTO). b The Election Commission ordered re-polling in a constituency\nwhere large-scale rigging was reported. c Women\u2019s representation in the parliament has barely reached 10\nper cent. This led women\u2019s organisations to demand one-third seats\nfor women. 5\nWhich of these is not a valid reason for arguing that there is a lesser\npossibility of famine in a democratic country? a Opposition parties can draw attention to hunger and starvation. b Free press can report suffering from famine in different parts of\nthe country. c Government fears its defeat in the next elections. d People are free to believe in and practise any religion. 6\nThere are 40 villages in a district where the government has made\nno provision for drinking water. These villagers met and considered\nmany methods of forcing the government to respond to their need. Which of these is not a democratic method? a Filing a case in the courts claiming that water is part of right to life. b Boycotting the next elections to give a message to all parties. c Organising public meetings against government\u2019s policies. d Paying money to government officials to get water. 7\nWrite a response to the following arguments against democracy:\na Army is the most disciplined and corruption-free organisation in\nthe country. Therefore army should rule the country. b Rule of the majority means the rule of ignorant people. What we\nneed is the rule of the wise, even if they are in small numbers. c If we want religious leaders to guide us in spiritual matters, why\nnot invite them to guide us in politics as well. The country should\nbe ruled by religious leaders. 8\nAre the following statements in keeping with democracy as a\nvalue? Why? a Father to daughter: I don\u2019t want to hear your opinion about your\nmarriage. In our family children marry where the parents tell them\nto. b Teacher to student: Don\u2019t disturb my concentration by asking me\nquestions in the classroom.", "c Employee to the officer: Our working hours must be reduced\naccording to the law. 9\nConsider the following facts about a country and decide if you would\ncall it a democracy. Give reasons to support your decision. exercises\n2024-25\n17\nexercises\na All the citizens of the country have right to vote. Elections are held\nregularly. b The country took loan from international agencies. One of the\nconditions for giving loan was that the government would reduce\nits expenses on education and health. c People speak more than seven languages but education is available\nonly in one language, the language spoken by 52 percent people\nof that country. d Several organisations have given a call for peaceful demonstrations\nand nation wide strikes in the country to oppose these policies. Government has arrested these leaders. e The government owns the radio and television in the country. All\nthe newspapers have to get permission from the government to\npublish any news about government\u2019s policies and protests. 10\nIn 2004 a report published in USA pointed to the increasing\ninequalities in that country. Inequalities in income reflected in the\nparticipation of people in democracy. It also shaped their abilities to\ninfluence the decisions taken by the government. The report\nhighlighted that:\n< If an average Black family earns $ 100 then the income of average\nWhite family is $ 162. A White family has twelve times more wealth\nthan the average Black family. < In a President\u2019s election \u2018nearly 9 out of 10 individuals in families\nwith income over $ 75,000 have voted. These people are the top\n20% of the population in terms of their income. On the other hand\nonly 5 people out of 10 from families with income less than $\n15,000 have voted. They are the bottom 20% of the population in\nterms of their income. < About 95% contribution to the political parties comes from the\nrich. This gives them opportunity to express their opinions and\nconcerns, which is not available