import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px from datasets import load_dataset import os from src.basic_plot import basic_chart from src.map_viz import calling_map_viz from src.map_viz_pred import calling_pred_map_viz from src.data_ingestion import daily_average from src.heatmap import HeatMap from src.data_ingestion import remove_previous_view, merge_volumes from src.pred_plot import prep_data_pred_plot, data_split, train_model, predicted_figure, get_today, gen_fig, pred_bars from datetime import date def fetch_data(): # comment out for local testing, but be sure to include after testing dataset = load_dataset("tappyness1/causion", use_auth_token=os.environ['TOKEN']) # print (dataset) # print (pd.DataFrame(dataset['train'])) counts_df = pd.DataFrame(dataset['train']) # only use this part before for local testing # once local testing is completed, comment out and use the dataset above # counts_df = pd.read_csv("data/counts_dataset.csv") return counts_df def main(): counts_df = fetch_data() pred_df = counts_df.copy() counts_df1 = counts_df.copy() counts_df = remove_previous_view(counts_df) counts_df = merge_volumes(counts_df) # st.set_page_config(layout="wide") height = 650 st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) hours = [ "00:00", "01:00", "02:00", "03:00", "04:00", "05:00", "06:00", "07:00", "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00", ] st.write("<- Click on the sidebar to select your plot preferences") # Select Plot Option plot_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Plot Type", options = ['Historical', 'Predictive']) if plot_type == 'Historical': st.sidebar.markdown("Select Plots to show") checkbox_one = st.sidebar.checkbox('Overall Traffic', value = True) # rename as necessary checkbox_two = st.sidebar.checkbox('Traffic Map', value = True) checkbox_three = st.sidebar.checkbox('Heat Map', value = True) view_options = list(counts_df["view"].unique()) view_options.append('All') view = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose View", options=view_options, index = view_options.index("Woodlands - to Johor")) if view != 'All': st.header(f"Showing Traffic for {view}") counts_df = counts_df[counts_df['view'] == view] if checkbox_one: st.subheader("Overall Traffic") plot = st.selectbox("Choose Plot", options=["Day", "Hour", "Raw"], index = 0) st.plotly_chart(basic_chart(counts_df, plot = plot),use_container_width=True) if checkbox_two: st.subheader("Traffic Map") st.pyplot(calling_map_viz(counts_df1)) if checkbox_three: heatmap = HeatMap(counts_df) # st.header("Mean Vehicle Count by Day of Week") # st.plotly_chart(heatmap.vehicle_count_bar()) st.subheader("Heatmap") st.plotly_chart(heatmap.heatmap()) hour_choice = st.selectbox( "Choose Hour", options= hours, key = "hour", index = hours.index("08:00") ) st.subheader(f"Traffic Volume of Each Day at {hour_choice}") st.plotly_chart(heatmap.update_hour_bar_chart(hour_choice)) days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday","Saturday", "Sunday"] day_choice = st.selectbox("Choose Day of the Week", options = days, key = "day", index = days.index("Saturday")) st.subheader(f"Traffic Volume of Each Hour on {day_choice}") st.plotly_chart(heatmap.update_day_bar_chart(day_choice)) else: st.sidebar.markdown("Select Plots to show") checkbox_two_pred = st.sidebar.checkbox('Predictive Traffic Map', value = True) figs = gen_fig() today = get_today() final_table = prep_data_pred_plot(pred_df) x_train, _, y_train, _ = data_split(final_table) clf = train_model(x_train, y_train) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: d = st.date_input( "Choose Your Planned Date", date(today[0],today[1], today[2])) with col2: pred_view_choice = st.selectbox( "Choose View", options= ['Johor-Tuas','Johor-Woodlands', 'Tuas-Johor', 'Woodlands-Johor'], key = "pred_view" ) with col3: pred_hour_choice = st.selectbox( "Choose Your Planned Hour", options= hours, key = "pred_hour", index = hours.index("08:00") ) starter_variables = [x_train, str(d), pred_hour_choice, pred_view_choice] st.plotly_chart(predicted_figure(clf, starter_variables, figs)) st.plotly_chart(pred_bars(d, final_table)) if checkbox_two_pred: st.subheader("Predictive Traffic Map") hour_choice = st.selectbox( "Choose Hour", options= hours, key = "hour", index = hours.index("08:00") ) days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday","Saturday", "Sunday"] day_choice = st.selectbox("Choose Day of the Week", options = days, key = "day", index = days.index("Saturday")) st.pyplot(calling_pred_map_viz(counts_df, day_choice, hour_choice)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()