import streamlit as st # Set Streamlit configuration to use the dark theme def set_theme(): # Create a custom dark theme using Streamlit's theming API # Adjust the color values according to your preference primaryColor = "#E694FF" backgroundColor = "#00172B" secondaryBackgroundColor = "#0083B8" textColor = "#FFFFFF" font = "sans serif" # Apply the theme settings st.set_page_config( theme={ 'primaryColor': primaryColor, 'backgroundColor': backgroundColor, 'secondaryBackgroundColor': secondaryBackgroundColor, 'textColor': textColor, 'font': font } ) # Call the function to set the theme set_theme() ss = st.session_state GC_NAMES = ['Hydrogen sulphide', 'Carbone dioxide', 'Nitrogen', 'Methane', 'Ethane', 'Propane', 'N-butane', 'Iso-butane', 'N-pentane', 'Iso-pentane', 'N-hexane', 'N-heptane', 'C7+', 'Hydrogen', 'Air', 'Water', 'Oxygen'] center_html = """
""" sg_k = 'sg_value' pc_k = 'p_crit_value' tc_k = 't_crit_value' gc_state_k = 'gc_state' for key in [sg_k, pc_k, tc_k]: if key not in ss: ss[key] = 0 # Display the selected options if st.button("Rerun"): st.rerun() if st.button("Calculate"): ss[sg_k] = 30 # Force a rerun to update the display # st.rerun() UD = "User defined" SG_LIST = [UD, "Gas components", "Condensate"] SG_UD, SG_GC, SG_CON = SG_LIST # Dropdown 1 with options A and B sg_source = st.selectbox("sg source", SG_LIST) if sg_source == UD: user_input = st.text_input("sg", value=ss[sg_k], key="input_field") ss[sg_k] = user_input else: st.text_input("sg", value=ss[sg_k], key="input_field", disabled=True, help="Calculated") params = [] ss[gc_state_k] = UD if sg_source != SG_GC: cur_gc = GC_NAMES[:3] else: cur_gc = GC_NAMES with st.expander("Gas components") as gc_exp: for i in range(0, len(cur_gc), 3): cols = st.columns(3) j = i for col in cols: if j >= len(cur_gc): break gc11, gc12 = col.columns([1, 1.5]) gc11.markdown(center_html.format(cur_gc[j]), unsafe_allow_html=True) params.append(gc12.text_input(cur_gc[j], value=0, label_visibility='collapsed')) j += 1 CRIT_LIST = [UD] CORRS = ["Sutton", "Standing wet gas", "standing natural gas"] crit_options = [UD] if sg_source == SG_GC: crit_options.append("From gas components") else: for c in CORRS: crit_options.append(c) crit_params_source = st.selectbox("Critical params", crit_options) # Create two columns for input fields col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if crit_params_source == UD: dis = False else: dis = True # Add input fields to the columns param1 = col1.text_input('Pcrit', value=ss[tc_k], disabled=dis) param2 = col2.text_input('Tcrit', value=ss[pc_k], disabled=dis)