import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 import threading import os import skimage import random import time TWO_CORNER_MINIMUM_DISTANCE = 5 SAFE_NUM = 3 score_weights = (1., 2., 100.) ######################################################################################### ################################# General Functions ##################################### ######################################################################################### def swap_two_corner_place(corners, edges, id1, id2): for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): if edges[edge_i, 0] == id1: edges[edge_i, 0] = id2 elif edges[edge_i, 0] == id2: edges[edge_i, 0] = id1 if edges[edge_i, 1] == id1: edges[edge_i, 1] = id2 elif edges[edge_i, 1] == id2: edges[edge_i, 1] = id1 temp = corners[id1].copy() corners[id1] = corners[id2] corners[id2] = temp return corners, edges def get_neighbor_corner_id(corner_id, edges): where = np.where(edges == corner_id) return edges[where[0], 1 - where[1]] def swap_two_edge_place(edges, id1, id2): temp = edges[id1].copy() edges[id1] = edges[id2] edges[id2] = temp return edges def degree_of_three_corners(cornerA, cornerB, cornerM): # cornerM is middle corner AM_length = l2_distance(cornerA, cornerM) BM_length = l2_distance(cornerB, cornerM) dot =[0] - cornerM[0], cornerA[1] - cornerM[1]), (cornerB[0] - cornerM[0], cornerB[1] - cornerM[1])) cos = dot / (AM_length + 1e-8) / (BM_length + 1e-8) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) degree = np.arccos(cos) return degree / np.pi * 180 def sort_graph(corners, edges): corners = corners.copy() edges = edges.copy() for corner_i in range(corners.shape[0]): min_id = -1 min_pos = corners[corner_i] for corner_j in range(corner_i + 1, corners.shape[0]): if (corners[corner_j, 0] < min_pos[0]) or \ (corners[corner_j, 0] == min_pos[0] and corners[corner_j, 1] < min_pos[1]): min_pos = corners[corner_j] min_id = corner_j if min_id != -1: corners, edges = swap_two_corner_place(corners, edges, corner_i, min_id) for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): if edges[edge_i, 0] > edges[edge_i, 1]: temp = edges[edge_i, 0] edges[edge_i, 0] = edges[edge_i, 1] edges[edge_i, 1] = temp for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): min_id = -1 min_pos = edges[edge_i] for edge_j in range(edge_i + 1, edges.shape[0]): if (edges[edge_j, 0] < min_pos[0]) or \ (edges[edge_j, 0] == min_pos[0] and edges[edge_j, 1] < min_pos[1]): min_pos = edges[edge_j] min_id = edge_j if min_id != -1: edges = swap_two_edge_place(edges, edge_i, min_id) return corners, edges def IOU(maskA, maskB): return np.logical_and(maskA, maskB).sum() / np.logical_or(maskA, maskB).sum() def render(corners, edges, render_pad=0, edge_linewidth=2, corner_size=3, scale=1.): size = int(256 * scale) mask = np.ones((2, size, size)) * render_pad corners = np.round(corners.copy() * scale).astype( for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): a = edges[edge_i, 0] b = edges[edge_i, 1] mask[0] = cv2.line(mask[0], (int(corners[a, 1]), int(corners[a, 0])), (int(corners[b, 1]), int(corners[b, 0])), 1.0, thickness=edge_linewidth) for corner_i in range(corners.shape[0]): mask[1] =[1], (int(corners[corner_i, 1]), int(corners[corner_i, 0])), corner_size, 1.0, -1) return mask def patch_samples(edge_num, batch_size): num = edge_num // batch_size patchs = [] for i in range(num): patchs.append([i * batch_size + j for j in range(batch_size)]) if edge_num % batch_size != 0: patchs.append([j for j in range(batch_size * num, edge_num)]) return patchs def l2_distance(x1, x2): return np.sqrt((x1[0] - x2[0]) ** 2 + (x1[1] - x2[1]) ** 2) def triangle_region(A, B, C): l1 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(A) - np.array(B)) l2 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(A) - np.array(C)) l3 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(B) - np.array(C)) p = (l1 + l2 + l3) / 2 area = np.sqrt(np.abs(p * (p - l1) * (p - l2) * (p - l3))) return area def remove_intersection_and_duplicate(corners, edges, name): over_all_flag = False ori_corners = corners.copy() ori_edges = edges.copy() while True: flag = False for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): for edge_j in range(edge_i + 1, edges.shape[0]): corner11 = corners[edges[edge_i, 0]] corner12 = corners[edges[edge_i, 1]] corner21 = corners[edges[edge_j, 0]] corner22 = corners[edges[edge_j, 1]] y1 = corner11[0] x1 = corner11[1] y2 = corner12[0] x2 = corner12[1] a1 = y1 - y2 b1 = x2 - x1 c1 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 flag1 = (a1 * corner21[1] + b1 * corner21[0] + c1) * (a1 * corner22[1] + b1 * corner22[0] + c1) y1 = corner21[0] x1 = corner21[1] y2 = corner22[0] x2 = corner22[1] a2 = y1 - y2 b2 = x2 - x1 c2 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 flag2 = (a2 * corner11[1] + b2 * corner11[0] + c2) * (a2 * corner12[1] + b2 * corner12[0] + c2) if flag1 < -1e-5 and flag2 < -1e-5: # intersection! over_all_flag = True flag = True new_x = (c2 * b1 - c1 * b2) / (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1) new_y = (a2 * c1 - a1 * c2) / (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1) temp_d = 3 temp_id = -1 if l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner11) < temp_d: temp_id = edges[edge_i, 0] temp_d = l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner11) if l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner12) < temp_d: temp_id = edges[edge_i, 1] temp_d = l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner12) if l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner21) < temp_d: temp_id = edges[edge_j, 0] temp_d = l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner21) if l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner22) < temp_d: temp_id = edges[edge_j, 1] temp_d = l2_distance((new_y, new_x), corner22) if temp_id != -1: if edges[edge_i, 0] != temp_id and edges[edge_i, 1] != temp_id: tt = edges[edge_i, 0] edges[edge_i, 0] = temp_id edges = np.append(edges, np.array([(temp_id, tt)]), 0) if edges[edge_j, 0] != temp_id and edges[edge_j, 1] != temp_id: tt = edges[edge_j, 0] edges[edge_j, 0] = temp_id edges = np.append(edges, np.array([(temp_id, tt)]), 0) else: corners = np.append(corners, np.array([(new_y, new_x)]), 0) edge_id1 = edges[edge_i, 1] edge_id2 = edges[edge_j, 1] edges[edge_i, 1] = corners.shape[0] - 1 edges[edge_j, 1] = corners.shape[0] - 1 edges = np.append(edges, np.array([(edge_id1, corners.shape[0] - 1)]), 0) edges = np.append(edges, np.array([(edge_id2, corners.shape[0] - 1)]), 0) break if flag: break if flag: continue break # remove duplicate and zero degree graph = Graph(np.round(corners), edges) for corner_i in reversed(range(len(graph.getCorners()))): corner_ele1 = graph.getCorners()[corner_i] for corner_j in reversed(range(corner_i)): corner_ele2 = graph.getCorners()[corner_j] if l2_distance(corner_ele1.x, corner_ele2.x) < 3: connected_edge = graph.getEdgeConnected(corner_ele1) for edge_ele in connected_edge: if edge_ele.x[0] == corner_ele1: another = edge_ele.x[1] else: another = edge_ele.x[0] if another == corner_ele2: graph.remove(edge_ele) edge_ele.x = (another, corner_ele2) graph.remove(corner_ele1) for corner_ele in graph.getCorners(): if graph.getCornerDegree(corner_ele) == 0: graph.remove(corner_ele) corners = graph.getCornersArray() edges = graph.getEdgesArray() # if over_all_flag: # plt.subplot(121) # ori = render(ori_corners, ori_edges, edge_linewidth=1, corner_size=1) # temp = np.concatenate((ori.transpose((1,2,0)), np.zeros((ori.shape[1],ori.shape[2],1))),2) # plt.imshow(temp) # plt.subplot(122) # new_ = render(corners, edges, edge_linewidth=1, corner_size=1) # temp = np.concatenate((new_.transpose((1,2,0)), np.zeros((new_.shape[1],new_.shape[2],1))),2) # plt.imshow(temp) # return corners, edges def get_two_edge_intersection_location(corner11, corner12, corner21, corner22): y1 = corner11[0] x1 = corner11[1] y2 = corner12[0] x2 = corner12[1] a1 = y1 - y2 b1 = x2 - x1 c1 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 y1 = corner21[0] x1 = corner21[1] y2 = corner22[0] x2 = corner22[1] a2 = y1 - y2 b2 = x2 - x1 c2 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 l = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1 if l == 0: l = 1e-5 new_x = (c2 * b1 - c1 * b2) / l new_y = (a2 * c1 - a1 * c2) / l return round(new_y), round(new_x) def get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(corner1, corner2, corner): x = corner[0] y = corner[1] x1 = corner1[0] y1 = corner1[1] x2 = corner2[0] y2 = corner2[1] cross = (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y - y1) if cross <= 0: # dist to corner1 return np.linalg.norm((x - x1, y - y1)) d2 = (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) if cross >= d2: # dist to corner2 return np.linalg.norm((x - x2, y - y2)) r = cross / d2 px = x1 + (x2 - x1) * r py = y1 + (y2 - y1) * r return np.linalg.norm((x - px, y - py)) ######################################################################################### ################################# Dataset Functions ##################################### ######################################################################################### def EuclideanDistance(A, B): BT = B.transpose() vecProd =, BT) SqA = A ** 2 sumSqA = np.matrix(np.sum(SqA, axis=1)) sumSqAEx = np.tile(sumSqA.transpose(), (1, vecProd.shape[1])) SqB = B ** 2 sumSqB = np.sum(SqB, axis=1) sumSqBEx = np.tile(sumSqB, (vecProd.shape[0], 1)) SqED = sumSqBEx + sumSqAEx - 2 * vecProd SqED[SqED < 0] = 0.0 ED = np.sqrt(SqED) return ED def samedirection(conv_corner_id, gt_corner_id, conv_corners, gt_corners, conv_edges, gt_edges): # degree if np.where(conv_edges == conv_corner_id)[0].shape[0] != np.where(gt_edges == gt_corner_id)[0].shape[0]: return False # direction place = np.where(conv_edges == conv_corner_id) neighbor_id = conv_edges[place[0], 1 - place[1]] distance = conv_corners[conv_corner_id] - conv_corners[neighbor_id] direction = np.arctan2(distance[:, 0], distance[:, 1]) * 180 / np.pi / 15 direction = (direction + 24) % 24 conv_dir = np.sort(direction) place = np.where(gt_edges == gt_corner_id) neighbor_id = gt_edges[place[0], 1 - place[1]] distance = gt_corners[gt_corner_id] - gt_corners[neighbor_id] direction = np.arctan2(distance[:, 0], distance[:, 1]) * 180 / np.pi / 15 direction = (direction + 24) % 24 gt_dir = np.sort(direction) conv_dir = list(conv_dir) gt_dir = list(gt_dir) for angle in gt_dir: temp = sorted(conv_dir, key=lambda x: min(np.abs(x - angle), 24 - np.abs(x - angle))) if min(np.abs(temp[0] - angle), 24 - np.abs(temp[0] - angle)) <= 1.3: conv_dir.remove(temp[0]) else: return False return True def simplify_gt(gt_match_location, gt_corner, gt_edge): graph = Graph(np.round(gt_corner), gt_edge) for idx, corner in enumerate(graph.getCorners()): # use score to store the matching info corner.store_score(gt_match_location[idx]) for idx, corner in enumerate(graph.getCorners()): if corner.get_score() is None: connected_edges = graph.getEdgeConnected(corner) neighbor_corners = [] for edge in connected_edges: if edge.x[0] != corner: neighbor_corners.append(edge.x[0]) continue if edge.x[1] != corner: neighbor_corners.append(edge.x[1]) continue raise BaseException() neighbor_corners = sorted(neighbor_corners, key=lambda ele: l2_distance(ele.x, corner.x)) for neighbor_ele in neighbor_corners: if l2_distance(neighbor_ele.x, corner.x) > 8: break if neighbor_ele.get_score() is None: continue # find the suitable neighbor that replace corner for ele in neighbor_corners: if ele == neighbor_ele: continue graph.add_edge(ele, neighbor_ele) neighbor_ele.x = (0.7 * neighbor_ele.x[0] + 0.3 * corner.x[0], 0.7 * neighbor_ele.x[1] + 0.3 * corner.x[1]) graph.remove(corner) break return graph.getCornersArray(), graph.getEdgesArray() def get_wrong_corners(corners, gt_corners, edges, gt_edges): corners = corners.copy() gt_corners = gt_corners.copy() edges = edges.copy() gt_edges = gt_edges.copy() dist_matrix = EuclideanDistance(gt_corners, corners) assigned_id = set() gt_match_same_degree = [] gt_match_location = [] for gt_i in range(gt_corners.shape[0]): sort_id = np.argsort(dist_matrix[gt_i]).__array__()[0] flag = True for id_ in sort_id: if dist_matrix[gt_i, id_] > 7: break temete = samedirection(id_, gt_i, corners, gt_corners, edges, gt_edges) if temete == False: break elif id_ not in assigned_id: assigned_id.add(id_) gt_match_same_degree.append(id_) flag = False break if flag: gt_match_same_degree.append(None) matched = [] gt_match_location = [None for _ in range(gt_corners.shape[0])] for gt_i in sorted(list(range(gt_corners.shape[0])), key=lambda i: np.min(dist_matrix[i])): sort_id = np.argsort(dist_matrix[gt_i]).__array__()[0] if dist_matrix[gt_i, sort_id[0]] > 7: gt_match_location[gt_i] = None else: for c_i in sort_id: if c_i in matched: continue if dist_matrix[gt_i, c_i] > 7: gt_match_location[gt_i] = None break else: gt_match_location[gt_i] = c_i matched.append(c_i) break return set(range(corners.shape[0])) - assigned_id, gt_match_same_degree, gt_match_location def get_wrong_edges(corners, gt_corners, edges, gt_edges, gt_match): edges = edges.copy() gt_edges = gt_edges.copy() all_possible_good_edges = [] for edge_i in range(gt_edges.shape[0]): if gt_match[gt_edges[edge_i, 0]] is None or gt_match[gt_edges[edge_i, 1]] is None: continue all_possible_good_edges.append((gt_match[gt_edges[edge_i, 0]], gt_match[gt_edges[edge_i, 1]])) false_edge_id = [] for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): id1 = edges[edge_i][0] id2 = edges[edge_i][1] if (id1, id2) not in all_possible_good_edges and (id2, id1) not in all_possible_good_edges: false_edge_id.append(edge_i) continue return false_edge_id def get_corner_bin_map(corners, corner_list_for_each_bin, bin_size=10): bin_map = np.zeros((bin_size, 256, 256)) for bin_i in range(bin_size): bin_map[bin_i] = render(corners[corner_list_for_each_bin[bin_i]], np.array([]), render_pad=0)[1] return bin_map ######################################################################################### ################################ Searching Functions #################################### ######################################################################################### def visualization(candidate, show=True): corners = candidate.graph.getCornersArray() edges = candidate.graph.getEdgesArray() mask = render(corners, edges) mask = np.transpose(np.concatenate((mask, np.zeros((1, 256, 256))), 0), (1, 2, 0)) plt.imshow(mask) if show: def check_intersection(edge1, edge2): corner11 = edge1.x[0].x corner12 = edge1.x[1].x corner21 = edge2.x[0].x corner22 = edge2.x[1].x y1 = corner11[0] x1 = corner11[1] y2 = corner12[0] x2 = corner12[1] a = y1 - y2 b = x2 - x1 c = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 flag1 = (a * corner21[1] + b * corner21[0] + c) * (a * corner22[1] + b * corner22[0] + c) y1 = corner21[0] x1 = corner21[1] y2 = corner22[0] x2 = corner22[1] a = y1 - y2 b = x2 - x1 c = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 flag2 = (a * corner11[1] + b * corner11[0] + c) * (a * corner12[1] + b * corner12[0] + c) if flag1 < -1e-6 and flag2 < -1e-6: return True return False def adding_a_corner_by_triangle_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] name = gt_mask = region_cache.get_region(name) gt_mask = gt_mask > 0.4 gt_mask_grow = cv2.dilate(gt_mask.astype(np.float64), np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8), iterations=6) > 0 # get the current candidate region mask conv_mask = render(corners=candidate.graph.getCornersArray(), edges=candidate.graph.getEdgesArray(), render_pad=0, edge_linewidth=1)[0] conv_mask = 1 - conv_mask conv_mask = conv_mask.astype(np.uint8) labels, region_mask = cv2.connectedComponents(conv_mask, connectivity=4) background_label = region_mask[0, 0] all_masks = [] for region_i in range(1, labels): if region_i == background_label: continue the_region = region_mask == region_i if the_region.sum() < 20: continue all_masks.append(the_region) candidate_mask = (np.sum(all_masks, 0) + (1 - conv_mask)) > 0 final_mask = np.logical_xor(gt_mask_grow, np.logical_and(candidate_mask, gt_mask_grow)) for corner_i in range(random.randint(0, 16), 256, 16): for corner_j in range(random.randint(0, 16), 256, 16): if candidate.addable((corner_i, corner_j)): if final_mask[corner_i, corner_j] == True: # inside the region new_corner = Element((corner_i, corner_j)) new_candidate = candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_a_corner(new_corner) new_graph = new_candidate.graph corners = new_graph.getCorners() # find two suitable existed corners to make into a triangle (no intersection and no colinear) for id_A in range(len(corners)): ele_A = corners[id_A] if ele_A == new_corner: continue for id_B in range(id_A + 1, len(corners)): ele_B = corners[id_B] if ele_B == new_corner: continue if new_graph.has_edge(new_corner, ele_A) is not None: raise BaseException('should not have edge in this case') if new_graph.has_edge(new_corner, ele_B) is not None: raise BaseException('should not have edge in this case') temp_edge1 = Element((new_corner, ele_A)) temp_edge2 = Element((new_corner, ele_B)) # check if addable if new_candidate.addable(temp_edge1) is False: continue if new_candidate.addable(temp_edge2) is False: continue # avoid intersection if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(temp_edge1): continue if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(temp_edge2): continue # avoid too small triangle if triangle_region(new_corner.x, ele_A.x, ele_B.x) < 20: continue ### avoid colinear edge (only when fold case) # for edge1 neighbor_edges = new_graph.getEdgeConnected(temp_edge1) flag_ = True for neighbor in neighbor_edges: if new_corner in neighbor.x: raise BaseException('new corner should not in any edge') elif ele_A in neighbor.x: shared_corner = ele_A else: raise BaseException('error.') two_neighbor = {neighbor.x[0], neighbor.x[1], ele_A, new_corner} two_neighbor.remove(shared_corner) assert len(two_neighbor) == 2 two_neighbor = tuple(two_neighbor) line1 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[0].x) line2 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[1].x) cos =, line2) / (np.linalg.norm(line1) * np.linalg.norm(line2)) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) if np.arccos(cos) < np.pi / 9: # 20 degree flag_ = False break if flag_ is False: continue # for edge2 neighbor_edges = new_graph.getEdgeConnected(temp_edge2) flag_ = True for neighbor in neighbor_edges: if new_corner in neighbor.x: raise BaseException('new corner should not in any edge') elif ele_B in neighbor.x: shared_corner = ele_B else: raise BaseException('error.') two_neighbor = {neighbor.x[0], neighbor.x[1], ele_B, new_corner} two_neighbor.remove(shared_corner) assert len(two_neighbor) == 2 two_neighbor = tuple(two_neighbor) line1 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[0].x) line2 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[1].x) cos =, line2) / (np.linalg.norm(line1) * np.linalg.norm(line2)) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) if np.arccos(cos) < np.pi / 9: # 20 degree flag_ = False break if flag_ is False: continue # make new candidate try: new_ = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(new_corner, ele_A) new_ = new_.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(new_corner, ele_B) new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue # plt.subplot(151) # visualization(candidate, show=False) # plt.subplot(152) # plt.imshow(final_mask) # plt.subplot(153) # plt.imshow(candidate_mask) # plt.subplot(154) # plt.imshow(gt_mask_grow) # plt.subplot(155) # visualization(new_, show=False) # return new_candidates def adding_an_edge_from_new_corner_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] name = gt_mask = region_cache.get_region(name) gt_mask = gt_mask > 0.4 gt_mask_grow = cv2.dilate(gt_mask.astype(np.float64), np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8), iterations=6) > 0 # get the current candidate region mask conv_mask = render(corners=candidate.graph.getCornersArray(), edges=candidate.graph.getEdgesArray(), render_pad=0, edge_linewidth=1)[0] conv_mask = 1 - conv_mask conv_mask = conv_mask.astype(np.uint8) labels, region_mask = cv2.connectedComponents(conv_mask, connectivity=4) background_label = region_mask[0, 0] all_masks = [] for region_i in range(1, labels): if region_i == background_label: continue the_region = region_mask == region_i if the_region.sum() < 20: continue all_masks.append(the_region) candidate_mask = (np.sum(all_masks, 0) + (1 - conv_mask)) > 0 final_mask = np.logical_xor(gt_mask_grow, np.logical_and(candidate_mask, gt_mask_grow)) for corner_i in range(random.randint(0, 16), 256, 16): for corner_j in range(random.randint(0, 16), 256, 16): if candidate.addable((corner_i, corner_j)): if final_mask[corner_i, corner_j] == True: # inside the region new_corner = Element((corner_i, corner_j)) new_candidate = candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_a_corner(new_corner) new_graph = new_candidate.graph corners = new_graph.getCorners() # find a suitable existed corner that can make # a new edge with new_corner (no intersection and colinear) for corner_ele in corners: if corner_ele == new_corner: continue if new_graph.has_edge(new_corner, corner_ele) is not None: raise BaseException('should not have edge in this case') temp_edge = Element((new_corner, corner_ele)) # check if addable if new_candidate.addable(temp_edge) is False: continue # avoid intersection if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(temp_edge): continue # avoid colinear edge neighbor_edges = new_graph.getEdgeConnected(temp_edge) flag_ = True for neighbor in neighbor_edges: if new_corner in neighbor.x: raise BaseException('new corner should not in any edge') elif corner_ele in neighbor.x: shared_corner = corner_ele else: raise BaseException('error.') two_neighbor = {neighbor.x[0], neighbor.x[1], corner_ele, new_corner} two_neighbor.remove(shared_corner) assert len(two_neighbor) == 2 two_neighbor = tuple(two_neighbor) line1 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[0].x) line2 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[1].x) cos =, line2) / (np.linalg.norm(line1) * np.linalg.norm(line2)) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) if np.arccos(cos) < np.pi / 9: # 20 degree flag_ = False break if flag_ is False: continue # make new candidate try: new_ = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(new_corner, corner_ele) new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue return new_candidates def removing_a_corner_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph corners = graph.getCorners() for the_corner in corners: if candidate.removable(the_corner): try: new_ = candidate.generate_new_candidate_remove_a_corner(the_corner) new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue return new_candidates def removing_a_colinear_corner_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph corners = graph.getCorners() for