from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from pydantic import Field, validator from inference.core.entities.requests.inference import ( BaseRequest, InferenceRequestImage, ) from inference.core.env import COGVLM_VERSION_ID class CogVLMInferenceRequest(BaseRequest): """Request for CogVLM inference. Attributes: api_key (Optional[str]): Roboflow API Key. cog_version_id (Optional[str]): The version ID of CLIP to be used for this request. """ cogvlm_version_id: Optional[str] = Field( default=COGVLM_VERSION_ID, examples=["cogvlm-chat-hf"], description="The version ID of CogVLM to be used for this request. See the huggingface model repo at THUDM.", ) model_id: Optional[str] = Field(None) image: InferenceRequestImage = Field( description="Image for CogVLM to look at. Use prompt to specify what you want it to do with the image." ) prompt: str = Field( description="Text to be passed to CogVLM. Use to prompt it to describe an image or provide only text to chat with the model.", examples=["Describe this image."], ) history: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = Field( None, description="Optional chat history, formatted as a list of 2-tuples where the first entry is the user prompt" " and the second entry is the generated model response", ) # TODO[pydantic]: We couldn't refactor the `validator`, please replace it by `field_validator` manually. # Check for more information. @validator("model_id", always=True) def validate_model_id(cls, value, values): if value is not None: return value if values.get("cogvlm_version_id") is None: return None return f"cogvlm/{values['cogvlm_version_id']}"