import time import traceback import requests from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from inference.core.devices.utils import GLOBAL_DEVICE_ID, GLOBAL_INFERENCE_SERVER_ID from inference.core.env import ( API_KEY, METRICS_ENABLED, METRICS_INTERVAL, METRICS_URL, TAGS, ) from inference.core.logger import logger from inference.core.managers.metrics import ( get_inference_results_for_model, get_system_info, ) from inference.core.utils.requests import api_key_safe_raise_for_status from inference.core.utils.url_utils import wrap_url from inference.core.version import __version__ class PingbackInfo: """Class responsible for managing pingback information for Roboflow. This class initializes a scheduler to periodically post data to Roboflow, containing information about the models, container, and device. Attributes: scheduler (BackgroundScheduler): A scheduler for running jobs in the background. model_manager (ModelManager): Reference to the model manager object. process_startup_time (str): Unix timestamp indicating when the process started. METRICS_URL (str): URL to send the pingback data to. system_info (dict): Information about the system. window_start_timestamp (str): Unix timestamp indicating the start of the current window. """ def __init__(self, manager): """Initializes PingbackInfo with the given manager. Args: manager (ModelManager): Reference to the model manager object. """ try: self.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() self.model_manager = manager self.process_startup_time = str(int(time.time())) logger.debug( "UUID: " + self.model_manager.uuid ) # To correlate with UI container view self.window_start_timestamp = str(int(time.time())) context = { "api_key": API_KEY, "timestamp": str(int(time.time())), "device_id": GLOBAL_DEVICE_ID, "inference_server_id": GLOBAL_INFERENCE_SERVER_ID, "inference_server_version": __version__, "tags": TAGS, } self.environment_info = context | get_system_info() except Exception as e: logger.debug( "Error sending pingback to Roboflow, if you want to disable this feature unset the ROBOFLOW_ENABLED environment variable. " + str(e) ) def start(self): """Starts the scheduler to periodically post data to Roboflow. If METRICS_ENABLED is False, a warning is logged, and the method returns without starting the scheduler. """ if METRICS_ENABLED == False: logger.warning( "Metrics reporting to Roboflow is disabled; not sending back stats to Roboflow." ) return try: self.scheduler.add_job( self.post_data, "interval", seconds=METRICS_INTERVAL, args=[self.model_manager], ) self.scheduler.start() except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) def stop(self): """Stops the scheduler.""" self.scheduler.shutdown() def post_data(self, model_manager): """Posts data to Roboflow about the models, container, device, and other relevant metrics. Args: model_manager (ModelManager): Reference to the model manager object. The data is collected and reset for the next window, and a POST request is made to the pingback URL. """ all_data = self.environment_info.copy() all_data["inference_results"] = [] try: now = time.time() start = now - METRICS_INTERVAL for model_id in model_manager.models(): results = get_inference_results_for_model( GLOBAL_INFERENCE_SERVER_ID, model_id, min=start, max=now ) all_data["inference_results"] = all_data["inference_results"] + results res =, json=all_data) try: api_key_safe_raise_for_status(response=res) logger.debug( "Sent metrics to Roboflow {} at {}.".format( METRICS_URL, str(all_data) ) ) except Exception as e: logger.debug( f"Error sending metrics to Roboflow, if you want to disable this feature unset the METRICS_ENABLED environment variable." ) except Exception as e: try: logger.debug( f"Error sending metrics to Roboflow, if you want to disable this feature unset the METRICS_ENABLED environment variable. Error was: {e}. Data was: {all_data}" ) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as e2: logger.debug( f"Error sending metrics to Roboflow, if you want to disable this feature unset the METRICS_ENABLED environment variable. Error was: {e}." )