import openai import gradio as gr import os import pandas as pd import time # env openai.api_key = os.environ.get('openai-api') SHEET_ID = '119qz8UpCdwCu_gyPtayi7JmhSM0nUddolOyJcqsMnmA' SHEET_NAME = 'MIW_Sources' # Blocks with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Glass()) as demo: #Initialize data url = f'{SHEET_ID}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={SHEET_NAME}' df = pd.read_csv(url) def filter_and_concatenate(df, input_string): # If input string is empty, return concatenation of all values if input_string == "": concatenated_string = "" for _, row in df.iterrows(): concatenated_string += '|'.join(str(value) for value in row.values) + '\n' return concatenated_string # Filter the dataframe based on the input string filtered_df = df[df['category'] == input_string] # Concatenate the values from other columns concatenated_string = '' for _, row in filtered_df.iterrows(): concatenated_string += '|'.join(str(value) for value in row.values[1:]) + '\n' return concatenated_string def showall(code:str): visibility = gr.update(visible = True) invisibility = gr.update(visible = False) tryagain = gr.update(value = None, placeholder = "Try again - 再試一次") if code == os.environ.get('accesscode'): return visibility, visibility, visibility, visibility, invisibility else: return invisibility, invisibility, invisibility, invisibility, tryagain def refreshmode1(mode): mode = gr.update(value= "mode1") return mode def refreshmode2(mode): mode = gr.update(value="mode2") return mode def refreshmode3(mode): mode = gr.update(value="mode3") return mode def answer(history): for attempt in range(5): try: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model='gpt-3.5-turbo', messages=history, temperature=0.5, max_tokens=800, top_p=1, n=1, frequency_penalty=0.9, presence_penalty=0.9, stop=None ) result = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] break except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred on attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}") if attempt < 5: time.sleep(10) else: raise e return result def init_history(language, messages_history1, messages_history2, messages_history3): #Reinitialize the state file messages_history1 = [[None,languagedict[language]['whatcanidofirst']]] messages_history2 = [[None,languagedict[language]['interviewquestionsfirst']]] messages_history3 = [[None,languagedict[language]['helpfirst']]] messages_history1 += {"role": "system", "content": themewhatcanido} messages_history1 += {"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['whatcanidofirst']} messages_history2 += {"role": "system", "content": themeinterviewquestions} messages_history2 += {"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['interviewquestionsfirst']} messages_history3 += {"role": "system", "content": themehelp} messages_history3 += {"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['helpfirst']} return messages_history1, messages_history2, messages_history3 def getlist(df): # Extract distinct values from the first column excluding the header distinct_values = df.iloc[1:, 0].unique() # Join the distinct values into a string separated by ", " distinct_values_string = ", ".join(str(value) for value in distinct_values) return distinct_values_string def user(msg, chatbot, state, language: str, mode: str): #Bot context if mode == "mode1": context = themewhatcanido elif mode == "mode2": context = themeinterviewquestions else: context = themehelp #remind mission if len(state) == 0: state.append({'role':'system','content':f"Take notice of your mission:\n\n{context}"}) elif len(state) > 10: state.append({'role':'system','content':f"Remember your mission as briefed earlier:\n\n{context}"}) chatbot.append([msg, None]) #Specific for mode3 if mode == 'mode3': #Append instructions to msg listvalues = getlist(df) print(f'listvalues: {listvalues}') queryforcategory = [{'role':'user','content':f"Out of this list of words/expressions separated by a comma:\n{listvalues}\n, which one corresponds the best to the theme in this message:\n{msg}\n\nThe result should be one of the elements from the list only. If there's absolutly no match, return an empty string ''\nHere is an example:\n if the list contains 'Skills,Finding work' and the message is 'I want to learn about Excel', just reply 'Skills' "}] matchcat = answer(queryforcategory) matchcat = matchcat.replace('.','') matchcat = matchcat.strip() print(f'matchcat: {matchcat}') try: instructions = filter_and_concatenate(df, matchcat) except: instructions = "" print(f'instructions: {instructions}') msg = msg + f"\n\nAnswer in {language}, keep it casual but respectful" state.append({'role':'user','content':msg}) if mode == 'mode3': state.append({'role':'system','content':f"\n\nUse the following elements to document your answer:\n{instructions}"}) print(f'state is\n{state}') print(f'chatbot is\n{chatbot}') return "", chatbot, state def bot(chatbot, state): response = answer(state) chatbot.append([None, response]) state.append({'role':'assistant','content':response}) return chatbot, state def refresh(language: str): titleup = gr.update(value = languagedict[language]['welcome']) input1up = gr.update(label = languagedict[language]['whatcanidolabel'], placeholder = languagedict[language]['whatcanidoph']) input2up = gr.update(label = languagedict[language]['interviewquestionslabel'], placeholder = languagedict[language]['interviewquestionsph']) input3up = gr.update(label = languagedict[language]['helplabel'], placeholder = languagedict[language]['helpph']) chatbot1up = [[None,languagedict[language]['whatcanidofirst']]] state1up = [{"role": "system", "content": themewhatcanido},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['whatcanidofirst']}] chatbot2up = [[None,languagedict[language]['interviewquestionsfirst']]] state2up = [{"role": "system", "content": themeinterviewquestions},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['interviewquestionsfirst']}] chatbot3up = [[None,languagedict[language]['whatcanidofirst']]] state3up = [{"role": "system", "content": themehelp},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict[language]['helpfirst']}] return titleup, input1up, input2up, input3up, chatbot1up, chatbot2up, chatbot3up, state1up, state2up, state3up languageoptions = ["English", "廣東話"] languagedict = { "English": { "welcome": "Welcome to Make It Work App - Where you can get tailored help thanks to Artificial Intelligence", "whatcanido": "What job can I do?", "whatcanidofirst" : "Tell me about you.", "whatcanidolabel": "Write your preferences and we can suggest some options", "whatcanidoph": "I'm a 30 years old single mother, I have a 6 years old daughter. I can cook, take care of children and elderly and have been a waiter at a restaurant before.\nI have a high school degree.", "interviewquestions": "How to prepare for interview?", "interviewquestionsfirst": "What is the role you're interviewing for?", "interviewquestionslabel": "Answer the questions for this virtual interview", "interviewquestionsph": "I want to prepare for an interview as a receptionist.", "help": "Where to get help?", "helpfirst": "How can I help you?", "helplabel": "Where do you need help?", "helpph": "How can I have support to take care of my daughter during my work? / How can I get trained on Excel?" }, "廣東話": { "welcome": "歡迎使用 Make It Work App - 借助人工智能,您可以獲得量身定制的幫助", "whatcanido": "我可以做什麼工作?", "whatcanidofirst" : "介紹一下你自己吧。", "whatcanidolabel": "寫下您的喜好,我們可以建議一些選擇", "whatcanidoph": "我是一個 30 歲的單身母親,我有一個 6 歲的女兒。我會做飯,照顧孩子和老人,以前在餐廳當過服務員。\n我有高中學歷。", "interviewquestions": "如何準備面試?", "interviewquestionsfirst": "你面試的角色是什麼?", "interviewquestionslabel": "回答這位 AI 面試官的問題", "interviewquestionsph": "我想以接待員的身份準備面試。", "help": "去哪裡尋求幫助?", "helpfirst": "我怎麼幫你", "helplabel": "你在哪裡需要幫助?", "helpph": "我如何在工作期間獲得支持來照顧我的女兒? / 我怎樣才能接受 Excel 培訓?" } } url = "" # INTERFACE mode = gr.Textbox(value = "mode1", visible = False, type = 'password') accesscode = gr.Textbox(label = "Input access code", visible = True) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale = 1): visual = gr.Image(image = url, shape = [150,150]) with gr.Column(scale = 3): title = gr.Markdown(value=languagedict['English']['welcome']) language = gr.Dropdown(languageoptions , value= "English", label="Choose language / 選擇語言", visible = False) # REFERENCES themewhatcanido = f""" You are a career advisor for people in Hong Kong with relatively low skills job. Your mission is to ask several questions to then help them identify what are their job options, taking into consideration: - Their study level and domain - Their level of confort with computer tools (typing, excel, word, ...) - Their past working experiences (ex: hair dresser, street cleaner, old care support, restaurant aide, waiter) - Their constraints (ex: time available per week, per day) - Other relevant questions Then, when you have enough information, you will thank them and suggest some