from __future__ import annotations import gradio as gr import os import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from moviepy.editor import * from share_btn import community_icon_html, loading_icon_html, share_js import pathlib import shlex import subprocess is_shared_ui = True if "AIFILMS/ControlNet-Video" in os.environ['SPACE_ID'] else False if os.getenv('SYSTEM') == 'spaces': with open('patch') as f:'patch -p1'), stdin=f, cwd='ControlNet') base_url = '' names = [ 'body_pose_model.pth', '', 'hand_pose_model.pth', 'mlsd_large_512_fp32.pth', 'mlsd_tiny_512_fp32.pth', 'network-bsds500.pth', 'upernet_global_small.pth', ] for name in names: command = f'wget{name} -O {name}' out_path = pathlib.Path(f'ControlNet/annotator/ckpts/{name}') if out_path.exists(): continue, cwd='ControlNet/annotator/ckpts/') if(not is_shared_ui): from model import (DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_FILENAME, DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_REPO, DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_URL, Model) model = Model() def controlnet(i, prompt, control_task, seed_in, ddim_steps, scale, low_threshold, high_threshold, value_threshold, distance_threshold, bg_threshold): img= np_img = np.array(img) a_prompt = "best quality, extremely detailed" n_prompt = "longbody, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality" num_samples = 1 image_resolution = 512 detect_resolution = 512 eta = 0.0 #low_threshold = 100 #high_threshold = 200 #value_threshold = 0.1 #distance_threshold = 0.1 #bg_threshold = 0.4 if control_task == 'Canny': result = model.process_canny(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta, low_threshold, high_threshold) elif control_task == 'Depth': result = model.process_depth(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta) elif control_task == 'Hed': result = model.process_hed(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta) elif control_task == 'Hough': result = model.process_hough(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta, value_threshold, distance_threshold) elif control_task == 'Normal': result = model.process_normal(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta, bg_threshold) elif control_task == 'Pose': result = model.process_pose(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta) elif control_task == 'Scribble': result = model.process_scribble(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta) elif control_task == 'Seg': result = model.process_seg(np_img, prompt, a_prompt, n_prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, detect_resolution, ddim_steps, scale, seed_in, eta) #print(result[0]) processor_im = Image.fromarray(result[0])"process_" + control_task + "_" + str(i) + ".jpeg") im = Image.fromarray(result[1])"your_file" + str(i) + ".jpeg") return "your_file" + str(i) + ".jpeg", "process_" + control_task + "_" + str(i) + ".jpeg" def change_task_options(task): if task == "Canny" : return canny_opt.update(visible=True), hough_opt.update(visible=False), normal_opt.update(visible=False) elif task == "Hough" : return canny_opt.update(visible=False),hough_opt.update(visible=True), normal_opt.update(visible=False) elif task == "Normal" : return canny_opt.update(visible=False),hough_opt.update(visible=False), normal_opt.update(visible=True) else : return canny_opt.update(visible=False),hough_opt.update(visible=False), normal_opt.update(visible=False) def get_frames(video_in): frames = [] #resize the video clip = VideoFileClip(video_in) #check fps if clip.fps > 30: print("vide rate is over 30, resetting to 30") clip_resized = clip.resize(height=512) clip_resized.write_videofile("video_resized.mp4", fps=30) else: print("video rate is OK") clip_resized = clip.resize(height=512) clip_resized.write_videofile("video_resized.mp4", fps=clip.fps) print("video resized to 512 height") # Opens the Video file with CV2 cap= cv2.VideoCapture("video_resized.mp4") fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print("video fps: " + str(fps)) i=0 while(cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = if ret == False: break cv2.imwrite('kang'+str(i)+'.jpg',frame) frames.append('kang'+str(i)+'.jpg') i+=1 cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("broke the video into frames") return frames, fps def convert(gif): if gif != None: clip = VideoFileClip( clip.write_videofile("my_gif_video.mp4") return "my_gif_video.mp4" else: pass def create_video(frames, fps, type): print("building video result") clip = ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(type + "_result.mp4", fps=fps) return type + "_result.mp4" def infer(prompt,video_in, control_task, seed_in, trim_value, ddim_steps, scale, low_threshold, high_threshold, value_threshold, distance_threshold, bg_threshold, gif_import): if(is_shared_ui): raise gr.Error("This Space doesn't work on this shared UI.") print(f""" ——————————————— {prompt} ———————————————""") # 1. break video into frames and get FPS break_vid = get_frames(video_in) frames_list= break_vid[0] fps = break_vid[1] n_frame = int(trim_value*fps) if n_frame >= len(frames_list): print("video is shorter than the cut value") n_frame = len(frames_list) # 2. prepare frames result arrays processor_result_frames = [] result_frames = [] print("set stop frames to: " + str(n_frame)) for i in frames_list[0:int(n_frame)]: controlnet_img = controlnet(i, prompt,control_task, seed_in, ddim_steps, scale, low_threshold, high_threshold, value_threshold, distance_threshold, bg_threshold) #images = controlnet_img[0] #rgb_im = images[0].convert("RGB") # exporting the image"result_img-{i}.jpg") processor_result_frames.append(controlnet_img[1]) result_frames.append(controlnet_img[0]) print("frame " + i + "/" + str(n_frame) + ": done;") processor_vid = create_video(processor_result_frames, fps, "processor") final_vid = create_video(result_frames, fps, "final") files = [processor_vid, final_vid] if gif_import != None: final_gif = VideoFileClip(final_vid) final_gif.write_gif("final_result.gif") final_gif = "final_result.gif" files.append(final_gif) print("finished !") return final_vid, gr.Accordion.update(visible=True), gr.Video.update(value=processor_vid, visible=True), gr.File.update(value=files, visible=True), gr.Group.update(visible=True) def clean(): return gr.Accordion.update(visible=False),gr.Video.update(value=None, visible=False), gr.Video.update(value=None), gr.File.update(value=None, visible=False), gr.Group.update(visible=False) title = """

