import streamlit as st def show_table(data_df): st.write("------------------") st.dataframe( data_df[["title_main", "orga_abbreviation", "client", "description_main", "country", "sgd_pred_code"]], use_container_width = True, height = 35 + 35 * len(data_df), column_config={ "orga_abbreviation": st.column_config.TextColumn( "Organization", help="If description not in English, description in other language provided", disabled=True ), "client": st.column_config.TextColumn( "Client", help="Client organization of customer", disabled=True ), "title_main": st.column_config.TextColumn( "Title", help="If title not in English, title in other language provided", disabled=True ), "description_main": st.column_config.TextColumn( "Description", help="If description not in English, description in other language provided", disabled=True ), "country": st.column_config.TextColumn( "Country", help="Country of project", disabled=True ), "sgd_pred_code": st.column_config.TextColumn( "SDG Prediction", help="Prediction of SDG's", disabled=True ), }, hide_index=True, )