options, for each of them: - Explain the key skills needed - Breakdown the potential challenges for them to anticipate - Provide advice on how to overcome these challenges IMPORTANT: write in {language}, in the style of a native. Keep it casual but respectful. """ themeinterviewquestions = f""" You are an interviewer, interviewing a candidate for a role [the role will be specified to you]. Your candidates have limited skills, please find ways to support them and ask all the questions. Do a series of questions (only one by message) - their experience on this job - their skills - their capacity to manage the stress related to this job - any other relevant question related to the job, don't be afraid to be specific After 5 to 10 questions, give a feedback to the interviewee: [FEEDBACK] - What they did well - What they can do better - Suggestions of reformulations IMPORTANT: write in {language}, in the style of a native. Keep it casual but respectful. """ themehelp = f""" You are a social worker, you need to provide some help to the user. He can ask questions relative to this categories, with a few examples - Elderly: o ex: I need help to take care with my grandma who lives with me o ex: I am ageing, I don't know who can help when I grow older - Health: o ex: I have health issues, where can I get some help - Housing: o ex: I need help to find an apartment - Parenting: o ex: Who can help me to keep my daughter when I'm working? - Food: o ex: I don't have enough food for my children, where can I get support? - Skills: o ex: I want to learn Excel o ex: I want to improve my English - Job: o ex: Where can I learn about job vacancies in Kowloon? - Leisure: o ex: I need some support to get my son to do some art. o ex: I want to learn how to swim If the question is not related to any of these topics, answer 'This is beyond my domain of competence, please ask a social worker.' Always keep it relevant for Hong Kong, low-income persons. IMPORTANT: write in {language}, in the style of a native. Keep it casual but respectful. """ #INTERFACE with gr.Tab(f"{languagedict['English']['whatcanido']} / {languagedict['廣東話']['whatcanido']}"): chatbot1 = gr.Chatbot([[None,languagedict['English']['whatcanidofirst']]]) input1 = gr.Textbox(label = languagedict['English']['whatcanidolabel'], placeholder = languagedict['English']['whatcanidoph'], visible = False) state1 = gr.State([{"role": "system", "content": themewhatcanido},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict['English']['whatcanidofirst']}]) with gr.Tab(f"{languagedict['English']['interviewquestions']} / {languagedict['廣東話']['interviewquestions']}"): chatbot2 = gr.Chatbot([[None,languagedict['English']['interviewquestionsfirst']]]) input2 = gr.Textbox(label = languagedict['English']['interviewquestionslabel'], placeholder = languagedict['English']['interviewquestionsph'], visible = False) state2 = gr.State([{"role": "system", "content": themeinterviewquestions},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict['English']['interviewquestionsfirst']}]) with gr.Tab(f"{languagedict['English']['help']} / {languagedict['廣東話']['help']}"): chatbot3 = gr.Chatbot([[None,languagedict['English']['helpfirst']]]) input3 = gr.Textbox(label = languagedict['English']['helplabel'], placeholder = languagedict['English']['helpph'], visible = False) state3 = gr.State([{"role": "system", "content": themehelp},{"role": "assistant", "content": languagedict['English']['helpfirst']}]) clear = gr.Button('Clear') # Launcher input1.submit(refreshmode1, mode, mode).then(user, [input1, chatbot1, state1, language, mode], [input1, chatbot1, state1]).then(bot, [chatbot1, state1], [chatbot1, state1]) input2.submit(refreshmode2, mode, mode).then(user, [input2, chatbot2, state2, language, mode], [input2, chatbot2, state2]).then(bot, [chatbot2, state2], [chatbot2, state2]) input3.submit(refreshmode3, mode, mode).then(user, [input3, chatbot3, state3, language, mode], [input3, chatbot3, state3]).then(bot, [chatbot3, state3], [chatbot3, state3]) None, None, [chatbot1, chatbot2, chatbot3], queue=True).success(init_history, [language, state1, state2, state3], [state1, state2, state3]) language.change(lambda: None, None, [chatbot1, chatbot2, chatbot3], queue=True).then(refresh, language, [title, input1, input2, input3, chatbot1, chatbot2, chatbot3, state1, state2, state3]) accesscode.submit(showall, accesscode, [input1, input2, input3, language, accesscode]) demo.queue() demo.launch()