ControlNet Video

Apply ControlNet to a video

""" article = """

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""" with gr.Blocks(css='style.css') as demo: if(is_shared_ui): with gr.Box(): top_description = gr.HTML(f'''

Attention - This Space doesn't work in this shared UI

For it to work, you can access the original or duplicate this Space and run it on your own profile using a GPU.  Duplicate Space

''') with gr.Column(elem_id="col-container"): gr.HTML(title) gr.HTML(""" Duplicate Space """, elem_id="duplicate-container") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): video_inp = gr.Video(label="Video source", source="upload", type="filepath", elem_id="input-vid") video_out = gr.Video(label="ControlNet video result", elem_id="video-output") with gr.Group(elem_id="share-btn-container", visible=False) as share_group: community_icon = gr.HTML(community_icon_html) loading_icon = gr.HTML(loading_icon_html) share_button = gr.Button("Share to community", elem_id="share-btn") with gr.Accordion("Detailed results", visible=False) as detailed_result: prep_video_out = gr.Video(label="Preprocessor video result", visible=False, elem_id="prep-video-output") files = gr.File(label="Files can be downloaded ;)", visible=False) with gr.Column(): #status = gr.Textbox() prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", placeholder="enter prompt", show_label=True, elem_id="prompt-in") with gr.Row(): control_task = gr.Dropdown(label="Control Task", choices=["Canny", "Depth", "Hed", "Hough", "Normal", "Pose", "Scribble", "Seg"], value="Pose", multiselect=False, elem_id="controltask-in") seed_inp = gr.Slider(label="Seed", minimum=0, maximum=2147483647, step=1, value=123456, elem_id="seed-in") with gr.Row(): trim_in = gr.Slider(label="Cut video at (s)", minimun=1, maximum=5, step=1, value=1) with gr.Accordion("Advanced Options", open=False): with gr.Tab("Diffusion Settings"): with gr.Row(visible=False) as canny_opt: low_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Canny low threshold', minimum=1, maximum=255, value=100, step=1) high_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Canny high threshold', minimum=1, maximum=255, value=200, step=1) with gr.Row(visible=False) as hough_opt: value_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Hough value threshold (MLSD)', minimum=0.01, maximum=2.0, value=0.1, step=0.01) distance_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Hough distance threshold (MLSD)', minimum=0.01, maximum=20.0, value=0.1, step=0.01) with gr.Row(visible=False) as normal_opt: bg_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Normal background threshold', minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.4, step=0.01) ddim_steps = gr.Slider(label='Steps', minimum=1, maximum=100, value=20, step=1) scale = gr.Slider(label='Guidance Scale', minimum=0.1, maximum=30.0, value=9.0, step=0.1) with gr.Tab("GIF import"): gif_import = gr.File(label="import a GIF instead", file_types=['.gif']) gif_import.change(convert, gif_import, video_inp, queue=False) with gr.Tab("Custom Model"): current_base_model = gr.Text(label='Current base model', value="" if is_shared_ui else DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_URL) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): base_model_repo = gr.Text(label='Base model repo', max_lines=1, placeholder="" if is_shared_ui else DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_REPO, interactive=True) base_model_filename = gr.Text( label='Base model file', max_lines=1, placeholder="" if is_shared_ui else DEFAULT_BASE_MODEL_FILENAME, interactive=True) change_base_model_button = gr.Button('Change base model') gr.HTML( '''

You can use other base models by specifying the repository name and filename.
The base model must be compatible with Stable Diffusion v1.5.

''') if(not is_shared_ui):, inputs=[ base_model_repo, base_model_filename, ], outputs=current_base_model, queue=False) submit_btn = gr.Button("Generate ControlNet video") inputs = [prompt,video_inp,control_task, seed_inp, trim_in, ddim_steps, scale, low_threshold, high_threshold, value_threshold, distance_threshold, bg_threshold, gif_import] outputs = [video_out, detailed_result, prep_video_out, files, share_group] #outputs = [status] gr.HTML(article) control_task.change(change_task_options, inputs=[control_task], outputs=[canny_opt, hough_opt, normal_opt], queue=False), inputs=[], outputs=[detailed_result, prep_video_out, video_out, files, share_group], queue=False), inputs, outputs), [], [], _js=share_js) demo.queue(max_size=12).launch()