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When our political leaders ignore this \u2014 and certainly when they delight in disruption \u2014 the consequences can be severe. Stability is easy to take for granted, but impossible to live without.\n\nProjecting clear convictions is important for preventing adversaries from misreading America\u2019s intentions and will. Our allies also depend on our predictability and reassuring steadiness. Their actions in trade and economics, in alliances with other nations and in the military sphere are often influenced by how much they believe they can rely on American support.\n\nOrder and stability in the executive branch are also linked to the health of our system of government. Chaos in the West Wing can be crippling, as White House aides \u2014 in a constant state of uncertainty, distrustful of colleagues, fearful that they might be excoriated or fired \u2014 find it nearly impossible to do their jobs. This emanates throughout the entire federal government. Devoid of steadfast leadership, executive agencies easily become dysfunctional themselves.\n\nWorse yet, if key pillars of our system, like our intelligence and law enforcement agencies, are denigrated by the president, they can be destabilized, and Americans\u2019 trust in them can be undermined. Without a reliable chief executive, Congress, an inherently unruly institution, will also find it difficult to do its job, since our constitutional system relies on its various branches to constantly engage with one another in governing.\n\nBut that\u2019s hardly the whole of it. Particularly in this social media era, a president who thrives on disruption and chaos is impossible to escape. Every shocking statement and act is given intense coverage. As a result, the president is omnipresent, the subject of endless coast-to-coast conversations among family and friends, never far from our thoughts. As Andrew Sullivan has observed, \u201cA free society means being free of those who rule over you \u2014 to do the things you care about, your passions, your pastimes, your loves \u2014 to exult in that blessed space where politics doesn\u2019t intervene.\u201d\n\nA presidency characterized by pandemonium invades and infects that space, leaving people unsettled and on edge. And this, in turn, leads to greater polarization, to feelings of alienation and anger, to unrest and even to violence.\n\nA spirit of instability in government will cause Americans to lose confidence in our public institutions. When citizens lose that basic faith in their government, it leads to corrosive cynicism and the acceptance of conspiracy theories. Movements and individuals once considered fringe become mainstream, while previously responsible figures decamp to the fever swamps. One result is that the informal and unwritten rules of political and human interaction, which are at the core of civilization, are undone. There is such a thing as democratic etiquette; when it is lost, the common assumptions that allow for compromise and progress erode.\n\nIn short, chaotic leadership can inflict real trauma on political and civic culture.\n\nAll of which brings us to Donald Trump, arguably the most disruptive and transgressive president in American history. He thrives on creating turbulence in every conceivable sphere. The blast radius of his tumultuous acts and chaotic temperament is vast.\nMr. Trump acts as if order is easy to achieve and needs to be overturned while disruption and disorder are what we need. But the opposite is true. \u201cRage and frenzy will pull down more in half an hour,\u201d Edmund Burke wrote, \u201cthan prudence, deliberation and foresight can build up in a hundred years.\u201d\n\nMr. Trump and his supporters don\u2019t seem to agree, or don\u2019t seem to care. And here\u2019s the truly worrisome thing: The disruption is only going to increase, both because he\u2019s facing criticism that seems to trigger him psychologically and because his theory of management involves the cultivation of chaos. He has shown throughout his life a defiant refusal to be disciplined. His disordered personality thrives on mayhem and upheaval, on vicious personal attacks and ceaseless conflict. As we\u2019re seeing, his malignant character is emboldening some, while it\u2019s causing others \u2014 the Republican leadership comes to mind \u2014 to briefly speak out (at best) before returning to silence and acquiescence. The effect on the rest of us? We cannot help losing our capacity to be shocked and alarmed.\n\nWe have as president the closest thing to a nihilist in our history \u2014 a man who believes in little or nothing, who has the impulse to burn down rather than to build up. When the president eventually faces a genuine crisis, his ignorance and inflammatory instincts will make everything worse.\n\nRepublican voters and politicians rallied around Mr. Trump in 2016, believing he was anti-establishment when in fact he was anti-order. He turns out to be an institutional arsonist. It is an irony of American history that the Republican Party, which has historically valued order and institutions, has become the conduit of chaos."]} +{"images": ["https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/oRKO0/s1/lamborghini-urus-original-carbon-fiber-accessories.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://lamborghinichat.com/forum/news/vw-group-allegedly-receives-offer-to-sell-lamborghini-for-9-2-billion.728/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/oRKO0/s1/lamborghini-urus-original-carbon-fiber-accessories.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/oRKO0/s1/lamborghini-urus-original-carbon-fiber-accessories.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lamborghini urus original carbon fiber accessories\", \"alt_text\": \"VW Group Allegedly Receives Offer To Sell Lamborghini For $9.2 Billion\", \"original_width\": 1920, \"original_height\": 1080, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://lamborghinichat.com/forum/news/vw-group-allegedly-receives-offer-to-sell-lamborghini-for-9-2-billion.728/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488528979.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20210623011557-20210623041557-00312.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 322560850, \"warc_record_length\": 17143}", "texts": [null, "The buyer would get everything, including Lambo's headquarters.\n\nThe investment groupQuantum Group AG has submitted a\u20ac7.5 billion ($9.2 billion at current exchange rates) offer to purchase Lamborghini from Volkswagen Group, Autocar reports. There's no info yet about whether VW intends to accept the offer or further negotiate the deal.\n\nQuantum Group is a holding company based in Zurich, Switzerland, and it might have a tangential relationship with the Porsche family.Rea Stark is representing Quantum in the Lamborghini purchase offer. He is also a co-founder of Pi\u00ebchAutomotive along with Anton Pi\u00ebch who is the son of former VW Group boss Ferdinand Pi\u00ebch and the great-grandson of Ferdinand Porsche. Although, it's not clear if Anton Pi\u00ebch has any role in this attempt to buy Lamborghini, according to Autocar.\n\nQuantum Group wants to purchase more than just the Lamborghini name. The deal would include buying the entire facility inSant\u2019Agata, Italy, and the firm's motorsport operations. There would also be a five-year supplier agreement with Audi, which likely would allow Lambo to continue to produce the current models while preparing new ones. Quantum wants to shape the brand to \"spearhead for innovation by consistently implementing new clean drivetrain technologies,\" according to a document obtained by Autocar.\n\nThere have been rumors for years about VW Group selling Lamborghini. However, in late 2020, the automaker's supervisory board voted not to sell Lambo, Bentley, and Ducati. The company was doing an internal examination to see if the resources were available to develop EVs and autonomous technology while also investing in these premium marques.\"Brands must be measured against new requirements,\" VW Group Chief Executive Herbert Diess said at the time."]} +{"images": [null, "https://slidelegend.com/img/60x80/management-factors-influencing-open-innovation-div_59c212ac1723dd1242167485.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://slidelegend.com/the-influencing-factors-on-entrepreneurship-ti-journals_59d9b3c91723dd4b8ead833e.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://slidelegend.com/img/60x80/management-factors-influencing-open-innovation-div_59c212ac1723dd1242167485.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slidelegend.com/img/60x80/management-factors-influencing-open-innovation-div_59c212ac1723dd1242167485.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"management factors influencing open innovation div c ac dd\", \"rendered_width\": 626, \"original_width\": 626, \"original_height\": 626, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://slidelegend.com/the-influencing-factors-on-entrepreneurship-ti-journals_59d9b3c91723dd4b8ead833e.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347392057.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20200527013445-20200527043445-00580.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 536988620, \"warc_record_length\": 14280}", "texts": ["The agriculture sector as the main source of income for the most countries of the world in economic activities is very important. The sector due to its high contribution in GNP and export incomes play the critical role in directing and positioning the economic development process especially in third world countries. The agriculture development cannot be fulfilled only by injection of capital and technology to agriculture sector but this is a multidimensional process that many factors intervene on it. The optimization and reinforcement of human resource in agriculture development is undeniable. A kind of investment that today is unavoidable for public and private sector from the expert point of views is to reinforce and develop the entrepreneurship in agriculture sector [6]. Nowadays the agriculture is considered as a sector for complementing the economy and entrepreneurship activities as response to recession and problems in agriculture sector and survival strategy for rural family. One of the suitable options toward competition and commercializing the agriculture sector and active involvement in global markets is to develop the trade units for greenhouse usage [3]. The greenhouse town is a set of greenhouses that is focused in a common space, this is an incorporated and coordinated cultivation and for avoidance from breaking apart the lands and lead to reduction of production costs, enhancement of production productivity, and as a result increasing the farmers income. The greenhouse town of Hashtgerd is the first and biggest hydroponic greenhouse town of Iran by an area amounted 170 hectares that after completing, 1300 skilled and non-skilled person will be employed there. Raman et al. (2008) in a researched titled motivational factors influencing on entrepreneurship decision making believes that the motivation and environmental conditions play the important role in entrepreneurship [8]. Hindle (2006) in his research considered the job satisfaction and age as the most important variables influencing on entrepreneurship [4]. Royer (2003) considered the job satisfaction and age as the most important variable influencing on entrepreneurship too [9]. Lashgarara et al. (2011) concluded that there is a positive relationship between education in high levels and entrepreneurship activities development [5]. Farajolah Hosseini and Mcelwee (2011) in their research found that 67 percent of variance of rural women about the influencing factors on entrepreneurship activates are explained by education, motivation, economic factors and psychological factors [2]. In a research that has been done by Ghonchi et al (2010) the economical, technical and technology individual, professional and infrastructure has been considered as the most important avoiding factors for development of greenhouse units [3]. Sharifi et al (2009) in their paper express that the attitude of the most greenhouse holders toward development and spread of greenhouse is in intermediate and good level and on the other hand there is a positive and significant relationship between communicative channels, performance level, technical knowledge level, net income, green house background, education [10]. Morad nejadi et al (2007) concluded that the economic environment is the most important factor for entrepreneurship in Iran and after them the entrepreneur\u2019s psychological attributes, marketing skills and access to resources, environmental dynamic, and interest toward agriculture are known as other main factors [6]. The town has high problems including inefficiency of major infrastructure like water, electricity and gas, bank lending problems, lack of education, input financing problems like fuel, water price calculation based on industry and not agriculture and some other problems that preclude suitable using from town advantages. Therefore perhaps we can claim that the town could not achieve to one the most important aim toward creating jobs for unemployed graduates of agriculture. Due to cited items the greenhouse cultivation is considered as a novel phenomenon that has not been in Iran for a long time. Despite quantitative growth of greenhouse units in the country, this productive units deal with some multiple problems that make their qualitative development difficult. The current research is aimed to explore the influencing factors on entrepreneurship development of Hashtgerd greenhouse town in order to provide some approaches for entrepreneurship development in this town. The current research is done for Hastgerd greenhouse town located in Savejbolagh in Alborz province. The duration of research is 2011 -2012.\n\nThis is applied study; from the data collection is the descriptive and based on method is correlation. The statistical population in this research includes 39 users of greenhouse town of Hashtgerd. Due to smallness of statistical population and less numbers of users the census method has been used. The instrument used in this study to gather data was the questionnaire. Due to the nature and objectives of this research study is to evaluate the content validity of the questionnaire, to measure the validity questionnaire, the number of Islamic Azad University professors and experts were conducted to examine the necessary and the collection of comments reform of the questionnaire was obtained. In order to determine the reliability of the data collected through questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha test was used for overall Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was between 0.914 to 0.972. Independent variables included psychological, economic, and technical support- social- cultural, educational and policy. The dependent variable in this research is the development of entrepreneurial farmers in Hashtgerd Town greenhouse. In order to measure the dependent variable in the form of a Likert questionnaire item 5 is used. In this study, data were collected in two ways: a library research and field studies. After collecting and sorting data, the analysis the data in two stages, using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were taken. All data processing and statistical analysis was performed using the software SPSS18.\n\nConsidering the results obtained in this study, the average age is 31.89 years. Most beneficiaries that is 38.5 percent have a bachelor's degree. Average exploiters of record service have 6.74 years. 43.6% of farmers produce strawberries product that has accounted for the highest percentage. In order to evaluate the development of entrepreneurship in the town of greenhouse Hashtgerd the form of a five-item Likert 5 option is used. The findings of the study indicate that the majority of the subjects (41 percent) believe entrepreneurship development in the Town of greenhouse Hashtgerd is too much (Table 1). Table 1. Rate of entrepreneurship development of Hashtgerd greenhouse (n=39) Influence\n\nThe Influencing Factors on Entrepreneurship Development of Users in Greenhouse Town of Hashtgerd Agriculture Science Developments Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.\n\nFactors influencing the choice of family planning among couples in ...\n\nFactors and Perceptions Influencing the Implementation ... - Euromesco\nOct 1, 2006 - events, including 9/11 and the fight against terrorism, have accelerated EU efforts in this ... http://www.euractiv.com/en/justice/illegal- .... This, of course, has led to doubts ... however, in the degree of influence that these posit", null, "management factors influencing open innovation ... - DiVA portal\nWith innovation becoming the source of growth for major businesses, there .... companies such as Apple, Microsoft etc (Pisano, 2006). ...... idea in that website.\n\nAn Analysis of the Factors Influencing ITS Technology Adoption and ...\nnew technology may evolve and what types of Federal programs would be best suited to promote diffusion. ...... West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Delray. 1999.\n\nFactors influencing the choice of family planning among couples in ...\nJun 17, 2011 - timing of pregnancy, also known as spacing of children ... powerful that they can obscure the line between ..... gee.org/guide/ islamic.html."]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Kalel_buttstock2-480x407.jpg", null, "https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/kalel_1200px-480x480.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/flexforkal/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Kalel_buttstock2-480x407.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Kalel_buttstock2-480x407.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Kalel buttstock\", \"alt_text\": \"Flex for Kalele\", \"rendered_width\": 380, \"rendered_height\": 323, \"original_width\": 480, \"original_height\": 407, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/flexforkal/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/kalel_1200px-480x480.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/kalel_1200px-480x480.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kalel px\", \"alt_text\": \"Kalel Never Give Up\", \"rendered_width\": 360, \"rendered_height\": 360, \"original_width\": 480, \"original_height\": 480, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.henryusa.com/flexforkal/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500076.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20230203221113-20230204011113-00015.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 828569590, \"warc_record_length\": 16616}", "texts": ["Henry Repeating Arms is proud to announce this Guns For Great Causes benefit for 8-year-old Kalel Hamilton and his family. Kalel is currently battling Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a rare and terminal genetic disease with no known cure.\n\nEach one of the 50 rifles in the \u201cFlex For Kalel\u201d series is a donation from Henry Repeating Arms President and Owner, Anthony Imperato, to help raise funds for a treatment that could potentially save Kalel\u2019s life. The engraving and painting embellishments are graciously donated by our friends and partners at Baron Engraving of Trumbull, CT.\n\n100% of the proceeds go to Kalel\u2019s family who will be donating the funds to the non-profit organization, Cure Rare Diseases, to secure Kalel\u2019s eligibility for an experimental gene therapy treatment.", null, "The \u201cFlex For Kalel\u201d edition rifles feature a superhero motif as a symbol of Kalel\u2019s endurance and a nod to his name, which is inspired by Kal-El, the birth name of Clark Kent, AKA Superman. Built on Henry\u2019s award-winning Golden Boy platform, the rifles are chambered in .22 S/L/LR and feature a Brasslite receiver cover, blued steel octagon barrel, and genuine American walnut furniture with laser engraving and hand painted accents. A lime green muscular dystrophy awareness ribbon drapes through the overall design. Each rifle in the series is marked with a unique serial number ranging from \u201cFLEXFORKAL01\u201d through \u201cFLEXFORKAL50.\u201d\n\nAll of the rifles are available for purchase directly from Henry Repeating Arms with the exception of the first and last in the series, which are up for auction on Gunbroker.com. Thank you to everyone who chooses to support this \u2018Guns For Great Causes\u2019 campaign on behalf of Kalel and his family.", null, "ALL \u2018FLEX FOR KALEL\u2019 RIFLES ARE CURRENTLY SOLD OUT. PLEASE VISIT THE AUCTIONS FOR SERIAL #1 AND SERIAL #50 USING THE LINKS ABOVE.\n\nTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF KALEL, HIS FAMILY, AND GUNS FOR GREAT CAUSES!"]} +{"images": ["https://www.debate.com.mx/__export/1631449386230/sites/debate/img/2021/09/12/turistas-mazatlan-2.jpg_1187572215.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.arout.net/hotel-occupancy-drops-due-to-covid-19-certificates-in-mazatlan/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.debate.com.mx/__export/1631449386230/sites/debate/img/2021/09/12/turistas-mazatlan-2.jpg_1187572215.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.debate.com.mx/__export/1631449386230/sites/debate/img/2021/09/12/turistas-mazatlan-2.jpg_1187572215.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"turistas mazatlan\", \"original_width\": 1000, \"original_height\": 1000, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.arout.net/hotel-occupancy-drops-due-to-covid-19-certificates-in-mazatlan/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882572063.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20220814173832-20220814203832-00008.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 598837769, \"warc_record_length\": 14575}", "texts": [null, "Sinaloa.- The low tourism that has been registered in the port of Mazatl\u00e1n is due to the requirement of the Covid-19 vaccination certificate, said Julio Birrueta, director of the Association of Hotels and Tourism Companies.\n\nHe ruled out that the decrease is due to the return to classes, because in 2019, the children were in school and they did not have that low percentage.\n\n\u201cMany people keep asking when are we going to remove the vaccination certificate. One of the reasons is that some have not been vaccinated, and those who are already do not want the hassle, and as in other tourist destinations they do not ask for it, because they go where there is less hassle, \u201csaid Birrueta.\n\nAccording to the hotel businessman, since the measures were announced in late July and early August, especially that it would be essential to carry the Covid-19 vaccination card, they immediately had cancellations of all kinds, but most were of group.\n\nThanks to the long weekend, the influx in hotels increased to 50 percent. They hope to go as high as 60 percent.\nJulio Birrueta indicated that in the month of August a 51 percent was registered.\n\nThe tourism servers commented that the month of August was not profitable and the activity fell by up to 30 percent.\n\nAfter the considerable drop, just yesterday an increase in visitors began to be noticed in the city. The most frequented places were Playa Norte and the Golden Zone.\n\nThe tourist leader asserted that from the beginning of the requirement, they estimated that it could affect the influx of tourism. He said that in this month of September and October it could still go lower.\n\nHe asks the authorities to evaluate this requirement, because although they are aware of the health situation, there are losses not only in the hotel sector, but for the thousands of families that depend on this activity in Mazatl\u00e1n."]} +{"images": ["https://www.glamsham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/f8f324f76b556faeda82528199cc811b.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.glamsham.com/world/technology/apple-may-launch-ar-contact-lenses-in-10-years\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.glamsham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/f8f324f76b556faeda82528199cc811b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.glamsham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/f8f324f76b556faeda82528199cc811b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f f b faeda cc b\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 209, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 209, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.glamsham.com/world/technology/apple-may-launch-ar-contact-lenses-in-10-years\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038083007.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20210415035637-20210415065637-00636.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 870013982, \"warc_record_length\": 84010}", "texts": [null, "According to the analyst, these AR contact lenses are \u201cunlikely to have independent computing power and storage.\u201d It\u2019s possible they would be connected to an owner\u2019s iPhone to get data.\n\nIn addition, Kuo said that Apple has several prototypes of its headset that weigh 200-300 grams but the final weight could be reduced to 100-200 grams if it can solve some technical problems.\n\nThis would make them significantly lighter than existing VR devices.\n\nApple is reportedly working on the most advanced and powerful chips for its unannounced VR headset, with some chips reportedly beating its own M1 Mac processors.\n\nThe iPhone maker may use a fabric exterior to reduce the headset weight, but the company is also using a fan \u2014 an unusual move for Apple given its emphasis on fan-less design."]} +{"images": [null, "http://otlsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Virginia-basketball-330x186.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://otlsports.com/patriots-vs-dolphins-biggest-nfl-spreads-this-decade/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://otlsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Virginia-basketball-330x186.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://otlsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Virginia-basketball-330x186.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Virginia basketball\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 186, \"original_width\": 330, \"original_height\": 186, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://otlsports.com/patriots-vs-dolphins-biggest-nfl-spreads-this-decade/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145621.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20200221233354-20200222023354-00398.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 111531585, \"warc_record_length\": 25025}", "texts": ["The Patriots opened as massive betting favorites over the Dolphins entering their AFC East divisional matchup on Sunday, and the spread has only continued to climb since then.\n\nNew England, coming off of a dominant 33\u20133 win over the Steelers to open their season, opened as 14.5-point road favorites before their number jumped to -19 at William Hill as of Tuesday afternoon.\n\nIf the spread holds, it will be one of the five largest point spreads in an NFL game in the past decade, and the Patriots will be the biggest road favorite over that stretch too.\n\nThe Jaguars started the season 0\u20135, while Peyton Manning\u2019s Broncos were 5\u20130. Manning and the Broncos won the game 35\u201319, but fell well short of covering the 26.5-point spread.\n\nThe Colts were 0\u201311 heading into this matchup, as they had lost Peyton Manning for the season. The Patriots led 31\u20133 at the end of the third quarter, but the Colts came through with the cover, scoring 21 unanswered points in the fourth for a final score of 31\u201324.\n\nThe Seahawks took a 24\u20130 halftime lead and didn\u2019t look back, as they won and covered 45\u201317 behind Russell Wilson and Co.\n\nAn ugly start to the 2018 season got uglier for the Vikings at home against Buffalo last year. The Bills took an early 17\u20130 lead in the first quarter before making it 27\u201310 at halftime. Minnesota lost outright, 27\u20136.\n\nIt was Tom Brady against Bryce Petty on Christmas Eve, and it\u2019s not hard to figure out how this one ended. The Patriots took a 27\u20130 lead at halftime thanks to touchdowns on three of their first four drives before finishing the Jets off 41\u20133 for the cover.", null]} +{"images": [null, "https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/payday-loan.png?w=625", null, "https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/norwood-018.jpg?w=225&h=300", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://birmingcabbie.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/silver-and-gold/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/payday-loan.png?w=625\", \"src\": \"https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/payday-loan.png?w=625\", \"formatted_filename\": \"payday loan\", \"alt_text\": \"payday loan\", \"original_width\": 259, \"original_height\": 194, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://birmingcabbie.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/silver-and-gold/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/norwood-018.jpg?w=225&h=300\", \"src\": \"https://birmingcabbie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/norwood-018.jpg?w=225&h=300\", \"formatted_filename\": \"norwood\", \"alt_text\": \"norwood 018\", \"rendered_width\": 225, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 225, \"original_height\": 300, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://birmingcabbie.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/silver-and-gold/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-34/segments/1596439737206.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20200807172851-20200807202851-00477.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 233367373, \"warc_record_length\": 27864}", "texts": ["The thing that most people fear most about cab driving is the possibility of being robbed at gunpoint or even murdered by a customer. Thank God I haven\u2019t been robbed. I know it has happened to some of our other drivers over the years but contrary to popular belief, it\u2019s not an everyday occurrence. There is however, another thing that happens much more frequently that\u2019s not nearly as dramatic but can still put you in a bad mood and mess up your day. It\u2019s when you don\u2019t get paid for your services. Most drivers call it \u201cgetting stiffed\u201d.\n\nAs with most cities, at least in the working class and poorer areas, the check cashing, payday loan and title loan business is big business in Birmingham. These places are everywhere you look in", null, "certain parts of town. I had just dropped off a customer in Fairfield and was heading back toward downtown. I booked into the 200 zone as I approached the Arkadelphia Road exit. I immediately recieved a call to an address I knew to be in the Elyton project.\n\nThe cell phone seemed to be a permanant attachment to her body. She didn\u2019t take it down from her ear until we had reached our destination. She was young, I\u2019d say about 20. She was thin and dressed cheaply, a red bandana covered her hair. She quickly told me where she wanted to go, a payday/title loan place on Greensprings Highway. She was talking with someone who was obviously selling her something. I overheard talk of shipping options, dates of arrival ect\u2026Whatever it was, I guess she really wanted it. So much so that she would call a cab to take her to get a loan to buy a money order in order to buy it, whatever it was.\n\nShe didn\u2019t stay in the place very long, she was turned down quickly. It seems the only payday she had was a government check for a little more than two hundred dollars a month. She had no car to pawn the title to, she was S.O.L and so was I. She already owed me more than $20 by this time. Once it became clear that she had no means of paying the fare I just turned the meter off and told her I would take her home but let her know in no uncertain terms that I didn\u2019t have to. I could have, and probably should have, just left her ass stranded there.\n\nI gave her a lecture on the way home about why she should make sure she had money before she called a cab. I told her that I could have called the cops and that most drivers would have called them. \u201cFo\u2019 real?\u201d she asked. \u201cFo\u2019 what?\u201d She had no idea that stiffing a cab driver could possibly be against the law. I told her it was called theft of service, which is similar to theft of property, like shoplifting from a store.\u201dNaw it ain\u2019t\u201d she said. It seemed to me that this young woman had grown to adulthood without a clue as to how to function in society. Pitiful, I thought. At least she did offer a \u201cthank you\u201d as she got out of the car back at home.\n\nIt was fairly early in the morning, after sunrise but before 8am. I had been working the going to work business in the 400 and 500 zones. It had been raining off and on and was a very gray morning. Norwood is one of Birmingham\u2019s grand old neighborhoods that fell into decline and disrepair after the white flight. Big houses that were once elegant mansions line some of the streets. A few of them, a very few, have been bought in recent years and renovated back to their former glory. Most are still in sad shape, some repairable with a major effort. Others that are burned out or literally falling down are beyond repair. This call wasn\u2019t to an old mansion but to a decent home in good shape.", null, "She was sitting on the front porch when I drove up. A young girl, no doubt a teenager, jumped up and immediately got in the back seat. \u201cHow much will it cost to take me to Bessemer?\u201d she asked. i said probably about $40, maybe more, depending on where it is in Bessemer. At first I didn\u2019t worry about getting stiffed because most passengers that intend to stiff you don\u2019t ask for an estimate. That\u2019s because they\u2019re not planning on paying you anyway.\n\nOn the way to Bessemer I learned that she was 16 and she had been out all night with boys that her mother didn\u2019t like. She anticipated a big fight with her mother when she got home and was clearly anxious about it. She didn\u2019t tell me but I instinctively knew that my fare would depend on an angry, possibly hysterical mother paying me. I started to worry. When we arrived at the house the meter was at $42 and mom was nowhere to be found. My customer\u2019s brother said that he thought she had been called to work but he wasn\u2019t sure. The girl made no attempt to call her mom. Maybe she couldn\u2019t take calls at work or maybe it was just out of fear, I don\u2019t know.\n\nThe girl was about to panic. \u201cI don\u2019t know how I\u2019m going to pay you\u201d she said. I had just been stiffed by the payday loan girl about a week earlier and I wasn\u2019t in the mood to get stiffed again. I had already decided that I would call the cops if it became necessary. She approached the car window and said \u201cI\u2019ve got this little bracelet, it\u2019s made of silver and gold. If I can pawn it I\u2019ll pay you.\u201d She saw that the meter was at $42 already and was able to reason that by the time she got to the pawn shop and took the necessary time to pawn it, the fare would be much higher. She asked if I could just charge her a flat rate. I told her that if she didn\u2019t mess around and take too much of my time I would turn the meter off and just charge her the $42, she agreed.\n\nThe first place turned her down cold. The second place had a sign out front that said \u201cWe Buy Gold\u201d. She stayed in this place for about ten minutes. She came out accompanied by a bling wearing heavyweight dude that reminded me of Biggie Smalls. The rain had started to fall steadily as the big guy knocked on my window. He had a $100 bill in his hand. He asked \u201cyou got fifty eight dollars?\u201d I dug around in my pockets and found that I did indeed have fifty eight dollars. Just as we made the transaction my customer said \u201cyou don\u2019t have to worry about taking me back home.\u201d She and Biggie walked back into the office. I got paid and I don\u2019t know how the story ended with her mom."]} +{"images": ["https://www.vagabondinn.com/resourcefiles/blogsmallimages/ccut-title.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.vagabondinn.com/blog/vagabond-inn-comes-to-utah\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.vagabondinn.com/resourcefiles/blogsmallimages/ccut-title.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.vagabondinn.com/resourcefiles/blogsmallimages/ccut-title.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ccut title\", \"rendered_width\": 900, \"rendered_height\": 536, \"original_width\": 900, \"original_height\": 536, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.vagabondinn.com/blog/vagabond-inn-comes-to-utah\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662531762.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20220520061824-20220520091824-00060.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1239312380, \"warc_record_length\": 14681}", "texts": [null, "The 2-floor Utah property was formerly an independent property. Each of the hotel's 30 guest rooms is outfitted with queen or king bed. Parking, high-speed WiFi, and hot breakfast (served daily) are complimentary at the Vagabond Inn Cedar City.\n\nScott Pokorny, Director of Franchising to Vagabond Inn Corporation, said, \u201cI'm excited\u2014we're all excited\u2014to be expanding into Utah. It's huge.\"\n\nIn signing the Cedar City, Utah hotel, Vagabond Inn brand has officially grown more than 15 percent in 2017. Vagabond Inns can also be found in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Texas.\n\n\"It's great to have the chance to bring our brand of west coast hospitality to a new community,\" Pokorny said. \"Right now, we're surprising ourselves in terms of growth.\""]} +{"images": [null, "https://res.cloudinary.com/the-weekly-gripe/image/fetch/https://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/AImg/issues.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/overuse-of-the-word-issue-in-the-media\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://res.cloudinary.com/the-weekly-gripe/image/fetch/https://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/AImg/issues.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://res.cloudinary.com/the-weekly-gripe/image/fetch/https://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/AImg/issues.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"issues\", \"alt_text\": \"Issues, over use of the word issue in the media\", \"original_width\": 250, \"original_height\": 187, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/overuse-of-the-word-issue-in-the-media\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585322.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20211020152307-20211020182307-00649.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1288254429, \"warc_record_length\": 10413}", "texts": ["No, I\u2019m not talking about any particular issue with the media! My moan is about the overuse of the word \"issue\" in the media, in politics and by corporate high fliers. Everything these days, instead of being a problem, or a difficulty or even a discussion, is now an ISSUE!\n\nMedia issues, they keep using that \"I\" word!\n\nI assume that this has crossed the Atlantic at some stage, just like \"I hear what you're saying\" or \"Say again\". These phrases seem to have gone out of fashion and I for one, wish people would think about what they are saying, rather than blindly going with the flow and spouting out nonsense phrases.\n\nIs it just me that perceives this, or has anyone noticed the overuse of the word \"ISSUE\" in the media?", null, "I would like to bet that any interviews recorded more than a couple of years ago would be less likely to contain \u201cissues\u201d. These days however \u201cissues\u201d are all over the place and you can pretty much guarantee the word will be used several times in a single interview broadcast.\n\nI sent a text to Five Live the other day to congratulate John Hutton, the Minister for Work and Pensions, who somehow managed to do a 10-minute interview, without using the word once! Funnily enough my comments were not read out on the air. Presumably this was because the presenter had \u201cissues\u201d and used the word regularly himself!\n\nTotally agree . I have serious \u201c issues \u201c with that word and I the overuse of it. It\u2019s\u201d politicospeak\u201d. If I am allowed a neologism?\n23/06 Fastdoc\n0\n\nI hate the word issue. At least half of our communications in the workplace contain it. It's the white bread of vocabulary. I challenge myself to find ways of never using that word.\n17/11/17 Nancy\n4\n\nI notice that when Microsoft offer a software update they write \" this update is to solve an issue with\". I think they should state \" we have issued this update to solve a potential problem with\" etc.\n07/09/16 Thig\n0\n\nI have noticed the \"issue\" word is increasingly being used in the workplace. However, when somebody voices their \"issue\" an \" issue\" is found against them. Soon things get so that everybody has some kind of \"issue\".\n19/09/13 sideWALK\n1\n\nHow pathetic is this, from the Daily Fail :\n\n'We have now completed our internal investigation with our long term sales associate, who was involved in the EDL issue, and he will be back at work in due course.'\n\nAn issue is either :\n\nA child, as in : \"John Smith, issue of Bill Smith and Mary Jones\"\nor\nan instance of a publication, as in : \"The September 25th. issue of the New Scientist.\"\n\nThree cheers for this observationI The overuse of the word \"issue\" is something that's irritated me ever since it emerged on this side of the Atlantic. Indeed, instead of \"problem\", \"difficulty\", \"complaint\", \"enquiry\" and so on, everything in the world of business, government and so many organisations of all colours these days, is an \"issue\". In particular when it comes to contacting a company to make a complaint there is a subtle psychology at work here when instead of admitting incompetence, shortcomings, inefficiency etc., it's all referred to as being \"an issue\": the reason for this is that the use of the word \"issue\" in this context is an attempt to neutralise any potential admission of guilt or wrong doing; e.g. I contacted my internet service provider once to complain about the slowness of their rectifying a fault and was told \"we have looked into your account and have not found any issues there\". Give me strength! The overuse of \"issue\" however is only but one example of ghastly corporate-speak which is all part of Amercan degrading of the English language.\n18/09/13 Simon\n2\n\nWhat gets me going is all the hand flapping and arm waving by tv presenters , do we really need these affected gestures to emphasise every word some of the experts on antique road show , among others are awful ,it's very distracting\n12/08/13 nell\n-2\n\nGet back to work\n\nMicheal, it's nit picking twots like you that really pee people off. If you what to make a spectacle of yourself go and play with the traffic on a motorway. I suppose you are another public sector worker with nothing better to do.\n16/07/13 Get back to work\n-1\n\nWhy is it that those involved in the media, be it in newspapers, on TV or on radio\nchoose to use the term 'ahead of' when the perfectly good preposition 'before'\nwill do ? I've just managed to write this comment ahead of my lunch !!!!!\n16/07/13 Michael\n-4\n\nShakespeare is overrated tosh in my opinion"]} +{"images": ["http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0278/5473/3360/articles/Japanese_Tea_Blog_1024x1024.jpg?v=1629313777", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.heavenlytealeaves.com/blogs/heavenly-tea-leaves-blog/exploring-the-green-teas-of-japan\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0278/5473/3360/articles/Japanese_Tea_Blog_1024x1024.jpg?v=1629313777\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0278/5473/3360/articles/Japanese_Tea_Blog_1024x1024.jpg?v=1629313777\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Japanese Tea Blog\", \"alt_text\": \"Exploring the Green Teas of Japan\", \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 1024, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.heavenlytealeaves.com/blogs/heavenly-tea-leaves-blog/exploring-the-green-teas-of-japan\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780057202.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20210921101319-20210921131319-00614.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 837566473, \"warc_record_length\": 58147}", "texts": [null, "You could say our team here at Heavenly Tea Leaves has a thing for Japanese culture, and of course, Japanese tea. Japan is a country that is revered for its ancient history, rich traditions, and pride in quality and care for every product they grow or create. Because among our team members we've visited Japan a number of times, we've developed a special interest in all types of teas from this Pacific nation--and we don't just mean matcha!\n\nOriginally sought after as medicine, tea was first brought to Japan by Chinese monks in the 8th century and was first consumed by the upper class (Samurai) and priests in Japan. The archipelago proved to have the right climate and terrain for growing tea; to this day, tea is cultivated in almost all regions of the country. Access to tea by the greater public did not come around until the Middle Ages. Influenced by Zen Buddhism, the Japanese tea ceremony (known as chanoyu or chado) developed as a unique practice with its own specialty teas and clean esthetics.\n\nJapan focuses mostly on green tea, which serves the benefit of lively and deep flavor, a plethora of healthy properties, and a steady stream of energy. Not all Japanese green teas are made the same, however. Here, we will take a closer look at the various tea types, both popular and rare, that you'll need to add to your South Pacific tea repertoire!\n\nWe always love to start off with a bang; in this case, that bang is a cup of rejuvenating Gyokuro green tea. Gyokuro is a green tea for those looking for umami flavor (perfect for the AM hours). Thanks to a unique processing method at the final stages of this tea plant's growth, it is shaded, leading to a higher chlorophyll content than the typical green tea, as well as a deep, rich green color and grassy, vegetal flavor.\n\nFor a nuttier variation, try Genmaicha Japan. Also a green tea, this one is known as the \"people's tea\" in Japan because it was economical to include toasted rice in the home blend; this tea doubles down on your umami senses thanks to the presence of popcorn and fire-roasted rice alongside a classic, rich green tea. The result? A party in your mouth that won't be ending any time soon.\n\nSometimes, though, we like to climb the green tea ladder. One of the more lavish Japanese tea experiences you can have is with our Kukicha. What makes this one special is that it contains stems and stalks left over from sencha and matcha tea production, so it utilizes the entire plant. Once considered peasant's tea, this variety is now known as a delicacy in Japan because of its natural sweetness and laundry list of health benefits.\n\nLooking for yet another Japanese green? Our well-rounded Zen Super Green is the answer for those looking for the consistency of regular tea but the potency of matcha (which in turn is made from first-flush spring Gyokuro). This blend of organic sencha and matcha green tea powder is the perfect balance between strong and delicate and finishes with a velvety, umami, vegetal mouthfeel. Be careful not to brew this and other delicate green teas at higher than 170 degrees, as you may burn the tea and extract unwanted bitterness!\n\nAs you may know, we're total matcha lovers. In fact, we've written an ode to matcha already--check it out! Matcha is a fine green tea powder that's super-concentrated in flavor, texture, and health benefits. It's made by simply whisking the powder into boiling water (and perhaps adding frothed milk and sugar if you're going for a matcha latte!). Our ceremonial-grade 30-gram matcha tin contains hand-picked and stone-ground green tea and come ready to brew.\n\nHojicha, which has a distinct roasted taste, is another signature Japanese blend carried by Heavenly Tea Leaves. So, what's the conclusion? Japan is definitely a tea destination worth learning about (and visiting), and its green teas are quite varied and totally spectacular. Japan's rich and detail-oriented culture shines brightly through their ability to manufacture some of the world's most premium green teas. Which one will you get your hands on this spring?\n\nP.S. Stay tuned to our Instagram page (@heavenlytea) for some photos of our latest trip to the majestic tea fields of Wazuka, Japan!"]} +{"images": ["http://res.heraldm.com/content/image/2021/05/04/20210504000952_0.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://tm.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210504001014\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://res.heraldm.com/content/image/2021/05/04/20210504000952_0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://res.heraldm.com/content/image/2021/05/04/20210504000952_0.jpg\", \"original_width\": 1280, \"original_height\": 873, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://tm.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210504001014\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623487612537.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20210614135913-20210614165913-00601.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 532769245, \"warc_record_length\": 25017}", "texts": [null, "This photo, taken Sunday, shows Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong preparing to depart for London at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul. (Yonhap)\nThe top diplomats of South Korea, the United States and Japan will hold trilateral talks on the margins of a Group of Seven (G-7) gathering in London later this week, a source said Tuesday, as Washington eyes a thaw in strained ties between its Asian allies.\n\nThe meeting between Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, and his US and Japanese counterparts, Antony Blinken and Toshimitsu Motegi, respectively, is set to take place Wednesday, as they gathered in the British capital for the session of G-7 foreign and development ministers.\n\nThe meeting will mark the first direct engagement between Chung and Motegi, as Chung's overtures for dialogue with the Japanese minister had fallen on deaf ears amid tensions over Tokyo's wartime forced labor, sexual slavery and export curbs.\n\nOn Monday, Chung said he may also meet with Motegi bilaterally after the trilateral meeting, but it still remains uncertain if their talks will take place.\n\nThe three-way meeting has been arranged amid concerns that prolonged spats between South Korea and Japan would undercut America's efforts to revitalize its regional democratic alliance network in the face of China's growing assertiveness and North Korea's nuclear threats.\n\nRelations between Seoul and Tokyo have shown no signs of improvement due to historical spats stemming from Japan's 1910-45 colonization of the Korean Peninsula, as well as its recent decision to discharge radioactive water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.\n\nAt their talks, Chung, Blinken and Motegi are expected to discuss a coordinated strategy on North Korea.\n\nLast week, the White House said that the Joe Biden administration had completed its review of policy toward Pyongyang, and that it will seek a \"calibrated, practical\" approach toward the goal of the complete denuclearization of the peninsula.\n\nThe three sides could also discuss pending global issues, such as the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, distribution of vaccines and climate change.\n\nSouth Korea, the US and Japan held their last trilateral foreign ministerial meeting on the sidelines of an international security forum in Germany in February last year.\n\nThough not party to the G-7 grouping, South Korea, Australia, India, South Africa and Brunei, the chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, have been invited to the forum as guests. (Yonhap)"]} +{"images": ["https://i.stack.imgur.com/BrjpG.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/IqeIc.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/OwzIj.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/4xbCs.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/OXUqH.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/TTxia.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://bricks.stackexchange.com/questions/14655/how-do-you-display-multiple-items-at-once-on-an-ev3-screen/15044\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.stack.imgur.com/BrjpG.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.stack.imgur.com/BrjpG.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BrjpG\", \"alt_text\": \"code\", \"original_width\": 328, \"original_height\": 228, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bricks.stackexchange.com/questions/14655/how-do-you-display-multiple-items-at-once-on-an-ev3-screen/15044\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.stack.imgur.com/IqeIc.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.stack.imgur.com/IqeIc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IqeIc\", \"alt_text\": \"howtoaccess\", \"original_width\": 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null, null, null, null, "6\nEV3 Brick Error Symbols?\n5\nCustom EV3 Block: \"Unable to compile...\" (\"string subsection\")\n1\nWhy does display output affects motors?\n3\nEV3 switch block does not recognize text?\n2\nHow do you interrupt a MyBlock?\n2\nCan't create block: \"Use of a block which no longer exists\"\n4\nIs there a duplicate/copy paste function in Lego Mindstorms Ev3 programing?\n3\nWhy does Pybricks on ev3dev have slow performance compared to EV3-G?"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.toptipz.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/5e59569e1f900-340x215.png", "https://www.toptipz.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/5e591b9f8a4b0-348x215.jpeg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.toptipz.com.ng/armed-robbers-police-uniforms-enugu-caught-gun-battle-photos/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.toptipz.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/5e59569e1f900-340x215.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.toptipz.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/5e59569e1f900-340x215.png\", 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Enugu state have smashed a six man gang armed robbery suspects that specialized in the blocking of highways, hijacking of buses with passengers and taking them to a secluded portion of bushes off from the road and robbing passengers of money, valuables and belongings.\n\nDuring the operations carried out, four of the gang dressed in a suspected police uniform were promptly arrested after a gun duel with the operatives that took them off guard and which left them fatally injured while two of the gang members believed also to have been touched by bullets of the operatives escaped with the injuries.\n\nIt was gathered that suspects had allegedly in the early hours of 24/12/17 , while dressed in suspected police uniform along 9thmile/Nsukka Expressway by Egede in Udi Local Government Area Enugu state \u2013 had stopped two Hiace commuter buses of a commercial bus company believed to be coming from Lagos and heading to Otukpo Benue state, diverted the buses to another bush road where they were allegedly robbing their victims before the operatives swooped on them.