to most citizens. < As poor sections participate less in politics, the government does\nnot listen to their concerns \u2013 coming out of poverty, getting job,\neducation, health care and housing for them. Politicians hear most\nregularly about the concerns of business persons and the rich. Write an essay on \u2018Democracy and Poverty\u2019 using the information\ngiven in this report but using examples from India. Most newspapers have an editorial page.", "On that page the newspaper\npublishes its own opinions about current affairs. The paper also publishes\nthe views of other writers and intellectuals and letters written by the\nreaders. Follow any one newspaper for one month and collect editorials,\narticles and letters on that page that have anything to do with democracy. Classify these into the following categories:\n<\nConstitutional and legal aspects of democracy\n<\nCitizens\u2019 rights\n<\nElectoral and party politics\n<\nCriticism of democracy\nWHAT IS DEMOCRACY? WHY DEMOCRACY?", "2024-25\n" ], "embeddings": [ 0.028958147391676903, 0.024067385122179985, 0.024236448109149933, 0.043280232697725296, 0.028136981651186943, 0.014273782260715961, -0.009618500247597694, 0.00915357656776905, -0.015831580385565758, 0.07704461365938187, 0.055162977427244186, -0.03161485865712166, -0.04431876540184021, -0.029610250145196915, 0.006979903671890497, -0.05265117809176445, -0.018379608169198036, 0.042193397879600525, 0.038232482969760895, 0.05893067643046379, 0.01810186170041561, 0.0348995178937912, -0.006095340009778738, 0.053955379873514175, -0.019732115790247917, -0.029054755344986916, -0.028644172474741936, 0.007396524306386709, -0.03760453313589096, -0.0057119280099868774, 0.017316924408078194, -0.01763089932501316, -0.003290698630735278, -0.0315665528178215, 0.02323414385318756, -0.008966399356722832, -0.0051473770290613174, -0.061345867812633514, 0.03035895898938179, 0.05100884661078453, 0.012981655076146126, -0.035092733800411224, -0.02009439468383789, 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-0.007970131933689117, -0.01233559101819992, 0.027943767607212067, -0.05207153037190437, -0.01874188706278801, -0.03516519069671631, -0.016785582527518272, -0.040840890258550644, 0.006430447567254305, -0.02302885241806507, 0.011665375903248787, 0.0064002578146755695, -0.0058357068337500095, -0.022811485454440117, -0.026084069162607193, -0.020335912704467773, 0.018234696239233017, -0.012220869772136211, -0.018910950049757957, -0.05699852108955383, 0.0407201312482357, 0.04113071411848068, 0.04062352329492569, -0.01654406264424324, -0.0009072063839994371, -0.03006913512945175, -0.044246312230825424, 0.008102968335151672, 0.004827364347875118, 0.00802447460591793, 0.02721920982003212, 0.018138088285923004, -0.03296736627817154, -0.03625202551484108, -0.005992694292217493, -0.047651730477809906, 0.016942569985985756, 0.004265832249075174, -0.032629240304231644, -0.04021294042468071, -0.012969578616321087, 0.006641776766628027, -0.0012408046750351787, 0.06607964634895325, 0.031252577900886536, 0.023342827335000038, 0.015734974294900894, -0.012583148665726185, -0.043280232697725296, -0.021193306893110275, 0.02490062639117241, -0.013525073416531086, -0.006345916073769331, -0.039995573461055756, 0.018150165677070618, -0.028933996334671974, -0.002205371856689453, -0.037894356995821, 0.017751658335328102, -0.05839933454990387, 0.04530899599194527, -0.03197713568806648, -0.0205291286110878, 0.01033702027052641, -0.05685361102223396, 0.013500921428203583, -0.01595234125852585, 0.031011059880256653, -0.028064526617527008, 0.046975478529930115, 0.03146994858980179, -0.045767880976200104, 0.022594118490815163, -0.011912932619452477, -0.015348542481660843, 0.013657908886671066, 0.005953447427600622, -0.02531120739877224, -0.027388272807002068, -0.03608296439051628, -0.010596653446555138, -0.015831580385565758, 0.022328447550535202, 0.005636453628540039, -0.08573929965496063, 0.019490595906972885, 