# Fine-tuning We provide fine-tuning scripts for classification, semantic segmentation, depth estimation and more. Please check [SETUP.md](SETUP.md) for set-up instructions first. - [General information](#general-information) - [Classification](#classification) - [Semantic segmentation](#semantic-segmentation) - [Depth estimation](#depth-estimation) - [Taskonomy tasks](#taskonomy-tasks) ## General information ### Loading pre-trained models All our fine-tuning scripts support models in the MultiMAE / MultiViT format. Pre-trained models using the timm / ViT format can be converted to this format using the [`vit2multimae_converter.py`](tools/vit2multimae_converter.py) script. More information can be found [here](README.md#model-formats). ### Modifying configs The training scripts support both YAML config files and command-line arguments. See [here](cfgs/finetune) for all fine-tuning config files. To modify fine-training settings, either edit / add config files or provide additional command-line arguments. :information_source: Config files arguments override default arguments, and command-line arguments override both default arguments and config arguments. :warning: When changing settings (e.g., using a different pre-trained model), make sure to modify the `output_dir` and `wandb_run_name` (if logging is activated) to reflect the changes. ### Experiment logging To activate logging to [Weights & Biases](https://docs.wandb.ai/), either edit the config files or use the `--log_wandb` flag along with any other extra logging arguments. ## Classification We use 8 A100 GPUs for classification fine-tuning. Configs can be found [here](cfgs/finetune/cls). To fine-tune MultiMAE on ImageNet-1K classification using default settings, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 run_finetuning_cls.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/cls/ft_in1k_100e_multimae-b.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/in1k/train/rgb \ --eval_data_path /path/to/in1k/val/rgb ``` - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_cls.py`](run_finetuning_cls.py). ## Semantic segmentation We use 4 A100 GPUs for semantic segmentation fine-tuning. Configs can be found [here](cfgs/finetune/semseg). ### ADE20K To fine-tune MultiMAE on ADE20K semantic segmentation with default settings and **RGB** as the input modality, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 run_finetuning_semseg.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/semseg/ade/ft_ade_64e_multimae-b_rgb.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/ade20k/train \ --eval_data_path /path/to/ade20k/val ``` - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_semseg.py`](run_finetuning_semseg.py). ### Hypersim To fine-tune MultiMAE on Hypersim semantic segmentation with default settings and **RGB** as the input modality, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 run_finetuning_semseg.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/semseg/hypersim/ft_hypersim_25e_multimae-b_rgb.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/hypersim/train \ --eval_data_path /path/to/hypersim/val ``` - To fine-tune using **depth-only** and **RGB + depth** as the input modalities, simply swap the config file to the appropriate one. - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_semseg.py`](run_finetuning_semseg.py). ### NYUv2 To fine-tune MultiMAE on NYUv2 semantic segmentation with default settings and **RGB** as the input modality, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 run_finetuning_semseg.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/semseg/nyu/ft_nyu_200e_multimae-b_rgb.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/nyu/train \ --eval_data_path /path/to/nyu/test_or_val ``` - To fine-tune using **depth-only** and **RGB + depth** as the input modalities, simply swap the config file to the appropriate one. - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_semseg.py`](run_finetuning_semseg.py). ## Depth estimation We use 2 A100 GPUs for depth estimation fine-tuning. Configs can be found [here](cfgs/finetune/depth). To fine-tune MultiMAE on NYUv2 depth estimation with default settings, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 run_finetuning_depth.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/depth/ft_nyu_2000e_multimae-b.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/nyu/train \ --eval_data_path /path/to/nyu/test_or_val ``` - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_depth.py`](run_finetuning_depth.py). ## Taskonomy tasks We use 1 A100 GPU to fine-tune on Taskonomy tasks. Configs can be found [here](cfgs/finetune/taskonomy). The tasks we support are: Principal curvature, z-buffer depth, texture edges, occlusion edges, 2D keypoints, 3D keypoints, surface normals, and reshading. For example, to fine-tune MultiMAE on Taskonomy reshading with default settings, run: ```bash OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 run_finetuning_taskonomy.py \ --config cfgs/finetune/taskonomy/rgb2reshading-1k/ft_rgb2reshading_multimae-b.yaml \ --finetune /path/to/multimae_weights \ --data_path /path/to/taskonomy_tiny ``` - To fine-tune on a different task, simply swap the config file to the appropriate one. - For a list of possible arguments, see [`run_finetuning_taskonomy.py`](run_finetuning_taskonomy.py).