import gradio as gr # Define the nested dictionary of owners and their respective pets owner_pets = { "Emily": {"David": "./David.jpg"}, "Sasha": {"Kikou": "./Kikou.jpg"}, # Add more owners and their pets as needed } # Define your function def your_function(owner_name, pet_name): pets = owner_pets.get(owner_name) pet_image = None if pets and pet_name in pets: pet_image = pets[pet_name] return pet_image or "./download.jpeg" # Define your Gradio interface def your_gradio_function(owner_name, pet_name): image_path = your_function(owner_name, pet_name) return image_path # Create the interface interface = gr.Interface(fn=your_gradio_function, inputs=["text", "text"], outputs="image") # Launch the interface interface.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": interface.inputs([{"label": "Owner Name", "type": "text"}, {"label": "Pet Name", "type": "text"}]) interface.input("Owner Name").send_value("John Doe") interface.input("Pet Name").send_value("Doggo") output = print(f"Image for Emily and David: {output}")