import csv import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image def evaluteTop1_5(classfication, lines, metrics_out_path): correct_1 = 0 correct_5 = 0 preds = [] labels = [] total = len(lines) for index, line in enumerate(lines): annotation_path = line.split(';')[1].split()[0] x = y = int(line.split(';')[0]) pred = classfication.detect_image(x) pred_1 = np.argmax(pred) correct_1 += pred_1 == y pred_5 = np.argsort(pred)[::-1] pred_5 = pred_5[:5] correct_5 += y in pred_5 preds.append(pred_1) labels.append(y) if index % 100 == 0: print("[%d/%d]"%(index, total)) hist = fast_hist(np.array(labels), np.array(preds), len(classfication.class_names)) Recall = per_class_Recall(hist) Precision = per_class_Precision(hist) show_results(metrics_out_path, hist, Recall, Precision, classfication.class_names) return correct_1 / total, correct_5 / total, Recall, Precision def fast_hist(a, b, n): k = (a >= 0) & (a < n) return np.bincount(n * a[k].astype(int) + b[k], minlength=n ** 2).reshape(n, n) def per_class_Recall(hist): return np.diag(hist) / np.maximum(hist.sum(1), 1) def per_class_Precision(hist): return np.diag(hist) / np.maximum(hist.sum(0), 1) def adjust_axes(r, t, fig, axes): bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=r) text_width_inches = bb.width / fig.dpi current_fig_width = fig.get_figwidth() new_fig_width = current_fig_width + text_width_inches propotion = new_fig_width / current_fig_width x_lim = axes.get_xlim() axes.set_xlim([x_lim[0], x_lim[1] * propotion]) def draw_plot_func(values, name_classes, plot_title, x_label, output_path, tick_font_size = 12, plt_show = True): fig = plt.gcf() axes = plt.gca() plt.barh(range(len(values)), values, color='royalblue') plt.title(plot_title, fontsize=tick_font_size + 2) plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=tick_font_size) plt.yticks(range(len(values)), name_classes, fontsize=tick_font_size) r = fig.canvas.get_renderer() for i, val in enumerate(values): str_val = " " + str(val) if val < 1.0: str_val = " {0:.2f}".format(val) t = plt.text(val, i, str_val, color='royalblue', va='center', fontweight='bold') if i == (len(values)-1): adjust_axes(r, t, fig, axes) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(output_path) if plt_show: plt.close() def show_results(miou_out_path, hist, Recall, Precision, name_classes, tick_font_size = 12): draw_plot_func(Recall, name_classes, "mRecall = {0:.2f}%".format(np.nanmean(Recall)*100), "Recall", \ os.path.join(miou_out_path, "Recall.png"), tick_font_size = tick_font_size, plt_show = False) print("Save Recall out to " + os.path.join(miou_out_path, "Recall.png")) draw_plot_func(Precision, name_classes, "mPrecision = {0:.2f}%".format(np.nanmean(Precision)*100), "Precision", \ os.path.join(miou_out_path, "Precision.png"), tick_font_size = tick_font_size, plt_show = False) print("Save Precision out to " + os.path.join(miou_out_path, "Precision.png")) with open(os.path.join(miou_out_path, "confusion_matrix.csv"), 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer_list = [] writer_list.append([' '] + [str(c) for c in name_classes]) for i in range(len(hist)): writer_list.append([name_classes[i]] + [str(x) for x in hist[i]]) writer.writerows(writer_list) print("Save confusion_matrix out to " + os.path.join(miou_out_path, "confusion_matrix.csv")) def evaluteRecall(classfication, lines, metrics_out_path): correct = 0 total = len(lines) preds = [] labels = [] for index, line in enumerate(lines): annotation_path = line.split(';')[1].split()[0] x = y = int(line.split(';')[0]) pred = classfication.detect_image(x) pred = np.argmax(pred) preds.append(pred) labels.append(y) hist = fast_hist(labels, preds, len(classfication.class_names)) Recall = per_class_Recall(hist) Precision = per_class_Precision(hist) show_results(metrics_out_path, hist, Recall, Precision, classfication.class_names) return correct / total