PAD_TOKEN = '[PAD]' EOT_TOKEN = '<|endoftext|>' SEP = 50256 # just use the weird eot token TOPIC_MODEL_STRING = 'gpt2-medium' FORMALITY_MODEL_STRING = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-es-en' DIR_END_SPLIT_POSITIONS = 32 TOPIC_VAL_SIZE = 100000 FORMALITY_VAL_SIZE = 2000 VOCAB_SIZE = 50000 FORMALITY_MAX_LEN = 200 GLOVE_PRINT_PROGRESS_FREQ = 1000000 GLOVE_DIM = 300 HIDDEN_DIM = 300 RNN_DIM = 150 MIN_SENTENCE_LENGTH = 3 POETRY_LINE_SYLLABLES = 10 MAX_SYLLABLES_PER_WORD = 10 # no way anything is more MAX_COUNT_SYLLABLE_DIST = 10 MAX_COUNT_SYLLABLE_INPUT_LENGTH = 25 # for just a couplet, shouldn't need more COUNT_SYLLABLE_DIM = 100 UNKNOWN_RHYME_GROUP = 'UNKNOWN_RHYME_GROUP' PHRASE_ENDS = '.?!' POETRY_BANNED_TOKENS = [198, 50256, 628, 220] # newlines and eos and such