0.013633756898343563, -0.0034205152187496424, 0.032508477568626404, -0.002163106109946966, 0.010910628363490105, -0.04818307235836983, 0.04550221189856529, -0.03888458386063576, 0.003130692057311535, 0.00393676245585084, -0.007245575077831745, 0.0552595853805542, -0.019587203860282898, -0.05405198782682419, 0.036469392478466034, 0.020988015457987785, 0.027992071583867073, 0.008821487426757812, 0.0036590152885764837, -0.008308258838951588, 0.02912721037864685, 0.04091334715485573, -0.022014472633600235, 0.0011034406488761306, 0.04115486517548561, 0.024622878059744835, 0.005120206158608198, -0.010198147036135197, 0.010989122092723846, -0.018705658614635468, 0.01566251739859581, -0.018753962591290474, 0.007052359636873007, -0.014974188059568405, 0.04733775556087494, -0.03666260838508606, -0.00420847162604332, 0.0015344014391303062, 0.06100774183869362, 0.008881866931915283, 0.007227460853755474, 0.01804148219525814, 0.012885047122836113, -0.0042899842374026775, 0.01286089513450861, 0.06332632154226303, 0.016471607610583305, -0.052023228257894516, 0.01088043861091137, -0.0058779725804924965, 0.006490827538073063, 0.03349870815873146, 0.009938513860106468, -0.0006641776999458671, 0.03518934175372124, -0.011236678808927536, -0.0038461927324533463, -0.004120920784771442, -0.05670870095491409, -0.012667680159211159, -0.021772952750325203, 0.027605639770627022, 0.017679203301668167, 0.013778667896986008, -0.01827092468738556, 0.010699299164116383, -0.011925009079277515, -0.02915136329829693, -0.011979350820183754, -0.008217689581215382, 0.01964758336544037, -0.032749999314546585, -0.04714453965425491, -0.04417385533452034, -0.0133439339697361, 0.032363567501306534, -0.008042587898671627, 0.007444828283041716, 0.011429894715547562, -0.00524398498237133, 0.015034567564725876, -0.025601031258702278, 0.00476698437705636, 0.01900755800306797, 0.008936208672821522, 0.0008309768745675683, 0.021458977833390236, 0.036879975348711014, -0.005023598670959473, -0.01100119762122631, -0.021579736843705177, 0.040816739201545715, 0.007499170023947954, 0.002561612520366907, 0.021422749385237694, -0.032725848257541656, 0.04743436351418495, 0.0013185436837375164, 0.014104719273746014, 0.018198469653725624, 0.051202062517404556, 0.0270742978900671, -0.04721699655056, 0.040961649268865585, -0.03842569887638092, 0.02067404054105282, -0.013211098499596119, 0.029731009155511856, 0.014334162697196007, -0.04441537335515022, -0.06100774183869362, 0.03132503479719162, -0.025504423305392265, 0.016411226242780685, -0.0069014099426567554, 0.02387416921555996, -0.00047964195255190134, -0.024453815072774887, 0.0015879884595051408, -0.018935102969408035, -0.031155971810221672, -0.029175514355301857, 0.02229221910238266, 0.036034658551216125, -0.006297612097114325, -0.00400318019092083, -0.0015894980169832706, -0.015457226894795895, 0.0544867217540741, -0.007716537453234196, 0.01340431347489357, -0.026011614128947258, -0.02639804407954216, -0.006388181820511818, 0.008893943391740322, 0.07187610119581223, 0.03502027690410614, -0.01080798264592886, -0.015360618941485882, 0.008634310215711594, 0.0001387791708111763, -0.012764288112521172, -0.02343943528831005, 0.0019125299295410514, 0.030672933906316757, -0.009219993837177753, 0.008012398146092892, -0.0012400499545037746, 0.0739048644900322, -0.027943767607212067, 0.015288162976503372, 0.008356562815606594, 0.025504423305392265, -0.014044339768588543, -0.009896247647702694, -0.028475109487771988, 0.04253152385354042, 0.013935655355453491, 0.00881544966250658, -0.011272907257080078, -0.07066850364208221, -0.027315817773342133, 0.02432098053395748, 0.06583812087774277, -0.016906341537833214, 0.012063882313668728, 0.02173672430217266, -0.052989304065704346, -0.019466444849967957, -0.01804148219525814, 0.008302221074700356, 0.0016438397578895092, 0.009099234826862812, -0.006551207508891821, -0.011882742866873741, -0.0716828852891922, 0.019514748826622963, -0.017872417345643044, -0.00533757358789444, -0.008435056544840336, -0.017002949491143227, -0.013778667896986008, -0.010560424998402596, 