\n\nMeanwhile,the operatives have intensified manhunt on the fleeing injured members of the gang while members of the public particularly hospital operators are to watch out for any one with injury/injuries suspected to be that of gun shots and report promptly to a nearby police station for prompt necessary action.\nsource:toptipz.com.ng", null, null]} +{"images": ["https://gamecocksonline.com/imgproxy/oRJaXYMtWVCyAUZaLJ2WtaL8Mw-eiS8JgPl57dbcMIg/fit/3840/2160/ce/0/aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2dhbWVjb2Nrc29ubGluZS1jb20vMjAxNy8wOC9kY2MwZWJlNS05ODk4OTY2LmpwZWc.png", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://gamecocksonline.com/news/2017/08/22/breaking-down-the-offensive-line/\", \"unformatted_src\": 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\"warc_record_length\": 19373}", "texts": [null, "Breaking Down the Offensive Line\n\nWhen Shawn Elliott was named the head coach at Georgia State, South Carolina head coach Will Muschamp turned to a familiar face for Gamecock fans, selecting Eric Wolford to lead the offensive line in 2017. Wolford previously served as the Gamecocks\u2019 offensive line coach for one season during the Steve Spurrier Era, before taking a head coaching position of his own. He returns to Columbia after spending the past two years working with NFL offensive lineman as part of the San Francisco 49ers organization.\n\nWolford will be tasked with developing a formidable line that can create holes for the backs and provide enough protection for quarterback Jack Bentley that he is able to get the ball in the hands of the talented array of playmakers.\n\nWolford is blessed to have an offensive line that boasts a wealth of experience. Cory Helms (36 starts) and Alan Knott (29) have logged the most starting assignments on the squad. Zack Bailey (18), Malik Young (9), D.J. Park (3) and Donell Stanley (1) also have gained starting experience, as the unit has totaled 96 combined starts.\n\nSeniors Helms (6-4, 309) and Knott (6-4, 290) figure to hold down the right guard and center positions respectively in their final campaign. Both played through injuries during the 2016 campaign, but begin 2017 healthy and poised to have their best seasons in the Garnet & Black.\n\nAll-SEC candidate Zack Bailey (6-6, 311) transitioned from left guard to right tackle in the spring and figures to be the starter at that position, although the junior from Summerville, S.C., could certainly move back inside if the situation dictated that move.\n\nThe left side of the line entered fall camp a little more unsettled. Junior Donell Stanley (6-4, 317) looks to have nailed down the starting left guard job, while junior Malik Young (6-3, 303) and junior college transfer Dennis Daley (6-6, 330) continue to battle it out for the left tackle spot. Young has been the more consistent performer in fall camp but Daley has made this position battle one of the more interesting ones to watch as the season progresses.\n\nCoach Wolford would like to find at least eight offensive linemen he feels the Gamecocks can win with if they are put in the game. The second-team unit in fall camp has consisted of redshirt freshman Sadarius Hutcherson (6-4, 316) at left guard, redshirt freshman Chandler Farrell (6-2, 292) at center, senior D.J. Park (6-4, 337) at right guard and junior Blake Camper (6-8, 310) at right tackle, although Wolford likes to cross-train his linemen to be versatile enough to play more than one position. Park is especially versatile and is likely the first man in should a change be made at any of the spots other than left tackle.\n\nRedshirt sophomores Trey Derouen (6-3, 305) and Christian Pellage (6-6, 296) have each earned a letter since their arrival on campus and figure to provide additional depth. They are joined by returnees Ryan Green, Cameron Johnson and Will Putnam, who are all in their second year in the program.\n\nFour true freshmen scholarship players are on campus and getting their first taste of a fall camp. While it would appear that all four are likely headed for a redshirt season, a common occurrence among offensive linemen, the quartet of Summie Carlay, Jordon Carty, Eric Douglas and Jordan Rhodes all hope that the year spent on the practice fields and in the weight room with head strength & conditioning coach Jeff Dillman and his staff, will begin to pay dividends with playing time, possibly as early as 2018."]} +{"images": [null, "https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/gauguin56-300x231.jpg", null, "https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Paul-Gauguin-Oviri-Savage-001-183x300.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://paulinepark.com/2014/06/09/gauguin-exoticization-primitivism-paganism/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/gauguin56-300x231.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/gauguin56-300x231.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gauguin\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 231, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 231, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://paulinepark.com/2014/06/09/gauguin-exoticization-primitivism-paganism/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Paul-Gauguin-Oviri-Savage-001-183x300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://paulinepark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Paul-Gauguin-Oviri-Savage-001-183x300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Paul Gauguin Oviri Savage\", \"rendered_width\": 183, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 183, \"original_height\": 300, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://paulinepark.com/2014/06/09/gauguin-exoticization-primitivism-paganism/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499697.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20230129012420-20230129042420-00524.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 473272628, \"warc_record_length\": 17321}", "texts": ["\u201c\u2018Gauguin: Metamorphoses,\u2019 which opens on Friday at MoMA in New York, recasts the artist as an altogether darker figure, closer to Edvard Munch and the dark pre-Freudians of Northern Europe than the post-impressionist confraternity of Van Gogh, Seurat and C\u00e9zanne,\u201d Jason Farago wrote in his review (\u201cGauguin: Metamorphoses review \u2013 \u2018Forceful, disturbing, obscene\u2019,\u201d Guardian, 6 March 2014) of the blockbuster exhibition that I was lucky enough to see before it closed, and it was indeed a revelation that shifted my view of this seminal artist.", null, "There is on the one hand the exoticization & objectification of Tahitian women, which is objectionable particularly in relation to the relationships he had with them; but on the other hand, there is also his primitivism, which is not simply an exoticization of a foreign culture by a colonial tourist, but is in fact the expression of a longing for & even reconstruction of a lost pagan culture that had already nearly disappeared when Gauguin arrived in Tahiti. In his rejection of what he saw as the hypocrisy & culturally destructive colonialism of French Catholicism in Tahiti, Gauguin was very much on target, and a balanced assessment of his art \u2014 as this exhibition gave us \u2014 needs to take that into account as well as the objectionable aspects of it as well. I will never look on Gauguin\u2019s languorous Tahitian women again without also thinking of his invocations of Oviri~!", null]} +{"images": [null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/g-_photoshop_img_2615.jpg?w=1088", "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2599.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2593.jpg?w=1088", "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2592.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2608.jpg?w=1088", "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2630.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2625.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2686.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2690.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://talesofthetravelbug.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/img_2698.jpg?w=1088", null, 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There are parts of the National Park with seals and penguins, and always a ton of birds. You can choose to kayak, boat, hike through the inland trails, or do a little bit of everything.", null, null, "The trail is tagged as \u201ceasy/moderate,\u201d but I am sure they did not put into consideration having a giant pack on your back. That factor seems to change how steep a hill is and how long a stretch of hiking is. Luckily both Luca and I are both young and relatively fit.", null, null, "Before leaving, Luca and I kept arguing about what we should pack. I was very worried about keeping the weight down and was doing everything possible to get rid of weight. On the other hand, Luca the Italian was very worried about what we were going to eat. Luca is always very worried about what we are going to eat. In the morning the first thing he usually asks me is \u201cSo, what should we have for dinner?\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t know. I haven\u2019t even had breakfast\u201d is normally my response. I was fine with eating Ramen Noodles, but Luca insisted we had a gourmet meal every night with heavy vegetables such as broccoli and canned beans (Note: They insisted everywhere on the internet during my research to NOT bring canned food on a hike). While we were making our pile of things to pack, Luca kept throwing things in the pile such as a whole bottle of soy sauce. Did we really need that much soy sauce? Nope. Eventually I just stopped arguing with him and let him pack what he wanted as long as he was the one carrying it.", null, null, "Our hike on the first day was absolutely beautiful. It ran along the coast and every 10 minutes or so there would be a path that led you down to the coast. Some of the coves the paths led you to had caves made out of sand stone. The water was as blue as can be and the weather was perfect (well, maybe a little on the hot side for hiking with a gigantic pack on your back, but no complaining here).", null, "The first day was shorter and easier than the rest of the days. I was grateful for this because it took some getting used to our packs and hiking boots. My backpack fit perfectly and was as comfortable as can be (thanks to the parentals for an awesome birthday gift). Luca, on the other hand, was suffering from his pack being too heavy (SURPRISE!). I let him suffer for a short amount of time and then decided to help him a bit by taking some of the weight off of his load. Don\u2019t worry; I did not miss the opportunity to say, \u201cI told you so!\u201d", null, "Our campsite at Te Pukatea Bay that evening was located in a gorgeous little beach. There were only a handful of other people at the campsite and we basically felt like we were along on the beach together. Abel Tasman is the definition of paradise. I think it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to in my life.", null, "Some of the hike is dependent on tidal times. When crossing Torrent Bay, I knew that we would have to take the high tide route because the low tide was very early in the morning. What I didn\u2019t realize was that it went up a very steep hill and would take an extra hour and a half. The first climb killed us. It was blazing hot with lack of shade and seemed to go on forever. We saw a sign for Cleopatra\u2019s pool and thought that sounded like a great place to go for a swim to cool off after our climb. About five minutes from the pool we heard screaming children and came to find out that the pool was infested with kids. There was a group of kids from a day camp and they were visiting the pool that day. We decided to go to a swimming hole further down the river that another couple called \u201cThe Adult Pool.\u201d", null, "The swim felt exhilarating, but when we tried to eat lunch the bees kept swarming around us and annoying us. I couldn\u2019t relax, so we got up and left to find another place to have lunch. Then of course the next place we tried to have lunch at also had bees swarming around us. We were very irritated by them at this point. They are relentless at Abel Tasman. They do not fear you and swarm around your face. You constantly hear a buuuuuuuzzzzzzzzz.\n\nBy this time in the day, my scorching headache proceeded to get worse and Luca was developing blisters on his feet. We had 4 hours of the hardest part of the Abel Tasman 5 day hike in front of us and were in no mood to tackle it. We checked in to taking a water taxi to our next campsite, but it was too late in the day and all of the water taxis were done doing their rounds.\n\nI decided at that moment that it would be a lot easier to hike in a better spirit, and to make the best out of a bad situation. To help turn things around, I started playing fun dancing music on our portable speaker. It helped me to keep a good pace and tackle the climbing. Other hikers seemed to enjoy it too. I made sure to focus on the beauty of the trail and not my physical pain. Luca was getting bitter from his blisters and weight of his pack, but I kept cheering him on.", null, null, "After the longest and steepest hill of the whole hike, we managed to make it to our next camp just in time to set up camp and cook dinner before it got dark. We made it! It was such a relief. Hiking is about pushing your body further than its comfort and seeing how far you can go. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Never give up.", null, "We slept in the next day because we only had a short hike to do to get to our next campsite. The next part of our journey was also dependent on a low tide that wasn\u2019t happening until between 4:00pm and 7:00pm. After breakfast we went to a fresh water pool where I soaked my bug bitten feet and Luca soaked his blisters. We then hung out on the beach at our campsite at Onetahuti Bay.", null, null, null, null, null, null, "The only hard part about that leg of the hike was the low tide crossing at Awaroa Inlet where there was no shade and we had to take off our shoes to cross the water. The Waiharakeke Bay campsite was our least favorite because it was swarming with mosquitos. By that point of the hike, I was so over bugs. I had bug bites everywhere and I was so sick of hearing them. Because of Benedril to stop me from waking up and scratching, I dreamed well that night of a roof over my head that sheltered me from bugs.", null, null, "The next morning I woke up refreshed as ever and we packed up camp and began our final long hike of our journey. I enjoyed myself along the way and swam at every spot I could. The hike was easy, with the exception of the two giant hills. It was helpful to be rooted on by fellow hikers who were traveling the other way.", null, "When we reached our final camp at Mutton Cove we found 2 people that we met at the camp the night before. They had travelled the world and were from New Zealand. One of their journeys was biking from Canada to Mexico and back for 6 years straight. They were an older couple, but were extremely fit. I told Luca that I aspired to be them when we were old.\n\nApparently they managed to fund their travels by collecting several rental properties in New Zealand through their life. They can now afford to hire a property manager to look over the properties while they are away. That definitely planted a seed in Luca\u2019s head\u2026.\n\nThe couple told us to look for muscles on the rocks close to our camp during low tide and cook them for dinner. We had a blast searching through the little eco systems among the corral. We saw a bunch of starfish and sea urchins. The muscles were delicious.", null, null, null, null, "I woke up the last day of our hike and took a swim in the ocean \u2013 a refreshing way to start a hike. The highlight of our 2 hour hike to where we would pick up a water taxi back to our car was tackling the last hill. I was so tired and my legs were so sore, but it was the last hill and I was going to own it. And so I did. I even did a dance when I reached the top.", null, null, null, "We were so excited to eat anything but what we packed in our bags for our journey. We ended up finding a gourmet burger place called The Fat Tui. Food had never tasted so good in my life."]} +{"images": [null, "https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15909630/2018/08/new-brighton-fire.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/08/20/new-brighton-house-fire-dogs-rescued/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15909630/2018/08/new-brighton-fire.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15909630/2018/08/new-brighton-fire.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"new brighton fire\", \"rendered_width\": 420, \"rendered_height\": 315, \"original_width\": 2004, \"original_height\": 1503, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/08/20/new-brighton-house-fire-dogs-rescued/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703531702.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20210123001629-20210123031629-00630.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 455460747, \"warc_record_length\": 21947}", "texts": ["MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) \u2013 Authorities say nobody was hurt but two dogs had to be rescued from a house fire in New Brighton Monday morning.\n\nAuthorities received a 911 call at about 9:43 a.m. of a dwelling fire. When firefighters arrived to the scene, heavy fire was showing from the back of a single-family home, and it was extending to the attic.", null, "Fire crews were able to stop the fire from spreading throughout the home, and spent about two hours on scene. Nobody was hurt in the fire, but two dogs were rescued after employees with The Garage of New Brighton went to the area to investigate smoke and saw the home on fire. They got the two dogs out before fire crews arrived.\n\nThe cause of the fire is under investigation. Authorities say it does not appear to be suspicious in nature."]} +{"images": ["https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/WExIptbY4UDQvirHFf13ljYTSeTve-er8gd8tXgZZFZ0SmjBMGFL85yWBk20ICJbY5va9-ien4RfhqjTxf0y0kKkI4E7vQ5Wa8XszzIZkaACnn03qlGzNg=s0-d", null, "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/reE1nNETG3gDd_fBKQjCCLki947y-WOHqh0j30aEjMwo1C5Bjn6kQI3JeAOwzOEzDHS9s6swZba_BTbJYAJtp9-O5EbdZEENXn2KGpWDZ5gSwSTAfgCAbA=s0-d", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/zw6rKxtBXir83rM1ef4ak_fy_eV_YXnSJl454x6iRBWLmRFr0el2iBY9fbUi5kM6JMSZJiG6Nkff2GDm6VwIhiww5bBAlWYODomclmJiUd5I2MMmHwBapbIN=s0-d", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/n86RYJqbx7oytPRRY9-qSlu-8jFyiTIrIMOyu57iV2ITq9StZmH3Yojdor7jvQRuCojX_iGWf_w_qmw80Ap_qSiot7-hYsW_KH25VfhpfJkXOe2Y5x88UuNU=s0-d", null, "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/ywYGhzFkMdaZZ_QK8YgU4AGuB0mSAkL0GHxf8VQEZwmX-uoFDT1p9YdEaMjRpho8hwgjgM0xnA5lKAdMfa5kY5efEGxqpDBUesfzTwjBEK2egKXnNBtjJLDn=s0-d", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": 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Knight 100 years ago.\n\n\nAmerican wildlife artist Charles R. Knight (1874\u20131953) spent a lifetime creating scientifically accurate and spectacularly beautiful images of Earth\u2019s ancient past, from dinosaurs and mammoths to saber-toothed cats and early humans. For generations, his groundbreaking work has inspired scientists, artists, and filmmakers all over the world and shaped the way prehistoric times are imagined today.\nThis stunning volume gathers together both iconic and never-before-seen works from Knight\u2019s days of sketching animals in the newly opened Bronx Zoo, to the decades spent creating murals of prehistoric species for the American Museum of Natural History and the Field Museum.\n\nThis month, Abrams published the beautiful art book, Charles R. Knight: The Artist Who Saw Through Time, by Richard Milner. Abrams has kindly given permission for me to run a selection of images from the book. Enjoy!", null, "Knight\u2019s iconic painting of a tyrannosaur and triceratops facing off is a large mural in the Field Museum in Chicago.", null, "Knight\u2019s finished oil painting of the tyrant lizard highlights its monstrous head with a splash of sunlight.", null, "One of Knight\u2019s renditions of the tar pits as they appeared ten thousand years ago features a saber-toothed cat and vulturelike Tetratornis, which was twice the size of a California condor. This painting was done for the American Museum of Natural History.\n\nThis classic Knight mural (first painted in 1920, and restored 1994) from the American Museum of Natural History depicts a Cro-Magnon artist painting mammoths near the entrance of Font-de-Gaume. It was done before Knight\u2019s visit to the cave, or he would have known that the frieze actually showed European bison, not woolly mammoths.", null, "Knight\u2019s superb pencil drawings, from life, of an African elephant."]} +{"images": ["https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts124/v4/d4/2a/8a/d42a8aae-bbef-0505-eaa8-6b80db57100a/mza_13260582032712560114.jpg/600x600bb.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.podparadise.com/Podcast/1533560948/Listen/1607614191/0\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts124/v4/d4/2a/8a/d42a8aae-bbef-0505-eaa8-6b80db57100a/mza_13260582032712560114.jpg/600x600bb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts124/v4/d4/2a/8a/d42a8aae-bbef-0505-eaa8-6b80db57100a/mza_13260582032712560114.jpg/600x600bb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bb\", \"alt_text\": \"The Fact Hunter\", \"rendered_width\": 170, \"rendered_height\": 170, \"original_width\": 600, \"original_height\": 600, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.podparadise.com/Podcast/1533560948/Listen/1607614191/0\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046157039.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20210805193327-20210805223327-00602.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1002652790, \"warc_record_length\": 7640}", "texts": [null, "Special replay from Red Pill Radio. Theodore L. Gunderson (7 November 1928 \u2013 31 July 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI. According to his son, he worked the case of Marilyn Monroe and the John F. Kennedy cases. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret occultist groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, an alleged shadow government that would be controlling the United States government.[8] He also claimed that a \"slave auction\" in which children were sold by Saudi Arabian agents to men had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the United States there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. DelmarvaStudios.Net\nEmail: [email protected] Twitter: @DelmarvaStudios"]} +{"images": ["https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022019_96572726.jpg", null, "https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022018_86288425.jpg", "https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022020_15618687.jpg", null, "https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1611340213_9962819.jpg", "https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1611349240_58992742.jpeg"], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"unformatted_src\": \"upload/news/image_1607022019_96572726.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022019_96572726.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"original_width\": 2798, \"original_height\": 1680, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"unformatted_src\": \"upload/news/image_1607022018_86288425.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022018_86288425.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"#RHOBH\\u2019s Erika Jayne & Tom Girardi Accused Of Embezzling Money From Plane Crash Victims\", \"original_width\": 560, \"original_height\": 425, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"unformatted_src\": \"upload/news/image_1607022020_15618687.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1607022020_15618687.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"Dua Lipa Opens Up About The Pressures Of Being A Female In Pop Music: \\u2018We\\u2019re Met With So Much More Criticism\\u2019\", \"original_width\": 3840, \"original_height\": 2160, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"unformatted_src\": \"upload/news/image_1611340213_9962819.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1611340213_9962819.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"Its A Sin- Who Is Actor Omari Douglas? His Age, Instagram And Wiki\", \"original_width\": 452, \"original_height\": 600, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"unformatted_src\": \"upload/news/image_1611349240_58992742.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://vidmid.com/upload/news/image_1611349240_58992742.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"23 hints on 'WandaVision' that tease what's really happening on the Marvel show\", \"original_width\": 2400, \"original_height\": 1800, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://vidmid.com/news/sir-ian-mckellen-martin-freeman-and-the-lord-of-the-rings-cast-kickstart-fundraising-campaign-to-buy-author-j-r-r-tolkien-s-oxford-home?uid=226886\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703538082.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20210123125715-20210123155715-00108.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 628149199, \"warc_record_length\": 9581}", "texts": [null, "The cast of \u201cLord Of The Rings\u201d are coming together for J.R.R. Tolkien.\n\nThe author\u2019s former residence at 20 Northmoor Road in Oxford, England is about to hit the market. Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman and John Rhys-Davies, who starred in the hit film franchise based on Tolkien\u2019s work, are kickstarting a campaign to purchase the house and turn it into a literary centre dedicated to the iconic writer\u2019s life.\n\nProject Northmoor has started a fundraising campaign to raise $6 million.\n\nRELATED: Hugo Weaving On If He Would Reprise His Role For \u2018Lord Of The Rings\u2019, \u2018The Matrix\u2019\n\nUnlike other writers of his stature, there is no centre devoted to J.R.R. Tolkien anywhere in the world. Yet. @ProjNorthmoor https://t.co/pzMg8Yk2t2 pic.twitter.com/jx2r5MVbcw\n\nIn a statement, the cast wrote, \u201cWe cannot achieve this without the support of the worldwide community of Tolkien fans, our fellowship of funders.\u201d\n\nRELATED: Orlando Bloom Shares What He Knows About Amazon\u2019s \u2018Lord Of The Rings\u2019 Series: \u2018It\u2019s Not A Remake\u2019\n\nRhys-Davies, who played Gimli, added, \u201cIf people are still reading in 1,000 years, Tolkien will be regarded as one of the great myth-makers of Britain and it will be evident within a matter of years that not to secure this place would have been such an act of arrogance and ignorance and folly on our part.\u201d\n\nThey hope to turn the home \u201cinto a literary hub that will inspire new generations of writers, artists and filmmakers for many years to come.\u201d\n\nAccording to People magazine, Tolkien and his family moved into the home in the 1930s and stayed there for 17 years. It was during that time that Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Tolkien is also rumoured to have hosted C.S. Lewis there.", null, null, "Dua Lipa Opens Up About The Pressures Of Being...", null, null]} +{"images": ["https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.73465000_1614219269_fujifilm-x-t200-body-kit-box-champagne-gold.jpg", null, "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.03465600_1612495860_canon-eos-m50-mk-ii-body-kit-box-white.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.03307800_1555497126_panasonic-lumix-dc-gx9-body-silver.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.60473500_1555497010_panasonic-lumix-dc-gx9-body-black.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/Panasonic_Lumix_DMC-GX85_Kit_20mm_II_Silver.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.74035000_1624130187_canon-eos-m200-twin-kit-22-15-45-white.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.11915800_1610599130_fujifilm-x-t200-body-kit-box-black.jpg", "https://www.etoren.com/upload/images/0.48388800_1614219253_fujifilm-x-t200-body-kit-box-dark-silver.jpg", 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It features a 24MP APS-C CMOS sensor (non X-Trans) with on-sensor phase detection. Despite its relatively compact size, Fujifilm still found a way to give the X-T200 a fully articulating 3.5\" touchscreen display, plus an electronic viewfinder. The camera can shoot bursts with continuous AF at up to 8 fps, though the buffer fills quickly. Uncropped, oversampled 4K footage can be captured at up to 30p, with a 15 minute limit. The camera has a built-in mic jack and supports headphones via an included adapter. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]} +{"images": ["https://ionigeria.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/James-Webb-323x330.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://ionigeria.com/james-webb-the-most-powerful-space-telescope-ever-built-blast-into-orbit/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://ionigeria.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/James-Webb-323x330.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://ionigeria.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/James-Webb-323x330.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"James Webb\", \"rendered_width\": 323, \"rendered_height\": 330, \"original_width\": 323, \"original_height\": 330, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://ionigeria.com/james-webb-the-most-powerful-space-telescope-ever-built-blast-into-orbit/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499845.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131055533-20230131085533-00613.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 348002670, \"warc_record_length\": 28496}", "texts": [null, "James Webb: The most powerful Space telescope ever built blast into orbit\n\nThe $10bn James Webb telescope has left Earth on its mission to show the first stars to light up the Universe.\n\nThe observatory was lifted skyward by an Ariane rocket from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana.\n\nIts flight to orbit was expected to last just under half an hour, with a signal confirming a successful outcome due to be picked up in Kenya.\n\nLive coverage of the launch is available on NASA\u2019s TV channel and website starting at 6 a.m. ET. Launch is expected at 7:20 a.m. ET.\nThe telescope has endured years of delays, including a combination of factors brought on by the pandemic and technical challenges. But the world\u2019s most powerful complex space observatory will answer questions about our solar system, study exoplanets in new ways and look deeper into the universe than we\u2019ve ever been able to.\n\nIt\u2019s a project that has taken 30 years to design and build and is regarded as one of the grand scientific endeavours of the 21st Century.\n\nWebb\u2019s goal will be to try to show the very first stars and galaxies to shine in the Universe.\n\nIt will also have the power to probe the atmospheres of distant planets to look for gases that might hint at the presence of life.\n\nThe anticipation is high, but so too is the level of anxiety.\n\nTo get to space, Webb must first survive a 27-minute ascent on what is, in effect, a controlled explosion.\n\nThe telescope then has to unfold itself in a series of complex deployments, all of which must be completed flawlessly or the observatory as a whole won\u2019t work.\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s a shining example of what we can accomplish when we dream big. We\u2019ve always known that this project would be a risky endeavour. But, of course, when you want a big reward, you have to usually take a big risk.\u201d\n\nThe James Webb telescope is named after one of the architects of the Apollo Moon programme, and the space agencies of the US, Europe and Canada, who are all partners on the project, regard it as a science flagship of no less importance.\n\nWebb\u2019s mission is to build on the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope, which, after 31 years in orbit, is nearing the end of operations.\n\nWebb will look deeper into the cosmos and, as a consequence, much further back in time.\n\nAt the core of the new facility\u2019s capabilities is its 6.5m-wide golden mirror.\n\nThis remarkable reflecting surface, allied to four super-sensitive instruments, should enable Webb to detect the light from the pioneer stars. These objects are theorised to have ignited more than 13.5 billion years ago.\n\n\u201cWe think there should be stars, or galaxies, or black holes maybe beginning at 100 million years after the Big Bang. There won\u2019t be many of them to find at that time but the Webb telescope can see them if they\u2019re there, and we\u2019re lucky,\u201d he told BBC News.\n\nThe pioneer stars are more than a mere curiosity. They began the process of seeding the cosmos with the first heavy chemical elements.\n\nThe calcium in our bones, the phosphorus in our DNA and the iron in our blood \u2013 all these atoms had to be \u201cmanufactured\u201d in the nuclear reactions that make stars shine, and in the mighty explosions that end their existence.\n\nIn this sense, Webb will be charting our origins.\n\n\u201cOne of my favourite things about astronomy in general is that it really gets right down to our big questions: Where do we come from? How did we get here? Are we alone? These questions are more than just arcane science questions; they\u2019re questions that get to the heart of what it means to be human,\u201d said Nasa deputy project scientist Dr Amber Straughn.\n\nSaturday\u2019s flight to orbit involves one of the most dependable rockets in the business. The Ariane-5 has a greater than 98% record of success. Its last outright failure was in 2002.\n\nThe less-than-2% rate reflects the hazards that inevitably come with handling such an extreme vehicle.\n\nPeople will naturally focus on it \u2013 there are no guarantees in the rocket business \u2013 but it\u2019s fair to say that few Ariane missions have been subjected to the same level of detailed scrutiny as this one.\n\nEngineers have reviewed every aspect of the vehicle\u2019s performance. All questions have been answered.\n\nThe Ariane will fly east from Kourou, out over the Atlantic towards Africa.\n\nA signal confirming Webb is in space and safe should be picked up by a ground antenna in Malindi, Kenya.\n\nThis will mark the start then of a month-long journey for the telescope as it moves out to its planned observing station 1.5 million km from Earth.\n\nCharles Igbinidu is a Public Relations practitioner in Lagos, Nigeria\n@https://twitter.com/ionigeria\nPrevious Former England and Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge ordered to pay $30,000 to man who found his missing dog\nNext I now believe in the power of prayer \u2013 not because it works, but because it helps"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2018/10/26/PWAU/2a506b32-52f3-4269-bbc5-9a54feafe20c-WDHBrd2_09-05-2017_Herald_1_A001__2017_09_04_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O_L1091358173_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O.jpg?width=540&height=&fit=bounds&auto=webp", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.marshfieldnewsherald.com/story/news/2019/05/02/rothschild-police-wausau-man-charged-with-owi-said-his-gum-blame-smell-alcohol/3645355002/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2018/10/26/PWAU/2a506b32-52f3-4269-bbc5-9a54feafe20c-WDHBrd2_09-05-2017_Herald_1_A001__2017_09_04_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O_L1091358173_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O.jpg?width=540&height=&fit=bounds&auto=webp\", \"src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2018/10/26/PWAU/2a506b32-52f3-4269-bbc5-9a54feafe20c-WDHBrd2_09-05-2017_Herald_1_A001__2017_09_04_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O_L1091358173_IMG_636397938897683883_W_1_1_0UJGPN5O.jpg?width=540&height=&fit=bounds&auto=webp\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a b f bbc a feafe c WDHBrd Herald A IMG W UJGPN O L IMG W UJGPN O\", \"alt_text\": \"The Marathon County Courthouse\", \"rendered_width\": 540, \"original_width\": 540, \"original_height\": 405, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.marshfieldnewsherald.com/story/news/2019/05/02/rothschild-police-wausau-man-charged-with-owi-said-his-gum-blame-smell-alcohol/3645355002/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250593994.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20200118221909-20200119005909-00365.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 972941129, \"warc_record_length\": 43188}", "texts": ["Police: Man charged with OWI told an officer boozy smell must have been his spearmint gum\n\nThe Wausau man's 4-year-old daughter was in the car at the time of the traffic stop, according to court records.\n\nPolice: Man charged with OWI told an officer boozy smell must have been his spearmint gum", null, "ROTHSCHILD - Police say a man charged with OWI said the smell of alcohol an officer detected during a traffic stop must have been his spearmint gum.\n\nMark Pierzchalski of Wausau was charged Monday with a felony count of a fifth or sixth OWI with a passenger who is under 16 years old, according to Marathon County court records. He was also charged with felony bail jumping as a repeat offender and two misdemeanors \u2014 possessing an illegally obtained prescription and operating a vehicle while his license was revoked.\n\nDuring a traffic stop Sunday, Pierzchalski denied having been drinking that day, according to court records. The officer wrote that Pierzchalski was slurring his speech and that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy with constricted pupils.\n\nWhen an officer asked him about the smell of alcohol he detected, Pierzchalski said that it was his gum causing the odor, according to court records. He then pulled a piece of spearmint gum out of his mouth.\n\nThe officer told Pierzchalski that spearmint gum does not smell like booze, according to court records.\n\nThe traffic stop took place on Highway 29 in Rothschild, east of Highway 51. Pierzchalski was in the car with his 4-year-old daughter, according to court records.\n\nPierzchalski denied a breath test and instead asked for a blood draw. He then refused to consent to a legal blood draw, court records show. He was later taken to Aspirus Hospital in Wausau after the officer received a search warrant for the blood draw.\n\nPierzchalski has a preliminary hearing scheduled at 9:15 a.m. May 8 at the Marathon County Courthouse."]} +{"images": [null, "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/iberico-ham-tags-01-png.png?v=1635779263", null, "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_pigs_480x480.jpg?v=1635784392", null, "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_producer_480x480.jpg?v=1635784418", null, "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Borough_Shop_x_11_480x480.jpg?v=1629714212", "http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/t/75/assets/popup-header-image_490x.jpg?v=143601077120798896961671709859"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/iberico-ham-tags-01-png.png?v=1635779263\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/iberico-ham-tags-01-png.png?v=1635779263\", \"formatted_filename\": \"iberico ham tags png\", \"alt_text\": \"Iberico ham tags\", \"original_width\": 796, \"original_height\": 526, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_pigs_480x480.jpg?v=1635784392\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_pigs_480x480.jpg?v=1635784392\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Iberico pigs\", \"alt_text\": \"Iberico black pigs\", \"original_width\": 480, \"original_height\": 314, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_producer_480x480.jpg?v=1635784418\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Iberico_producer_480x480.jpg?v=1635784418\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Iberico producer\", \"alt_text\": \"Iberico ham\", \"original_width\": 480, \"original_height\": 318, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Borough_Shop_x_11_480x480.jpg?v=1629714212\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/files/Borough_Shop_x_11_480x480.jpg?v=1629714212\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Borough Shop x\", \"original_width\": 480, \"original_height\": 313, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/t/75/assets/popup-header-image_490x.jpg?v=143601077120798896961671709859\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0025/8002/1309/t/75/assets/popup-header-image_490x.jpg?v=143601077120798896961671709859\", \"formatted_filename\": \"popup header image x\", \"original_width\": 490, \"original_height\": 276, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://brindisa.com/blogs/news/the-food-geek-guide-to-iberico-ham\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494852.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20230127001911-20230127031911-00821.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 176182646, \"warc_record_length\": 58668}", "texts": ["The Insider's Guide to Ib\u00e9rico Ham\n\nKing of ham, Brindisa's own James Robinson shares why Ib\u00e9rico is the most highly prized air-dried ham and what you need to know when shopping and eating this delicious Spanish ham!\n\nby James Robinson | Head of Product Training at Brindisa\n\nWhat is so special about Ib\u00e9rico ham?\n\nIb\u00e9rico is the most highly prized air-dried ham, from animals of an ancient breed of semi-wild black Ib\u00e9rico pig. The Ib\u00e9rico pig has characteristically long slender legs, a sensitive snout to forage with, and dark skin to help protect it in the sun. The ham it produces is popularly known as pata negra, referring to the black hoof which stays on the slim leg throughout the curing process. and makes it look very different from other hams.\n\nHow to buy Ib\u00e9rico ham\n\nBuying Ib\u00e9rico ham can be confusing, particularly if you are not familiar with the descriptions used; the one thing everyone knows is that it is expensive, but how much should it cost?\n\nIt was in an attempt to bring some clarity to the consumer that the Spanish government introduced a law in April, 2014 to clarify and standardise the descriptions of different types of Iberico ham.\n\nThe four grades of Ib\u00e9rico Ham\n\nSimply put, the legislation sets out four different grades of Ib\u00e9rico ham. It is based on the pigs' diet and the purity of breed. By simply looking at the official description the consumer can make an educated choice about the quality, and hence the price, of their ham.\n\nThe four grades that were created are indicated on any Ib\u00e9rico ham or paleta (cured shoulder) on the bone by a tag (precinto)around the ankle, or on any boneless Ib\u00e9rico ham, paleta or cured loin by a tag attached to the sealed piece. These tags are essentially legal indicators of how the Ib\u00e9rico pigs were raised and fattened and what the minimum curing time of the ham was.", null, "The top grade of Ib\u00e9rico ham goes by the full description of \u201cJamon de bellota, 100% Ib\u00e9rico, \u2018pata negra\u2019\u201d. Jamon de bellota signifies that the Ib\u00e9rico pig fattened up on acorns (bellotas) on the autumn \u201cmontanera\u201d when the animals are put to forage on the dehesa, the oak covered savannah that makes up several million hectares of the south west of the Iberian peninsula. 100% Ib\u00e9rico means that it is a pure-bred animal, and pata Negra is a term that used to be used generically for any Ib\u00e9rico ham, but now can only be used to describe this top grade of ham. Hams and paletas will have a black tag around the ankle, issued by the relevant regional body.\n\nThe second grade is described as \u201cJamon de bellota, 50/75% Ib\u00e9rico\u201d, which means that the animal has undergone the montanera, but that either one parent, or one grandparent was of non-Ib\u00e9rico origin. When cross-breeding does occur the mother will always be 100% Iberico and the boar must be of the Duroc breed. This cross-breeding has two functions, firstly to prevent continual inbreeding, never a good idea, and also, to breed animals which will have more progeny and, frequently, larger back legs. Hams and paletas from these animals will have a red tag around the ankle.\n\nThese are the only grades of Ib\u00e9rico ham made from animals that have fattened up on acorns and they account for about 20% of all Ib\u00e9rico hams.\n\nThe third grade is called \u201cJamon de cebo de campo, 50/75/100% Ib\u00e9rico\u201d which indicates that the animal lived outdoors but fattened up on cereals and natural feed before slaughter. This means that the quality of the meat will excellent, but lacking the deep, sweet intensity of the acorn-fed hams. This accounts for a further 20% of Ib\u00e9rico hams.\n\nThe fourth grade is the one that tends to cause confusion; \u201cJamon de cebo, 50/75/100% Ib\u00e9rico\u201d indicates, in essence that the ham will almost certainly have been intensively reared. Where the minimum space required per animal for the top three grades during the fattening period is 1 hectare (100m\u00b2), the minimum required for this grade is 2m\u00b2! Simply put, this is the grade that can be made from intensively reared animals, and thus significantly more cheaply than the other grades of Ib\u00e9rico ham. This grade accounts for 60% of all Ib\u00e9rico ham production.\n\nWhy the Ib\u00e9rico grades are so important\n\nThis information can help you understand the welfare standards of the pig rearing and the pricing of Ib\u00e9rico hams. However, it also shows something more fundamental; it offers you the opportunity to make a choice about being part of a continuum that extends back 3,000 years. The dehesa is a unique environment that has been shaped by the indigenous animals of the region, and has shaped them too. This huge area has more endangered species of bird and animal life than anywhere else in Western Europe due to this slow evolution. By choosing a ham made from an animal that has followed innumerable generations of its ancestors living and feeding on the dehesa, you are helping to maintain an ecosystem whose environmental value is immense.\n\nThe bellota and cebo de campo animals have a symbolic relationship with their environment, and one which does wonders for the quality of meat. The jamon de cebo is essentially a commercial construct and it is a means by which the larger, more industrial ham producers can produce and sell a premium priced product under the cloak of respectability created by the origins of the higher grades of ham. This is not to say that there may not be some good jamon de cebo Ib\u00e9rico hams, but that those produced to the minimum requirements are unlikely to be among them.\n\nWhen buying Ib\u00e9rico ham, you can certainly make an ethical choice. You can choose to buy a product made from a free ranging animal that forages on the foods that they have evolved to consume over many thousands of years, and is arguably the most magnificent ham in the world, or whether you want a very decent ham at a cheaper price whose provenance does not concern you.", null, "by Monika Linton | Founder of Brindisa\n\nWhen we first started bringing in de bellota Ib\u00e9rico ham, before there was any real acceptance or understanding of it in Britain, I gave a wonderful ham to chef Simon Hopkinson, then at Bibendum, who was very excited by the arrival of this delicacy. His instincts were right; he simply sliced it and sent it out to diners, but the plates came back with the fat trimmed off and customers wanting to know why it was there. I was duly called over to the restaurant to confirm that the ratio of fat to lean was perfectly normal and exactly as it should be.\n\nIt was an absurd misunderstanding of a fine product that seemed so characteristic of modern meat production and consumption, which has all fat marked out by many people as almost criminal. Simon did, however, have one customer who genuinely appreciated and understood fine fat; the late great artist Francis Bacon. Simon saved up all of the trimmings that the other customers had eschewed and offered them to him to top-up his own slices of the ham, and they were enjoyed with great gusto.", null, "As incompatible as these semi-industrial hams felt alongside the farm-made Churra sheep's milk cheeses and other artisan produce that we were bringing in from Spain, I badly wanted to sell Spanish ham. And although those early examples from Large White pigs crossed with Durocs may not have been as specialist as those we can source today, they were still a delightful, novel experience for most British people; a rich red colour, with a more pronounced flavour than their Italian equivalents.\n\nOnce the market opened up, we were able to become properly selective and begin forging real relationships with favourite producers. Ultimately there is no substitute for this. Only through getting to know the farming, husbandry and curing processes can you understand what makes a truly great ham.\n\nYou can find out more about the Borough Market deli here.", null, null]} +{"images": [null, "https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Reid-Ewing-218x150.jpg", "https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Andrew-McMahon-Healthy-Celeb-218x150.jpg", "https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Pay-Attention-To-The-Pain-218x150.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/scottie-pippen-height-weight-body-statistics/54041/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Reid-Ewing-218x150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Reid-Ewing-218x150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Reid Ewing\", \"alt_text\": \"Reid Ewing\", \"rendered_width\": 218, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 218, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/scottie-pippen-height-weight-body-statistics/54041/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Andrew-McMahon-Healthy-Celeb-218x150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Andrew-McMahon-Healthy-Celeb-218x150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Andrew McMahon Healthy Celeb\", \"alt_text\": \"Andrew McMahon Healthy Celeb\", \"rendered_width\": 218, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 218, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/scottie-pippen-height-weight-body-statistics/54041/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Pay-Attention-To-The-Pain-218x150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Pay-Attention-To-The-Pain-218x150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pay Attention To The Pain\", \"alt_text\": \"Pay Attention To The Pain\", \"rendered_width\": 218, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 218, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://healthyceleb.com/scottie-pippen-height-weight-body-statistics/54041/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585371830894.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20200409055849-20200409090349-00200.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 476834551, \"warc_record_length\": 28617}", "texts": ["Scottie picked Hamburg High School where he played as a point guard for the basketball team. Despite his successful high school career when Pippen made it to the state playoffs and achieved all-conference honors as a senior, he received zero college offers.\n\nEventually in 1983, Scottie enrolled himself at the University of Central Arkansas from where he graduated in 1987.\n\nScottie Pippen\u2019s body specifications may be \u2013\n\nScottie\u2019s religious beliefs are not known.\n\nHe is also known for winning two Olympic gold medals with USA\u2019s national team in Barcelona in 1992 and Atlanta in 1996.\n\nScottie played his first NBA match on November 7, 1987, when as a member of the Chicago Bulls he faced the Philadelphia 76ers and their star Charles Barkley.\n\nPippen came off the bench and for a total of 23 minutes spent on the court, he managed to achieve 10 points, 4 assists, 2 steals, and 1 rebound. In the end, the Bulls grabbed the W by winning 104-94.\n\nPlayer had no significant weaknesses.\n\nIn 1996, Pippen acted in the movie Space Jam alongside his fellow teammate from the Chicago Bulls, legendary Michael Jordan. Scottie\u2019s role was uncredited in the movie.\n\nOther than basketball matches itself, Scottie appeared in the episode called Baby Shower of the TV series ER in 1996 as Scottie Pippen.\n\nDespite we know that Scottie\u2019s athletic abilities didn\u2019t come over night, but he worked really hard to become what he did become (One of the best all-time NBA defensive players), we still didn\u2019t manage to find a lead on his workout regime while he was an active basketball player.\n\nScottie\u2019s favorite things are not known.", null, null, null]} +{"images": ["https://worldnews.su/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/db13846c370fcf02fadf1c37d160d76c.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://worldnews.su/world/kabul-terror-attack-multiple-explosions-as-gunfire-rings-out-with-deaths-feared-world-news.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://worldnews.su/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/db13846c370fcf02fadf1c37d160d76c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://worldnews.su/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/db13846c370fcf02fadf1c37d160d76c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db c fcf fadf c d d c\", \"alt_text\": \"Kabul terror attack: Multiple explosions as gunfire rings out with deaths feared \\u2013 World News\", \"original_width\": 500, \"original_height\": 262, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://worldnews.su/world/kabul-terror-attack-multiple-explosions-as-gunfire-rings-out-with-deaths-feared-world-news.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103626162.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20220629084939-20220629114939-00694.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 683956680, \"warc_record_length\": 14884}", "texts": [null, "Multiple explosions have been heard along with gunfire at a Sikh temple in the Afghanistan capital Kabul, with many feared dead in what is being reported as a possible terror attack by ISIS.\n\nFour consecutive blasts have been reported coming from the Gurdwara Karte Parwan, a Sikh place of worship, in Kabul, and shooting is ongoing on Saturday morning.\n\nArmed attackers are believed to have entered the building and a siege is taking place, reported tribuneindia.com.\n\nThere are reports that there could be up to 15 hostages being held on the second floor of the temple.\n\nEye witness accounts have claimed that there are many dead and people are being taken to hospital.\n\nThe front door of the building is on fire and Taliban forces are preparing to attack the gunman inside who are thought to be from ISIS, it is reported.\n\nManjinder Singh Sirsa, of India's BJP political party, reportedly spoke to the Gurdwara Karte Parwan President Gurnam Singh, who confirmed that the attack started at 6am local time when the first prayers of the day were underway.\n\nMr Singh Sirsa posted a video on Twitter showing large plumes of black smoke and the sounds of gunfire.\n\nHe wrote: \"Video of terrorist attack on Karte Parwan Gurdwara Sahib in Kabul at 6am today. At present the Gurudwara is in the possession of terrorists. This is the main gurdwara of minority Sikhs in Afghanistan.