import os import numpy as np import torch class SpeakerEmbeddingsDataset( def __init__(self, feature_path, device, mode='utterance'): super(SpeakerEmbeddingsDataset, self).__init__() modes = ['utterance', 'speaker'] assert mode in modes, f'mode: {mode} is not supported' if mode == 'utterance': self.mode = 'utt' elif mode == 'speaker': self.mode = 'spk' self.device = device self.x, self.speakers = self._load_features(feature_path) # unique_speakers = set(self.speakers) # spk2class = dict(zip(unique_speakers, range(len(unique_speakers)))) # #self.x = self._reformat_features(self.x) # self.y = torch.tensor([spk2class[spk] for spk in self.speakers]).to(self.device) # self.class2spk = dict(zip(spk2class.values(), spk2class.keys())) def __len__(self): return len(self.speakers) def __getitem__(self, index): embedding = self.normalize_embedding(self.x[index]) # speaker_id = self.y[index] return embedding, torch.zeros([0]) def normalize_embedding(self, vector): return torch.sub(vector, self.mean) / self.std def get_speaker(self, label): return self.class2spk[label] def get_embedding_dim(self): return self.x.shape[-1] def get_num_speaker(self): return len(torch.unique((self.y))) def set_labels(self, labels): self.y_old = self.y self.y = torch.full(size=(len(self),), fill_value=labels).to(self.device) # if isinstance(labels, int) or isinstance(labels, float): # self.y = torch.full(size=len(self), fill_value=labels) # elif len(labels) == len(self): # self.y = torch.tensor(labels) def _load_features(self, feature_path): if os.path.isfile(feature_path): vectors = torch.load(feature_path, map_location=self.device) if isinstance(vectors, list): vectors = torch.stack(vectors) self.mean = torch.mean(vectors) self.std = torch.std(vectors) return vectors, torch.zeros(vectors.size(0)) else: vectors = torch.load(feature_path, map_location=self.device) self.mean = torch.mean(vectors) self.std = torch.std(vectors) spk2idx = {} with open(feature_path / f'{self.mode}2idx', 'r') as f: for line in f: split_line = line.strip().split() if len(split_line) == 2: spk2idx[split_line[0].strip()] = int(split_line[1]) speakers, indices = zip(*spk2idx.items()) if (feature_path / 'utt2spk').exists(): # spk2idx contains utt_ids not speaker_ids utt2spk = {} with open(feature_path / 'utt2spk', 'r') as f: for line in f: split_line = line.strip().split() if len(split_line) == 2: utt2spk[split_line[0].strip()] = split_line[1].strip() speakers = [utt2spk[utt] for utt in speakers] return vectors[np.array(indices)], speakers def _reformat_features(self, features): if len(features.shape) == 2: return features.reshape(features.shape[0], 1, 1, features.shape[1])