import numpy as np import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from torch_lydorn.torch.utils.complex import complex_mul, complex_sqrt, complex_abs_squared def framefield_align_error(c0, c2, z, complex_dim=-1): assert c0.shape == c2.shape == z.shape, \ "All inputs should have the same shape. Currently c0: {}, c2: {}, z: {}".format(c0.shape, c2.shape, z.shape) assert c0.shape[complex_dim] == c2.shape[complex_dim] == z.shape[complex_dim] == 2, \ "All inputs should have their complex_dim size equal 2 (real and imag parts)" z_squared = complex_mul(z, z, complex_dim=complex_dim) z_pow_4 = complex_mul(z_squared, z_squared, complex_dim=complex_dim) # All tensors are assimilated as being complex so adding that way works (adding a scalar wouldn't work): f_z = z_pow_4 + complex_mul(c2, z_squared, complex_dim=complex_dim) + c0 loss = complex_abs_squared(f_z, complex_dim) # Square of the absolute value of f_z return loss class LaplacianPenalty: def __init__(self, channels: int): self.channels = channels self.filter = torch.tensor([[0.5, 1.0, 0.5], [1.0, -6., 1.0], [0.5, 1.0, 0.5]]) / 12 self.filter = self.filter[None, None, ...].expand(self.channels, -1, -1, -1) def laplacian_filter(self, tensor): # with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(use_cuda=True) as prof: penalty_tensor = F.conv2d(tensor,, padding=1, groups=self.channels) # print("penalty_tensor min={}, max={}".format(penalty_tensor.min(), penalty_tensor.max())) # print(prof.key_averages().table(sort_by="cuda_time_total")) return torch.abs(penalty_tensor) def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.laplacian_filter(tensor) def c0c2_to_uv(c0c2: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: c0, c2 = torch.chunk(c0c2, 2, dim=1) c2_squared = complex_mul(c2, c2, complex_dim=1) c2_squared_minus_4c0 = c2_squared - 4 * c0 sqrt_c2_squared_minus_4c0 = complex_sqrt(c2_squared_minus_4c0, complex_dim=1) u_squared = (c2 + sqrt_c2_squared_minus_4c0) / 2 v_squared = (c2 - sqrt_c2_squared_minus_4c0) / 2 uv_squared = torch.stack([u_squared, v_squared], dim=1) # Shape (B, 'uv': 2, 'complex': 2, H, W) uv = complex_sqrt(uv_squared, complex_dim=2) return uv def compute_closest_in_uv(directions: torch.Tensor, uv: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ For each direction, compute if it is more aligned with {u, -u} (output 0) or {v, -v} (output 1). @param directions: Tensor of shape (N, 2) @param uv: Tensor of shape (N, 'uv': 2, 'complex': 2) @return: closest_in_uv of shape (N,) with the index in the 'uv' dimension of the closest vector in uv to direction """ uv_dot_dir = torch.sum(uv * directions[:, None, :], dim=2) abs_uv_dot_dir = torch.abs(uv_dot_dir) closest_in_uv = torch.argmin(abs_uv_dot_dir, dim=1) return closest_in_uv def detect_corners(polylines, u, v): def compute_direction_score(ij, edges, field_dir): values = field_dir[ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]] edge_dot_dir = edges[:, 0] * values.real + edges[:, 1] * values.imag abs_edge_dot_dir = np.abs(edge_dot_dir) return abs_edge_dot_dir def compute_is_corner(points, left_edges, right_edges): if points.shape[0] == 0: return np.empty(0, dtype=np.bool) coords = np.round(points).astype( coords[:, 0] = np.clip(coords[:, 0], 0, u.shape[0] - 1) coords[:, 1] = np.clip(coords[:, 1], 0, u.shape[1] - 1) left_u_score = compute_direction_score(coords, left_edges, u) left_v_score = compute_direction_score(coords, left_edges, v) right_u_score = compute_direction_score(coords, right_edges, u) right_v_score = compute_direction_score(coords, right_edges, v) left_is_u_aligned = left_v_score < left_u_score right_is_u_aligned = right_v_score < right_u_score return np.logical_xor(left_is_u_aligned, right_is_u_aligned) corner_masks = [] for polyline in polylines: corner_mask = np.zeros(polyline.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) if np.max(np.abs(polyline[0] - polyline[-1])) < 1e-6: # Closed polyline left_edges = np.concatenate([polyline[-2:-1] - polyline[-1:], polyline[:-2] - polyline[1:-1]], axis=0) right_edges = polyline[1:] - polyline[:-1] corner_mask[:-1] = compute_is_corner(polyline[:-1, :], left_edges, right_edges) # left_edges and right_edges do not include the redundant last vertex, thus we have to do this assignment: corner_mask[-1] = corner_mask[0] else: # Open polyline corner_mask[0] = True corner_mask[-1] = True left_edges = polyline[:-2] - polyline[1:-1] right_edges = polyline[2:] - polyline[1:-1] corner_mask[1:-1] = compute_is_corner(polyline[1:-1, :], left_edges, right_edges) corner_masks.append(corner_mask) return corner_masks