import random import subprocess import os import gradio import gradio as gr current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def predict(video, audio): print(f"Processing video {video} and audio {audio}") output_file = f"{current_dir}/results/{random.randint(10,100000)}.mp4" command = ["python", "", "--face", video, "--audio", audio, "--outfile", output_file], check=True) return output_file with gradio.Blocks( title="Video Retalking SpaceAI", theme=gr.themes.Base(, font=["Source Sans Pro", "Arial", "sans-serif"], font_mono=['JetBrains mono', "Consolas", 'Courier New'] ), ) as demo: with gradio.Row(): gradio.Markdown("# Video Retalking SpaceAI") with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(): v = gradio.Video(label='Source image/video') with gradio.Column(): a = gradio.Audio( type='filepath', label='Target Audio') with gradio.Row(): btn = gradio.Button(value="Synthesize",variant="primary") with gradio.Column(): o = gradio.Video(label="Output Video"), inputs=[v, a], outputs=[o]) demo.queue().launch()