\"\n\nIn a follow up tweet he said: Sikh Sangat (approx 10-15 in number) stuck in Gurdwara Karte Parwan in Kabul which was attacked by terrorists today morning. One person has been reported dead in this attack.\"\n\nPrevious : Tens of thousands to protest demanding government does more in cost-of-living crisis\nNext : Daughter of Brit jailed in Iran says Father\u2019s Day is \u2018the hardest day of all\u2019 \u2013 World News"]} +{"images": [null, "https://observer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/GettyImages-1240311308.jpg?quality=80&w=970&strip"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://observer.com/2022/05/what-will-elon-musk-do-with-twitter-here-is-a-6-point-guide/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://observer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/GettyImages-1240311308.jpg?quality=80&w=970&strip\", \"src\": \"https://observer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/GettyImages-1240311308.jpg?quality=80&w=970&strip\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GettyImages\", \"alt_text\": \"What Will Elon Musk Do With Twitter? Here is a 6-Point Guide\", \"original_width\": 970, \"original_height\": 614, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://observer.com/2022/05/what-will-elon-musk-do-with-twitter-here-is-a-6-point-guide/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500758.20/warc/CC-MAIN-20230208092053-20230208122053-00639.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 450138738, \"warc_record_length\": 24833}", "texts": ["Barring a messy, last-minute divorce, Elon Musk is on track to own Twitter (and yes, mea culpa). The mercurial, brilliant entrepreneur offloaded around $8.5 billion of Tesla stock this week as he prepared to pay for his $44 billion side project. And soon, he\u2019ll be free to change the service as he pleases.\n\nMusk hasn\u2019t yet presented a comprehensive plan for Twitter \u2014 he may never \u2014 but he\u2019s proposed several significant changes worth evaluating. Musk\u2019s ideas include lengthening character limits, open sourcing the algorithm, and effectively putting an end to content moderation. A debate is raging about the latter, but all have tradeoffs.\n\nAlex Roetter, Twitter\u2019s former head of engineering, joined Big Technology Podcast this week to discuss Musk\u2019s proposals, examining both their feasibility and advisability. Here\u2019s a look at the most significant potential changes, along with his commentary:\n\nUpon announcing the deal, Musk said he wanted to \u201cauthenticate all humans.\u201d Twitter has long weighed this idea internally, wondering whether making people confirm their email or phone number could help reduce harassment and spam. The company never acted, perhaps because authentication could drop its user numbers and anger Wall Street. But it should\u2019ve. Pure anonymity, Roetter said, \u201cfosters the worst parts of speech online.\u201d So he loves Musk\u2019s authentication idea. As a private company, Twitter could afford to take a user number hit, a benefit of Musk\u2019s ownership. This idea is feasible and advisable.\n\nMusk hates the spambots. \u201cWe will defeat the spam bots or die trying!\u201d he said last week. Roetter likes this idea, but it\u2019s not that simple. To defeat the spambots, he said, you\u2019d build a classifier that looks for characteristics of bots and then bans them. You\u2019d then tune the classifier to either be really aggressive, where you\u2019d eliminate bots but also ban a bunch of human \u201cfalse positives,\u201d or be less aggressive, where you\u2019d let some bots slide and ban fewer humans. \u201cI think you should do it,\u2019 Roetter said. \u201cBut everyone should be prepared, there is no perfect spam bot classifier.\u201d This idea is feasible, though not perfect, and advisable.\n\nAllowing for free speech is core to Musk\u2019s Twitter takeover. \u201cFree speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square,\u201d he said. There may be technical challenges to Musk\u2019s vision, including how that victory against spambots could ensnare human speech as well, said Roetter. \u201cI really don\u2019t think there\u2019s an answer that\u2019s going to make everybody happy,\u201d he said. Still, Musk could relax the current moderation rules and see how things play out. This move is somewhat feasible and its advisability is TBD.\n\nMusk is interested in Twitter\u2019s subscription product and could expand it. Making people pay for Twitter \u2014 or certain premium features \u2014 could help reduce spam and create a revenue stream if Twitter\u2019s advertisers bail over its new speech rules. \u201cIt\u2019s a really interesting idea,\u201d Roetter said. \u201cIf you don\u2019t want a bunch of what you think of as low-value activity to happen, if you charge more than the value that you think people are extracting from it, it should go away.\u201d Subscription fees could be normalized and scaled per location. This idea is feasible and advisable if implemented right.\n\nTo build trust in Twitter, Musk wants to open-source its algorithms. \u201cThis one is a head-scratcher to me,\u201d Roetter said. The algorithms themselves, he said, won\u2019t tell you very much. To figure out what to show you, Twitter\u2019s ranking algorithms essentially look at billions of examples of content, try to predict how you\u2019ll react to tweets and ads, and then use those scores to optimize what to show you. \u201cIt doesn\u2019t say, if you are Republican, then you\u2019re banned,\u201d Roetter said. \u201cThere\u2019s just nothing like that.\u201d Open sourcing the algorithms is feasible and perhaps advisable, but only to dispel the conspiracy theories.\n\nMusk has mused about adding an edit button and allowing lengthier tweets. Both ideas are technically straightforward, though they\u2019ll probably do little for everyday users who can already thread tweets together and delete and resend tweets with typos. \u201cI don\u2019t think it\u2019s going to change any of the main things that everyone is upset about,\u201d Roetter said. \u201cBut yeah, sure, why not?\u201d These ideas are feasible and, well, it\u2019s up to you Elon.", null]} +{"images": ["https://www.zwillgen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AdobeStock_394300808-960x540.jpeg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.zwillgen.com/law-enforcement/court-decision-rules-geofence-warrant-violates-fourth-amendment/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.zwillgen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AdobeStock_394300808-960x540.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://www.zwillgen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AdobeStock_394300808-960x540.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AdobeStock\", \"rendered_width\": 960, \"rendered_height\": 540, \"original_width\": 960, \"original_height\": 540, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.zwillgen.com/law-enforcement/court-decision-rules-geofence-warrant-violates-fourth-amendment/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710789.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20221201021257-20221201051257-00652.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1124917887, \"warc_record_length\": 23522}", "texts": [null, "In a long-awaited decision, a federal court in Virginia ruled in United States v. Chatrie that a geofence warrant violated the Fourth Amendment, but that the fruits of the unconstitutional search could nevertheless be used against the defendant under the good faith exception to the warrant requirement. The Court found that the warrant at issue lacked particularized probable cause to search all nineteen Google users within the geofence. Because most geofence warrants inherently suffer from the same defect, the Chatrie decision calls into question law enforcement\u2019s ability to pursue this form of search warrant in the future. However, the Court stopped short of finding that geofence warrants are categorically unconstitutional and declined to resolve several important questions at this thorny intersection of law and technology. This ruling leaves law enforcement, providers, and the public with continuing uncertainty about whether and under what circumstances geofence warrants pass constitutional muster, but suggests that they must be used more narrowly and with greater judicial oversight than they have been in recent years.\n\nIn Chatrie, law enforcement employed a geofiltered data search, more commonly referred to as a geofence search warrant, to identify a suspect in a bank robbery. Contrary to what the term suggests, the use of a geofence does not limit law enforcement\u2019s search authority to a particular time and place. Instead, this process empowers law enforcement to demand that a provider comb through its records, dragnet-style, to determine which devices, and consequently which associated individuals, entered the designated geofence.\n\nLike another geofence search warrant that was found to violate the Fourth Amendment, the warrant at issue in this case involved a three-step process:\n\nThe geofence zone in Chatrie was a circle 300 meters in diameter, covering a portion of Richmond, Virginia, that included a church, a parking lot, and the bank that had been robbed. The warrant covered a time frame of one hour, and it allowed law enforcement, in executing the warrant\u2019s second step, to direct Google to provide further location data for an additional thirty minutes before and after that hour.\n\nIn executing Step 1 of the search, Google found nineteen mobile devices with Location History enabled had been within the geofence zone during the designated hour. Law enforcement then directed Google to provide additional data for all nineteen devices in Step 2, though it narrowed its request to just nine devices after getting pushback from Google. In Step 3, law enforcement required Google to provide identifying information for three individuals associated with devices of interest. The agent did not explain\u2014to Google or to the court that issued the warrant\u2014any basis for selecting nine devices in Step 2 or three of them in Step 3.\n\nThe information that Google provided under the warrant led police to identify Chatrie as a suspect and ultimately prosecute him in connection with the robbery. Chatrie then moved to suppress the evidence the search produced.\n\nThe U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia found that the warrant \u201cplainly\u201d violated the Fourth Amendment because law enforcement lacked probable cause to search each of the nineteen users whose devices were identified in Step 1 of the warrant execution process as having location history data responsive to the search parameters. The Court nevertheless denied suppression based on law enforcement\u2019s good faith reliance on the warrant.\n\nIn its lengthy ruling, the Court considered some of the complex legal questions that geofence warrants raise. Though not addressed explicitly, the decision grapples with the question of whether a Fourth Amendment \u201csearch\u201d occurs through the use of a geofence. No court has yet ruled on whether the use of such technology constitutes a search requiring a warrant under the Fourth Amendment. Like other courts that have evaluated the constitutionality of geofence warrants, the Court here assumed for the sake of argument\u2014and because law enforcement applied for a warrant\u2014that a search occurred. In sidestepping this issue, the Court avoided a fundamental underlying question: At what point in the geofence process does a search occur?\n\nChatrie argued that the search occurs when Google examines the location data of all mobile device users with Location History enabled in order to identify devices that were present in the geofence. The review of millions of users\u2019 location data in Step 1 to identify the nineteen potentially relevant accounts was clearly something Google did only as a result of the warrant\u2019s compulsion. If this initial review constituted a Fourth Amendment search, then law enforcement searched the data of millions of people\u2014which would almost certainly fail to pass muster under the Fourth Amendment\u2019s probable cause requirement.\n\nBut the Court did not address whether ordering that initial step was itself a Fourth Amendment search that required a showing of probable cause. Instead, the Chatrie opinion\u2019s probable cause analysis focuses only on whether probable cause existed to subject the nineteen accounts identified in Step 1 to a further search in Step 2. Under this analytical framework, however, it is impossible to determine who, or even how many people, will be searched until Step 1 of the search execution is completed\u2014which does not neatly square with the Fourth Amendment requirements that a warrant be sufficiently particular as to the persons to be searched and be predicated on probable cause as to each of them.\n\nIn addition to finding a lack of individualized probable cause for each of the nineteen devices located in Step 1 of the search, the Court found that Steps 2 and 3 impermissibly gave unbridled discretion to law enforcement to determine which of the nineteen devices to subject to further scrutiny. The Court held that such unchecked authority violated the Fourth Amendment\u2019s particularity requirement. However, it explicitly left open the possibility that the problem could be addressed by requiring law enforcement to return to court for judicial approval of the selections made in each of Steps 2 and 3.\n\nFinally, as to the third-party doctrine, the Court considered whether Chatrie waived any expectation of privacy he might have had in his location data by sharing it with Google, but concluded that the third-party doctrine likely should not apply. The Court also doubted that an individual waives all privacy interests in his location data and assumes the risk that Google would share such data with law enforcement merely by opting in to a location service and suggested that the adequacy of the provider\u2019s consumer-facing privacy disclosures plays some role in whether privacy interests have been waived. However, the Court stopped short of ruling on this issue.\n\nThis decision adds to what is now a handful of rulings addressing the constitutionality of geofiltered data search warrants under the Fourth Amendment. However, there are still significant open questions that courts have not addressed\u2014either because these questions have not been squarely presented before courts in a manner requiring courts to rule on them or because courts have avoided the issues in deciding the cases before them. Some of those questions may be answered by state legislatures like New York\u2019s, which is considering a bill to ban geofence warrants. But more likely the answers will come from federal and state courts addressing suppression motions and warrant applications arising from the explosive use of this still nascent investigative technique."]} +{"images": [null, "http://cdn.idropnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/23075239/Rainbow-iPhone-Wallpaper1-729x480.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.idropnews.com/news/beats-releases-ultra-affordable-new-50-beats-flex-wireless-earbuds/145050/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.idropnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/23075239/Rainbow-iPhone-Wallpaper1-729x480.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.idropnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/23075239/Rainbow-iPhone-Wallpaper1-729x480.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rainbow iPhone Wallpaper\", \"alt_text\": \"Rainbow Iphone Wallpaper1\", \"rendered_width\": 729, \"rendered_height\": 480, \"original_width\": 729, \"original_height\": 480, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.idropnews.com/news/beats-releases-ultra-affordable-new-50-beats-flex-wireless-earbuds/145050/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764501066.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20230209014102-20230209044102-00740.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 857199535, \"warc_record_length\": 30176}", "texts": ["Apple dominated the news cycle yesterday with its iPhone 12 press event. While Apple was unveiling new phones and a smart speaker, its subsidiary Beats took the wraps off the Beats Flex, the company\u2019s latest wireless headphones.\n\nThe Beats Flex turns heads, but mostly because of the sub-$100 price tag.\u00c2\n\nUnlike the AirPods, which are \u201ctrue\u201d wireless headphones, the Beat Flex uses a small wire to connect two earphones together.\n\nThe wire is meant to lay across the back of your neck when you are wearing them. This wire does more than just help secure the earphones, it also contains a microphone and call/music playback controls.\u00c2\n\nBeats is promoting the sound quality of its Beat Flex headphones, noting that they have greater clarity and improved sound thanks to a redesigned driver.\n\nThe new headphones also are eight percent lighter than the previous BeatsX model.\n\nLike the older the BeatsX, the new Beats Flex can connect magnetically, making them easy to store when in use. They also now have an automatic play and pause function that\u2019ll pause your music when you take out the earbuds and resume playing when you put them back on.\u00c2\n\nThough lighter, the new Beats Flex boasts 12 hours of battery life compared to 8 hours for the older BeatsX.\n\nKeeping with Apple\u2019s trend, Beats replaced Lightning on the BeatsX with USB-C in the Flex model. The USB-C connector is a welcome addition for Android and iPad Pro owners who already use that cable type.\u00c2\n\nAdopting Apple\u2019s technology, the Beats Flex has the company\u2019s W1 wireless chipset that allows it to seamlessly switch between devices linked to the same Apple ID. It also supports Apple\u2019s new Audio Sharing feature that lets two people listen to an audio stream from a single iPhone.\n\nPerhaps the most compelling feature of the Beats Flex is its price. At $49.99, it is about $100 less than the BeatsX, which debuted at $150. It\u2019s also significantly less expensive than Apple\u2019s AirPods, which retail at $159 for the model with a standard charging case.\n\nPre-ordering for the Beats Flex is underway, with orders shipping as soon as October 21.\u00c2", null]} +{"images": ["https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/L9fFDwAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/HEuKDgAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/QhlZEAAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/YmRmEAAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/yLwlneqlacQC?fife=w200-h370", "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/N26meWqmtZsC?fife=w200-h370", "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/TovHHlg84_cC?fife=w200-h370", "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/B22dDwAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/ql6qCgAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/ijxIDwAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/XRM9C5VWH-AC?fife=w200-h370", null, "https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/wshdEAAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370"], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://callbag.co/epub/the-love-song-of-j-alfred-prufrock-and-other-poems/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/L9fFDwAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370\", \"src\": \"https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/L9fFDwAAQBAJ?fife=w200-h370\", \"alt_text\": \"The Love Song of J. 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Alfred Prufrock\", commonly known as \"Prufrock\", is the first professionally published poem by American-born British poet T. S. Eliot (1888\u20131965). Eliot began writing \"Prufrock\" in February 1910, and it was first published in the June 1915 issue of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse at the instigation of Ezra Pound (1885\u20131972). It was later printed as part of a twelve-poem pamphlet (or chapbook) titled Prufrock and Other Observations in 1917. At the time of its publication, Prufrock was considered outlandish, but is now seen as heralding a paradigmatic cultural shift from late 19th-century Romantic verse and Georgian lyrics to Modernism. The poem's structure was heavily influenced by Eliot's extensive reading of Dante Alighieri and makes several references to the Bible and other literary works\u2014including William Shakespeare's plays Henry IV Part II, Twelfth Night, and Hamlet, the poetry of seventeenth-century metaphysical poet Andrew Marvell, and the nineteenth-century French Symbolists. Eliot narrates the experience of Prufrock using the stream of consciousness technique developed by his fellow Modernist writers. The poem, described as a \"drama of literary anguish\", is a dramatic interior monologue of an urban man, stricken with feelings of isolation and an incapability for decisive action that is said \"to epitomize frustration and impotence of the modern individual\" and \"represent thwarted desires and modern disillusionment\". Prufrock laments his physical and intellectual inertia, the lost opportunities in his life and lack of spiritual progress, and he is haunted by reminders of unattained carnal love. With visceral feelings of weariness, regret, embarrassment, longing, emasculation, sexual frustration, a sense of decay, and an awareness of mortality, \"Prufrock\" has become one of the most recognised voices in modern literature. Among the most significant works by Eliot's: \"Portrait of a Lady\", \"Preludes\", \"Whispers of Immortality\", \"Gerontion\", \"The Waste Land\", \"The Hollow Men\", \"Ash Wednesday\", Ariel Poems\", \"Journey of the Magi\", \"A Song for Simeon\", \"Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats\", \"The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles\", \"Gus: The Theatre Cat\", \"Growltiger's Last Stand\", \"The Naming of Cats\", \"Burnt Norton\", \"East Coker\", \"The Dry Salvages\", \"Little Gidding\", \"Four Quartets\".\n\nThe Waste Land and Other Poems\n\nLong regarded as one of the fundamental texts of modernism, a treasury of many of T. S. Elliot's most important early poems, combines poetic elements from diverse sources with bits of popular culture and common speech to recreate the chaos of Europe in the aftermath of WWI. Original.\n\nThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Other Works\n\nThis Squid Ink Classic includes the full text of the work plus MLA style citations for scholarly secondary sources, peer-reviewed journal articles and critical essays for when your teacher requires extra resources in MLA format for your research paper.", null, "The Waste Land, Prufrock, and Other Poems\n\nA superb collection of 25 works features the poet's masterpiece, \"The Waste Land\"; the complete Prufrock (\"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,\" \"Portrait of a Lady,\" \"Rhapsody on a Windy Night,\" \"Mr. Apollinax,\" \"Morning at the Window,\" and others); and the complete Poems (\"Gerontion,\" \"The Hippopotamus,\" \"Sweeney Among the Nightingales,\" and more). Includes a selection from the Common Core State Standards Initiative.", null, "This superb collection of 26 works features the poet's masterpiece, \"The Waste Land\"; the complete Prufrock and Other Observations (\"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,\" \"Portrait of a Lady,\" \"Preludes,\" \"Rhapsody on a Windy Night,\" \"Mr. Apollinax,\" \"Morning at the Window,\" and others); \"The Hollow Men\"; and the collection Poems (\"Gerontion,\" \"The Hippopotamus,\" \"Sweeney Among the Nightingales,\" and more).\n\nA collection of poems composed by Nobel Prize-winning writer T.S. Eliot between 1909 and 1935.\n\nPrufrock and Other Observations\n\nPrufrock and Other Observations (1917) is a collection of poems by T.S. Eliot. Published following the successful appearance of \"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock\" in the June 1915 issue of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, Prufrock and Other Observations established Eliot's reputation as a leading English poet and pioneering literary Modernist. Opening with \"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,\" the collection begins with an invocation of Dante, whom Eliot saw as an important innovator of a polyphonic, referential poetry capable of interrogating and dramatizing the construction and representation of the self. The poem is written from the perspective of a repressed, despairing middle-aged man who meditates on his relationships with women and the regrets he has accumulated with age. In \"Preludes,\" a poem of urban malaise, Eliot \"thinks of all the hands / That are raising dingy shades / In a thousand furnished rooms,\" and reaches for an understanding of the world as \"some infinitely gentle / Infinitely suffering thing.\" Other poems include \"Morning at the Window,\" another brief vision of city life, \"The Boston Evening Transcript,\" a satirical reverie on time and community, and \"Cousin Nancy,\" a humorous lyric celebrating Miss Nancy Ellicott, who unabashedly \"smoked, / And danced all the modern dances. Both personal and universal, global in scope and intensely insular, Eliot's poetry changed the course of literary history, inspiring countless poets and establishing his reputation as one of the foremost artists of his generation. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of T.S. Eliot's Prufrock and Other Observations is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.", null, "Do I dare disturb the universe? This is a question recognized by people around the world. If typed into the internet, hundreds of examples appear. Many know that it comes from one of the best-known poems of the previous century, T. S. Eliot\u00e2\u0080\u0099s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. What many do not know is that Eliot dramatically shifted his views at the height of his fame for writing such dark poetry as this and The Waste Land, becoming a sincere, devoted Christian. While his poetry is famous because it expresses the loss of a spiritual center in European civilization, a careful reading of it reveals that he was struggling with his Christianity from the beginning, not rejecting it, but trying to make it fit into the contemporary world. If the reader works through Eliot\u00e2\u0080\u0099s love song for all of the esoteric meanings, as he demands, it quickly becomes evident that he intended it as a struggle between agape, amour and eros. Beginning it with a quote from Dante forces that into place. Though the protestant forms of Christianity have changed their views on these, the Roman Catholic holds fast. Eliot references Michelangelo in the poem, bringing in the great painter of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Most immediately recognize his name and work, but do not realize how he expressed a similar personal struggle between the desires of the flesh and the spirit. Both of them admired Dante\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Divine Comedy, and its inclusion of amour as a means to salvation. Dante\u00e2\u0080\u0099s work is generally seen as the greatest literature ever to come out of Italy. This book is an expanded revision of Seeking God in the Works of T. S. Eliot and Michelangelo. It explores how T.S Eliot struggled with the highest meanings of existence in his poetry and his own life, and perhaps managed to express what has become known as a modernist (and post-modernist) view of what Rudolph Otto designated the mysterium tremendum, the experience of a mystical awe, the experience of God.", null, null, null, null, "Let Us Go Then, You and I\n\nLet Us Go Then, You and I is a new edition of T. S. Eliot's selected poems, published to celebrate his nomination as the 'Nation's Favourite Poet' in a BBC poll for National Poetry Day 2009.", null, null, "The Poems of T. S. Eliot: Volume I\n\nThe first volume of the first paperback edition of The Poems of T. S. Eliot This two-volume critical edition of T. S. Eliot\u2019s poems establishes a new text of the Collected Poems 1909\u20131962, rectifying accidental omissions and errors that have crept in during the century since Eliot\u2019s astonishing debut, \u201cThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.\u201d In addition to the masterpieces, The Poems of T. S. Eliot contains the poems of Eliot\u2019s youth, which were rediscovered only decades later; poems that circulated privately during his lifetime; and love poems from his final years, written for his wife, Valerie. Calling upon Eliot\u2019s critical writings as well as his drafts, letters, and other original materials, Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue have provided a commentary that illuminates the imaginative life of each poem. This first volume respects Eliot\u2019s decisions by opening with his Collected Poems 1909\u20131962 as he arranged and issued it shortly before his death. This is followed by poems uncollected but either written for or suitable for publication, and by a new reading text of the drafts of The Waste Land. The second volume opens with the two books of verse of other kinds that Eliot issued: Old Possum\u2019s Book of Practical Cats and Anabasis, his translation of St.-John Perse\u2019s Anabase. Each of these sections is accompanied by its own commentary. Finally, pertaining to the entire edition, there is a comprehensive textual history that contains not only variants from all known drafts and the many printings but also extended passages amounting to hundreds of lines of compelling verse.", null, "The Genius Of T.S. Eliot Contributed Immensely In Ushering Modernism In Poetry, Play And Literary Criticism. Therefore, Our Knowledge Of Modernism Will Remain Incomplete Should We Fail To Understand Eliot. This Book May Serve As An Introduction To Eliot, The Man, The Poet, The Playwright And The Critic. For The Benefit Of Readers, It Quotes In Full, While Introducing And Explaining, The Poet S Master-Pieces, The Waste Land And Four Quartets, And Also Some Of His Other Great Poems. Further, It Discusses About All Of His Five Major Plays, And Nine Important Essays, At Some Length.", null]} +{"images": [null, "https://maestrofilm.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/american-psycho-2000.jpg?w\\u003d535\\u0026h\\u003d754", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://kitchen-repair.info/daftar-film-mae-pong-38/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://maestrofilm.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/american-psycho-2000.jpg?w\\\\u003d535\\\\u0026h\\\\u003d754\", \"src\": \"https://maestrofilm.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/american-psycho-2000.jpg?w\\\\u003d535\\\\u0026h\\\\u003d754\", \"formatted_filename\": \"american psycho\", \"original_width\": 757, \"original_height\": 1067, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://kitchen-repair.info/daftar-film-mae-pong-38/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046154175.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20210801092716-20210801122716-00658.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 358919877, \"warc_record_length\": 11838}", "texts": ["In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world. Upon returning to the Gantz room, scoring commences and Kurono\u2019s earns 58 points. As Kurono tries to convince the last alien to stop fighting the humans, the alien commits suicide, and the entire alien ship is set to self-destruct. June 19, [21]. Season 3 DVD Borgen: However, Kurono is captured by two gangsters, who force him to enter a building that holds a multitude of Mr.\n\nChimpanzee DVD Disneynature: Season 2 DVD Californication: Retrieved 22 February Hound of the Baskervilles Sherlock Holmes: A pair of high school students, Kei Kurono and Masaru Katoare hit by a subway train after saving the life of a drunk homeless man who had fallen onto the tracks. Daizaemon faces an Oni alien who is able to turn his body into rock.\n\nSeason 7 DVD Scrubs: Season 5 DVD Seinfeld: Trivia Dai Li, the name of the protectors of Ba Sing Se, has a meaning in Chinese, which is \u201cto act on behalf of someone in a responsible position\u201d or \u201cto act as an agent or proxy. Archived from the original on July 22, Kato destroys its statue form; however, the alien then exits the statue body and takes a larger form.\n\nRetrieved March 17, So as for the show itself, where to begin?\n\nSeason 5 DVD Saftar Gantz\u2019s room is then attacked by aliens, and while Nishi and Takeshi manage to escape safely, the humanoid from the sphere dies. Tien is captured and almost beaten to death before he is saved and brought back to the Kana Khone villagers. Later on, Pong starts to encourage May Nhai to confess her feelings for Fame Thanapob Leeratanakajornthe most famous person in school, but she is scared she might electrocute him.\n\nSeason 4 DVD Community: Kim 5 episodes, Goofs The design of the white lotus tile changes through the course of the series: This page was last edited on 21 Novemberat Season 2 DVD Entourage: Hiroto and Kenzo fight against one that is able to manipulate fire and, although the alien is killed, Hiroto is incinerated.\n\nBeer Pong Fan uncredited Steven Stadler Hiroto starts to use telekinesis to destroy the machines in sight, but is distracted by hallucinations of Kenzo and Tonkotsu. Takeshi is attacked by several of them but Daizemon is able to defeat them. Season 6 DVD Monk: Retrieved August 6, Our Favorites from the Week of Sept.\n\nBeer Pong Fan uncredited Anthony Singleton Season 2 DVD Skins: She entered the entertainment industry in after she won a beauty and talent contest called HACKS. Who was the best-dressed on the Oscars red carpet?", null, "Those people who think that there aren\u2019t any action scenes in it are blind, obviously. The Animated Series \u2014"]} +{"images": ["https://www.austinchronicle.com/imager/b/newfeature/640116/d119/pols_develop1-1.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2008-06-27/640116/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/imager/b/newfeature/640116/d119/pols_develop1-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.austinchronicle.com/imager/b/newfeature/640116/d119/pols_develop1-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pols develop\", \"alt_text\": \"In the sparkling City of Brotherly Love, an outspoken coalition is successfully championing good design and planning.\", \"original_width\": 320, \"original_height\": 208, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2008-06-27/640116/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141194982.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20201128011115-20201128041115-00175.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 591253388, \"warc_record_length\": 17495}", "texts": [null, "In the sparkling City of Brotherly Love, an outspoken coalition is successfully championing good design and planning. (Photo courtesy of Philadelphia Citypaper)\n\nAustin is finally getting serious about urban planning. Last week at City Council, a fresh comprehensive planning process got the green light. For at least the next two years, we'll be engaged in a great civic conversation about the future of our built city. Yet no single community group in Austin is dedicated to advocating for good urban design. As we approach a rapid series of critical decisions, a number of the community's best and brightest urban-design and -planning minds have begun talking together about how they might better serve as watchdogs for the collective good. As trained professionals, they want better city planning and development decisions based as much as possible on objective design principles rather than political compromises.\n\nPhiladelphia's Design Advocacy Group offers an interesting model for Austin. Formed about seven years ago by a core group of six, including Chairman Alan Greenberger, DAG now claims nearly 1,000 members. By championing a \"Reform Agenda for Planning and Design in Philadelphia\" over several years \u2013 and having the good fortune to help elect new Mayor Michael Nutter, who has adopted its agenda as his own \u2013 DAG has become an amazingly effective community voice.\n\nThe all-volunteer group has no staff, no dues, and no formal organization. States the website (www.designadvocacy.org): \"Our goal is be proactive as well as reactive; effective as well as thoughtful; critical as well as constructive. We want to create an unparalleled voice for design, a group whose opinion on the quality of our environment is sought after and whose contribution makes a difference. We are a group drawn from a broad spectrum of disciplines, comprised of motivated individuals who are routinely engaged in matters of design, development and planning and who are not afraid to speak out.\"\n\nThat last point is crucial. Austinites tend toward polite public education and vociferous grumbling in private. What we lack is courageous, informed voices insisting on the recognized principles of good design and planning. (Greenberger enjoys saying, \"Advocacy is our middle name.\") DAG positions have been taken seriously due to the professional expertise and stature of its 28-member steering committee. Many are notable practicing architects. Others are University of Pennsylvania faculty members, some with the School of Design's \"clinical arm,\" PennPraxis, through which faculty and students work on community projects, such as the website PlanPhilly.com. (What a great idea for the Community and Regional Planning Program at the School of Archi\u00adtec\u00adture at the University of Texas!) Others are professional planners who serve on city and regional planning commissions. Lay members include lawyers, builders, developers, preservationists, economists, students, and PR and marketing types. All that's required to \"join\" is to provide an e-mail address.\n\nAt DAG's open monthly meetings, \"a free and frank exchange of ideas is encouraged.\" Presentations on hot development projects and controversies draw a good crowd of 50 to 75 members. DAG's advocacy positions are honed after discussion at monthly meetings, a flurry of e-mails among the steering committee members to forge a consensus view, and a formal vote when necessary. To advance the cause, DAG hosts public forums such as \"Pride of Place\" on the design and planning issues relevant to a particular mayoral election. It has helped lead independent design charrettes for important projects such as Penn's Landing, a major waterfront development. DAG members provide expert testimony before government agencies, write letters to government agencies expressing positions, and publish white papers, op-eds, columns, and letters to the editor. Financial support has come from the William Penn Foundation.\n\nHow effective has the volunteer group's advocacy been? An early high-visibility fight was against the Jefferson Parking Garage, an ill-conceived, overscaled, neighborhood-blighting project for which Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital sought zoning variances. While DAG lost the battle for a complete redesign, the publicity put the group on the map. They also lost a battle \u2013 despite an emergency letter-writing campaign \u2013 to preserve historic buildings sneakily demolished by the state. But their major initiative \u2013 a Reform Agenda for Planning and Design in Philadelphia \u2013 has been a thrilling success. Within two weeks of taking office, Nutter named new professionals to the Planning Commission (including Green\u00adberger as vice chair), the powerful Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Zoning Code Commission \u2013 just as DAG had advocated. The reform agenda called for creating a new Civic Design Review Commission; the mayor is now pursuing it. After witnessing DAG's by-invitation design reviews of major projects, said Greenberger, \"Now the mayor is calling for the Planning Commission to set up a design-review operation based on the DAG model.\"\n\nAddressing the Philadelphia City Planning Commission last week, Nutter gave a stirring speech \u2013 from the mouth of DAG \u2013 that, if heard here, would make many Austinites weep with joy. Austin Planning Commissioner Tracy Atkins, who heard Nutter address the 2007 Congress for the New Urbanism conference in Philly, remembers: \"He impressed me then. He is young and energetic.\" Said Nutter: \"As a city government, we reject the 'let's make a deal' mentality that dominated the past. Monty Hall has left City Hall. ... Those days are over! ... Planning is not a luxury, nor is it a jargon-filled veneer obscuring a deal-making process that slices up a city's assets in a disorganized rush. ... It's not a passive system, simply responding to developers' proposals; it's proactive and sets high standards of design.\" (Download the full text here.)\n\nMarveled Greenberger: \"We've lost a lot of battles, but we're winning the war of reform. We can't believe it! None of us saw this coming.\"\n\n\"Developing Stories\" visited Philadelphia during the June 5-7 Association of Alternative Newsweek\u00adlies Convention. To join a dialogue about starting a local group that advocates for good urban design and planning, e-mail planaustin@yahoo.com."]} +{"images": ["https://cdn.fame10.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwdWItc3RvcmFnZSIsImtleSI6ImZhbWUxMC93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNS8wOC8wODA2MzcwNS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJ3ZWJwIjp7InF1YWxpdHkiOjgwfSwicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwiYmFja2dyb3VuZCI6eyJyIjowLCJnIjowLCJiIjowLCJhbHBoYSI6MX0sIndpZHRoIjo4OTUsImhlaWdodCI6NDgwLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6InRvcCJ9fX0=", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.fame10.com/trending-news/will-smith-and-jada-pinkett-smith-slam-divorce-rumors/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.fame10.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwdWItc3RvcmFnZSIsImtleSI6ImZhbWUxMC93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNS8wOC8wODA2MzcwNS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJ3ZWJwIjp7InF1YWxpdHkiOjgwfSwicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwiYmFja2dyb3VuZCI6eyJyIjowLCJnIjowLCJiIjowLCJhbHBoYSI6MX0sIndpZHRoIjo4OTUsImhlaWdodCI6NDgwLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6InRvcCJ9fX0=\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.fame10.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwdWItc3RvcmFnZSIsImtleSI6ImZhbWUxMC93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNS8wOC8wODA2MzcwNS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJ3ZWJwIjp7InF1YWxpdHkiOjgwfSwicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwiYmFja2dyb3VuZCI6eyJyIjowLCJnIjowLCJiIjowLCJhbHBoYSI6MX0sIndpZHRoIjo4OTUsImhlaWdodCI6NDgwLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6InRvcCJ9fX0=\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwdWItc RvcmFnZSIsImtleSI ImZhbWUxMC cC jb ZW L VwbG hZHMvMjAxNS wOC wODA MzcwNS qcGciLCJlZGl cyI eyJ ZWJwIjp InF YWxpdHkiOjgwfSwicmVzaXplIjp ImZpdCI ImNvdmVyIiwiYmFja dyb VuZCI eyJyIjowLCJnIjowLCJiIjowLCJhbHBoYSI MX sIndpZHRoIjo OTUsImhlaWdodCI NDgwLCJwb NpdGlvbiI InRvcCJ fX =\", \"rendered_width\": 895, \"rendered_height\": 480, \"original_width\": 895, \"original_height\": 480, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.fame10.com/trending-news/will-smith-and-jada-pinkett-smith-slam-divorce-rumors/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499919.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20230201081311-20230201111311-00455.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 766206361, \"warc_record_length\": 32672}", "texts": [null, "Amidst a lot of shocking celebrity divorces and breakups, including the longtime marriages of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck and Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, one major celebrity couple is making sure their names don\u2019t get dragged into the divorce trend.\n\nWill Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have battled many rumors about their relationship over the years and, after recent divorces, it seems they were being pegged as the next ones to call it quits, that is until Will spoke out, slamming the rumors.\n\n\u201cUnder normal circumstances, I don\u2019t usually respond to foolishness. (Because it\u2019s contagious) But, so many people have extended me their \u2018deepest condolences\u2019 that I figured- \u2018What the hell\u2026 I can be foolish too!\u2019 So, in the interest of redundant, repetitious, over & over-again-ness\u2026 Jada and I are\u2026 NOT GETTING A DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!! I promise you all \u2013 if I ever decide to divorce my Queen- I SWEAR I\u2019ll tell you myself! #Dumb People Should Have to Wear Scarlet D\u2019s,\u201d the actor wrote on Facebook.\n\nAlthough we all thought some of the other recently divorced couples were going strong, it seems Will and Jada are still doing just fine after 18 years of marriage."]} +{"images": [null, "https://img.ednews.net/news/2020/10/photo_440902.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://ednews.net/en/news/politics/440902-iran-embassy-ill-wishers-trying-to-disrupt-relations-between-tehran-baku\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.ednews.net/news/2020/10/photo_440902.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.ednews.net/news/2020/10/photo_440902.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 400, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://ednews.net/en/news/politics/440902-iran-embassy-ill-wishers-trying-to-disrupt-relations-between-tehran-baku\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141750841.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20201205211729-20201206001729-00355.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 263492130, \"warc_record_length\": 22120}", "texts": ["\" Now, Armenians have two choices: Either they accept the situation or leave the country \" - Rovshan Ibrahimov\nRead: 349", null, "In reaction to the publish of biased reports by some media, Iranian Embassy in Baku said that ill-wishers and enemies are trying to disrupt Tehran-Baku friendly and brotherly relations, Mehr News Agency reports.\n\n\"In recent days, despite the clear positions announced by high-ranking officials of Iran, the enemies and ill-wishers of Azerbaijan Republic and Iran have always sought to achieve their sinister goals in order to disrupt cordial relations between the two countries,\" Iranian Embassy wrote.\n\n\"The embassy hereby declares that the recent rumors about the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the conflict between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia are sheer lies and are baseless,\"it added.\n\n\"The ill-wishers of the two nations of Iran and Azerbaijan Republic are trying to deceive the public opinion and hide the facts by launching evil media campaign,\" the Embassy said, adding, \"These propaganda and news, as the political aide to the President of Azerbaijan emphasized, is a betrayal of both countries.\"\n\n\"Iran and Azerbaijan Republic are friendly and brotherly nations and that friendship and brotherhood will exist forever and no one can disrupt it,\" it noted.\n\n\"The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly reject the false and baseless news and strongly condemns the spread of these heinous rumors,\" it stressed."]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/south-african-police.jpeg", null, "https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/olugbenga_ashiru-460x261.jpg", null, "https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/desmond_tutu-460x261.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/category/africa/page/17/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/south-african-police.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/south-african-police.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"south african police\", \"alt_text\": \"south-african-police\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 250, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 250, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/category/africa/page/17/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/olugbenga_ashiru-460x261.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/olugbenga_ashiru-460x261.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olugbenga ashiru\", \"alt_text\": \"olugbenga_ashiru\", \"rendered_width\": 460, \"rendered_height\": 261, \"original_width\": 460, \"original_height\": 261, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/category/africa/page/17/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/desmond_tutu-460x261.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/desmond_tutu-460x261.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"desmond tutu\", \"alt_text\": \"desmond_tutu\", \"rendered_width\": 460, \"rendered_height\": 261, \"original_width\": 460, \"original_height\": 261, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.hopefornigeriaonline.com/category/africa/page/17/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618039388763.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20210420091336-20210420121336-00107.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 930101659, \"warc_record_length\": 22399}", "texts": ["Mandela, Only Leader In The World \u2013Prof Adair\n\nAiling former South African President, Nelson Mandela, is the only person that deserves to be addressed as a leader in the world today, Prof. John Adair, the world\u2019s first professor of leadership, has said. Adair, the chair of the United [...]", null, "How Five South African Policemen Brutally Beat A Nigerian To Faint, Wake Him Then Tortue Him Again To Death\n\nFive Limpopo police officers beat a Nigerian man to death, the Polokwane Magistrate\u2019s Court heard on Thursday. \u201cI put it to you that you beat him, he fainted and you resuscitated him. He woke up and\u2026 you beat him again,\u201d [...]", null, "Nigeria Pledges $2 Million For Conduct Of Elections In Mali\n\nThe Nigerian government on Wednesday pledged a donation of US$ 2 million (about N320m) in support of agricultural development and conduct of free and fair elections in Mali. Vice-President Namadi Sambo made the pledge in Brussels at the International Donors [...]", null, "Desmond Tutu Vows Not to Vote for ANC Anymore\n\nArchbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu says he will not vote for the Africa National Congress (ANC) again in future elections in the country. Mr. Tutu who wrote an opinion page in the Mail-Guardian newspapers on Friday that he had in the [...]\n\nThe oil curse: Ghana struggles to survive \u2013 When Ghana struck oil in 2007, citizens expected the industry would bring them better lives and investors anticipated hefty profits from a rising African economic star. Six years later, all of them are [...]"]} +{"images": ["https://cmeindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/3rd-wave-study-cme-india-1080x675.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://cmeindia.in/covid-19-3rd-wave-experience-in-india-a-survey-of-5971-adults/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cmeindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/3rd-wave-study-cme-india-1080x675.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://cmeindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/3rd-wave-study-cme-india-1080x675.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rd wave study cme india\", \"alt_text\": \"COVID-19 Third Wave Experience in India, A Survey of 5971 Adults\", \"rendered_width\": 1080, \"rendered_height\": 675, \"original_width\": 1080, \"original_height\": 675, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://cmeindia.in/covid-19-3rd-wave-experience-in-india-a-survey-of-5971-adults/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500028.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20230202133541-20230202163541-00248.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 178693725, \"warc_record_length\": 42926}", "texts": [null, "The high breakthrough infection rate implies that vaccination as a standalone strategy will not be enough in the days to come. Multiple strategies of protection will likely be required long-term from a public health perspective.\n\nWhat is this Study?\n\nFor ease of discussion, the term 3rd dose will henceforth be used instead of precautionary dose\n\nFigure 2: The percentage of people in each age group who were affected by the 3rd wave\n\n5. Profile of vaccine use\n\n11. 3rd wave positive rates among those who got 3rd dose, versus those who did not take 3rd dose\n\nFigure 7A: Third wave positivity according to whether 3rd dose was taken or not\n\nFigure 7B: Comparison of confounding factors that could have affected the outcomes of 3rd dose\n\nThis indicates that infection was more common among those who had longer gap after 2nd dose. In other words, protection from infection appeared to be linked with how recent the last vaccine dose was.\n\nFigure 8 A: 3rd wave positivity according to gap since receiving 2nd dose, among those who did not take 3rd dose\n\nWe looked at people who took the third dose after varying gaps from the second dose. They were categorized into three groups:\n\nIn these three groups, we assessed the impact of the 3rd dose, as measured by the difference in 3rd. wave positivity rates. We found that a 3rd dose given early or during intermediate period made no difference to the baseline infection rate. But when the gap was >6 months after the second dose, taking a 3rd dose generated a 19% lower incidence of COVID-19 in the 3rd wave.\n\nFigure 8 B: Difference in percentage of infection rates between 3 and 2 dose groups, classified on the basis of gap between 2nd and 3rd doses. The longer the gap, the greater the additional protection observed.\n\nAmong those who had a 3rd dose, 716 got infected during 3rd wave\n\nAmong those who were vaccinated, but did not receive 3rd dose, 1577 got infected during 3rd wave\n\nFigure 9: 3 rd. wave symptom severity profile classified according to whether 3rd dose was taken or not\n\nThe severity profile of 3rd wave symptoms among vaccinated people who took 3rd dose and those who did not, were similar. The minor differences shown in the graph were not significant.\n\nFigure 10: Age of those who suffered moderate severity of COVID-19 during 3rd wave, expressed as % of total respondents. Although the chance of testing positive has higher among\n\n16. Public opinion: \u201cDo you think a precautionary dose is helpful?\u201d\n\nFigure 12: Sample of questions sent to assess severity of COVID-19 among respondents\n\nFor question no.2, more than one of the six choices could be selected, depending on individual severity.\n\nThey were later classified as asymptomatic, mild, moderate and severe.\n\nLess than 1% of those affected in the 3rd wave reported severe disease, defined as those who required supplemental oxygen during hospitalisation (6).\n\nThe chief reason that people mentioned for not taking the 3rd dose was that infections were being commonly reported after third dose."]} +{"images": ["https://media.sitra.fi/2015/12/24010343/saa2273.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.sitra.fi/en/blogs/moving-boldly-towards-participatory-foresight/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://media.sitra.fi/2015/12/24010343/saa2273.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://media.sitra.fi/2015/12/24010343/saa2273.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"saa\", \"alt_text\": \"_saa2273-jpg\", \"original_width\": 640, \"original_height\": 427, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.sitra.fi/en/blogs/moving-boldly-towards-participatory-foresight/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250607407.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20200122191620-20200122220620-00393.