the_corner in corners: if candidate.removable(the_corner): # NO NEED TO CHECK IF COLINEAR and graph.checkColinearCorner(the_corner): try: new_ = candidate.generate_new_candidate_remove_a_colinear_corner(the_corner) if new_.graph.checkIntersectionEdge(): continue new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue return new_candidates def adding_an_edge_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph corners = graph.getCorners() for corner_i in range(len(corners)): cornerA = corners[corner_i] for corner_j in range(corner_i + 1, len(corners)): cornerB = corners[corner_j] if graph.has_edge(cornerA, cornerB) is not None: continue temp_edge = Element((cornerA, cornerB)) # check if addable (not in existed_before dict) if candidate.addable(temp_edge) is False: continue if graph.checkIntersectionEdge(temp_edge): continue # avoid adding a colinear edge neighbor_edges = graph.getEdgeConnected(temp_edge) flag_ = True for neighbor in neighbor_edges: if cornerA in neighbor.x: shared_corner = cornerA elif cornerB in neighbor.x: shared_corner = cornerB else: raise BaseException('error.') two_neighbor = {neighbor.x[0], neighbor.x[1], cornerA, cornerB} two_neighbor.remove(shared_corner) assert len(two_neighbor) == 2 two_neighbor = tuple(two_neighbor) line1 = np.array(shared_corner.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[0].x) line2 = np.array(two_neighbor[1].x) - np.array(shared_corner.x) cos =, line2) / (np.linalg.norm(line1) * np.linalg.norm(line2)) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) if np.arccos(cos) < np.pi / 18 or np.arccos(cos) > np.pi - np.pi / 18: # 10 degree flag_ = False break if flag_ is False: continue # make new candidate try: new_ = candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(cornerA, cornerB) new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue return new_candidates def removing_an_edge_operation(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph edges = graph.getEdges() for edge_ele in edges: if candidate.removable(edge_ele): try: new_ = candidate.generate_new_candidate_remove_an_edge(edge_ele) new_candidates.append(new_) except: continue return new_candidates def adding_an_edge_from_gt(candidate, gt_data): new_candidates = [] corners_array = candidate.graph.getCornersArray() edges_array = candidate.graph.getEdgesArray() gt_corners = gt_data['corners'].copy() gt_edges = gt_data['edges'].copy() _, _, map_same_location = get_wrong_corners( corners_array, gt_corners, edges_array, gt_edges) gt_corners, gt_edges = simplify_gt(map_same_location, gt_corners, gt_edges) _, _, map_same_location = get_wrong_corners( corners_array, gt_corners, edges_array, gt_edges) for corner_i in range(gt_corners.shape[0]): if map_same_location[corner_i] is None: # doesn't exist in candidate neighbor_id = get_neighbor_corner_id(corner_i, gt_edges) for corner_j in neighbor_id: if map_same_location[corner_j] is not None: # exist corner in candidate that maps neighbor corner new_candidate = candidate.copy() new_corner = Element( ( int(np.round(gt_corners[corner_i, 0])), int(np.round(gt_corners[corner_i, 1])) ) ) if new_candidate.addable(new_corner) is False: continue # new corner can be too close to an edge flag = False for edge_ele in new_candidate.graph.getEdges(): if get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(edge_ele.x[0].x, edge_ele.x[1].x, new_corner.x) < 7: flag = True break if flag: continue new_corner = new_candidate.addCorner(new_corner) neighbor_index = map_same_location[corner_j] neighbor_corner = new_candidate.graph.getCorners()[neighbor_index] new_edge = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, neighbor_corner) if new_candidate.graph.checkIntersectionEdge(new_edge): continue new_candidates.append(new_candidate) return new_candidates def adding_a_corner_from_two_edges_extension(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph edges = candidate.graph.getEdges() for edge_i in range(len(edges)): for edge_j in range(edge_i + 1, len(edges)): edgeA = edges[edge_i] edgeB = edges[edge_j] if graph.isNeighbor(edgeA, edgeB): continue intersection_loc = get_two_edge_intersection_location(edgeA.x[0].x, edgeA.x[1].x, edgeB.x[0].x, edgeB.x[1].x) if intersection_loc[0] >= 255 or intersection_loc[1] >= 255 or \ intersection_loc[0] <= 0 or intersection_loc[1] <= 0: continue # intersection point can not be too close to an edge flag = False for edge_ele in graph.getEdges(): if get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(edge_ele.x[0].x, edge_ele.x[1].x, intersection_loc) < 7: flag = True break if flag: continue new_candidate = candidate.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph new_edgeA = new_graph.getRealElement(edgeA) new_edgeB = new_graph.getRealElement(edgeB) new_corner = Element(intersection_loc) if new_candidate.addable(new_corner) is False: continue new_corner = new_candidate.addCorner_v2(new_corner) # get cornerA and cornerB from edgeA, edgeB if l2_distance(new_corner.x, new_edgeA.x[0].x) < l2_distance(new_corner.x, new_edgeA.x[1].x): cornerA = new_edgeA.x[0] else: cornerA = new_edgeA.x[1] if l2_distance(new_corner.x, new_edgeB.x[0].x) < l2_distance(new_corner.x, new_edgeB.x[1].x): cornerB = new_edgeB.x[0] else: cornerB = new_edgeB.x[1] # new edge can not be too short if l2_distance(cornerA.x, new_corner.x) < 7: continue if l2_distance(cornerB.x, new_corner.x) < 7: continue # new intersection cannot be too flat if degree_of_three_corners(cornerA.x, cornerB.x, new_corner.x) > 165: continue flag = False for edge_ele in new_graph.getEdges(): if new_corner in edge_ele.x and cornerA in edge_ele.x: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[0] not in (new_corner, cornerA): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerA.x, edge_ele.x[0].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[1] not in (new_corner, cornerA): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerA.x, edge_ele.x[1].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if flag: continue add_edgeA = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, cornerA) if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(add_edgeA): continue flag = False for edge_ele in new_graph.getEdges(): if new_corner in edge_ele.x and cornerB in edge_ele.x: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[0] not in (new_corner, cornerB): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerB.x, edge_ele.x[0].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[1] not in (new_corner, cornerB): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerB.x, edge_ele.x[1].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if flag: continue add_edgeB = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, cornerB) if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(add_edgeB): continue # make real new candidate # new_candidate = candidate.copy() # new_graph = new_candidate.graph # new_corner = Element(intersection_loc) # new_corner = new_graph.add_corner_v2(new_corner) # new_candidate = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(new_corner, cornerA) # new_candidate = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(new_corner, cornerB) new_candidates.append(new_candidate) return new_candidates def adding_a_corner_from_parallel(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph edges = candidate.graph.getEdges() for edge_i in range(len(edges)): for edge_j in range(edge_i + 1, len(edges)): edgeA = edges[edge_i] edgeB = edges[edge_j] # get intersection loc if graph.isNeighbor(edgeA, edgeB): shared_corner = edgeA.x[0] if edgeA.x[0] in edgeB.x else edgeA.x[1] intersection_loc = shared_corner.x else: intersection_loc = get_two_edge_intersection_location( edgeA.x[0].x, edgeA.x[1].x, edgeB.x[0].x, edgeB.x[1].x) if intersection_loc[0] >= 255 or intersection_loc[1] >= 255 or \ intersection_loc[0] <= 0 or intersection_loc[1] <= 0: continue # get another two loc locA = edgeA.x[1].x if \ l2_distance(edgeA.x[0].x, intersection_loc) < l2_distance(edgeA.x[1].x, intersection_loc) else \ edgeA.x[0].x locB = edgeB.x[1].x if \ l2_distance(edgeB.x[0].x, intersection_loc) < l2_distance(edgeB.x[1].x, intersection_loc) else \ edgeB.x[0].x # get new loc new_loc = (locA[0] + locB[0] - intersection_loc[0], locA[1] + locB[1] - intersection_loc[1]) if new_loc[0] >= 255 or new_loc[1] >= 255 or \ new_loc[0] <= 0 or new_loc[1] <= 0: continue new_corner = Element(new_loc) new_candidate = candidate.