import streamlit as st from src.caller import OpenAI_Caller from src.committee import Committee from datasets import load_dataset st.image('./img/meeting.psd') st.header("Committee") domains = st.multiselect( "Let's nominate committee members!", ["Age", "Disability Status", "Gender Identity", "Nationality", "Physical Appearance", "Race Ethnicity", "Religion", "Socioeconomic Status", "Sexual Orientation"], ["Age", "Nationality", "Religion"]) with st.spinner('Initializing committee members...'): committee_dict = { "chair": { "model_caller": OpenAI_Caller('gpt-4-1106-preview') }, "member": [ {"bias_type": domain, "model_caller": OpenAI_Caller('gpt-4-1106-preview')} for domain in domains ] } with st.spinner('Initializing the committee...'): committee = Committee(committee_dict=committee_dict) with st.spinner('Loding the BBQ datasets...'): dataset = load_dataset("Elfsong/BBQ") category = st.selectbox("Which category you are going to deliberate?", dataset.keys()) # instance_id = st.number_input("Ok, which one?", min_value=0, max_value=len(dataset[category])) raw_instance = dataset[category][0] instance = { "context": raw_instance['context'], "question": raw_instance['question'], "ans0": raw_instance['ans0'], "ans1": raw_instance['ans1'], "ans2": raw_instance['ans2'], } instance = st.data_editor(instance) # Propose st.header("Propose") proposals = list() for member in committee.members: with st.spinner(f'Member who concerns {member.bias_type} is proposing...'): proposal = member.propose(instance) st.subheader(f"Proposal from Member who concerns [{member.bias_type}]:") st.markdown(proposal) proposals += [proposal] # Craft Motion st.header("Motion") with st.spinner(f'Chair is crafting a motion...'): motion = committee.chair.craft_motion(proposals, instance) st.subheader(f"Motion from the Chair:") st.markdown(motion) # Vote st.header("Vote") for member in committee.members: with st.spinner(f'Member who concerns {member.bias_type} is voting...'): vote_result =, instance) st.subheader(f"Member who concerns [{member.bias_type}] votes:") st.markdown(vote_result) st.balloons