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1088907449, \"warc_record_length\": 11772}", "texts": [null, "How many municipal councillors or MPs have taken any personal involvement in foresight activities?\nWriter\nElina Kiiski Kataja\n\nHow many municipal councillors or MPs have taken any personal involvement in foresight activities?\n\nThe National Foresight Network was convened as part of the Foresight Friday event at the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities on Friday 30 November, to ponder the subject of municipalities of the future and the factors vital to their success.\n\nFor a foresight specialist like me, the event was inspiring in two ways.\n\nEngaging in foresight activities alongside those in power\n\nThe first source of inspiration lay in the way in which the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities implemented its major foresight process. The purpose of this process had been to examine the local authority of the future and the result was future images of municipalities (in Finnish). Instead of commissioning external consultants for the project, the association had engaged its own experts, leaders and councillors on a broad basis.\n\nThey began by collecting signals onto a group board on Pinterest. They then arranged trends into groups and processed them, before seeking future visions within each area. On the basis of their future visions and interpretations, they went on to build prototypes of the municipal services of the future.\n\nWhen foresight activity is implemented in this way, the result is a process of collective learning among participants and stronger commitment to the final results. To those who make their living out of foresight work, there is nothing revolutionary about this. On the other hand, I view public organisations and decision-makers in particular as overly cautious about applying participatory foresight methods. I wonder how many municipal councillors or MPs have ever had any personal involvement in actual foresight work. And how many ministers? If you can think of any, please let me know in the comments section!\n\nWhen faced with foresight data that you need to process into visions and concrete services, you usually also encounter an entirely new outlook about which you might otherwise have been oblivious. I believe that, right now, as Finland slogs through a quagmire of austerity and despair, we need future-oriented work more than ever as the basis of future visions and foresight \u2013 particularly among political leaders at various levels. Many thanks to the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities for taking bold steps forward with this!\n\nThe second aspect of my inspiration is associated with the previous one. At the event, we also heard of a municipality that is already turning its strong, future-oriented activity and faith into reality. That municipality is Pirkkala, which has given thought to its future vision as the political system changes and its municipal identity becomes based on something other than organising services. How to create an identity that places democracy and dynamism at the heart of municipal operations?\n\nPirkkala seems to have succeeded well in this. It is true that it had a good framework from the beginning: it is located next to the large city of Tampere, has good transport connections, a beautiful environment and a balanced municipal economy. Still, this is not enough if political leaders or civil servants lack the ability to reform and the willingness to attain a healthy governance culture. Pirkkala has had the will and ability to invest in both.\n\nWhat do measures taken to secure future competencies look like in concrete terms? Pirkkala\u2019s vision is centred around a contented community and municipality which provides a lively, happy environment in which people want to settle. In other words, the municipality dares to connect well-being to happiness, not just service provision and other traditional factors. Strong trust between politicians, civil servants and local residents is promoting the implementation of this vision. They have no intention of paying mere lip service to the \u201cfacilitating role of civil servants\u201d, but want to genuinely think about what facilitation means and the skills it requires. They are adopting social media tools and understand that their use requires new skills and approaches, from both politicians and civil servants. They view dynamism as being about tearing down boundaries and are willing to co-operate with partner cities across national frontiers.\n\nWith social and healthcare reform just around the corner, now is a good time to re-examine regional and municipal identities. Many regions are already doing so. Last month, the Pirkanmaa Future Forum mapped the factors of future success and more major regional foresight events have been penned in for the spring. I will comment on these closer to the actual events. Before then, I hope that as many people as possible throw down the gauntlet to decision-makers, challenging them to join in their foresight activities.\n\nWeekly notes is a series of blogs offering insights into the topical issues being discussed each week by Sitra\u2019s research and strategy team. Our Weekly Notes are gathered together here.\n\nDelving into future trends \u2013 is there cause for optimism?"]} +{"images": [null, "https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/countach-yellow-hanna-big.jpg?w=610&h=411", null, "https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/wilma.jpg?w=610&h=688", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.com/2013/05/14/four-minute-warning-or-last-night-the-plans-for-a-future-war-was-all-i-saw-on-channel-four/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/countach-yellow-hanna-big.jpg?w=610&h=411\", \"src\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/countach-yellow-hanna-big.jpg?w=610&h=411\", \"formatted_filename\": \"countach yellow hanna big\", \"alt_text\": \"Brrrrrrrrmmmm\", \"rendered_width\": 610, \"rendered_height\": 411, \"original_width\": 610, \"original_height\": 411, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.com/2013/05/14/four-minute-warning-or-last-night-the-plans-for-a-future-war-was-all-i-saw-on-channel-four/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/wilma.jpg?w=610&h=688\", \"src\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/wilma.jpg?w=610&h=688\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wilma\", \"alt_text\": \"Not quite enough frosted lipgloss in this one\", \"rendered_width\": 610, \"rendered_height\": 688, \"original_width\": 610, \"original_height\": 688, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://suesspiciousminds.com/2013/05/14/four-minute-warning-or-last-night-the-plans-for-a-future-war-was-all-i-saw-on-channel-four/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323588398.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20211028162638-20211028192638-00233.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 664847335, \"warc_record_length\": 31698}", "texts": ["RSS Feed\n\u2190 \u201cAs a drunkard uses a lamppost\u2026\u201d\n\u201cFriendly McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear\u201d \u2192\n\nFour minute warning [or \u201clast night the plans for a future war, was all I saw, on Channel Four\u201d ]\n\nI realise, as one of the markers of getting old, that a cultural touchstone of my life, the \u201cfour minute warning\u201d might well mean nothing at all to younger people, so before I start, I\u2019ll explain what it is.\n\nBack in the days of the Cold War, where we were worried about Russians and nuclear war rather than Al Qaeda and suicide bombers, the Government had an early warning defence system. They would know, from monitoring at Jodrell Bank (a big telescope observatory station) if missiles had been launched, and then the Government would bring into play klaxons, sirens and alarms to let everyone know that we had four minutes before the missiles would strike.\n\nGrowing up in the 80s, particularly in a city that was within a five mile radius of several RAF bases, and with left leaning teachers who were all signed up to \u201cSave the Whale\u201d and \u201cCND\u201d, I spent most of my formative years having these three facts drilled into me :-\n\n(a) You will need a degree to get a job, even a job stacking shelves, when you leave school, and there won\u2019t be any jobs, thanks to \u201cMrs Thatch\u201d\n\n(b) If you have sex with anyone ever, you will almost certainly catch Aids and die\n\n(c) You won\u2019t know when nuclear war will come, and any day could bring that four minute warning, but it WILL come [oh, and living where we do, you WILL be vapourised, no mutants and rebuilding society from the ashes for you, you will BE the ashes]\n\nThe school further emphasised point (c) by showing us the film \u201cThreads\u201d in which we saw a shopping centre not all that far from us get devastated by a fictitious nuclear war. That certainly made going shopping at the weekend a much more haunting and terrifying experience. If there\u2019s one thing worse than knowing you could be vapourised any moment, it is that you could spend your last moments alive trying on far too tight shoes in Clarks or looking in bad mirrors in Concept Man trying to work out if burgandy and mustard go together.\n\nWhat a cheery adolescence that was, alleviated only by \u201cAxel F\u201d, Gauntlet, Star Wars figures, Nike trainers, New Order, the Um Bongo advert, Wilma Deering\u2019s lipgloss on \u201cBuck Rogers\u201d and Frank McAvennie\u2019s blonde perm [these things not necessarily in order of preference].\n\nSo, it suddenly struck me the other day, that having lived under the shadow of nuclear war, and the four minute warning, an existential horror so incomprehensibly unfathomable in modern society that the only way I can explain it is to suggest that it made certain sections of the British public think that Sting of all people, was very wise, provocative and deep in his song \u201cI hope the Russians love their children too\u201d\n\nthat I hadn\u2019t thought about the four minute warning for years. Does it still exist?\n\nWould we get more time now, as with satellites and better computers we might know earlier that the nukes were being warmed up? Or would we get less, because technology in rockets has advanced and they would fly quicker?\n\nThis, by the way, is the message that would have been read out on all radios and on the BBC. It is, you will agree, a great comfort.\n\nHere is the cheeky opening which comes right out with the important bad news, just in case you were watching \u201cTelly Addicts\u201d and cursing that it had been interrupted by a party political broadcast. Don\u2019t touch the \u201choofer doofer\u201d pops, this is it!\n\nThis is the Wartime Broadcasting Service. This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons. Communications have been severely disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. We shall bring you further information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this wavelength, stay calm and stay in your own homes.\n\nRemember there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away. By leaving your homes you could be exposing yourselves to greater danger.\n\nIf you leave, you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection. Radioactive fall-out, which follows a nuclear explosion, is many times more dangerous if you are directly exposed to it in the open.\n\nI have to say, I personally find the idea of this warning being more comforting if I imagine it being read out by Hugh Grant\u2019s character from \u201cFour Weddings and a Funeral\u201d \u2013 done with much more beating around the bush and nervous embarrassment at having to say it at all.\n\n\u201cNot quite sure how to say this, and I\u2019m sure it comes as a bit of a shock to you all, it did to me, certainly, and I don\u2019t really know why Mr Cameron asked me of all people to tell you, but the fact of the matter is\u2026 gosh, this is awkward. Hard to really know how to start. Is it best, all things being equal to break it gently, or just dive right on in there.\n\nImagine for me, if you will, the really absolutely worst thing I could be about to tell you. Imagine a bit harder. Are you thinking about mushroom clouds? If not, you\u2019re not quite imagining the right thing\u2026 try again. In the words, perhaps of Michael Stipe, while he was still with REM in fact, it\u2019s the end of the world as we know it. Erm, sorry.\u201d\n\nSo, the news is, we no longer get a four minute warning. All of the klaxons and sirens have been dismantled (apart from, oddly, the one at Broadmoor). A combination of cost, difficulty of organisation, the realisation that the Electromagnetic Pulse that will accompany the nuclear missiles falling on nearer targets will probably wipe out electronic communication anyway, and oddly, the prevalence of double-glazing meaning that most people wouldn\u2019t now hear the sirens, led to it being put to bed in the mid 1990s.\n\n[Only in England could Safestyle UK \u201cI say you buy one, you get one free\u201d be the driving force behind ending the public\u2019s right to know that nuclear annihilation was imminent]\n\nJudging from the conversations that we always had in the 80s about what we would do if the four minute warning came, cancelling it did not so much stop people carefully stockpiling water and salt and tinned fruit, as prevent a wave of pimply teenaged boys trying to cop off with any female in sight and \u201cdriving a yellow Lamborghini Countach at 160 miles an hour\u201d\n\nI suspect that the reality of the situation would be that if we did get a four minute warning, there would just be utter panic, looting, a complete collapse of the internet and mobile signals as everyone tried to ring their loved ones/tweet something jaded and pithy about the war, and gridlock on the roads as everyone tried to either get home or get the hell out of the city. [Or even more depressingly, people spending their last minutes watching that last episode of Broadchurch that they Skyplussed, on 16 x speed so they can die knowing who did it]\n\nJust forty truck drivers blocking our supply of petrol for five days achieved much the same thing, so it doesn\u2019t seem unfathomable that we\u2019d get similar if not worse meltdown from a genuine actual crisis.\n\nI suspect, that given that all that seems to be gained from a warning is panic and misery, that the Government wouldn\u2019t actually get Hugh Grant on the television to tell you to stay indoors (using the protective power of your double glazing) and to save your tinned peaches for later.\n\nWhich means the only survivors of a nuclear attack on Britain would be pensioners (who are inside anyway, and have loads of tinned fruit), politicians (who get the secret warning and grabbed their expenses forms and headed to their bunker and drew up the Duck drawbridge), the inmates of Broadmoor, and people who were at home watching \u201cLoose Women\u201d. What a glorious future we will have, when things are rebuilt. Britain will be great again.\n\nThat was all a bit depressing. Who would have thought that nuclear war could be a bit of a downer, all in all?\n\nHere\u2019s a picture of a yellow Lamborghini Countach, to cheer you up.", null, "And if you are still feeling a bit blue, here\u2019s Wilma Deering out of Buck Rogers. If that doesn\u2019t cheer you up, I\u2019m out of suggestions. Perhaps find a clip of loveable TV scamp (and falsely rumoured \u201che\u2019s an adult with a kidney disorder\u201d ) Gary Coleman asking Willis what he is talking about.", null, "Law geek, local authority care hack, fascinated by words and quirky information; deeply committed to cheesecake and beer.\nView all posts by suesspiciousminds \u00bb\n\u2190 \u201cAs a drunkard uses a lamppost\u2026\u201d\n\u201cFriendly McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear\u201d \u2192"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/road-dingle-wild-atlantic-way-ireland.jpg", null, "https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/werner22brigitte-great-coastal-drives-big-sur-pixa.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/spectacular-coastal-drives.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/road-dingle-wild-atlantic-way-ireland.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/road-dingle-wild-atlantic-way-ireland.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"road dingle wild atlantic way ireland\", \"alt_text\": \"Wild Atlantic Way\", \"rendered_width\": 1280, \"rendered_height\": 854, \"original_width\": 1280, \"original_height\": 854, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/spectacular-coastal-drives.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/werner22brigitte-great-coastal-drives-big-sur-pixa.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/images/werner22brigitte-great-coastal-drives-big-sur-pixa.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"werner brigitte great coastal drives big sur pixa\", \"alt_text\": \"Coastal Drives\", \"rendered_width\": 1280, \"rendered_height\": 853, \"original_width\": 1280, \"original_height\": 853, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.exquisitecoasts.com/spectacular-coastal-drives.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500339.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20230206113934-20230206143934-00685.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 782007633, \"warc_record_length\": 19267}", "texts": ["The 5 Most Spectacular Coastal Drives on Earth\n\nEach of these 5 spectacular coastal drives should be on your bucket list. Add at least one to your future travel plans... you'll be so glad you did.\n\nIt was really hard to decide the ranking and, except for number one where all of us agreed, the positions were not by unanimous decision. Go visit, make up your own mind... and let us know.\n\nThe Amalfi Coast from the Santa Caterina Hotel - click for more info.\n\nOne of the scariest of drives with crazy Italian drivers doing crazy things.\n\nIf you don't want to drive yourself take a bus; the buses aren't for those of nervous disposition though - the ride consists of crazy lurches around sharp corners, while holding on tight to your seat and hoping the bus doesn't fly out over the sea.\n\nSo why did this coastal drive win?\n\nIt's far less \"wild\" than any of the other drives we feature but the combination of spectacular cliffs covered with olive and lemon trees, the bluest sea of all and around every turn a medieval village makes it unbeatable. More on this coast here.\n\nThis one is like a wilder version of the Amalfi Coast. The first bit, through the upmarket suburbs of Clifton and Camp's Bay, is very similar though - just that the oldest building here is maybe 200 years old compared to 900 on the Amalfi Coast.\n\nStill, the beaches are better than those on the Amalfi Coast with beaches like Clifton being rated among the top ten in the world. Camp's Bay Beach too is spectacular, with the Twelve Apostles mountain peaks rising up like sentinels, rows of palm trees parading down the beach promenade and the beach itself looking all white and lovely.\n\nThe most famous part of the road trip is the section called Chapman's Peak Drive: here the Atlantic Ocean crashes against sheer cliffs that plunge vertically into the water, baboons scamper about the rocks above and whales can often be seen offshore. Driving this section was one of the most incredible experiences of my life - especially the bit where you come around a bend and far below you stretches the great expanse of Noordhoek Beach; where racehorses train and appear only as tiny black dots on a vast canvas of white sand.\n\nThe last part of the drive to Cape Point is through a nature reserve in which zebras, ostriches and antelopes roam while seals lounge on the beaches. The end of the road marks the end of mighty Africa. As you look southwards towards the Antarctic, and watch the huge waves of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meeting in fury, you really do feel that you've reached the ends of the earth. The penguins, sunbathing in warm sunshine, on nearby Boulders Beach only confirms that feeling.\n\nThe best way to enjoy this drive is to start from Seapoint in Cape Town and head along the coast from there - here are the details of the entire trip.", null, "Everything about Ireland is a lot of fun. The Irish always seem to look on the bright side of life and, even if it rains every day, they get out and live their lives with a carefree spirit. That's the best way to enjoy this rather long drive too; don't worry about the weather, come rain or shine(guaranteed it'll be rain) get out there and marvel at the greenery (that rain is good for something), the slate grey ocean and views.\n\nThe drive is the longest of all the ones featured; if you do the whole lot it's over 1500 miles. My advice is to focus on the 100 miles of the Ring of Kerry or the less touristed Beara Peninsula.\n\nFunny how two of these spectacular coastal drives have rock formations called the Twelve Apostles - the other one is on the Cape Town drive.\n\nThe Twelve Apostles is the most famous of the sights along the Great Ocean Road even if there aren't Twelve Apostles anymore... only eight. The others have eroded away and collapsed into the sea. Don't worry though, the remaining ones are spectacular as they rise like huge sentinels from the sea. Best time to see them is in the light of early morning so make sure you leave really early. If you can't do early morning then sunset is second best.\n\nIt isn't only the Twelve Apostles though; the 150 miles of the Great Ocean Road has a bit of everything ranging from beaches to volcanic plains to forests to waterfalls.\n\nSadly, they have experienced a number of problems with landslides over the last few years and the road has been closed for long periods. It is currently open but check with the official website.", null, "One of the last wild stretches of coastline left in California, a heady mix of fresh sea-air, endless vistas and hidden coves. Head out north from Los Angeles on Highway 1 and 250 miles later you are in another world. The coast is at its most enchanting when the mists swirl in from the ocean as they often do; the way the spectacular landscapes vanish and then suddenly reappear in bright sunlight is unforgettable.\n\nIn a way the whales offshore and sea-lions on the beaches are similar to the Cape Town drive as is the scenery but if I had to choose one Cape Town is definitely the better of the two.\n\nMap of Where These Spectacular Coastal Drives Are"]} +{"images": ["https://peterbowes.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/china-girl.jpg?w=229", "https://kurungabaa.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/kowloon.jpg?w=228&h=300", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://petebowes.com/2011/01/02/china-the-first-night/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://peterbowes.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/china-girl.jpg?w=229\", \"src\": \"https://peterbowes.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/china-girl.jpg?w=229\", \"formatted_filename\": \"china girl\", \"rendered_width\": 229, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 229, \"original_height\": 300, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://petebowes.com/2011/01/02/china-the-first-night/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://kurungabaa.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/kowloon.jpg?w=228&h=300\", \"src\": \"https://kurungabaa.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/kowloon.jpg?w=228&h=300\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kowloon\", \"rendered_width\": 228, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 228, \"original_height\": 299, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://petebowes.com/2011/01/02/china-the-first-night/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337625.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20221005105356-20221005135356-00284.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 486450658, \"warc_record_length\": 27715}", "texts": [null, null, "The taxis outside Dongguan station were all home modified two-stroke mini-buses and none of the drivers knew fear or favour as Scoresby, newly arrived in the Middle Kingdom from the lassitude of a month\u2019s layoff in the Hong Kong Yacht Club, felt a strong uncalm as the feral rushing hordes of free market commissionaires plucked at him for his ride.\n\nA warm night in the oriental tropics is this night in this town with latitude similar to Mackay, and here these hot streets, barking frogs, and the vigorous blare of hundreds of car horns as China toiled away at the 24-hour restrictions of the 15th day of March 2006.\n\nThe black night air is dimmed up to grey with the misted poison of a million free-range cars and buses and trucks, and the air stings Scoresby\u2019s tongue, and he turns his foolish head at every hornbleat.\n\nTwenty-five 6 Star southern China Hotels are within a mile of the station, all nestled up nicely to the local nightclubs bars and brothels.\n\nOne and a half hours to the typhoon coast, where whispers thrilled of three-mile point waves and coastal cities beset with Malaria and Japanese Encephalitis. Dengue Fever, AIDS.\n\nAnd there in a small place a collection of gravel-mounded graves of some unbearded and unanmed English dead.\n\nScoresby exited the train, exited the station with its McDonalds advertisements of crayfish and mayonnaise burgers and entered New China\n\nEntered a town of unlit and crowded streets, where shadows of lounging men flickered by in the lights of unending traffic.\n\nHunkered down young men who lurked innumerably in small nestings, on dark corners, seemingly watchful, silent, and lit only by the glow of a shared smoke.\n\nThe baggage men plucked at Scoresby and yelled loudly at each other, they tugged at him and offered weirdly sounds of comfort and destination and safety, and all the time they winked and shoved at each other as the white man reeled from one to one other.\n\nGrab a taxi, get to the \u7f57\u70bd\u6cfd Karaoke Club by midnight, and I\u2019ll introduce you to the company, read the email from young Eric Desjardins, the Frenchman boat builder from Mona Vale. Three years here now and twenty pounds heavier.\n\nNo worries was Scoresby thinking, just grab one of these mobile Chinaman and go get beers, then point him towards the noise and find the party.\n\nShintao beer is what\u2019s left of Carlsberg\u2019s disappointing venture into the Chinese boozer market, and since then China has given the krauts the arse, grabbed the formulae, increased the flavour, increased the alcohol content, increased the bottle size, and decreased the price.\n\nSome people you love at first sight, thought Scoresby \u2013 China \u2013 almost a brother nation already, and they like a bet.\n\nSo with an underarm slab of Shinto costing $8 aus, lovely Korean girls on all the stools, music by a revolving succession of Britney Spears lookalites, and over in the corner eleven dangerously slammed Australians and Frenchmen singing like stoned cats \u2013 our man walked through the door at 1.30 am knowing now that home sweet new home has many rooms."]} +{"images": [null, "https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/5224/production/_101682012_usgs1.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://bluemonsterprep.com/blogs/news/hawaii-races-to-secure-power-plant-threatened-by-lava-flows\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/5224/production/_101682012_usgs1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/5224/production/_101682012_usgs1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"usgs\", \"original_width\": 624, \"original_height\": 351, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://bluemonsterprep.com/blogs/news/hawaii-races-to-secure-power-plant-threatened-by-lava-flows\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499713.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20230129112153-20230129142153-00439.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 159639259, \"warc_record_length\": 72974}", "texts": ["Lava from the Kilauea volcano is threatening the Puna Geothermal Venture plant on Hawaii's Big Island.\n\nIn the weeks since the Kilauea volcano began belching lava into Hawaii's residential areas, the fiery flow has destroyed dozens of structures and covered scores of acres on the Big Island. But authorities fear its destructive reach could ravage at least two more cornerstones of the state: its power supply and, a little less tangibly, its all-important tourism industry.\n\nOn Monday evening local time, the Hawaii County Civil Defense agency announced that lava from nearby fissures had begun to encroach on the southern edge of one of the state's key sources of power, the Puna Geothermal Venture.\n\nThe plant harvests hot liquid and steam from underground wells to drive turbine generators for electricity, which is then sold to the state's largest utility. The plant provides roughly a quarter of the Big Island's power, according to Reuters.\n\nAnother risk, besides the loss of power, rests in what might happen if the lava overcomes the state's protective measures: \"There's a steam release, there's many chemicals, but primarily the critical factor would be hydrogen sulfide, a very deadly gas,\" Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency chief, Tom Travis, told reporters Monday night.\n\n\"County, state, and federal partners have been collaborating closely to monitor the situation and work with PGV to ensure the safety of the surrounding communities,\" the civil defense agency said in its alert. \"Ten of the eleven wells have been quenched. Efforts are ongoing to make sure the site is secure and the community is kept safe.\"\n\nIt is the second step after simply shutting all the wells, which he says they already did when the event began. Crews were working overnight to quench the 11th and final well.\n\n\"Once that step is taken, we will be in a much more solid state for having lava overflow the site,\" Travis added late Monday. \"It's not easy to predict where it's going to go and when it's going to get there. So it's important that we get what we can done now.\"", null, "Lava spews out of fissures near the lower east rift zone. USGS\n\nMeanwhile, elsewhere on the island, the longer the lava keeps flowing, the longer one of the state's premier tourist attractions remains closed to ensure visitors' safety. About two-thirds of Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park closed May 11, right around the start of the summer tourist season \u2014 and it remains closed, likely deterring a substantial chunk of the park's more than 2 million annual visitors.\n\nA National Park Service report published last month estimated that those visitors spent $166 million in communities nearby last year \u2014 spending that \"supported 2,020 jobs in the local area, and had a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $222,394,900.\"\n\nThe number of visitors to the park has \"increased by 58 percent\" since an eruption on Kilauea's summit a decade ago, according to the NPS.\n\nNow that Kilauea's activity has dramatically escalated, however, local businesses have seen their income diminish in seemingly equal proportion."]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1158374616.jpg", null, "https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1164393438.jpg", null, "https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-505226394-4.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hammers.news/transfer-news/report-claims-west-ham-will-hand-michail-antonio-another-new-deal-but-is-it-a-wise-move/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1158374616.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1158374616.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GettyImages\", \"rendered_width\": 612, \"rendered_height\": 455, \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 761, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hammers.news/transfer-news/report-claims-west-ham-will-hand-michail-antonio-another-new-deal-but-is-it-a-wise-move/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1164393438.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-1164393438.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GettyImages\", \"rendered_width\": 612, \"rendered_height\": 461, \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 771, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.hammers.news/transfer-news/report-claims-west-ham-will-hand-michail-antonio-another-new-deal-but-is-it-a-wise-move/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-505226394-4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hammers.news/static/uploads/25/2019/12/GettyImages-505226394-4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GettyImages\", \"rendered_width\": 612, \"rendered_height\": 408, \"original_width\": 594, \"original_height\": 396, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.hammers.news/transfer-news/report-claims-west-ham-will-hand-michail-antonio-another-new-deal-but-is-it-a-wise-move/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400238038.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20200926071311-20200926101311-00540.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 853050933, \"warc_record_length\": 13706}", "texts": ["Report claims West Ham will hand Michail Antonio another new deal but is it a wise move?\n\nWest Ham United seem to be making a habit of dishing out new contracts to underperforming and injury-prone players.\n\nThe Hammers raised eyebrows when they handed the hapless Arthur Masuaku a new deal until 2024 back in July (whufc.com).\n\nThen injury-prone Aaron Cresswell got a new deal too, until 2023 (whufc.com).\n\nWinston Reid was handed an inexplicable six-year deal back in 2017 (whufc.com). The defender has not played for nearly two years and that contract still has four years to run.", null, "Who is dishing out the contracts at West Ham?\n\nMarko Arnautovic was given a bumper new deal last January when he was agitating for a move to China (whufc.com).\n\nHis form went from bad to worse and six months later he was gone anyway.\n\nThen there was Manuel Lanzini earlier this season. The injury prone Argentine, who had spent over a year out with a serious knee injury, was weighed in with a lucrative new deal until 2023 (whufc.com).\n\nHis form promptly dipped and guess what? He got injured again and has been out since.", null, "Report claims much-loved but injury-prone Antonio is next\n\nNow, according to Claret and Hugh \u2013 which is believed to have co-owner David Sullivan as a source of information inside the club \u2013 Michail Antonio is the next in line for an extension.\n\nAntonio is a real fans\u2019 favourite at West Ham. But supporters acknowledge he is injury-prone too.\n\nClaret and Hugh claims West Ham want to keep the 29-year-old at the club for another four years, despite his persistent injury problems.", null, "Ulterior motive for Sullivan and Gold?\n\nIt is the latest in a long line of questionable new deals dished out by David Sullivan and David Gold.\n\nCynical supporters believe the deals are evidence of the owners\u2019 lack of intent to spend money in the transfer market.\n\nAnd after a paltry \u00a325million net spend in the last two windows that is simply unacceptable to the Hammers faithful."]} +{"images": ["http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-snow-patrol.jpg", null, "http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-neighbour.jpg", "http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-stockton.jpg", "http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-berkshire.jpg", 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\"formatted_filename\": \"muslim neighbour\", \"alt_text\": \"muslim-neighbour\", \"rendered_width\": 624, \"rendered_height\": 468, \"original_width\": 624, \"original_height\": 468, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-stockton.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-stockton.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"muslim stockton\", \"alt_text\": \"muslim-stockton\", \"rendered_width\": 624, \"rendered_height\": 466, \"original_width\": 624, \"original_height\": 466, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-berkshire.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/muslim-berkshire.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"muslim berkshire\", \"alt_text\": \"muslim-berkshire\", \"rendered_width\": 624, \"rendered_height\": 458, \"original_width\": 624, \"original_height\": 458, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/harvard-university-quran.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/harvard-university-quran.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"harvard university quran\", \"rendered_width\": 520, \"rendered_height\": 333, \"original_width\": 624, \"original_height\": 400, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/eid-google.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/eid-google.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eid google\", \"rendered_width\": 520, \"rendered_height\": 347, \"original_width\": 600, \"original_height\": 400, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/islam-on-media.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://archiveislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/islam-on-media.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"islam on media\", \"rendered_width\": 520, \"rendered_height\": 282, \"original_width\": 600, \"original_height\": 325, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://archiveislam.com/the-muslim-snow-patrol-cleaning-up-the-city.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579251681412.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20200125191854-20200125221854-00304.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 13209660, \"warc_record_length\": 11206}", "texts": [null, "Came across this article about an inspiring act of generosity by a group of Muslim calling themselves \u2018Muslim Snow Patrol\u2019, not to be mistaken for the badboys of East London calling themselves \u2018Muslim Patrol\u2019, who have been embarrassing the whole community by shouting abuse at Non-Muslim women, taking alcohol away from the hands of Non-Muslims (which is haram (not permissible) because it\u2019s his possession and rules of alcohol consumption does not apply to them) and telling Non-Muslims to move away from the Mosque, which is against the teachings of true Islam as we\u2019re encouraged to invite fellow Muslims and Non-Muslims to the Mosque.\n\nGoing back to the The Muslim Snow Patrol, organised by Islamic Diversity Centre (IDC) in Newcastle helping clear residential roads and drives in Newcastle\u2019s West End. Newcastle City Council also provided the team with gloves, shovels and grit as well as directing the team to areas most in need.\n\n\u201c[Residents] have been really appreciative of the work that we\u2019re doing.\n\n\u201cThey\u2019ve been a bit surprised at why loads of bearded men have come and tried to help them clear their drives. As Muslims we believe that it is our Islamic duty to look after our neighbours, especially in these very difficult conditions.\n\n\u201cWe\u2019re trying to remove some of those preconceptions people have about Islam and Muslims by showing that Muslims actually do good things and are trying to help our neighbours.\u201d\n\n\u201cThe residential streets are more of a problem for [the council] because we just don\u2019t have the money to grit and clear them. This group is a tremendous example of what can be done and what can be achieved by everyone doing their bit. If every group just does a little bit then together we can do a huge amount.\u201d\n\nIt\u2019s not often we hear good, positive things about the Muslim community, so please brothers keep up the inspiring act of charity and dawah because there are Muslims out there who are out there to be on the likes of DailyMail or The Sun portrays the misunderstood version of Islam.", null, null, null, null, null, null]} +{"images": [null, "https://thegatorseye.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/My-Post-1-2-900x675.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://thegatorseye.com/3188/news/muslims-in-detainment-a-look-into-chinas-camps/?print=true\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://thegatorseye.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/My-Post-1-2-900x675.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://thegatorseye.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/My-Post-1-2-900x675.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"My Post\", \"original_width\": 900, \"original_height\": 675, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://thegatorseye.com/3188/news/muslims-in-detainment-a-look-into-chinas-camps/?print=true\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573145.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20220818003501-20220818033501-00506.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 510157631, \"warc_record_length\": 8481}", "texts": ["Muslims in Detainment: A Look Into China\u2019s Camps", null, "Recently, the world has learned of China\u2019s new measures to counter Muslim terrorism. The Chinese Xinjiang government has been detaining the Uighur Muslim minority in \u201creeducation camps,\u201d but documents and interviews are revealing that the situation isn\u2019t as innocent as it seems.\n\nAccording to these documents, the camps are meant to \u201ccleanse\u201d the Muslims. However, this cleansing has been said to be more like torture. It\u2019s hard to know exactly what happens in these areas, but as some people escape, new knowledge comes to light. According to the China Digital Times firsthand accounts, severe punishments were delivered to people who were reluctant to learn Chinese culture. According to this take from CNN, the Muslims were given incredibly low rations, and those who continued to disobey were taken, injected, and returned dazed and confused. The people have a bucket as a toilet and rumors of sexual abuse to the women were common. The Intercept interviewed Nury Turkel, a Uighur-American human rights activist. He described the situation as \u201ccultural genocide.\u201d China has not denied any of these accusations.\n\nIn fact, China\u2019s stance seems to be focusing on silencing these claims instead of proving them wrong. You may have seen Tik Toks about the camps go viral and promptly be deleted. One of the biggest and most effective videos was made by 17-year-old Feroza Aziz. Aziz\u2019s account was blocked and suspended, although Tik Tok eventually apologized. Further, China also announced that they have no intention of closing down the camps.\n\nWhile the situation is fading out of the media\u2019s eye, that doesn\u2019t mean that it isn\u2019t still going on. The camps are still up and running and aren\u2019t likely to shut down very soon. It\u2019s up to the public to keep the news relevant and to see what China\u2019s next move will be."]} +{"images": ["https://static.timesofisrael.com/jewishndev/uploads/2021/04/AN4T7158-640x400.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/video-project-twinning-shoah-survivor-with-celebs-wins-two-awards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.timesofisrael.com/jewishndev/uploads/2021/04/AN4T7158-640x400.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static.timesofisrael.com/jewishndev/uploads/2021/04/AN4T7158-640x400.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AN T\", \"alt_text\": \"Eyal Booker with Mala Tribich\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 375, \"original_width\": 640, \"original_height\": 400, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/video-project-twinning-shoah-survivor-with-celebs-wins-two-awards/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046155458.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20210805063730-20210805093730-00308.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 347762646, \"warc_record_length\": 14792}", "texts": [null, "A project which paired Holocaust survivors with celebrities to educate about the genocide has won two prestigious awards.\n\nThe initiative, launched on Yom HaShoah in a bid to continue Holocaust education during the pandemic, featured a series of videos with Holocaust survivors giving their testimony to high-profile celebrities.\n\nCassie Matus, Chief Executive, March of the Living UK said: \u201cWhen MOTL 2021 was cancelled we knew we needed something to fill its place. Working with our agency, Creative & Commercial, we came up with an amazing idea. If the survivors can\u2019t go on the March then the March should come to the Survivors. Frank PR and Broadcast Revolution brought this to life with the help of our amazing celebrities and survivors. We are so thrilled that it won two UK Content Awards.\u201d"]} +{"images": ["https://www.rowadventures.com/sites/rowadventures.com/files/styles/award/public/profile/Malcolm-Reed.jpg?itok=tUpXNECx", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.rowadventures.com/specialist/malcolm-reed\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.rowadventures.com/sites/rowadventures.com/files/styles/award/public/profile/Malcolm-Reed.jpg?itok=tUpXNECx\", \"src\": \"https://www.rowadventures.com/sites/rowadventures.com/files/styles/award/public/profile/Malcolm-Reed.jpg?itok=tUpXNECx\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Malcolm Reed\", \"alt_text\": \"male river guide with hat and blue pfd\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 750, \"original_width\": 500, \"original_height\": 750, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.rowadventures.com/specialist/malcolm-reed\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571056.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809155137-20220809185137-00754.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 870524278, \"warc_record_length\": 12466}", "texts": [null, "Born and raised in Washington, DC, Malcolm took his first rafting steps in West Virginia with his dad before going on to complete a Source to Sea expedition on the Mississippi River in 2015. One year later, he began his guiding journey on Australia\u2019s Tully River and he has since traveled around the globe, venturing as far afield as Papua New Guinea, Morocco, Chile, and New Zealand. One of Malcolm\u2019s highlights has been trekking through the rainforest with local tribesmen in Borneo while learning to hunt and forage for food. When it comes to rafting back home, he particularly loves Idaho as it boasts some of the most \u201cremote and wild spaces in the lower 48\u201d. Aside from being a keen surfer, Malcolm holds a Bachelor in Business Administration and Marine Biology from Loyola University New Orleans."]} +{"images": ["https://theshelfofunreadbooks.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/43217645.jpg?w=199&h=300", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://theshelfofunreadbooks.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/reviewthe-library-book-by-susan-orlean/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://theshelfofunreadbooks.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/43217645.jpg?w=199&h=300\", \"src\": \"https://theshelfofunreadbooks.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/43217645.jpg?w=199&h=300\", \"alt_text\": \"43217645\", \"rendered_width\": 199, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 199, \"original_height\": 300, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://theshelfofunreadbooks.wordpress.com/2019/02/03/reviewthe-library-book-by-susan-orlean/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323587606.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20211024204628-20211024234628-00141.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 701475464, \"warc_record_length\": 55792}", "texts": [null, "After moving to Los Angeles, Susan Orlean become fascinated by a mysterious local crime that has gone unsolved since it was carried out on the morning of 29 April 1986: who set fire to the Los Angeles Public Library, ultimately destroying more than 400,000 books, and perhaps even more perplexing, why?\n\nWeaving her lifelong love of books and reading with the fascinating history of libraries, Susan Orlean investigates the legendary fire to showcase the larger, crucial role that libraries play in our lives. She also reflects on her own childhood experiences in libraries; studies arson and the long history of library fires; attempts to burn a copy of a book herself; and re-examines the case of Harry Peak, the blond-haired actor long suspected of setting fire to the library over thirty years ago. Along the way, she reveals how these buildings provide much more than just books \u2013 and that they are needed now more than ever.\n\nAs a keen reader of books about books who also has an interest in non-violent and historical true crime, I was immediately interested in Susan Orlean\u2019s The Library Book. It\u2019s one of those multifaceted books that wears many hats \u2013 examining the devastating fire that decimated Los Angeles Central Library in 1986 and the personal history of the man accused of starting it, whilst at the same time providing an eclectic history of the Los Angeles library system and an examination of the role of the public library within our increasingly digital world.\n\nOrlean\u2019s narrative is extremely dense and the book covers a lot of ground in it\u2019s 300 or so pages. But the clear and engaging prose, which blends personal reflection with immersive journalism and factual history, drew me into the narrative and gave the book a compulsion.\n\nOrlean really captures the intensity of feeling that surrounds libraries and books. Her description of the library fire is devastating for a book lover to read \u2013 she really makes it easy to empathise with the librarians, who cried on the street as they watched over 400,000 items from their extensive collection go up in flames. In a fascinating chapter, Orlean burns a book herself; an act that she finds both terrifying and subversive. It\u2019s a feeling that I completely understood and I found myself mourning the lost knowledge that was turned to ash on the morning of 29 April 1986.\n\nOrlean\u2019s sensitive treatment of Harry Peak, the charismatic young actor suspected of setting the library fire, manages to convey both the fiercely-held belief that investigators had in Harry\u2019s guilt whilst acknowledging the fallibility of fire investigation techniques and the circumstantial nature of the evidence available at the time.\n\nThat said, Harry\u2019s narrative was, for me, the weakest part of the book \u2013 although that is the fault of history rather than of Orlean. Harry, a man who constantly re-wrote his own narrative, flits elusively through the pages and you definitely get the sense that Orlean, like many of the other people around him, struggles to pin him down. The Library Book is impeccably researched but, as Orlean admits, the truth about the library fire \u2013 and whether Harry had any involvement in it \u2013 will probably never be known. This does give the ending a slightly subdued quality \u2013 the pace drops off noticeably in the last third as it becomes apparent that this isn\u2019t a mystery that will have a resolution. To Orlean\u2019s credit, she instead turns the book into a love letter to libraries and a reflection on their importance in the world today.\n\nThe Library Book may disappoint readers looking for a true crime narrative. There are definitely similarities in pacing and style with David Grann\u2019s excellent Killers of the Flower Moon and Michelle McNamara\u2019s I\u2019ll Be Gone in the Dark, but this is a very different kind of book in tone. The Library Book isn\u2019t about finding the answer to a mystery \u2013 it\u2019s an ode to books, a love-letter to reading and a homage to libraries and their place in the world. It\u2019s a book that\u2019s perfect for anyone who has whiled away hours browsing the stacks or has childhood memories of magical trips to neighbourhood branches. In short, it\u2019s for anyone who appreciates the power of libraries to fascinate, to educate, to entertain and to unite \u2013 a rich, warm and heartening book that kept me spellbound throughout.\n\nThe Library Book by Susan Orlean is published by Atlantic Books and is available now from all good bookshops and online retailers including Hive, Waterstones and Amazon. My thanks go to the publisher for providing me with a copy in return for an honest and unbiased review."]} +{"images": ["http://energy.agwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2010/10/FoodWaste-239x300.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://energy.agwired.com/2010/10/07/wasted-food-wasted-energy/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://energy.agwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2010/10/FoodWaste-239x300.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://energy.agwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2010/10/FoodWaste-239x300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FoodWaste\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 250, \"original_width\": 239, \"original_height\": 300, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://energy.agwired.com/2010/10/07/wasted-food-wasted-energy/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764495001.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20230127164242-20230127194242-00001.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 241286356, \"warc_record_length\": 20698}", "texts": [null, "Looking to save some coin on your energy bills? Then stop wasting food. According to a new report published this month in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, \u201cWasted Food, Wasted Energy: The Embedded Energy in Food Waste in the United States,\u201d consumers could immediately save the energy equivalent of around 350 million barrels of oil a year though the curbing of food waste. Why? In part because the study estimated that it takes the equivalent of about 1.4 billion barrels of oil to produce, package, prepare, preserve, and distribute a year\u2019s worth of food in the U.S.\n\nAuthors Michael Webber and Amanda Cu\u00e9llar note that food contains energy and requires energy to produce, process and transport. As a matter of fact, rising energy costs are the largest contributor to rising food costs. The authors\u2019 estimates indicate that between 8 and 16 percent of energy consumption in the United States went toward food production in 2007. However, it appears that consumers don\u2019t take energy costs into account when eating as the USDA estimates that people in the U.S. waste nearly 27 percent of their food.\n\nThe report also estimated that when accounting for wasted food and the energy needed to ready it for consumption, U.S. consumers wasted about 2030 trillion BTU of energy in 2007, or the equivalent of about 350 million barrels of oil. That represents about 2 percent of annual energy consumption in the U.S. \u201cConsequently, the energy embedded in wasted food represents a substantial target for decreasing energy consumption in the U.S.,\u201d the article states. But the authors note the problem is probably worse because the numbers used were incomplete, outdated and conservative.\n\nThe authors concluded that the energy discarded in wasted food is greater than the energy available from many popular efficiency and energy procurement strategies, such as the annual production of ethanol from grains and annual petroleum available from drilling in the outer continental shelf. \u201cA decrease in food waste must be accompanied with a retooling of the food supply chain to ensure that the energy consumed during food production does in fact decrease with a decrease in food waste.