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph edgeA = new_graph.getRealElement(edgeA) edgeB = new_graph.getRealElement(edgeB) if new_candidate.addable(new_corner) is False: continue new_corner = new_candidate.addCorner_v2(new_corner) # get cornerA and cornerB from edgeA, edgeB cornerA = edgeA.x[1] if l2_distance(edgeA.x[0].x, intersection_loc) < l2_distance(edgeA.x[1].x, intersection_loc) \ else edgeA.x[0] cornerB = edgeB.x[1] if l2_distance(edgeB.x[0].x, intersection_loc) < l2_distance(edgeB.x[1].x, intersection_loc) \ else edgeB.x[0] # new edge can not be too short if l2_distance(cornerA.x, new_corner.x) < 12: continue if l2_distance(cornerB.x, new_corner.x) < 12: continue flag = False for edge_ele in new_graph.getEdges(): if new_corner in edge_ele.x and cornerA in edge_ele.x: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[0] not in (new_corner, cornerA): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerA.x, edge_ele.x[0].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[1] not in (new_corner, cornerA): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerA.x, edge_ele.x[1].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if flag: continue add_edgeA = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, cornerA) if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(add_edgeA): continue flag = False for edge_ele in new_graph.getEdges(): if new_corner in edge_ele.x and cornerB in edge_ele.x: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[0] not in (new_corner, cornerB): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerB.x, edge_ele.x[0].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if edge_ele.x[1] not in (new_corner, cornerB): l = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(new_corner.x, cornerB.x, edge_ele.x[1].x) if l <= 7: flag = True break if flag: continue add_edgeB = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, cornerB) if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(add_edgeB): continue new_candidates.append(new_candidate) return new_candidates def adding_a_orthogonal_edge(candidate): new_candidates = [] graph = candidate.graph edges = candidate.graph.getEdges() for edge in edges: cornerA = edge.x[0] cornerB = edge.x[1] # get orthogonal direction dir_ = (cornerA.x[1] - cornerB.x[1], cornerB.x[0] - cornerA.x[0]) for the_corner in edge.x: temp_orth_loc = (the_corner.x[0] - dir_[0], the_corner.x[1] - dir_[1]) for inter_edge in edges: if inter_edge == edge: continue if the_corner in inter_edge.x: continue intersection_loc = get_two_edge_intersection_location( the_corner.x, temp_orth_loc, inter_edge.x[0].x, inter_edge.x[1].x ) if intersection_loc[0] >= 255 or intersection_loc[1] >= 255 or \ intersection_loc[0] <= 0 or intersection_loc[1] <= 0: continue if[0].x[0] - intersection_loc[0], inter_edge.x[0].x[1] - intersection_loc[1]), (inter_edge.x[1].x[0] - intersection_loc[0], inter_edge.x[1].x[1] - intersection_loc[1])) > 0: # which means the intersection is not inside inter_edge but at the edge extension continue if l2_distance(intersection_loc, inter_edge.x[0].x) < 5 or \ l2_distance(intersection_loc, inter_edge.x[1].x) < 5: continue # no thin degree with neighbor edge flag = False neighbor_corners = graph.getNeighborCorner(the_corner) for corner_ele in neighbor_corners: if corner_ele in edge.x: continue if degree_of_three_corners(corner_ele.x, intersection_loc, the_corner.x) < 15: flag = True break if degree_of_three_corners(corner_ele.x, intersection_loc, the_corner.x) > 165: flag = True break if flag: continue new_candidate = candidate.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph new_corner = Element(intersection_loc) if new_candidate.addable(new_corner) is False: continue new_corner = new_candidate.addCorner_v2(new_corner) # new edge can not be too short if l2_distance(new_corner.x, the_corner.x) < 7: continue add_edge = new_candidate.addEdge(new_corner, new_graph.getRealElement(the_corner)) if new_graph.checkIntersectionEdge(add_edge): continue new_candidates.append(new_candidate) return new_candidates class _thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, name, candidate, lock, result_list, func): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID = name self.candidate = candidate self.lock = lock self.result_list = result_list self.func = func def run(self): print('running id: ', start_time = time.time() candidates = self.func(self.candidate) print('test: =================================',, len(candidates)) self.lock.acquire() self.result_list.extend(candidates) self.lock.release() print(, "spend time: {}s".format(time.time() - start_time)) def candidate_enumerate_training(candidate, gt): new_candidates = [] # remove a corner try: new_ = removing_a_corner_operation(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with remove a corner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # remove a colinear corner try: new_ = removing_a_colinear_corner_operation(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with remove a colinear corner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # remove an edge try: new_ = removing_an_edge_operation(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with remove an edge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # add an edge from existed corner try: new_ = adding_an_edge_operation(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with add an edge from existed corner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # add a corner from two edges try: new_ = adding_a_corner_from_two_edges_extension(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with add a corner from two edges !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') try: new_ = adding_a_corner_from_parallel(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with add a corner from parallel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # add an edge from gt try: new_ = adding_an_edge_from_gt(candidate, gt) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with add an edge from gt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # add a orthogonal edge try: new_ = adding_a_orthogonal_edge(candidate) if len(new_) > 0: new_candidates.append(random.choice(new_)) except: print('something wrong with add a orthogonal edge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') return new_candidates def candidate_enumerate(candidate): new_candidates = [] new_candidates.extend(removing_a_corner_operation(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(removing_a_colinear_corner_operation(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(removing_an_edge_operation(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(adding_an_edge_operation(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(adding_a_corner_from_two_edges_extension(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(adding_a_corner_from_parallel(candidate)) new_candidates.extend(adding_a_orthogonal_edge(candidate)) return