import torch from import Dataset from PIL import Image from PIL.Image import Image as img from PIL.Image import DecompressionBombError from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError import json from pathlib import Path from tqdm import tqdm from typing import List, Tuple, Generator import random from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from PIL import Image from import Dataset from typing import Tuple from torchtyping import TensorType import traceback def read_jsonl(filename: str) -> Generator[List, None, None]: """ Iterator over data from a jsonl file """ with open(filename) as file: for line in file: yield json.loads(line.rstrip("\n|\r")) def read_img_captions(filename: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Yields image_path, image_caption from cc jsonl files """ img_captions = [] for item in read_jsonl(filename): if not "N/A" in item[-2:]: img_captions.append((item[-1], item[-2])) return img_captions def load_json(filename): try: with open(filename) as f: return json.load(f) except Exception: print(f"ERROR: Error loading json file {filename}") traceback.print_exc() def _read_image_data(data_dir): image_data = [] img_data_dir = data_dir / "image_data" paths = _load_paths(data_dir) pbar = tqdm( paths, desc=f"loading dataset from {str(data_dir)}", ) # read data with multiprocessing with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool: for img_data in pool.imap(load_json, pbar): if img_data is not None: image_data.append(img_data) return image_data def _load_paths(data_dir, sort=True): paths = [] img_data_dir = data_dir / "image_data" for p in tqdm( Path(img_data_dir).glob("*/*.json"), desc=f"loading dataset paths from {str(data_dir)}", ): paths.append(p) return sorted(paths) class LazyLoader: def __init__(self, data_dir): self.paths = _load_paths(data_dir) def __len__(self): return len(self.paths) def __getitem__(self, idx): data = load_json(self.paths[idx]) if data is None: return self[random.randint(0, len(self) - 1)] return data class ImgCptDataset(Dataset): """ Dataset which loads image caption data from our standard format and transforms them into tensors that can be input to the model. Images are expected to be stored in data_dir/images, image data in data_dir/image_data and each data item is a json file with format {"image_path": img_path, "captions": [caption1, caption2,...], "metadata":{...}} """ def __init__( self, data_dir, tokenizer, transforms, seq_len=2048, load_data_in_memory=False ): self.data_dir = Path(data_dir) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.transforms = transforms self.seq_len = seq_len self.load_data_in_memory = load_data_in_memory if self.load_data_in_memory: = _read_image_data(self.data_dir) else: = LazyLoader(self.data_dir) def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__( self, idx ) -> Tuple[TensorType["b", "c", "h", "w"], TensorType["b", "s"]]: img_data =[idx] try: try: img_path = self.data_dir / img_data["image_path"] except KeyError as e: # if no image path is found, assume path is same as .json, but .jpg if not self.load_data_in_memory: p =[idx] img_path = ( self.data_dir / "images" / Path(p.parent).name / Path(".jpg") ) else: raise e img = img_tensor = self.transforms(img) caption = random.choice(img_data["captions"]) caption_tensor = self.tokenizer.encode( caption, return_tensors="pt", max_length=self.seq_len, padding="max_length", truncation=True, ) return img_tensor, caption_tensor except ( UnidentifiedImageError, OSError, DecompressionBombError, IndexError, ) as e: # return random index if image is corrupt print(f"Warning: Could not load image {str(img_path)}") return self[random.randint(0, len(self) - 1)] def collate_fn(batch_data: List[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]], seq_len=2048): all_images, all_captions = list( zip(*batch_data) ) # [(img1, caption1), (img2, caption2), ... ] -> [(img1, img2, ... ), (caption1, caption2, ... )] return,[i[:, :seq_len] for i in all_captions])