0.04434292018413544, 0.018198469653725624, -0.016676899045705795, 0.014285858720541, 0.029561946168541908, -0.007970131933689117, -0.003465800080448389, -0.003912610467523336, -0.011297059245407581, 0.013054111041128635, -0.027436576783657074, 0.04934236407279968, 0.008924133144319057, 0.013573377393186092, -0.02490062639117241, 0.02531120739877224, -0.027291664853692055, 0.004398667719215155, 0.03579314053058624, -0.019792495295405388, 0.0035533506888896227, -0.012426161207258701, -0.002003099536523223, -0.02939288131892681, 0.011586882174015045, -0.029586097225546837, 0.029755160212516785, 0.045333147048950195, -0.032218657433986664, -0.020577432587742805, -0.009733222424983978, 0.0026914291083812714, 0.005497579928487539, 0.039198558777570724, 0.005180586129426956, -0.03613126650452614, -0.004736794624477625, -0.013645832426846027, 0.021519357338547707, 0.01765505038201809, -0.05467993766069412, 0.03434402495622635, 0.006768574472516775, -0.0033903252333402634, -0.0214710533618927, 0.007499170023947954, -0.030745388939976692, 0.015674592927098274, -0.011254793033003807, 0.002700486220419407, -0.05767477676272392, -0.07714121788740158, -0.03579314053058624, 0.04485010728240013, 0.012245021760463715, -0.02407946065068245, -0.016797658056020737, -0.010433628223836422, 0.029103059321641922, 0.01660444214940071, -0.027678096666932106, 0.017908645793795586, -0.04784494638442993, -0.0026265208143740892, -0.04086504131555557, -0.07293878495693207, 0.00024680240312591195, 0.006140624638646841, 0.027267513796687126, 0.011912932619452477, 0.011604995466768742, 0.025818398222327232, 0.010409476235508919, 0.006865182425826788, 0.0069014099426567554, 0.009600386954843998, 0.037676990032196045, 0.0066538527607917786, 0.0009381509735248983, 0.02305300347507, 0.006780650466680527, -0.0036288255359977484, -0.06163569167256355, -0.016387075185775757, 0.016387075185775757, 0.00420847162604332, 0.013392237946391106, 0.02968270517885685, 0.037846051156520844, -0.0041239396668970585, -0.017135784029960632, 0.012788440100848675, -0.007698423229157925, 0.022183535620570183, -0.010723451152443886, 0.0028544545639306307, -0.008447133004665375, 0.02009439468383789, -0.044367071241140366, -0.014285858720541, -0.01982872374355793, -0.007094625383615494, 0.001431755837984383, 0.01173179317265749, -0.005636453628540039, -0.005929295439273119, 0.017739582806825638, 0.004440933465957642, -0.014877580106258392, -0.0026476539205759764, -0.005056807305663824, -0.04907669499516487, 0.019393987953662872, -0.004262813366949558, -0.014297934249043465, -0.024804018437862396, 0.0020242324098944664, 0.004347344860434532, 0.02750903181731701, -0.0013940184144303203, 0.056805308908224106, -0.0006087037618272007, 0.000878525956068188, 0.032339416444301605, 0.0005279458127915859, -0.006925561930984259, -0.01532439049333334, -0.0023638687562197447, -0.05323082208633423, -9.613594738766551e-05, 0.010922703891992569, 0.04463274031877518, -0.0036409012973308563, -0.014527377672493458, -0.02405530773103237, -0.023137535899877548, -0.028547564521431923, -0.044801805168390274, 0.005298326723277569, 0.012414084747433662, 0.02775055170059204, 0.02038421668112278, 0.01402018778026104, -0.03340210020542145, 0.043690815567970276, -0.01272805966436863, 0.017558442428708076, -0.027967918664216995, 0.014744744636118412, 0.014285858720541, 0.025093840435147285, 0.013368085958063602, 0.026591259986162186, -0.02980346418917179, 0.014225478284060955, -0.011164223775267601, 0.03359531611204147, -0.03929516673088074, 0.0027865273877978325, -0.004923971835523844, 0.012546920217573643, 0.00011075918155256659, -0.0049390667118132114, 0.026615411043167114, -0.006472713779658079, 0.007227460853755474, -0.008422981016337872, -0.005343611352145672, 0.021157078444957733, -0.02980346418917179, 0.012740136124193668, 0.009908324107527733, -0.028281893581151962, 