new_candidates def candidate_enumerate_thread(candidate): new_candidates = [] lock = threading.Lock() thread1 = _thread(1, 'remove_a_corner', candidate, lock, new_candidates, removing_a_corner_operation) thread2 = _thread(2, 'remove_a_colinear_corner', candidate, lock, new_candidates, removing_a_colinear_corner_operation) thread3 = _thread(3, 'add_an_edge', candidate, lock, new_candidates, adding_an_edge_operation) thread4 = _thread(4, 'remove_an_edge', candidate, lock, new_candidates, removing_an_edge_operation) thread1.start() thread2.start() thread3.start() thread4.start() threads = [] threads.append(thread1) threads.append(thread2) threads.append(thread3) threads.append(thread4) for t in threads: t.join() return new_candidates def reduce_duplicate_candidate(candidates): i = 0 while i < len(candidates): for j in reversed(range(i + 1, len(candidates))): if candidates[i].equal(candidates[j]): del candidates[j] i = i + 1 return candidates def save_candidate_image(candidate, base_path, base_name): corners = candidate.graph.getCornersArray() edges = candidate.graph.getEdgesArray() # graph svg svg = svg_generate(corners, edges, base_name, samecolor=True) svg.saveas(os.path.join(base_path, base_name + '.svg')) # corner image temp_mask = np.zeros((256, 256)) for ele in candidate.graph.getCorners(): if ele.get_score() < 0: temp_mask =, ele.x[::-1], 3, 1, -1) fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(1, 1) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(temp_mask, aspect='auto') fig.savefig(os.path.join(base_path, base_name + '_corner.png'), dpi=256) # edges image temp_mask = np.zeros((256, 256)) for ele in candidate.graph.getEdges(): if ele.get_score() < 0: A = ele.x[0] B = ele.x[1] temp_mask = cv2.line(temp_mask, A.x[::-1], B.x[::-1], 1, thickness=1) ax.imshow(temp_mask, aspect='auto') fig.savefig(os.path.join(base_path, base_name + '_edge.png'), dpi=256) # region no need fig plt.close() ######################################################################################### ###################################### Class ############################################ ######################################################################################### class Element: def __init__(self, x, safe_count=0): assert type(x) is tuple assert type(x[0]) == int or type(x[0]) == Element assert type(x[1]) == int or type(x[1]) == Element self.x = x self.__score = None self.safe_count = safe_count def store_score(self, score): self.__score = score def get_score(self): return self.__score def equal(self, ele): if type(self.x[0]) != type(ele.x[0]): return False if type(self.x[0]) == int: # corner return True if self.x[0] == ele.x[0] and self.x[1] == ele.x[1] else False if type(self.x[0]) == Element: # edge if self.x[0].equal(ele.x[0]) and self.x[1].equal(ele.x[1]): return True if self.x[1].equal(ele.x[0]) and self.x[0].equal(ele.x[1]): return True return False raise BaseException('no implement type') class regionCache(): def __init__(self, datapath): self.cache = {} self.datapath = datapath def get_region(self, name): if name in self.cache.keys(): return self.cache[name] gt_mask = np.load(os.path.join(self.datapath, name + '.npy')) if len(self.cache) == 5: self.cache.pop(list(self.cache.keys())[0]) self.cache[name] = gt_mask return gt_mask class imgCache(): def __init__(self, datapath): self.cache = {} self.datapath = datapath def get_image(self, name): if name in self.cache.keys(): return self.cache[name] img = skimage.img_as_float(plt.imread(os.path.join(self.datapath, 'rgb', name + '.jpg'))) if len(self.cache) == 5: self.cache.pop(list(self.cache.keys())[0]) self.cache[name] = img return img class Graph: def __init__(self, corners, edges): corners, edges = sort_graph(corners, edges) self.__corners = [] for corner_i in range(corners.shape[0]): self.__corners.append( Element( tuple( (int(corners[corner_i, 0]), int(corners[corner_i, 1])) ) ) ) self.__edges = [] for edge_i in range(edges.shape[0]): self.__edges.append(Element((self.__corners[edges[edge_i, 0]], self.__corners[edges[edge_i, 1]]))) self.__regions = [] self.__regions.append(Element((0, 0))) # we use entire region here @classmethod def initialFromTuple(cls, corners, edges): edge_index = [] for item in edges: a = corners.index(item[0]) b = corners.index(item[1]) edge_index.append((a, b)) edge_index = np.array(edge_index) corners = np.array(corners) return cls(corners, edge_index) def store_score(self, corner_score=None, edge_score=None, region_score=None): ''' :param corner_score: np array size: len(corners) :param edge_score: np array size: len(edges) :param region_score: np.array size: len(regions) :return: ''' if corner_score is not None: for idx, element in enumerate(self.__corners): element.store_score(corner_score[idx]) if edge_score is not None: for idx, element in enumerate(self.__edges): element.store_score(edge_score[idx]) if region_score is not None: for idx, element in enumerate(self.__regions): element.store_score(region_score[idx]) return def getCornersArray(self): c = [] for ele in self.__corners: c.append(ele.x) return np.array(c) def getEdgesArray(self): c = [] for ele in self.__edges: corner1 = ele.x[0] corner2 = ele.x[1] idx1 = self.__corners.index(corner1) idx2 = self.__corners.index(corner2) c.append([idx1, idx2]) return np.array(c) def getCorners(self): return self.__corners def getRegions(self): return self.__regions def getEdges(self): return self.__edges def graph_score(self): corner_score = 0 for ele in self.__corners: corner_score += ele.get_score() edge_score = 0 for ele in self.__edges: edge_score += ele.get_score() region_score = 0 for ele in self.__regions: region_score += ele.get_score() return score_weights[0] * corner_score + score_weights[1] * edge_score + score_weights[2] * region_score def corner_score(self): corner_score = 0 for ele in self.__corners: corner_score += ele.get_score() return corner_score def edge_score(self): edge_score = 0 for ele in self.__edges: edge_score += ele.get_score() return edge_score def region_score(self): region_score = 0 for ele in self.__regions: region_score += ele.get_score() return region_score def remove(self, ele): ''' :param ele: remove eles as well as some other related elements :return: set() of removed elements ''' # corner removed = set() if ele in self.__corners: self.__corners.remove(ele) removed.add(ele) # remove edge that has the corner for idx in reversed(range(len(self.__edges))): edge_ele = self.__edges[idx] if ele in edge_ele.x: removed = removed.union(self.remove(edge_ele)) # edge elif ele in self.__edges: self.__edges.remove(ele) removed.add(ele) corner1 = ele.x[0] corner2 = ele.x[1] if corner1.safe_count == 0: # can be delete _count = 0 for edge_ele in self.__edges: if corner1 in edge_ele.x: _count += 1 if _count == 0: removed = removed.union(self.remove(corner1)) if corner2.safe_count == 0: # can be delete _count = 0 for edge_ele in self.__edges: if corner2 in edge_ele.x: _count += 1 if _count == 0: removed = removed.union(self.remove(corner2)) return removed def has_edge(self, ele1, ele2): """ :param ele1: corner1 :param ele2: corner2 :return: edge or none """ for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele1 in edge_ele.x and ele2 in edge_ele.x: return edge_ele return None def add_edge(self, ele1, ele2): temp = self.has_edge(ele1, ele2) if temp is not None: temp.safe_count = SAFE_NUM return temp new_ele = Element((ele1, ele2), safe_count=SAFE_NUM) self.__edges.append(new_ele) return new_ele def add_corner(self, ele): for corner in self.__corners: if corner.x == ele.x: corner.safe_count = SAFE_NUM return corner ele.safe_count = SAFE_NUM self.