""" File: practical_task_sorted.py Author: Elena Ryumina and Dmitry Ryumin Description: Event handler for the practical task sorted to the Gradio app. License: MIT License """ import gradio as gr from pathlib import Path # Importing necessary components for the Gradio app from app.components import video_create_ui def event_handler_practical_task_sorted( files, practical_task_sorted, evt_data: gr.SelectData ): person_id = int(practical_task_sorted.iloc[evt_data.index[0]]["Person ID"]) - 1 if evt_data.index[0] == 0: label = "Best" else: label = "" label += " Person ID" return video_create_ui( value=files[person_id], file_name=Path(files[person_id]).name, label=f"{label} - " + str(person_id + 1), visible=True, )