import time from datetime import datetime from functools import partial from queue import Queue from threading import Thread from typing import Callable, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from inference.core import logger from inference.core.active_learning.middlewares import ( NullActiveLearningMiddleware, ThreadingActiveLearningMiddleware, ) from inference.core.cache import cache from inference.core.env import ( ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED, API_KEY, API_KEY_ENV_NAMES, DISABLE_PREPROC_AUTO_ORIENT, PREDICTIONS_QUEUE_SIZE, RESTART_ATTEMPT_DELAY, ) from inference.core.exceptions import MissingApiKeyError from import ( StatusUpdate, UpdateSeverity, VideoFrame, ) from import SourceConnectionError from import get_video_frames_generator from import ( BufferConsumptionStrategy, BufferFillingStrategy, VideoSource, ) from import ( ModelConfig, ObjectDetectionPrediction, ) from import active_learning_sink, multi_sink from import ( NullPipelineWatchdog, PipelineWatchDog, ) from inference.core.models.roboflow import OnnxRoboflowInferenceModel from inference.models.utils import get_roboflow_model INFERENCE_PIPELINE_CONTEXT = "inference_pipeline" SOURCE_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT = "SOURCE_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED" SOURCE_CONNECTION_LOST_EVENT = "SOURCE_CONNECTION_LOST" INFERENCE_RESULTS_DISPATCHING_ERROR_EVENT = "INFERENCE_RESULTS_DISPATCHING_ERROR" INFERENCE_THREAD_STARTED_EVENT = "INFERENCE_THREAD_STARTED" INFERENCE_THREAD_FINISHED_EVENT = "INFERENCE_THREAD_FINISHED" INFERENCE_COMPLETED_EVENT = "INFERENCE_COMPLETED" INFERENCE_ERROR_EVENT = "INFERENCE_ERROR" class InferencePipeline: @classmethod def init( cls, model_id: str, video_reference: Union[str, int], on_prediction: Callable[[ObjectDetectionPrediction, VideoFrame], None], api_key: Optional[str] = None, max_fps: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, watchdog: Optional[PipelineWatchDog] = None, status_update_handlers: Optional[List[Callable[[StatusUpdate], None]]] = None, source_buffer_filling_strategy: Optional[BufferFillingStrategy] = None, source_buffer_consumption_strategy: Optional[BufferConsumptionStrategy] = None, class_agnostic_nms: Optional[bool] = None, confidence: Optional[float] = None, iou_threshold: Optional[float] = None, max_candidates: Optional[int] = None, max_detections: Optional[int] = None, mask_decode_mode: Optional[str] = "accurate", tradeoff_factor: Optional[float] = 0.0, active_learning_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "InferencePipeline": """ This class creates the abstraction for making inferences from CV models against video stream. It allows to choose Object Detection model from Roboflow platform and run predictions against video streams - just by the price of specifying which model to use and what to do with predictions. It allows to set the model post-processing parameters (via .init() or env) and intercept updates related to state of pipeline via `PipelineWatchDog` abstraction (although that is something probably useful only for advanced use-cases). For maximum efficiency, all separate chunks of processing: video decoding, inference, results dispatching are handled by separate threads. Given that reference to stream is passed and connectivity is lost - it attempts to re-connect with delay. Since version 0.9.11 it works not only for object detection models but is also compatible with stubs, classification, instance-segmentation and keypoint-detection models. Args: model_id (str): Name and version of model at Roboflow platform (example: "my-model/3") video_reference (Union[str, int]): Reference of source to be used to make predictions against. It can be video file path, stream URL and device (like camera) id (we handle whatever cv2 handles). on_prediction (Callable[ObjectDetectionPrediction, VideoFrame], None]): Function to be called once prediction is ready - passing both decoded frame, their metadata and dict with standard Roboflow Object Detection prediction. api_key (Optional[str]): Roboflow API key - if not passed - will be looked in env under "ROBOFLOW_API_KEY" and "API_KEY" variables. API key, passed in some form is required. max_fps (Optional[Union[float, int]]): Specific value passed as this parameter will be used to dictate max FPS of processing. It can be useful if we wanted to run concurrent inference pipelines on single machine making tradeoff between number of frames and number of streams handled. Disabled by default. watchdog (Optional[PipelineWatchDog]): Implementation of class that allows profiling of inference pipeline - if not given null implementation (doing nothing) will be used. status_update_handlers (Optional[List[Callable[[StatusUpdate], None]]]): List of handlers to intercept status updates of all elements of the pipeline. Should be used only if detailed inspection of pipeline behaviour in time is needed. Please point out that handlers should be possible to be executed fast - otherwise they will impair pipeline performance. All errors will be logged as warnings without re-raising. Default: None. source_buffer_filling_strategy (Optional[BufferFillingStrategy]): Parameter dictating strategy for video stream decoding behaviour. By default - tweaked to the type of source given. Please find detailed explanation in docs of [`VideoSource`](../camera/ source_buffer_consumption_strategy (Optional[BufferConsumptionStrategy]): Parameter dictating strategy for video stream frames consumption. By default - tweaked to the type of source given. Please find detailed explanation in docs of [`VideoSource`](../camera/ class_agnostic_nms (Optional[bool]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - value checked in env variable "CLASS_AGNOSTIC_NMS" with default "False" confidence (Optional[float]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - value checked in env variable "CONFIDENCE" with default "0.5" iou_threshold (Optional[float]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - value checked in env variable "IOU_THRESHOLD" with default "0.5" max_candidates (Optional[int]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - value checked in env variable "MAX_CANDIDATES" with default "3000" max_detections (Optional[int]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - value checked in env variable "MAX_DETECTIONS" with default "300" mask_decode_mode: (Optional[str]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not given - model "accurate" is used. Applicable for instance segmentation models tradeoff_factor (Optional[float]): Parameter of model post-processing. If not 0.0 - model default is used. Applicable for instance segmentation models active_learning_enabled (Optional[bool]): Flag to enable / disable Active Learning middleware (setting it true does not guarantee any data to be collected, as data collection is controlled by Roboflow backend - it just enables middleware intercepting predictions). If not given, env variable `ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED` will be used. Please point out that Active Learning will be forcefully disabled in a scenario when Roboflow API key is not given, as Roboflow account is required for this feature to be operational. Other ENV variables involved in low-level configuration: * INFERENCE_PIPELINE_PREDICTIONS_QUEUE_SIZE - size of buffer for predictions that are ready for dispatching * INFERENCE_PIPELINE_RESTART_ATTEMPT_DELAY - delay for restarts on stream connection drop * ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED - controls Active Learning middleware if explicit parameter not given Returns: Instance of InferencePipeline Throws: * SourceConnectionError if source cannot be connected at start, however it attempts to reconnect always if connection to stream is lost. """ if api_key is None: api_key = API_KEY if status_update_handlers is None: status_update_handlers = [] inference_config = ModelConfig.init( class_agnostic_nms=class_agnostic_nms, confidence=confidence, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, max_candidates=max_candidates, max_detections=max_detections, mask_decode_mode=mask_decode_mode, tradeoff_factor=tradeoff_factor, ) model = get_roboflow_model(model_id=model_id, api_key=api_key) if watchdog is None: watchdog = NullPipelineWatchdog() status_update_handlers.append(watchdog.on_status_update) video_source = VideoSource.init( video_reference=video_reference, status_update_handlers=status_update_handlers, buffer_filling_strategy=source_buffer_filling_strategy, buffer_consumption_strategy=source_buffer_consumption_strategy, ) watchdog.register_video_source(video_source=video_source) predictions_queue = Queue(maxsize=PREDICTIONS_QUEUE_SIZE) active_learning_middleware = NullActiveLearningMiddleware() if active_learning_enabled is None: f"`active_learning_enabled` parameter not set - using env `ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED` " f"with value: {ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED}" ) active_learning_enabled = ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED if api_key is None: f"Roboflow API key not given - Active Learning is forced to be disabled." ) active_learning_enabled = False if active_learning_enabled is True: active_learning_middleware = ThreadingActiveLearningMiddleware.init( api_key=api_key, model_id=model_id, cache=cache, ) al_sink = partial( active_learning_sink, active_learning_middleware=active_learning_middleware, model_type=model.task_type, disable_preproc_auto_orient=DISABLE_PREPROC_AUTO_ORIENT, ) "AL enabled - wrapping `on_prediction` with multi_sink() and active_learning_sink()" ) on_prediction = partial(multi_sink, sinks=[on_prediction, al_sink]) return cls( model=model, video_source=video_source, on_prediction=on_prediction, max_fps=max_fps, predictions_queue=predictions_queue, watchdog=watchdog, status_update_handlers=status_update_handlers, inference_config=inference_config, active_learning_middleware=active_learning_middleware, ) def __init__( self, model: OnnxRoboflowInferenceModel, video_source: VideoSource, on_prediction: Callable[[ObjectDetectionPrediction, VideoFrame], None], max_fps: Optional[float], predictions_queue: Queue, watchdog: PipelineWatchDog, status_update_handlers: List[Callable[[StatusUpdate], None]], inference_config: ModelConfig, active_learning_middleware: Union[ NullActiveLearningMiddleware, ThreadingActiveLearningMiddleware ], ): self._model = model self._video_source = video_source self._on_prediction = on_prediction self._max_fps = max_fps self._predictions_queue = predictions_queue self._watchdog = watchdog self._command_handler_thread: Optional[Thread] = None self._inference_thread: Optional[Thread] = None self._dispatching_thread: Optional[Thread] = None self._stop = False self._camera_restart_ongoing = False self._status_update_handlers = status_update_handlers self._inference_config = inference_config self._active_learning_middleware = active_learning_middleware def start(self, use_main_thread: bool = True) -> None: self._stop = False self._inference_thread = Thread(target=self._execute_inference) self._inference_thread.start() if self._active_learning_middleware is not None: self._active_learning_middleware.start_registration_thread() if use_main_thread: self._dispatch_inference_results() else: