import json import elasticache_auto_discovery from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient from inference.core.env import ELASTICACHE_ENDPOINT from inference.core.logger import logger nodes = # set up memcache nodes = map(lambda x: (x[1], int(x[2])), nodes) memcache_client = HashClient(nodes) def trackUsage(endpoint, actor, n=1): """Tracks the usage of an endpoint by an actor. This function increments the usage count for a given endpoint by an actor. It also handles initialization if the count does not exist. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint being accessed. actor (str): The actor accessing the endpoint. n (int, optional): The number of times the endpoint was accessed. Defaults to 1. Returns: None: This function does not return anything but updates the memcache client. """ # count an inference try: job = endpoint + "endpoint:::actor" + actor current_infers = memcache_client.incr(job, n) if current_infers is None: # not yet set; initialize at 1 memcache_client.set(job, n) current_infers = n # store key job_keys = memcache_client.get("JOB_KEYS") if job_keys is None: memcache_client.add("JOB_KEYS", json.dumps([job])) else: decoded = json.loads(job_keys) decoded.append(job) decoded = list(set(decoded)) memcache_client.set("JOB_KEYS", json.dumps(decoded)) actor_keys = memcache_client.get("ACTOR_KEYS") if actor_keys is None: ak = {} ak[actor] = n memcache_client.add("ACTOR_KEYS", json.dumps(ak)) else: decoded = json.loads(actor_keys) if actor in actor_keys: actor_keys[actor] += n else: actor_keys[actor] = n memcache_client.set("ACTOR_KEYS", json.dumps(actor_keys)) except Exception as e: logger.debug("WARNING: there was an error in counting this inference") logger.debug(e)