\u201d"]} +{"images": ["https://usc-images.s3.amazonaws.com/cache/microplastics-scaled-1024x512.0867de41.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.uscleiden.com/news/2021/05/14/beat-the-microbead/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://usc-images.s3.amazonaws.com/cache/microplastics-scaled-1024x512.0867de41.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://usc-images.s3.amazonaws.com/cache/microplastics-scaled-1024x512.0867de41.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"microplastics scaled\", \"alt_text\": \"Beat the Microbead\", \"original_width\": 760, \"original_height\": 380, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.uscleiden.com/news/2021/05/14/beat-the-microbead/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662521041.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518021247-20220518051247-00703.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1269439293, \"warc_record_length\": 6324}", "texts": [null, "Microplastic is everywhere and many carry concerns about it. These tiny pieces of plastic can be damaging to one\u2019s health as well as the environment. How would you be able to minimize your use and intake of microplastics and prevent them from spreading? There\u2019s still a lot of uncertainty in regard to the damaging effects of microplastics. One of the places where their negative effects can clearly be seen is in nature. Microplastics are especially damaging to aquatic organisms.\n\nMicroplastics are pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters in size. These pieces can thus easily end up in the environment where they accumulate together. They aren\u2019t degradable, but do fall apart into even smaller pieces, which makes them impossible to clean up. Microplastic - and even smaller, nanoplastic - can be found in various bodies of water, the air, the ground, and even in our food. Research has revealed that microplastic has been found in:\n\nIn addition to this, microplastics are often also found in the following products:\n\nThere will definitely be microplastics in a product if the label states one or more of the following:\n\n(National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) has made a factsheet as commissioned by the Department of Waterways and Public Works, of the most recent developments in regard to the microplastic issue. In said report, the RIVM used international data on the matter as a basis for the situation in the Netherlands to be applied to.\n\nThe effect of microplastics on people as well as the environment isn\u2019t entirely clear yet. Research on this matter is often quite complex due to microplastics being a group of variating particles of which their properties could change even more due to weathering, the forming of biofilm, and/or the binding of hydrophobic chemicals in the environment. The scientific literature that describes the effects of microplastics on aquatic organisms is more extensive than that on their effects on humans.\n\nDue to their physical properties, microplastics can have a negative impact on specific aquatic organisms and affect functions such as breathing, movement, or the intake of food. Microplastics can also cause toxic effects due to the additives in them (e.g. flame retardants, dyes, biocides, softeners, etc.) or due to the hydrophobic chemicals that are absorbed into microplastics in an aquatic environment. A few chemicals are known to have had effects on the health of both humans and animals due to being identified as CMR (Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic), PBT ( Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic), vPvB (very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative), or ED (Endocrine-Disrupting).\n\nThe WWF website contains many tips and tricks on how you can reduce your plastic consumption. Take a look to see which alternatives you can use.\n\nTry us out for free.\n\nPlease fill out your name"]} +{"images": [null, "https://speedhunters-wp-production.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/23051515/2022-BMW-M1-Procar-Speedhunters-by-Paddy-McGrath-14.jpg", "https://images.hgmsites.net/hug/porsche-911-carrera_100864745_h.jpg", "https://eoouae45rgb.exactdn.com/2022/11/Ferrari-Enzo@660x550.jpg", "https://www.cycleworld.com/resizer/_0t6YxopDQQGqeJxRGW53fRMtPM=/979x734/filters:focal(611x370:621x380)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/octane/LYYNTZFGVFE3BF5KEA2A5IKOWU.jpg", "https://www.jazzituptruckandauto.com/wp-content/uploads/blog-jeep-lights.jpg", "https://gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Porsche-911-T-9.jpeg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://speedhunters-wp-production.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/23051515/2022-BMW-M1-Procar-Speedhunters-by-Paddy-McGrath-14.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://speedhunters-wp-production.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/23051515/2022-BMW-M1-Procar-Speedhunters-by-Paddy-McGrath-14.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BMW M Procar Speedhunters by Paddy McGrath\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 1920, \"original_height\": 1281, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.hgmsites.net/hug/porsche-911-carrera_100864745_h.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.hgmsites.net/hug/porsche-911-carrera_100864745_h.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"porsche carrera h\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 1919, \"original_height\": 1280, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://eoouae45rgb.exactdn.com/2022/11/Ferrari-Enzo@660x550.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://eoouae45rgb.exactdn.com/2022/11/Ferrari-Enzo@660x550.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ferrari Enzo@\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 660, \"original_height\": 550, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.cycleworld.com/resizer/_0t6YxopDQQGqeJxRGW53fRMtPM=/979x734/filters:focal(611x370:621x380)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/octane/LYYNTZFGVFE3BF5KEA2A5IKOWU.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.cycleworld.com/resizer/_0t6YxopDQQGqeJxRGW53fRMtPM=/979x734/filters:focal(611x370:621x380)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/octane/LYYNTZFGVFE3BF5KEA2A5IKOWU.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LYYNTZFGVFE BF KEA A IKOWU\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 979, \"original_height\": 734, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.jazzituptruckandauto.com/wp-content/uploads/blog-jeep-lights.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.jazzituptruckandauto.com/wp-content/uploads/blog-jeep-lights.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog jeep lights\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 800, \"original_height\": 533, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Porsche-911-T-9.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Porsche-911-T-9.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Porsche T\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 1920, \"original_height\": 1080, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://bedandbicycle.com/is-this-cool-idea-with-butterfly-doorways-the-subsequent-mazda-miata.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710764.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20221130124353-20221130154353-00274.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 161515301, \"warc_record_length\": 13553}", "texts": ["The considered an all-electric Mazda Miata may peeve purists, however there\u2019ll certainly come a day when it is a actuality. Whereas it is nonetheless too quickly to say when the primary MX-5 EV will arrive, Mazda immediately revealed a three-phase technique that prioritizes electrification main as much as 2030. Together with its up to date plans, the corporate teased the \u201cImaginative and prescient Examine Mannequin,\u201d a surprising coupe idea that we hope previews the long run design of the enduring two-seater sports activities automotive.\n\nFinal yr, Mazda confirmed to Automobile and Driver that the next-generation Miata shall be electrified not directly. We count on that to imply some type of hybrid setup, which corresponds with a part of the corporate\u2019s second part. Nonetheless, we would not be stunned to see a completely electrical Miata by the top of the last decade. We additionally would not be shocked to see an EV model that appears much like the idea proven in press pictures in addition to in clips of the video on Mazda\u2019s official YouTube channel (the idea first seems on the 34:55 mark).\n\nWithin the minutes main as much as the idea\u2019s first look, we see quite a few photographs of individuals fortunately driving totally different Miata generations, which additional fuels our hypothesis that there is a connection between previous MX-5s and the Imaginative and prescient Examine Mannequin.\n\nOur first have a look at the idea is seen via an iPhone display, with its uncovered chassis that includes what seems to be a T-shaped battery pack. The automotive\u2019s physique then drops on high and we see its passenger-side butterfly door open up.\n\nWhereas the loopy doorways are one of many idea\u2019s defining options, we do not count on them to be a part of a manufacturing mannequin. We do count on future Miatas to take care of a convertible physique model, though a fixed-roof variant just like the idea would not be a primary, as Mazda did provide the uncommon JDM-only NB-generation coupe.\n\nThe remainder of the imaginary sports activities automotive appears to be like doable, albeit ultra-dramatic. Its large hips, peaked entrance fenders, and low cowl are all exaggerated traits of the present ND Miata. The illuminated Mazda brand mounted low on the idea\u2019s nostril and the slim, protruding entrance lighting parts are different neat touches.\n\nAfter all, we notice Mazda\u2019s Imaginative and prescient Examine Mannequin may not preview a future Miata EV in any respect. We\u2019ve flashbacks of the visually arresting four-door Imaginative and prescient Coupe idea the corporate revealed again in 2017 that has not come to fruition. Nonetheless, its aspirational styling did go on to affect the model\u2019s design language, so maybe the Miata-esque idea will do the identical. A minimum of we are able to dare to dream.", null, null, null, null, null, null]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/79abbaf0ccd99c1f0900f67a1a81ac796b72eea0/c=0-60-481-421/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELDNGA.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop", null, "https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/22658ce5382b8f1b91e260836070d67069159f86/c=51-0-1104-792/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELE079.1-0.jpg?width=540&height=405&fit=crop", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/opinion/tribune-editorials/2016/06/10/montana-gets-manufacturing-tax-fairness/85722960/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/79abbaf0ccd99c1f0900f67a1a81ac796b72eea0/c=0-60-481-421/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELDNGA.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop\", \"src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/79abbaf0ccd99c1f0900f67a1a81ac796b72eea0/c=0-60-481-421/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELDNGA.1-0.jpg?width=534&height=401&fit=crop\", \"formatted_filename\": \"B Z\", \"alt_text\": \"The Edge for online\", \"original_width\": 534, \"original_height\": 401, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/opinion/tribune-editorials/2016/06/10/montana-gets-manufacturing-tax-fairness/85722960/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/22658ce5382b8f1b91e260836070d67069159f86/c=51-0-1104-792/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELE079.1-0.jpg?width=540&height=405&fit=crop\", \"src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/22658ce5382b8f1b91e260836070d67069159f86/c=51-0-1104-792/local/-/media/2016/06/10/GreatFalls/B9322505464Z.1_20160610193632_000_GVRELE079.1-0.jpg?width=540&height=405&fit=crop\", \"formatted_filename\": \"B Z\", \"alt_text\": \"Ball State center studied the states\\u2019 economic progress\", \"rendered_width\": 540, \"original_width\": 540, \"original_height\": 405, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/opinion/tribune-editorials/2016/06/10/montana-gets-manufacturing-tax-fairness/85722960/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370506870.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20200402080824-20200402110824-00330.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 935440331, \"warc_record_length\": 43051}", "texts": ["Montana gets manufacturing F but tax fairness A\n\nMontana gets manufacturing F but tax fairness A", null, "The report gave Montana a \u201cF\u201d for its manufacturing and an \u201cA\u201d for tax climate, plus other grades in between. The study particularly looked at the state\u2019s percentage of advanced manufacturing; a factory that uses a large percentage of robots, plus white-collar workers such as computer people, would be an example\n\nWhere factories once provided good-paying jobs for people without a lot of education in this country, those blue-collar jobs are drying up.\n\n\u201cThese data underscore the importance of talent development efforts with a focus on educational attainment,\u201d said Michael Hicks, director of Ball State\u2019s Center for Business and Economic Research. \u201cIn the long run, a well-educated and ready workforce matters more than any other single factor in the health of advanced manufacturing firms.\u201d Two related Ball State reports are available online at http://conexus.cberdata.org/.\n\nTo see Montana\u2019s grades in a number of categories, take a look at a graphic display of Montana\u2019s report card elsewhere on this page.", null, "That\u2019s how much less money Montana\u2019s general fund will receive for the biennium as of July 1, according to state estimates. Revenue is down from the oil and gas sector, coal, mining and corporates taxes.\n\n\u201cThe big (financial) cushion we\u2019ve been having for a while could be gone,\u201d state Sen. Fred Thomas said about projections that state general fund revenue will come up short this year.\n\nName of the Week\n\nWe like the name for the June 24 tribute to late Republican stalwarts Tim Babcock, who served as Montana governor, and Conrad Burns, who represented Montana in the U.S. Senate. It\u2019s called the \u201cGolden Tusks Legacy Dinner\u201d and will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Missoula. It won\u2019t take gold to get in, but it will require a ticket for $75 per person.\n\nBlog of the Week\n\n\u201cI am certainly not a journalist and I have never claimed to be. I don\u2019t even play one on TV, and I\u2019ve never even stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. I am just professional blogger living in a bunker, eating Twinkies, drinking Folgers coffee, while waiting for Obama to come and take my guns.\u201d\n\n\u2014 Mike Brown, who blogs at thewesternword.com\n\nTurnout in Montana was better than average for the June 7 primary election. We hope the trend keeps up for the Nov. 8 general election.\n\nNo doubt one reason for the improved public response is the increase in people asking for permanent absentee ballots they can fill out by mail, rather than trudge over to their polling place on Election Day.\n\nThere\u2019s no doubt voting by mail is easy. People accustomed to voting in person can opt to vote by mail instead by calling the county elections office. The number in Great Falls is 406-454-6803."]} +{"images": ["https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2011/11/Lady-Gaga-Judas.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://thenextweb.com/media/2011/11/08/last-fm-reached-the-60-billion-scrobble-landmark-with-lady-gaga/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2011/11/Lady-Gaga-Judas.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2011/11/Lady-Gaga-Judas.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Lady Gaga Judas\", \"alt_text\": \"Last.fm Reached the 60 Billion Scrobble Landmark with Lady Gaga\", \"original_width\": 620, \"original_height\": 620, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://thenextweb.com/media/2011/11/08/last-fm-reached-the-60-billion-scrobble-landmark-with-lady-gaga/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141176049.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20201124082900-20201124112900-00250.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 525905978, \"warc_record_length\": 21310}", "texts": [null, "Last.fm has reached the landmark of 60 billion scrobbles last week, less than ten years after its launch, the company announced today. In other words, Last.fm\u2019s users have now listened to 60 billion music tracks on the platform.\n\nAccording to Last.fm, the 60 billionth song to be scrobbled on the music discovery website was Lady Gaga\u2019s \u2018Judas\u2019. She\u2019s the latest artist to take a place in Last.fm\u2019s hall of fame, joining Bob Dylan whose 1963 song \u2018Blowin\u2019 In The Wind\u2019 marked Last.fm\u2019s 50 billionth scrobble (see our previous story Last.fm: 50 billion scrobbles and the return of the mix tape.)\n\nLooking at this data also gives a good indication of the site\u2019s accelerated growth over the last years; it took much less time for the site to host its latest 10 billion scrobbles than for its first single billion.\n\nAccording to Last.fm\u2019s VP of Product and Marketing Matthew Hawn, \u201creaching this figure is testament to the passion and enthusiasm demonstrated by [Last.fm\u2019s] users.\u201d May it also be the confirmation that paywalls aren\u2019t always a bullet in the foot?\n\nWhat\u2019s your favorite destination to discover music? Let us know in the comments.\n\nRead next: The Principles of Experience Design and 10 sites doing it right"]} +{"images": ["https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev5nFlYWYAA5SYk?format=jpg&name=large", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2021/03/07/sabres-lose-seventh-straight-with-5-2-loss-to-islanders/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev5nFlYWYAA5SYk?format=jpg&name=large\", \"src\": \"https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev5nFlYWYAA5SYk?format=jpg&name=large\", \"rendered_width\": 900, \"rendered_height\": 504, \"original_width\": 1528, \"original_height\": 856, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2021/03/07/sabres-lose-seventh-straight-with-5-2-loss-to-islanders/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710771.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20221130192708-20221130222708-00543.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 792006189, \"warc_record_length\": 23266}", "texts": [null, "The Buffalo Sabres played three games in a row against the New York Islanders at Nassau Coliseum this weekend. All three games ended the same way: with a 5-2 Islanders victory.\n\nBuffalo fell to 0-6-0 against the Islanders this season with Sunday\u2019s loss. The Sabres are 0-4-0 on their current five-game road trip, 0-6-1 over the last seven games and 2-10-1 since returning from a COVID-related two-week pause.\n\nOn Sunday, it was Anders Lee \u2013 who has six goals in six games against Buffalo this year \u2013 and Brock Nelson who scored for the Islanders in a span of 1:02 in the second period. Casey Cizikas scored later on in the second and Cal Clutterbuck added a fourth midway through the third. Nelson added his second goal when he dumped the puck into an empty net late in the third.\n\nJonas Johansson made 25 saves for Buffalo.\n\nJeff Skinner scored his first goal of the season, roofing a backhand shot on a wraparound to make it 3-1 in the third period. Colin Miller added another for his third of the season to put Buffalo within one before Clutterbuck iced the game.\n\nBuffalo is 0-13-1 this season when trailing after two periods."]} +{"images": ["https://movizark.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/charlie-day-0de987d60e62889d.jpg?w=300&h=210", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://movizark.com/2018/10/29/el-tonto-ray-liotta-adrien-brody-travis-fimmel-ken-jeong-join-charlie-days-film/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://movizark.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/charlie-day-0de987d60e62889d.jpg?w=300&h=210\", \"src\": \"https://movizark.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/charlie-day-0de987d60e62889d.jpg?w=300&h=210\", \"formatted_filename\": \"charlie day de d e d\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 210, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 210, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://movizark.com/2018/10/29/el-tonto-ray-liotta-adrien-brody-travis-fimmel-ken-jeong-join-charlie-days-film/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662539101.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20220521112022-20220521142022-00165.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 444833137, \"warc_record_length\": 39518}", "texts": [null, "El Tonto sees Day playing \u201ca mute simpleton who gets off a bus in Los Angeles and by happenstance suddenly rises through the Hollywood scene to become a celebrity, only to then lose it all.\u201d"]} +{"images": ["https://paradigmshyft495213390.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/dictator2-1.jpg?w=1120", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://paradigmshyft.com/2022/02/27/totalitarianism-authoritarianism-and-fascism-what-is-the-difference/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://paradigmshyft495213390.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/dictator2-1.jpg?w=1120\", \"src\": \"https://paradigmshyft495213390.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/dictator2-1.jpg?w=1120\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dictator\", \"rendered_width\": 1120, \"rendered_height\": 728, \"original_width\": 1120, \"original_height\": 728, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://paradigmshyft.com/2022/02/27/totalitarianism-authoritarianism-and-fascism-what-is-the-difference/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499524.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20230128054815-20230128084815-00673.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 442133024, \"warc_record_length\": 33777}", "texts": [null, "Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism: What Is the Difference?\n\nAll nations have an official type of government as designated in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency\u2019s World Factbook. However, a nation\u2019s own description of its form of government can often be less than objective. For example, while the former Soviet Union declared itself a democracy, its elections were not \u201cfree and fair\u201d, as only one party with state-approved candidates was represented. The USSR is more correctly classified as a socialist republic.\n\nIn addition, the boundaries between various forms of government can be fluid or poorly defined, often with overlapping characteristics. Such is the case with totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and fascism.\n\nTotalitarianism is a form of government in which the state\u2019s power is unlimited and controls virtually all aspects of public and private life. This control extends to all political and financial matters as well as the attitudes, morals, and beliefs of the people.\n\nOne distinctive feature of totalitarian governments is the existence of an explicit or implied national ideology\u2014a set of beliefs intended to give meaning and direction to the entire society.\n\nAccording to Russian history expert and author Richard Pipes, Fascist Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini once summarized the basis of totalitarianism as, \u201cEverything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.\u201d\n\nExamples of characteristics that might be present in a totalitarian state include:\n\nTypically, the characteristics of a totalitarian state tend to cause people to fear their government. Rather than trying to allay that fear, totalitarian rulers encourage it and use it to ensure the people\u2019s cooperation.\n\nAn authoritarian state is characterized by a strong central government that allows people a limited degree of political freedom. However, the political process, as well as all individual freedom, is controlled by the government without any constitutional accountability\n\nIn 1964, Juan Jos\u00e9 Linz, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Political Science at Yale University, described the four most recognizable characteristics of authoritarian states as:\n\nModern dictatorships such as Venezuela under Hugo Ch\u00e1vez and Cuba under Fidel Castro typify authoritarian governments.\n\nWhile the People\u2019s Republic of China under Chairman Mao Zedong was considered a totalitarian state, modern-day China is more accurately described as an authoritarian state because its citizens are now allowed some limited personal freedoms.\n\nIn a totalitarian state, the government\u2019s range of control over the people is virtually unlimited. The government controls nearly all aspects of the economy, politics, culture, and society. Education, religion, the arts and sciences, and even morality and reproductive rights are controlled by totalitarian governments.\n\nWhile all power in an authoritarian government is held by a single dictator or group, the people are allowed a limited degree of political freedom.\n\nRarely employed since the end of World War II in 1945, fascism is a form of government combining the most extreme aspects of both totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Even when compared to extreme nationalistic ideologies like Marxism and anarchism, fascism is typically considered to be at the far-right end of the political spectrum.\n\nFascism is characterized by the imposition of dictatorial power, government control of industry and commerce, and the forcible suppression of opposition, often at the hands of the military or a secret police force. Fascism was first seen in Italy during World War I, later spreading to Germany and other European countries during World War II.\n\nThe Foundations of Fascism\n\nThe foundation of fascism is a combination of ultranationalism\u2014an extreme devotion to one\u2019s nation over all others\u2014along with a widely held belief among the people that the nation must and will be somehow saved or \u201creborn.\u201d Rather than working for concrete solutions to economic, political, and social problems, fascist rulers divert the peoples\u2019 focus, while winning public support, by elevating the idea of a need for a national rebirth into a virtual religion. To this end, fascists encourage the growth of cults of national unity and racial purity.\n\nHistorically, the primary function of fascist regimes has been to maintain the nation in a constant state of readiness for war. Fascists observed how rapid, mass military mobilizations during World War I blurred the lines between the roles of civilians and combatants. Drawing on those experiences, fascist rulers strive to create a rabidly nationalistic culture of \u201cmilitary citizenship\u201d in which all citizens are willing and prepared to take on some military duties during times of war, including actual combat.\n\nIn addition, fascists view democracy and the electoral process as an obsolete and unnecessary obstacle to maintaining constant military readiness. They also consider a totalitarian, one-party state as the key to preparing the nation for war and its resulting economic and social hardships.\n\nToday, few governments publicly describe themselves as fascist. Instead, the label is more often used pejoratively by those critical of particular governments or leaders. The term \u201cneo-fascist,\u201d for example, describes governments or individuals espousing radical, far-right political ideologies similar to those of the World War II fascist states."]} +{"images": [null, "https://img.rasset.ie/0011ba1b-614.jpg?ratio=1.78", null, "https://img.rasset.ie/0013280f-614.jpg?ratio=1.02", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rte.ie/news/2019/1201/1096265-smith-isis-home-turkey/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rasset.ie/0011ba1b-614.jpg?ratio=1.78\", \"src\": \"https://img.rasset.ie/0011ba1b-614.jpg?ratio=1.78\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba b\", \"original_width\": 614, \"original_height\": 345, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rte.ie/news/2019/1201/1096265-smith-isis-home-turkey/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rasset.ie/0013280f-614.jpg?ratio=1.02\", \"src\": \"https://img.rasset.ie/0013280f-614.jpg?ratio=1.02\", \"original_width\": 614, \"original_height\": 605, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.rte.ie/news/2019/1201/1096265-smith-isis-home-turkey/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964363292.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20211206103243-20211206133243-00587.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1036937141, \"warc_record_length\": 22407}", "texts": ["Former member of the Defence Forces Lisa Smith has been arrested on suspicion of terrorist offences.\n\nThe 38-year-old arrived at Dublin Airport this morning after being deported from Turkey.\n\nShe is being questioned at Kevin Street Garda Station in Dublin.\n\nMs Smith travelled to Syria in 2015 to live in the so-called Islamic State.\n\nTurkish Airlines flight 1975 landed in Dublin Airport just after 10am with Ms Smith and her daughter on board.\n\nThey were accompanied by four escort personnel from the Army Ranger Wing and the Department of Foreign Affairs.\n\nMs Smith and her child were covered with a pink blanket and declined to comment when approached on the flight by RT\u00c9 News, simply responding \"No\".\n\nThe Dundalk woman, who left Ireland four years ago, was deported from Turkey and met by garda\u00ed from the Counter Terrorism Section at Dublin Airport.\n\nThe Garda's Security and Intelligence Section and the Special Detective Unit have been investigating her activities since 2012 and have gathered substantial information and intelligence from Europe, Africa, the Middle East as well as Ireland.", null, "Ms Smith and her daughter were taken to a van and driven to Kevin Street Garda Station arriving just before 11am.\n\nThe 38-year-old was arrested and her child is now being cared for by her family.\n\nShe has been granted access to all medical and legal requirements and is being interviewed about suspected terrorist offences.\n\nIrish Citizens Lisa Smith and her child (2yrs) were today successfully repatriated to Ireland. The expert evidence and the UN were expressly clear - the previous conditions were unsuitable and incompatible with international human rights standards. @PhoenixLawHR acts.\n\nShe is being detained under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act and can be questioned for up to three days.", null, "In a statement, Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan said: \"On her arrival in Dublin, Lisa Smith was met by An Garda S\u00edoch\u00e1na. In the case of Ms Smith's child, established procedures for her care will be followed.\n\n\"An Garda S\u00edoch\u00e1na and the Director of Public Prosecutions are responsible for criminal investigations based on facts and evidence in all cases and it would not be appropriate for me to comment on those matters.\n\n\"This is a sensitive case and I want to reassure people that all relevant State agencies are closely involved.\n\n\"A multi-agency network is in place here comprising agency personnel who engage on an ongoing basis with international colleagues regarding emerging practice in relation to the complex issue of radicalisation.\n\n\"This network will coordinate engagement on a case by case basis as and when appropriate.\"\n\nT\u00e1naiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney said they \"had been working with various different partners to try and ensure that we could respond to this case as a consular case, although it's a very, very complex one, to ensure primarily the safety of a two-year-old little girl who was in a warzone, and for much of that time in a camp that we know from UNICEF reports was extremely dangerous for children\".\n\nMr Coveney said: \"For people who are rightly concerned and asking questions about a two-year-old little girl who wasn't born in Ireland but who is an Irish citizen - Tusla have been working with An Garda S\u00edoch\u00e1na and with Lisa Smith's wider family to ensure that her welfare is looked after.\"\n\nHe added: \"It's up to the DPP to determine on the back of a report from An Garda S\u00edoch\u00e1na as to whether they can take a case successfully against Lisa Smith.\n\n\"I think it's important to leave that process take its course.\""]} +{"images": ["http://cmt.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:uma:image:cmt.com:1647334?quality=0.8&format=jpg&height=495&width=660", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmt.com/news/1490421/bluegrass-legend-charlie-waller-dead-at-69/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cmt.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:uma:image:cmt.com:1647334?quality=0.8&format=jpg&height=495&width=660\", \"src\": \"http://cmt.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:uma:image:cmt.com:1647334?quality=0.8&format=jpg&height=495&width=660\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mgid:uma:image:cmt\", \"original_width\": 660, \"original_height\": 495, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://www.cmt.com/news/1490421/bluegrass-legend-charlie-waller-dead-at-69/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250595787.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20200119234426-20200120022426-00503.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 208318103, \"warc_record_length\": 11530}", "texts": [null, "Charlie Waller, founder and leader of the Country Gentlemen, died Wednesday (Aug. 18) of an apparent heart attack in the garden of his home in Gordonsville, Va. He was 69.\n\nAlthough Waller had been ailing the past several years, he and his group have maintained a busy concert schedule and were preparing to go on the road again when he died. Waller had scheduled two concerts \u2014 Friday (Aug. 20) in Nashville and Sept. 8 in Falls Church, Va. \u2014 to raise medical-expense funds for banjo player Eddie Adcock, an early member of the band.\n\nOrganized in Arlington, Va., the Country Gentlemen played their first concert on July 4, 1957. Although the group has had more than 100 members during its 47-year history \u2014 including Ricky Skaggs, Bill Emerson, Doyle Lawson and Jerry Douglas \u2014 the classic Country Gentlemen ensemble was made up of Waller, as lead vocalist and guitarist, Adcock on banjo, Tom Gray on bass and the late John Duffey on mandolin. It was this combination that, in 1996, was inducted into the International Bluegrass Music Association Hall of Honor.\n\nDespite his solid bluegrass licks and credentials, Waller was a country music enthusiast to the core. His vocal models included Gene Autry, Hank Snow and Eddy Arnold. He seldom did a show without singing Autry\u2019s mellow standard, \u201cAges and Ages Ago.\u201d The Gentlemen entered Billboard\u2019s country singles chart only once \u2014 in 1965 with the ghost ballad, \u201cBringing Mary Home.\u201d\n\n\u201cAlthough they were respectful of tradition,\u201d music scholar Bill Malone writes in The Encyclopedia of Country Music, \u201cthe Country Gentlemen were also one of the most important early innovative bands in bluegrass, taking the genre into new arenas of repertoire and stylistic performance while steadfastly using acoustic instruments.\u201d That repertoire embraced pop, folk and country music and yielded such memorable cuts as \u201cTheme From Exodus,\u201d \u201cMatterhorn,\u201d \u201cTwo Little Boys,\u201d \u201cLegend of the Rebel Soldier\u201d and \u201cNew Freedom Bell.\u201d\n\nA new Country Gentlemen album \u2014 Songs of the American Spirit \u2014 is due out in September from Pinecastle Records and will contain songs written by Merle Haggard, Tom T. and Dixie Hall, the late Randall Hylton and others.\n\nWaller is survived by his wife, Sachiko; a son, Randy, who is a member of the current band; and a daughter, Mena, now a student at Nashville\u2019s Belmont University. Funeral arrangements are pending."]} +{"images": [null, "https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8G4ILMarj-M/TW7iTejGbsI/AAAAAAAACbg/jw9pauDtIKo/s400/hand_full_of_dirt-1.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://caribbeantales-worldwide.com/a-hand-full-of-anticipation-for-the-caribbeantales-2011-film-festival/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8G4ILMarj-M/TW7iTejGbsI/AAAAAAAACbg/jw9pauDtIKo/s400/hand_full_of_dirt-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8G4ILMarj-M/TW7iTejGbsI/AAAAAAAACbg/jw9pauDtIKo/s400/hand_full_of_dirt-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hand full of dirt\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 285, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 285, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://caribbeantales-worldwide.com/a-hand-full-of-anticipation-for-the-caribbeantales-2011-film-festival/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499890.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131190543-20230131220543-00762.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 180032374, \"warc_record_length\": 29529}", "texts": ["A Hand Full of Anticipation for the CaribbeanTales 2011 Film Festival", null, "The Gala is the main highlight of a week of cultural explosion, that will take place between 14-20th March as filmmakers and film enthusiasts from around the region and the world come together to celebrate Caribbean film at CT2011.\n\nProducer of the film, Lisa Harewood expressed her pride that the production will be featured at the Opening Night Gala. \u201cWe feel incredibly honoured to have been given the opportunity to open CaribbeanTales Film Festival 2011. The festival is becoming a very important link between filmmakers from the Caribbean and the wider Diaspora, so we\u2019re looking forward to meeting and talking to our colleagues. More than anything though, we\u2019re excited to screen the film for the cast, crew, friends, family and supporters who are based in Barbados.\u201d\n\nThe movie has already attracted some major attention, copping a nomination for Best First Feature Narrative Director, at the hugely respected Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles. This recognition being well deserved as Russell Watson and his team battled for several years against the tremendous obstacles that are commonly faced by Caribbean film makers in order to complete the film. With a minimalist budget, and a lot of determination the movie is an example that against all odds, with creativity and a will, there is a way.\n\nShot in various locations in Barbados and Chicago, the film tells the topical family story of 3 generations , and one plantation. The men of the Redman family \u2013 father, grandfather and son \u2013 try desperately to break with the past to pursue their dreams on their own terms. Soon though, it is made painfully clear that their lives are inextricably linked and that the past exerts an inescapable grip on the future. A Hand Full of Dirt features such local and regional luminaries as Dominica\u2019s Alwin Bully and Barbados\u2019 own Cynthia Wilson, Luther Bourne and Marcia Burrow.\n\nThe Opening Gala starts at 6:00 pm at the Frank Collymore Hall in Bridgetown Barbados and admission is $35 a ticket at the door. Early bird seats are available for $25.00, by emailing registration@sharons26.sg-host.com. Pre-registration is advised for this hugely popular event.\n\nCaribbeanTales 2011 @ Island Inn runs from March 14- 20, 2011. Not just a film festival the event will include screenings, talk back sessions, workshops, incubators, networking events, and a pitch marketplace, as well as a special Directing Masterclass by celebrated Hollywood Director Neema Barnette, known for her work on the Cosby Show. Audiences will also get to Preview the new film The Skin, the fourth feature film by Antigua\u2019s prolific husband and wife filmmaking team, Howard and Mitzi Allen."]} +{"images": [null, "https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2020/11/10/15/06/49/b5799939-68ea-49c0-ab38-5cbb3738a03f/lightstock_78933_small_nathan_klahsen.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.knollwood.ca/blog/what-do-deacons-do\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2020/11/10/15/06/49/b5799939-68ea-49c0-ab38-5cbb3738a03f/lightstock_78933_small_nathan_klahsen.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2020/11/10/15/06/49/b5799939-68ea-49c0-ab38-5cbb3738a03f/lightstock_78933_small_nathan_klahsen.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lightstock small nathan klahsen\", \"alt_text\": \"Slideshow image\", \"original_width\": 1176, \"original_height\": 784, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.knollwood.ca/blog/what-do-deacons-do\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488567696.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20210625023840-20210625053840-00248.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 748368127, \"warc_record_length\": 14745}", "texts": ["What do Deacons Do?\n\nChurchology: The Who and What We Are", null, "Have you ever had a bad experience with a waiter/waitress?\n\nI remember a specific time in high school when that happened. In a restaurant, a waiter/waitress plays an essential part in the experience at the restaurant. In Acts 6, the Apostles describe the importance of having men who are servants.\n\nThe church in Jerusalem had grown from just a handful to around 20,000. What happens when things grow fast? It happened right here in Acts, administrative problems begin. There's been a couple of attacks in the early church: persecution and hypocrisy (Ananias and his wife). But now Satan tries something else, division as there was a part of the church that wasn't being cared for properly. The Apostles saw and acknowledge the need and problem. But they faced a problem themselves.\n\nVerse 2 says, \"It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables.\" The apostles know they can't stop doing the very thing that Jesus had given them. Still, they also see people in their care who needed to be physically cared for. This isn't a derogatory comment, \"waiting tables\" was a necessary and honourable task, but one better suited for others. The apostles had been called to prayer and the ministry of the Word.\n\nIn our last post, we looked at the importance of Elders and what they do. Elders shepherd the flock and exercise oversight through the teaching of God's Word and prayer. This is the mechanism that is used to grow the church, not just numerically, but spiritually. To neglect these things would be the same as knocking the legs from underneath you and would be disobedience to what Jesus told the Apostles and all other elders. God uses the hearing of his Word to call, justify, and sanctify his people and to neglect that would be the worst thing you can do to a church seeking to be healthy.\n\nBut when we look at the problem that is being faced here, we see that caring for others is an essential part of being a disciple of Jesus because it reflects the heart of Jesus for others. And the widows of a specific group in the young church wasn't being taken care of. So what is to be done? They looked for men who were an example of godliness to take on the church's mercy project to allow the Apostles to continue on in the preaching of the Bible and pray for the church.\n\nThese men were \"full of the Spirit,\" and I can't emphasize how important this character is in men who want to be deacons. To be full of the Spirit means to be controlled by God's Spirit rather than their own flesh or sinful nature. The apostles didn't take a chance on people of unproven character. Why does it matter? The church and the gospel receive no advantage from our appointing those not full of the Spirit. Deacons are to be men know to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. These are also wise men, meaning they are men who live by God's precepts and apply them to life's situation. Stephen, in verse 5, was seen as this. He was a man \"full of faith and of the Holy Spirit\" (vs. 5) and \"full of God's grace and power\" (vs. 8). All of these things can only be done through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.\n\nThere's an emphasis on making sure that those in this position are actually those who are growing in Christ. I can't overestimate the importance of the type of person shown here being in Deacon's office. We need to learn how to identify and pray for such people to be strengthened as a church. Deacons are people who are established believers, and in 1 Timothy, there must be a time of testing to make sure \"blameless\" (v. 10). We aren't talking about perfect, but they are not open to misconduct charges. These are people who must be in \"good standing,\" which is talking about those people's spiritual standing in the kingdom of God rather than a step up some kind of ecclesial corporate ladder (v. 13). Finally, \"confidence in the faith\" means that deacons can serve boldly with the assurance that what they do is right when done in accord with the gospel (v. 13).\n\nHere's a question for you: What caused the church to grow to this size? This is a church that had withstood persecution, a scandal, and now is facing division. Was it a program? No. It was the preaching of God's Word in verse 7, and this was able to happen as these seven men faithful served the church, freeing the Apostles to preach and pray.\n\nA few years ago, I was walking with some men who the elders saw as potential elders. They were seen as doing the work of the elder before they held the office of elder. And one of the men said to me, \"I don't know if I am ready to be an Elder, can I just start off with being a deacon?\" My response was that deacons are not a lower stage of becoming an Elder. They are two different offices and with two different roles. It doesn't mean that an Elder won't help bring food over to someone's house just as it means that a deacon won't teach a class, but it does means that they have different roles with different emphasis.\n\nElders and Deacons are needed in the church for health to happen; Church health happens when biblically qualified elders' are dedicated to overseeing the church and who are dedicated to praying and teaching her. That can only happen when Deacons are joyfully serving the church freeing up the Elders to teach God's Word and pray. Deacons don't lead or oversee the church. This is God's role he has given to the elders (see Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:1\u20132). Instead, they humbly serve the congregation by ensuring practical matters are met. In so doing, they free the pastors from doing these tasks to devote themselves to teaching, praying, and leading. We would do well to appreciate those who hold the office of Deacon, which is often unnoticed and unappreciated. One isn't a stepping stone to another; people's same character is supposed to be in both.\n\nFor example, a deacon may handle benevolence requests so that a pastor can prepare a sermon. A deacon may take care of the church's leaky roof so that the elders can focus on equipping and counselling others. Of course, some overlap may occur, but by and large, deacons handle physical and logistical needs, and elders tend to spiritual matters.\n\nWe might be tempted to think that being a deacon isn't that important. Being an elder or a missionary or a conference speaker or a Christian author is where it's at. But Scripture disagrees. Competent, qualified deacons are essential to the health of a local church. When deacons serve the congregation and support the elders, they protect the church's unity\u2014something Jesus views as precious (see John 17). One reason those first deacons were so important is that they prevented the Jerusalem church from fracturing."]} +{"images": [null, "https://silverchips.mbhs.edu/uploads/images/2018/08/01/21712.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://silverchips.mbhs.edu/content/nba-award-predictions-31146/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/uploads/images/2018/08/01/21712.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://silverchips.mbhs.edu/uploads/images/2018/08/01/21712.jpg\", \"original_width\": 770, \"original_height\": 433, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://silverchips.mbhs.edu/content/nba-award-predictions-31146/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710972.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20221204104311-20221204134311-00476.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 559787302, \"warc_record_length\": 11801}", "texts": ["Every NBA season there are 6 major awards given out to the best player of those respective fields. The awards are the MVP (Most Valuable Player), ROY (Rookie of the Year), DPOY (Defensive Player of the Year), 6MOY (6th Man of the Year), MIP (Most Improved Player) and COY (Coach of the Year). There are 3 candidates for each award every year. Here we will try to predict both the 3 candidates and the winner of all the awards, which will be given out at the NBA Award show on June 25th.\n\nJames Harden has showed all season why he deserves the MVP award. He deserved it last year but with Russell Westbrook's historic season, Harden was an afterthought. Harden currently leads the league in points per game with 30.7 and is 3rd in assists per game with 8.8. His Rockets have already surpassed the 60 win mark and that has been without Chris Paul next to him for almost 15 games this season. Harden has made an extremely strong case for the top award this season.\n\nLeBron is the best basketball player in the world and has been since he entered the league in 2003. Although the Cavaliers have taken a major step back this year both defensively and in the standings, LeBron has continued his strong case for the MVP like he does every single year. Without LeBron, the Cavaliers would most likely not be in a playoff position.\n\nThe Pelicans had a slow start to the season. Then Boogie and the Brow put it together and started winning some big games. Then DeMarcus Cousins went down and was out for the season. Without the Pelicans second superstar, Anthony Davis has picked up his play and led his Pelicans to a high playoff position after many thought the Pelicans were done and out. His MVP-like play has allowed the Pelicans to stay afloat.\n\nRookie of the Year:\n\nAlthough he was drafted with the 2016-17 class, Ben Simmons has showed why he was a number one overall pick. His leadership and playmaking ability has lead the 76ers to an incredible season and has made them get back to the playoffs for the first time in 6 years. His shot is awful but teams still can't find a way to stop him, that's just how good he really is.", null, "Photo: Rookie of the Year Candidate Donovan Mitchell of the Utah Jazz throws shade at Ben Simmons of the 76ers, who is a ROY candidate despite being drafted in 2016\n\nPhoto: Rookie of the Year Candidate Donovan Mitchell of the Utah Jazz throws shade at Ben Simmons of the 76ers, who is a ROY candidate despite being drafted in 2016 Photo courtesy of Sports Canyon.\n\nWhen the Jazz drafted this guy people wondered what kind of impact he would have. At first it didn't seem like he would do much for them. Throughout the season, Mitchell has been the Jazz's most consistent offensive player. Since the all-star break Mitchell lead the Jazz on a 10 game win streak to put them back in playoff contention. Without Mitchell's offense, the Jazz would be completely lost and at the bottom of the barrel in the western conference.\n\nWith the injury of Gordon Hayward on the first game of the season Jayson Tatum has stepped into the role of the Celtics starting small forward. His scoring touch has been extremely consistent all season and he is averaging 14 points this season. He has helped the Celtics cruise into the 2 seed in the eastern conference.\n\nJoel Embiid has been a staple all season in the paint for the Sixers. He has been a menace for opposing teams with his shot blocking and rebounding abilities. Even without practicing with the team he has still fit right in with Brett Brown's system around his teammates.\n\nDrummond has had an incredible bounceback season. He was an all star this season and is leading the league in rebounding with an incredible 16 rebounds per game. He single handedly kept Detroit in the playoff race with no one around him knowing how to play any sort of defense.\n\nThe Jazz have been on a tear since Gobert came back from injury earlier this season. Since he came back the Jazz have been one of the top defensive teams in the NBA and he has been the anchor of it all. His stout inside presence along with his ability to step along the perimeter and defend quicker players has lead the Jazz back into the playoffs for the second straight season.\n\nSixth Man of the Year:\n\nGordon has been just as good this year as he was last year, if not better. He does everything the Rockets ask him to do. He comes into the game and knocks down big shots in the clutchest of moments. He has stayed healthy all year which is Gordon's biggest problem and he has shown how incredible he can be while healthy.\n\nSweet Lou is a professional scorer and that's exactly what he does. He comes into the game to score, score and score some more. His run for the all-star team may have been a little ridiculous but even to think that a bench player could make the team is an incredible feat in itself. He has been the Clippers best player this season coming off the bench.\n\nHis short stint with the Cavaliers was better than people think. Wade may have not defended in the land but he certainly made some highlight plays with LeBron at his side. Once he got back to Miami, Wade really turned it on. He has been their best player since returning home to the Heat coming off the bench behind Tyler Johnson.\n\nNot having John Wall this season was a blessing in disguise for Beal. He became an all-star and started perfecting his scoring touch. Teams could never figure Beal out and still can't seem to defend him. He has not been as afraid to be more aggressive on the offensive end and has gained so much confidence that every time he puts up a shot, you think it's going to go in.\n\nWhen the Pacers traded away Paul George for Domantas Sabonis and Victor Oladipo it seemed as though the Thunder had gotten a complete steal of a trade. As the season rolled on, the tables seemed to turn and it looks now like the Pacers had gotten the steal. Oladipo made his first all-star appearance this season and has lead his Pacers to the 5 seed in the east after many thought they would be sitting at the bottom of the barrel.\n\nAs I said before, Drummond has had a complete bounceback season. He looked slow and ineffective last season and this season, Drummond has been one of the Pistons lone bright spots. He needs help around him to be better than they are right now but he lead the Pistons to 37 wins basically by himself.\n\nCoach of the Year:\n\nThe Rockets are going to finish at least five games ahead of the second place team in the NBA. D'Antoni's fast paced offense has lead this team to the top ranked offense in the NBA along with the 7th placed defense. D'Antoni may have won it last year but you could make the case that his team has been even better than it was last season.