self._dispatching_thread = Thread(target=self._dispatch_inference_results) self._dispatching_thread.start() def terminate(self) -> None: self._stop = True self._video_source.terminate() def pause_stream(self) -> None: self._video_source.pause() def mute_stream(self) -> None: self._video_source.mute() def resume_stream(self) -> None: self._video_source.resume() def join(self) -> None: if self._inference_thread is not None: self._inference_thread.join() self._inference_thread = None if self._dispatching_thread is not None: self._dispatching_thread.join() self._dispatching_thread = None if self._active_learning_middleware is not None: self._active_learning_middleware.stop_registration_thread() def _execute_inference(self) -> None: send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.INFO, event_type=INFERENCE_THREAD_STARTED_EVENT, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, )"Inference thread started") try: for video_frame in self._generate_frames(): self._watchdog.on_model_preprocessing_started( frame_timestamp=video_frame.frame_timestamp, frame_id=video_frame.frame_id, ) preprocessed_image, preprocessing_metadata = self._model.preprocess( video_frame.image ) self._watchdog.on_model_inference_started( frame_timestamp=video_frame.frame_timestamp, frame_id=video_frame.frame_id, ) predictions = self._model.predict(preprocessed_image) self._watchdog.on_model_postprocessing_started( frame_timestamp=video_frame.frame_timestamp, frame_id=video_frame.frame_id, ) postprocessing_args = self._inference_config.to_postprocessing_params() predictions = self._model.postprocess( predictions, preprocessing_metadata, **postprocessing_args, ) if issubclass(type(predictions), list): predictions = predictions[0].dict( by_alias=True, exclude_none=True, ) self._watchdog.on_model_prediction_ready( frame_timestamp=video_frame.frame_timestamp, frame_id=video_frame.frame_id, ) self._predictions_queue.put((predictions, video_frame)) send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.DEBUG, event_type=INFERENCE_COMPLETED_EVENT, payload={ "frame_id": video_frame.frame_id, "frame_timestamp": video_frame.frame_timestamp, }, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, ) except Exception as error: payload = { "error_type": error.__class__.__name__, "error_message": str(error), "error_context": "inference_thread", } send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.ERROR, event_type=INFERENCE_ERROR_EVENT, payload=payload, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, ) logger.exception(f"Encountered inference error: {error}") finally: self._predictions_queue.put(None) send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.INFO, event_type=INFERENCE_THREAD_FINISHED_EVENT, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, )"Inference thread finished") def _dispatch_inference_results(self) -> None: while True: inference_results: Optional[Tuple[dict, VideoFrame]] = ( self._predictions_queue.get() ) if inference_results is None: self._predictions_queue.task_done() break predictions, video_frame = inference_results try: self._on_prediction(predictions, video_frame) except Exception as error: payload = { "error_type": error.__class__.__name__, "error_message": str(error), "error_context": "inference_results_dispatching", } send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.ERROR, event_type=INFERENCE_RESULTS_DISPATCHING_ERROR_EVENT, payload=payload, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, ) logger.warning(f"Error in results dispatching - {error}") finally: self._predictions_queue.task_done() def _generate_frames( self, ) -> Generator[VideoFrame, None, None]: self._video_source.start() while True: source_properties = self._video_source.describe_source().source_properties if source_properties is None: break allow_reconnect = not source_properties.is_file yield from get_video_frames_generator( video=self._video_source, max_fps=self._max_fps ) if not allow_reconnect: self.terminate() break if self._stop: break logger.warning(f"Lost connection with video source.") send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.WARNING, event_type=SOURCE_CONNECTION_LOST_EVENT, payload={ "source_reference": self._video_source.describe_source().source_reference }, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, ) self._attempt_restart() def _attempt_restart(self) -> None: succeeded = False while not self._stop and not succeeded: try: self._video_source.restart() succeeded = True except SourceConnectionError as error: payload = { "error_type": error.__class__.__name__, "error_message": str(error), "error_context": "video_frames_generator", } send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity=UpdateSeverity.WARNING, event_type=SOURCE_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT, payload=payload, status_update_handlers=self._status_update_handlers, ) logger.warning( f"Could not connect to video source. Retrying in {RESTART_ATTEMPT_DELAY}s..." ) time.sleep(RESTART_ATTEMPT_DELAY) def send_inference_pipeline_status_update( severity: UpdateSeverity, event_type: str, status_update_handlers: List[Callable[[StatusUpdate], None]], payload: Optional[dict] = None, sub_context: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if payload is None: payload = {} context = INFERENCE_PIPELINE_CONTEXT if sub_context is not None: context = f"{context}.{sub_context}" status_update = StatusUpdate(, severity=severity, event_type=event_type, payload=payload, context=context, ) for handler in status_update_handlers: try: handler(status_update) except Exception as error: logger.warning(f"Could not execute handler update. Cause: {error}")