#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Code are based on # https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/detectron2/engine/launch.py # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # Copyright (c) Megvii, Inc. and its affiliates. from loguru import logger import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.multiprocessing as mp import yolox.utils.dist as comm from yolox.utils import configure_nccl import os import subprocess import sys import time __all__ = ["launch"] def _find_free_port(): """ Find an available port of current machine / node. """ import socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Binding to port 0 will cause the OS to find an available port for us sock.bind(("", 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() # NOTE: there is still a chance the port could be taken by other processes. return port def launch( main_func, num_gpus_per_machine, num_machines=1, machine_rank=0, backend="nccl", dist_url=None, args=(), ): """ Args: main_func: a function that will be called by `main_func(*args)` num_machines (int): the total number of machines machine_rank (int): the rank of this machine (one per machine) dist_url (str): url to connect to for distributed training, including protocol e.g. "tcp://". Can be set to auto to automatically select a free port on localhost args (tuple): arguments passed to main_func """ world_size = num_machines * num_gpus_per_machine if world_size > 1: if int(os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE", "1")) > 1: dist_url = "{}:{}".format( os.environ.get("MASTER_ADDR", None), os.environ.get("MASTER_PORT", "None"), ) local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", "0")) world_size = int(os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE", "1")) _distributed_worker( local_rank, main_func, world_size, num_gpus_per_machine, num_machines, machine_rank, backend, dist_url, args, ) exit() launch_by_subprocess( sys.argv, world_size, num_machines, machine_rank, num_gpus_per_machine, dist_url, args, ) else: main_func(*args) def launch_by_subprocess( raw_argv, world_size, num_machines, machine_rank, num_gpus_per_machine, dist_url, args, ): assert ( world_size > 1 ), "subprocess mode doesn't support single GPU, use spawn mode instead" if dist_url is None: # ------------------------hack for multi-machine training -------------------- # if num_machines > 1: master_ip = subprocess.check_output(["hostname", "--fqdn"]).decode("utf-8") master_ip = str(master_ip).strip() dist_url = "tcp://{}".format(master_ip) ip_add_file = "./" + args[1].experiment_name + "_ip_add.txt" if machine_rank == 0: port = _find_free_port() with open(ip_add_file, "w") as ip_add: ip_add.write(dist_url+'\n') ip_add.write(str(port)) else: while not os.path.exists(ip_add_file): time.sleep(0.5) with open(ip_add_file, "r") as ip_add: dist_url = ip_add.readline().strip() port = ip_add.readline() else: dist_url = "tcp://" port = _find_free_port() # set PyTorch distributed related environmental variables current_env = os.environ.copy() current_env["MASTER_ADDR"] = dist_url current_env["MASTER_PORT"] = str(port) current_env["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(world_size) assert num_gpus_per_machine <= torch.cuda.device_count() if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" not in os.environ and num_gpus_per_machine > 1: current_env["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(1) logger.info( "\n*****************************************\n" "Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process " "to be {} in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, " "please further tune the variable for optimal performance in " "your application as needed. \n" "*****************************************".format( current_env["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] ) ) processes = [] for local_rank in range(0, num_gpus_per_machine): # each process's rank dist_rank = machine_rank * num_gpus_per_machine + local_rank current_env["RANK"] = str(dist_rank) current_env["LOCAL_RANK"] = str(local_rank) # spawn the processes cmd = ["python3", *raw_argv] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=current_env) processes.append(process) for process in processes: process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=process.returncode, cmd=cmd) def _distributed_worker( local_rank, main_func, world_size, num_gpus_per_machine, num_machines, machine_rank, backend, dist_url, args, ): assert ( torch.cuda.is_available() ), "cuda is not available. Please check your installation." configure_nccl() global_rank = machine_rank * num_gpus_per_machine + local_rank logger.info("Rank {} initialization finished.".format(global_rank)) try: dist.init_process_group( backend=backend, init_method=dist_url, world_size=world_size, rank=global_rank, ) except Exception: logger.error("Process group URL: {}".format(dist_url)) raise # synchronize is needed here to prevent a possible timeout after calling init_process_group # See: https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark/issues/172 comm.synchronize() if global_rank == 0 and os.path.exists( "./" + args[1].experiment_name + "_ip_add.txt" ): os.remove("./" + args[1].experiment_name + "_ip_add.txt") assert num_gpus_per_machine <= torch.cuda.device_count() torch.cuda.set_device(local_rank) args[1].local_rank = local_rank args[1].num_machines = num_machines # Setup the local process group (which contains ranks within the same machine) # assert comm._LOCAL_PROCESS_GROUP is None # num_machines = world_size // num_gpus_per_machine # for i in range(num_machines): # ranks_on_i = list(range(i * num_gpus_per_machine, (i + 1) * num_gpus_per_machine)) # pg = dist.new_group(ranks_on_i) # if i == machine_rank: # comm._LOCAL_PROCESS_GROUP = pg main_func(*args)