import streamlit as st from inference import Keyword_oracle from datetime import date from extract_tweets import extract_tweets import torch import gc from pathlib import Path header = st.container() get_tweet= st.container() features= st.container() modelTraining = st.container() with get_tweet: Path('sheets/').mkdir(exist_ok=True) st.header("Place the topic you want to research on Twitter :bird:") input_keyword = st.text_input('Write the keyword:') if input_keyword: current_date = data_since = st.date_input('from which date:',current_date) data_until = st.date_input('until which date:',current_date) max_kw = st.slider('maximum words per keyword', 1, 3, 1) st.text('This process may take a few seconds') st.text(f'plot of the keywords asociated with the topic {input_keyword}:') extract_tweets(input_keyword,data_since,data_until) oracle = Keyword_oracle(input_keyword, keyphrase_ngram_range = (1,max_kw), diversity=0.3,top_n=3) st.pyplot(oracle.plot()) st.text("Table of the most popular keywords") table = oracle.return_table() st.dataframe(table) st.download_button( label="Download data as CSV", data= table.to_csv().encode('utf-8'), file_name= f'{input_keyword}.csv', mime='text/csv', ) del oracle