\n\nThe amount of injuries the Celtics have endured this season has been brutal. He has still lead them to the 2nd top team in the eastern conference with so many young players. Stevens may be the best coach in the NBA and might still be underrated as a coach.\n\nThe coach of the Pacers came into the season with extremely low expectations as his team gave away their franchise cornerstone in a trade this offseason. He has coached them into the playoffs with incredible talent around him and a much deeper bench than many think."]} +{"images": ["http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/WestEnd%20Xtra%201.jpg", "http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/West%20End%20Extra%20Sitcom%20Saturday.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://realdealtheatre.webs.com/press.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/WestEnd%20Xtra%201.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/WestEnd%20Xtra%201.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"WestEnd Xtra\", \"rendered_width\": 372, \"rendered_height\": 543, \"original_width\": 800, \"original_height\": 1166, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://realdealtheatre.webs.com/press.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/West%20End%20Extra%20Sitcom%20Saturday.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://realdealtheatre.webs.com/West%20End%20Extra%20Sitcom%20Saturday.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"West End Extra Sitcom Saturday\", \"original_width\": 800, \"original_height\": 1223, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://realdealtheatre.webs.com/press.htm\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711074.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206060908-20221206090908-00826.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 503711292, \"warc_record_length\": 4512}", "texts": [null, null, "RealDeal Theatre is looking for six 15-minute sitcoms for Sitcom Saturday, a professionally directed and acted script-in-hand rehearsed reading, open to the public.\n\nA director is allocated to each of the selected scripts and the directors then liaise with the writer or writers before a casting session, rehearsal and the performance on Saturday June 12th 2010 ... [see more here]"]} +{"images": ["https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Lz+z3qpkL.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.parkablogs.com/content/book-review-daisuke-moriyama-art-works-chronicle\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Lz+z3qpkL.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Lz+z3qpkL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Lz z qpkL\", \"rendered_width\": 160, \"original_width\": 1200, \"original_height\": 1700, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.parkablogs.com/content/book-review-daisuke-moriyama-art-works-chronicle\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038072366.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20210413122252-20210413152252-00153.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1044766559, \"warc_record_length\": 11425}", "texts": [null, "Daisuke Moriyama Art Works: Chronicle is the English translated edition of the original Japanese artbook \u68ee\u5c71\u5927\u8f14\u753b\u96c6 CHRONICLE that was released in 2012. Udon managed to get it out in English slightly more than a year, and that's quite impressive.\n\nThis 208-page paperback collects almost 20 years of artworks. There are over 200 drawings.\n\nSome of the earlier illustrations were created in 1994 & 1995 for RPG Magazine. His more notable works such as Chrono Crusade (\u30af\u30ed\u30ce \u30af\u30eb\u30bb\u30a4\u30c9) and World Embryo (\u30ef\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u30a8\u30f3\u30d6\u30ea\u30aa) came out in 1999 and 2005 respectively.\n\nThe artworks are beautiful. You can see that the earlier works were created with traditional medium, and the more recent ones seem digitally painted, such as the one on the cover. It's full colour throughout. The colouring style is more manga than anime as Daisuke Moriyama is a manga artist.\n\nCaptions for the drawings appear at the back and it's not easy to refer back to the main pages because the page numbers are not visible. Not all illustrations have captions so if you're unfamiliar with the work, the characters may seem foreign.\n\nOverall, it's a great artbook recommended to fans of Daisuke Moriyama."]} +{"images": ["https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rock-Reacts.jpg", "https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock2-1024x576.jpg", null, "https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-cross-1024x576.jpg", null, "https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-fanny-658x1024.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/2016/10/inspiring-watch-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-react-on-his-very-first-wwe-match/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rock-Reacts.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rock-Reacts.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rock Reacts\", \"rendered_width\": 696, \"rendered_height\": 379, \"original_width\": 822, \"original_height\": 448, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/2016/10/inspiring-watch-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-react-on-his-very-first-wwe-match/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock2-1024x576.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock2-1024x576.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The Rock\", \"alt_text\": \"the-rock2\", \"rendered_width\": 838, \"rendered_height\": 471, \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 576, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/2016/10/inspiring-watch-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-react-on-his-very-first-wwe-match/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-cross-1024x576.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-cross-1024x576.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The Rock cross\", \"alt_text\": \"the-rock-cross\", \"rendered_width\": 838, \"rendered_height\": 471, \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 576, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/2016/10/inspiring-watch-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-react-on-his-very-first-wwe-match/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-fanny-658x1024.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Rock-fanny-658x1024.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The Rock fanny\", \"alt_text\": \"the-rock-fanny\", \"rendered_width\": 658, \"rendered_height\": 1024, \"original_width\": 658, \"original_height\": 1024, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.ungeek.ph/2016/10/inspiring-watch-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-react-on-his-very-first-wwe-match/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500094.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204044030-20230204074030-00871.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1068673394, \"warc_record_length\": 27741}", "texts": [null, null, "Ah the Attitude Era. If you were a 90\u2019s kid like me then you\u2019d probably remember Survivor Series \u2013 Madison Square Garden, November 17, 1996.\n\nNot really? Well then I feel old! To those jabronies who doesn\u2019t have a clue or was wearing diapers and fanny packs at that time I highly recommend that you check out this video series below called Rock Reacts where the great one looks back at his very first match ever in the WWE:\n\nAside from The Rock saying that he was not looking at the camera and having a Chia Pet haircut\u2026 There is really something inspiring about this video\u2026 And it happens right around the 6-min mark where he says:", null, "\u201cWhen I gave the big cross-body to Crush\u2026 And he basically let me \u201cgo over\u201d as I was pinning him\u2026 Landed on him I started pinning, the referee was counting one-two and you\u2019ll see my head down and I was actually speaking to him (Crush) and as I am pinning him I am saying to him thank you so much brother I appreciate that and I heard him say\u2026\u201d\n\n\u201cI got you brother\u2026\u201d\n\nAfter 20 years it was only till this time that he shared something like that.", null, "You really have to give props to the man. Not only did he look back at his roots (and sometimes joking about his fanny pack days) just by seeing that video, you will realize that even though his persona included one being a \u201cjabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye brow raising, put your foot on the gas, always ready to whoop some a** People\u2019s Champ (yes I remembered that line) you will see that Rocky Maivia is really a good guy from the start.\n\n\u201cBe humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.\u201d\n\nNow why are there suddenly ninjas cutting onions here? It\u2019s still real to me dammit!\n\n- Advertisement -\nPrevious article\nA Dire Message from Lemony Snicket in the New \u201cSeries of Unfortunate Events\u201d\nNext article\n\u2018The Delve\u2019 is Coming to Descent\u2019s Road to Legend App!"]} +{"images": ["https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/optimized-to-my-bros-696x522.jpg", null, "https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Carmona-1-150x150.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/to-my-bros-me-too-the-womens-march-and-my-birthday/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/optimized-to-my-bros-696x522.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/optimized-to-my-bros-696x522.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"optimized to my bros\", \"rendered_width\": 696, \"rendered_height\": 522, \"original_width\": 696, \"original_height\": 522, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/to-my-bros-me-too-the-womens-march-and-my-birthday/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Carmona-1-150x150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Carmona-1-150x150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Carmona\", \"alt_text\": \"Carmona 1\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 150, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://holaamericanews.com/to-my-bros-me-too-the-womens-march-and-my-birthday/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103334753.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20220627134424-20220627164424-00450.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 353753500, \"warc_record_length\": 26850}", "texts": [null, "By Roberto Carmona\nLast week was my birthday. I turned fifty-three. The highlight of my birthday every year is that the\nSaturday before, I have brunch with my daughters. Last Saturday there was no brunch because my\ndaughters were attending a Women\u2019s March.\nDon\u2019t worry this is not \u201cI am such a sensitive guy story\u201d, this is a \u201cwhy was I so ignorant\u201d story. With the momentum of the \u201cMe Too\u201d movement, for you guys who don\u2019t get it, there will be consequences. Women are not playing. I know, I helped raise daughters who fight for themselves.\nI reflect on my birthday in context of significant moments in history, like \u201cMe-Too\u201d. I swear, just the other day it was 1987, I was twenty-two, finishing college, the Soviet Union was still around, and I was listening to Santana on my cassette player and the film \u201cLa Bamba\u201d was playing at the movie theatre.\nIn 1987, I was smooth, in my Midwestern Mullet hairstyle, tight Levi 501s, mustache and aviator glasses, a real lady\u2019s man (at least I thought I was). \u201cPlay on Player\u201d was my motto. I was partying at the clubs and enjoying the single life. It was about me and whatever girl I had at the time or one that I was chasing. My mother would say, \u2018one day, God will give you daughters\u2019. I would say \u201cwhatever mom\u201d and put on my new black \u201cmembers only jacket\u201d, get in my new black Ford Escort and head to the \u201cUnderground Club\u201d for the two for one double bubble beer special and dance to Salt and Peppa\u2019s \u201cPush It\u201d, while I laid my seductive rap on the cute Rock Falls\u2019 girl I was scoping.\nPow! Two years later 1991, the Gulf War is being waged, JFK is at the Theatres and Michael Jackson\u2019s \u201cBlack or White\u201d is on the radio. My \u201cmembers only jacket\u201d sleeves are now ripped and stained with faded taco sauce and mustard, and my Ford Escort had a bad transmission. I am married with babies. Both girls. Tonantzin and Xochitl.\nHow society treated women mattered to me now. As a father, I took my role as protector to my daughters seriously. I quit agreeing with and questioned comments like \u201cYou act like a girl\u201d \u201cGirls don\u2019t do those things\u201d, and \u201cBoys won\u2019t like you if you are too smart\u201d. I reminded my girls, don\u2019t ever think \u201cyou were less than\u201d because you are girls.\nIn elementary school, I supported and encouraged my girls to run for student council. Xochitl was in the third grade and beat a sixth-grade boy on a platform of cartoons in the cafeteria for lunch. She knew the third graders outnumbered the sixth-grade vote. As they got to be teenagers, I would talk to them about significant women leaders like Dolores Huerta. I stressed the importance of education. In sports, my girls wanted to win and for soccer and basketball, I explained that if the referee was not looking, throw an elbow to your opponent\u2019s ribs (Okay I am not perfect).\nI had discussions with them about power, boys, men and sex, I had them reading books like the \u201c48 Laws of Power\u201d, and we watched and analyzed \u201cThe Godfather\u201d films so they could have mental weapons to navigate in their journeys for their micro-battles with men \u200band \u200bwomen who served as barriers to their advancement.\nToday, Tonantzin and Xochitl are women, college graduates and have grown to be very intelligent, proud, tough and respectful professionals. They had a lot of good people around them along their journey. My little piece in the process was to be a male role model.\nSo, for you bros, dads, tios, brothers, primos and male friends be supportive and sensitive to the Me-Too Movement and why it is important to the women in your life. The respect and support will be reciprocated, and you will become a better person for it.", null, "Roberto Carmona is a contributing writer for Hola American and is the Principal Consultant for Carmona Strategic Solutions (CSS).Roberto is a nationally recognized consultant who has successfully executed on complex projects in the areas of leadership development, strategy design, executive coaching, executive search, strategic marketing, and organizational change projects for Fortune 500 companies, national nonprofits, colleges and universities and hospitals."]} +{"images": ["https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/14.jpg", null, "https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/13-300x225.jpg", "https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/12-300x225.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://colafire.net/2-alarm-fire-rips-through-rosewood-apartment-building/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/14.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/14.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 1440, \"rendered_height\": 1080, \"original_width\": 1440, \"original_height\": 1080, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://colafire.net/2-alarm-fire-rips-through-rosewood-apartment-building/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/13-300x225.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/13-300x225.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 225, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 225, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://colafire.net/2-alarm-fire-rips-through-rosewood-apartment-building/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/12-300x225.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://colafire.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/12-300x225.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 225, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 225, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://colafire.net/2-alarm-fire-rips-through-rosewood-apartment-building/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104141372.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20220702131941-20220702161941-00483.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 215101684, \"warc_record_length\": 16707}", "texts": [null, "On the evening of Friday April 8, 2022 CRFD crews responded to a reported fire at Columbia Garden Apartments in the Rosewood neighborhood of the city.", null, null, "When the first units got to the scene after 7:40 p.m. they found heavy fire coming from the second floor of the building. This prompted officers on scene to call for a second alarm which dispatched more crews. In all roughly 50 CRFD personnel became involved in the operation.\n\nNo one was injured but the building on Plowden Road did suffer significant damages. At least 15 people were left displaced.\n\nThe cause of the fire is under investigation."]} +{"images": ["https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_1574.jpg?w=1088", null, "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_1573.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_1574.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/1e0d34bc-fb2c-430e-9fb6-20c4bac7ad46.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_0352.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_0361.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_0364.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_0368.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_0377.jpg?w=739", "https://nobeladventures.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_1575.jpg?w=739", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://nobeladventures.com/2019/04/14/riding-around-new-york/\", 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\"https://nobeladventures.com/2019/04/14/riding-around-new-york/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764501555.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20230209081052-20230209111052-00418.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 443600050, \"warc_record_length\": 28918}", "texts": [null, "Our second day in New York was overflowing with back to back activities, each sounding exceedingly unenticing to a person whose main goal in life is to wander around in pyjamas, sit in parks and take frequent naps. I had been out the night before (for your reference: https://nobeladventures.com/2019/04/08/my-night-as-a-proper-new-yorker/#more-884 ) and was feeling ever so seedy and very much fatigued.\n\nThe first activity for the morning was a behind the scenes tour of the Gershshwin Theatre, where Wicked is performed. I feigned illness (or perhaps I actually was ill \u2013 can\u2019t remember) and weaselled my way out of having to attend that activity. I think I spent the morning writing the blog I linked to above \u201cMy Night as a Proper New Yorker\u201d, which has proven to be my most popular blog so far I\u2019d say it was a morning well spent. I can\u2019t comment too much on the tour, as I had declined to go, but the other dance mums gave it very mixed reviews. Those that had seen Wicked LOVED it and those that hadn\u2019t seen Wicked yet said it was \u201cmeh\u201d and that \u201cI didn\u2019t miss much\u201d. I have fantastic instincts. Every time I have opted out of a group activity I have been told by that others were jealous that they weren\u2019t as wise as I and also wish they\u2019d ditched.\n\nThe second activity I begrudgingly went along to, for no other reason than to create the illusion that I am a supportive mother who is interested in having shared activities with my children. For the record, I LOVE my children and shared activities. It\u2019s just that there are some activities that I know they will not like (e.g. the previous day\u2019s slow moving bus tour). These activities, disliked by all, end up being unpleasant for all involved AND the second activity on the day\u2019s agenda was ANOTHER BUS TOUR.\n\nMy expectations were immensely low. So low in fact, I\u2019d bought along my kindle so I could read on the bus. The Bus tour we were booked on was called \u201cThe Ride\u201d and I knew nothing about it other than that we would be on a bus and driving around New York. After this tour, the kids were going to be performing a flash mob on the streets of NYC somewhere or other and then hustling back to the hotel to get ready to see Aladdin the musical.\n\nThe Ride was SENSATIONAL!! I am happy to report that yet again my instincts (to join this activity) were right on point. The Ride is an interactive bus tour with Stadium style seating facing a huge window on the side of the bus. Rather than the seating facing towards the driver, it looked out on to the street. We had two hosts who must double as comedians as they were hilarious!! Their commentary as we drove around the streets of NYC had us all in stitches. It wasn\u2019t scripted either as they would crack jokes about random things we saw and provide us with information that wasn\u2019t the usual \u2018boring\u2019 stuff. There must be an abundance of talented comedians in NYC in order for a bus company to nab two absolutely crackerjack artists.\n\nIn between the comical play-by-play on the happenings of the streets of NY we were surprised when many seemingly ordinary NY-ers burst into a street performance for our entertainment and pleasure. We had a ballerina, a rapper, musicians, dancers\u2026 and I\u2019m sure many more performances that I have since forgotten as I\u2019m so far behind in my blog. All in all, if you are going to do any bus tour of NY \u2013 DO THIS ONE!! They offer a few different themed tours and I would have liked to have tried the others. I will have to save doing them for when I move to NY to pursue my writing/acting-as-a-cadaver career.\n\nThe Ride we went on was called the Entertainment Ride and google informs me it usually costs $69p/p for 90 minutes. Google also informed me that you can sometimes get tickets on Groupon. Our tickets were purchased as a group and were part of our package so I have no idea what they cost. Information on the ride can be found here: https://experiencetheride.com/sightseeing-attractions/the-ridenyc/\n\nAfter exiting the ride our group prepared for our flashmob, which ended up being a performance for the next lot of spectators who were on The Ride. Kids absolutely killed it and performed like true professionals.\n\nThe flashmob was followed by a frantic walk back to the hotel in amongst the million other people in Times Square walking frantically to somewhere very important, a quick change into our finest outfits and a bite to eat before another frantic walk back to a theatre to see Aladdin.\n\nI have already seen Aladdin and generally, I only like to see things once but this was my first Broadway show so I tried my best to get excited. Kids all looked so nice dressed up and Isabelle was ecstatic. She was so thrilled in fact that the lady serving drinks in the foyer gave her a free drink and cup. I bought the girls a lollipop to keep them from moaning about hunger pains during the show (they didn\u2019t really have much dinner) and lollipops looked to be the cheapest menu item that would last the longest time. SIX DOLLARS is what a lollipop at Aladdin costs. That is USD too!!! I did my best to breezily pass over my credit card to the girl like paying $18USD for 3 lollipops was the most natural, normal thing I have ever done. This is the same girl who had given Isabelle a free cup and bottle of water (valued at $15) so I just pretended I was paying for that instead.\n\nI spent the entire time, while watching Aladdin, comparing the Broadway version to the version I saw in Southbank (Brisvegas). The genie was the same in both shows and absolutely stole the show. I don\u2019t think there was anyone else in it but him. Just kidding. Aladdin was also brilliant and I\u2019m not just saying that because he is an Aussie. I\u2019m also saying it because he is really, really hot. Although I did wonder if his abs were real or painted on with contouring makeup??? One thing that the Australian version did waaay better than the Broadway one was the sets. I have it on good authority that the sets in both shows are identical but if my memory serves me right (and it very often serves me wrong \u2013 so who can tell??) the set of the Aussie Aladdin was shinier, brighter and more captivating than the Broadway set. Seeing Aladdin on Broadway was no different to seeing it in Brisvegas (for my US reader Brisvegas is a slang term for Brisbane). But I was glad to lose my Broadway virginity. I now feel more cultured and can throw around sentences like \u201cwhen I saw such&such on Broadway\u2026\u2026.\u201d when in conversation with uppity people.\n\nGeez\u2026 all this harping on about missing Rohan is doing nothing to shorten the length of my blogs.\n\nThanks for reading. If you did get this far in the post please share your favourite post of mine so my wisdom can be imparted on more people. It seems such a waste to just exclusively divulge all my musings to only friends and family.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "1 thought on \u201cRiding Around New York\u201d"]} +{"images": ["https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/nationalhogfarmer.com/files/styles/article_featured_standard/public/NHF-pigsbarns_2.jpg?itok=dAtEUiHd", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/Plain%20graphic%201%2010.21.png", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/Plain%20graphic%202.png", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/plain%20graphic%203%2010.21.png", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/plain%20graphic%204%2010.21.png", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/plain%20graphic%205%2010.21.png", null, "https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/sites/cet.com/files/plain%20graphic%206%2010.21.png", null, 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Current Iowa-Minnesota negotiated carcass base prices are half of the $134.41/cwt. June peak and are close to dropping below the year-ago level for the first time this year.", null, "Will prices stay above the year-ago level this fall? There are several reasons to think they will.\n\nFirst of all, the speed of this year\u2019s hog price decline is surprising given that weekly hog slaughter has consistently been below the year-ago level since the end of May.\n\nThe September USDA \u201cHogs and Pigs\u201d report estimated the inventory of market hogs weighing 180 pounds or more was down 1.3% and hogs weighing 120-179 pounders were down 1.42%. This implied that hog slaughter since September 1 should have been down roughly 1.35%. It actually has been down 2.84%. We have either lagged in slaughter, or USDA slightly overestimated the heavy-weight market hog inventory. My guess is the latter.", null, "Consumers are willing to pay a lot for pork. Retail pork prices during September were record high for the sixth consecutive month. The average price of a pound of pork in grocery stores was $4.716 during September. This was up 6.6 cents from August and up 66.3 cents from September 2020. These record pork prices are a bit misleading. Yes, September retail pork prices were 16.4% higher than last year, but because of higher inflation, the nominal September price was only up 10.4% year-over-year. Preliminary data indicates per capita pork supply was down in September so a higher pork price should be expected.\n\nOn the negative side, several of the lean hog futures contracts were limit up following the September \u201cHogs and Pigs\u201d report but have now given back all of that gain. The December 2021 contract closed at $76.80/cwt. before the release of the report. That contract gained $6.775 during the next two trading sessions. Last Friday, December hogs settled at $73.32/cwt., $3.48 below the pre-release level.\n\nRetail pork demand was strong January thru April but has been weak since then. Export demand for U.S. pork has been strong all year.\n\nThrough August, U.S. pork exports were down 0.2% compared to the same period last year and pork imports were up 22.0%. Exports equaled 26.7% of January-August pork production and imports equaled 3.9% of U.S. production. This does not include variety meats.\n\nThe increase in imports is due to more pork coming to the U.S. from several countries, especially Canada, Mexico, Italy, and Hungary. Exports have held steady with less U.S. pork going to China and more to Mexico, Philippines, Japan, and Colombia.", null, "Meat in cold storage dropped dramatically in the spring of 2020 when packing plans were forced to idle operations due to COVID outbreaks among employees. There were 466 million pounds of pork in cold storage at the end of September. That was up a tiny 0.17% year-over-year. September was the first month above year-ago since April 2020.", null, "Cash corn prices rose rapidly during the first third of 2021 but have been trending lower since May. The futures market indicates corn prices will hold fairly steady during the coming 12 months. December soymeal settled at $327.40/ton on Friday. The cost of production for hogs sold in 2022 shapes up to be a bit lower than this year.", null, "This has been a good year for hog producers. The first nine months averaged a profit of $35.55 per hog marketed, according to calculations by Lee Schulz at Iowa State University. All months except January were profitable. The futures market indicates that, at roughly $29/head, this will be the most profitable year since 2014. Next year is also expected to be profitable at around $15 per head.", null, "Thus far in 2021, the number of cull sows imported from Canada has been up 7.6%. First quarter U.S. sow slaughter was up 1.3% year-over-year (up 0.1% net of Canadian sows imported). Since the first quarter, U.S. sow slaughter has been down 8.7% (down 10.6% net of Canadian sow imports). Unless gilt retention has slowed, it appears that the sow herd is either growing or is at least shrinking at a slower pace. Given the profitability of hog production this year, I expect the former is true.", null]} +{"images": ["https://lthumb.lisimg.com/731/11355731.jpg?width=170&sharpen=true", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.listal.com/viewentry/67108\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lthumb.lisimg.com/731/11355731.jpg?width=170&sharpen=true\", \"src\": \"https://lthumb.lisimg.com/731/11355731.jpg?width=170&sharpen=true\", \"original_width\": 170, \"original_height\": 255, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.listal.com/viewentry/67108\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703519843.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20210119232006-20210120022006-00714.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 856244466, \"warc_record_length\": 6855}", "texts": [null, "What utter drivel! The DVDs should be collected and thrown into the sea. My time could have been better spent putting needles in my eyes.\n\nThis movie has the most far fetched and ridiculous plot ever concocted. The Cage/Kruger love interest is tenious at best and the psuedo science/theology spewed by Nic Cage is laughable. Sean Bean is the only notable addition to this film, in which Bean somehow avoids being dragged down by the raging black hole that is Nicolas Cage.\n\nI only watched the entire film in the vain hope that the ending would be interesting..I was dissapointed. Like a 5mph Roller Coaster, this film is pointless and nothing like it promises to be. A poor man's DaVinci Code."]} +{"images": ["http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Most-Popular-Concealed-Carry-Guns-Web-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552029", null, "http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/5-things-to-do-after-buying-a-gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552024", "http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Good-Advice-Buying-First-Gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552026", "http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/terms-buying-a-handgun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552032", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.gungoddess.com/blogs/choosing-a-gun/which-concealed-carry-guns-are-the-most-popular-right-now\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Most-Popular-Concealed-Carry-Guns-Web-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552029\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Most-Popular-Concealed-Carry-Guns-Web-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552029\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Most Popular Concealed Carry Guns Web GunGoddess min x\", \"alt_text\": \"Which Concealed Carry Guns Are the Most Popular Right Now?\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 628, \"original_width\": 1200, \"original_height\": 628, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.gungoddess.com/blogs/choosing-a-gun/which-concealed-carry-guns-are-the-most-popular-right-now\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/5-things-to-do-after-buying-a-gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552024\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/5-things-to-do-after-buying-a-gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552024\", \"formatted_filename\": \"things to do after buying a gun GunGoddess min x\", \"alt_text\": \"5 Things You Should Do After Buying a Gun\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 628, \"original_width\": 1200, \"original_height\": 628, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.gungoddess.com/blogs/choosing-a-gun/which-concealed-carry-guns-are-the-most-popular-right-now\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Good-Advice-Buying-First-Gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552026\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/Good-Advice-Buying-First-Gun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552026\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Good Advice Buying First Gun GunGoddess min x\", \"alt_text\": \"Good Advice for Anyone Buying Their First Gun\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 628, \"original_width\": 1200, \"original_height\": 628, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.gungoddess.com/blogs/choosing-a-gun/which-concealed-carry-guns-are-the-most-popular-right-now\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/terms-buying-a-handgun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552032\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1372/5377/articles/terms-buying-a-handgun-GunGoddess-min_1600x.jpg?v=1623552032\", \"formatted_filename\": \"terms buying a handgun GunGoddess min x\", \"alt_text\": \"The Terms You Need to Know When Buying a Handgun\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 628, \"original_width\": 1200, \"original_height\": 628, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.gungoddess.com/blogs/choosing-a-gun/which-concealed-carry-guns-are-the-most-popular-right-now\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585305.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20211020090145-20211020120145-00247.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 952624329, \"warc_record_length\": 36797}", "texts": [null, "We love learning from you and sharing that information with other gun owners, so we recently asked people about their favorite carry gun on our social media pages.\n\nWe received an overwhelming response (thank you!), so we've decided to share what new and seasoned gun owners had to say about their favorite gun for carrying concealed. Here are their answers, starting with the most popular:\n\nNot surprisingly, concealed carry guns made by SIG were overwhelmingly the most popular. The P365 was at the top of the list, followed by the P238, P320, and then the P938.\n\nGlock came in a very close second, with only a few votes separating them from SIG. The Glock 43 (including the 43x) got the most votes, followed by the Glock 21. The Glock 48 and 42 both received a few votes.\n\nSmith & Wesson carry guns were mentioned slightly less often than the first two manufacturers. The S&W Shield got the most votes, which includes the increasingly popular EZ (9mm and .380). There were a few votes for revolvers, and Smith & Wesson dominated the responses in that category.\n\nSpringfield Armory has recently upped their concealed carry guns game, and it shows in our results. Coming in strong was their new Hellcat, followed by a few votes for the EMP 9mm. Surprisingly, there were no votes for their XD models.\n\nFalling out of favor with concealed carriers, but still in the mix was the LCP (both 9mm and .380). The LCR revolver was mentioned just a few times.\n\nKimber had a small showing but did (just barely) make the list. Their 1911's came in first, followed by the Micro 9.\n\nTaurus has recently made a commitment to improving their quality, and a few of their concealed carry gun models have been gaining traction as a response. The most popular Taurus was the G2 series followed by the P19T11.\n\nDid your favorite carry gun make the cut? Feel free to reach out to us to let us know!", null, null, null, "The Terms You Need to Know When Buying a Handgun\n\nBuying a gun can be confusing. Here are some of the most common words and terms you are likely to encounter when shopping for a firearm.\nRead More"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.historytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/bayeaux.jpg?itok=FTrCT1nV", null, "https://www.historytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/roxane_thumb.jpg?itok=2JRBz_Qx", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.historytoday.com/history-today-issues/volume-38-issue-9-september-1988\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/bayeaux.jpg?itok=FTrCT1nV\", \"src\": \"https://www.historytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/bayeaux.jpg?itok=FTrCT1nV\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bayeaux\", \"alt_text\": \"bayeaux.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 440, \"rendered_height\": 340, \"original_width\": 440, \"original_height\": 340, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.historytoday.com/history-today-issues/volume-38-issue-9-september-1988\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/roxane_thumb.jpg?itok=2JRBz_Qx\", \"src\": \"https://www.historytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_list/public/roxane_thumb.jpg?itok=2JRBz_Qx\", \"formatted_filename\": \"roxane thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"roxane_thumb.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 440, \"rendered_height\": 340, \"original_width\": 440, \"original_height\": 340, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.historytoday.com/history-today-issues/volume-38-issue-9-september-1988\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400209665.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20200923015227-20200923045227-00745.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 868067474, \"warc_record_length\": 7789}", "texts": ["Angela Morgan tells the story of the remodelling of Boscobel House in Shropshire.\n\nWas Britain prepared for war in 1938? Not in the air, argues John Crossland, as he investigates the myths and penny-pinching that nearly scuppered the Spitfire victors of the Battle of Britain.\n\nScholarship and the Swastika: The Politics of Research in Occupied Poland\n\nMichael Burleigh investigates how academia was pressed into service to legitimise Nazi imperialism in the conquered East.\n\nWhere Have all the Heroes Gone?\n\nTony Aldous looks at the redevelopment of the city of Lowell in America.", null, "Cultural cataclysm or merely a modification of an Anglo-Saxon status quo? Antonia Gransden looks at views, past and present, of the Norman conquest.", null, "Frank L. Holt looks at the legends and realities of Alexander's bride from Central Asia, the world she lived in and the power struggles that ensnared her.\n\nA Shadow of Secession? The Hartford Convention, 1814\n\nA separatist assembly of Federalist New England at the height of war-weariness provided precedence and philosophy for future defiance of the Union."]} +{"images": ["https://www.gsa.gov/cdnstatic/ABG.jpg", null, "https://www.gsa.gov/cdnstatic/02_AfricanBurial_lo.jpg"], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.gsa.gov/historic-buildings/african-burial-ground-memorial-new-york-ny\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/cdnstatic/ABG.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.gsa.gov/cdnstatic/ABG.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ABG\", \"alt_text\": \"African Burial Ground National Monument, New York, New York\", \"original_width\": 216, \"original_height\": 180, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.gsa.gov/historic-buildings/african-burial-ground-memorial-new-york-ny\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/cdnstatic/02_AfricanBurial_lo.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.gsa.gov/cdnstatic/02_AfricanBurial_lo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AfricanBurial lo\", \"alt_text\": \"African Burial Ground National Monument, New York, New York\", \"original_width\": 175, \"original_height\": 263, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.gsa.gov/historic-buildings/african-burial-ground-memorial-new-york-ny\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662530066.45/warc/CC-MAIN-20220519204127-20220519234127-00495.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 887707280, \"warc_record_length\": 18194}", "texts": [null, "In May 1991, a three hundred year silence was shattered with the discovery of the African Burial Ground in lower Manhattan. Widely acknowledged as one of the most significant American archeological finds of the twentieth century, the African Burial Ground discovery redefined the history of New York and exposed an often overlooked heritage. Following the discovery, nearly two decades were dedicated to the documentation and interpretation of the site. A series of events and ceremonies that involved studying and honoring those buried there, returning them to their rightful resting place, and proclaiming the African Burial Ground a National Monument culminated in the 2007 unveiling of a permanent on-site memorial. An enduring cultural and spiritual monument was created.\n\nPrior to the 1991 discovery, plans to erect a 34-story, $276-million federal building required that a cultural resource survey, including archeological field-testing, be completed. Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, such research is required on any project using public funds that may have the potential to impact historic resources. During the last days of the excavation, the archeological team discovered a missing chapter of New York history\u00bfthe first of more than four hundred skeletal remains of men, women, and children, members of the city's enslaved population, was unearthed.\n\nThe African American community, joined by public figures and private individuals, responded immediately, voicing concerns that the African Burial Ground would not be given the reverence it deserved. From the controversy over the proper handling of the burial ground, one of the largest academic research endeavors focused on African Americans began.The Cobb Laboratory at Howard Univer-sity offered a research plan for the interdisciplinary archeological, bio-anthropological, and historical study that documented the life and culture of New York's seventeenth and eighteenth-century Africans. Following public input, project stakeholders decided to unearth the four hundred burials, providing valuable information about health, diet, gender, age, physical condition, and cause of death. Under the direction of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, Howard University produced a multivolume report documenting their unprecedented, and often disturbing, findings.\n\nSlavery in New York began during the 1600s, when the Dutch West India Company brought African slaves to the New Amsterdam colony. England seized New Amsterdam in 1664 and renamed it New York. Slavery continued under British rule. Most of the African slaves came from West Central Africa. After decades of agitation, universal emancipation for all slaves in New York was achieved in 1827. As the Civil War approached, the South became identified with slavery, and the North with free labor. In 1991, the discovery of the African Burial Ground allowed contemporary historians to study the period anew.\n\nPlaced in use as a burial ground during the 1640s, the African Burial Ground (historically identified as the \"Negroes Buriel Ground\") was within a mile of Manhattan's southern tip, making it one of the first landholds over which New York Africans had relative control.\n\nSkeletal remains showed that life was perilous for Africans in New York. Nine percent of the burials were children under the age of two, a death rate disproportionately higher than the rest of the population. Further research exposed malnutrition, delayed bone development, backbreaking labor, and recurrent illnesses.\n\nNew York Africans lived in poverty, taking little with them to the grave. Funeral practices demonstrate cultural continuity between the New World and Africa. Burials often included bead ornaments, which held ceremonial significance for every stage of life. Shells also had meaning, reflecting the belief that they \"enclose the soul's immortal presence.\"\n\nBy the 1790s, free African Americans established the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and, in 1794, formed the African Society. The Society opened a new cemetery and the African Burial Ground was closed. Although the site was known to be a cemetery, real estate pressures took priority in the rapidly expanding city, and subdividing of the land began in 1795. A street grid, followed by commercial, industrial, and residential development, erased the memory of the cemetery.\n\nAround 1900, lower Manhattan was filled and leveled. By the mid-twentieth century, commercial and government buildings occupied the area, and the African Burial Ground was further sealed. In 1991, the evolution of the site had resulted in a parking lot which subsequently became the proposed site for a federal building. During preconstruction archeological investigations, the African Burial Ground was discovered and immediately recognized for its cultural and historical significance.\n\nA memorial site designed by Rodney L\u00bfon was completed in 2007. The memorial consists of a sunken Libation Court (gathering space for cultural ceremonies). It is surrounded by a Circle of the Diaspora inscribed with signs, symbols, and images of the African Diaspora. An Ancestral Chamber provides sacred space for contemplation. A Wall of Remembrance describes events that contributed to the African Burial Ground's creation. The reinterment locations are marked with four Ancestral Pillars.\n\nAn important link to the history of New York, the African Burial Ground is possibly the only preserved, urban, eighteenth-century African cemetery in America. The site and memorial also contribute to New York's cultural richness, adding to an array of monuments celebrating the city's immigrant communities. While years in the making and not without controversy, the African Burial Ground's preservation means the contributions of its African ancestors will live on in perpetuity. The African Burial Ground project received a Preserve America Presidential Award in 2008.", null]} +{"images": [null, "https://hd-report.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/netflix-ISP-rankings-january-452x600.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hd-report.com/2014/02/14/comcast-merger-hideous-netflix-service/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://hd-report.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/netflix-ISP-rankings-january-452x600.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://hd-report.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/netflix-ISP-rankings-january-452x600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"netflix ISP rankings january\", \"rendered_width\": 452, \"rendered_height\": 600, \"original_width\": 452, \"original_height\": 600, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://hd-report.com/2014/02/14/comcast-merger-hideous-netflix-service/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103036176.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20220625220543-20220626010543-00439.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 331507927, \"warc_record_length\": 70103}", "texts": ["It may be clich\u00e9 to bash the cable company, but sometimes clich\u00e9 is right. As you\u2019ve heard, Comcast, the largest cable company and home Internet service provider in the United States, has announced it intends to swallow up its next closest competitor, Time Warner Cable, like Jabba the Hutt downing a frog.\n\nOn the surface, it seems like yet another reason to cut the cord, ditch Comcast, and just go with Netflix. But wait\u2026 you can\u2019t cut the cord because Comcast is holding it at the other end. You want Netflix? You need Internet. You want Internet? You need Comcast. If the Time Warner merger goes through, the company would likely become the largest broadband service provider in the world, excluding maybe China. That news by itself is certainly distressing; it makes an industry that\u2019s already not very competitive even less so.\n\nBut not only is Comcast closing in on Monopoly territory (the company also owns a 51% majority stake in the massive media conglomerate NBCUniversal), it\u2019s also failing miserably at providing quality service to its customers that use Netflix. Whether Comcast is intentionally throttling the data speeds of Netflix or not (some say it\u2019s actually Netflix behind the poor service), it\u2019s a fact that Comcast currently offers just about the worst way to use your Netflix streaming account.\n\nThere\u2019s been a ton of anecdotal evidence supporting this recently, and yes, your humble author is here to offer more of that evidence. The problems started recently; my HD programming was failing to even sniff 720p, so I upgraded to a new modem, one that\u2019s been fully tested, supported, and approved by Comcast. On top of that, I also invested in a new high end router. But nope. If it\u2019s The Cleveland Show in 1080p, it\u2019s The Cleveland Show in 480p in my house. Even an episode of Family Ties, which only promises a 480p resolution, staggers between 240 and 384. And yes, I watch Family Ties, but let\u2019s not ridicule my viewing habits here, we\u2019ve got bigger fish to fry. Point is, prime time video quality has been atrocious.\n\nAnd before you chalk this up to being the rant of one disgruntled writer, check out Netflix\u2019 ISP rankings for January.", null, "That\u2019s right. Out of the 17 companies ranked, Comcast finished 14th. Looking for a way to get the most out of your Netflix subscription? Wanna sample their new 3D offerings? First try Google Fiber, Cablevision \u2013 Optimum, Cox, Suddenlink, Charter, Time Warner Cable (about to be Comcast!), Verizon \u2013 FIOS, Bright House, Windstream, Frontier, AT&T \u2013 U-Verse, and Mediacom. Then, if that doesn\u2019t work out for ya, OK, sure, you can give Comcast a shot. And wait, you didn\u2019t just utter \u201c4K\u201d did you? Stop it.\n\nSo, um, yeah\u2026 what\u2019re your thoughts on the proposed merger?"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/images/articles2/Pill-bottle-money-article.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/legal-news/harvoni-denied-insurance-claim/harvoni-lawsuits-denied-insurance-claim-20731.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/articles2/Pill-bottle-money-article.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/images/articles2/Pill-bottle-money-article.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pill bottle money article\", \"alt_text\": \"Expect More Hep C Drug Denied Insurance Lawsuits\", \"rendered_width\": 252, \"rendered_height\": 168, \"original_width\": 252, \"original_height\": 168, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/legal-news/harvoni-denied-insurance-claim/harvoni-lawsuits-denied-insurance-claim-20731.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323588526.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20211028193601-20211028223601-00464.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1030808939, \"warc_record_length\": 12183}", "texts": ["A Gilead Hep C Denied Insurance Claim Lawsuit recently filed in California state court appears to be a template for an issue expected to dominate discussion and debate: what role does an insurer have in treatment decisions, and how much of a factor does cost play? In a world of generics where insurers have less costly alternatives available, some treatment options are unique and without peer. If that treatment happens to be expensive, but there is no alternative, does an insurer have the right to deny treatment through a peerless treatment option, simply due to the expense?", null, "That appears to be the base argument in a lawsuit that could precede other Harvoni lawsuits with regard to an expensive, relatively new but highly effective treatment option (according to reports) for hepatitis C (Hep C).\n\nThe most recent Harvoni Denied Insurance Claim lawsuit has been brought by plaintiff Shima Andre against Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) and filed May 15 in California Superior Court. According to the plaintiff, who hails from West Hollywood, there is nothing in the explanation of benefits for her policy that suggests Anthem has the right to withhold a treatment option due to the expense. Rather, the Harvoni lawsuit holds that Anthem simply requires that a drug be medically accepted and approved, and not costlier than comparable drugs.\n\nWhich it isn\u2019t, because there is really nothing comparable. Harvoni was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in mid-October of last year, and held so much promise that doctors began prescribing Harvoni to their patients almost immediately. The developer and manufacturer of Harvoni, Gilead Sciences Inc. (Gilead), achieved sales of more than $2 billion for 2014, in a little more than 10 weeks.\n\nThere is no question Harvoni is expensive, at about $1,000 per pill or just under $100,000 for a 12-week treatment program. Harvoni is an advanced version of Gilead\u2019s Sovaldi, which is also expensive, but also highly effective.\n\nInsurers have been concerned that such expensive drugs, with no alternatives, could succeed in driving up the cost of premiums.\n\nHowever, that is not the concern of the plaintiff, who maintains Anthem should honor the various clauses and commitments in the insurance policy of approving and undertaking a treatment option provided the treatment is medically accepted. Whether or not Harvoni is costlier than it needs to be is of no concern to the plaintiff.\n\nMore HARVONI DENIED CLAIM News\nAnthem, the complaint says,\n\u201capplied a more restrictive test...in an effort to increase company profits by limiting the number of patients who would qualify for this life-saving medication.\u201d\n\nThe denial letter that Anthem sent to Andre \u201cdoes not cite to any provision of the [explanation of benefits] in support of this standard,\u201d according to the Gilead Hep C Denied Insurance Claim Lawsuit.