import streamlit as st import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import base64 color_step = st.slider('color_step', value=10, min_value=1, max_value=179, step=1) #duration of each frame of the gif in milliseconds duration_parameter = st.slider('duration_parameter aka duration of each frame of the gif in milliseconds', value=10, min_value=1, max_value=2000, step=10) #Loop parameter = number of times gif loops. 0 = loops infinitely. loop_parameter = st.slider('Loop parameter aka number of times gif loops', value=0, min_value=0, max_value=10, step=1) if color_step == 0: my_hue_list = [0] else: my_hue_list = list( range(0, 180, color_step) ) #Color step basically gives step range of this list, ie if color_step = 2 then it is [0,2,4,6,....,178] user_image_object = st.file_uploader("upload your image", type=['png', 'jpg'], accept_multiple_files=False) if user_image_object is not None: st.image(user_image_object ) user_image_name = "input_image.png" #re-encode for streamlit interface #streamlit uploader encodes as a pillow img so we want to save to open in cv2 (converting directly is a pain) input_image = user_image_object ) ) # load image with alpha channel img = cv2.imread( user_image_name , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # extract alpha channel #alpha = img[:,:,3] # extract bgr channels bgr = img[:,:,0:3] # convert to HSV hsv = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #h = hsv[:,:,0] #s = hsv[:,:,1] #v = hsv[:,:,2] h,s,v = cv2.split(hsv) if color_step == 0: my_hue_list = [0] else: my_hue_list = list( range(0, 180, color_step) ) #Color step basically gives step range of this list, ie if color_step = 2 then it is [0,2,4,6,....,178] #180 at end means highest it can go is 179 (same as hue param ) #including 0 makes original image part of the outputs/gif #H,S,V = Hue , Saturation, Value (ie color value) parameters #Hue has range [0,179] , Saturation [0,255] , Value [0,255] img_array = [] output_filename_array = [] for i in my_hue_list: # modify hue channel by adding difference and modulo 180 (modulo because hue parameter only goes up to index 180, shouldn't exceed that ) hnew = np.mod(h + i, 180).astype(np.uint8) #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< where the iter comes in # recombine channels hsv_new = cv2.merge([hnew,s,v]) # convert back to bgr bgr_new = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_new, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) img_array.append(bgr_new ) # put alpha back into bgr_new #bgra = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_new, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) #bgra[:,:,3] = alpha # save output AS FILE LABELED BY ITERABLE output_filename = 'output_bgr_new_' + str(i) +'.png' #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< where the iter comes in output_filename_array.append(output_filename) cv2.imwrite(output_filename, bgr_new) height, width, layers = bgr_new.shape size = (width,height) st.write("This algorithm creates a GIF from images by creating hue shifted aka different color images from your input images bases on the parameters you chose in the slider above. The current set of parameters yields this many images: \n len(img_array) = ", len(img_array) , " \n So you GIF will be a composite of this many images changing color.") '''Show some demos: ''' #Uncomment this if statement to show some sample images of the gif #if len(img_array) > 7: # for ii in [1, 4, 7]: # st.image( img_array[ii] ) #HuggingFaces Spaces can create a video vile ephemerally but doesn't actually save one that we can access. #So to show the video/gif we save it as a file then open that file to show it in streamlit st.text("Generating GIF, may take a minute. You should see it appear on screen. ") #Create GIF img, *imgs = [ for f in output_filename_array]"output_gif.gif", format='GIF', append_images=imgs, save_all=True, duration=duration_parameter, loop=loop_parameter) #Show gif using this script to show gifs in streamlit """### gif from local file""" file_ = open("output_gif.gif", "rb") contents = data_url = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") file_.close() st.markdown( f'output gif', unsafe_allow_html=True, )