0.011381590738892555, -0.007656157482415438, -0.018753962591290474, -0.010300792753696442, -0.0008800354553386569, -0.02487647347152233, 0.005887029692530632, -0.03992311656475067, -0.0010226827580481768, -0.011321211233735085, 0.024381360039114952, 0.0018400740809738636, -0.0013283553998917341, -0.011912932619452477, 0.030552174896001816, 0.0019819666631519794, 0.02029968611896038, -0.008012398146092892, 0.007927866652607918, 0.030189896002411842, -0.005663624498993158, -0.019369836896657944, -0.011387628503143787, -0.006635739002376795, 0.028233589604496956, -0.005778345745056868, -0.01783619076013565, -0.02924797125160694, -0.030938604846596718, -0.009244145825505257, -0.007970131933689117, -0.024948930367827415, 0.026736171916127205, -0.022280143573880196, -0.0009162633214145899, -0.018766038119792938, 0.020577432587742805, 0.031373340636491776, -0.015469302423298359, -0.012836743146181107, -0.0029329482931643724, 0.00336617324501276, -0.029513642191886902, -0.02079479955136776, 0.03927101567387581, -0.010820058174431324, -0.006865182425826788, 0.030431414023041725, 0.027146754786372185, 0.021845407783985138, 0.02845095656812191, 0.0339575931429863, -0.03951253369450569, -0.03745962306857109, -0.004682452883571386, 0.012679755687713623, 0.002074045827612281, -0.055984143167734146, 0.013525073416531086, -0.045188236981630325, 0.0076742712408304214, 0.027146754786372185, 0.01921284943819046, -0.02777470462024212, -0.03463384881615639, 0.012897123582661152, 0.00786144845187664, -0.03683167323470116, 0.027146754786372185, 0.028789084404706955, 0.04427046328783035, -0.008761107921600342, -0.013585452921688557, 0.016374999657273293, -0.013790744356811047, 0.028909843415021896, 0.01968381181359291, -0.0006283271941356361, 0.0448259562253952, 0.031397491693496704, -0.002428777050226927, -0.09713900834321976, 0.021917864680290222, -0.0033027746248990297, -0.04018878936767578, -0.024067385122179985, 0.022883940488100052, -0.004788117483258247, -0.0193336084485054, -0.005527769681066275, -0.0034507049713283777, 0.01724446751177311, -0.04347344860434532, -0.011876705102622509, -0.020275533199310303, 0.026905234903097153, -0.010173995047807693, -0.06405088305473328, 0.002354811877012253, -0.024659106507897377, 3.929403465008363e-05, 0.0023457547649741173, 0.0339575931429863, 0.02733996883034706, 0.030745388939976692, 0.008253917098045349, -0.019671736285090446, 0.028016222640872, -0.020070241764187813, 0.019140394404530525, -0.022400902584195137, 0.021289914846420288, -0.020637812092900276, 0.0239949282258749, 0.024163993075489998, -0.006436485797166824, 0.005361725576221943, 0.008320335298776627, 0.015759125351905823, 0.02516629733145237, -0.029634401202201843, -0.004283946007490158, -0.024586651474237442, 0.0084048667922616, -0.0020317798480391502, -0.013826971873641014, -0.012051805853843689, 0.020311761647462845, -0.01742560788989067, 0.003828078741207719, 0.00265520135872066, 0.03219450265169144, -0.04018878936767578, 0.009189804084599018, -0.04661319777369499, 0.00854977872222662, 0.03306397423148155, -0.022159382700920105, -0.022014472633600235, 0.011170261539518833, -0.012051805853843689, 0.010173995047807693, 0.020335912704467773, -0.005856839474290609, -0.022509586066007614, 0.021132927387952805, -0.011339324526488781, -0.010010968893766403, -0.005926276557147503, 0.008175423368811607, 0.008356562815606594, -0.023753410205245018, -0.020166849717497826, 0.041927725076675415, 0.005539845675230026, 0.020903483033180237, 0.0220265481621027, 0.03637278452515602, 0.0008317315950989723, 0.01703917607665062, -0.04243491590023041, -0.07506415247917175, 0.006949713919311762, 0.01701502501964569, -0.025601031258702278, -0.005192662123590708, 0.01028267852962017, -0.021579736843705177, 0.011677451431751251, -0.012812591157853603, -0.007438790053129196, -0.0239103976637125, 0.033160582184791565, -0.010119653306901455, -0.018524520099163055, 0.005234927870333195, 0.0006683288374915719, 0.058061208575963974, 0.010862324386835098, -0.11061577498912811, 0.01974419131875038, 