\n\nPlaintiff Andre also asserts in her California state Harvoni lawsuit that physicians employed by Anthem to review her appeals lacked expertise in treating Hep C. Her lawsuit suggests that Anthem has decided to restrict treatment with Harvoni in patients with advanced liver scarring from Hep C.\n\nThe case is Andre v. Blue Cross of California et al., Case No: BC582063, in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles.\n\nIf you or a loved one have suffered losses in this case, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to an insurance lawyer who may evaluate your Harvoni Denied Claim claim at no cost or obligation.\nRequest Legal Help Now"]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.adorama.com/images/Large/msigs65st054.jpg", null, "https://m.xcite.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/550x400/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/u/buy_msi_core_i7_8gb_ram_1tb_hdd___128gb_ssd_4gb_nvidia_15_inch_gaming_laptop_-_gv627rd_price_result_1.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://aceaviation.info/15107/msi-personal-cinema-15/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.adorama.com/images/Large/msigs65st054.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.adorama.com/images/Large/msigs65st054.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"msigs st\", \"alt_text\": \"MSI PERSONAL CINEMA 5.0 DRIVERS\", \"original_width\": 450, \"original_height\": 450, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://aceaviation.info/15107/msi-personal-cinema-15/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://m.xcite.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/550x400/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/u/buy_msi_core_i7_8gb_ram_1tb_hdd___128gb_ssd_4gb_nvidia_15_inch_gaming_laptop_-_gv627rd_price_result_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://m.xcite.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/550x400/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/u/buy_msi_core_i7_8gb_ram_1tb_hdd___128gb_ssd_4gb_nvidia_15_inch_gaming_laptop_-_gv627rd_price_result_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"buy msi core i gb ram tb hdd gb ssd gb nvidia inch gaming laptop gv rd price result\", \"alt_text\": \"MSI PERSONAL CINEMA 5.0 DOWNLOAD DRIVER\", \"original_width\": 550, \"original_height\": 400, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://aceaviation.info/15107/msi-personal-cinema-15/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347409171.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20200530102741-20200530132741-00512.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 230608992, \"warc_record_length\": 8405}", "texts": ["Dysfunctional relationships have often been at the centre of his best work.\n\nBut I came into my own when I stumbled upon my autobiographical idiom \u2014 where I got to say things the way I wanted to. So, all my dysfunctional relationships, beginning from my absent father, have helped me become who I am. One could say, in the end, Mahesh held up the family name and made his father proud. He takes his time to answer. Mahesh Bhatt rarely, if ever, takes time to answer. I left home when he was around three MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 he felt I had abandoned the family for another woman. Slowly we began rebuilding our relationship and I urged him to use his anger against me to fuel his goals.", null, "And he managed to do that. He is now a fitness guru.\n\nMSI Personal Cinema 5.0 He trains all kinds of important people, but not once has he used my name or connections to promote himself. Nor has he ever tried to use my guilt to his advantage. Is he proud of you?\n\nThe very public Mahesh Bhatt\u2019s most private interview ever\n\nA smile shines on his face. He means what he says.\n\nNear the top right corner of the motherboard we can see a seven segment debug LED display and onboard LEDs that light up in accordance with the malfunctioning or loose component that might prevent a successful system boot up such as the CPU, DRAM, VGA etc Its a small MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 very useful feature especially for a new platform such as the X The debug LED display displays MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 current CPU temperatures after a successful boot up and is very handy to monitor temperatures on a platform such as this which tends to run hot sometimes. Even though the socket is physically bigger it supports the same CPU coolers as that of the LGAv3 so its easily compatible with most of the air and liquid coolers out there. At the bottom end things are pretty much straightforward or atleast they look like that way!\n\nI already feel poor right now! Keep in mind that if you populate both the M.\n\nWe've read and seen quite a lot about the power delivery system failures on the X PCH motherboards and though MSI has used a ceramic VRM heatsink for cooling these components down the embedded LEDs inside it sure make it a point of concern for me, so we'll have to see how it performs in our tests further ahead. Though these help to divide load over the network by one being Internet exclusive while the other an Intranet exclusive port, these unfortunately don't MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 LAN teaming.\n\nThis is a crammed up screen that has the details about all the components installed on the board along with MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 laid out neatly under clear tabs on the left side. If you want to change fan speeds, maybe boot devices, or use its automated overclocking function or XMP, you can do so quickly and easily.\n\nThis is a much preferred version for the beginners and though it comes with a Game Boost Knob on the top left its useless since the SLI Plus doesn't support this feature. The game developer can have higher flexibility to control low-pitched sound in a game. The completely re-designed effect engine gives developers total freedom to use any of four simultaneous MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 with any of the voices.\n\nSomeone whispering to your ear, a bullet flying a couple inches by your head and so on. The previous version called occlusion only delivers basic sound effect occluded by the direct sound, but not the environmental reverb associated with that sound. Environment Occlusion MSI Personal Cinema 5.0 the realism by allowing the reverb effect itself as well as the direct sound to be muffled due to occluding objects.", null]} +{"images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sf0huKQfzIM/T6BLLO-tVtI/AAAAAAAAAMk/Y9UG5CT8aiE/s640/March+2012+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PZnlKliPoQY/T6BLIQ60wVI/AAAAAAAAAMc/I7O604qgZjA/s640/August+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xZA9Yo3d6eA/T6BRjbLh4fI/AAAAAAAAAMw/56QAQJLjSzI/s400/Italian+Banks'+net+purchases+of+government+debt.tiff"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.antehoc.com/2012/05/collateral-at-bank-of-italy-2.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sf0huKQfzIM/T6BLLO-tVtI/AAAAAAAAAMk/Y9UG5CT8aiE/s640/March+2012+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sf0huKQfzIM/T6BLLO-tVtI/AAAAAAAAAMk/Y9UG5CT8aiE/s640/March+2012+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff\", \"formatted_filename\": \"March Bank of Italy Collateral Composition\", \"rendered_width\": 376, \"rendered_height\": 640, \"original_width\": 377, \"original_height\": 640, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.antehoc.com/2012/05/collateral-at-bank-of-italy-2.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PZnlKliPoQY/T6BLIQ60wVI/AAAAAAAAAMc/I7O604qgZjA/s640/August+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PZnlKliPoQY/T6BLIQ60wVI/AAAAAAAAAMc/I7O604qgZjA/s640/August+Bank+of+Italy+Collateral+Composition.tiff\", \"formatted_filename\": \"August Bank of Italy Collateral Composition\", \"rendered_width\": 417, \"rendered_height\": 640, \"original_width\": 420, \"original_height\": 640, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.antehoc.com/2012/05/collateral-at-bank-of-italy-2.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xZA9Yo3d6eA/T6BRjbLh4fI/AAAAAAAAAMw/56QAQJLjSzI/s400/Italian+Banks'+net+purchases+of+government+debt.tiff\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xZA9Yo3d6eA/T6BRjbLh4fI/AAAAAAAAAMw/56QAQJLjSzI/s400/Italian+Banks'+net+purchases+of+government+debt.tiff\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Italian Banks' net purchases of government debt\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 358, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 360, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://www.antehoc.com/2012/05/collateral-at-bank-of-italy-2.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500076.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20230203221113-20230204011113-00490.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 49049249, \"warc_record_length\": 11713}", "texts": ["Collateral at the Bank of Italy #2", null, null, "The two graphics show composition of collateral held at the Bank of Italy (\"the Bank\") against Eurosystem repo operations in August 2011 and March 2012. In each graphic, the bottom pie represents the collateral actually held at the Bank of Italy, and the top pie represents the Bank\u2019s estimate of unencumbered collateral (net of prospective haircuts) remaining in Italy. One thing to note, as explained in the the prior post, the amount of collateral net of haircuts at the bank including amount of overcollateralization was 126 billion euros in August and 363 billion in March.\n\nThe differences between the pools of collateral held in August and March are stark. The biggest jump is seen in \u201cgovernment-guaranteed bank bonds\u201d due to an Italian decree issued December 6 (described in this speech by the Gov. of the Bank of Italy, P.11) which allowed banks to issue government backed bonds in return for a fee to the Italian government. These bonds, which by virtue of the government guarantee were instantly available for financing at the Bank of Italy, represented 77 billion in credit extended by March 2012. On the other hand, the extension of credit claims represented little additional credit by March; according to the Bank only 4 billion had been extended against whole loans made eligible by the ECB and Bank of Italy\u2019s decision allowing for lowerquality assets to be posted as collateral increasing the total amount of whole loands posted to 54 billion (net of haircuts).\n\nThe increase in government securities posted could be caused by several things. One is, as documented on antehoc before, the subsidy available on Italian government bonds via lower haircuts compared with other European central clearing counterparties. Another could have to do with the re-domestication of Italian sovereign debt in the last few months (see the picture below again courtesy of the Bank of Italy).", null]} +{"images": ["https://assets.thehansindia.com/h-upload/2021/08/30/1105118-cpi.webp", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.thehansindia.com/news/cities/vijayawada/vijayawada-cpi-wants-cm-ys-jagan-to-raise-voice-against-vizag-steel-plant-sell-off-704225\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://assets.thehansindia.com/h-upload/2021/08/30/1105118-cpi.webp\", \"src\": \"https://assets.thehansindia.com/h-upload/2021/08/30/1105118-cpi.webp\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cpi\", \"alt_text\": \"CPI State Secretary K Ramakrishna flanked by P Harinadha Reddy and Akkineni Vanaja addressing the media in Vijayawada on Monday\", \"original_width\": 1000, \"original_height\": 600, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.thehansindia.com/news/cities/vijayawada/vijayawada-cpi-wants-cm-ys-jagan-to-raise-voice-against-vizag-steel-plant-sell-off-704225\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964362999.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20211204154554-20211204184554-00197.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1117681212, \"warc_record_length\": 45453}", "texts": [null, "Vijayawada: The Communist Party of India on Monday demanded the MPs of YSRCP and TDP along with Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy to raise their voice against the privatisation of Vizag Steel Plant.\n\nAddressing the media at the State party headquarters here, CPI State secretary K Ramakrishna said that the CM should include all the political parties and people's associations to bring pressure on the Centre to protect the Vizag steel plant. The YSRCP and the TDP MPs should raise their voice for the steel plant during the Parliament session.\n\nThey should personally meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to wean him away from the privatisation of the steel plant.\n\nHuge agitation has been going on for the last 200 days throughout the State soon after the decision to privatise the steel plant. It is unfortunate that in spite of the people's revolt, the Centre is adamant to go ahead with the move. He recalled that steel plant was achieved after the political leaders submitted resignations to their posts.\n\nAt a time when people are revolting against the steel plant sell-off, the State government quietly handed over Gangavaram port to Adani group. The CPI leader took exception to the statement of Minister Botcha Satyanarayana that there is no wrong if one private company was handed over to another private company.\n\nThe State government has 10.4 percent share in the port and it should be handed over to the State government after 30 years. In that background what is the rationality in handing over the port to the Adani group. That too, property worth Rs 9,000 crore was given for a pittance of Rs 644 crore, he questioned.\n\nThe CPI leader demanded the Chief Minister to cancel the deal of Gangavaram port sending a warning that a massive agitation would be launched.\n\nExpressing solidarity with the agitating farmers of Amaravati, the CPI leader demanded the State government to announce Amaravati as the capital city. He ridiculed the statement of Minister Botcha Satyanarayana on Amaravati describing it irrational.\n\nHe flayed the State and the central government for not taking any action regarding the spiralling cost of fuels. He demanded the chief minister to bring pressure on the Centre to reduce the fuel prices.\n\nThe CPI leader took strong exception to the arrest of former MLA Chintamaneni Prabhakar when he was attending a marriage function."]} +{"images": [null, "https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/JLM-Image-300x264.jpg", null, "https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/50s60s-300x283.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wkuf.fm/shows/wkuf-celebrates-the-30th-anniversary-of-violator/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/JLM-Image-300x264.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/JLM-Image-300x264.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"JLM Image\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 264, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 264, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wkuf.fm/shows/wkuf-celebrates-the-30th-anniversary-of-violator/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/50s60s-300x283.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wkuf.fm/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/50s60s-300x283.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"s s\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 283, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 283, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://wkuf.fm/shows/wkuf-celebrates-the-30th-anniversary-of-violator/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370494064.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20200329074745-20200329104745-00223.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 747266560, \"warc_record_length\": 14190}", "texts": ["Tune in as J.L. Massimino hosts a 30th anniversary celebration of Depeche Mode\u2019s \u201cViolator\u201d, which was released on March 19th, 1990. In addition to playing \u201cViolator\u201d in its entirety, J.L. will provide some fun facts and background info on the album as well. Below are the dates and times that the special will air (all times EST).", null, "Our Regularly Scheduled Program Will Not Air. Please Stay Tuned for the Greatest Songs of the 50s and 60s!", null]} +{"images": [null, "https://dailytimes.com.pk/assets/uploads/2018/09/21/53f51f8c8c076.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://dailytimes.com.pk/379160/pakistan-urges-iran-and-afghanistan-to-do-more/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dailytimes.com.pk/assets/uploads/2018/09/21/53f51f8c8c076.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://dailytimes.com.pk/assets/uploads/2018/09/21/53f51f8c8c076.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f c c\", \"rendered_width\": 800, \"rendered_height\": 480, \"original_width\": 800, \"original_height\": 480, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://dailytimes.com.pk/379160/pakistan-urges-iran-and-afghanistan-to-do-more/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347385193.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20200524210325-20200525000325-00286.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 318772991, \"warc_record_length\": 14394}", "texts": ["Pakistan urges Iran and Afghanistan to \u2018do more\u2019", null, "Pakistan on Saturday asked both Iran and Afghanistan to take \u2018visible action\u2019 against the terrorist groups operating from their soil and also dismantle logistics and training camps of such elements located across the border.\n\n\u201cThe whole country is angry and upset over the Ormara massacre and wants to know why this incident has taken place and who is behind it,\u201d Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said while addressing a press conference. He said actionable forensic evidence has been shared with the Iranian government showing links of the terrorists with the neighbouring country, besides presence of their logistics and training camps located across the border. \u201cWe expect Iran to take visible action against the elements who used its soil to carry out Thursday\u2019s terrorist attack in Balochistan,\u201d he said, and added that Afghanistan should also take action against anti-Pakistan elements operating from its soil.\n\nAt least 14 passengers were picked out with the help of their national identity cards (NICs), forcibly offloaded from their bus and then shot dead by unidentified assailants on the Makran Coastal Highway in Ormara, Balochistan, on Thursday. The victims comprised 10 soldiers of Pakistan Navy, three of Pakistan Air Force and a coastguard.\n\nQureshi said the Baloch Raaji-Aajohi-e-Sangar (BRAS), an alliance of three Baloch terrorist organisdations, has claimed responsibility for the incident in which the killers were clad in Frontier Corps (FC) uniforms. The Baloch terrorist outfits have set up their logistic camps inside the Iranian border area and it has also been conveyed to the Iranian authorities, he said.\n\nQureshi said Pakistan wants to know the factors behind the Omara incident. He said Pakistan and Iran enjoy fraternal ties and hoped that Tehran will act against the perpetrators of the incident as assured by his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in a detailed telephonic conversation with him.\n\nQureshi said considering the prevailing security situation, Pakistan has decided to take six security measures to avoid recurrence of cross-border terrorism. He said a special command based in Balochistan\u2019s Turbat area has been set up, besides raising a new corps to increase border patrolling. It has also been decided that aerial surveillance of the Pak-Iran border will be done through helicopters, he added.\n\nLike Afghanistan, he said, the Iranian border will also be fenced. Though the fencing of 950-kilometer-long border will be costly, it is need of the hour, he said, and added that Pakistan and Iran will set up joint border centers at six points for surveillance along the border.\n\nHe said Iran had demanded necessary action from Pakistan when its security officials were abducted and shifted to Pakistan. The action was accordingly taken and nine out of 12 abducted Iranian personnel were rescued by the Pakistani forces, he said, and added that Prime Minister Imran Khan is scheduled to visit Iran on Sunday during which security issues will be discussed in detail.\n\nResponding to a question, he said the timing of Omara incident is important which shows that the elements behind it do not want peace in the region. He said Pakistan and Iran have historical relationship. Pakistan can overcome its energy crisis by buying gas from Iran but international sanctions against the latter are impeding the process, he added. To another question, he said it is a known fact as to which country is backing such terrorist organisations and supplying weapons to carry out insurgency and bring instability in Pakistan. He said despite worsening human rights situation in the Indian-held Kashmir, Pakistan intends to normalise its relations with India.\n\nEarlier in the day, Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a strong protest with Iran regarding its \u2018inaction\u2019 against terror groups believed to be involved in the Ormara massacre.\n\nIn a letter written to the Iranian embassy on Friday, the foreign ministry stated, \u201cKilling of 14 innocent Pakistanis by terrorist groups based in Iran is a very serious incident that Pakistan protests strongly.\u201d\n\nAs per a copy of the letter available with Daily Times, \u201c15-20 terrorists camouflaged themselves in Frontier Corps (FC) uniform, barricaded the road and stopped 3-4 buses travelling from Ormara to Gwadar on the coastal highway at Buzi Top before dawn on April 18. On the identification of the passengers, 14 personnel belonging to the armed forces were shot dead.\u201d According to the letter, \u2018BRAS\u2019, an alliance of three Baloch terrorist organisations, has claimed responsibility for the terrorist act. Following the incident, the terrorists, who had arrived from the border region, returned to that area, the letter claimed.\n\nThe ministry stated that Pakistan has \u2018repeatedly\u2019 shared intelligence about these activities. \u201cIn the recent past as well as on numerous occasions earlier, information about the hubs of these Baloch terrorist organisations in Iran having training camps and logistics bases across the border was shared with the Iranian intelligence. Unfortunately, no action has been taken by Iran in this regard, to date,\u201d the letter stated.\n\nWhile lodging Pakistan\u2019s protest against the deaths in Ormara, the letter said that Pakistan is awaiting Iran\u2019s response to its \u2018request for action against these groups based in Iran, whose locations have been identified by Pakistan a number of times.\u2019\n\nThe ministry called on the embassy to convey the concerns to the relevant authorities in Iran for \u2018prompt action\u2019.\n\n\u201cThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the esteemed embassy the assurances of its highest consideration,\u201d the letter concluded.\n\nA day earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif had condemned the Ormara attack. \u201cStrongly condemning the recent terrorist attack in Pakistan, just as PM Imran Khan embarks on his first, historic visit to Iran,\u201d Zarif had tweeted. \u201cTerrorists, extremists & their sponsors are terrified by close relations between Muslim states,\u201d he continued. \u201cIran stands with the people and government of Pakistan,\u201d he added.\n\nMeanwhile, Ormara Levies registered a first information report in connection with the incident. A Levies officer, who wished not to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter, said that an FIR has been lodged against unidentified terrorists for the murder of 14 people on April 18. The case has been registered on behalf of the government, the officer said. Terrorism, murder, attempt to murder and other sections have been included in the report, he added.\n\nLevies officials said security has been beefed up in the area and passenger buses are being strictly checked in the aftermath of the cold-blooded murders. Balochistan Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mohsin Hassan Butt has said that the investigation of the case has been transferred to the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD)."]} +{"images": ["https://www.dailyfinland.fi/assets/news_photos/2021/04/29/image-21426.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.dailyfinland.fi/business/21426/KONE-Q1-results-improve/print\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/assets/news_photos/2021/04/29/image-21426.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dailyfinland.fi/assets/news_photos/2021/04/29/image-21426.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"rendered_width\": 685, \"original_width\": 685, \"original_height\": 456, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.dailyfinland.fi/business/21426/KONE-Q1-results-improve/print\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488289268.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20210621181810-20210621211810-00385.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 652955119, \"warc_record_length\": 4559}", "texts": [null, "Finland's KONE Corporation, a leader in elevator and escalator industry on Wednesday announced improvements in its results in January-March 2021, reported Xinhua.\n\nIts adjusted operating result in Q1 reached 249.8 million euros, compared to 205.6 million euros over the same period last year, according to the corporation's report.\n\n\"When considering the comparison period where the effects of the pandemic were yet to be seen in many parts of the world, this (growth in the Chinese market) was a solid achievement,\" said Ehrnrooth in the report.\n\nIn its market outlook, KONE expects the new equipment market to grow slightly in China, while markets in the rest of the world are expected to gradually recover."]} +{"images": [null, "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-1-e1570716278120-400x284.png", "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-3-400x284.png", null, "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-6-400x284.png", null, "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-7-400x284.png", "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-4-400x284.png", "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-5-400x284.png", "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-9-400x284.png", null, "https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-10-400x284.png", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/hannan/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-1-e1570716278120-400x284.png\", \"src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-1-e1570716278120-400x284.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hannan e\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 284, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 284, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, 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\"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-5-400x284.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hannan\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 284, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 284, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/hannan/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-9-400x284.png\", \"src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-9-400x284.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hannan\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 284, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 284, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/hannan/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-10-400x284.png\", \"src\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hannan-10-400x284.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hannan\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 284, \"original_width\": 400, \"original_height\": 284, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://newcanaanlandtrust.org/hannan/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500095.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204075436-20230204105436-00431.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 445539595, \"warc_record_length\": 36215}", "texts": ["Location: At the corner of Canoe Hill Road and Smith Ridge Road (Hwy 123)\n\nAccess: The property contains a very short trail through the meadow, and is best accessed from the north at the pull-off on Canoe Hill Road.\n\nHistory: In 1975, Kenneth and Anne Hannan donated a 4.4-acre field to NCLT, with the intention that the land be kept in its natural state as a preserve for wildlife. The following year, Andrew and Anne Eberstadt donated an adjacent 1-acre parcel of woodlands, bringing the total acreage up to 5.5 acres. The original appraisal describes the land as \u201c\u2026most attractive, being mostly open level field ringed by mature trees to the east and south. To the west and north is an exceptionally well-finished stone wall which appears to have been built more recently than most in the area. In fact, the beauty of this parcel has long been a topic of conversation with local people, particularly because of its high visibility.\u201d\n\nThe wall was indeed built, or at least re-built, more recently than most. According to Kenneth Hannan, the land donor, the wall was constructed by Antonio Vitti over the years 1933-1940. Vitti had worked for the family of Gesine Engel, who owned the field at the time, after he had returned from WWI in 1919. There is a commemorative stone at the northeast corner of the wall describing the work. Today, the wall makes a 900-foot arc around the edge of the field. At the center of which stands a young oak tree.\n\nLand Stewardship: NCLT maintains the area inside of the stone wall as meadow through annual mowing and removal of invasive or woody plants. This continued care is needed to maintain a diverse array of grasses and wildflowers, and to prevent woody plants and trees from taking over the field. In 2019, NCLT pruned nearly all of the perimeter trees, and removed dozens of invasive bushes from the edge of the field. This project restored the field to its original area, and will help to support an even larger population of pollinators and migratory birds. The wooded buffer around the field is maintained for edge habitat, and provides cover and nesting sites for songbirds, raptors, deer, foxes, and small mammals.\n\nExplore a 360 Degree Photo of the Hannan Field:", null, null, "Much as Remains the Same Over 50 Years", null, "A Commemorative Stone for the Wall\u2019s Builder", null, null, null, null, "A Lone Tree in the Meadow", null, "Wildflowers Flowers in Bloom in the Meadow"]} +{"images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TMfMfVXZKuk/V0OgTNnJ7lI/AAAAAAAAD1c/rWvp4xRRtCQvIPERG82YCNcLUi3NVWMlACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Bunemployment.jpg", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hvCX7VTUuD8/V0Ohm0li81I/AAAAAAAAD1o/_5I0nhaPzxQYHErCN8RB75reLyf5eBBwgCLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Binvestment.jpg", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bJoNbOfCTZA/V0OjmGjAfiI/AAAAAAAAD10/nxNHpa0uxm8lz2qT558RFINIoTo4-TFSACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2BTFP.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.coppolacomment.com/2016/05/where-on-earth-is-growth-in-greece.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TMfMfVXZKuk/V0OgTNnJ7lI/AAAAAAAAD1c/rWvp4xRRtCQvIPERG82YCNcLUi3NVWMlACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Bunemployment.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TMfMfVXZKuk/V0OgTNnJ7lI/AAAAAAAAD1c/rWvp4xRRtCQvIPERG82YCNcLUi3NVWMlACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Bunemployment.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMF BGreece Bunemployment\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 324, \"original_width\": 609, \"original_height\": 309, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.coppolacomment.com/2016/05/where-on-earth-is-growth-in-greece.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hvCX7VTUuD8/V0Ohm0li81I/AAAAAAAAD1o/_5I0nhaPzxQYHErCN8RB75reLyf5eBBwgCLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Binvestment.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hvCX7VTUuD8/V0Ohm0li81I/AAAAAAAAD1o/_5I0nhaPzxQYHErCN8RB75reLyf5eBBwgCLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2Binvestment.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMF BGreece Binvestment\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 346, \"original_width\": 617, \"original_height\": 334, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.coppolacomment.com/2016/05/where-on-earth-is-growth-in-greece.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bJoNbOfCTZA/V0OjmGjAfiI/AAAAAAAAD10/nxNHpa0uxm8lz2qT558RFINIoTo4-TFSACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2BTFP.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bJoNbOfCTZA/V0OjmGjAfiI/AAAAAAAAD10/nxNHpa0uxm8lz2qT558RFINIoTo4-TFSACLcB/s640/IMF%2BGreece%2BTFP.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMF BGreece BTFP\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 384, \"original_width\": 609, \"original_height\": 366, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.coppolacomment.com/2016/05/where-on-earth-is-growth-in-greece.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703519843.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20210119232006-20210120022006-00102.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 739236885, \"warc_record_length\": 37583}", "texts": ["By Frances Coppola - May 24, 2016\nIt's not going to come from people working more. Excerpt from the IMF's latest Debt Sustainability Analysis for Greece, just released:", null, "Oh dear. Quite apart from the negative contribution to growth, the prospect of unemployment taking 44 years to return to something approaching normality is simply appalling for Greece's population. I've looked in more detail at this here (Forbes).", null, "Yeah, about that financial sector.....Greek banks are still in crisis, it seems. The IMF thinks they will need another 10bn Euros on top of the 43bn they have already received, and even with this, they aren't going to lend. And they aren't worth anything, so can't even be sold to raise money. Greek banks are zombies, and like all zombies, they drain the lifeblood of their victims. They are a serious obstacle to Greek economic recovery.", null, "So the IMF doesn't believe Greece can deliver the pace of structural reforms that would be needed to deliver TFP growth much above 1 percent. No-one should be surprised by this. The remarkable thing is that anyone ever thought it could.\n\nAnd that means that the outlook is poor - for the foreseeable future. A long-run growth rate of 1.25 percent - or more likely less - in an economy that has shrunk by 27 percent in the last seven years, means that Greece effectively faces decades of depression.\n\nWhatever fiscal sins successive Greek governments may have committed, I find it hard to believe that the Greek people deserve such hardship.\n\nDebt Sustainability Analysis, Greece, May 2016 - IMF\nIMF predicts unemployment in Greece will fall to 12 percent...by 2040 - Forbes\nThe Economic Consequences of the Eurozone - Forbes\nMorality in the Greek crisis"]} +{"images": [null, "http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15116066/2013/02/lumineers_street1.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/02/10/stars-sing-along-to-lumineers/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15116066/2013/02/lumineers_street1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15116066/2013/02/lumineers_street1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lumineers street\", \"rendered_width\": 435, \"rendered_height\": 308, \"original_width\": 594, \"original_height\": 421, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/02/10/stars-sing-along-to-lumineers/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103269583.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20220626131545-20220626161545-00651.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 500521076, \"warc_record_length\": 21082}", "texts": ["Accompanied by two additional full-time members, Stelth Ulvang on piano and Ben Wahamaki on bass, the band performed a spirited version of \u201cHo Hey,\u201d the band\u2019s double-platinum single. As the five bandmates stood on a stage as bare as their music, Melissa Ethridge and Taylor Swift belted out the chorus from the front row of the audience.\n\nSpeaking before Bonnie Raitt took the Best Americana Album GRAMMY and fun., who stole Best New Artist, the band joked about their chances of winning. \u201cWe have no shot. We\u2019re smoked,\u201d joked drummer Jeremiah Fraites. \u201cfun. has an eighth of a billion views on YouTube so they\u2019ll probably win.\u201d\n\n\u201cI\u2019m glad there\u2019s a space for a band like us because maybe a couple of years ago there might not have been,\u201d added Schultz.", null, "The Lumineers\u2019 sing-along \u201cHo Hey,\u201d stormed up the charts last year, peaking at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100, #1 at Alternative Radio and #2 at Top 40; not bad for a band that met one of their key members on Craiglist. After declaring New York City\u2019s cost of living too high, founding members Wesley Schultz and Jeremiah Fraites moved to Colorado and placed an ad for a cellist. It was there that they found the prettiest of the three, Neyla Pekarek.\n\nWe\u2019re not reinventing the wheel or doing anything that different,\u201d Fraites told The Crimson White, \u201cThe songs are super simple. Anyone who can play an instrument can play a Lumineers song.\u201d\n\nDespite their GRAMMY losses, the band\u2019s career trajectory is headed for the stratosphere with their current single \u201cStubborn Love\u201d taking hold at rock and top 40 radio and launching into an international tour next week."]} +{"images": [null, "http://www.tdisport.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/58701vw--300x225.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.tdisport.com/tdisport-diesel-news/passat-used-car-of-the-year/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.tdisport.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/58701vw--300x225.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.tdisport.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/58701vw--300x225.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"vw\", \"alt_text\": \"VW Passat Best Used Car\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 225, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 225, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://www.tdisport.com/tdisport-diesel-news/passat-used-car-of-the-year/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593657140746.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20200713002400-20200713032400-00490.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 231800895, \"warc_record_length\": 24971}", "texts": ["VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT NAMED USED CAR OF THE YEAR BY WHAT CAR?", null, "Volkswagen has been honoured with two class victories and the Passat has been named overall Used Car of the Year by What Car? magazine.\n\nThe What Car? Used Car of the Year judging panel was made up of experts from all areas of the motor industry including car dealerships, auction houses and experts from What Car?\n\nThe Passat impressed the judges with its mix of value for money, reliability, driver involvement and high levels of comfort and safety features.\n\nThe Golf GTI was considered to be all things to all men; blending the practicality of a five seat hatchback with performance from the 2.0-litre 200 PS engine and high levels of equipment.\n\nJohn French, National Used Car Manager for Volkswagen UK commented: \u2018We are extremely proud to receive these awards from What Car? magazine. To win two categories and the overall title in such a competitive marketplace is fantastic and will be a real boost to our Retailer network.\u2019\n\nFrench continued: \u2018It is also great to see so many other Volkswagen models included in the category shortlists. It is a real credit to Volkswagen\u2019s consistent focus on build quality and reliability that we have so many models represented and they are perform so strongly.\u2019\n\nIt\u2019s not only the products which make Volkswagen a good used buy. Volkswagen also offers the Approved Used Programme, which allows customers to buy with complete peace of mind. All cars are sold with a multipoint check, history checks, up to 12 month\u2019s warranty and breakdown assistance and a 30 day exchange plan."]} +{"images": ["https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Atlanta-United-vs-Montreal-Impact-Betting-Tip-and-Prediction-oedudyfgljiufdvu3gvnjqo22e10pz8bi28wikjrcs.jpg", null, "https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AEK-300x169.jpeg", "https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Atromitos-300x204.jpg", "https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Aris-370x305.jpg", "https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Leon-1-370x305.jpg", "https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/pngfuel.com_.png"], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Atlanta-United-vs-Montreal-Impact-Betting-Tip-and-Prediction-oedudyfgljiufdvu3gvnjqo22e10pz8bi28wikjrcs.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Atlanta-United-vs-Montreal-Impact-Betting-Tip-and-Prediction-oedudyfgljiufdvu3gvnjqo22e10pz8bi28wikjrcs.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Atlanta United vs Montreal Impact Betting Tip and Prediction oedudyfgljiufdvu gvnjqo e pz bi wikjrcs\", \"alt_text\": \"Atlanta United vs Montreal Impact Betting Tip and Prediction\", \"original_width\": 696, \"original_height\": 390, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AEK-300x169.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AEK-300x169.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AEK\", \"alt_text\": \"Aris vs AEK Prediction\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 169, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 169, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Atromitos-300x204.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Atromitos-300x204.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Atromitos\", \"alt_text\": \"Atromitos vs Xanthi FC Prediction\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 204, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 204, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Aris-370x305.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Aris-370x305.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Aris\", \"alt_text\": \"Lamia vs Aris Prediction\", \"rendered_width\": 370, \"rendered_height\": 305, \"original_width\": 370, \"original_height\": 305, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Leon-1-370x305.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Leon-1-370x305.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Leon\", \"alt_text\": \"Leon vs Necaxa Prediction\", \"rendered_width\": 370, \"rendered_height\": 305, \"original_width\": 370, \"original_height\": 305, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/pngfuel.com_.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.betarena.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/pngfuel.com_.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pngfuel\", \"alt_text\": \"Football Betting\", \"rendered_width\": 1500, \"rendered_height\": 1180, \"original_width\": 1500, \"original_height\": 1180, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.betarena.com/atlanta-united-vs-montreal-impact-betting-tip-and-prediction/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875145316.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20200220224059-20200221014059-00491.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 600780066, \"warc_record_length\": 35158}", "texts": [null, "Atlanta United vs Montreal Impact, Saturday\u2019s match for the Major League Soccer at the Mercedes-Benz in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.\n\nAtlanta arrives at this game with three games less than its rival and in the fourth position of its conference. They arrive after a midweek loss against Toronto. In their favor, they have not conceded goals in their last five MLS matches.\n\nAtlanta will not have its protagonist in the attack, Josef Martinez, since he has not yet returned from his appointments with the Venezuelan team in the Copa America. In addition, Atlanta has up to four injured players: Bello, Villalba, Kratz and Barco.\n\nIt occupies an impressive second position of its conference. Their performance throughout the season has been somewhat uneven. They suffered very crazy defeats (like 7-1 against Sporting KC, 3-0 against Philadelphia and Orlando City).\n\nTheir inconsistency is also evident in the difference of goals: they conceded 29 and scored 23. They conceded goals in their last five games. A victory could put them in the first place of the conference.\n\nTheir attack focuses on what Saphir Taider can do. The competition at the national level has greatly affected the team, which will not feature Brault-Guillard, Piette, Lovitz, Browne and Azira, all focused on their national teams. Also has injured: Bayiha and Piatti.\n\nBoth teams have many losses in their starting XI due to the international commitments of many players.\n\nWe\u2019re going to bet Atlanta will impose its home game and the least-scoring team, along with Los Angeles, from all MLS teams with just 14 goals conceded.", null, null, null, null, null]} +{"images": ["http://climateemergencydeclaration.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MelanieScaife_CouncilMeeting-collage800.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://climateemergencydeclaration.org/head-cracking-moments-of-the-declaration-campaign/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://climateemergencydeclaration.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MelanieScaife_CouncilMeeting-collage800.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://climateemergencydeclaration.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MelanieScaife_CouncilMeeting-collage800.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MelanieScaife CouncilMeeting collage\", \"rendered_width\": 800, \"rendered_height\": 466, \"original_width\": 800, \"original_height\": 466, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://climateemergencydeclaration.org/head-cracking-moments-of-the-declaration-campaign/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500719.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20230208060523-20230208090523-00280.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 8674637, \"warc_record_length\": 16718}", "texts": [null, "Getting personal: Melanie Scaife, a mother facing the climate emergency, shares her \u2018head-cracking moment\u2019 when climate change became a real, rather than abstract part of her daughters future, and doing nothing ceased to be an option. It happened as she was urging her local council to declare a climate emergency.\n\nThe podcast episode \u201cEverything you hold dear\u201d, co-produced by Kyla Brettle and Rob Law, powerfully illustrates what the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign and its mobilisation of communities calling for their Councils to declare a climate emergency has meant at the personal level for people who decided to get involved.\n\nIn the podcast notes on www.endgamepodcast.net, the producer Kyla Brettle writes:\n\n\u201cIn this piece Melanie reads excerpts of a speech she gave at the Mount Alexander Shire Climate Change Forum held in December 2019; urging our local council to declare a climate emergency. Rob and I also spoke at the Forum, alongside 140 odd residents, business owners and community group leaders from our town and its surrounds.\n\nI remember sitting in the audience and thinking \u2013 so these are the people I\u2019ll be sharing food, water and a leaky boat with as the impacts of climate change intensify. My interest was sparked in what they had to say and how they saw the world and our future.\n\nLater I discovered that the forum was a key moment in the story of our shire\u2019s response to climate change \u2013 and it really did precipitate the emergency declaration that happened shortly after.\n\nBut \u2018Everything you hold dear\u2019 is not about the Climate Change Forum and our community response to the crisis \u2013 it is about a woman coming to grips with climate change emotionally \u2013 and then managing that realisation once it\u2019s out of the box.\u201d\n\nSpeeches by residents at the Mount Alexander Shire Council meeting on 17 December 2019, as the Council was about to vote on whether or not the Council would declare a climate emergency."]} +{"images": [null, "http://i.forbesimg.com/media/lists/companies/bausch-plus-lomb_416x416.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://2smeraldi.com/home/wp-includes/certificates/pdf/online-Studies-in-Modern-Music%3A-Frederick-Chopin%2C-Antonin-Dvo%C5%99%C3%A1k%2C-Johannes-Brahms-1904%2C2012/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.forbesimg.com/media/lists/companies/bausch-plus-lomb_416x416.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.forbesimg.com/media/lists/companies/bausch-plus-lomb_416x416.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bausch plus lomb\", \"alt_text\": \"online Studies in Modern Music: Frederick Chopin, Antonin Dvo\\u0159\\u00e1k,\", \"rendered_width\": 581, \"original_width\": 416, \"original_height\": 416, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://2smeraldi.com/home/wp-includes/certificates/pdf/online-Studies-in-Modern-Music%3A-Frederick-Chopin%2C-Antonin-Dvo%C5%99%C3%A1k%2C-Johannes-Brahms-1904%2C2012/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243991772.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20210517115207-20210517145207-00081.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 667469, \"warc_record_length\": 15861}", "texts": ["Kiriakou and his lessons produced him as a immense, if online Studies in Modern Music: Frederick Chopin, Antonin Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Johannes Brahms 1904,2012, fight who was genuine warfarin lovers later been as incontinence, while government of the ErrorDocument forces Serious for them put dispatched understood. 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Bengali Experienced Director \u2018Das Babu\u2019, brings an upcoming Marathi Movie \u2018BraveHeart \u2013 Jidda Jagnyachi \u2018 based on a true story. Nikhil films presents, \u2018BraveHeart\u2019 is selected in 15th Third Eye Asian Film Festival, which is going to start from 15 to 22 December 2016 at Mumbai.\n\nDirector Daasbabu has already directed popular Marathi serials like \u2018Ladha\u2019, \u2018Shrimantachi Lek\u2019, \u2018He Bandh Reshmache\u2019, \u2018Ek Dhaga Sukhacha\u2019 along with Marathi Movie \u2018Tahaan\u2019. BraveHeart is a story of indomitable willpower and determinant boy. The movie is produced by Sacchidananad Gopinath Karkhanis and Santosh Yashwant Mikashi. Screenplay, dialogues and lyrics by Shrikant Bojewar while music is given by Arnab Chatterjee. Background music is given by \u2018Amar Mohile\u2019 and resposibility of Executive producer is handled by \u2018Prashant Shamrao Pawar.\u2019"]} +{"images": [null, "https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg", null, "https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2015-02-14-13-14-51_deco.jpg?w=225", null, "https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-09-14-12-48-37_deco.jpg?w=225", null, "https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg?w=225", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/got-soy-milk-a-guide-to-vegan-lattes-in-taipei/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wpid deco\", \"rendered_width\": 525, \"rendered_height\": 700, \"original_width\": 960, \"original_height\": 1280, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/got-soy-milk-a-guide-to-vegan-lattes-in-taipei/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2015-02-14-13-14-51_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2015-02-14-13-14-51_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wpid deco\", \"alt_text\": \"Caramel Macchiato, my usual on days I need a kick.\", \"rendered_width\": 225, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 960, \"original_height\": 1280, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/got-soy-milk-a-guide-to-vegan-lattes-in-taipei/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-09-14-12-48-37_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-09-14-12-48-37_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wpid deco\", \"alt_text\": \"The best white coffee I've tasted.\", \"rendered_width\": 225, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 960, \"original_height\": 1280, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/got-soy-milk-a-guide-to-vegan-lattes-in-taipei/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"src\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wpid-2014-12-27-12-54-43_deco.jpg?w=225\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wpid deco\", \"alt_text\": \"With extra cream, please.\", \"rendered_width\": 225, \"rendered_height\": 300, \"original_width\": 960, \"original_height\": 1280, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://plantpowerednomad.com/got-soy-milk-a-guide-to-vegan-lattes-in-taipei/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711475.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20221209181231-20221209211231-00135.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 502614546, \"warc_record_length\": 17761}", "texts": ["Got soy milk? A guide to vegan lattes in Taipei\n\nby Amelia Easten\nin All Things Vegan, Food and Restaurants, Taiwan", null, "I\u2019m a coffee shop dweller. Alcohol could disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow and I wouldn\u2019t care (I might even rejoice) but if coffee disappeared\u2026 I\u2019d be a little sad. More specifically, I like a really good latte, because sometimes black coffee just doesn\u2019t cut it. I can count the number I\u2019ve had in the last 8 months on one hand.\n\nThis surprised me \u2013 it\u2019s not something I expected from Asia. I grew up being told that in general Asians are lactose intolerant and therefore not much milk is drunk here. Taiwan is part of the \u2018non-milking zone,\u2019 countries that traditionally do not consume animal milk or dairy products, despite plenty of cows, buffaloes, and goats. The non-milking zone covers all of Southeast Asia from Burma eastwards including China, Korea, and Japan. The zone ends with the dairy-consuming Mongols to the north and the Tibetans and Indians to the west. Some 85% of the people in the non-milking zone above the age of three years have low levels of the intestinal enzyme lactase that breaks down the lactose in animal milks. This is not exclusive to East Asia: some 60% of the Western world are also lactose intolerant, and this percentage rises when people stop consuming dairy and the body is given a chance to wean. It is not just humans who cannot digest lactose, the condition is also prevalent in other land mammals (cats, for instance). An inability to digest lactose is more common than not: animal milk is intended for baby animals only, to assist growth in the early years of life. Beyond then it is not designed for continued consumption.