import numpy as np import open3d as o3d import os import json import time import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from shapely.geometry import Polygon from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch import io import PIL import time from misc.figures import plot_coords from misc.colors import colormap_255, semantics_cmap from visualize_3d import visualize_floorplan from DataProcessing.PointCloudReaderPanorama import PointCloudReaderPanorama class FloorRW: def __init__(self): self.dataset_path = "./s3d_raw/" # set the path to the raw data here self.mode = "train" self.scenes_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_path, self.mode) self.out_folder = "floor_data_with_normals" self.density_map_file_name = "density.png" self.normals_map_file_name = "normals.png" self.anno_file_name = "annotation_3d.json" self.vis_file_name = "vis.jpg" self.coco_floor_json_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_path, self.mode + "_floor.json") # TODO Don't change these values, Adapt PointCloudReaderPanorama first self.w = 256 self.h = 256 self.invalid_scenes = ["scene_00183", "scene_01155", "scene_01816"] def generate_floors(self): scenes = os.listdir(self.scenes_path) scenes.sort() for scene_ind, scene in enumerate(scenes): # if scene == "scene_01155": # continue if scene in self.invalid_scenes: continue # if scene_ind < 178: # # # if scene_ind != 0: # continue print("%d / %d Current scene %s" % (scene_ind + 1, len(scenes), scene)) start_time = time.time() scene_path = os.path.join(self.scenes_path, scene) # annotation_json = self.normalize_annotations(scene_path, {}) reader = PointCloudReaderPanorama(scene_path, random_level=0, generate_color=True, generate_normal=False) density_map, normals_map, normalization_dict = reader.generate_density() normalized_annotations = self.normalize_annotations(scene_path, normalization_dict) # visualize_floorplan(normalized_annotations) # self.vis_scene_data(density_map, normalized_annotations) # reader.visualize() self.export_scene(scene_path, density_map, normals_map, normalized_annotations) print("Scene processing time %.3f" % (time.time() - start_time)) def generate_coco_json(self): scenes = os.listdir(self.scenes_path) scenes.sort() img_id = -1 instance_id = -1 coco_dict = {} coco_dict["images"] = [] coco_dict["annotations"] = [] coco_dict["categories"] = [{"supercategory": "room", "id": 1, "name": "room"}] for scene_ind, scene in enumerate(scenes): # if scene_ind != 66: # continue if scene in self.invalid_scenes: continue # if scene_ind > 1000: # break img_id += 1 print("%d / %d Current scene %s" % (scene_ind + 1, len(scenes), scene)) scene_path = os.path.join(self.scenes_path, scene) img_relative_path = os.path.join("./", scene, self.out_folder, self.density_map_file_name) annos_path = os.path.join(scene_path, self.out_folder, self.anno_file_name) with open(annos_path, "r") as f: annos = json.load(f) img_dict = {} img_dict["file_name"] = img_relative_path img_dict["id"] = img_id img_dict["width"] = self.w img_dict["height"] = self.h coco_annotation_dict_list = self.parse_coco_annotation(annos, instance_id, img_id) coco_dict["images"].append(img_dict) coco_dict["annotations"] += coco_annotation_dict_list instance_id += len(coco_annotation_dict_list) with open(self.coco_floor_json_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(coco_dict, f) def parse_coco_annotation(self, annos, curr_instance_id, curr_img_id): polygons = visualize_floorplan(annos, vis=False, ret=True) ignore_types = ['outwall', 'door', 'window'] coco_annotation_dict_list = [] junctions = np.array([junc['coordinate'][:2] for junc in annos['junctions']]) for (poly, poly_type) in polygons: if poly_type in ignore_types: continue poly = junctions[np.array(poly)] poly_shapely = Polygon(poly) area = poly_shapely.area # assert area > 10 if area < 100: continue rectangle_shapely = poly_shapely.envelope coco_seg_poly = [] for p in poly: coco_seg_poly += list(p) # Slightly wider bounding box bound_pad = 5 bb_x, bb_y = rectangle_shapely.exterior.xy bb_x = np.unique(bb_x) bb_y = np.unique(bb_y) bb_x_min = np.maximum(np.min(bb_x) - bound_pad, 0) bb_y_min = np.maximum(np.min(bb_y) - bound_pad, 0) bb_x_max = np.minimum(np.max(bb_x) + bound_pad, self.w - 1) bb_y_max = np.minimum(np.max(bb_y) + bound_pad, self.h - 1) bb_width = (bb_x_max - bb_x_min) bb_height = (bb_y_max - bb_y_min) coco_bb = [bb_x_min, bb_y_min, bb_width, bb_height] curr_instance_id += 1 coco_annotation_dict = { "segmentation": [coco_seg_poly], "area": area, "iscrowd": 0, "image_id": curr_img_id, "bbox": coco_bb, "category_id": 1, "id": curr_instance_id} coco_annotation_dict_list.append(coco_annotation_dict) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(np.zeros((256, 256))) # x, y = poly_shapely.exterior.xy # plt.plot(x, y, "r") # # plt.plot([bb_x_min, bb_x_min + bb_width, bb_x_min + bb_width, bb_x_min, bb_x_min], # [bb_y_min, bb_y_min, bb_y_min + bb_height, bb_y_min + bb_height, bb_y_min], "b") # # return coco_annotation_dict_list def export_scene(self, scene_path, density_map, normals_map, annos): def export_density(): density_path = os.path.join(floorplan_folder_path, self.density_map_file_name) density_uint8 = (density_map * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(density_path, density_uint8) def export_normals(): normals_path = os.path.join(floorplan_folder_path, self.normals_map_file_name) normals_uint8 = (np.clip(normals_map, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(normals_path, normals_uint8) def export_annos(): anno_path = os.path.join(floorplan_folder_path, self.anno_file_name) with open(anno_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(annos, f) def export_vis(): vis_path = os.path.join(floorplan_folder_path, self.vis_file_name) vis = self.vis_scene_data(density_map, annos, show=False) if vis is not None: cv2.imwrite(vis_path, vis) else: print("Visualization is None. Skip exporting the visualization...") floorplan_folder_path = os.path.join(scene_path, self.out_folder) if not os.path.isdir(floorplan_folder_path): os.mkdir(floorplan_folder_path) export_density() export_normals() export_annos() export_vis() def normalize_annotations(self, scene_path, normalization_dict): annotation_path = os.path.join(scene_path, "annotation_3d.json") with open(annotation_path, "r") as f: annotation_json = json.load(f) for line in annotation_json["lines"]: point = line["point"] point = self.normalize_point(point, normalization_dict) line["point"] = point for junction in annotation_json["junctions"]: point = junction["coordinate"] point = self.normalize_point(point, normalization_dict) junction["coordinate"] = point normalization_dict["min_coords"] = normalization_dict["min_coords"].tolist() normalization_dict["max_coords"] = normalization_dict["max_coords"].tolist() normalization_dict["image_res"] = normalization_dict["image_res"].tolist() return annotation_json def normalize_point(self, point, normalization_dict): min_coords = normalization_dict["min_coords"] max_coords = normalization_dict["max_coords"] image_res = normalization_dict["image_res"] point_2d = \ np.round( (point[:2] - min_coords[:2]) / (max_coords[:2] - min_coords[:2]) * image_res) point_2d = np.minimum(np.maximum(point_2d, np.zeros_like(image_res)), image_res - 1) point[:2] = point_2d.tolist() return point def vis_scene_data(self, density_map, annos, show=True): polygons = visualize_floorplan(annos, vis=False, ret=True) if polygons is None: return None fig = plt.figure() gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 2) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax0.imshow(density_map) plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) junctions = np.array([junc['coordinate'][:2] for junc in annos['junctions']]) for (polygon, poly_type) in polygons: polygon = Polygon(junctions[np.array(polygon)]) plot_coords(ax1, polygon.exterior, alpha=0.5) if poly_type == 'outwall': patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=semantics_cmap[poly_type], alpha=0) else: patch = PolygonPatch(polygon, facecolor=semantics_cmap[poly_type], alpha=0.5) ax1.add_patch(patch) ax1.set_ylim(density_map.shape[0], 0) ax1.set_xlim(0, density_map.shape[1]) plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if show: plt.close() vis = vis = np.array(vis) return vis