__corners.append(ele) return ele def add_corner_v2(self, ele): # if new corner is near a existed corner, return the existed corner # if new corner is on an edge, split edge for corner in self.__corners: if l2_distance(corner.x, ele.x) < 5: corner.safe_count = SAFE_NUM return corner min_d = 256 the_edge = None for edge in self.__edges: temp = get_distance_of_corner_and_edge(edge.x[0].x, edge.x[1].x, ele.x) if temp < min_d: min_d = temp the_edge = edge if min_d < 3: # split edge corner1 = the_edge.x[0] corner2 = the_edge.x[1] new_ele = Element((corner1, ele), safe_count=the_edge.safe_count) self.__edges.append(new_ele) new_ele = Element((corner2, ele), safe_count=the_edge.safe_count) self.__edges.append(new_ele) self.__edges.remove(the_edge) ele.safe_count = SAFE_NUM self.__corners.append(ele) return ele def checkColinearCorner(self, ele): if self.getCornerDegree(ele) != 2: return False edge_in = [] for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele in edge_ele.x: edge_in.append(edge_ele) if len(edge_in) == 2: break two_neighbor = {edge_in[0].x[0], edge_in[0].x[1], edge_in[1].x[0], edge_in[1].x[1]} two_neighbor.remove(ele) two_neighbor = tuple(two_neighbor) if self.has_edge(two_neighbor[0], two_neighbor[1]) is not None: return False line1 = np.array(ele.x) - np.array(two_neighbor[0].x) line2 = np.array(two_neighbor[1].x) - np.array(ele.x) cos =, line2) / (np.linalg.norm(line1) * np.linalg.norm(line2)) cos = min(1, max(-1, cos)) if np.arccos(cos) < np.pi / 9: # 20 degree return True return False def checkIntersectionEdge(self, ele=None): if ele is None: for edge_i in range(len(self.__edges)): for edge_j in range(edge_i + 1, len(self.__edges)): if check_intersection(self.__edges[edge_i], self.__edges[edge_j]): return True return False for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele == edge_ele: continue if check_intersection(edge_ele, ele): return True return False def getCornerDegree(self, ele): degree = 0 for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele in edge_ele.x: degree += 1 return degree def getEdgeConnected(self, ele): out_ = set() if type(ele.x[0]) == int: # corner for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele in edge_ele.x: out_.add(edge_ele) return out_ if type(ele.x[0]) == Element: # Edge out_ = out_.union(self.getEdgeConnected(ele.x[0])) out_ = out_.union(self.getEdgeConnected(ele.x[1])) if ele in out_: out_.remove(ele) return out_ def getNeighborCorner(self, ele): out_ = set() for edge_ele in self.__edges: if ele == edge_ele.x[0]: out_.add(edge_ele.x[1]) if ele == edge_ele.x[1]: out_.add(edge_ele.x[0]) return out_ def getRealElement(self, ele): # edge if type(ele.x[0]) == Element: for e in self.__edges: if (e.x[0].x == ele.x[0].x and e.x[1].x == ele.x[1].x) or \ (e.x[1].x == ele.x[0].x and e.x[0].x == ele.x[1].x): return e raise BaseException("no same edge exists.") # corner elif type(ele.x[0]) == int: for c in self.__corners: if c.x == ele.x: return c raise BaseException("no same corner exists.") def copy(self): corners = self.getCornersArray() edges = self.getEdgesArray() new_graph = Graph(corners, edges) for idx, ele in enumerate(self.__corners): new_graph.__corners[idx].store_score(self.__corners[idx].get_score()) for idx, ele in enumerate(self.__edges): new_graph.__edges[idx].store_score(self.__edges[idx].get_score()) for idx, ele in enumerate(self.__regions): new_graph.__regions[idx].store_score(self.__regions[idx].get_score) return new_graph def update_safe_count(self): for ele in self.__corners: if ele.safe_count > 0: ele.safe_count -= 1 for ele in self.__edges: if ele.safe_count > 0: ele.safe_count -= 1 def isNeighbor(self, element1, element2): ''' :param element1: :param element2: :return: True / False ''' if element1 == element2: return False if type(element1.x[0]) != type(element2.x[0]): # corner and edge return False if type(element1.x[0]) == int: # both are corner type for edge_ele in self.__edges: if edge_ele.x[0] == element1 and edge_ele.x[1] == element2: return True if edge_ele.x[0] == element2 and edge_ele.x[1] == element1: return True return False if type(element1.x[0]) == Element: # both are edge type if len({element1.x[0], element1.x[1], element2.x[0], element2.x[1]}) < 4: return True return False def equal(self, graph): if len(self.__corners) != len(graph.__corners) or \ len(self.__edges) != len(graph.__edges): return False for corner_i in range(len(self.__corners)): if self.__corners[corner_i].equal(graph.__corners[corner_i]) is False: return False for edge_i in range(len(self.__edges)): if self.__edges[edge_i].equal(graph.__edges[edge_i]) is False: return False return True class Candidate: def __init__(self, graph, name, corner_existed_before, edge_existed_before): ''' :param graph: Class graph :param name: string, data name :param corner_existed_before: dict {(x_i,y_i):c_1 ...} indicates counts for corresponding corners, after one search, counts -= 1, if count == 0, remove from the set. :param edge_existed_before: dict {((x_i1,y_i1),(x_i2,y_i2)):ci} ''' self.graph = graph = name self.corner_existed_before = corner_existed_before self.edge_existed_before = edge_existed_before @classmethod def initial(cls, graph, name): return cls(graph, name, {}, {}) def update(self): # all the existed before elements count - 1 for key in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): self.corner_existed_before[key] -= 1 for key in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): self.edge_existed_before[key] -= 1 # check if some need to remove from existed before set for key in list(self.corner_existed_before.keys()): if self.corner_existed_before[key] == 0: self.corner_existed_before.pop(key) for key in list(self.edge_existed_before.keys()): if self.edge_existed_before[key] == 0: self.edge_existed_before.pop(key) # update graph self.graph.update_safe_count() def copy(self): corner_existed_before = self.corner_existed_before.copy() edge_existed_before = self.edge_existed_before.copy() new_graph = self.graph.copy() return Candidate(new_graph,, corner_existed_before, edge_existed_before) def removable(self, ele): ''' :param x: input is element :return: ''' assert type(ele) == Element # edge return True if ele.safe_count == 0 else False def addable(self, ele): if type(ele) == Element: if type(ele.x[0]) == Element: # edge for edge in self.graph.getEdges(): c1 = edge.x[0] c2 = edge.x[1] if (ele.x[0].x == c1.x and ele.x[1].x == c2.x) or \ (ele.x[1].x == c1.x and ele.x[0].x == c2.x): # already existed return False corner1_loc = ele.x[0].x corner2_loc = ele.x[1].x if (corner1_loc, corner2_loc) in self.edge_existed_before.keys() or \ (corner2_loc, corner1_loc) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): return False return True else: # corner for corner in self.graph.getCorners(): if l2_distance(ele.x, corner.x) < TWO_CORNER_MINIMUM_DISTANCE: # already existed return False if ele.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): return False return True else: # (x,y) or ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) if type(ele[0]) == tuple: # edge corner1_loc = ele[0] corner2_loc = ele[1] for edge in self.graph.getEdges(): c1 = edge.x[0] c2 = edge.x[1] if (corner1_loc == c1.x and corner2_loc == c2.x) or \ (corner2_loc == c1.x and corner1_loc == c2.x): # already existed return False if (corner1_loc, corner2_loc) in self.edge_existed_before.keys() or \ (corner2_loc, corner1_loc) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): return False return True else: # corner for corner in self.graph.getCorners(): if l2_distance(ele, corner.x) < TWO_CORNER_MINIMUM_DISTANCE: # already existed return False if ele in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): return False return True def addCorner(self, ele): if ele.