0.0072153848595917225, 0.0058779725804924965, 0.02927212230861187, 0.015131175518035889, 0.037652838975191116, 0.021978244185447693, -0.009383019059896469, -0.046975478529930115, -0.011345362290740013, -0.01912831701338291, 0.03497197479009628, 0.01141178049147129, -0.027050146833062172, 0.02596331015229225, -0.0500427708029747, 0.009455475024878979, -0.022678649052977562, 0.03144579380750656, -0.013042034581303596, -0.027847159653902054, -0.04470519721508026, -0.03832909092307091, -0.014611909165978432, -0.01340431347489357, 0.007927866652607918, -0.02804037556052208, -0.02666371501982212, -0.03992311656475067, -0.0058175926096737385, 0.002324621891602874, -0.04830383136868477, -0.003852230729535222, -0.029996680095791817, -0.04441537335515022, -0.021338218823075294, -0.013694136403501034, -0.0004600185202434659, -0.007462942041456699, 0.018488291651010513, -0.003574483562260866, -0.0130661865696311, 0.014454921707510948, 0.04586448892951012, -0.07598192989826202, 0.017703354358673096, 0.037797749042510986, -0.014044339768588543, 0.016519911587238312, -0.003870344487950206, -0.036590151488780975, -0.026615411043167114, -0.012558996677398682, -0.030310655012726784, -0.01874188706278801, -0.003994123078882694, -0.03417496010661125, 0.02223183959722519, -0.0023200935684144497, 0.021132927387952805, 0.052989304065704346, 0.0326775424182415, -0.032363567501306534, -0.039440080523490906, 0.0003009555221069604, 0.04955973103642464, 0.007644081488251686, -0.009684918448328972, 0.03818418085575104, 0.03359531611204147, -0.026156526058912277, -0.011611034162342548, 0.010650995187461376, -0.038787975907325745, -0.015300239436328411, -0.040961649268865585, 0.009709070436656475, -0.03639693930745125, 0.0060862828977406025, -0.034537240862846375, -0.019720040261745453, -0.05390707775950432, 0.025625182315707207, 0.023898320272564888, 0.01039739977568388, -0.021700497716665268, -0.04571957886219025, -0.02748488076031208, 0.02015477418899536, 0.030745388939976692, 0.0035533506888896227, -0.015433074906468391, -0.0339575931429863, -0.046975478529930115, -0.0013736402615904808, -0.021108774468302727, 0.012619376182556152, 0.033160582184791565, -0.004314136225730181, 0.04695132374763489, 0.010657032951712608, 0.0036167495418339968, -0.030020831152796745, -0.024924777448177338, 0.007813144475221634, -0.013923579826951027, -0.02352396585047245, -0.006514979526400566, 0.038498155772686005, -0.01742560788989067, -0.02680862694978714, 0.005292288493365049, -0.033160582184791565, -0.011888780631124973, 0.06825331598520279, 0.04796570539474487, 0.042459070682525635, 0.004920952953398228, -0.0025404796469956636, 0.01923700049519539, 0.01759467087686062, -0.011399704962968826, -0.0013215626822784543, -0.005992694292217493, -0.04033369943499565, 0.01976834423840046, -0.002733695087954402, -0.015940263867378235, -0.02651880495250225, 0.04378742352128029, -0.01402018778026104, 0.0057723079808056355, 0.05666039511561394, 0.006065149791538715, -0.0388362817466259, 0.018222620710730553, 0.0511537604033947, -0.010433628223836422, -0.008000322617590427, -0.008247879333794117, -0.022038623690605164, 0.01709955744445324, 0.031928833574056625, 0.03707319125533104, -0.021301990374922752, -0.03255678340792656, 0.0012196718016639352, 0.014056415297091007, 0.0102222990244627, -0.023246219381690025, -0.009177728556096554, 0.01757051981985569, 0.009111310355365276, 0.013899427838623524, -0.01067514717578888, 0.023741332814097404, -0.02352396585047245, 0.012486540712416172, 0.017123708501458168, 0.02654295600950718, -0.011291020549833775, -0.003091445192694664, -0.015553833916783333, 0.01005927287042141, -0.04016463831067085, 0.021785028278827667, -0.014925884082913399, -0.02874078042805195, 0.0028650211170315742, 0.013778667896986008, 0.02331867441534996, -0.023837940767407417, 0.015481377951800823, 0.022135231643915176, 0.010608728975057602, 0.021507281810045242, 0.0014174155658110976, -0.00680480245500803, -0.03980235755443573, 