# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json from dataclasses import asdict from os.path import exists import pandas as pd from datasets import Dataset, get_dataset_infos, load_dataset, load_from_disk # treating inf values as NaN as well pd.set_option("use_inf_as_na", True) ## String names used in Hugging Face dataset configs. HF_FEATURE_FIELD = "features" HF_LABEL_FIELD = "label" HF_DESC_FIELD = "description" CACHE_DIR = "cache_dir" ## String names we are using within this code. # These are not coming from the stored dataset nor HF config, # but rather used as identifiers in our dicts and dataframes. OUR_TEXT_FIELD = "text" OUR_LABEL_FIELD = "label" TOKENIZED_FIELD = "tokenized_text" EMBEDDING_FIELD = "embedding" LENGTH_FIELD = "length" VOCAB = "vocab" WORD = "word" CNT = "count" PROP = "proportion" TEXT_NAN_CNT = "text_nan_count" TXT_LEN = "text lengths" DEDUP_TOT = "dedup_total" TOT_WORDS = "total words" TOT_OPEN_WORDS = "total open words" _DATASET_LIST = [ "c4", "squad", "squad_v2", "hate_speech18", "hate_speech_offensive", "glue", "super_glue", "wikitext", "imdb", "HuggingFaceM4/OBELICS", ] _STREAMABLE_DATASET_LIST = [ "c4", "wikitext", "HuggingFaceM4/OBELICS", ] _MAX_ROWS = 100 def load_truncated_dataset( dataset_name, config_name, split_name, num_rows=_MAX_ROWS, cache_name=None, use_cache=True, use_streaming=True, ): """ This function loads the first `num_rows` items of a dataset for a given `config_name` and `split_name`. If `cache_name` exists, the truncated dataset is loaded from `cache_name`. Otherwise, a new truncated dataset is created and immediately saved to `cache_name`. When the dataset is streamable, we iterate through the first `num_rows` examples in streaming mode, write them to a jsonl file, then create a new dataset from the json. This is the most direct way to make a Dataset from an IterableDataset as of datasets version 1.6.1. Otherwise, we download the full dataset and select the first `num_rows` items Args: dataset_name (string): dataset id in the dataset library config_name (string): dataset configuration split_name (string): split name num_rows (int): number of rows to truncate the dataset to cache_name (string): name of the cache directory use_cache (bool): whether to load form the cache if it exists use_streaming (bool): whether to use streaming when the dataset supports it Returns: Dataset: the truncated dataset as a Dataset object """ if cache_name is None: cache_name = f"{dataset_name}_{config_name}_{split_name}_{num_rows}" if exists(cache_name): dataset = load_from_disk(cache_name) else: if use_streaming and dataset_name in _STREAMABLE_DATASET_LIST: iterable_dataset = load_dataset( dataset_name, name=config_name, split=split_name, streaming=True, ).take(num_rows) rows = list(iterable_dataset) f = open("temp.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") for row in rows: _ = f.write(json.dumps(row) + "\n") f.close() dataset = Dataset.from_json( "temp.jsonl", features=iterable_dataset.features, split=split_name ) else: full_dataset = load_dataset( dataset_name, name=config_name, split=split_name, ) dataset = full_dataset.select(range(num_rows)) dataset.save_to_disk(cache_name) return dataset def intersect_dfs(df_dict): started = 0 new_df = None for key, df in df_dict.items(): if df is None: continue for key2, df2 in df_dict.items(): if df2 is None: continue if key == key2: continue if started: new_df = new_df.join(df2, how="inner", lsuffix="1", rsuffix="2") else: new_df = df.join(df2, how="inner", lsuffix="1", rsuffix="2") started = 1 return new_df.copy() def get_typed_features(features, ftype="string", parents=None): """ Recursively get a list of all features of a certain dtype :param features: :param ftype: :param parents: :return: a list of tuples > e.g. ('A', 'B', 'C') for feature example['A']['B']['C'] """ if parents is None: parents = [] typed_features = [] for name, feat in features.items(): if isinstance(feat, dict): if feat.get("dtype", None) == ftype or feat.get("feature", {}).get( ("dtype", None) == ftype ): typed_features += [tuple(parents + [name])] elif "feature" in feat: if feat["feature"].get("dtype", None) == ftype: typed_features += [tuple(parents + [name])] elif isinstance(feat["feature"], dict): typed_features += get_typed_features( feat["feature"], ftype, parents + [name] ) else: for k, v in feat.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): typed_features += get_typed_features( v, ftype, parents + [name, k] ) elif name == "dtype" and feat == ftype: typed_features += [tuple(parents)] return typed_features def get_label_features(features, parents=None): """ Recursively get a list of all features that are ClassLabels :param features: :param parents: :return: pairs of tuples as above and the list of class names """ if parents is None: parents = [] label_features = [] for name, feat in features.items(): if isinstance(feat, dict): if "names" in feat: label_features += [(tuple(parents + [name]), feat["names"])] elif "feature" in feat: if "names" in feat: label_features += [ (tuple(parents + [name]), feat["feature"]["names"]) ] elif isinstance(feat["feature"], dict): label_features += get_label_features( feat["feature"], parents + [name] ) else: for k, v in feat.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): label_features += get_label_features(v, parents + [name, k]) elif name == "names": label_features += [(tuple(parents), feat)] return label_features # get the info we need for the app sidebar in dict format def dictionarize_info(dset_info): info_dict = asdict(dset_info) res = { "config_name": info_dict["config_name"], "splits": { spl: 100 #spl_info["num_examples"] for spl, spl_info in info_dict["splits"].items() }, "features": { "string": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "string"), "int32": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "int32"), "float32": get_typed_features(info_dict["features"], "float32"), "label": get_label_features(info_dict["features"]), }, "description": dset_info.description, } return res def get_dataset_info_dicts(dataset_id=None): """ Creates a dict from dataset configs. Uses the datasets lib's get_dataset_infos :return: Dictionary mapping dataset names to their configurations """ if dataset_id != None: ds_name_to_conf_dict = { dataset_id: { config_name: dictionarize_info(config_info) for config_name, config_info in get_dataset_infos(dataset_id).items() } } else: ds_name_to_conf_dict = { ds_id: { config_name: dictionarize_info(config_info) for config_name, config_info in get_dataset_infos(ds_id).items() } for ds_id in _DATASET_LIST } return ds_name_to_conf_dict # get all instances of a specific field in a dataset def extract_field(examples, field_path, new_field_name=None): if new_field_name is None: new_field_name = "_".join(field_path) field_list = [] # TODO: Breaks the CLI if this isn't checked. if isinstance(field_path, str): field_path = [field_path] item_list = examples[field_path[0]] for field_name in field_path[1:]: item_list = [ next_item for item in item_list for next_item in ( item[field_name] if isinstance(item[field_name], list) else [item[field_name]] ) ] field_list += [ field for item in item_list for field in (item if isinstance(item, list) else [item]) ] return {new_field_name: field_list}