\n\nIn fact, I heard somewhere that Westerners smell like milk because so little in drunk in Asia. The irony? The children I work with drink so much milk, they smell milky to me \u2013 I haven\u2019t touched dairy in two and a half years. The dairy industry has got it\u2019s claws into Taiwan, and it\u2019s not letting go.\n\n\u201cBut soy is everywhere!\u201d I hear you cry. Soy oil for cooking, soy based ink on packaging, soy desserts, tofu in everything, soy sauce, soy milk from the breakfast bars. So why in stinky tofu\u2019s name can\u2019t I get a soy latte when I walk into a coffee shop? I think my (also vegan) friend hit the nail on the head when she described the attitude difference towards soy milk in the East vs. the West. She told me \u201cthey think of it as a juice, not a milk, and drink it like they\u2019d drink orange juice. Why would you put orange juice in your tea?\u201d\n\nThis is shown in the language, too. Cow\u2019s milk is \u725b\u5976 niu2nai3, literally \u2018cow milk\u2019. To ask for soy milk, the character is \u8c46\u6f3f Dou4jiang1. Dou4 means bean, usually soy bean, and jiang1 is a thick liquid. Doujiang is first referenced in China in A.D. 82 in the Lun Heng by Wang Ch\u2019ung, although this may be the thicker liquid version, before it was strained into a milk like consistency. (Read more on the history of soy milk here, it\u2019s pretty interesting.) For decades in Taiwan it has been a common as a breakfast food, and large pots are often seen outside breakfast shops. In the 1960s and 1970s it started becoming popular as a soft drink. In 7/11s today you can find bottles of sweetened soy milk with flavours like chocolate and red bean. The problem is\u2026 Most have regular milk in them, too.\n\nLike in China, soy milk is drunk as the soft drink of choice in Taiwan. In most small restaurants, for instance, only soy milk is offered in the fridges. In China this has phenomenon has socialist roots. The Asian Wall Street Journal (14 June 1983) published a front page article blasting Coca Cola, which was growing in popularity, for being unhealthy and filled with sugar, caffeine and phosphoric acid. It was also far more expensive than soy milk, and cutting the amount they imported in favour of locally produced soy milk boosted China\u2019s economy.\n\nAlmond milk is popular in Taiwan too, usually in powdered form. Walk through any nightmarket and you\u2019ll soon find the sickly sweet smell. However, almond milk in Taiwan 90% of the time also contains milk powder \u2013 that or you\u2019ll be paying through the nose for it. I can only assume this is to both lower the cost, and given it a creamier consistency. The moral of the story is beware: if you\u2019re buying soy milk somewhere in Asia, check first that it\u2019s not got cow juice lurking in its depths. To ask \u2013 \u201cyou3 niu2nai3 ma?\u201d listen for the reply \u2013 \u201cyou3\u201d (has) or \u201cmei3 you3\u201d (doesn\u2019t have).\n\nSo where can I get a coffee?\n\nI used to avoid Starbucks in the UK, but they\u2019re everywhere here, the staff are friendly, and the soy milk is the same as I use at home \u2013 so vegan safe. The coffees aren\u2019t the best, and they\u2019re certainly not healthy, but it\u2019s somewhere to sit and have a coffee when I\u2019m on my lunch break. If you don\u2019t feel like coffee, their matcha green tea latte is creamy and delicious. Warning: caramel macchiato isn\u2019t vegan (milk in the drizzle), neither is their hot chocolate (sob, it used to be) nor their chai tea latte (honey in the syrup).", null, "Hazelnut Macchiato, my usual on days I need a kick.\n\nThey don\u2019t do lattes, but they do white coffee with a coconut almond milk blend that is delicious. I could happily forsake lattes if I had that on tap. I like it with a slice of raw vegan mocha cheesecake.", null, "Again, no lattes, but they do the \u2018Miantochino\u2019 \u2013 coffee with soy whipped cream on top from a squirts can. They import it specially and it\u2019s divine, and you can get a cupcake with it while you\u2019re there.", null, "Fresh will do you a latte while you sit and eat your bread and cake, and it\u2019s not bad \u2013 but it\u2019s also not rich enough for my taste. The coffee is lacking a certain something, and it\u2019s a little too weak and soy milky/just watery. I stick the the Indian milk tea which is lovely.\n\nHerban will brew up an excellent latte to go with your vegan brunch. It\u2019s a little on the pricey side, but it\u2019s good. They also have a cashew milk one that you can add flavoured syrups to, and it\u2019s delicious.\n\nNaked Food and Herban are by far the best lattes on this list. Naked Food\u2019s is a decent size, and good coffee. Hopefully they\u2019ll have a non-soy option soon, too. It\u2019s also cheaper than Starbucks and Herban, and you can get a cake to go with it.\n\nI\u2019ve heard Loving Hut and About Animals also do lattes, but I haven\u2019t tried either yet. If you know of anywhere else to feed vegan caffeine addictions, please let me know!\n\nWarning: The cafe in the QSquare mall by Taipei Main Station has a soy milk option, but it contains cow milk. I made the mistake of not asking the first two times and it was only the third time I went that they thought to tell me. Learn from my mistake: always ask!"]} +{"images": ["https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/people-woman-hand-desk-6360.jpg?w=1250", null, "https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/learn-english-link2.png", "https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/about-me-link.png", null, "https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/self-intro-and-photo.png"], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://pnesterova.com/2021/04/03/english-listening-futurologist/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/people-woman-hand-desk-6360.jpg?w=1250\", \"src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/people-woman-hand-desk-6360.jpg?w=1250\", \"formatted_filename\": \"people woman hand desk\", \"rendered_width\": 1250, \"rendered_height\": 833, \"original_width\": 1250, \"original_height\": 833, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://pnesterova.com/2021/04/03/english-listening-futurologist/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/learn-english-link2.png\", \"src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/learn-english-link2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"learn english link\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 150, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://pnesterova.com/2021/04/03/english-listening-futurologist/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/about-me-link.png\", \"src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/about-me-link.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"about me link\", \"alt_text\": \"About me link\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150, \"original_width\": 150, \"original_height\": 150, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://pnesterova.com/2021/04/03/english-listening-futurologist/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/self-intro-and-photo.png\", \"src\": \"https://pnesterovacom.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/self-intro-and-photo.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"self intro and photo\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 450, \"original_width\": 450, \"original_height\": 450, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://pnesterova.com/2021/04/03/english-listening-futurologist/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304810.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125100035-20220125130035-00017.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 487850033, \"warc_record_length\": 35314}", "texts": [null, "What will most likely happen in the future? Why?\n\nPeople will store their minds on the computers in the future\n\nWe have our limits as humans\n\nListening about the future exercises\n\nListen. Does the futurologist think these things are probable or not probable?\n\nComplete the sentences with your ideas:\n\nWould you like to know what\u2019s in our future? What\u2019s going to happen tomorrow, next year, or even a millennium from now? Well, you\u2019re not alone. Everyone from governments to militaries\nto industry leaders do, as well, and they all employ people called futurists who attempt to forecast the future. Some are able to do this with surprising accuracy. In the middle of the 20th century, a think tank known as the RAND Corporation consulted dozens of scientists\nand futurists who together forecast many of the technologies we take for granted today, including artificial organs, the use of birth control pills, and libraries able to look up\nresearch material for the reader.\n\nOne way futurists arrive at their predictions is by analyzing movements and trends in society, and charting the paths they are likely to follow into the future with varying degrees of probability. Their work informs the decisions of policymakers and world leaders, enabling them to weigh options for the future that otherwise could not have been imagined in such depth or detail. Of course, there are obvious limits to how certain anyone can be about the future.\n\nThere are always unimaginable discoveries that arise which would make no sense to anyone in the present. Imagine, for example, transporting a physicist from the middle of the 19th century into the 21st. You explain to him that a strange material exists, Uranium 235, that of its own accord can produce enough energy to power an entire city, or destroy it one fell swoop. \u201cHow can such energy come from nowhere?\u201d he would demand to know. \u201cThat\u2019s not science, that\u2019s magic.\u201d And for all intents and purposes, he would be right. His 19th century grasp of science includes no knowledge of radioactivity or nuclear physics. In his day, no forecast of the future could have predicted X-rays, or the atom bomb, let alone the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics. As Arthur C. Clarke has said, \u201cAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.\u201d How can we prepare, then, for a future that will be as magical to us as our present would appear to someone from the 19th century?\n\nWe may think our modern technology and advanced data analysis techniques might allow us to predict the future with much more accuracy than our 19th century counterpart, and rightly so. However, it\u2019s also true that our technological progress has brought with it new increasingly complex and unpredictable challenges. The stakes for future generations to be able to imagine the unimaginable are higher than ever before. So the question remains: how do we do that? One promising answer has actually been with us since the 19th century and the Industrial Revolution that laid the foundation for our modern world. During this time of explosive development and invention, a new form of literature, science fiction, also emerged. Inspired by the innovations of the day, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and other prolific thinkers explored fantastic scenarios, depicting new frontiers of human endeavor. And throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, storytellers have continued to share their visions of the future and correctly predicted many aspects of the world we inhabit decades later. In \u201cBrave New World,\u201d Aldous Huxley foretold the use of antidepressants in 1932, long before such medication became popular. In 1953, Ray Bradbury\u2019s \u201cFahrenheit 451,\u201d forecast earbuds, \u201cthimble radios,\u201d in his words. And in \u201c2001: A Space Odyssey,\u201d Arthur C. Clarke described a portable, flat-screen news pad in 1968. In works that often combine entertainment and social commentary, we are invited to suspend our disbelief and consider the consequences of radical shifts in familiar and deeply engrained institutions. In this sense, the best science fiction fulfills the words of philosopher Michel Foucault, \u201cI\u2019m no prophet. My job is making windows where there were once walls.\u201d Free from the constraints of the present and our assumptions of what\u2019s impossible, science fiction serves as a useful tool for thinking outside of the box. Many futurists recognize this, and some are beginning to employ science fictions writers in their teams.\n\nJust recently, a project called iKnow proposed scenarios that look much like science fiction stories. They include the discovery of an alien civilization, development of a way for humans and animals to communicate flawlessly, and radical life extension. So, what does the future hold? Of course, we can\u2019t know for certain, but science fiction shows us many possibilities. Ultimately, it is our responsibility to determine which we will work towards making a reality.", null, null, "Study with a podcast", null]} +{"images": ["https://shapingthefutureofpower.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/cropped-img_6919-e1600473840730.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://shapingthefutureofpower.com/2020/03/02/covid19-and-china-africa-soft-power-considerations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://shapingthefutureofpower.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/cropped-img_6919-e1600473840730.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://shapingthefutureofpower.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/cropped-img_6919-e1600473840730.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cropped img e\", \"rendered_width\": 1250, \"rendered_height\": 757, \"original_width\": 1250, \"original_height\": 757, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://shapingthefutureofpower.com/2020/03/02/covid19-and-china-africa-soft-power-considerations/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662573053.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20220524142617-20220524172617-00116.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 576892098, \"warc_record_length\": 26350}", "texts": [null, "A question that sparks curiosity when thinking about the place of COVID19 in China Africa relations is what might the lingering/long-term effects of the pandemic on the perceptions of China among Africans be. After giving it some thought, these are the main points that stand out to me.\n\nCCP\u2019s governance model and strong leadership on display. The CCP\u2019s strong measures to restrict travel, minimize the impact of the outbreak, and prioritize health over economic growth will likely come back and be used in China\u2019s rhetoric showing leadership strengths. Already there is an effort by the government to boast about the its capability to build hospitals in a record time. Certainly, once the outbreak is over (or least contained), we expect to see more assertiveness in marketing China\u2019s governance model as evidenced in its reaction to COVID19.\n\nFriendship and solidarity. In his keynote speech on China\u2019s foreign policy at Chatham House, Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming repeatedly condemned racist and exclusionary reactions to COVID19. He stated that the right choice is \u201cto pull together in the same direction\u201d and treat the virus as the common enemy instead of talking about China as \u201cthe sick man of Asia.\u201d We have long observed this pattern of rhetoric in China-Africa relations with China always working hard to distance itself from the \u201cWest\u201d and identify with Africans as a fellow Global South states. Coronavirus adds a new opportunity to cement this divide and deepen friendship and solidarity bonds between China and African states.\n\nAcross Africa, we saw a wide social media campaign expressing solidarity with Wuhan and China more broadly. Students of Confucius Institutes, diplomats, embassy staff, business people from across the continent, and even parents of students who are stuck in China showed their support.\n\nBut COVID19 is not all good news for China-Africa relations. First, the many and enduring struggles of African students quarantined or stuck in China since the start of the outbreak of the Coronavirus have been well-documented. It is not hard to imagine that the suffering from such terrible experiences might result in many African students not wanting to study in China anymore. The stories that these students are sharing everyday with their friends and family back home describing life under quarantine might not exactly be soft power generating stories for China.\n\nSecond, we recall how the CCP repeatedly argued that the financial crisis of 2008 and its rippling effects on African economies meant that the Western model let Africans down and that there was a need to bring something new to the table (i.e. the Chinese alternative model). Now, we would be remiss not to wonder what\u2019s in the future of Africa-China relations with COVID19 potentially causing a global economic crisis the depth of which is yet to be grasped? One thing that is certain is that the Chinese government is handling this crisis with what it knows to do best: putting personal connections and people-to-people relations at the center of this. We see Chinese diplomats holding forums with parents of students, talking to AU CDC, health ministers, holding press conferences to discuss reactions, providing financial aid to African students quarantined in China, etc.\n\nChances are, as soon as Chinese factories are fully back up to speed with manufacturing masks, gloves, wipes, and other products necessary to handling COVID19, the CCP will capitalize on its production capacity. Both to make the case about its manufacturing strengths and also to gain leadership points for distributing products to areas in need. Countries that expressed solidarity with China in times of need will likely stand to be first to be compensated with a return in favor and solidarity from the Chinese government."]} +{"images": [null, "http://phototass4.cdnvideo.ru/width/1020_b9261fa1/tass/m2/en/uploads/i/20181001/1204153.jpg", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tass.com/politics/1023811\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//phototass4.cdnvideo.ru/width/1020_b9261fa1/tass/m2/en/uploads/i/20181001/1204153.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://phototass4.cdnvideo.ru/width/1020_b9261fa1/tass/m2/en/uploads/i/20181001/1204153.jpg\", \"original_width\": 738, \"original_height\": 470, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://tass.com/politics/1023811\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304570.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20220124124654-20220124154654-00633.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 605037761, \"warc_record_length\": 18206}", "texts": ["The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that London acts according to a \"we accuse you, you defend yourself\" standard", null, "\"The British media has come to another \"right\" conclusion in the Salisbury story: seeing that no one in Moscow has brought forward Chepiga over the past few days, then Boshirov is Chepiga, or Chepiga is Boshirov,\", or Chepiga is Boshirov,\" the diplomat wrote on Monday on her Facebook page, commenting on the UK media reports concerning the Skripal case.\n\n\"Our British colleagues act in a plain and simple way: they ask Moscow to show \"GRU officers,\" \"heroes of Russia\" and other virtual so-called participants of the drama, and for their part, they refuse to share anything about the investigation, besides political statements and leaks to the fake media created especially for this purpose,\" she noted.\n\nZakharova added that London acts according to the principle \"we accuse you, you defend yourself.\" \"I will repeat myself: before Chepiga, we would like to see Skripal,\" the diplomat concluded.\n\nFormer Russian military intelligence (GRU) Colonel Sergei Skripal, 66, who had been convicted in Russia of spying for Great Britain and later swapped for Russian intelligence officers, and his daughter Yulia, 33, suffered the effects of a nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury on March 4. Claiming that the substance used in the attack had been a Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union, London rushed to accuse Russia of being involved in the incident. Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom\u2019s accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union nor Russia ever had any program aimed at developing such a substance.\n\nOn September 5, British Prime Minister Theresa May informed the country\u2019s parliament about the conclusions that investigators looking into the Salisbury incident had come to, saying that two Russians, believed to be GRU agents, were suspected of conspiracy to murder the Skripals. According to May, the assassination attempt was approved at \"a senior level of the Russian state.\" The Metropolitan Police published the suspects\u2019 photos, saying their names were Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. In an interview with Russia\u2019s RT TV channel released on September 13, Petrov and Boshirov refuted these allegations.\n\nThe Daily Telegraph claimed in its September 26 report that Ruslan Boshirov was actually a 39-year-old colonel of the Russian military intelligence service, and his true name was Anatoly Chepiga."]} +{"images": [null, "https://andoverleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Edge-Of-Tomorrow-2-poster-1-1-1.webp", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://popculturetimes.com/2020/07/30/edge-of-tomorrow-2-what-is-release-date-and-latest-update/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://andoverleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Edge-Of-Tomorrow-2-poster-1-1-1.webp\", \"src\": \"https://andoverleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Edge-Of-Tomorrow-2-poster-1-1-1.webp\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Edge Of Tomorrow poster\", \"alt_text\": \"Edge of Tomorrow 2 or Live, Die Repeat & Repeat, director Dough ...\", \"original_width\": 1600, \"original_height\": 800, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://popculturetimes.com/2020/07/30/edge-of-tomorrow-2-what-is-release-date-and-latest-update/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038921860.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20210419235235-20210420025235-00434.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 566143162, \"warc_record_length\": 19036}", "texts": ["Edge Of Tomorrow 2 What Is Release Date And Latest Update\n\nThings that science can\u2019t explain tend to become Tom Cruise\u2019s movies. I don\u2019t know what science is involved with this logic. But one thing is for sure Tom Cruise can do anything to entertain people.\n\nHe fits into any genre like, but nothing fits him as scientific plots fit him. Yet again, it\u2019s rumoured that Tom Cruise is back with another Scientific flick. But this time a Sequel of his previous work Edge of Tomorrow.\n\nThe first part of Edge of Tomorrow was released six years ago on June 6, 2014. This movie has managed to get excellent reviews from both the audience and the critics.\n\nAfter all the success this movie has seen, it has been rumoured to be made for a sequel. Here are all the details of the upcoming movie Edge of Tomorrow, part 2.\n\nAs of now, there is no exact detail about a cemented release date. Even the whereabouts of the production are not available yet due to the Pandemic.\n\nWe may expect the production of the movie Edge of Tomorrow to hit the floors after the situations set right. We can expect the movie to release in 2022.\n\nWhat Will Be Plot?", null, "The plot of the sequel is expected to stick to the skeletal plot of its predecessor. But there might be some changes.\n\nIn the first part, we saw non-combat army personnel forced to fight an alien race, which can foresee in time.\n\nWhen in a fight, he finds himself with extraordinary power to foresee in time. Because he has killed a particular alien. The rest of the movie is how he leads his team to the shore of victory.\n\nThere is no official announcement regarding the cast of the movie. We can hope that Tom Cruise might return as Major William Cage and Emily Blunt as Sergeant Rita Vrataski. But we can\u2019t be so sure because they will sign this movie when they like the script of the movie. Thus We have to wait some time to know who\u2019s going to back?\n\nThere is no trailer as of now. Stay tuned to our site for further details about the movie."]} +{"images": [null, "https://www.amnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2016/11/Centre-1st-rd-18.jpg?w=1024", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amnews.com/2016/11/12/centre-college-womens-soccer-moves-on-to-second-round/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.amnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2016/11/Centre-1st-rd-18.jpg?w=1024\", \"src\": \"https://www.amnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2016/11/Centre-1st-rd-18.jpg?w=1024\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Centre st rd\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 840, \"original_width\": 1024, \"original_height\": 840, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.amnews.com/2016/11/12/centre-college-womens-soccer-moves-on-to-second-round/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494826.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20230126210844-20230127000844-00124.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 671862269, \"warc_record_length\": 20224}", "texts": ["Centre College women\u2019s soccer moves on to second round", null, "Matt Overing/matthew.overing@amnews.com Centre's Alana Hughes heads in Centre's second goal of the game off of a cross from Amber Cowell in the second half of Saturday's game against Piedmont.\n\nIt took some time for Centre College to settle in, but the women\u2019s soccer team came through in a big way in the first round of the NCAA Tournament, beating Piedmont 4-1 behind three second-half goals.\n\nThe Colonels beat Piedmont 1-0 earlier in the season, so coach Jay Hoffman knew it would be a challenging game. Playing without All-American and leading scorer Destinie Graves increased the difficulty, but Centre\u2019s depth showed in its dominating display.\n\n\u201cSometimes when you don\u2019t have a player, other players have to step up and we have to do the little things,\u201d Hoffman said. \u201cI thought the team did a very good job again today of doing the little things, especially in the second half.\u201d\n\nBoth teams struggled to get anything going in the first half, although Centre had a majority of the chances. The Colonels struck first on a headed corner from Alana Hughes to Hannah Sirkin. Just 12 seconds later, Cassidy Reich scored for Piedmont to tie the game at 1-1.\n\n\u201cIn the first 20 minutes, both teams are trying to sort out the style,\u201d Hoffman said. \u201cThey were pressuring us and we had to be better on the ball, our passes had to be sharper and they weren\u2019t as good as I wanted them to be.\u201d\n\nThe teams were knotted 1-1 at the break, even though Centre held a 12-2 advantage in shots at halftime.\n\nIn the second half, Hoffman\u2019s team burst out of the gate. Shannon Murray headed in a cross from Amber Cowell to give the Colonels a 2-1 lead, and they didn\u2019t look back. Twelve minutes later, Hughes got a goal of her own, blasting a shot into the roof of the net on another Cowell cross.\n\nThroughout the second half, Hoffman was switching his players. With a two-goal lead, nearly all of Centre\u2019s starters were out of the game.\n\n\u201cWe made a lot of rotations,\u201d he said. \u201cI wanted to trust our players and give rotations because I looked at today, it\u2019s not just a one game, it\u2019s a two game weekend. If you can get minutes off of your top players, players off of the bench come in and do good work, that should put us in a good situation for having fresh legs tomorrow.\u201d\n\nHoffman\u2019s trust paid off, and his bench continued to deliver. Keeghan Francis scored in the 81st minute to put the game on ice, 4-1.\n\n\u201cYou\u2019ve got to trust your players,\u201d Hoffman said. \u201cNobody really sees how they do in practice, but you\u2019ve got to understand, we\u2019ve been going with our top group with our next group for weeks, and our next group is very, very talented. If you can\u2019t have confidence in those players, you\u2019re not developing your program. Next year we\u2019re losing more players, you\u2019ve got to expect that these players are itching to come out and do well. In a game like this, you want them to come out and do that.\u201d\n\nHoffman praised his bench for bringing balance to the game.\n\n\u201cComing off of the bench, I thought Sarah Waldo did a really good job calming the game down and making passes,\u201d the coach said. \u201cAccuracy wise, she wasn\u2019t trying to hit the home run ball, she was calming things and including everybody. I think everybody really played steady.\u201d\n\nSirkin, a starting forward, accounted for just one of the Colonels\u2019 goals, but Hoffman said her movement off of the ball opened up the Piedmont defense.\n\n\u201cHannah Sirkin did a really good job. Second half especially, she did a really good job finding a balance between her and the outside forward,\u201d Hoffman said. \u201cShe didn\u2019t crowd her too much, she gave her some room, but when she needed support she was right there to support. I thought she did well.\u201d\n\nThe Colonels will break for 24 hours before playing Hardin-Simmons, who beat Washington and Lee 3-0 in the other first-round matchup hosted in Danville.\n\n\u201cI think our strength of schedule and the teams we played throughout the year, and then our conference prepared us for a game like this,\u201d Hoffman said. \u201cOur conference is very, very challenging, we\u2019ve got many teams that should be here. Playing those games really gets you ready for that next level.\u201d"]} +{"images": [null, "https://res.cloudinary.com/practicaldev/image/fetch/s--aaLTJRhS--/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/i/jg3498ayt6ritcnotyfl.png", null], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://dev.to/chiexplores/for-beginners-what-you-need-to-know-about-var-let-const-45pl\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://res.cloudinary.com/practicaldev/image/fetch/s--aaLTJRhS--/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/i/jg3498ayt6ritcnotyfl.png\", \"src\": \"https://res.cloudinary.com/practicaldev/image/fetch/s--aaLTJRhS--/c_limit%2Cf_auto%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto%2Cw_880/https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/i/jg3498ayt6ritcnotyfl.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jg ayt ritcnotyfl\", \"alt_text\": \"Code Snipper of Hoisting example\", \"original_width\": 880, \"original_height\": 458, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://dev.to/chiexplores/for-beginners-what-you-need-to-know-about-var-let-const-45pl\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500273.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20230205161658-20230205191658-00037.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 228975360, \"warc_record_length\": 20205}", "texts": ["I originally wrote a tutorial about Var, Let, and Const using Observable Notebook.\nIn the notebook, you can edit the code, so that you understand by doing.\n\nAs a junior dev, it seems like you are told to never use var because the variable can be accessed anywhere, but what does that even mean? Keep reading and hopefully, understand the vocabulary and seeing code examples help. Of course, mess around with code as well.\n\nWhen you create a variable, you declare it with the keywords let, var, const. Reassign means you are giving the variable another value. var can both be redeclared and reassigned. You will see that it is different for const and let from this table.\n\nVar, let, and const have different types of scope. Scope is the context where variables and expressions live.\n\nhoisting means that everytime you declare a variable, Javascript's engine will immediately hoist (or PULL) those variables up in the beginning of the scope and the variables will be declared. But will they be assigned or initialized?\nWith var, it will be initialized as undefined, while let and const will not. That is why you get an error", null, "Set up a basic multi-tenant architecture in Rails 7 - 1\n\nChi\nFor Beginners: What is a function? My sh*tty explanation \ud83d\udca9\n#beginners #codenewbie #javascript #tutorial\n\nOnce suspended, chiexplores will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed.\n\nOnce unsuspended, chiexplores will be able to comment and publish posts again.\n\nOnce unpublished, all posts by chiexplores will become hidden and only accessible to themselves.\n\nIf chiexplores is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard.\n\nOnce unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Chi.\n\nThanks for keeping DEV Community \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udcbb\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udcbb safe. Here is what you can do to flag chiexplores:\n\nUnflagging chiexplores will restore default visibility to their posts."]} +{"images": [null, "https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/1000/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzE0LzAwNTM2NDAwMDE1NDIxO.jpg", null, "https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/a/annie-wallace-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDIxLzA2LzExLzE2MjM0MTAyMjBjcm9wcG.jpg", "https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzEzLzA3MTY0MzcwMDE1NDIxN.jpg"], "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/eddie-redmayne-uses-cbd-oil-ease-nerves-1286919.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/image-library/partners/bang/land/1000/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzE0LzAwNTM2NDAwMDE1NDIxO.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/1000/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzE0LzAwNTM2NDAwMDE1NDIxO.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eddie redmayne aW hZ VzMS yMDE LzExLzE LzAwNTM NDAwMDE NDIxO\", \"alt_text\": \"Eddie Redmayne\", \"original_width\": 1000, \"original_height\": 666, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/eddie-redmayne-uses-cbd-oil-ease-nerves-1286919.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/a/annie-wallace-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDIxLzA2LzExLzE2MjM0MTAyMjBjcm9wcG.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/a/annie-wallace-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDIxLzA2LzExLzE2MjM0MTAyMjBjcm9wcG.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"annie wallace aW hZ VzMS yMDIxLzA LzExLzE MjM MTAyMjBjcm wcG\", \"original_width\": 250, \"original_height\": 167, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/eddie-redmayne-uses-cbd-oil-ease-nerves-1286919.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzEzLzA3MTY0MzcwMDE1NDIxN.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/image-library/partners/bang/land/250/e/eddie-redmayne-aW1hZ2VzMS8yMDE4LzExLzEzLzA3MTY0MzcwMDE1NDIxN.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eddie redmayne aW hZ VzMS yMDE LzExLzEzLzA MTY MzcwMDE NDIxN\", \"original_width\": 250, \"original_height\": 167, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://v5.femalefirst.co.uk/celebrity/eddie-redmayne-uses-cbd-oil-ease-nerves-1286919.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488268274.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20210621055537-20210621085537-00406.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 525187166, \"warc_record_length\": 12139}", "texts": ["The \u2018Theory of Everything\u2019 actor Eddie Redmayne uses CBD oil to calm his nerves.\n\nEddie Redmayne has resorted to CBD oil to calm his nerves.", null, "The \u2018Theory of Everything\u2019 actor admitted he\u2019s tried everything he can think of, including the cannabis-derived product, alcohol and meditation to alleviate his worried before he starts a job but he\u2019s admitted most of them just make things worse.\n\nSpeaking to Vogue magazine, he said: \u201cI\u2019ve tried everything [to deal with my nerves]; meditation CBD oil, drinking, but then I get paranoid that my semi-drunkennesss is affecting the work and that sends me into even more of a spin.\u201d\n\nMeanwhile, the \u2018Trial of the Chicago 7\u2019 star thinks he could have had a very different career path if he hadn\u2019t made it as an actor.\n\nThe \u2018Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them\u2019 star recently insisted he would never take his success for granted.\n\nHe said: \"I never take it for granted, getting offered stuff and having a say. What happened to me was one film changed that. It\u2019s not like overnight you\u2019ve become a substantially better actor. You\u2019ve just been lucky getting the extraordinary part with a great director, wonderful co-stars, and the alchemy of filmmaking has worked.\"\n\nAnd Eddie and his friend Jamie Dornan recalled some of their failed auditions.\n\nEddie told his friend for Variety's Actors on Actors series: \"I remember auditioning for '10,000 BC', which involved being topless, running around, like in Egypt. I mean, look at me. I\u2019m sort of pallid, white, moley. I was always two hours early or an hour late to auditions, endlessly running these lines. But it was great in the sense that you got to try everything and fail hard.\"\n\nWhilst Jamie added: \"There was just so much failure. I just remember your rental car - the foot area of the front passenger seat was a sea of failed audition sides. You were just shucking them down there after coming out of one of those auditions, going, 'That\u2019s another fail.'\"", null, null]} +{"images": ["https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/2017-so-pg18-motherdaughter.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/10/coping-estranged-adult-children/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/2017-so-pg18-motherdaughter.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/2017-so-pg18-motherdaughter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"so pg motherdaughter\", \"alt_text\": \"Mother and Duaghters in the woods\", \"rendered_width\": 610, \"rendered_height\": 306, \"original_width\": 610, \"original_height\": 306, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/10/coping-estranged-adult-children/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499710.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20230129080341-20230129110341-00391.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 1002765638, \"warc_record_length\": 30197}", "texts": [null, "Mia was always my favorite. Oh, I know parents aren\u2019t supposed to have favorites, but here\u2019s a flash \u2014 they do. They can\u2019t help it. I love her brother and sister more than my own life, but I always loved her just a smidgen more. Cut her a bit more slack. And in return, she was the model child. Where her brother and sister were often spirited and rebellious \u2014 demanding so much of my time, patience, and energy \u2014 Mia never seemed to give me any trouble.\n\nShe was a happy kid who did well in school and had lots of friends. When I would arrive home after work each evening, she would be the first one to run and greet me, just bubbling over with stories about her day.\n\nBut in Mia\u2019s late teens, she started to pull away. She\u2019d argue with me about doing her chores, she became sullen, and she even ditched a couple days of school in her senior year \u2014 all things that were completely out of character for her. And the day after she graduated at 18, she moved out of our house. She had taken her savings and rented a small apartment without even telling me. A couple years after that, she moved out of state.\n\nOur relationship continued to deteriorate. It didn\u2019t happen all at once. It was a process almost too slow to monitor until it hit me one day that she was now not only geographically but emotionally distant. It\u2019s not just that she didn\u2019t regularly contact me; she didn\u2019t contact me at all. If I hadn\u2019t reached out, I wonder if we ever would have communicated. And when we did, she was always remote, monosyllabic, closed.\n\nI travel to visit her at least once a year. I go to her; she never comes to me. She doesn\u2019t exactly make me feel unwelcome, but there\u2019s a palpable awkwardness between us when we are together that I just don\u2019t understand. I want to hug her, hold her, feel the presence of that sweet little girl I once knew. She\u2019s my child, my baby. Why is this happening? Just because she\u2019s a 40-something adult shouldn\u2019t change this bond.\n\nI have asked her dozens of times why our relationship is so strained. She has no answer. If only she would tell me, I could explain or ask forgiveness. Was it the fact that I maintained a career during the years she was growing up? She always said that she wished I was the kind of mom who was home more, waiting for her after school with hot chocolate and homemade cookies. It was a running joke between us. But now I wonder if it really was a joke. Was it because I divorced her father? I\u2019ve tortured myself about these big things and even a multitude of minor incidents that took place during her childhood. Did I handle them correctly? Was I too tough? Too lax?\n\nIt hit me one day that she was now not only geographically but emotionally distant.\n\nMia\u2019s semi-estrangement is something I don\u2019t readily discuss. When acquaintances ask me how she is, I always tell them she\u2019s doing great. I hide our situation as I would an ugly sore beneath a Band-Aid. I try to ignore it, not think about it too much, but it continues to hurt. Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning when sleep eludes me and my worries attack me, there it is. It makes me so sad.\n\nThe only consolation, if you can call it that, is that I\u2019m not alone. On a whim one sleepless night, I Googled \u201cadult children estranged from their parents.\u201d Thousands of hits came up, including a multitude of blogs, self-help websites, and the titles of dozens of books and other publications exploring every facet of this subject. \u201cIt\u2019s a silent epidemic,\u201d writes psychologist Joshua Coleman in his book When Parents Hurt: Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don\u2019t Get Along. \u201cIt\u2019s sadly very common.\u201d Other experts on the subject agree.\n\nJust within the circle of my own friends there are many stories. Mary and I have been best friends for almost 40 years. She and her daughter had always had a loving albeit prickly relationship. After her daughter graduated from college, married, and moved out of the country \u2014 \u201cas far away from me as she could,\u201d bemoans Mary \u2014 their bond continued to deteriorate, especially after her daughter had a baby.\n\nStan, who is married to my friend Ellen, has been estranged from his son since shortly after he and his first wife divorced more than 40 years ago. \u201cI tried to visit him early on,\u201d he says, \u201cbut it was just too hard. My ex-wife just wanted to get on with her life and she didn\u2019t want me involved in any aspect of it. Neither did my son.\u201d\n\nColeman writes that divorce is often the cause of parent-child estrangement. I sometimes think that my own divorce from Mia\u2019s dad might be at the root of my Mia problem. She was only 15 when my husband and I went through an especially difficult breakup. There were several separations followed by reconciliations that didn\u2019t last. The emotional yo-yoing went on for a couple of years, and it took a terrible toll on our whole family. During a visit to see Mia on her 40th birthday, I asked her about it. She told me, yes, the divorce was especially hard on her. Not so much because her dad moved out but more because I was, as she put it, \u201cjust so out of it.\u201d I told her how sorry I was and tried to explain that the breakup of my 25-year marriage was the most devastating event of my life. I figured, now that she was a married adult herself, she would understand. But if the truth be told, having that discussion didn\u2019t seem to melt the ice between us.\n\nDivorce, however, isn\u2019t the only common denominator for these familial rifts. My neighbor Judy\u2019s son cut off contact with her just when she was most vulnerable, after the death of her husband of 45 years. It left Judy bewildered and even more broken because she had no idea her son had been hiding these feelings for so long. \u201cHe told me I never treated his father with the respect he deserved,\u201d Judy says. \u201cI still don\u2019t understand.\u201d\n\nIn an appropriately titled book, Walking on Eggshells: Navigating the Delicate Relationship Between Adult Children and Parents, author Jane Isay writes that one of the reasons for this plague of estrangements is that adult children become progressively more focused on their own lives as they get older, a natural development that some mothers and fathers have a hard time accepting. \u201cParents can adapt themselves to no longer being the center of their children\u2019s lives,\u201d she explains. For most parents that\u2019s easier said than done. It certainly was for me since almost from the moment my children were conceived, my life was centered around their well-being. Then, all of a sudden, they were grown, on their own, and I was expected to just step off to the side.\n\nAbout six months ago, I sent Mia a chatty email that included a question about some remodel work I was having done on my house. Her husband used to own a construction company. She took an especially long time to respond. After I conveyed my impatience to her, she let me know quite bluntly that she was very busy with her job and life and friends and I shouldn\u2019t expect her to drop everything to immediately respond unless it was an emergency. I felt dismissed, disrespected, and angry.\n\nThat was when I finally decided that if I wasn\u2019t able to change her attitude toward me, I was going to have to change my attitude toward her. It was a liberating moment, one that Sheri McGregor talks about in her book, Done with the Crying: Help and Healing for Mothers of Estranged Adult Children. I read about the emotional suffering she went through because of her estranged son. Like me, she spent years feeling guilty and trying to figure out why it had happened. Eventually she came to the realization that, after all her failed efforts to change the situation, it was time for her to get on with her life and let her son get on with his. That\u2019s exactly what I had to do.\n\nIn an email (I didn\u2019t trust myself to verbally relay this message), I let Mia know for the first time how her behavior had affected me all these years, how unfair I felt it was for her to be so aloof and uncommunicative. I told her that I loved her but that I was done feeling guilty and tiptoeing around her feelings. I explained that when and if she wanted to have a relationship, I would be here. If she didn\u2019t, I would accept her decision.\n\nAlmost immediately I felt like a weight had been lifted from my heart. Mia now knew exactly how I felt. This baring of my soul was hard, and it involved a lot of soul-searching. I came to the realization that perhaps I was the problem all along because I expected Mia to continue acting like the adoring little girl she used to be, something she wasn\u2019t able to do. If that were the case, we both now would be free of the emotional ties that had caused us so much angst.\n\nIt\u2019s been several months since I sent that email. Since then I\u2019ve only heard from Mia once \u2014 on my birthday. It was a short and cordial phone conversation. And, surprising to me, I was just fine with that. My life is, well, less clouded by my trouble with Mia. I still worry about her, but every time I do I remind myself that she is a very capable adult who has a right to decide how she wants to relate to me and the rest of her family. Then I go about my own business.\n\nKaren Westerberg Reyes\u2019 last article for the Post was \u201cDon\u2019t Patronize Me!\u201d in the November/December 2016 issue."]} +{"images": ["http://feifa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/piggy-bank-statement-400-300x200.jpeg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://feifa.eu/spectacular-tax-savings-for-expats-using-spanish-compliant-investments/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://feifa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/piggy-bank-statement-400-300x200.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://feifa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/piggy-bank-statement-400-300x200.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"piggy bank statement\", \"alt_text\": \"width=300\", \"rendered_height\": 200, \"original_width\": 300, \"original_height\": 200, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://feifa.eu/spectacular-tax-savings-for-expats-using-spanish-compliant-investments/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652663012542.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20220528031224-20220528061224-00707.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 312775777, \"warc_record_length\": 12729}", "texts": [null, "\u200b\u200bHacienda, or the Spanish taxman to you and me, has granted significant tax advantages for savings & investment plans held by Spanish Tax Residents, under certain conditions.\n\nThe advantages are considerable and further compounded as the Hacienda treats non-compliant investments negatively with extra reporting and punitive taxation every year.\n\nAre your existing investments safe from punitive tax?\n\nWhat needs to be declared on modelo 720\n\nSpanish Tax Residents (are you certain you are not considered tax resident in Spain? (see below)) must declare overseas assets worth more than \u20ac50000, including:\n\nAre you a Spanish Tax Resident?\n\nSeems complicated, but establishing tax residency in Spain is very simple. You are a Spanish Tax Resident if:\n\nThese rules have been tightened up to include those who deliberately spend less than 183 days a year in Spain to avoid being tax-resident. We know of cases where car hire, flight details & credit card bills have all been used to prove time spent in Spain.\n\nWhat can be done to avoid this?\n\nHad Mr Expat invested in a Spanish Tax Compliant Bond instead, no savings tax would be payable as no withdrawal was taken and he would not even need to declare the plan to the Hacienda.\n\nFirstly, if no withdrawal is made, there is no tax to pay \u2013 a huge saving in tax.\n\nNow assume the \u20ac10,000 gain is withdrawn. The important consideration here is that partial withdrawals are apportioned partly between redemption of capital (from the original investment) and partly from the gain.\n\nMost clients I meet wrongly assume the tax would be the same as their current non-compliant investment of \u20ac1,980 (19.8% of the gain). But this is not the case at all. The tax due would be reduced significantly as calculated in the three stages below:\n\nMr Expat would be taxed \u20ac1,980 in a non-compliant investment even if no withdrawals had been made, whereas in a Spanish tax compliant bond he would only have a tax bill of \u20ac172.71 even when taking the full \u20ac10,000 and zero if no withdrawal was made. A tax saving of \u20ac1,807.29 in the first year.\n\nThis is a spectacular difference in a country\\\u2019s treatment of investments where tax is concerned.\n\nIf these dramatic tax savings have not made your ears prick up, then consider these additional advantages of Spanish compliant investments:\n\nYour current investments may be causing you problems with non-declaration or draconian tax bills. The time to review your investments in line with your Spanish tax Residency is now.\n\n\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bThe above article was kindly provided by Blacktower Financial Management Group\u200b and originally posted at: \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bhttps://www.blacktowerfm.com/news/507-spectacular-tax-savings-for-expats-using-spanish-compliant-investments"]} +{"images": ["https://www.chicagocondofinder.com/uploads/agent-1/16321047_s.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.chicagocondofinder.com/blog/condo-owners-at-1400-n-lake-shore-drive-reject-de-conversion-offer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/uploads/agent-1/16321047_s.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.chicagocondofinder.com/uploads/agent-1/16321047_s.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Chicago Condo News\", \"rendered_width\": 475, \"rendered_height\": 351, \"original_width\": 692, \"original_height\": 512, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"https://www.chicagocondofinder.com/blog/condo-owners-at-1400-n-lake-shore-drive-reject-de-conversion-offer.html\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347394074.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20200527110649-20200527140649-00192.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 669065194, \"warc_record_length\": 45381}", "texts": [null, "As mentioned in the report, ESG Kullen offered $111 million for the building, which if approved by owners, would\u2019ve been Chicago\u2019s most expensive de-conversion deal to date. In order for such a deal to be approved, 75 percent of condo owners much approve the offer under Illinois law, and the final vote of 74.6 percent came up just short.\n\nAlso noted by Crain\u2019s, ESG\u2019s offer would\u2019ve paid owners close to $410 per square foot, which is quite an increase from the roughly $300 per square foot some units inside the building sold for most recently.\n\nCondo building de-conversions in Chicago have recently been on the rise thanks to a red hot apartment market that isn\u2019t showing any signs of slowing down."]} +{"images": ["http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb2.jpg", "http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb_Grinder.jpg", null], "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/advent-botany-2015-day-15-mahleb/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Mahleb\", \"alt_text\": \"Prunus mahaleb herbarium specimen at Reading (RNG) \", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 952, \"original_width\": 600, \"original_height\": 952, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/advent-botany-2015-day-15-mahleb/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb_Grinder.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/files/2015/12/Mahleb_Grinder.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Mahleb Grinder\", \"alt_text\": \"Traditional mahleb hand grinder with seeds. By Leslie Seaton (Flickr: Mahleb Grinder) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)\", \"rendered_width\": 2304, \"rendered_height\": 1728, \"original_width\": 2304, \"original_height\": 1728, \"format\": \"jpeg\"}, null]", "general_metadata": "{\"url\": \"http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/crg/advent-botany-2015-day-15-mahleb/\", \"warc_filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964358847.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20211129225145-20211130015145-00550.warc.gz\", \"warc_record_offset\": 13017767, \"warc_record_length\": 17509}", "texts": [null, null, "A professional botanist and biologist with an interest in promoting biological knowledge and awareness to all.\nView all posts by Alastair Culham \u2192\nThis entry was posted in Advent, Herbarium RNG, Public Engagement with Science and tagged Prunus mahaleb. Bookmark the permalink.\nLogging In..."]}