0.011134033091366291, 0.01687011308968067, -0.007547474000602961, -0.02709845080971718, -0.012057844549417496, -0.03963329643011093, 0.024526270106434822, -0.02625313214957714, 0.015577985905110836, -0.014370390214025974, 0.03171146661043167, 0.024683257564902306, -0.00019151714514009655, 0.00934075377881527, -0.0009313582559116185, -0.01073552668094635, 0.004996427800506353, -0.008102968335151672, -0.009479627013206482, 0.023354902863502502, 0.0064425235614180565, 0.04366666451096535, 0.00800636038184166, 0.019659660756587982, -0.016507834196090698, 0.03627617657184601, 0.01918869838118553, 0.003257489763200283, -0.00919584184885025, 0.018560748547315598, -0.06448561698198318, 0.018439987674355507, -0.018198469653725624, 0.019261153414845467, 0.041517145931720734, 0.008863753639161587, 0.022956395521759987, 0.005784383974969387, -0.02927212230861187, -0.01079590618610382, -0.02282356098294258, -0.032749999314546585, 0.00470056664198637, 0.017534291371703148, -0.0205291286110878, -0.00707651162520051, 0.014189250767230988, 0.03364361822605133, 0.013971883803606033, -0.011508388444781303, 0.01871773600578308, 0.013488844968378544, -0.023741332814097404, 0.025093840435147285, -0.021772952750325203, -0.013150718063116074, -0.002380473306402564, -0.015215707011520863, 0.01374244038015604, -0.01660444214940071, -0.029875921085476875, -0.0221110787242651, -0.03552746772766113, -0.014793048612773418, 0.008688651956617832, 0.014394542202353477, 0.026905234903097153, 0.0036076924297958612, -0.012715984135866165, 0.01607310026884079, 0.0024317961651831865, 0.012558996677398682, 0.0010966479312628508, 0.00879733543843031, -0.005017560441046953, 0.03927101567387581, 0.00940113328397274, 0.022268066182732582, -0.01374244038015604, -0.009395095519721508, 0.0036741101648658514, 0.026832779869437218, -0.02953779324889183, -0.015082871541380882, 0.01214237604290247, -0.002557084197178483, 0.001440057996660471, 0.020106470212340355, 0.009111310355365276, -0.03736301511526108, -0.0270742978900671, 0.04864196106791496, 0.0164233036339283, -0.0005837971111759543, -0.014430769719183445, -0.003121635178104043, 0.017172012478113174, -0.006285536102950573, -0.009552082978188992, 0.007305954582989216, -0.0021132926922291517, 0.029296275228261948, 0.009841905906796455, -0.02625313214957714, 0.00741463853046298, -0.04564712196588516, -0.002567650517448783, -0.006702156737446785, -0.017437683418393135, 0.0025057613383978605, 0.011254793033003807, -0.010916666127741337, 0.008127119392156601, 0.0014845881378278136, -0.013247326016426086, -0.0420001819729805, -0.0008234293782152236, 0.014322086237370968, -0.05289269611239433, -0.007281802594661713, -0.007813144475221634, 0.007970131933689117, 0.014116794802248478, -0.012178603559732437, 0.017872417345643044, 0.014901732094585896, 0.016230087727308273, -0.023680953308939934, -0.06033148616552353, 0.026832779869437218, -0.025117993354797363, -0.019309457391500473, 0.00799428392201662, 0.00022453734709415585, 0.007408600300550461, -0.03299151733517647, -0.035358406603336334, 0.014636061154305935, 0.003332964377477765, 0.06303650140762329, 0.0031397491693496704, 0.012287287041544914, 0.03842569887638092, -0.0038824204821139574, -0.005527769681066275, -0.04016463831067085, 0.0026053879410028458, 0.016676899045705795, 0.0408891960978508, 0.0009947570506483316, -0.025915006175637245, -0.0005853066104464233, 0.014237554743885994, 0.0035654266830533743, -0.006822916213423014, -0.010977045632898808, -0.015070796012878418, -0.03144579380750656, 0.007788992952555418, 0.005618339404463768, -0.016036871820688248, -0.05332743003964424, 0.02264242246747017, 0.008217689581215382, -0.021193306893110275, -0.017123708501458168, 0.0031065403018146753, -0.027025993913412094, 0.0029676666017621756, 0.033981747925281525, 0.06656268239021301, -0.02077064849436283, -0.005856839474290609, 0.06197381764650345, 0.015759125351905823, 