from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from fastapi import FastAPI from inference.core.env import METRICS_INTERVAL from inference.core.version import __version__ from inference.enterprise.device_manager.command_handler import ( Command, fetch_commands, handle_command, ) from inference.enterprise.device_manager.metrics_service import ( report_metrics_and_handle_commands, ) app = FastAPI( title="Roboflow Device Manager", description="The device manager enables remote control and monitoring of Roboflow inference server containers", version=__version__, terms_of_service="", contact={ "name": "Roboflow Inc.", "url": "", "email": "", }, license_info={ "name": "Apache 2.0", "url": "", }, root_path="/", ) @app.get("/") def root(): return { "name": "Roboflow Device Manager", "version": __version__, "terms_of_service": "", "contact": { "name": "Roboflow Inc.", "url": "", "email": "", }, "license_info": { "name": "Apache 2.0", "url": "", }, }"/exec_command") async def exec_command(command: Command): handle_command(command.dict()) return {"status": "ok"} scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(job_defaults={"coalesce": True, "max_instances": 3}) scheduler.add_job( report_metrics_and_handle_commands, "interval", seconds=METRICS_INTERVAL ) scheduler.add_job(fetch_commands, "interval", seconds=3) scheduler.start()