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('cannot add the corner') new_ele = self.graph.add_corner(ele) # possible changed return new_ele def addCorner_v2(self, ele): if ele.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('cannot add the corner') new_ele = self.graph.add_corner_v2(ele) return new_ele def addEdge(self, ele1, ele2): corner1 = ele1 corner2 = ele2 assert corner1 in self.graph.getCorners() assert corner2 in self.graph.getCorners() if (corner1.x, corner2.x) in self.edge_existed_before.keys() or \ (corner2.x, corner1.x) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('cannot add the edge') new_ele = self.graph.add_edge(corner1, corner2) return new_ele def removeCorner(self, ele): if ele.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') self.corner_existed_before[ele.x] = SAFE_NUM def removeEdge(self, ele): corner1 = ele.x[0] corner2 = ele.x[1] loc1 = corner1.x loc2 = corner2.x if (loc1[0] > loc2[0]) or (loc1[0] == loc2[0] and loc1[1] > loc2[1]): loc1 = corner2.x loc2 = corner1.x if (loc1, loc2) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') self.edge_existed_before[(loc1, loc2)] = SAFE_NUM def generate_new_candidate_remove_a_colinear_corner(self, ele): # need to check if ele is a colinear corner before new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph ele = new_graph.getRealElement(ele) # find two neighbor corners temp = set() for element in new_graph.getEdgeConnected(ele): # edge if type(element.x[0]) == Element: temp.add(element.x[0]) temp.add(element.x[1]) temp.remove(ele) temp = tuple(temp) assert len(temp) == 2 # add edge to two neighbor corners # (add before remove, in case the neighbor corners will be removed by zero degree) # special case no need to check existed_before, instead remove if in existed_before dict added = new_graph.add_edge(temp[0], temp[1]) if (temp[0].x, temp[1].x) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): self.edge_existed_before.pop((temp[0].x, temp[1].x)) if (temp[1].x, temp[0].x) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): self.edge_existed_before.pop((temp[1].x, temp[0].x)) # remove removed = new_graph.remove(ele) # add removed elements into existed before for element in removed: # edge if type(element.x[0]) == Element: new_candidate.removeEdge(element) # corner elif type(element.x[0]) == int: new_candidate.removeCorner(element) else: raise BaseException('wrong type.') # modify scores that need to be recounted # all corners are recounted for element in new_graph.getCorners(): element.store_score(None) # edges that are neighbors to the removed edges OR new edges will be recounted for element in new_graph.getEdges(): for modified_ele in removed.union({added}): if new_graph.isNeighbor(element, modified_ele): element.store_score(None) break # all regions are recounted for element in new_graph.getRegions(): element.store_score(None) return new_candidate def generate_new_candidate_remove_a_corner(self, ele): # need to check if ele is removable before call this method new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph ele = new_graph.getRealElement(ele) removed = new_graph.remove(ele) # add removed elements into existed before for element in removed: # edge if type(element.x[0]) == Element: corner1 = element.x[0] corner2 = element.x[1] loc1 = corner1.x loc2 = corner2.x if (loc1[0] > loc2[0]) or (loc1[0] == loc2[0] and loc1[1] > loc2[1]): loc1 = corner2.x loc2 = corner1.x if (loc1, loc2) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') new_candidate.edge_existed_before[(loc1, loc2)] = SAFE_NUM # corner elif type(element.x[0]) == int: if element.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') new_candidate.corner_existed_before[element.x] = SAFE_NUM else: raise BaseException('wrong type.') # modify scores that need to be recounted # all corners are recounted for element in new_graph.getCorners(): element.store_score(None) # edges that are neighbors to the removed edges will be recounted for element in new_graph.getEdges(): for removed_ele in removed: if new_graph.isNeighbor(element, removed_ele): element.store_score(None) break # all regions are recounted for element in new_graph.getRegions(): element.store_score(None) return new_candidate def generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(self, ele1, ele2): # need to check addable before call this method new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph ele1 = new_graph.getRealElement(ele1) ele2 = new_graph.getRealElement(ele2) # add edge new_ele = new_candidate.addEdge(ele1, ele2) # modify scores that need to be recounted # all corners are recounted for element in new_graph.getCorners(): element.store_score(None) # edges that are neighbors to the added edges will be recounted for element in new_graph.getEdges(): if new_graph.isNeighbor(element, new_ele): element.store_score(None) # all regions are recounted for element in new_graph.getRegions(): element.store_score(None) return new_candidate def generate_new_candidate_remove_an_edge(self, ele): # need to check if ele is removable before call this method new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph ele = new_graph.getRealElement(ele) removed = new_graph.remove(ele) # add removed elements into existed before for element in removed: # edge if type(element.x[0]) == Element: corner1 = element.x[0] corner2 = element.x[1] loc1 = corner1.x loc2 = corner2.x if (loc1[0] > loc2[0]) or (loc1[0] == loc2[0] and loc1[1] > loc2[1]): loc1 = corner2.x loc2 = corner1.x if (loc1, loc2) in self.edge_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') new_candidate.edge_existed_before[(loc1, loc2)] = SAFE_NUM # corner elif type(element.x[0]) == int: if element.x in self.corner_existed_before.keys(): raise BaseException('already existed.') new_candidate.corner_existed_before[element.x] = SAFE_NUM else: raise BaseException('wrong type.') # modify scores that need to be recounted # all corners are recounted for element in new_graph.getCorners(): element.store_score(None) # edges that are neighbors to the removed edges will be recounted for element in new_graph.getEdges(): for removed_ele in removed: if new_graph.isNeighbor(element, removed_ele): element.store_score(None) break # all regions are recounted for element in new_graph.getRegions(): element.store_score(None) return new_candidate def generate_new_candidate_add_a_new_triangle(self, ele_new, ele1, ele2): # this method is to add a new corner as well as two new edges into the graph # need to check addable of ele_new before call this method new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph ele1 = new_graph.getRealElement(ele1) ele2 = new_graph.getRealElement(ele2) # add corner ele_new = new_candidate.addCorner(ele_new) # ele_new possible change # no score need to be recounted in current situation # add two_new edge (ele1, ele_new) and (ele2, ele_new) new_candidate = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(ele_new, ele1) new_candidate = new_candidate.generate_new_candidate_add_an_edge(ele_new, ele2) return new_candidate def generate_new_candidate_add_a_corner(self, ele): # need to check addable of ele before call this method new_candidate = self.copy() new_graph = new_candidate.graph # add corner ele = new_candidate.addCorner(ele) # modify scores that need to be recounted # all corners are recounted for element in new_graph.getCorners(): element.store_score(None) # no edge need to be recounted # all regions are recounted for element in new_graph.getRegions(): element.store_score(None) return new_candidate def equal(self, candidate): return self.graph.equal(candidate.graph)