import as target_extraction import appStore.netzero as netzero import appStore.sector as sector import appStore.adapmit as adapmit import appStore.ghg as ghg import appStore.policyaction as policyaction import appStore.indicator as indicator import appStore.doc_processing as processing from utils.uploadAndExample import add_upload import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(page_title = 'Climate Policy Intelligence', initial_sidebar_state='expanded', layout="wide") with st.sidebar: # upload and example doc choice = = 'Select the Document', help = 'You can upload the document \ or else you can try a example document', options = ('Upload Document', 'Try Example'), horizontal = True) add_upload(choice) with st.container(): st.markdown("

Climate Policy Understanding App

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(' ') with st.expander("ℹ️ - About this app", expanded=False): st.write( """ Climate Policy Understanding App is an open-source\ digital tool which aims to assist policy analysts and \ other users in extracting and filtering relevant \ information from public documents. What Happens in background? - Step 1: Once the document is provided to app, it undergoes *Pre-processing*.\ In this step the document is broken into smaller paragraphs \ (based on word/sentence count). - Step 2: The paragraphs are fed to **Target Classifier** which detects if the paragraph contains any *Target* related information or not. - Step 3: The paragraphs which are detected containing some target \ related information are then fed to multiple classifier to enrich the Information Extraction. Classifers: - **Netzero**: Detects if any Netzero commitment is present in paragraph or not. - **GHG**: Detects if any GHG related information present in paragraph or not. - **Sector**: Detects which sectors are spoken/discussed about in paragraph. - **Adaptation-Mitigation**: Detects if the paragraph is related to Adaptation and/or Mitigation. """) st.write("") apps = [,,,,,] #,, ] multiplier_val =1/len(apps) if st.button("Analyze Document"): prg = st.progress(0.0) for i,func in enumerate(apps): func() prg.progress((i+1)*multiplier_val) prg.empty() if 'key1' in st.session_state: with st.sidebar: topic = "Which category you want to explore?", ('Target', 'Action', 'Policies/Plans')) if topic == 'Target': target_extraction.target_display() elif topic == 'Action': policyaction.action_display() else: policyaction.policy_display() # st.write(st.session_state.key1)