0.02965855412185192, -0.009316601790487766, -0.003547312691807747, -0.030165743082761765, -0.024067385122179985, -0.05086393654346466, -0.022268066182732582, -0.012281249277293682, -0.025238752365112305, -0.01786034181714058, 0.01915246993303299, -0.030745388939976692, -0.006071188021451235, -0.0009306035353802145, 0.012510692700743675, -0.017437683418393135, 0.017498062923550606, 0.027967918664216995, 0.0042718700133264065, 0.013005807064473629, -0.004129977896809578, 0.009660766460001469, -0.032774150371551514, 0.022255990654230118, 0.00021114057744853199, 0.011852553114295006, 0.00357146468013525, 0.016181783750653267, 0.012897123582661152, -0.038787975907325745, 0.010729488916695118, 0.009642652235925198, -0.002954081166535616, -0.017135784029960632, -0.0013238269602879882, -0.01709955744445324, -0.016169708222150803, -0.016701050102710724, -0.019756266847252846, 0.031107667833566666, -0.000527568394318223, 0.0076320054940879345, 0.027847159653902054, -0.0068168784491717815, 0.003329945495352149, -0.011441970244050026, 0.005250022746622562, 0.020843103528022766, 0.010113614611327648, -0.009443399496376514, -0.03161485865712166, 0.005301345605403185, 0.008036550134420395, -0.0133439339697361, 0.014370390214025974, 0.011134033091366291, 0.04270058870315552, -0.036855824291706085, -0.01709955744445324, 0.024804018437862396, 0.003363154362887144, 0.00967888068407774, -0.010759678669273853, 0.005989675410091877, 0.02736412174999714, 0.0016679917462170124, 0.013573377393186092, -0.012474465183913708, 0.010409476235508919, 0.0009260750375688076, 0.01108573004603386, -0.008839601650834084, -0.0005007748841308057, 0.01900755800306797, 0.058061208575963974, -0.0030944643076509237, -0.04344929754734039, -0.04666150361299515, -0.02941703423857689, -0.005425124429166317, 0.009256222285330296, -0.016725201159715652, -0.018439987674355507, -0.0003924686461687088, 0.00894828513264656, -0.0015970454551279545, 0.037242256104946136, 0.02100009098649025, 0.020166849717497826, -0.0064425235614180565, -0.026760322973132133, -0.01935776136815548, 0.009914361871778965, -0.0130661865696311, 0.00804862566292286, -0.012691832147538662, 0.004516408313065767, -0.005690795369446278, -0.025383664295077324, -0.00780106894671917, -0.038787975907325745, 0.01368206087499857, -0.04770003631711006, -0.03132503479719162, -0.02777470462024212, -0.03581729158759117, 0.004486218560487032, -0.010687222704291344, 0.017582595348358154, 0.02994837611913681, -0.002872568555176258, -0.017751658335328102, -0.004120920784771442, 0.006877257954329252, -0.0388362817466259, -0.006593473255634308, 0.003966952208429575, 0.00032435270259156823, -0.009479627013206482, 0.03403005003929138, 0.010898551903665066, 0.03390929102897644, 0.004157148767262697, 0.03436817601323128, -0.007752764970064163, 0.0017087480518966913, 0.035479165613651276, -0.0006773857749067247, 0.0019804572220891714, -0.032749999314546585, 0.003047670004889369, -0.013380161486566067, 0.007825220935046673, 0.008290145546197891, 0.02610822208225727, -0.010306830517947674, -0.008471284992992878, 0.01402018778026104, 0.015022492036223412, 0.0038431736174970865, -0.007124815136194229, -0.007915790192782879, -0.006967827677726746, -0.016266316175460815, -0.008392791263759136, 0.006557245273143053, 0.013174870051443577, -0.013042034581303596, 0.004504332318902016, -0.013839048333466053, -0.042072638869285583, 0.009974741376936436, -0.0057300422340631485, 0.003746566129848361, -0.029513642191886902, -0.012462388724088669, -0.026856930926442146, -0.03217035159468651, 0.03132503479719162, -0.026301436126232147, 0.02994837611913681, 0.02214730717241764, -0.02446589060127735, -0.02791961468756199, 0.0038009078707545996, -0.002769922837615013, -0.010379286482930183, 0.005379839334636927, 0.021664269268512726, -0.0027910559438169003, -0.01435831468552351, 0.003788831876590848, -0.011121957562863827, -0.029199667274951935, 0.01718408800661564, -0.02372925728559494, -0.025504423305392265, 0.02064988762140274, -0.008646385744214058, 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